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when I switched on the TV one day, they were showing the IIFA awards 2010 (Srilanka) , whilst
showing all the glamorous actors and actresses they also focused on the people who had gone to
watch it, mashallah there were a lot of muslims, one old man with a beard a cap and his family
aswell ...they should have been very rich people , because the tickets for IIFA Awards I heard was
somewhere around ONE MILLION SRILANKAN RUPEES (US $ 10,000 or UK 5,000)

There are five pillars in ISLAM,

regarding Hajj ,

"And Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah) to the House (Ka`bah) is a duty that mankind owes to Allah,
those who can afford the expenses (for one's conveyance, provision and residence); and whoever
disbelieves [i.e., denies Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah), then he is a disbeliever of Allah], then Allah
stands not in need of any of the `Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists).'' - Quran 3:97

"The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) delivered a Khutbah and said, "O people! Hajj (pilgrimage to the
House of Allah) has been made incumbent upon you, so perform Hajj.''

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A man inquired: "O Messenger of Allah, is it prescribed every year?'' He (PBUH) remained silent
till the man repeated it thrice. Then he (PBUH) said, "Had I replied in the affirmative, it would have
surely become obligatory, and you would not have been able to fulfill it.''

As explained above, If you can afford, If you are healthy, you MUST perform Hajj ! But after that,
God or the last Prophet SAW never told us to repeat it! Yet we see enough "Hajis" going for Hajj
year after year, after spending a lot of money, due to

Honest Intentions
Business (Gold)

Muslims are supposed to be the most charitable and the most generous among the creation of God !
God has made Zakat (Charity) COMPULSORY to those who have savings above the Nisaab level
(3oz of Gold - approx 1000 / US $2000 / Srilankan Rs: 200,000)
p.s that these values differ according to the current price of Gold !
I'm sure there are enough Muslims, having SAVINGS way above the level of Nisaab...but somehow
we still see a huge gap between THOSE WHO HAVE and THOSE WHO DON'T HAVE !
Giving Zakat is just a part of the burden on the Muslims with enough wealth,
In ones wealth there is a due BESIDES zakat - Muhammad SAW
God has ordained that the rich are to pay out of their wealth to that extent which is sufficient for the
needs of the poor; so that if they do not find food and clothing, or any other need remains to be
fulfilled, it would be because the rich are not doing their duty, