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Ghost marriage

Penny Jordan

Ghost marriage (1984)

Original title: Phantom Marriage
Editorial: Harmex, SA
Stamp / Collection: Bianca
Genre: Contemporary
Starring: Tara and James


Tara was only seventeen when he surrendered to James. She gave birth to a
melos ge unbeknownst to him and a marriage was invented to protect children and
hiding their shame.
The years had given experience, but never erased the pain of being rejected by
James, nor the memory of his great passion.
Was determined to find it again, but Tara was determined not to let him know the
price, in silence, he had to pay for his first and only love.

Pen ny Jordan - Ghost Marriage

Chapter 1
IN no hurry, recog tio resignation Tara looking wristwatch, come back later
to pick up the twins.
Chas had been this harder than ever. Twice he exasperated to tears to the
model; only conciliatory ability Tara got things back in order to march.
It was not just luck and good relations that had been Chas to become one of
the best fashion photographers. U n when the deal which gave the models was
almost brutal, Tara could not help but admire his ability and fierce admiration in
the pursuit of perfection of their work.
But this particular day, he had been unbearable, not only with the model and
Tara knew why.

Since they started working together, she and her personal

assistant, Chas had made no secret that he wanted. In a way he should feel
flattered to be chosen among so many beautiful women, on the other hand, would
happily deliverable to, but also had to take into consideration that Chas was shrewd
enough to not realize that those would make it tasty, provided that it meant another
step in his profession, while Tara ... suppressed a sigh of impatience when he gave
her some instructions on developing the pictures he had taken. For her photograph
she had been one of his favorite pastimes, but when after the birth of the twins was
abandoned, returned to it as a means to sobr and live. Expected, long-term set up
his own studio; and it raised Chas the day went to work with him, but the truth
was that less and less able to let it felt, would not fail as it had been patient to teach
every d e "trick photography" including in recent days allowed to take over routine
work without supervision.

No, it matters not working what was becoming

unbearable Chas. And somehow it seemed ridiculous to him in c ontrara desirable;

at twenty-four she was a mother of twins six years, and had long thought of itself
not as an object of desire of a man.
And do not forget we already have that job over the weekend were the last
words of Chas as she walked hurriedly toward the place where he had parked the
He was referring to an order that Tara feared. It was to take some pictures at
Leeds Castle, which would take a whole weekend. She pretended not to leave
children alone, but Chas replied that his housekeeper would be happy to care for
them. What she really wanted to avoid was that the relationship with Chas during
the weekend charged other dimensions, fact that certainly Chas take it as an
offense and therefore Tara could lose the work you both passionate and, Moreover,
he left excellent profits.
Suspirand or entered his little old car and straightened the mirror. Twenty
years, he thought, grimacing in disappointment. No attempt to look in it, which
was ridiculous as well remember having seen more than eighteen. Eighteen ...
Another face and long hair, brown burst, backwards. He used to be a braid before
you go to work, but this time got up late and there was no time for anything. His
face, without makeup, allowed to see the freckles on her nose. The color of his
eyes was a strange green that changed according to your mood.
He puts the car in motion and almost cried when looking at the clock again.
His skin still had a light tan trip he made to Greece with Chas, earlier this year.
Reluctantly, his mother looked after the children and during that time, because you
do not accept the fact that they were illegitimate children. Tara frowned jump in
traffic. The widow have passed by to get to London, did it not only for the sake of
the children; as he soon discovered, although certain sectors of society ended up
accepting the birth of children out of wedlock, she had come to gorging men

offering affection and understanding the belief that their status as a single mother
assure them prompt access to his bed. They soon realize their mistake, the same as
her. He left the puebleci t or where he had spent the last days of her pregnancy, at
some guys, and jumped into the anonymity of London, where no one mind too
question his premature widowhood.
And he was lucky. He got small they were admitted to an excellent nursery,
and she continued her studies or who had interrupted from the news of her
pregnancy. Impossible to think about going to college, but as a secretary at least
have assured the essentials.

An unexpected prize, the "Premium Bond," he

provided the means to give a down payment on an apartment in what had been a
little decent neighborhood in London, but recently began to gain fame due to the
large number of young couples They were being established there; with money
left over enrolled her children in a private preschool. Incidentally, the latter was
the subject of dispute between her and her mother. This had moved to the same
town where Tara gave birth to twins, and lived complaining that could not bear the
shame of living in the same place that had witnessed the misfortune of his
daughter. Tara's father died in a car accident when she was five, so just kept a
vague memory of it; So, his mother and two uncles constituted his entire family.
And the truth is that they were uncomfortable with it, so their visits were sporadic.
His mother had a bad concept of private schools, so Tara had to act with tact to let
him know she wanted the best for their children.
Upon learning of her pregnancy, her mother suggested him to give the child
in adoption, which of course Tara N ever accepted. On the other hand, there was
not the remotest possibility that the father married her. His eyes darkened and
clutched the steering wheel. Despite his attempt to erase from the mind, that total
rejection still had the power to hurt.

Hundreds of memories crowd sought in his head, but the reality is He

imposed and finished concentrating on the steering wheel and what you should do
that afternoon.
Really close to the studio I was in kindergarten, one of the why he had
preferred reasons.
He felt relieved to see parked outside school other cars; Mothers who also
came to pick up their children. He smiled so much fun to compare their mini
spoiled with the luxury cars arriving most women.
An elegant blonde smiled as the car down. Tara replied turn outlining a
smile, while his eyes searched the dark courtyard family heads of the twins, and
sighed when discovered playing on the slide.
At first glance, none of them had the slightest resemblance to her; They had
also inherited his father's appeal, however, she had the unmistakable feminine
Tara sighed at the thought of his beautiful and willful little, beginning to
show a malicious pleasure to thwart his mother, who reluctantly acknowledged in
the girl the need for firm and loving guidance of a father. Mandy was the very
epitome of femininity from birth and Simon robust miniature replica of his father.
Like his sister suffered from the lack of a father, except that he was revealed in a
melancholy that could lersele eyes, and their tendency to cling too much to Tara
gave them protection.
For a change, Simon was the first to discover it and run toward her, holding
her while Mandy followed.
- You're late - Simon chided after Tara had kissed.
- I know, sweetheart Tara said, sighing.

- Will you go Uncle Chas home tonight? Mandy asked. Chas occasionally
went to their house to discuss some issue work, what really small He tended to
Tara was saying he was not sure when the blonde had her, she smiled upon
arrival came with a tiny hand, smiling in recognition.
- Tara cried, I was sure it was you!
Tara guessed that really had not recognized at first and felt bad.
- Susan - feared his voice would betray.
- What an amazing coincidence - said the other without realizing that not
even Tara did not like his presence. Has at least seven years have not seen you.
You do not even tell me you'd go 'I th e Hillingdon reproch-. Are your children?
- Yes - said Tara desperate to escape from there. But it was impossible
because then chose to devote himself to admiration for them, and took up her
small, told him he had three yea or sy named Piers.
- Like his grandfather he added with a grimace of contempt. You know? No.
I can not believe you still have rediscovered. Of course it's almost always the
driver who comes by Piers school. What have you done? He cast his eyes to the
battered auto Tara certainly compared to his. You married, right? Your husband
- l, John died shortly before the birth of the twins Tara lied almost hoarsely,
stooping to tie the shoelaces of Simon, allowing him time to hide a face to who
ever had been a of her best friends. Why had that happen? Why precisely Susan
find among so many people?
Susan quickly adopted a compassionate attitude.

- Oh, poor thing! he said, looking significantly children, while adding: - I

hope you do not have problems; I know very well what the lack of a father
represents. My mother divorced my father when I was four. I think I never told
you. I resented it known. You know? He will marry again - added casually and
without noticing the tension Tara -. The older, choose younger husbands. He now
lives in the United States. Think of all the parents who got me, my favorite was J
ames. Actually, I never thought it was not my father. It was wonderful and fun, do
you remember?
How do I not remember ?, Tara thought faking a smile, knowing that would
break to mourn.
- Yes he muttered.
- Hey, we should reconvene! Susan concluded, enthusiastically. There will
be so much to tell.

We just bought a house in the countryside, especially

considering Piers. For now only we use on weekends, but my husband hopes to
solve their business from there occasionally. This weekend we go, will you join
us? The kids will love it, I'm sure.
- I ...
- You can not refuse - begged Susan -. Think about it, here's my phone
number scribbled on a piece of paper that he gave Tara. I could never explain why
you left so Hillingdon, but I guess with my fourteen not think in any way make me
your confidant. You were so good to me at school, like the sister I never had.
Remember? You seemed to guess the problems I had with my mother. I think we
even share, though differently. And it did not happen like me, you wanted to give
your children all the love and understanding that we did not have - was interrupted

because his was hindering u to output; Piers rushing and yelling at Tara over the
shoulder alej-. And do not forget the weekend you will have us!
On the way back. home Tara felt numb.
They had grown very close; as well as sisters, what Susan had said. When
Tara knew that it had been abandoned to their fate in the huge barn of one of the
houses of Mrs. Harvey, his mother, got through the weekend next to Susan. And
then she was studying for his tuition at Level - A, following his example Susan had
taken a keen interest in their work. "The small benefactor" had been one of the
most cruel nicknames that her mother put him, because, apart from the lack of
interest of his daughter, Mrs. Harvey felt annoyed by the friendship that existed
between the two girls.
In those days there was very little that Tara knew about the past of Susan.
Rarely her parents were at home; in fact, the first time I met his father, did not
know who it was. It happened one weekend spent at Susan. He woke in the night
and wanted to get something to drink. He went downstairs to the kitchen, opened
the refrigerator and realized she was not alone. Fear continued curiosity to realize
that the exhausted man lying on the table was none other than the father Susan
adored, so could not repress a vague maternal feeling when he raised his head and
looked at her tired.
He had prepared something soon, he recalled vividly. l had eaten almost no
appetite. It was years later, victim of untimely abandonment, she realized how
little acceptable for its considerations and GUIs or s must have seemed to him,
probably too nice for pointing it out. James had a weakness for children and dogs.
The problem was that Tara did not behave as such and neither wanted to admit it
until it was too late.

- Mom, I have hungry! -the imperative cry Mandy pulled her from her
thoughts. D exhausted, he turned off the car and helped the children down. The
stew was prepared in the banter n a, before leaving, gave off a pleasant aroma. He
sent the boys to his room to change clothes and wash as she set the table.
The lunchtime represented the best of your day. During this, the children
will usually count anecdotes of the day, to which it attached great importance.
Simon used to talk solemnly; however, Mandy, did sharply.
They walked together down the stairs wearing the same.
- Simon could not tie his shoes scoffed Mandy, so I did.
Stifling a sigh, Tara revised their hands. It was very natural, and he knew
that Mandy was more awake than his brother, only he worried that this attitude
resulted in Simon had not progressed as normal.
Both ate and were satisfied. Tara had a good flavor and as was also proposed
to learn, had managed that children do not reject the food. The budget, agreed
Tara, would not let them take certain luxuries, but at least provided them with a
varied diet and as far as possible, tried to keep away from sweets.
Everything indicated that Mandy would be thin, while the child, robust, or
Tara suspected that at least as much he resembled his father.
Even after the food was given an hour to play and read something. Mandy,
the restless, bored was reached during the readings, however Simon always wanted
more. Almost identical in features, however, were different in everything else.
Tara's mother had started a campaign to get married this; each time I visited
I prayed a long list of the benefits that for children would mean. Only Tara
resisted. On the one hand, it represents the thinking of marrying someone having

to compromise regarding the paternity of the children, which was far from desired
and, on the other, would be exposed to a new r echazo.
Other women, and Tara knew, had had the same experience without reaching
the same results, only to entonce s she was too sensitive; perhaps exaggerated, he
accepted, as well as their fears about Simon born from the fact of his own
suspicion that he had inherited from her that vulnerability.
He could not believe he had ever experienced the pleasure of time was no
more than a vague memory, but then induced to deny their principles and scruples
to the point that nothing mattered was the desire to be possessed by James; u n and
that when she knew that at that moment he was blinded by a terrible mixture of
exhaustion and despair.
Not just a beautiful memory, but she had helped him learn to control your
emotions. l had sworn to love her, but it belied his subsequent behavior. I had
felt for her was just an impulsive desire and her deeply in love with him, but did
not encourage that and prompt them to love her. The result of that adventure were
twins, and now Tara poured their love that had kept hidden.
It was not in favor of holding fleeting adventures and although there were
plenty of men who confessed his desire for her, knew to keep them away. Chas
was the most determined, although she was known to give respect; just do not
make him any grace know that outbursts against models were due to frustration
over the constant evasion of Tara.
As a photographer, Chas was a true professional, but Tara suspected one day
you remember that ultimately in his hands was the Leaving employment. So far it
had not resorted to the remedy, which Tara admired him; but this weekend had to
go to Leeds Castle to make the photo studio. He tried to find some excuse not to

go and when, finally, he told C has simply was not willing to part with small, he
replied that he could go all.
He suddenly remembered the invitation of Susan; It could serve as an excuse
irrefutable and even prevent Chas guess their fears.

Chapter 2

The beginning of the day was not very promising. For starters, the alarm did
not sound and woke Mandy pulling hard on the blankets.
Usually up an hour earlier than boys, with the idea of makeup without haste.
Despite not being vain, she considered a good image was an important part of their
work, although sometimes difficult to find the exact point to not look overdressed
or too serious.
This time he did not have time to wash your hair, so she braided it while
serving breakfast to children.
Simon argued that hated cooked eggs and set about putting, moody, pieces
around the dish.
- Come - Tara shouted desperately and immediately sighed when he saw the
child about to break into tears. Sorry, honey He excused, as she hugged and kissed
in order to avoid the storm.
- My stomach hurts - he complained -. Mommy, I do not want to go to
school, why I do not keep you at home?
- Because I have to go to work, in the midst of the claim, Tara took his pulse
and found that his temperature was normal. He guessed that the boy's pain was
imaginary and Tara was moved to remember how often a child she had felt the
- Spend the weekend with that lady, Mom? he asked while Tara Mandy
urged them to go up to the car - Where does she live?
- I do not know. Somewhere in the field.

- In the field? Simon inquired with interest. On a farm? he went on

While it might seem ridiculous to worry about the professional future of the
twins, the obvious love that Simon felt the countryside and its inhabitants think
Tara was that this would be very happy living a free life in contact with nature.
- No, I do not think it's a farm, 'she said.
- But, if we can go, right? It was more a statement than question, which was
Mandy. We never went anywhere. Everyone in the room walk.
Of course it was an exaggeration, thought Tara, but the criticism was right.
School costs left little money for luxuries, as they were on vacation, but could not
deny the occasional weekend spent at his mother and his uncles. Only there were
not always happy; as her mother never accepted the fact, Tara had to be on the
lookout in case her mother for some bad comments about James suspicious.
And neither had actually come to accept entirely the same Tara, he seemed
reserved, in this case for James an abomination that year failed to fade.
On the other hand, he thought Tara had more reason to blame herself to
James. When he finally realized the nature of her feelings for him, it was too late
to turn back. Susan's mother was hardly ever at home; as had business in New
York, he used to spend long seasons there and Tara, madly in love, had managed
not to take it into account as they also did not care to hide her love for him.
The criteria achieved over the years, enabled the young see things
objectively, even from the point of view of James. Married to a woman older than
he used to be away from home much of the time, leaving him by an overwhelming
and full of business responsibilities, did something amazing that would have given
the impulse to accept the consolation that her he tried his innocence?

Perhaps not, but certainly better than she knew that what he had no future.
And, therefore, necessary courage and discernment should have been required to
halt, before things took an inevitable course. That was what I could not forgive,
that would have been so indifferent to the consequences of a mixture of disgust and
desire would bring, to bring to overlook the circumstances that separated them.
Seventeen her, and he twenty ... maybe not a great difference in age, but in
- Mom, are we there! Mandy shouted, as Tara was so absorbed that he
almost passed from school without realizing it.
He left the children and went straight to the studio. Just put one foot on it, he
knew Chas was in one of his worst, snarling without looking away from the
camera. Meanwhile, a model who immediately recognized Tara, sat tensely in an
extensible chair. He perceived stress in the study.
Tara pulled out of the conclusion. He took off his coat, filled the coffee they
had a small kitchen and, without a word, Chas stepped in front of a cup of coffee
and crossed the studio to chat with the model. This, of nineteen, with several
successful advertising campaigns such as curriculum, was there in order to pose for
a famous fashion magazine.
- Is it always like this? Tara asked almost in anguish, the last time I ...
- It's his style - he tried to soften Tara. - It's an artist and as such a
The other girl winced.
- In cases like this I would have listened to my parents and get into college!

- See if they finish speaking we can take some pictures -expres Chas, ending
the conversation among youth.
Until noon Tara could take a break. Chas had been insufferable t od or time.
At two in the afternoon, reluctantly, Chas announced it was time to eat and
Tara, grateful, went in search of sandwiches before he repented.
When he returned to the study, the model was gone and the phone rang. The
sign "Do not disturb" hung outside the door of the darkroom, I mean exactly that
and Tara knew from experience. He ran to the phone and sandwiches fell on the
The dry tone of the headmistress of children produced it a shudder of fear
that unnerved.
- The twins - Tara stepped forward, but Mrs. Ledbetter was used to dealing
with grieving parents, and interrupted!:
- None of care, Mrs. Bellamy, it's just that Simon has been complaining all
morning a little pain in the stomach. The governess examined him and found
nothing wrong. Maybe they are just some pampering you need.
A slight blush appeared on Tara's face, to my smo while trying to grasp the
meaning of what he had just heard, fearing an implicit reproach. One of his
biggest concerns in raising the twins was the inability to stay home with them. He
never tried to locate J ames after Susan's mother had laughed in his face and his
naivete had no one to take charge of what children do. He hung once said Mrs.
Ledbetter that would d and immediate way to school.
Could it be true that to give working mothers, experimental Taban this f ase
of trouble? Guilt is a burden that women seem by nature to be made to bear.

Not daring to disturb Chas, he left a note in a visible place the desk and
hurried out to the car.
Simon was there waiting for her in the nursing school, pale and lethargic.
Mandy, his hand, he jumped up and pushed the chair hastily Tara, moaning with an
air of importance.
- Simon is unwell and has not ceased to mourn. I cared.
Tara or praised.
- I do not think, frankly, that the child is too bad he opined Mrs. Staines,
governess campus, smiling friendly Tara -. A couple of days in bed and cuddle it
will recover.
A couple of days !, Tara moaned. That would mean less two precious days
of your vacation. Chas would be furious. Almost always during the holidays of
children or holidays he managed for a neighbor to take care of them, but this time
he had gone to visit his parents out of town, and also the mood that was Simon,
was doubtful to accept to stay with strangers.
- Maybe the country air did regain color to your cheeks - said the director.
- Can we go to the field, Mommy? Simon pleaded back home. Of course, he
had only encouraged her but she was still declined. Tara ached. Poor thing, his
ind i sposicin was no less true, and physical or emotional ra was the cause.
- Okay - accedi-, but remember that Susan may have repented.
- He said we were -coment or Mandy in a rebuff of childish logic, and people
should do what it promises.

Tara suppressed another sigh. He was not in the mood to explain to her
daughter the kind of logic that directs the behavior of adults, and even worse was
seeing, parked outside the house, the car Chas.
When he saw them coming he went striding to the car.
- How's the soldier wounded in battle? Simon asked, but his eyes Tara
noticed something that put her on the defensive.
Sullen "troubled about anything," said as she opened the door of the house
and sent the children into the kitchen, confirmed his doubts.
- The boy looks good.
- The director said I should stay home for two days - Simon reported to Chas.
Mommy will stay with me and then go to the field during the weekend.
- Do not had insured Chas Tara recalled. And it happens we have been
invited to leave the weekend He ventured or to

say-, and in view of the

unwillingness of Simon I think that will help them to both take the field.
- Really? -atac Chas, reflected anger in his eyes. Is not it will be a
"honorable flight"? Well, I think that if I'm going to have to take into account,
Tara. I love you and you know that. I'm not willing to continue playing.
Tara felt bad. Finally the bomb had exploded, I did not want it to happen.
- What do you mean? - He asked with an effort.
- You know perfectly - Chas replied.
In his response he was followed by a withering look, after which he opened
the door and stormed out.
Tara knew it would happen sooner or later, so the attitude of Chas only
corrobor or their doubts about the possibility of continuing to work with him, but it

was undeniable that if he stayed out of work at this moment or ... no, it could not
- Why do you get like, Mommy? Simon asked suddenly. Also you your
stomach hurts?
- Something -condescendi her. And now to bed, do not You're so good to
By midafternoon she finally decided to call to tell Susan that I accepted his
invitation. They had nothing to lose, decided to Tara, and also felt unable to face
the odds of children in aso c not to.
Susan was stunned when she heard Tara thanking him and accepting to go.
- You'll have to give me the address and directions - warned Tara. - Where do
you live?
-In Cotswolds said - But you do not have to worry; Give me your address
and tell me when you'll be ready to send someone for you.
Tara was going to refuse, but remembering the luxury car that v i or school,
agreed, thinking that Susan would send the driver.
They continued talking for a while and when Tara said her job was impressed
- Chas Suanders? he asked extraada-. Lucky you! But if u s per sexy Not
I know him personally, but I've heard about him.
- Who does not? Tara conceded dryly. Chas and his partner at the time were
the daily news in the society pages.
- Of course, you will not have anything to do with it, right? he asked Susan
giving his voice a tone of complicity.

- Chas has a special criterion: a girl, one evening was ev sive response to
Tara, which seemed to satisfy her friend.
- But what a night! - Susan concluded SACKED joking before i rse because
Piers began to mourn.

C on the astonishing ability to recover own children, Simon announced the

next morning feeling well enough to go back to school, which Tara could also
return to the studio.
He went over there of fright. When he opened the door he saw Chas, only,
who looked up, he muttered something and pretended to ignore her while she took
off his jacket and hung it on the rack. You were supposed to go out and take some
pictures, so Tara had put on jeans and a tight blouse under a thick jacket.
Once he turned off his jacket and Chas surprised, thoughtful, looking at her
body, not caring that she had flushed. Tara made an attempt to go put the coffee,
but he blocked her way.
- Hey, 'he said, sorry about yesterday. I got out of my boxes, a fatal error
while -he sneer fingers smoothed the blond hair. It seems incredible, I thought I
had learned to control myself, but there you go. Have you decided to spend the
weekend with your friend?
With dry mouth, Tara nodded his head. What would he do? Fire her?
- I know what you're thinking - the surprise change of tone. I thought you
knew me better. I have never forced anyone to have sex with me and I will not do
now. I love you, Tara confessed frankly, but I also want you correspondas that. Sex
should provide a mutual pleasure, not a burden. Why? he asked as talking to

himself. I who disgusts you or men in general I am? You were married, you had
- Sorry, Chas interrupted the girl. No, it's not you - a slight smile played on
his lips as he remembered how he had described Susan -. You know well - he
added with a wink -. It's just that, you are a man of one night and a woman and two
children who depend on you ...
- Prefer the opposite sex to keep their distance - Chas continued with some
cunning. Although do you offer something permanent? Would it be enough with
that? -the presion-. I think STILL not forget the guy you married, the father of
your children, and that's the bottom line, right? For God said almost violently,
when you gonna realize q ue of life there is only one! Well - he concluded angry at
the look of her, I see that I'm banging against a wall, but if you ever change your
mind ...
- Can I keep working with you? Tara asked, you Merosa.
l raised his eyebrows and made a sneer at.
- Of course - concedi-. Always it is good for my vanity to have a beautiful
woman here. And then - then stopped, you have been my best assistant.
A relief invaded the heart of Tara, who did his work with great disposition.
Then the suggestion acept6 Chas gladly do it in the sense that it took the afternoon
to prepare the things you need the weekend.
- Of course this does not mean I've given up he warned, is a "ceasefire"
temporary. Right?
He came home smiling, u n when doubts about whether or not it had been
indicated to accept the invitation of Susan. He spent the afternoon engaged in
washing and ironing clothes.

None of his children have much in common with the baby Susan Tara
pondered them while doing their bags, but as he had been so excited to ride them to
bed when it was moved.
The mother of Susan and James were divorced, or so said she had ay. What
would have become of him? He is pr e Gunto. He had learned from his mother that
the lady had done a considerable amount of money in the company inherited from
his father James. Meanwhile, it almost never mentioned to Tara on their business;
time together was too precious, as she cared about something like business.
"Forget James, forget the past," it said in tax tone, wanting to ignore the
malaise that threatened to become grief if she allowed it. Why should not I be able
to break with their past? Other women have been there yet become happy in their
marriages, establishing healthy loving relationships with men. Why would not she
be able to? Would he blamed for what happened? Guilty and dirty. The prejudices
of the people in the village where they lived were very marked, and also to bear the
rejection of James endured the fury of his mother.
If I had not many illusions tissue around J ames, none of this would have
happened; but I did not want to see reality, he was an unhappy man in his bed,
easily given to any adventure and that at no time felt for her even the slightest wisp
of what she for him.

Chapter 3

D ESPERT or headache, and unwillingness to spend an entire weekend

having to be polite to people who were almost unknown. However, I could not
disappoint the children, nor risk Chas Pescara in a lie. He wanted to force him to
stop his claims to her; in any case it would have sufficed to snub him, but, being
your own boss at stake his own work, it could not afford to lose.
The twins showed happy with the weekend program. Strangely, Mandy, who
usually preferred jeans and blouses with ruffles, decided to wear a flowery apron
Tara had bought a Seman as before, accompanied by the necessary skirt and white
blouse. Tara's head was about to explode.
Susan speaks promised to send the driver at ten; by a miracle, at that time the
suitcases were ready and prepared children, which was saying something, Tara
thought as the hair with a brush and lipstick desmaraaba applied.
The sudden appearance of the sun forced her to change clothes, taking
advantage to release a set that had acquired for your work. He discovered a
boutique South Moulton Street, be lowered by size girl and bought as suitable for
receptions organized Chas, sometimes by way of advertising campaigns.
It was a blue three-piece set in silk with a fitted bodice that clung to her
breasts and a skirt with wide belt and jacket whose sleeves Tara picked up the way
it had seen some models.
It was in that environment where Tara learned to improve their grooming. He
felt the sensuous touch of silk against his skin; speech left her hair down, forming a
waterfall over her shoulders and the perfume specialist had given her beauty,
closed with a flourish the picture. Such gifts were his real pride. Christmas was

favored by several sets of Italian underwear, which gave the manufacturer in

appreciation for the excellent work that Chas had done for his signature.
Today we had put one of them; a mini satin bra fastened by a cord handmade
The main reason I did that was certainly vanity mused while Tara was put one
last look in the mirror. Although once she and Susan were as close as sisters, today
is a great gulf between them.
She had become the wife of a rich man, that was obvious; and although you
could not blame anyone for trying to help, albeit in inverted commas, to a less
fortunate friend, the least wished Tara was causing sorry for Susan, which no doubt
would happen if he were dressed in anything.
Susan had informed Tara, as she and her husband would come on the Role ls
Royce would be free to lead her and her twins; and despite the good taste and
sophistication you put on your attire, he could not help but shudder when children
choir t he announced the arrival of the luxury car.
Anxious not to wait for the driver, Tara rushed down the lera esque with a
suitcase in hand and children rushing towards the exit with the other. And outside,
he told them to wait while a revised ell inside the bag if not forgotten the keys and
money and ensured qu and the door remained firmly closed.
L to print impeccable ls Role in twins was caused apparently contradictory
because, undecided, stood next to his mother despite trying to push it to the car.
As they walked to the car, the driver's side door opened and a man came out
of him. Tara's first thought was that the man was not wearing uniform, which
immediately went into the background due to the impact caused her to recognize ...

- Tara! He greeted him with that voice that had done years before she faltered
taste. He seemed changed. Or was the idea I had of him was transformed? Before
there was a naive teenager, now a disillusioned woman.
- James muttered the girl forcing a smile. This time she took off who are not
children, overwhelmed, anxious to turn back and take refuge in his house was.
James looked at children with indifference and seeing this Tara had to
suppress a fit of hysterical laughter. So often dreamed, during pregnancy, James
came suddenly and realizing that he would be a father, I decided to stay and fill
them with love.
- What a surprise! He struggled to regain it he calmly. How Not Susan told
me you were coming to pick us up!
- Change last minute, 'he said without looking at her. I just came from the
United States and as I invited him in with them over the weekend, I suggest you
come by leveraging the driver to take a break.
- Susan phoned me and I could have taken my car - Tara replied, blushing
when he realized that he was looking for ent f. However, he could see in his eyes
that ali dez c t anto remembered and instead found a Stare RI that examined; He
instinctively clutched children.
- Mom, you hurt me! Mandy protested while looking at the tall hair and dark
eyes that watched man.
- Why do not we go upstairs once a car? - James suggested, trying to Tara ra
livia how embarrassing moment. His hands accidentally brushed and Tara
withdrew his as if he had touched fire. It is understandable but unnecessary - he
added dryly. The few wise words.

Tara assumed that meant the impact suffered when he saw it. This meeting
should be so undesirable for him as it was for her, concluded somewhat altered as
they walked to the car; but at least he was prevented.
The first ten minutes of their tour were exclamations, for part of the twins,
about the luxury car; Tara could not help wishing that James would not have
offered the front seat, but on the other hand, it would be ridiculous to make a scene
just for that.
A brief profile sidelong glance to J ames, Tara did think that although he was
the same looked like another. There was in him a severity that could not remember;
when she met him she thought the top of his adolescent dreams, friendly,
sympathetic, tender. Qualities that nobody would have bet to see the man who now
was at his side.
In her hair not yet gray hair appeared and despite the understated suit that he
wore, Tara guessed that little had changed physically during the seven years of
estrangement. Arrogantly he walked. He remembered the night of his return from
California; He then had the skin burned by the sun, his body seemed bronze. He
shivered, chasing memories.
In the back seat children they played to see who could have more cars of the
same brand.
- Susan told me widowed 'he said without looking away from the amino c.
Tara felt a lump in my throat.
- Yes He struggled to support his lie.
- L or temple to -the answer was a formalism. And how was it?
They killed'm abroad she continued her no more, repeating what had come to
seem so familiar. Before n acieran children. He did not know them.

-a Mutual loss he added quietly. You have not thought about getting married
- As soon as I ask him - she replied dryly, to their own surprise. In addition or is acomod on the seat, I think better a person who really cares about them, that
two disagree.
- You also lost your father, if I remember correctly - you said he said. I am
sure that with such an experience you'll keep your child from falling into the same
- No experience in foreign head Tara replied wearily. Although the comment
was made casually, clearly he recalled an occasion when, being together he
accused of using it as a surrogate father figure. She, furious, had reminded him that
there were eight, not eighteen years wearing it.
- Been working in America? - Asked her to change the subject.
- I have business there, some in partnership with Susan's mother. You know
she remarried.
- Yes. I can not understand ... She broke off and licked his lips. He would say
he could not explain why her divorce, ro pe safest thing was that his voice betrayed
- What Hilary ventured to marry again? She corrected him. Like many
wealthy women of her generation, it tends to make it a profession. This is her
fourth marriage.
- Fourth! She could not hide her surprise. As far sa BIA James was the
- Are you surprised?

- It is that I did not know you wore for so long divorced and she had time to
marry twice more.
- Do you stay long enough to find out.
The comment puzzled her. It was almost an accusation. But what he could
accuse him who first rejected? l, who had taunted with his crazy love Hilary and
mercilessly turned away, leaving the burden of pregnancy.
- So what is supposed I should have done? he asked in a low but irritated
voice -. Do you give back time?
- So you decided ampararte in a nice and safe marriage.
Tara, flushed, nails embedded in the palms. I would never have agreed to
attend the walk have known that James would be present. How on earth could
Simon distracted his attention excited, pointing a sheep grazing in the field.
They turned on the road heading west.
To the surprise of Tara, at twelve, J ames went off the road onto a narrow path
bordered by bushes dotted with seasonal flowers.
- I promised to take them to lunch Susan answered him without waiting for
her preguntara-. The house is very large and although Susan has help, the truth is
that they come to rest.
Before Tara could object anything, they entered a huge Stationing i ent. The
place held a sign that read: "Club Members Only".
- I am a member of this club and I contacted before leaving, so we expect. I
have a property here, just in time is occupied by some American friends.

What was now the Country Club, had been a hacienda, the large barn was
converted into luxurious restaurant with high windows like gazebos and a bar.
The children were fascinated by both the novelty of eating out as I discovered
for their i ment. Mandy told James how good it had been put on his best clothes.
The comment required a response, and the heart of Tara shuddered to see
James tilted his head and answered:
- You're cute, you feel blue.
- My mom chose -inform Mandy, proudly. I always wear jeans because they
are better to play. You have kids? 'I preg or NTO.
- Mandy - Tara intervened, but J ames beckoned pa r q ue be quiet.
'Unfortunately, there raised his eyebrows.
Hypocrite, resentful Tara thought while driving to a table. He does not want
children because they fear the responsibility that take care of other lives.
However, despite his lack of experience as a father, he was very wise in
choosing food for children and knew entertain them as they reached the ordered
dishes. As with Tara, the school where children were attached great importance to
good manners and she was proud to observe their behavior. They had started
admiring smiles from other diners, and a woman walking past your table stopped
to talk with J ames, who certainly knew, and look down to Tara and children.
- Margot, perm t afraid to introduce you to Tara and her children. Tara was
classmate of Susan explained James. It is also a widow.
But I had no children, I stress dear woman, looking contemptuous children.
He was about forty, calculated Tara, but well kept. He realized that the
woman was warning him with subtlety, that James was their exclusive property.

"You can stay with him," thought the angry girl putting aside the dessert, there was
not even proven reluctant to acknowledge the sudden enmity that arose between
Realizing the marked difference with the waiter tried to J ames, Tara recalled
the only time they had gone out to eat together. That day Susan was fifteen. She
almost fainted or heard that he had made reservations at one of the best re
staurantes. Although Susan accompany them, Ta ra's mother disagreed and also
remembered the slight kiss him goodbye when leaving home. That kiss was
everything i tart.
- F I basically do not look at you the kids he said dryly, which interrupted the
thoughts of Tara. They should look a lot like his father.
The holder of Tara fell noisily. He got as red as the tablecloth and bent to pick
it up, grateful that the incident would allow him to take his gaze from James.
- Is not it? he insisted.
"Is he blind?" She asked nervously dam. "It did not really see how similar
they are to him?".
- How strange! - She continued, frowning. They remind me of someone!
Tara thought for a moment that his Heart n stop beating, but managed to
control himself and shrugged his shoulders evasive, turning immediately to urg i ra
children to finish their meal.
- I met your husband? - Tara made the question was put on the defensive.
I ... I was going to say something but stopped.
- As I heard you met during your stay in your uncles house: at least I heard
from someone in town. It must have been a whirlwind courtship he said looking

pointedly at the children. Or you can say that enjoyed the same privileges that I
thought were exclusive to me?
Had not been in public, certainly not Tara would have avoided slap, just made
a great effort, on the other hand, do not scream the whole truth.
With a hint quella, James had broken the last illusions he had left; She dreams
that she herself knew existed. His words convinced her that, what for her was the
largest and most beautiful experience of his life, for he had only meant the
satisfaction of a moment of lust, and who otherwise would never have expressed
how it He did.
From somewhere he took what little dignity he had left, to say, slowly:
- The relationship we held the children's father and I, is sacred to me, and I do
not like to talk about it is e ra l qui.
- Including children - he said with marked to stucia - I do not think I heard if
any mention even once. So much I loved you do not want, even with them, share
your memory? Because you loved him, right? If my memory serves me, you were
a creature in sensual end; fire in the veins, you might say - grimaced, but caution
that belied arranges your true personality. Such records do not leave me in no
doubt that well could have married young, in order to "legalize" these trends you
think you embarrass your mother.
Tara wanted the children were entertained to not hear the conversation. If a
moment before had been about to faint, he was now furious, wanting to shout two
or three things, but all I could finally say almost choked on his s lips.
- Yes, I loved him, and you have no right to say such things.
- What I do not have? She laughed him. How can you say that when ...? He
stopped because Mandy was trying to say something. Not wanting to prolong the

conversation, Tara told the children already lifted, adding in very serious tone that
it was time to leave.
James opened the back door of the car to let the children, but when Tara
would follow him prevented him closing the door hard and almost forcing her to
climb on.
His arm brushed against one of the sleeves of the jacket and the girl felt chills
s; He experienced a special feeling, as if the two skins had made contact.
Whenever she was very sensitive about it and so it had not changed. l was a
disturbing, sensual and her body man, who was no longer that of an innocent child,
responded to its proximity, shuddering. U n well, he did not try to pull away,
saying that would be ridiculous, but the hurried beating of his heart and the
agonizing tension did not disappear with the security that had worked so hard to
achieve over the years.
James, elegantly opened the door while he took her arm. Undoubtedly, a
gesture of self care, although Tara thought she was not, and could not explain what
reason would he have to do because, at her askance, he noted with surprise in his
face something like disgust, plus so abruptly that the released immediately.
Perhaps he should not have felt anything or at most relief. However, I had the
terrible feeling of being rejected. Everything had gained during those years fell to
the ground, Tara confessed to see surround the car; at least he was sure he had
failed to re c uperarse habit of being rejected by him.
His skin still burned where he touched and while the twins were about to fall
asleep, Tara seemed impossible easing back.
It was a relief when he finally Ro ll s entered into a cobbled courtyard of
James explained what had been the property of Cotsworld. The stone quarry,

before cream, was now covered by layers of dust of years, and just blooming roses
pale yellow softened the south facade.
Although huge, almost labyrinthine, the property offered a welcoming
appearance, helping to ease up the stress state that Tara was. Especially when, after
hearing the engine noise of the car, Susan came to greet them, hugging them both
without ceremony.
- It is wonderful! - She exclaimed by inviting them to spend.
On a polished mahogany table wearing a chalice filled with the same roses
that Tara had seen outside copper. The hall, a square space, was remodeled with
wood paneling and parquet floor. A whimsical carved railings climbed out of sight.
Through a window at the first break, the filtered light that filled the hall and small
specks of dust you were trapped in the blaze.
Suddenly there was a Labrador, which seemed joyful with the antics of
children. Tara called them to order and then followed Susan toward the stairs.
- I'll show you your rooms and then go down to tea and talk ... Oh, no care!
He smiled when he saw the disappointment Shimmer xed on the faces of the
children. No need to save as much formality. Although Alec does not accept at all
to Misty, you can be up.
- Where is Alec? He asked James.
- In the study. He brought some work and I think it would fall well a help.
Alec manages one of the businesses of James - Susan Tara said with a grimace. So
we met-and was startled to hear the cry of a child. That's Piers, you must be
desperate. He fell asleep after lunch. It's actually rare to sleep much. I think it's
time to have a little brother, as it has started to become the center of attention and
he knows it. Remember Tara said at the end of the stairs, we promised not to stay

with a child only after what we suffered he laughed. I know you also were serious,
but I never imagined you were to have two in one stroke ... The kids I left them a
room next to yours - he added. They have a connecting door. Ah !, and sanitary
facilities are very old, so you and James share the same bathroom. I hope you do
not mind.
- That does not mean we should use it while James interjected jokingly, but
modulating voice so that only Tara could hear. Do not worry, you're safe. I've
reached the age where I only allow myself to swim and surf occasionally.
- For you the room always, James - said Susan. And these are their dwelling Tara said stopping in front of a huge wooden door of Encina. This was once the
barn. The remodeled.
James had gone to his room, Tara and l supposed ree felt to meet Mandy, who
was excited to see the room with beamed ceilings and a tiny window.
- We have tried to preserve the country atmosphere, without Exage r ar
- It's beautiful! He enthused Tara. The room was dim prayed c in green, cool
shades and luxurious cotton quilt.
James brought her one of his trips - added Susan. And by the way, you did not
find really changed?
- A little older Tara replied cautiously.
- I was thrilled when he called to say he was back. We do not see as often as
we would like. Businesses stolen most of his time. It's funny, but largely means
more to me than my mother, even though it is not exactly a model father says.

- You should feel sorry about their separation - he said Tara expecting and
what the tone of his voice did not betray her.
- For Susan she raised her shoulders. I could never understand why they
married He frowned. There was something I did not like being apart from the fact
he younger than my mother. When I remember that I can not believe I actually
love him or my mother.
- There may be other reasons for marrying - Tara said dryly.
- I know, but I can not imagine James joining someone without engaging in
the affective, I do not think of such men. Well, I'll go down to ask or ra B. Sen,
who incidentally is a treasure, to prepare us tea and orange REFRESC for you
guys. As low're ready to introduce Alec. You will find us in the living room, which
overlooks the gardens, the hall the first door on the left walked over to the door,
but stopped suddenly. I am happy that you and J ames are here, I almost think it's
like before!
For them, however, the "old days" had another sense, he thought as he took
his belongings Tara and the boys. Simon and Mandy, meanwhile, felt immediately
at home. Twenty minutes later they were ready to come down. M us and washed
faces and instead of traveling clothes, jeans and T-shirt.
Others were in the living room; as Susan called her and that was actually a
quarter of medium proportions, colors painted lemon and light blue, with huge
windows do s puer tas, open to the gardens.
Misty, the dog, mene or tail gracefully when they saw the children. Simon or
is joy.
- I think he said he likes me in secret, to Tara.

A l ec, Susan's husband, seemed to be a nice guy who was walking near thirty.
Undoubtedly, a man devoted to his wife. He greeted enthusiastically telling Tara
had heard Susan speak great things from her.
- I always regretted losing contact or you added Susan -. I could not believe,
those returning from holidays in New York required that you had gone, and then
your mother told me you were married q ue.
- You widow, Sue tells me as he continued Alec still smiling.
Tara nodded, feeling disappointed.
- It must not be easy for you - or coment him sympathetically.
- I was lucky - said Tara -. Especially in my LABOUR.
- Sue says you work for Chas Saunders, photographer - James interrupted.
More than his words, the tone was what made Tara blush. The knew well the
reputation that Chas had among the people the number of adventures to be
adjudicated and although James said he had not guessed that he suspected she was
a long list of Chas.
- You must carry a "glamorous" or Sue -coment enviously, life among models
and celebrities.
- I'm afraid not know very well what is "glamor", but it is certainly hard work
- Asegur or Tara with some regret as she served tea. Mandy was crouched drawing
the attention of Piers, who in turn seemed busy in removing a small strand of the
reason for his outfit of you r ciopelo. Simon, deliberately, stroked happy Misty.
Alec and J ames were trying to re plunge the conversation that had a far
locked before Tara down. This grimaced when he heard Susan.

You have two cute kids, Tara. It must have been terrible for you ... and for
them. I remember very well what it is to have no father.
- Yes she admitted Tara -. Sometimes I worry - and put his face to the blonde.
You know, usually in these cases ... Simon does not have any male figure beside
whom reflected, and they resent the lack of a father, not to mention the fact that I
have to go to work.
- You should know better now ... I still refuse to believe - the astonishment of
Susan aument-. I never thought you married so suddenly. You always talked
about to finish a race and ...
- At seventeen young often change my mind with remarkable frequency ...
especially if you love - James spoke sarcastically, almost peering between them,
which he did to Tara startled. He had not realized that he was listening to her talk.
- Having had twins is something that I will never regret - he said, trying to
hide his momentary confusion.
Mandy tried to raise Piers, blushing with the effort.
- You know? Susan murmured, she reminds me of someone ... What do you
think, Alec? She looked at her husband.
l watched thoughtful for a moment. He cocked his head.
- Its expression is similar to that of Tara.
- Well, none of them looks like Susan Tara opined.
- We are like our daddy! - Mandy shouted uppity important as deciding that it
was time to join the conversation. Mom told us when we were little.
- So then yes you told them about his father - James spoke as one who gives a

- Susan, I hope you have no objection if we retired to rest it while Tara -pidi
ignoring James. I have a terrible headache.
- But of course you can! - He interrupted her friend before he finished
speaking. Poor thing, I remember those horrible headaches that used to attack! And
do not worry about the kids, they can stay here. Mrs. B. always serves a refr i pa ra
ge children laughed at six, although we dined at eight - looked at his watch. It is
four, so you count at least three hours s to rest and you fix it.
Feeling bad, Tara wanted to protest but Susan anticipated.
- Of course it is not an imposition - corrected tightly. It's just that I'm dying to
have you here. Mandy feel will be the worship of Piers and Simon maybe Misty
wants to accompany in their daily walk after tea.
R ecognizing defeat, Tara returned to give thanks and to encamin or has
bitacin. Once there, or leaned back in the big bed. He had taken two pills for
headaches and as they began to take effect, the memories of James crowded into
his mind and felt back to when I was seventeen, a young girl about to find love and
to become woman.

Chapter 4

- You spend the night at home, Tara? If you do not stay, I do not know what
I'll do; promised help to study mathematics.
Tara smiled complacent young fourteen. To be honest, I preferred Susan's
house to yours. First because it was warm and could also spread the school books
at will, although this was cause for scolding as often happened with her mother. He
suppressed a sigh at the thought of it. They had never been able to get along. As for
his father, Tara retained only a vague memory of the days when he was still alive,
days when the little house seemed a cheerful, warm place. But he had been dead
for ten years, and even when leaving the safe allowing both a comfortable life,
there was enough to take the luxuries were common at Susan.
- So, will you go?
- I promised, did not you? Sure I'll Tara said.
Some classmates Tara resented friendship created between it and Susan, three
years younger than her but who, nevertheless, had something of the mundane
character limit per bridge the gap between generations, and sometimes Tara would
pity made to realize the loneliness that lay behind that seeming defiance.
- I'll see you at four-and Susan jumped from where he was sitting next to
Tara, as the bell sounded announcing the end of the lunch hour.
- I thought that here chiquillas third sarcastically remarked one of the
classmates of Tara were accepted, seeing out Susan's parlor. Really, Tara, you
should give wings to that girl! His mother wanted to enroll her in a boarding
school, but have already expelled many not found out which put it, God, what

would give to have rich parents! - Ent rn eyes or a theatrical gesture. At that time
the school would end for me!
And despite all the jokes that were subject to Susan, they were very few who
did not feel im pressed by the richness of his mother. Hilary Harvey had become a
legend within a few months of arriving in Hillingdon. He bought what had once
been a stately mansion and spent thousands of pounds on modernization. The
interiors were brought from London and installed a kitchen of those locals who had
only seen in American movies, and several very luxurious bathrooms.
Tara had taken an ugly impression when Susan introduced her to his circle of
friends; Even so, sensitive as it was for his age, he perceived loneliness and
uncertainty in the bottom of that apparent glee, so he decided to put aside any hint
of jealousy and concentrate on finding the real Susan, hidden by all those barriers
that had stood up to defend himself.
- Only God knows what reason you have for wanting to be her friend
remarked his companion in disgust. You've always been good-natured, and that he
is only fourteen, the other time I heard that.
- I do not care anything about what you've heard, Jill Tara cut at Sano. No
longer gossip.
Some flash of malice appeared in the eyes of the other girl. A Tara had never
liked being influenced by comments or gossip.
- C Laughed! - He interrupted Jill angrily. But not enough to not make friends
with the richest girl in the neighborhood, even a girl three years plus an entr you or
Before Tara could retort something, it slipped out of the room. Tara made it
impossible to forget the incident, at least during the afternoon. On the other hand,

English literature was one of his favorite subjects, so it would be easy to forget that
advise letting the beautiful sonnets of Shakespeare.
At four, he went to get his bike, Susan was waiting. Seeing her, Tara
wondered if he had made himself ale jar Jill's comments and could concentrate on
his young friend. It bothered him the idea to the point of making it want to examine
the real reasons that drove to befriend each sees more with Susa n. It was true that
there were clear differences between them, both old, like status, but something
inspiring loneliness Susan Tara did sympathize with her.
- You're not listening to me! Susan protested. My father is coming soon!
You'll love, Tara!
Po co Tara knew Susan's father, but heard talk enough about him. Susan
adored and frequently mentioned. Tara had forged the image of a friendly and
forgiving man, who should have nothing to do with the aggressive and
domineering mother Susan.
- V also endra your mom? - Tara asked reluctantly. Just once I'd seen Susan's
mother and the truth was he did not think very well be liked Hilary Harvey, which
proved to hear from Susan that her mother fell unfriendly all your friends.
The property that dquirieron in the village, was built in the time of Queen
Anne; the melodious afternoon sun flooded the facade with golden highlights.
Tara, always sensitive to changes of mind as much as the landscape, came to a halt
shortly before arriving, unable to avoid feeling homesick,
- Let -the urged Susan, indifferent to the perfection of the afternoon, I have
very hungry!
When Susan's mother was away, the housekeeper took care of the house
address. Of course, it was less picky Hilary Harvey.

He not ceased to amaze, however, the ease with which he had persuaded his
mother to let her spend the night with Susan.
Seeing Susan get along with Tara, Mrs. Lear, housekeeper, or sighed with
- This is my daughter 'was to-the-point. A few hours ago I spoke to my son to
tell me that Gayle had just given birth, and Jonathan wanted to stay with her in the
hospital. I could not leave or ita Sen Susan alone, but if you are going to stay.
- Go you with confidence He adelant or Tara. Do not worry for us and
accompany her daughter.
When Mrs. Lear left, Tara or hastened to prepare an omelet, while Susan
watched curiously.
- Wow! exclaimed admired the skill of Tara, I would not have even egg shell!
- You'll have to find a rich husband. he warned Tara, or perhaps has not told
you your mother that the best way to conquer a man is through the stomach?
- My mother thinks that the best way to conquer a man is buying it cynically 'I
replied Susan Tara and forced to remain silent. Although there were rumors in the
village about Susan's mother, Tara always been simple gossip. Therefore, what
Susan did he mean? Was your father cheating on his mother? In reality, no one but
Susan mentioned to Mr. Harvey; Harvey was Hilary who ruled the situation. Tara
ever heard him say to his mother Susan Habi na to inherited or substantial sum of
money from their padr is same that was invested in various businesses in the
United States, where they had lived Susan's grandparents. But what Susan's father?
What did he do? She once said that "working abroad "and knowing what it used to
be sensitive in relation to their parents, Tara preferred to reserve his doubts;

however, he was inclined to despise it a bit. Maybe he reproached not realize how
much I needed Susan.
This last thought gripped his mind as he prepared to sleep in the room next to
Susan. Something he had noticed in previous visits, was that Susan suffered
horrible nightmares, which is often listened to scream for her father. But he did not
remember anything in the morning or at least gave no sign of it.
Tara wondered what would be worse, slipping through the fine sheets of
cotton, have a parent who is rarely seen or not having, as was his own case.
I was plunged into a light sleep from which he awoke with a start, trying to
put my ear at the heavy silence, never knowing what he had heard.
Dryness of the throat moved down to the kitchen for something cool to drink.
He knew the house well enough to not turn on the lights. He found the door ajar
and pushed kitchen, retreating as her bare feet touched the cold tiles. He was about
to open the tap when she realized she was not alone. pni dam co He turned at the
precise moment that strong fingers stopped by the arms, and felt a warm breath
male brushing his face, at the same time a voice asked:
- Susan?
- She is asleep -tartamud eo Tara. I'm her friend, Tara.
- Of course! - Continued the voice. You mentioned in some of his last letters
said releasing. Tara amid the darkness saw a moving figure for the switch.
She blinked or when the light went on, forgetting for the moment the
transparency of her nightgown, which was a year with her and thus fit his body,
especially her breasts. When T ara finally got used or are light, almost faints upon
seeing the remarkable man masculinity ahead. Against his will, he turned back his
gaze to the face, crossing it with orpresa s aware of his dangerous attraction.

- Who ... who are you? finally he asked hesitantly, trying to catch his breath
and responsibility that Ms. Lear had landed. However remote the possibility that
the man might be known undesirables, whom Susan's mother certainly disapprove,
could not be overlooked. A glance was sufficient to convince her that this man,
whoever he was, would not be a good company to a girl of fourteen. All the signs
of experience and cynicism that even the Tara itself recognized as a lethal mixture
was noticed in him.
- Where is Mrs. Lear? he inquired calmly, ignoring the question of Tara,
indifference to the girl disturbed; he exhaled cigarette smoke and his eyes
ensombrecieron-. Do not tell me that Hilary has left Sue in a place com or this, in
the company of another girl.
- Ms. Lear had it out unexpectedly - hastily replied, anxious to protect the
housekeeper. How did you enter? The doors were locked, checked everything
- And now you look at me as if Lucifer himself! He taunted him. Sorry to
disappoint you. It's not so bad, I used this, 'he showed the keys, grimaced and
raised his shoulders. I'm tired! Transatlantic flights are a disguised torture. Would
not it be milk in the refrigerator? - And when Tara nodded, he dropped into a chair,
his legs outstretched, head back, hands clasped to his forehead. Be a good girl and
pour me a glass - he suggested gently, without moving.
As driven by a strange force, Tara did what he ordered, and put a full glass on
the table.
- Okay, do not bite, 'he said cynically making it jump and almost frightened
she pushed the glass toward the stranger, while wondering, how would indeed to
know that she was nervous, her eyes were still closed? - How is Sue? he asked

after drinking the contents of the glass. I'm sure He must have gone wrong lately,
poor child! Hillary is not a model mother, do not say anything? You touch, but i
ncertificate. Hilary has been advertising itself as motherhood is not one of its
strengths. Why do you look like? He looked her straight in the eye.
- You prepar something to eat ar dam Tara said nervously. You must be
hungry; travel I always get hungry stammered nonsense, but did nothing to prevent
it, his eyes often sought him and ran back and forth through the kitchen.
- Well, I understand why you do not want to criticize the mother of Sue, but
something more than that, is not it? -continu or indiscreet, and reached out to take
the cardboard Tara eggs in his hands. The His hands were warm and firm, her
slender fingers, nails clean and trimmed. She watched them with fascination; It felt
strange to the extent I imagined those fingers against her skin, caressing her ... She
shivered and tried to pull away, frightened by the unexpected turn taking his
thoughts. What's wrong? - He asked him sarcastically -. Cat got your tongue?
- Susan has two parents - reckless Tara replied, deftly throwing eggs in a
frying pan. A mother and a father - he stressed.
- What? He raised one eyebrow, and entrecerr or eyes focusing on her face,
which suddenly is torn or inflexible.
- And ... -for God, what was it that made her feel so clumsy and
uncomfortable, lost in a game of words in front of a man who intimidated - and she
misses her father Tara said at last dryly. He loves and misses him, and although he
must know what her mother is doing it, does not seem to make any effort to
prevent it.
- A front continues She had stolen his attention to the point q ue those eyes
remained fixed on his face, why erdi p value. He swallowed, wishing never have

said anything - You were saying that Sue misses her ... She paused, then added
softly, ... father. You have a telling face, T ara, which tells me that you do not
approve of all the father of Sue.
- She needs -expres Tara calmly, but he is never here. Allows her mother
frighten and hurt. Oh, I do not think he could help it! - He added of hurry-. Or that
it is easier for a man's face someone like Mrs. ... - his voice trailed off and she held
before he can pronounce that name, wondering why he would drag a conversation
like this.
- Is Sue and describes his father? he asked in a tone rare-. Weak and
Again flush n aba traicio the girl.
- Sue loves her father she murmured. She'd better go where. What do I say? He said recalling the key he had shown him.
l sneered and stood.
- Sorry, I forgot the formalities, do not you think? I do not even presented.
James Harvey - said, mindful of the impression made by the girl. Okay, he added. I
am weak and indifferent father, or rather, stepfather Susan. Have not you had
happened, to get all these hasty conclusions, stepparents have a tough task when it
comes to dealing with children who are not legally ours?
The stepfather was Susan's stepfather! A flood of emotions washed over her,
and disillusioned to think that this man could actually be the husband of the mother
of Susan. All it combined with the mortification caused him to have given their
opinion about him to his face.
- Do not worry for the first time Tara saw in his expression rnura you
certainly attracting both Susan. But, why never told her she had a stepfather?

Would it have been necessary that she herself made such questions? He grimaced,
remembering Sue's own vulnerability.
- No, do not go to wake -the stopped Sue James. I'm me di or dead after the
trip and everything I want, in fact, is d escansar few hours. Come on.
He waited until Tara take the lead, but going from the kitchen to the next
room, she stumbled and he took her by the waist fast. Tara felt the touch of his
fingers on her waist, and her heart began to beat quick, leaving the likely apology
in the air, while James Harvey turned off the light and away from Tara. As she
cocked, his fingers accidentally brushed the firm curve of her breast and the girl
shivered without understanding the reason for his violent reaction.
Was the stepfather of Sue Tara reminded somehow repudiating the
momentary reaction of your body.
They climbed the stairs and at halftime James headed for the rooms where
Mrs. Harvey used to occupy during their stay in the house were. Tara before falling
asleep again, had to walk a good time forth from his room.
In the days that followed could best meet James, Tara was slowly discovering
that beyond cynicism and sensuality that both impressed at their first meeting,
James actually also owned the tenderness that Tara had guessed from the Susan
descriptions. Also he learned something about himself, something that would have
given much so as not to learn, and I lay awake at night and unable to concentrate
on their tasks during the day; he was at r ada by Sue's stepfather. Own madness
and falls teenager, had not aban ado to Tara, so that passion that James woke it
arose from a sudden and frightening way, both for strength and for their own
sensuality, she was found Quite often dreaming wakes you would feel to be taken
in his arms, kissed her lips, "tortured" by the passion that was supposed to s m

experienced lovers, Such ravings tormented to the point of being affected and
unable to utter a word before him. As for Sue, immersed in the pleasure of
hoarding the attention of James, he seemed not to notice the reaction of her friend,
who in turn feared the return of Susan's mother.
Rarely she heard that Sue J ames or the mention and Tara came to suspect that
the marriage had not been a success. Why you have married James with Hilary?
Tara asked frequently. l was younger than Hilary, an attractive man verging on
thirty, owner of a successful business that apparently he had inherited from an
uncle. Tara refused to accept that James loved Hilary. So why did you marry her?
Tara was not as innocent as her classmates used to think. First to the end, I had
read enough and in no way could be considered ignorant of the power that
generates wealth, so that resisted the idea that James might have been married for a
matter of simple convenience.
One evening when the two girls returned bike Sue's house after school, Tara
was found for the first time alone with James, Sue receiving a phone call from
halfway around the world; It was his mother. Tara's own mother had begun to
complain about the time that this happened with Sue, reminding all the time the
next school exams, to which he added bitterly, "it was not right for a man to marry
a woman ten years older than him, and had no need to ask why. "
Her mother seemed to have acquired aversion to James, which Tara found the
first time he took her home the next morning on his return; when I saw out of the
car he made a gesture of rage.
- How are the studies? he asked, loosening his tie in a gesture of weariness. It
was June and had made an unusual heat; so the sun warmed skin Tara had ad I
quirido a tan tone.

- Okay - she answered reluctantly, rather absently watching him where his
unbuttoned shirt bared chest hair. Tara moment thought he felt a lump in his throat
and chills, J ames frowned and took her arm.
- Cold? - He asked.
A great effort had to make Tara to look away from him and shook a nod.
- So what does this mean? - And Tara shivered while his eyes were fixed on
the skin of your arm erizada-. Tara?
James removed his hand from her; but only to move her shoulder; Tara knew
that this time it would be easy to realize their nervousness. Confusion and fear
were reflected in his eyes, he kept away from him, fearing that discovered.
- Tara? he insisted.
This time it was a rare urgency in how pronounced his name, which filled her
with new sensations, and looked upon him, cursing, let go. Sue had suddenly
entered the room.
- It was my mom or -anunci in vain. He says it will send me money for my
birthday She grimaced. Nice matter, it will not take two minutes to sign the check
and give it to his secretary to the env t e!
- Did not your mom wanted to talk with James? - Tara's question also
surprised Sue.
- Hilary has never had much time to chat with the men in her life said James
drawled after missed "no" Sue, and somewhat mocking smile haci Tara, added:
Impressed? How young are you, Tara!
The way he said it was far from resembling a compliment, and her face was
drawn a hint of bitterness, which warned Tara leaving anything for peace. Sue

started talking about his birthday. James wanted to take her to eat; the take out, you
enter or Tara almost fainting, while the girl was excited with what Tara was a
secret desire.
- You have no need to invite me, Sue ... I ... - Tara hesitated.
- It will be a pleasure for me to escort both Ja month interrupted calmly. I will
reserve a table for us. Do not nieg ues. murmured gently Tara or somehow
PROTECTED to po r the enthusiasm of Sweden. Do not you realize what an Their
feel for not being his mother here that day? However, I have great esteem, Tara,
and rightly, I think. Not disappoint.
- Will you go, right? She rested James Sue's comment.
- Of course I'll Tara said hoarsely, while acknowledging in the depths of his
heart he was playing with fire.
To tell her mother about the invitation, the invitation did not hide his
- A meal at a hotel for a fourteen year old girl, what madness! So Tara had to
beg him to let her accept the invitation, and it was his own mother who chose the
clothes you should wear.
When Tara Susan confided his doubts about going to eat at the prestigious
Davenport Arms, which was the most expensive hotel in town, with child outfit
that her mother chose him, Sue rushed her to his room and opened a blow the doors
of the wardrobe.
- Choose what you like; I'm sure you'll find something that fit properly True,
you're taller than me but you're so skinny rummaged the crowded closet, ignoring
the protests of Tara -. Look, put this - threw on the bed half dozen sets and a
crumpled cotton dress in a range of greens.

The dress was similar to some that Tara had seen in the shop windows of
Hillingdon. Cotton fabric was thin, very soft to touch, all bands skirt was handwoven and dyed to match the color of the fabric, neckline, the peasant way,
finished off the sides in two rounds slightly spacious bound by satin ribbons. Tara
dress to hold her against him, I knew instinctively that this should have been made
just for her. Later he got a little embarrassed not to have to prove it and n egado as
Sue had said, m aravilla suited her, so Sue was glad.
Tara made an attempt to protest, but Sue did not even listen.
- Otherwise no one will take insisted. My mother bought me; is another of his
acts of contrition.
The day of the birthday meal Susan, Tara dressed without enthusiasm. To his
surprise, ay had not made any comments about the dress that Sue had "borrowed"
it. As birthday fell on a Saturday, and, of course, there were no classes, Tara had
all day to get ready. Long hair washed, a touch of green shadow emphasized the
color and size of your eyes, and mel ri embellished her lashes. After putting on the
dress, she looked in the mirror and nodded; speaks forgotten that such a cut was
made for the straps to slide slightly shoulders.
After trying for a few minutes, Tara came to the forced conclusion that would
be much better without support. He shuddered to think of the reaction of James to a
thing; certainly in the circle it unfolded, even by mistake women would have the
ocurrenci to not wear a bra. Habindoselo removed, again studied in the mirror and
thought it looked perfectly with the jacket. He refused to think about what your
breasts provocative if not the sack that concealed position.
Ended lip gloss applied when he heard the car come James.

Sue was sitting back, and when Tara James came out of the car and opened
the front door.
- Sit in front with James! - Sue insisted. Do not you look wonderful? she
asked her stepfather. That dress is good for you.
T r or the fall in the afternoon, disguised her flushed cheeks joy. Was it his
imagination or did James' eyes had stopped on purpose in the firm curve of her
Made just ten minutes drive to the hotel. The parking lot was full and a
uniformed doorman approached, smiling, recognizing James.
They were taken to one of the windows of the restaurant section. Ran down
the river, its banks illuminated with colored lights mu lti. A refurbished boat was
moored on pier ca Dero hotel.
- What a great life! He exclaimed Your e dreamily. Forever and moving, new
faces, new places!
- What do you think, Tara? You asked James, Do you long for a different life,
- I would go some world - confessed pausado- Tara in tone, but people are the
same everywhere; the problems do not disappear just because a change of scenery.
- True, it is also a wonderful observation taking into account your age. How
do you consider the problems of life in general? - James asked a little mocking.
The implicit sneer in his voice irritate finished in itself, exalted, nerves of
Tara. Perhaps its susceptibility was exaggerated, but it seemed that James was
referring frequently to their age or lack of it, to be precise. And always the same
tone of irony.

- It is not always necessary experience something firsthand, to know it Tara

replied, annoyed. There is still the imagination.
- Nothing that was worth experienced, can be learned second hand James' I
replied softly, and something in his voice caused Tara blush, realizing that James
was totally out of it and it would be silly, on the other hand, treat it as if it were his
own age.
To please Sue, Tara also ordered a steak Diane style, followed by a dessert of
chocolate, although he noted that James refused the candy in favor of a slice of
Stilton and some biscuits. In honor of the birthday, he had ordered a bottle of dry
wine, which tasted just Sue in gestures.
J ames Tara laughed and chose to end his, even though c omparta His
rejection and wine.
It was hot in the restaurant and while waiting to serve ELC AFE Tara took off
his jacket caution, aware that her cheeks would not let go for a moment to betray, a
confused MIXED unaccustomed to the "coup" of wine and Stand or voltage in
which he found himself. James was discussing something with Sue, T ara When
reconfiguring or straightened to place the garment in the back of the chair; he
realized that he ran his eyes and his heart beat of senfrenado, reaching the height of
his embarrassment. He longed for a while protecting jacket had just taken off, but
his mortification was so great that did nothing but stand like a statue in his seat,
wishing that this was over once and for all. He was a lump in my throat. What
would James of it? He could not understand what had happened, but even in the
rigor of their lack of experience clearly perceived violent burning sensation in the
pit of his stomach, a stream of unbridled desire inside.

His hands began to tremble. It is just a glare school; however, there was
nothing innocent about the anxiety she experienced steady hands to feel it sliding
down his body as he did at that time the eyes of James.
- Tara - then realized that His and should have done a question, and was
forced to smile. You feel good? You seem pale. He said I'm ready to go, unless you
want more coffee.
Shaking his head, Tara fell a little behind purpose while out of the restaurant,
hoping that Sue will travel next to James back home.
But luck was not with her. As James opened the door, she said Sue sleepy:
- I will be traveling in the back seat. I will lie down and most likely come
home asleep.
The night was cool, and Tara winced as he settled into the car.
- Cold? It will soon be running the heating-and it made no further comment
until the car outside the house of Tara stopped.
In his haste to get down was not the way to open the door and had to suppress
a startled cry as he felt James crossed over it, feeling his breath on her cheek at the
time of opening the door. Tara thanked him without daring to look v Antar and Sue
go to wish good night, without t ti on his arm firm pressure of his hand.
- James -expres already asleep peacefully.
She began to tremble. He tried to pull away, opening his eyes as frightened as
he heard James whisper something, as he held his lips brushed hers, slightly dry.
- I've wanted to do this since I met You must move, he counseled common
sense, however, instinct urged him to stay where he was, experiencing the
sensations caused ba hand that bends under its seno-. Sue was right James's eyes

sparkled despite the darkness. This dress looks good on you. Like he said, stroking
the delicate bump that was the heart of Tara and thumb playing with rosy tips then
Tara felt desire dam when the attractive man leaned over her.
- By God, I must be crazy! You're still a child.
- No, I'm not-too late for trying it, because that night Tara had crossed
inadvertently, the threshold between adolescence and womanhood; He knew by a
kind of instinct that what inspired him James was no longer adolescent fascination.
I love you, He heard James say flatly, I love you ... I ...
- You do not know what you say - he growled, losing his voice as he kissed
her neck. Tara realized that he must reject it, but all that ella had accepted without
qualms female fondling him. In the back seat Sue and James moved away quickly.
He is breathing heavily and his eyes reflected the concern; Tara had no doubt that
James deseaba-. Tara, we should not whispered emphatically. It can not be. If you
grew up, you had at least some e xperience or if I was less ... -and shook his head
as he looked at her she. I refuse to do that, considering how much you WANT or.
It would not be fair.
- Will you tell me you what is just? 'I condemned Tara, a nd forgot for a
moment the barriers between them; Married oy he was to have between them a
considerable difference ed to des - Did you call just to make me feel well and then
move away?
James smiled with a hint of mockery.
- Oh, do not tempt Tara! It is for your good that I do this. Did you have some
idea of what you do to in m ? I want you in the broad sense of the word. I am a
man, Tara, not a child, and long ago started the games you have any idea yet!

In the back seat Sue moved. Mortification and hurt by it, Tara withdrew his
arm and hastened or out of the car with eyes clotted with tears.
In the morning he could not understand what had happened. In bed he
remained huddled, lamenting his ridiculous position. It must be the fault of the
wine, he could think of another way of explaining his conduct. The truth is I had
shown him how I felt about him, besides telling.
On a typical day he had spent part of Sunday with Sue, but felt unable to face
James. Said his mother, when he finished lunch, I had planned a walk and would
be away from home most of the day. No objec tio n put as the girl from before to
meet with Sue, liked to walk.
Welcoming have avoided further complications, Tara became a cotton vest
that matched her jeans and then opened the front door. Susan was likely to miss his
presence, he knew, but in any case could find some excuse. And if fate was so
cruel and James will take early and not see him again?
He was so absorbed in his thoughts that at first did not Percat or the presence
of a scarlet Porsche following her. When the car equal or she recognized him as his
driver. Nearly tripping, Tara looked forward to backward, but it was too late.
James had left the car and walked intentionally to her, while he grimaced.
- With running you will not achieve anything. He said, gripping his arm You
and I need to talk. I waited until you left your house, you'd rather flee suspected to
- We have to talk about Tara whispered, avoiding looking up and finding of
him Please let me; you are hurting me.
- It could hurt you if it wanted to. Do not make me need to talk to you now
that he warned sharply, cursing silently at my smo time forced her to get into the

car unceremoniously -. Tara - through the curtain of tears saw the hand of James
crossing to get tangled in her hair. She in turn had wanted to do the same thing.
Tara, there is no need to feel bad about last night ... or not v erme think again ... do
not deny it -expres interrupting Tara protests. I've been there a long time ago,
maybe your age, and still carry in my memory. There will be other loves, more
men he murmured, and believe me I'm sorry.
- And what I feel for you? Tara sought rte Picap or violently away from him.
James made safe before the door opened and imm e diately took her mu eca,
tenderly, pulling her to him,
- Tara, what do you expect of me, of us? He asked annoyed. You can not be
so naive not to see how much you iero what, I've had to fight, for your sake,
against myself. How can you think that I allow what seems so natural? The first
experience between a man and a woman is for her to some turning point in his life
and I think yours should not be with a man who is not free.
- Do you love me? He stepped forward Tara. Do not worry, nothing will
happen. I do not even mind not to see you again - he announced. I hate you!
This time James did not attempt to detenerl. She got out and walked a few
blocks before finding the necessary calm to understand that their nonsense
originated in resentment rather than genuine hatred. How could she hate him if he
It was almost dark when he returned home, exhausted, not so much as to
forget for a moment to James, whose name repeated until the venci or sleep.
At lunchtime the next day, Sue was sad.
- James went to America he informed desconsolada-. He left yesterday,

Is Tara's heart sank. You really would have gone out of necessity or was a
forcible excuse? Logically, she knew, had to be grateful and recognize that simply
acted as it should; It was impossible, however, feel less depressed and hurt if he
had left without saying goodbye.
A month passed, then two. Tara had assumed that her feelings would vanish
as the idea of the absence of James was maturing in it, though, for their evil,
seemed to blossom before wilting. Sue was enough to pronounce his name so that
his unbridled heart beat; see any tall man with dark hair and made her shudder.
A sultry August afternoon, when getting bored of herself, Tara went toward
the house of Sue. Supposedly, Sue's mother was to return later this month,
spending a few weeks in Hillingdon before returning to New York. He had also
been James? He asked quietly.
It was too hot and as was cycling when he reached his destination was
exhausted. The gray sky presaged a storm and Tara shivered despite the
embarrassment, as a child had taken panic by storms.
To dismount the thunder and lightning began. He left the apparatus frightened
and ran toward the house; nevertheless when he came to the back door was soaked.
Nervously he shook the doorknob and kitchen door opened immediately. There
was no sign of Sue in the kitchen.
He called several times trying not to panic over the storm.
Ten minutes without hearing other than the thunder convinced her that no one
was home noise. Sue often left open the back door by the way, due to fear of losing
keys and stay out. Tara guessed that her friend had gone to Hillingdon, for some
books to the library or shopping.

Tara turned on the radio trying to distract himself, only that the interference
was huge and abandoned the idea. Suddenly, lightning streaked across the sky and
an oak tree broke the back of the house. A short but loud cry came from the lips of
Tara. No idea of leaving the house, especially because the storm was getting worse
horror stood in the middle of the kitchen, eyes and ears in case the storm slowed.
I was so focused on the development of the storm did not hear anything until
suddenly the door of the kitchen or chirri. He turned his eyes widened in surprise
and stiffened.
There was James, with a formal suit and a briefcase in hand. Tara felt a
certain weariness in his speech and before he could react, the sound of another
blast reverberated with such force that seemed to have fallen on them. Solt or cry
and instinctively sought the protection of man.
- Tara, please! he cried while hugging her helplessly as the force with which
she threw herself at him or shake him Hiz.
- Do not say anything! Tara interrupted tap ndose ears to not hear more noise
than thunder frightened.
- Calm down! There is nothing to fear. You -suaviz James Are you aware of
your actions?
She nodded.
- Sue came to see, but it seems that is not He shuddered because it fell another
- You're soaked! - Exclaimed James. Let me get you a towel for hair He made
a move to get away but Tara or desperately clung to his shoulders, his eyes
pleading not the abandonara-. Everything is fine She tried to soothe her. Wait a bit,
be right back - or is zaf and went to the lobby.

A new Tara thunder caused another shiver, so enterr or nails in the palms. "I
do not take," he said. "He'll think I'm a fool. I try to control myself. " And he began
to rejoice in their own domain when another roar seemed to shake the house and a
ray of light shone zigzagging through the window. He lost all control and a cry
opened the door, got out and rushed toward the stairs, for which he rose quickly;
for some strange reason was to the room, she knew, was that of James. He pushed
the door without stopping, without taking into account the views of James and the
fact that at that time he was out of the bathroom with a towel tied around his waist.
He did not stop until he took her by the arms, making her blush.
- Tara, what am I going to do with you? She lost her words as she sank into
his arms, shaking with panic.
And Sensing that the words themselves would not be able to calm her down,
he took her by the window.
- Watch said calmly, almost passing storm. Gradually he is going away and
there is nothing to fear.
The sweet tone of his voice had a calming effect on the girl. His fear was
declining as it was contagious the warmth of strong thighs and softness of your
- Tara-for tone of voice, the girl knew he would soon throw in the fourth,
which hurt. Correspondida- caress and be desired. Tara -the control his voice asked
sanity, which she ignored.
- I do not despise James - he pleaded. Please ... I've been thinking ... about
what you said before leaving and -observaba curly hair on his chest and a feeling
of weakness I take hold of her.

- And -the apresur-, I think the last time we saw you told us that you hated
me. If all you want to repeat that, do not bother to do so.
Watching carefully, Tara had to admit that James speaks changed in the last
two months. It seemed thinner and the expression of his inexplicable look.
- I could not hate you, James confessed her sucking deepened. I love you and
even if ... you ... not correspondas I was going to say something else but could not
say word. And ... I want you to be my first lover. I ...
He did not say more. James hugged her tightly and filled with passionate
kisses neck.
- You Do not know what to tell him muttered. Nothing has changed ... nothing
- he added. I still love you and this is like a thorn that I nailed; I suppose I must be
crazy. Do not let pass, Tara he warned. For God did not allow! Now I ask you,
later there is no way of ...
- It is that I want to happen. Love me, James.
The hours that followed were something you never forget in your life; hours
of great delight, in which unknown sensations experienced unaware existed.
James, meanwhile, was known to be a considerate lover, so corresponding to
her passion that had led to the meeting of their souls, awakening her desire. It was
then that he told her he loved her, though he regretted what happened. Tara smiled
fascinated. He felt remorse six weeks because she knew she was pregnant. James
then went to for help and comfort. Only he was gone and Hilary laughed in her
face; cruelly she told she was just one of his adventures and James had also
laughed at it.
Tara was not telling the truth to Hilary. Later, through Sue she learned that
James had flown to New York several days before Hilary had to do to Hillingdon.

They met in New York, but not back together. And Tara knew why, because Hilary
had told him.
- Do not you understand, silly? - She had told him mocking - you got what
you wanted. Do not want dear, well, someday you had to get tired of you, it did not
mean anything other than a little fun with you. Poor thing! - He added. Is that
could think for a moment that he really cared about you? Honey, if I had not
neglected both, I'm sure you will not even have realized you. But it's amazing! An
inexperienced girl like you who could offer a man like James, who like the true
joys of this life and therefore women can provide them.
Tara recalled what he had suffered at his home, hu millada nauseum. That
does not che their mother forced to confess everything; his life was never the same
since. The afternoon endorsed James, Tara had been able to glimpse his own
greatness, but now he knew it was all a dream. Finally, where it was matured in his
living room when his mother ordered him to give up for adoption to the
illegitimate result of his folly, and that Tara refused to obey.

Chapter 5

Hearing footsteps approaching the room, Tara said that she was not alone and
putting aside his thoughts shuddered to see that the door opened.
- You feel better? Susan asked in a tone friendly. Tara nodded and he
commented Sue: But I see pale. Oh, Mandy is a love! He added smiling. You
should see her playing with Piers, it's so tender. And Piers, another charm!
- The baby is very sensitive - said Tara -. Too much, perhaps; at least
sometimes it seems.
I'll look out of place he asks my ventured Sue, but do you think you need a
- A male figure who reflected? - Growled Tara -. Despite what psychologists
are determined to make us believe, I still think that the security can provide a
person, it is better than the two they failed to agree.
- I agree - the apoy or Sue -; and I am glad that you follow the romantic
temple always do. I have been disappointed to hear you say one day you married
the first happened outside your window, just to give children a 'par ent ". Which
reminds me that I came to tell you that Mrs. Barnes just prepare tea.
- I'll get them muttered Tara while he followed his friend into the kitchen.
- Susan Tara She stopped and turned to look at her friend, do you think that J
ames has changed a lot? he asked hesitantly. Alec said to imagine things, but I say
that has something different.
- It was so they did not see that necessarily had to find different - cutting Tara

- No remarried after Mom, you know; Besides, I remember hearing warn,

during a cruise we did, never would give the divorce; that would not give you the
freedom to marry another, that neither thought.
- He changed his mind when he realized he had no choice Tara said with
sarcasm and immediately regretted saying it.
- Tara! - Susan was impressed and prey to disappointment, he added: I know
many people have thought that James married to my mother for money, but never
guessed you were one of them He took thoughtfully. Of course I always had the
impression that there was something wrong in that marriage. One day my mother
had to go to the United States, business thing, I think the death of one of its
members or so, the case is returned married to James, and the truth is ... pu is ... I
do not remember ever seeing them happy.
Sue was naturally look for ways to justify James.
- Oh, I know well that did not marry for love, 'continued Sue, but I refuse to
believe that indeed they have done so only in business thinking.
- No, of course! Tara said. I doubt that purity has been one of the virtues of
Sue's mouth twitched and opened the kitchen door. The three children were
sitting at the table. Further, Mrs. Barnes, who all seemed, smiled friendly to Tara.
- Mommy, and I took my tea! He stood up proudly Mandy, and helped Piers
eat. Simon has been playing.
- No, not you! she defended Simon, doing so for l was a horrible gesture.
- So how come you have not finished what I? - M an d the pieces of carrot on
the plate alaba S imon.

- Because I'm not hungry! - Arguy or small and Tara smiled tenderly.
- You can eat your ice cream if Anaho ria s z is not just, right mom? - Mandy
After reminding Mandy while in that week, but had not finished their sprouts
nobody said anything for having eaten chocolate, there was why Simon now
deprive your dessert just because he repelled carrots. At that time, the dog, Alec
and James entered the kitchen; without stopping the animal she went to Simon and
lay beside her tongue out somehow and speranzado co n the possibility of being
favored with carrots Simon had despised.
Alec went to take his son, which made it exult, and climbed the shoulder.
- Alec, you're going to be sick! Or do you just ate? Sue protested. Download
And as Simon had captured the attention of the animal and back again, Sue
and Alec did the same with your child. At the other end of the table, Mandy
watched from his place to the ground and then, flirtatious toward the tall, slender
figure of James. Tara felt a lump in my throat.
- Mandy 'said cautiously, but too late; Mandy turned to James smiling a
friendly smile and spread his arms in an attitude of demand.
Tara felt her heart skipped a beat as she watched her small, so vulnerable.
Never in his six years, he had seen Mandy making the slightest gesture of
complacency towards any man; Tara wished that her daughter had not chosen
precisely to James Harvey to make their first steps in that direction.
He saw James walk forward and suddenly, frowning, squinting his eyes and
turning his back to the girl.

Seeing the look of dismay of her daughter, whom she almost burst into tears,
Tara approached her and took her to lower it to the ground; He is looking furious
challenge to look at James.
Later, being arranging children for bed, Sue, who certainly had witnessed the
incident, he doubted what to say.
- I do not understand what happened to James. Its ele get along with children's
- Perhaps those who are not mine Tara replied.
- Well, I do not understand repeated Your e -. It does not make me normal for
"How is that you do not know!" Tara, inflexible thought. Unlike her and she
no illusions about the true character of James is doing. Behind the attractive and
virile that corpulent appearance, there could be no more than insensitivity.
It was changed for dinner with absolute reluctance. It would not be a tedious
evening. As for Sue, and had noticed it the friction that existed between his guests,
and he knew that Tara would not ignore the snub by James to the girl, his own
daughter. He combed his hair with some impatience and shade applied on the
eyelids and r i mel.
Susan had said that while they used to change for dinner whenever they went
to the field, tried to pick something as comfortable as possible; that was the reason
why Tara was decided by one of the groups that had been flattered, inspired by the
traditional kimono.
He had already used on other occasions, he liked so comfortable. And while
the hair in a bun held, studied his appearance in the mirror and perfume applied
along the neck as in the wrists. Almost loses his balance when meeting James just

out of his room, wearing a velvet jacket and dark well-cut trousers. He stopped to
see Tara closer and glanced.
In the distance, Tara heard a door open and then Susan's voice broke the
- Tara, you're beautiful! Tell me, where did you get that you're wearing? elland returned to the environment or the air of normality. Taking a deep breath, Tara
was able to respond.
- A gift? J ames's tone was contemptuous. And I imagine that suits you sell
your services for a couple of dresses. Dear, you really do not know how to value.
- James! Your e impressed I was almost dismayed Tara ... I ...
- Forget she defended Tara, forcing a smile. Contrary to James, you might
think, Chas pay my work - and purposely emphasized the last words, with the
cleanest currencies. Furthermore, I am assuming that I fancied having an affair
with Chas, would not she added quietly. They are the twins who I think without
doubt the best teacher is the example.
- Very noble of you - James intruded. What I transformed you are! What is
your secret?
- James interjected Your e he threw an arm around her shoulders; Tara was
his expression was swift.
- But do not worry - advised J Ames. He's smarter than you think, do you you
Embarrassed, Tara made it impossible to spin a phrase, comentari or loose,
sometimes rude or mocking it more than once perplexed His e. To think that he

had gone in search of peace and relaxation! He thought he would have been a
thousand times better have gone with Chas.
- Where you come from? Alex asked, jokingly, you are very thoughtful!
- I thought of Chas - answered, should spend these days with the -e going to
add something about your work outs surprised when J ames wincing reflecting
- You no longer remember what you said before dinner? She told him James's
ear. You should get at least according to yourself when you lie.
- Thanks for the advice - Tara used the same low tone, I'll take thought,
coming from you, for sure is the fruit of experience.
It was actually worse than I had imagined, why he entered the room with an
expression of despair. Alec had been insisting on serving brandy, the wine with
dinner, combined to make her feel good. First thing the next day would invent an
excuse to get out of there. I could not bear to J ames another day. How I dare he
look at her with disdain and disgust that as ridicule, as in any case it was the hint
and consequently, it was entitled to blame something? He finished the brandy take
it easy.
He did not know at what point the disgu s to that felt it became quiet. The
previous time had been listening, but without paying real attention, conversation
between Alec and James. Alec was known that James had great esteem, as hinted
by his talk; Sue had gone out to find Mrs. Barnes to give instructions about
breakfast the next day. So it was that was carried away by a kind of lethargy until
she lost all sense of reality.

Suddenly someone picked her up. This was the first time in many years, she
felt warmth and protection at the same time; murmur or something in his
unconsciousness, snuggling against his benefactor.
- Tara-the male voice was familiar, but also inflexible. Reluctantly he opened
his eyes, which immediately widened as he realized the presence of James leaning
toward her. Rest he said mockingly as she tensely moved to one side. You're safe
His gaze, cynical, he did appear pale cheeks blushed Tara vivid one. Or maybe - he
said carefully watching - perhaps not like to feel safe.
- Get out of my room! he ordered the girl gasped. Go out quickly! he repeated
with more force.
Once he left, Tara clav or eyes on the ceiling, avoiding thinking about what I
had felt to be in his arms, but when you close your eyes the scene come alive in
your mind. It was the same feeling of always, be protected. Restless, he moved on
the bed, trying to forget what happened.

- A fter breakfast, I'll go with Misty for a walk by the lake 'said Simon proud,
Ando hurried to finish his cornflakes. Tara smiled, reflecting on the pre s ion
would face if they had to return home accompanied by a new tenant: the puppy.
- Oh! Now I remember, James - murmured Sue - you phoned this morningand looked at Tara with descuidado- gesture. A neighbor who seems to invite one
with James.
- Yes, I think yesterday we met Tara said and forced a smile. Definitely they
make ... a good match.

James knew he was looking at, but not bowed. O tro side, to the surprise,
Mandy, despite the scorn that had been the evening before, bent over backwards to
attract the attention of James.
Sideways, Tara watched resentfully to see that he ignored the coquetry of the
girl. Could this happen in the case of father and daughter ?, he asked. Poor child,
how little I knew of nothing.
- I think a walk after lunch Mandy 'I said to James Would you like to join me?
- Mr. Harvey is busy to go walking with haste -Short girls, Tara, trying to
draw attention to the girl, but she ignored him.
- Why not? - Mandy demanded questioning look -. Perhaps he does not like
- This little known to defend their turf, is not it? asked Sue Tara almost
secretly. And what answer J ames?
The surprise crying James Piers saved to give an resp is a.
Seeing the child deal Tara felt a pain in his heart. While their children were
ignored and even despised, James lavished affection for the son of Sue. He
confessed that he was being ridiculous and rose quickly. The sooner would be
better to leave.
- Do not worry about them, they will be happy here outside- Sue assured.
From the bedroom window of Tara she is enjoying an excellent view of the
gardens and the pool, around which thousands of lilies were visible. Trusting that
Susan would be busy for a while with the child after lunch, he decided to wait a
half hour before notifying the decision. He was getting packed when alg or caught
his attention beyond the window. Approaching her, she watched the countryside.

Living in London was easy to forget the greenery of the countryside. If your
dreams come true and got succeed in one day establish his own business, it would
be somewhere quiet where Simon could have a dog ... dog! His heart suddenly
skipped a beat when he saw Misty jump into the pond after a stick thrown probably
wrong. And he was quickly kicked the water jump the queue. A feeling of terror
invaded Tara to see that Mandy was the dog. He opened the window and shouted,
but because of the distance it was impossible to hear the girl.
Panicking, she left the room and ran down the stairs. The dog could swim, but
Mandy no.
Terrible, wildest, thoughts rushed through his mind as he walked toward the
Lie both Sue and Alec, who saw quickly escorted out a little behind, but as it
approached the lake Tara saw no sign of the girl and shook frightened.
- She heard Mommy say to Simon, over here! -and he is automatically
directed towards the sound source.
Some bushes impossible to see the child. He pushed his way regardless of the
damage inflicted on their arms and legs. He found Simon standing in between the
grass beside the road and soaked. several meters below, lying on the floor, a small,
limp figure was attended by a tall man.
- Mandy! His cry was drowned out almost before his lips, m omentum in
which Alec and Susan reached; the latter held her trying to calm her.
- James? Alec hurried to reach him.
- He'll be fine - James said without looking up. He's just scared. I did not
know that the pond was deep and seeing Misty stepped forward.

Tara shivered and breaking out of Sue, went to kneel beside Mandy.
- I know - he said without encouragingly. I saw it all from the window but
could not do anything about it.
- I wanted to take the rod of Misty - he said Simon gasped. He had been
floating far away.
How many times had warned about the dangers of playing near water? she
wondered but knew it was useless to blame the children. It was his fault. If
something had happened to Mandy! It is r emeci. Had it not been embedded
thinking about how to get away sooner ... Mandy James shifted and opened his
- Mandy! Tears welled in the eyes of Tara, who had lost the control-. The take
in - said only that James had already raised in her arms. In the eyes of this came the
strangest tenderness, before hiding his face in a movement of his eyelashes, which,
Tara had always thought were perhaps too long and thick for a man.
- Do not bother, 'she said formally, but Mandy own murmuring interrupted
- No, Mom, I want you to take me James.
Carefully Mandy James deposited on the bed.
- Dr. Lewis will call for consideration - said Sue.
Clothing girl was more than soaked, muddy, and Tara undressed her while she
prepared the bath. Simon, meanwhile, sat watching the paleness of her sister.
James was leaving, but Mandy protested and had to stay.
- I want James bathe me - he said. His cheeks flushed, alarming Tara.

James has to leave she reminded him. And yet you have not thanked him for
having rescued. Actually I not understand how you could get there before me went to him. I saw from the window.
- I 'I replied James with hosca- voice, I just walked down the back stairs, more
direct. Agree - you added an insistent pleas Mandy, I'm not leaving. Come my
young friend! He took her in his arms again. Seeing so, Tara may have believed
that the snub of the previous evening had been his imagination ...
After the doctor examined the small, opin or:
- Children have an extraordinary resilience -comunic Tara amiably to see the
pale States. Much less vulnerable than we think, although they tend to exaggerate a
bit. I dare say that they give us more than he finished addressing graying James.
The print or finally caus effect on Tara, which opened or jos and noticed the J
ames, which in turn frowned. At every moment he feared that the doctor
commented the resemblance between Simon and James end. Both seemed that
Tara did not explain how he had not noticed; To his relief, the doctor did not
mention it. However, while Sue was with him at the door, Simon became serious.
- Why the doctor believed that J ames was our dad? You do not know that we
- I think not, darling - Tara leaned or COV hair and the face or the eyes of
I wish we had -suspir or dad Simon, anhelante-. If we had, we would live in
the countryside and would have a dog.
- Frankly, I do not think Chas S to unders could shoulder the responsibility or
J ames she whispered in the ear of Tara, while making the gesture of leaving. Or
do you?

The warmth of his breath in Tara caused a slight chill. Now that it was over
and that Mandy was fine, Tara felt her legs f q ue laqueaban and wished to go to
his room.

Duran you lunch the atmosphere felt somewhat peaceful. I was so men could
rule out a new invitation, he told Tara entertaining with delicious salad seafood
Mrs. Barnes had prepared, but not the enthusiasm that woke dishes alone.
- When I think of what had happened 'she said Sue shudder to express their
thoughts. And I will not rest until I see that pond covered, Alec.
- You need eyes in the back when it comes to babysitting -accedi Alec
smiling at Simon. Kids and puppy, who's stopping you?
For the good of Simon, Tara had been keeping the best composure.
He finished his meal, asked for permission and went to take a look at Mandy
and lie down for a while. Later, dropping heard the shrill voice of Simon, from the
library, which was mixed with that of James.
- James taught me to play chess Simon said proudly to discover his mother
poking his head through the open door.
- And it proves to be an excellent student support-James smiling so that Tara
transported to the James I ever loved. It was instant, his expression changed when
he looked.
- Did my daddy play chess? It was a curious child.
Tara gulped hard, looking away from the long fingers of James, who at the
time played with one of his black pawns.

- Yes he stammered doubtful. "Holy God, everything past is nothing with

what I'm living!" What happened to her? Was it perhaps still foolish enough to
believe in fairies, with a slight gesture that made him look all pink? What looked to
NTAS cu? Questions, finding no immediate response, pursued at least through the
What a relief! Bed knowing that the next morning would be on his way to
London after the end of ... week. Without the tremendous impression of what the
lake that med i HATE, many lasting memories were present! In a state of clear
consciousness, terrible time, just by seconds again he saw the figure of his
unconscious daughter on the grass and J ames auxilindola immediately. And, in
the distance, the slim male figure moving toward her, hugging her tightly.

Chapter 6

Sometime in the early morning, the reedy voice of Mandy woke her and she
ran into the room CHILDREN.
He found the door open, but it really realized until m asculine saw a figure
leaning over the bed ango sta.
- Mommy! - Without a word, Tara took the arms of James his prized creature
and began to rock her like when I was tiny. The noise woke Simon.
It took nearly half an hour to recover Mandy sleep. James had retired quietly,
murmuring sweet Tara phrases the girl's ear, something to soften their impressions
and comfort her.
I was all wet and dark, Mommy He complained the girl shudder. I thought I
would never see you.
And I saw the twins asleep, turned off the light and returned to his room. I
could not sleep, so he thought about taking a relaxing showered, little beads of
sweat running down his body as a result of stress and nervousness that chased his
dream. Suddenly the doorknob turned and saw Tara roll over to James who is taba
with a tray eh hand.
- I bring a milkshake! I heard noises and I assumed that you could not sleep. It
must be very hard struggle with His children in Tara unexpected appearance
caused a deep bewilderment, while receiving tray his hands trembled. He gave
thanks. Sight he began to tell him, because we are adults, Tara. Moreover, as if we
were family. Are not we even once to treat us like normal human beings?

His words caught off guard. He turned to hide his reaction, but stumbled
stepped on one extrem or robe. l stepped forward to stop and glanced.
All this reminds me, do you? 'I had removed the tray ay his nervous hands,
alarming Tara, who avoided at all costs the mesmerizing power of her gaze.
- It may be that you have not changed, James - he drawled r trying to
preserves the calm, but I do.
- What does that mean?
- I Do not want to see you around ... me or that concluded Tara touches,
making a move away from him.
With a savage gesture James grabbed her arms.
- Oh, no? Please! he murmured. Well, why not try to see how resistant your
She felt trapped by the throat; It was a different feeling I experienced
yesterday morning, but in the same paralyzing way. He tried to go back and tore
his robe exposing her to the male gaze insolent. Those icy eyes roamed the gentle
curves of her breasts, the delicate design embroidery that covered it was more of a
reason than a barrier to penetrating gaze.
He instinctively sought cover, but James caught her wrists.
No need to pretend, at least in what we had agreed, I think -provoc a chill
that ran the slender figure of Tara. Using your fingers, he stroked James what his
eyes had seen, pushing the fragile protection of the torn robe to expose the soft
curves of her body, now only hidden by pale green clothes intimately. Silk!
exclaimed James admired, while stirring to Tara he passed his hand over sostn-.
Generally, there are two reasons why a woman wears fine lingerie remarked

sarcastically. One is that some love is splendid, and the other, that she try to coax
some. I wonder what your case, Tara.
You're wrong, 'he said angrily. He gave me one of Chas customers, and of
course not ... She stopped. Why confess that I did not wear garments for whom? I
had never had, except him!
- Oh, no? It was contemptuous. Are you trying to convince me that you do not
dress like that to the delight of your fans? I never thought a woman with your
experience commit such offenses. Is it that you have never said how exciting it is
to undress yourself to your lover?
- I guess you speak from experience. I suppose a man like you does not
require such childish methods.
- What for? he sneered, interrupting. To satisfy my desires hindered? No,
Tara, that's not the key 'I warned ...
With great effort, Tara took courage as desperation a lump in his throat.
- Look, James -pudo say-I think this has gone too far. ... I'm tired and would
like you to leave my room or ...
- Or what? -the rhetoric. You shout? I do not think so.
He bowed his head and his breath ruffled curls female forehead.
Well, what about, Tara?
She stared at him, I could not believe what was happening.
No, James His cry did nothing but cause him a grimace, while his hands slid
to take her by the shoulders and pressed his lips to the girl, who felt unable to
reject it despite their efforts.

- What a great actress you, dear! he murmured while kissing her. If you do not
know better, I'd swear you're still sweet, innocent girl that I ...
- You destroyed? - He concluded Tara bitter, hurting when trying to leave him
because his fingers clung to his shoulders. He tried to escape to see the face of
increasingly overshadowed James, expressing cruelty mouth while looking bra
clasps boldly.
- Very clever, but believe me, you're wasting your time! I know you and I
pride myself on having a good memory. How much do you wait, if you can say
that, to marry him after what happened between us? If children are six years old, as
Susan says, it would be easy to accuse you of infidelity, rather. At most six months
had passed between the time that I swore eternal love and your wedding.
- She never loved you she defended. He wanted to pay the same coin. It was
then a deluded fool.
- That I became a woman! - He looked into her eyes, her lips clenched. Did
you tell him you had been different? No? Why?
- Why do you think he necessarily had to bother? -the fear had gone to feel
stung by disgust, do not you imagine that would get me for what I am, a human
being? You can not even dream that such a thing could happen he continued -. You
are simply unable to inspire a sense of nobility.
It was scary look James. She gave no thought a step back, maybe it was a
mistake, as it approached the turn toward the bed. James smiled savagely.
- I think it's time to remember the kind of emotions that I can inspire threatened calmly. Was taken by the waist, hands rose to her breasts, covering

Tara breathed agitated. His heart was rampant and skin beneath the silk
burned by contact with James. l his hands from Tara's breasts and unhooked her
- J ames! He protested in vain as he pulled her toward him Mane ra that she
felt the heat of the male body.
Lips to lips, barely let her breathe, imposing their superiority. This was not
the man she had loved, thought when he turned to caress her breasts almost hurt.
Tara suddenly felt free but James still had prey.
- What about you, Tara? -the instig-. Are you afraid of not resist, I do not
accept that I am indifferent?
She smiled proudly.
- You're so vain not to realize that he no longer likes me?
- Oh, no? With that response Tara knew she'd made the biggest mistake. l
loosened all the pressure of his embrace. Let's see how far we can go, okay?
Tara or is alarm, but was not willing to budge, so he set out to ignore the way
James stroked, her against him.
Tight-lipped, Tara was able to depart a moment, just once more James was
sufficiently skillful and showered her with kisses full of passion. Suddenly the
mattress sagged with the weight of both experienced and Tara felt forgotten
- You will not escape easily! - He foreshadowed the Tara away shrug his face
and body. James grabbed her hair, forcing her face back and be at the mercy of that

I had forgotten that kind of feelings; I was amazed at how devastating it can
be the power of desire, ignores teaching and advice, whirlpool wrapping, and has
devoured. The weight of James the increasingly excited. It was obvious that he was
also in that state. She caressed her breasts, arousing those pink buds that ripped a
warmer response to the young.
'You want me, Tara -arrastr the words, and unfortunately for me, I love you
His lips brushed the smooth curve of the breasts and the girl shuddered with
desire. Suddenly he forgot his sufferings and hugged him while kissing him
thirsting for an answer, being happy to be narrowed in that wild way. No longer
offered resistance to the burning urgency of J ames to kiss her, on the contrary, ma
s she arched against him. She stroked him, while with one hand looking belt
From time to time his movements were interrupted and James knelt on the
bed with a sneer.
- Who told you not excited? -the challenged.
Who was this monster? He could hardly believe his conduct.
- Oh, but do not worry! I guess not discovered the black thread insisted James.
Do not keep doubt about that, anyone else would have done the same with some
experience ... He walked away in disgust. I showed what I wanted and did not
expect that, as a gentleman, immoral meets your instincts. Read newspapers, Tara he added. Chas Saunders and his team give beauty to talk to the press.
Tara may well replicated him, but had no strength for it and it was also a knot
in my throat. What it mattered what he thought ?, asked annoyed. If you wanted to
believe she was just another adventure Chas, as he believed. L and did not care

their opinion, or so thought at first because, for a while after he left, had to admit
otherwise. It was not fair, why did his body betray that? How could she forget so
soon the humiliations of the past? I wanted to be excused thinking it was just a
sexual desire, but something told him that was not right. His desire for J ames was
not just physical, recognized while listening to the chiming clock. The truth was
that, beyond the contempt he felt for him, she was still p ara attractive, alluring.

With swollen eyes, sleepless, he decided to behave as normal during breakfast

with Sue, who in e is m omentum tried to convince Tara to return that same month,
only it refused alegand or on behalf of the pre s ions of their work. Mandy seemed
to answer the accident, but give Tara thought two days of rest before returning to
school. James flirted with secret, causing her to be jealous. He impressed his
reaction. Jealous of his own daughter, a girl? Just I could not believe it. Tara asked
Sue to report about somewhere taxis nearby.
- A taxi? He scared Sue. But Tara! Why do you want a taxi? Everything is
ready. James will take.
- There is no need to take so much trouble replied while gazes crossed from
side to side of the table.
- No hassle - softened him, I must go to London Tara he clenched his fists in a
gesture of helplessness. He must know that he would hang a chance to take; for
some mysterious reason, James seemed determined to torment her more.
- You Do not want James to take us? Simon asked doubtful after breakfast
upstairs where Tara had taken to bring them sweaters.
- And that does not take us on the Role ls? Of course you do want, you fool! Or she answered.

This time James made no comment when she climbed into the back, co n
twins. Tara did not want to think about whether it was a snub.
As they approached London, Mandy was more pr eguntas James, wanting to
know where she lived and worked. l answered calmly, though Tara watched
through the rearview he grimaced in disgust. She blushed to remember how those
lips had caressed a few hours earlier.
They began to cross the suburbs of the city family. As the twins were
entretenid you at some u n game, James did not ask anything and suddenly stopped
fren where you lived Tara and the twins.
Without a word, he got out and went to open the door, pushing Mandy Tara
side so that the brushed and a chill ran through her.
Of course, he thought as he leaned out of the car, do not invite to spend.
Mandy James put on the floor, but the girl does not release the flap waiting for a
kiss she got.
- Girls, girls! he complained Simon impatiently, while James took Tara's arm,
helping her down.
- Are not you going to kiss mom? he asked Mandy in the street, looking from
one to another; Tara was flushed.
- You are red! -the denounced or Simon, maliciously. Mandy, Mom has gone
- Adults do not walk here and there kissing, and that you very well know she
defended the young.
- Uncle Chas kisses you! - Mandy argued. I saw once I got thirsty, then I left
the bed and lowering surprised.

James's gaze was full of confidence. Tara recalled the incident: Chas had
arrived unannounced this time, wanted to discuss some aspects of the work for the
next day, or so he said. They sat on a threadbare couch, when he began to hug her
and then tried to kiss her. He had separated from him almost immediately, but
never imagined that Mandy had seen.
- I know it's not my life J ames said quietly, but would not have thought of
those poor kids before I let you drag by your impulses? Do you want to grow up
learning what you are and why you despise? I'm not the father, but ...
Tara laughed hysterically.
- All right! She cried the girl. If you are not the father, then you're not my
jailer-and crossed in front of him before he could do anything, speeding toward the
twins home. No children were so close, so I had not noticed the dialogue, although
some details, gestures between them. "It was not her father" if he knew the truth!
Tara thought seeing the children safe inside the house and the Role ls away.
How dare use that tone of moralistic when it was he who destroyed his
innocence; no matter how freely they had surrendered, i will not nteres that his
wife had been insulted. A woman who had scorned and ridiculed until the saw
away sad and humiliated, dreams in tatters and trampled pride. And he had known,
so much so that Hilary encouraged to act as he did. It was unforgivable. Without
saying that theirs was over, he allowed James to do the difficult Hilary instead of
him, hiding under the pretext of business to attend abroad, and allowing outside
Hilary who destroyed what little was left of their illusions. He shuddered to
remember when Hilary said that together, she and James had laughed at her and
her sickly passion for it.

- Do they really could believe that James was going to meet, silly? Hilary
scoffed. Dear James is a grown man, and like any other take what is offered,
especially when what has been offered so blatantly the way you did. Poor girl, a
beautiful body, a more existence. You should have thought.
This had been away from that house, where he had sought the advice of James
about the child who was on the way, but found none. If you found it difficult to
confess, thinking he loved her, now that he knew he had taken as a diversion ... a
hobby. His pride was hurt, and regardless of whether James had been in England
and not in America, just around the corner, Tara was now something he never
would say.

Chapter 7

Tara was tough to return to her routine. As we had foreseen, Chas was
unkind, rather cutting the first day, but I knew and did all the "outbursts" of his
life, would be compared with James, it was impossible to treat. Perhaps it
influenced by the fact that she and Chas was no such a strong emotional bond.
To all this the children also put their two cents. Back at school, Simon was
talking all the time of the incidents mentioned travel and Mandy James unabated.
The situation became critical one evening, ten days after his arrival back
home. He had to deal with an intractable Chas, uyo c treatment he had brought to
the point of endangering his equanimity.
On the other hand, nor later taking children to school, they managed nothing.
Simon, invariably teatime, Taba is compor strangely, until you Agot or patience.
- What is it, Simon? - He asked after Mandy were to see one of his TV
programs you favorit.
Nothing, 'said the cutting child.
Come on, son, 'spoke fondly must be something common, is it not? Reiste
with Davy?
'I do not short-for response, Tara hesitated.
- So? He insisted the girl.
- Why we do not have Dad?
The surprise of the question left her speechless for a moment. Both children
knew their father was dead, Though not often mentioned, Tara responded naturally

any doubts, reaching to take pride in his skill and tact in this regard; Maybe that
made her confident.
- You know it well - as calmly as he could replic-. His father had an accident
before you were born.
- So when we were born, we had no father? He insisted the boy.
Almost obligatory, Tara repeated the story he had invented to get to London,
pregnant. He knew it by heart. Simon remained attentive to each of the words of
his mother.
- David Roberts says that children who are born without a father ... well, who
are despised.
Beyond the real signifi c ado about Simon's words, what Tara was disturbed
that the child feel like a despr and CIO, and also gave him a place among his
friends; it was cutting them.
He could not control the situation. More than once he stayed awake fighting
determination not to reveal the true circumstances of his birth, especially when
they grew up. Of course when they grew would like to know more about his father,
but was to save them from an emotional shock as well as a likely rejection of his
father and the recent events they had reaffirmed their decision. What James did
could only mean that did not want his side ... and his attitude ll hurt ego, which was
ridiculous if he thought he had no idea about who was the father of twins. So he
behaved that Tara did not notice any change, but she was sure to be something
more than mere indifference conduct that he believed originated in the fact she was
the mother.

At best he could pitch some confidence back to Simon, emphasizing between

all that David Roberts was wrong, why give so much importance to the question of
- Well, if we had a father, how come no photos of it? 'said Mandy, who then
entered the room and looked in the same way as did James accusingly. For a
moment, Tara felt confused.
His story was that he had sid or lightning courtship, after which they married,
and he had to go away after the honeymoon; therefore, almost they had not had
time to think about anything. Her husband had been orphaned invented, which
explained why no relatives beside "him." Meanwhile, at some point the children
accepted, but I could not forgive was his lie. How long will you believe?
- I wish I had a dad! He kept saying Mandy, who did not renounce the subject.
One uncle James.

E1 Tara heart skipped a beat as he peered through the gate of the school and
watch Sue talking to the twins. He attached as was her friend did not want to
entertain themselves in a useless talk.
The character of Chas had worsened throughout the week, so at the end of this
Tara was exhausted. Thank God it was Friday!
Sue's eyes lit up when he saw her, but her smile faded when he saw the
condition of his friend.
- What do you have? He asked worriedly. Do not you feel good?
- It's nothing Tara muttered, a little tired, perhaps, come on, you two! he
ordered the children, hoping that Sue was not to stop her. Get in the car!

- We talked with Uncle James! Mandy interjected without realizing the

astonishment of his mother. Wine in his car.
And he was flattered by your daughter Sue remarked with a chuckle -. It
seems that James has become a favorite for "Dad."
Fear gripped Tara, however, was careful not to reveal it and forced a smile.
- I came a little early because I want to ask Mrs. Ledbetter two weeks for
children next month. We'll go to. United States to visit my mother explained Sue
doing face. Visit forces gives I assure you. Well the thing is that James offered to
bring me back and soon for me. Ah! He smiled, here already.
Tara was freezing when he turned and saw James approaching. Mandy shook
off Tara's hand and before it react, rushed to James; For its part, contrary to what
one might think, he lifted the child and held it in her arms. In an intuitive gesture,
Tara turned to Simon, who, strangely, remained at his side. She felt her heart
skipped a beat when he noticed the expression of anxiety reflecting the child's eyes
as he watched James and Mandy. James apparently noticed little reaction as it fell
to the girl and knelt to get up to Simon. He asked if he would go to the zoo.
Simon smiled immediately and Tara felt resentment at the ease with which
James monopolized the twins.
- All my fault ino -interv Sue realizing the situation. Alec and I have to do
some shopping before the trip ... you know my mother would never forgive me
erme v wearing unfashionable ... I disinherit me! The fact is that James was kind
enough to want to take the child tomorrow afternoon. And I think he could not pick
a better place than oolgico z ... A Piers loves penguins.

Tara wanted to protest in the sense that their opinions could well have been
taken into account, not including children. Finally, it was done and there was
nothing to disappoint Simon.
- You know why you do, 'continued Sue with laughter. Ce ne if Tara help.
T ara paled as she realized what it was: Sue was willing to say anything
unless the invitation to the children, extended bi na ta m it. Experiment or an
uncontrollable rage.
- I like how, then, to be snubbed said dryly. I'll be busy tomorrow.
- Which leaves us in a position of having to arr alone eglrnosla James
interjected calmly, straightening up. What qu hour step for them? he asked. I
thought, among other things, to go somewhere for tea.
Somehow Tara said one hour, because that look mesmerizing.
At that time the sun filtering through the clouds, causing a flash such that
Tara made her hesitate. The roughness of male arm around her waist and rubbing
against your skin sack produced in Tara a shudder that alarmed her.
A sudden fit of laughter Sue's back to reality.
- Look at Simon -urgi, since the child was watching attentive to a child who
was on the other side of the street. Children are the great mimes - he added.
Standing there is a lot like James, it certainly is imitating what he saw in him.
Fear froze to Tara. He did not dare to look at Jame s not needed to see Simon.
He knew how much he resembled his own pad r e.
He struggled to keep his composure when her ey James had not given
importance to comment. He called the children by encouraging them to get in the
car. Simon was beaming for the invitation. Just he opened the car, something

beyond their control made nay. Their eyes met the steely gaze of James. Surprised,
looked down trying to overcome anxiety that invaded.
He was about to go crazy, he thought on the way home. And, too, he had
noticed something special in the eyes of James; something threatening. But what
reason would there be for that? Whatever it was, was not it meaning.

The joy of the children came to m to maximum to the next noon, while Tara
was relieved when James came by them, with Piers accommodated in the back
Tara saw James across the front lawn of the house and her heart beat desenf r
enado to open the door and see him dressed in tight black pants, shirt and a leather
jacket. He seemed younger and sensual. He smiled tenderly twins. Tara felt a
strange feeling to look. What happened? Did he regretted not having agreed to go
with them?
-? Ready asked James and while children chanted "yes" Tara asked what time
The look James gave her made the girl wanted to punch him in the head. In
his eyes he shone cynicism and smirked. Without uttering a word, she hinted that
she had any "reason and special" to want to know when the twins return. He tried
it, controlled, while James answered him coldly:
- You'll have enough time for anything you can think -the looked mockingly,
as fury grew in the young.
Half an hour after the children and James were gone, someone knocked on the
door. Tara was cleaning glasses so bothered by the interruption. It was likely that

neighboring de1a sometimes cared for the twins, whose husband is involved, it was
well known, spent Saturday watching sports.
Upset, he opened the door apologizing for his appearance and finish speaking
saw Chas, with a bouquet of roses in one hand and a bottle of champagne in or tra.
- Chas -balbuc and -, but what ...? I-he had to keep quiet as he entered and
closed the door behind him.
- Where are the elves? - Asked jokingly, as he put the bottle on the table in the
hall and followed Tara into the living room, with roses still in his hand.
- They left you answered evasively: But Chas, what are you doing here?
- Call him "sorry" -torci mouth. I can not say it I one of those people to work
with is nice ... especially lately; as one of the models I had noticed yesterday, I
would make good if I lost the best assistant I've ever had - and smiled. A beautiful
model is better than I noticed, do you remember? The model with which we were
taking photos for the announcement of shoes.
I remembered. The brunette with brown eyes and tousled hair vivid.
- I felt guilty for that kind of sexual "hunt" among many other crimes, so I
decided to follow his advice, come and offer my apologies.
- If we apologize flames Tara said with a smile and accepted the flowers, I
wonder what it would be if there were really to apologize.
- At least a weekend in Paris - Chas replied mischievously. Only it might not
have the desired effect.
Feeling more relaxed in his presence, he smiled.
- I'm really sorry, Tara -reiter or -. I behaved like a fool while I know. For
various reasons, and certainly not the last your lovely body. I agree that this is a

comment out of place - acknowledged before her protestara-, but I am. Besides,
you're a desirable woman, and has been frustrating to me hold you so close and
know that if I try anything, your response will be rejected. The truth is I do not
puffed up anything your reaction, believe me, and the only consolation is I think
than the exception for "rejected". Anyway, I've come to tell you is that I "come to
his senses" and that from now on will only import the work between you and me,
do you like?
Tara smiled and suddenly had no choice but to shut up and accept when Chas
proposed providing for their renewed friendship with the champagne he had
brought, but take that kind of drink to three in the afternoon out not one of their
habits .
At five Chas left. Tara realized that was a third of the contents of the bottle
and ashtray were two cigar butts, the smell still hung in the air: It had to accept the
strangeness of their relationships with men, even the most innocent.
Then he went to finish washing the windows and at the end decided to take a
dip while returning children. His was agreed and would take them home, so he got
clean underwear, one player and jeans nd ja dry your hair alone.
I was beginning to understand the plot of a novel about a legendary family, a
book that he had received as a Christmas gift and speaks not read, when the
doorbell rang. Looked at his watch and frowned, they were barely six o'clock.
Opened the door waiting to see His e with the kids, but all I saw was James
still dress and evening, dark pants and shirt that the rising shadow of the afternoon
gave a sombre look.

The first thing that jumped to mind seeing him alone, was that something had
happened to you l Twins, but before he could act out their fears, James was already
inside the house and closed the door while assuring him that everything was fine.
- Your e Alec were delayed, so in addition to accompany them to the zoo, she
decided to take them to McDonalds. We wanted to call you all the time but the
phone was busy and as His and imagined you could worry; I offered to soothe your
maternal cravings. Although ... I think there was no need to rush James said
looking at the ashtray and the bottle, to which Tara, against his will, blushed. His
gaze was full of cynicism; She wished for a moment defe n Derse of the charges,
without words hung in the air.
- I'm sure you must have something to do - opin or young.
- Do more than you? - He said, crossing the room to take the phone and then
realized that Tara was off the hook, explaining that his and tried in vain to call. An
excellent precaution - he added sarcastically. And now you expect the same
"friend" this afternoon or ...?
'For your information-what she interrupted, this "friend" is my boss. He came
to ...
- A drinking champagne and bring him roses he finished with malice. But, of
course, quite natural in the case of the boss! God, Tara, had another idea about
you! It -torci mouth. I understand you need a man, after all, you are a very sensual
woman. But Chas Saunders! Do not you have any pride? You do not mind sharing
it with each model encountered?
- Bed in this house is mine - aclar or Tara with studied sweetness, trying to
control his disg or Sto. So the question left over.

- Maybe not for now he murmured. Maybe it's time to give him a taste of their
own chocolate. I can not believe you've become so complacent that overlaps his
"adventures" that is that it costs nothing to make the public child OMI d.
- Thanks for the advice Tara was furious. How dare he criticize and censure
Chas, when ...? -. Your altruism is authentic?
The look James gave, hateful, indic Tara or spoken over the limit. He stepped
back a scream as she felt repressing male hands holding her shoulders.
- What are you trying to say? -pregunt or softly. What I propose to share your
bed? Why not? At least, it would be an interesting experience, a good courtship; I
met the girl and the woman you've become. Although, I guess going to tell me that
if I had not killed your husband you had wrapped Chas Saunders. Strange custom
that women have always blame the man!
She wanted to answer, but his mouth was dry. Small beads of sweat covered
his body, and pain did not stop bothering him in the stomach. His rage increased.
What was wrong? Was it perhaps the idea of sleeping with James's excited? He
shivered under strong pressure from the hands of James, hoping to find the words
to mediate in this dialogue, because it made her feel as enslaved, silent. Emitting a
faint moan, he could spread a little of it and run up the stairs without thinking
where he was going, but he wanted to escape the threat he represented.
His room was his refuge. The glass of champagne that had gone before
bathing, which made her feel ridiculous, was still on the nightstand. He looked
scared to hear the firm steps behind her and noise revolving handle. He turned and
eyes almost popping out of their sockets. James leaned against the door, and closed
just what came. He had removed his jacket and his tanned chest protruding from
the unbuttoned shirt. The young man ran his gaze, confused.

- What are you doing here? He stammered. Please go.

- You ran and I followed like James said calmly. So this is the little game, is
not it? - Turn he glanced, crossed the room, raised his glass and gestured. Very
romantic he or a glass of champagne is enough when it comes to sharing ... the
- So I see you're an expert in this field - he faced without fear, driven by a
current of anger, but his cry was silenced by being held by the arms. What then
read in those depths of anger that had become the eyes of James, was a fatal threat.
- Now what are you trying? he asked, almost whispering in his ear. Provoke?
None of that 'she trying to break while annoyed with herself for the feeling of
weakness experimentab to face James; only weakness was a desire to merge into
those arms, to be led by them ...
As if his thoughts had been guessed, James turned toward him slowly and put
his fingers into his silky hair. Tara did not leave his astonishment.
- Why not? Why not? - He whispered as he brushed his lips against hers, just
suggesting a kiss, as an expert would with the strings of a fine instrument, in order
to steal the most exquisite of the notes. Tara was beside himself, abandoned the
immense pleasure to be offered in response to this recognized master your body ...
and worshiped.
Senseless thoughts confused his mind, like butterflies that flutter around in
vain light.
Tara whispered. Her lips quivered contact with skin that, while it slipped from
his head to his neck. Sensual touch caused a joyful feeling in Tara.

- Tara, Tara, you're a witch. I have bewitched he groaned impatiently now

take the playera-. Seven years - he continued, saying while caressing her breast.
Tara moaned.
The girl's hands were now under the shirt of James, running anxious warm
Suddenly he felt a hand of James that was unbutton his pants and tried to
protest but the imposing closeness of him stopped him.
Within seconds they fell down his shirt and pants Tara. James hands roamed
slowly as if they were burning fire.
- Tara muttered causing chills. His docile body seemed a pen when he rose to
deposit it on the bed. Tara - husky voice made her blink and look at the ignitionface. Undress' I pleaded. Before you were too timid, ignorant, trembled in my arms
so she feared hurt, but now we can give us pleasure equally 'I unhooked her bra to
expose the white contours of her breasts with their pink blossoms; until his
breathing short and violent, he did shake that body already excited. By tilting the
head to pose lips in one breast, a feeling of pleasure ran with such force that almost
caused pain; a difficult feeling to endure, especially when he repeated that caress
with some anxiety, while his body arched against her.
With fingertips, James stroked her soft belly of Tara, which caused her a
- Tara, I want you, do not make me wait too whispered without losing contact
with your skin. You're a woman, not a girl and ...
- Does that mean I can take with me what you want? - Angrily he asked to see
him stop. Rage and remorse invaded. How foolish she had been to get carried away
so easily by the impulses of his body, not just your body, so they wanted his mind

and heart! Actually, nothing had changed from James, or his motives. Faced with
this conclusion, the reason for his almost systematic of all men who approached
her rejection confessed, and why had not allowed anyone related to: James still
loved. She loved and hated him for his neglect. Now she was there, confirming that
while the despised, was not immune to the appeal of his body. You'd be a fool if he
fell back into his trap.
James suddenly felt her body stiff, which made him straighten up, her eyes
and making a gesture of contempt.
- So now you change your game. I think I prefer you as you were.
He stood with his back as he stuffed the shirt into your pants and she took his
- Is this what you made me follow you here? Why disappoint? You had not
bothered - he said insulting. Sooner or later I would have realized that he was
taking a woman who knows how many have been before me. And the way you are,
desirable, however I felt some annoyance that puts me on guard against your false
He grimaced while looking at Tara, which still remained, unable to grasp the
enormity of his insults. He walked to the door when she regained speech.
- Soon you screw up, I would say; I wonder how you did not happen to marry
the mother of Sue.
- He Thinks so ... Tara thought that James was going to hit and even more
huddled with eyes reflected fear; however, he seemed to make a superhuman effort
and holding back, left the room, leaving her alone. A few seconds later she heard
the front door close.

Chapter 8

THE end, the spring gave way to summer. The growing mood of Chas Tara
made it easier to ask a few days off to spend with the kids who were on holiday.
Especially today walked excellent mood, she noticed to hear whistling in the room
next to the studio and could not help but wonder how much of that joy would be
the result of assiduous relationship with Nina, the pattern of dark hair.
The previous week had brought the study to be presented with Tara, and was
so nervous and awkward as any child. Most likely, he thought, he was that his
bachelor days were numbered.
- You Got something to do tonight? Chas asked to get Tara to tell her that he
would leave immediately. The girl refused c on the head, whereupon he announced
that his house would probably later, although he did not mention the reason.
Spend some time with his family, it was that Tara had planned and done, not
for the note that his aunt sent him. He told her that his uncle was in full
convalescence due to a heart attack. She called right away to make sure your actual
state of health; it was nothing serious, but certainly would be impossible to present
with the two children. When hanging was saddened.
He still did not pass the depression when Chas came, happy.
- What? he asked after Tara poured tea. It looks like you've missed something.
Tara told him everything.
- And children are very much annoy here at home ... go figure! All summer,
its i Photos, Map ones. Especially Simon, you know how much you like the

- And they could not to go your friend? he suggested, watching her

thoughtfully, seeing her move her head vehemently. Tara knew that her friend
would be pleased, but she did not want to think or in the remotest possibility of
tripping over James. He had enough with the children, who lost no opportunity to
emphasize the virtues of "Uncle James." - Well, then it is certain that this time has
come to him extending a thick added on to Tara, labeled with his name. Puzzled,
he took it and examined it. Come on, open it! Chas impatient He does not bite.
He opened awkwardly. Inside was a folded note and a check, which fell. He
stooped to pick it up and opened his eyes amazed at the amount. Furthermore, it
was in his name.
- Before you suspect something, it is only what you have won justice co n 'he
assured her in a firm tone. Remember those photographs you suggested for Vogue?
Pure imagination! Actually, I was distressed that it was not twice that sum.
- Chas! He made a lump in his throat as he fumbled as long as you are not to
- Use it in children and in you, give yourself a good holiday! You need - Chas
added somewhat mischievously. Believe me, the money is to know get juice.
Mourn would have been silly, but the surprise and tenderness of Chas moved
her to do so.
Chas intervened immediately handing one of the scarves which invariably
used with models that exasperated to tears. He held in his arms.
All luxury was unknown to console himself on his shoulder, as he would with
a brother, and even smiled to hear him speak in the tone of the adult relatives,
especially the guys.
- Come on, no more tears! You should be happy and not sad.

- And I'm Tara raised her tearful face.

- Mommy! Mandy said as he entered the kitchen and parrseles the side. Why
Uncle Chas hugs? he demanded casually looking at Chas.
- Because mom felt bad and I was kissing that compose it - Chas replied to
roguish tone, and raised his eyebrows expressively to Tara to see Mandy furrowed
brow. Something tells me no joy in popularity around the world - he said once
Mandy sali-. And by the way, who is this guy James, who both hear you name?
- Nobody came the immediate response from the girl. Tara's eyes reddened at
Chas, though he said nothing about it and said it was time to move by Ni na, who
take her to dinner.

F avorecida with that money, Tara went for lunch the next day arranging a
trip for her and the twins. They would go to Dartmoor, a place that considered
ideal for twins.
Simon would enjoy the spring and wildlife, while Mandy certainly you would
love the sea and picturesque villages. He was lucky to be able to set aside a small
hut not far from the coast. In addition, after paying all, he still was enough to buy
supplies for the trip.
Purchases would make the next day, he decided to look at the clock and see
what late it was. To retrieve the time to take him shopping, he wanted to stay and
work longer hours. A phone call to the neighbor was enough to take the
commitment to pick up the kids at school. In addition, Janice promised to be aware
of them until Tara arrived, and co mo was key to the house and was very
affectionate with children do not speak worry.

that night He was surprised to feel some agitation in J anice, upon receipt. The
woman was somewhat curious.
- With me you've been cheating! - Tara accused at the time of opening the
door. Where did you get it? he added to the amazement of Tara -. It is so handsome
I would doubt my own Tom, seriously, friend!
He would reply that he had no idea what he was talking about when
something lla m or her attention in the garden. Soon he became enraged, seeing
James and I ... Kids playing! As for him, it seemed like I was at home, with opennecked shirt and jeans. Her hair was mussed by the wind and movements. Mandy
asked eagerly to pick her up and when he did he was pleased. "How dare you!"
Furious Tara thought, "to win the affection of the children and then let them down
... how dare to want to separate from me by ... by what?" He asked mocking itself
... What was blaming play with them? Why behave to them as you would ... your
And why now care about the truth! Had no right, it was unfair to allow
children to get used to it knowing that their relationship would be short. She herself
had suffered the pain of having to end up losing loved ... nothing was more
painful! Noting the trio, Tara had to admit that his almost instinctive rejection
towards James, was not related in any way with the danger that children could run,
it was envy. Especially Mandy, who clung to him too. But ... he was acting as
though she were the girl and not bother. H ow could be so immature to be jealous
of the twins? It was assumed that she hated James and, therefore, did not want to
take the place of her daughter.
"I still love him," he heard a voice from within. "More than ever and that is
why they're jealous."

He is trying to absorb what had just confessed. James loved and had never
stopped loving ay. It was the truth. All these years with his alleged hatred for him
had been a farce, was forced to feel what it suited him believe: ghosts, now
collapsing before reality.
It was then victim of a pain that started deep. Janice touched his arm and
made a small comment, which seemed to li Submit a bit the anxiety felt in Tara.
Like a sleepwalker he crossed the garden; somehow he could guess defiantly
pain in the eyes of his daughter and dismay at Simon. He remembered the
harshness with which he addressed them whenever you mention to James, and how
he had forbidden them to talk about their visit to the zoo; he was filled with
remorse. Leaning on one knee, no matter the moisture of the grass or on his best
suit, they held out her arms.
Simon came first with big smile. Mandy few seconds later, he is looking
uneasily at James before running to join his twin.
- How touching! James's voice was heard as coming from above; Tara tried to
ignore it, but the tears threatening to flood her eyes. What a pity he is not here this
Suanders to see you! I learned by children who lately has become a regular visitor,
up to bring "gifts".
The critical tone in her voice shook Tara, whose nerves were about to
- What do you mean? 'I ex igi furiously. What Chas is trying to buy the
children through gifts?
- I do not think he -dij or sarcastically - children are very sensitive and
intelligent to believe any story.
Both had wanted to involve in his commentary, that made Tara blush.

- Chas does not require traps! - Or she announced calmly, letting the anger
was imposed on pain she felt before. And while we should note the fact that you
have been spending with them, right? - It was time for revenge, but that did not
affect him and grimaced before speaking.
- Unlike your boyfriend, I'm interested only in the children - would be cruel. I
do not need you tru c to seduce a woman, look where you're safe, adorable Tara.
- As much as that summer, at seventeen?
They escaped her words of anger provoked an abyss of silence that made her
- Do you still remember? He searched lastimarla-. You surprise me, I thought
my memory had faded to find who was your husband, and then the sudden
marriage. What was he like? suddenly he asked, pronouncing the words in a way
that implied that he found it incredible that anyone was willing to marry her. Now I
had the opportunity to destroy the same way he once her; there was nothing to
exaggerate the virtues of "late husband" However, he could not lie. From there I
saw J anice with teapot in hand, and the scene, so common and far from its current
state, contrasted with the vulnerability presented whenever James apareca-. Well?
-Our Daddy died abroad 'said Mandy. Before we were born.
- And mom loved -asegur Simon no doubt remembering the words of his
- Oh yeah? J Ames asked. Well I have the impression of someone without
character, unable to inspire the kind of "total dedication". Do you love her?
Tara had every intention to respond "yes" only words knotted in his throat;
James watched without giving piety and she believed he would guess the truth.

I ... deeply loved the father of the twins, and still love she whispered, and his
heart beat rampant. You just told James how much he loved him as he
unknowingly s Eguia and Frial staring at her dad at a time. Tara tried to imagine
what their behavior if l knew everything, that she had been foolish enough to
love him and still loved him.
J ames's walked into the house and everything in it but refused to do so,
courtesy prevailed and asked him to enter a time. When she was preparing a snack
for children, James walked into the kitchen and started to make the salad.
- You should not do that, right, tu?
- No, she should not -accedi and followed.
- Perhaps the girl is hungry he added. Pued and stay for tea?
- I'm sure Uncle James has other things to do. Now, be a good girl and wash
your hands, there will be strawberries for dessert.
- Really? They are my favorite - James confessed to the delight of Mandy.
Then will you stay? she asked excitedly.
James looked inquisitive.
- If your mom does not object. Contrary to what might be supposed prefer
nothing more than to share dinner with my favorite twins.
It was a turbulent time. Seeing James between two children, Tara could not
unless you set the contrast between here and l will surely haunt him. The furniture
was old, purchased at auction, but yes, lovingly painted. The curtains were
homemade and she alone was responsible for upholstering the walls. Until then he
had been proud of their home and their things, but suddenly became aware of the

simplicity of the place. Some drawings of Simon were hanging on the wall, the
vase of flowers that adorned Mandy gave the bookshelf.
By the time dessert, he took three courses and a bowl of ice cream; the He
stood in front of Simon, James and Mandy.
- Do not you come with us? Simon asked innocently.
Avoiding looking at James, Tara shook her head.
- I'm on a diet - or murmur. The truth was that strawberries had cost a pretty
penny and s were barely enough for three people; She blushed at the thought of
what J ames could imagine such an incident. The possibilities of deceiving James
and Simon were remote, thought upset and felt humiliated at the thought that he
would feel contempt. Between the environment he frequented, the fact of asking
strawberries were out of season though, could be common.
After dinner he left to play with him as he cleaned the table. It was with soap
up to the elbows when he went back into the kitchen and went to the refrigerator,
which certainly made ar Tara record the circumstances of their first meeting. If
then someone had announced even if half of what would happen if I could turn
back time, would you change? He thought of the happiness afforded him the twins,
the answer was simple.
- I feel ... about strawberries he said dryly prompting Tara shiver, while
disgust made her blush when turning to face him.
- I had thought that if he would bother with the comment, atacara- soon. Save
some thought.
For a second she thought she saw in his eyes tenderness and admiration, but it
was so fast all that well could have imagined.

- Perhaps NCES ent or give me a chance to replace them, 'he said softly,
which emphasized class differences between them. She was a "widow" with two
children who would have to float with an average salary; him healthy, with an
expensive car and dressed well man. Looking back, tanned column of his neck
exposed by the open-necked shirt, arms crossed drawing attention to the muscular
forearms, Tara realized, rather than social, the strong smell of her lotion and felt
the desire to caress .
Annoyed with herself, she tried to resist the temptation.
- And how, boasting good health? Or up buying and buying, as you have
wanted to do for my children?
His voice shook and although knew that James was upset, descuid6 a
moment. l rushed toward her and took her by the waist to almost hurt.
- What do you prefer? - He asked him. Paying with caresses? - That question
made her shiver of pain.
He tried to stammer something, to ask him to release her, thinking how
ridiculous it all was, but when he soapy hands to push, stumbled on the muscular
chest and felt so close to him he could smell the scent of the lotion, and while bask
in memories, trying to hide this.
He must make an involuntary Motion ent, a gesture of defeat, because in his
eyes read the answer, before he nailed his lips and lean toward her.
Tara knew she was going to kiss her, just not imagine that more than a kiss,
was a kidnapping, the softness of his lips. Before she could move, a male hand slid
to rest on one of her breasts.

For a moment I wanted to assign, respond firmly to the raw sexuality of the
embrace, only that very time, the car was imposed r respect. As if he sensed that
she would depart, he looked up and watched.
Turning on his heels James left the kitchen without a word, leaving her
feeling empty and alone in the soul, in addition to the c own onfusion being so
close to danger of abandoning desire. Making love with James once worth more
than all the tears and headaches that would certainly result.
How could he forget what they learned in such a hard way? How could he be
willing to lose the respect and trust that was earned since the birth of children?
He heard their cries and sad farewell twins response. Mandy was not to
blame, while Tara aba ba confessed; he tried to get as close as he could to the
small to see who insisted that "Uncle James" was her favorite man. Mandy was not
his fault at all. In any case, it was his fault, but he also realized that, knowing not
remedied the situation.

Chapter 9

Two weeks passed without know or hear anything about James. One
afternoon in Knightsbridge, where Tara had gone to get some supports that Chas
needed for installation that was filming, she saw him leaving a fancy place and the
arm of a slender woman or ca ll be dark.
At first she froze, but when he turned to look toward her, panicked and ran
into the nearest store. It was fashion, so he had the pretext of "browse" as they
He looked at them. He immediately recognized the woman, was the restaurant
where they had halted towards Cotswold? Jealousy prey upon it.
When reconfiguring or was already sure of having lost sight left the store,
certainly very high prices. He was glad the patience of Chas having found no more
of the things you asked, though surely the expression of Tara, pale, prevented him
from asking questions. He had seen that look on many women, she wondered who
would be the individual that caused at Tara.
As if it had influenced their mood in twins, they were especially difficult.
Tara, meanwhile, kept remembering the scene that evening, the woman on his arm!
No excuse allowed to wield half tonight children not to go to bed. It was the ritual
every night and did not bother her at all, just that their disobedience will freaked.
- You're in a bad mood because Chas no longer wants to see ... because we do
not care Mandy's comment was severe YLO made before Tara closed the door of
his room. Tara forced herself to smile despite that-. We do not like him ... we
Uncle James!

If I knew, thought Tara wearily and a little sorry not to be patient with them.
It would carry better decided; moreover, it being Saturday be all the time with
them. They fall well out of town, perhaps to Brighton, to play on the beach. It was
time to put James in his place because he had never cared for her and was unfair to
the children bear the blame.
Did not tell children anything about their plans for breakfast, and do good!
because, to go see the co che, a tire was punctured. What a disappointment!
The spare tire is not ba in good condition, but was even greater risk of
traveling without it. Tara decided to change the bad rim and go to the shop for a
spare tire most cer c year. At the same time fill the fuel ta Nthat, he left instructions
to the twins and rushed to the car to repress what would have been a wan smile.
They had been placated to lunch so much that he even think of asking
forgiveness. And they will be encouraged to know the plans of his mother. When
returning from the workshop, thinking about how to be prepared to take the picnic,
we first noticed around the corner was that the door was open. He checked his
watch, had been twenty minutes since I left the house, that is, enough time to get
bored. Having nothing to do, I was sure had sought some entertainment. Or maybe
she had left the door open. However, he could not help her heart beat hard as she
entered the house.
Everything was silent. He felt a ford in the stomach while his gaze reaching
every corner. He called them by name. No sign of them. He went into the kitchen
feeling her legs were weak and saw the kettle on the floor, his mother had given
him the previous year, broken. It was that piece very much in Tara, but just
providing the chagrin of his mother if the children broke, had often warned not to
touch. He was dismayed to see it shattered on the floor. It felt as if it had been
washed of the floor, which would certainly have to do with the end of the tea itself.

Recalling how hard it had been with them the previous evening, he supposed to be
hiding fearing punishment. The very thought made her jump; He ran up the stairs,
he looked in the rooms, confident that would eventually find them all laughing
But they were not in the rooms, was afraid and checked meter by meter in the
house before you do in the garden. Finally he went to look at Janice's house, her
As always, it was very nice to her, but knew nothing of the children.
- The little devils! He laughed nervously to hear what happened to Tara lips.
And if they were hiding out?
- No replied Tara almost no voice. Janice Oh, I have so much fear! I thought it
would be you. One hears so many things ... He shuddered hiding his face in his
hands, and did not protest when Janice asked him to come and sit for a moment.
Janice went to the kitchen and Tara heard the noise it made. It would be lifted at
the right time her friend reappeared with a jug in his hands.
- I bring sweet tea, warm ... I know that you take sugar, but it is best for the
strong impressions. Come on, let's go over the facts, everything from the
beginning! And for that we go together to your house, then fear makes see things,
and do other! I bet that we shall find somewhere, afraid of what they did ... You'll
see! He tried to reconfortarla-. Take tea.
Stunned, Tara obeyed. In the background she was not thinking like a nice J.
The children were gone, that she was sure. He admitted having been too hard on
them, and remembered what they had been sullen this morning. The kettle was
simplement and the straw that broke the camel. "Oh God, what have I done, my
children have come to believe that it is better for me a teapot them!".

This and other horrible thoughts sprang to mind as they walked toward the
house. Half an hour later, both pale, they had surrendered.
- No choice but to call the police - Janice concluded quietly -. Would you do
- I myself will Tara shook her head, her voice choked with concern.
On the other side of the line he showed the sergeant helpful.
D time we are ora. It's all -pidi to hear sobbing as she described the
clothes the girl. We send an agent to ask you some questions. Be calm.
Said agent, a woman in this case, had more or less the age of Tara, an air of
mystery and was friendly. Tara had to remember every detail of both twins clothes
as the events of that morning; He is noting the agent.
- Do you leave children alone often? he asked and Tara blushed. What I was
trying to find out? If not fulfilled his duties as a mother or left them locked up?
- He never - answered. It was twenty minutes from ... twenty any more.
- Do you have any idea what could happen to them? he heard and asked him
deep breath.
- I ... I think they were answered without raising his head. Last night I
rebuked. Today thought take a walk to forget everything - tears came to his eyes,
face bathing him. There were more questions, some that horrified, for example on
whether the hit frequently or worse. But while on the one hand those questions
made her ashamed, feeling humiliated, he understood that they were necessary as
part of a procedure.
Janice was also questioned. She cried the same as Tara who would asked if I
knew someone who could have confidence. A close friend or something.

- Do not there was his answer.

- And Chas? Janice recalled. Remember that in these cases it is better to have
Tara explained to the agent who was as if he had no idea what was happening,
he heard a woman's voice gave the order to locate him immediately.
- Do not bother, please She heard him say.
Chas became concerned about what happened, Nina was with him. The agent
had left and returned after a while, much nicer to Tara, who suspected that it must
have been to make sure she did not have any criminal record.
No need to worry listened times-repeated saying. And you will find.
But where? London is huge and they just kids. terrible dangers for twins He
imagined, to the extent that no longer certainly was aware of what was done or said
around him. In one of those moments that inactivity exasperated, he asked to be
allowed to go on a patrol to find them.
- It is better to stay here - they said it. When we find them, to the first person
they want to see it is precisely to you.
He understood, but did not believe it. For her, the last person who would want
to face was his mother. Otherwise, they would not have escaped.
- And you said your father died? - He asked the uniformed. I first wanted to
tell the truth and share with James that undesirable time. But he did not dare. He
nodded his head in a fast moving, hiding her face for not discover the lie in her

- Do not have a relative who lives nearby, someone may have turned
children? -those questions and had responded, but returned to do it as calmly as
possible, hoping they would relax a little.
It was about dusk. The police withdrew, assuring him that would keep
informed. Chas took Nina to his house and returned immediately, insisting prepare
something that ultimately proved not Tara.
- Believe me, it is not necessary for you to stay. Sola'll be fine - he insisted yet
again, after which Chas, hugged explaining the advantages of being him there.
- God, is not the time to be strong! Friends are when they are needed and you
know that.
It was released in tears. Chas offered the usual handkerchief and removed
facial hair Tara that bothered him. Suddenly, they heard footsteps in the hall and he
- It seems that the police returned -supuso-. See if you bring good news - he
did not get up, she stood by infusing value.
A door opened and Tara did nothing but pray, "God, do not let anything bad
happen to them, for pity's sake, do not allow".
I heard a step is stopped. Tara looked up and saw the distorted face of James
that shocked even more.
- But how almost he shouted James, now that the children are lost, you only
think about yourself, to your satisfaction!
Tara tried to ignore what he heard. At least the last sentence.
- How do you know about children? she rasped. James's gaze darkened and
twisted his mouth.

- I know because they have spent all afternoon with my housekeeper,

apparently terrified by the idea of returning ... and all for a damn broken kettle!
Mixed pain and rage seized young.
- All afternoon? He spoke through his teeth. You mean all this time you
estuviero n and so far come to tell me? Perhaps you considered that you had to
punish me for being a bad mother ... or because ...
- If I were a civilized being - Chas interrupted drawled, I would have put in
place. Do you have any idea what she has had to spend this day? Middle police in
this area are looking for them. It should lock him - concluded threatening.
- I guess you must be Uncle Chas James snorted. Comforting the distraught
mother. What a different picture to that of Chas that children do not want as a
parent! ... Funny, no?
Confused, Tara turned to see Chas, who replied with a smile, stroking his
- I have the place that Tara wants me - said with absolute calm. On the other
hand, I think we should call the police; I think you have some explaining -conden
James -. I know nothing about laws regarding children, although I imagine that
simple common sense should take to give immediate notice.
- And I would have done - he quickly said James, if he had known before. I
was out most of the day, and therefore just heard. They would not tell Mrs.
Hammond their names, or where they went. My half-sister, who certainly had
resorted lady is out too, so had to wait for my return. Not even an hour ago I found
out what happened.
- Could er had telephoned Chas replied while headed for the phone.

So is said J ames without hurry-, but the guys are so Tara senses that thought
first take a turn to see if convinced to go home and fight the battle between the
In these circumstances Tara had gone to the boondocks, provided their
children back. Chas did not want to accompany her, so I just waited for it to finish
talking with the police department.
- They want to talk to you - told J ames, handing the receiver. I'd better go,
dear. Unless you've changed your mind.
- Go away, thanks - dismissed him with a smile and an affectionate kiss on the
cheek, not caring who was watching the J ames, annoying.
- It seems you can not turn away from him even for a moment, or am I
wrong? - Was the first thing you said to Chas and go out together to the car -. What
is special, or did the honors as leading lover?
He would not respond to the insult and tried to stay as far away from him as
he could inside the vehicle. James drove all the way in silence through the London
traffic and suddenly Tara recognized the place where she had been out with her
He must have noticed something in his expression as he took her arm to try it
open the car door.
- Something happens?
- Perhaps as pushed by he said desconocida- will, is the desire to remove
children from the presence of a being like you, who seems to like certain immoral
He thought he did not replicate, but he was wrong.

- That sounds great coming from you, especially. Exactly what do you mean?
'I saw yesterday out of here with a woman,' she explained angrily, avoiding to
be impressed by the formidable strength of mind that James projected.
She called me to discuss some of their investments, he wanted to know other
aspects of the business - he shrugged -. A meeting too formal and certainly
contrary to the intentions you must be imagining.
"Not so wrong," he thought. "That woman wanted to James".
- Another little joke of those and I think you're jealous challenged -the taking
her by the arm as he approached walking home; the wooden front door was green.
He remained silent, afraid.
Inside, the house was much larger than had been thought. Several doors
leading into the spacious lobby with a wooden floor and a beautiful arrangement of
flowers on an oval table.
A staircase leading to another floor above. Tara looked attentively through an
open door. Some disappointment caused him to see her appear for a woman, just in
years and quite high.
- This is the mother of the children, Mrs. Hammond -the presented James.
And this is the Hammond, Tara ora. My housekeeper is ll av.
I'm sorry about the trouble they have caused the twins started to say Tara
hard, wondering what he was thinking the lady, who did not give too much
importance to what happened.
- Children confessed - they would not tell me who they were and of course I
knew that someone would be very concerned about them. Too well dressed and
polite to be a homeless added, which returned some encouragement to her mother.

Now that Mandy is at an age ... She stopped -. It must have been horrible for you ...
- So Tara -confirm or no matter what James would think to see it spilling
tears. I can not explain what it feels like ... what I can not understand is how did
they come here.
His stomach lurched at the thought of all the dangers that must be exposed
during transit.
- Well, it was over Mrs. Hammond said comforting and Tara suddenly lost
consciousness. The last thing he heard, as in dreams was the mistress of keys or
you suplicnd James not to let her fall.
When he came to, he found himself on a waterbed; the quilt was silk and
room decorated in a pale color. Mrs. Hammond was pacing about the room, while J
ames was a tall figure melancholy.
-Children Tara stammered.
'They're lying answered. You can check, but do not judge convenient wake
now - he checked his watch -. It is ten ... should spend the night here, tomorrow
will take them home early.
He was about to protest, when he noticed that Mrs. Hammond nodded, while
earlier it was said would come the next day to prepare breakfast.
Mrs. not stay overnight here James explained that seemed to read his
thoughts. But you'll be safe -of course, Mrs. Hammond said no double meaning of
his words and did not notice the sarcasm in his eyes.

Trembling, Tara followed him into the room where lay the twins. Both lay
asleep in a huge bed. He went to kiss, eager to be on his side. Mandy opened her
- Mami - whispered numb, relieving a little the heart of Tara.
James ignored the tears that were already the fourth of his sons, jumped from
the eyes of Tara; Clearly, the girl did not care much. She was relieved, away from
all worries.
Arriving at what would be his fourth, James walked away without goodnight.
One room had its own bathroom. The perfume was perceived in the ment am and
fluffy towels, they revealed that she was not the only guest at that place. I had to
suppress a current of jealousy. It was ridiculous, he thought. Any woman who
invited James home, definitely sleep with him, and not alone. What is strange that
Mrs. Hammond would not stay at night? It was clear that for the housekeeper,
James was a gentleman.
Tara was wearing old jeans yet he had chosen that morning, so long! The shirt
was stained with oil, tire change product. Looking in the mirror, she became
depressed at her derangement. Fell across his forehead curls, was pale, his eyes
sunken with pain and her lips were unpainted. Nonprofit, he took off his pants and
bra. He winced at the thought that the day would have to wear the same. At least I
could wash underwear because, being nylon, dry up soon. He was about to do it
when he realized he had nothing to wear to sleep.
He got in the shower and used scented shampoo she found. The hot water
allowed to relax a little. He was soon out; suddenly he felt all the weariness of the
day and said that without trying to sleep, spend the night awake.

It was dried with one of the most luxurious towels he found, he went to bed
and was about to get into it when suddenly James entered the room. In one hand he
held a pair of pajamas. Tara felt the blood running through his veins fast realizing
the male gaze.
- You would not have guessed what to wear and suit this - he said extending
his pajamas. Tara received him, standing firm in the towel but trembled under that
gaze. What? he asked mockingly. It will not be embarrassed, right? You've been
married ... you had lovers ... he continued insulting.
- What do you mean? Is downloading your conscience for having taken my
- I Caught? James raised his eyebrows while doing an act of cruelty. I do not
remember being so bold, or is perhaps what you told your late husband? With a
little more time maybe you achieve even convince you that it was a violation ... at
least that's the next step, do not you think? Although both know the truth.
- It Could not have been a violation, but a deliberate seduction she defended
Tara, who was too out of whack as to measure his words. And indeed it is as bad as
one and the other.
- It seems that time has affected your memory - he said, hinting at the blush
on the cheeks trying to contain himself. As I recall, both played the same game She
laid eyes on Tara's breasts, which act instinctively pulled back, hesitating to feel
the bed frame touch her calves, while with one hand made the gesture to defend
against the unrelenting masculinity before him. James for his part, did not move.
Not willing to meet his gaze, she closed her eyes and waited for him to imprison
her in his arms, which did not happen; Instead, he felt those strong hands on his
shoulders, rather than caressing, massaging, encouraging her to rest her head on his

chest, sliding his arm around it to hold it back. He continued the rhythmic
movement, Tara giving a false sense of security and preventing speechless since
the hands of James provided their tense muscles a pleasant rest.
At first, the feeling was of simple relaxation, but gradually invaded other
emotions. Without thinking he put his arms around James' neck and stroked her
He felt he lifted to place it on the bed, but he could not protest. He wanted
that closeness, that sense of desire and be desired, all of which made him avoid any
possible interference ...
At some point he found a way to get his hands under his shirt and felt the
wetness of her skin. At seventeen he had glorified his love, without accepting the
wonderful experience of being united; but now, with the experience I had, I was
aware of the extraordinary virility of James, on the strength of your muscles and
the pleasure it gave him to feel the nice touch of that chest hair against her skin.
He began to stamp kisses on the body of James while she hummed with
Tara's fingers sought the buttons that prevented free access to the contact with
that skin and a shiver ran short when James kissed her on the lips inviting her to
respond to that caress with equal passion. At last he could take off his shirt and
explore your skin.
The fear I had experienced during the day seemed to fade to break the barriers
of the conventional. Small groans threw him to feel the female lips go his neck,
delinendolo, which made harder to shake her. The towel was removed and Tara
thought his heart would stop beating when the lips of James lavished pleasure to
rest on her breasts.

James was a master in the art of lovemaking, which for her was evident by the
way he caressed her slender muscles, urging her to follow their movements and
Tara saw in his eyes the same desire that she experienced.
Do it, 'he said, blushing, while her hand guided the Tara to the belt buckle.
A day earlier she would have been impossible to imagine something like;
certainly, the girl who had once been, he would have blushed at such a proposal.
But it was no longer a girl but a woman, and while James had possessed only the
instinct, which had suppressed during his adolescence led her now. He heard
James's lips escaped a groan of pleasure and thrill to run his fingers and tilting his
head to kiss the belly area, happy to be able to excite known. But he had no time to
rejoice too, because suddenly he captured her close her lips. At that moment, all
desire and thought, except and longing to be possessed by him, abandoned Tara.
Rubbing their bodies was exciting. They kissed and shook with passion,
fueling the fire that burned between them. James held back until the end, while she,
unable to resist, moved against her body, murmuring her desire for him and
holding his fingers to his hair. With a sudden movement they separated and Tara
felt chills to see James walk away as if it had been faked.
He glanced around and observe her face felt it was flushed.
'Now,' he said calmly meditated, without trace of passion or desire in his
expression - I want you to tell me if you remember better what happened between
us. Tell me what you told who married you. Tell me you never wanted.

Chapter 10

D IFICIL Tara would have been to explain how he managed to fit everything
in the car. A look over the shoulder allowed to ensure that the children were
playing in the garden, happy. From the day he escaped from home, Tara had been
fighting his tendency patronized.
That morning at the home of James, had been very nervous to talk to children,
but later, at home, could calm chat with them first to make them aware of the
dangers people ran daily in the street, and then to assure that an object that a person
will never be more important.
The H ammond lady had brought her breakfast in bed and told an anecdote
about her own daughter.
- Provided they are simple things that bring up the great sorrows of he said
head to Tara, was aware of the accident as the coffee.
A little embarrassing was the time to thank James, for having had to endure.
Your eyes a i p nstante of a spread that s ef Ijo between the second and third
buttons of his shirt were not away, the body was taut with grief and rage against
itself, while as of tratab forget what happened in his room the night before.
- N go knew that hurts remind children never accept Saunders as a parent was
all he said after having heard scolding.
- Who says that the will consult? He said she, giving way to indecision pentfury. The twins have a father - he reminded, and my relationship with Chas is only
my concern.
- So you do not plan to marry him?

- Shocked? -the mockery leaped to her tongue. What a hypocrite you are! At
least Chas and I are at liberty to sustain a relationship.
- You've changed, Tara came the acid reply. I met Tara would never have
accepted something second hand, or is it maybe that your capacity to love was
buried with your husband?
Tara smiled in defeat. How close he was to the truth, but not the way I
- Well? ! she asked him pointedly.
- When I lost the father of the twins, one can say that I lost the best I've had in
life. Now, can we go?
- You say - he nodded.

Both Simon and Mandy were thrilled to learn that they would go on vacation.
As they were young still, comparisons were not significant between the place it
was, the important thing was to get out. The last three weeks have not heard them
something else, what Tara even encouraged, confident that the joy erase from their
minds the experience you had rrible. She herself had not healed completely,
precisely fled to James!
Tara made it clear that Chas was his boss and friend, and nothing more; since
they accepted much better. In fact, the only cloud on the horizon of small, was the
absence of his beloved "Uncle James." On several occasions he had begged his
mother phoned him, worried to see that he had not come to visit, to which Tara
explained that James had his own life. For now they would come to Dartmoor
fortnight, and Tara was suggested that nothing would spoil the holiday.

The road to the cabin was uneven. They stopped to eat what Tara had
prepared, to the side of the road, before continuing. It was six o'clock when they
entered the deviation leading to the coast.
It was just as I had imagined Tara, a hut with gabled roof and walls of gray
stone worn by time.
A stout woman in her thirties, left the hut next to Tara when he saw out of the
- Hello -the greeting. I'm Margaret Burton, the new temporary neighbor.
Gustan go for a cup of tea, or prefer to be alone, to warm?
Seeing that the twins were already throwing a sympathetic eye dog that had
come to accompany Margaret, Tara agreed.
Over tea, he knew that Burton were frequent visitors to Dartmoor.
- Of course now that the kids are growing, becoming interested in other
places, more exotic. At Easter we were in Paris and we later spent a week in
Holland; are getting bored of the beach, and it's good to give them a little culture chuckled as he spoke and looked at the twins before adding two of you will be
happy here, I'm sure there are some great beaches. My husband will return
immediately with the three children. We went to Dartmoor to do some shopping,
be a month here, so we need food. Now that ambienten, you and I are going to take
something there. Gill, a little older, is fourteen and a great experience as far as
children are concerned.
When they left there, Tara was winning a friend and the n hildren with the
Quickly prepared a light, but not pass certain jobs to run appliances and
unload the car; however, it was almost ho ra bed. One he showered in the tiny but

nice bathroom still wet after the children bathed, and closed his eyes at the very
moment he put his head on the pillow.
"Something must be done in a place as nice as this," thought Tara in the
morning, open your eyes and see the sun. I not remember the last time he had
enjoyed such a deep and restful sleep. The morning was so warm and calm that
made her feel relaxed in a way that had not experienced in years. At least not since
the birth of the twins, he said.
The first two days were devoted to explore the surroundings. But there were
hundreds of trails leading to the farm was the favorite of children; They went there
every morning, accompanied by Burton children, gather eggs and milk. The
farmer, also owns the cottages, made sure that nothing is missing them and
amicably Tara warned about the dangers children running in those places. As
Simon was delighted with the farm and animals, the farmer invited to spend a day
Simon returned this time more than astonished, in ecstasy. He had been
allowed to touch a calf than a week old. Mandy had chosen the ponies, plain
creatures roamed free in those pastures.
The third day with the child s climbed in the essentials for the beach, and
were aimed towards that Burton had recommended them.
They could see the sea long time before you get it. It was incredibly blue, and
he appreciated as polished silver small waves under high heaven.
The little bay was accessible by means of steps cut into the cliff, it was worth
the effort, there golden sand off a pleasant heat.
The twins swam, but Tara made sure not to do away with her. Watching them
play, slightly bronzed, shining sea water on their bodies, Tara felt a desire to share

the moment with James; parental agreements to exchange with him. Making pain
assaulted look back instinctively toward other families gathered there. It was
ridiculous, and she knew it. It was already an adult to believe blindly in the
"perfect family", but could not prevent the pain persists. Eyes closed couple keep
the tears escape. James imagined lying next to her under that sun, caressing. He is
doing tried to concentrate on the present, in their love for James and the imperative
that it had effort.
Margaret had behaved wonderfully, did not ask questions, and although at
first seeing Tara was actually share cabins, was now happy to have adult company,
especially given what appeared to be discrete.
Also the children had befriended each other, the smaller Margaret, ten and
twelve years old, they called Phillip and Robert respectively. As for Gi ll, it was
clear that he felt a great love for children.
Wait he predicted Margaret seeing Tara come with gemel you - are now
children, young morning wake up!
In the afternoon they went to Dartmoor to do some shopping. In addition,
Tara bought some postcards to send to Chas and Janice, and was amazed to hear
Mandy said, with an air of importance, she wanted some, after which asked his
mother the necessary stamps.
They are for your classmates certainly thought Tara, handing the stamps. Poor
little, this was their first opportunity to send and receive no cards, and seemed
determined to do the best he could, but the stamps were not as rare as some cards
sent by her friends.
That night they dined with Burton, and when Margaret suggested going to the
pub, the place, Tara felt so relaxed he accepted.

At one point, in recommending the twins to beware and behave with Gi II, he
reminded that Tara while to get home had found the broken kettle and silence that
accompanied the occasion; however, he overcame.
It was a pleasant walk to the tavern, which was full of tourists and locals. Tara
had fun during the time they spent there before returning. He could not help seeing
how Margaret slipped her hand into Sam's hand and smile they exchanged. A
feeling of desolation swept over her. Had to avoid feeling well, he said. I just could
not succumb to envy every time I saw a couple.
The days go on accompanied by an excellent climate. Banks went a day and
ate in the shade of a hut in ruins; Simon was more than amazed by the sturdy
ponies who in turn looked to them inquisitors. The three were tan, unrecognizable
compared to city dwellers visitors who had just arrived to Dartmoor. "Oh, we
should do this every year," Tara thought, putting the car running ... made everyone
speaks so well!
The next day was to announce that Margaret would go to a safari park and
invited the twins to join them.
- Even I suggest that you were not - told Tara Read a book and rest.
Something tells me you do not have many chances to be alone.
Silently thanking graciously Margaret, Tara gladly accepted the invitation to
the children. As expected, they were excited, despite a slight pain he felt when he
realized how little seemed impor tarl is the children that she was not, she told
herself to be natural, and was also well . Especially it astonished him Sirnon
They left after breakfast leave with great fanfare from the car Range Rover,
owned by Burton.

Since Tara had been bathed and arranged the hut before opening a book he
had brought. Bikini, down the little garden if I positioned behind the cabin. After a
moment he lost all interest in reading and did not know when sleep overcame.
Footsteps on gravel awakened. He straightened up to see who it was and
gasped to see in tight jeans thighs James; eyes slowly rose to the face of him.
For a moment he thought he was raving, or that your wishes are conjured
ultimately did appear out of nowhere, dazzled by the glare on the eyeglasses of it,
and willing to take them off to look at her eyes. l moved and tight T-shirt
exposed the strong muscles of the torso.
- James! What ... what are you doing here? How did you find us?
- Mandy sent me a postcard mockery -the arched his mouth. He scored the
direction and although I had not, I would have with you in some way, so I had to
look around the country He removed his glasses and Tara or expression of anger he
saw in her eyes were frightened her. How could you? He will ac and it RCO
threatening. Tara wanted to get up, but something stopped her. His heart pounding
rush of fear and desire.
With an agility that startled or, saw James lean toward her, being so close that
he could make his cheeks in the shade of the clipped area. A strong desire to
abalanzrsele invaded but was controlled.
- So much you hate me? J Ames asked. As much as to hide the existence of
my own children?
Tara was surprised that he could not utter a word; and all that at the time
could say in his defense was useless. l took her by the shoulders, exalted, almost

- And by God, do not try to deny your fault. I can read the truth in your face
but had not seen it with my own eyes the birth certificates of the twins.
Tara recalled the difficult first days after the birth of children. He had been so
confused and hurt by the betrayal of James, so that when they brought the papers to
fill out, without thinking, he wrote the name of the father in the corresponding
- Why did ? - Exigi or shake him and Tara returned to the present, facing
him firmly.
- What was I supposed to have done? I reply -. I was seventeen ... What could
I do? Abort? I would not, on the other hand was very clear that he had only been a
hobby for you, remember!
He turned his face to not see the tears started rolling down his cheeks, but
James grabbed her chin forcing her to face him.
- Oh yeah? she asked him softly. You'll have to forgive my age who fail a
little memory, and tell me everything ... from the moment you knew you were
Stammering, Tara reminded him how he had disappeared after their meeting
later, without a word, and how she had blindly believed that he loved her. He also
told how terrible it was learning of her pregnancy and how, armed with courage, he
returned to the house to ask your advice, having obtained only mockery and
derision of Hilary.
- And you told to ell you were pregnant?
'I had said, shaking his head object -. I knew that I did not have you, that
everything you told me ... well, they really did not want me as I love you - uttered
the last words clearly.

Looking up he saw that face staring into the distance, with a gesture that made
her look all over her face like stone. He turned back to her face contorted with pain
and Tara felt difficulty breathing.
- I do not know anything about it - said J Ames. And things were not as they
imagine, Tara. Oh, if you had not been so innocent, so young ... If I went was
because I wanted you to take a breath, not wanting to hurt or betray what was
between us. It being alone, I thought, you might realize how true was that s entas
for me. Can you imagine what I went through? I stole your innocence without t
ener no rights. It is true that my marriage was a sham, but after all was married.
Even before we met you and I had already filed for divorce Hilary. But that is
another matter, which I'll tell you later. I loved you. Maybe he went without merit,
but I loved you. When you, in such a sweet way, you asked me to take, I could not
refuse you, although repentance which later took hold of me. I walked away
thinking thereby give an opportunity to reflect, you keep telling me I Right to
found among people your age as someone to love. When I came back and found
out you were married, I also knew that meant to me, how much I need your
tenderness and your touch.
Tara swallowed or spit, unable to believe his ears.
- Did that mean H i lary lied? I could barely speak. That there was only one
more in your life?
You were rather the only Accepted J Ames. And not an adventure. Let me tell
you. When my father died, he owned a medium sized company dedicated to
engineering, I thought my mother would soon follow, and who adored him. Until
then I did not know Hilary, although he had heard mention as the owner of some
company shares Dad. Several weeks after his death, she came home, where he
spent with us this weekend. The first impression I have of it, is a severe and

extravagant woman, the opposite of what he wanted in a woman. However, I

sympathized and made the mistake of making fun on her face when she told me.
Spus a week, it sent me mail the copies of some letters he sent my father, which is
clearly concluded that they had been lovers. If I refused to fulfill their wishes,
threatening to let them know my mother. I had no choice, because she knew it
would be too much for the old poor. Of course, I refused to believe that my father
could love that woman, but certainly they had sex. Mom would not understand.
She took a breath and continued:
- I got in touch with Hilary, whose intentions could not be other than I take
the place of my father, for it somehow. Why some problems had arisen in the
company. My father, generous, had given a number of shares to its employees,
which meant he no longer had absolute power within the same. I tried desperately
to recover. Hilary asked me what was unsettling for all concepts; according to her,
a simple adventure would not be enough to alleviate their pride, demanding me to
marry her. Of course at first I refused, but Hilary is not the people who will stop at
nothing. On the one hand he had those letters, and on the other, somehow had
managed to gain more shares in the company. I had to plead defeated ... but never
were lovers! He exclaimed sharply. It was enough that I married her, all she
wanted was to satisfy their vanity. A year after my mother died, the summer of
year when we met. He had been asking for a divorce, but I refused. In fact, that did
not matter much because I knew that sooner or later, she would find a lover and
cease to torment me. And I do not want anyone in particular ... until you came. I
tried to avoid it, not to get dirty with my situation ... you were fresh and clean
water, instead I came bitter. The longer be near you, most wanted not separate
from your side. England stopped thinking about leaving you free to grow my

influence, and also to look to Hilary and demand a divorce. That was before you
T ara had been listening in silence, and as he finished speaking she burst into
- Cua n do I heard you were married thought I was going crazy ... and maybe
it was. So I was determined to get rid of even more Hilary, blaming getting lost. I
looked for a way to get at all costs more shares in the company, to gain power over
it. However, as supposed, she already had a lover, so I did not object and gave me
more freedom ... but I could no longer be free, you had caught me! And when Sue
told me you had found her again, I swore not get you, the past was dead and would
be better not see you again. He also informed me that you had been widowed and
had two children. I thought I'm not carrying, yet rushed me to ask me to take leave
Cotswold. I pretended to be indifferent to you and nasty children, could not bear
the thought of knowing you mother of the sons of other sighed. But, you see, they
have managed to conquer; I thought having hatred towards them or is torn in
hatred for his father, even if he had already died. I also felt jealous of Chas
Saunders, it is true, only that it was a known opponent if, someone could face,
especially having rejected that children feel towards him. Instead the father ... and
follow your loving insistence He stopped abruptly, his expression question. To
him, or me? he asked earnestly. Do you love still the man you married to protect
the twins, or you mean to tell me you loved the children's father?
Seeing that she did not answer, he exclaimed:
- By God, Tara, stop torturing me like this! Do you have any idea what I've
been through? Forced to make do with what little they could find out about
children, desperate to get a sense of who took my place, all while you empeabas
you to reject. So I decided to investigate further to uncover her name at least,

which would later meet me something about your life. It was this that led me to the
truth about my children ... But, tell you about him 'I suggested. As it was ...?
T ara licked his lips, afraid. A point was to hold the last lie he had, of perhaps
exposed to future storms just to keep safe their dignity.
- I never married replied nervously. l did not exist, has not been another
man looked engagement ring wearing puesto-. Everything has been invented, a
farce ... At first I thought deny, but men ... people ...
- People are too clumsy to understand that a woman can have sex with a man,
without this meaning that James will have with others he finished the sentence. Oh,
love! - With his hands held Tara's face, his fingers trembling slightly in contact
with her skin. Co mo tiny shoots of a very delicate plant, emotions welled inside
her, a ray of hope blossomed in her eyes when lifting his face to see it! -. As for the
twins - he continued his. Now that I've found to be the father he paused.
- I will not give them up, 'she said firmly.
Nor I you would ask. We can share.
- A weekend for everyone? he continued angrily.
I'm afraid I could do better.
- H ow what?
- As married.
She froze.
So you feel ready to deal with two kids who barely know the r bu He or she,
but James ignored.
- With them and his mother she Accepted him. Tara, do you have any idea
what I suffered when, on my return from the United States, I knew you were not?

There was urgency in his pa labras-. I did think it was the best, too old for you. But
it was not. Night after night I imagined, next to your husband, confessing our own,
without giving more importance l, while for me to hold you and hearing your
first sobs of desire, it is something you never forget Dr po. I loved you then and I
love you now - he concluded softly.
- Love me ... you to me? -not believe his ears, but longed for what is true, and
in his eyes you could read all the love she felt for him. She looked, as if the words
were insufficient, it was even closer to her.
- This will convenc e ra James muttered, putting in that kiss everything that
could be conceived in the most beautiful dream, to go to Tara had missed in their
previous encounters.
They were all alone in the garden, with the same desire and willingness, lying
on the grass, in the sun.
That act of love threatened consuming passion, electri z ndolos, fusing them
into a single desire. Then, when the shadows lengthened and their voices echoed
like drums with joy, they returned to love. Tara could now feel all the tenderness in
the caresses of James. Both knew that henceforth could be delivered in body and
- And the kids she murmured, but l kept acariciarla-. What do you say?
- Actually James said without hesitation. Of course, when they are able to
assimilate. For now just to see us married. I think they will accept me and I hope to
earn your trust. Who deserves to be called the father is the one who watches over
them and loves them, not enough to give them life.

Tara gave him right. Mandy jump taste to learn, and Simon, but in his own
way. There would be time to tell the truth. He looked down and saw James' head
against her breasts.
- You love me? I demanded to hear it again.
James looked up and smiled.
- Is it an invitation, or just curious? But never mind, the answer to both is yes.
And you to me?
- More than you ever imagined. Should I convince you?
In response he kissed her; she could sense in him a great need to have her
around, caressing her body, very beautiful. He recalled how he had wanted was
only a few hours to make love with him, believing that an impossible dream. He
smiled. Maybe night would propose to you a walk in the moonlight along the
- Why are you smiling? James asked, kissing her on the lips.
- Because I am happy - he answered naturally.
- Then we share that happiness - he concluded to the delight of Tara.


Joana Scan and Edited by Vivi

No. Pages 1-91

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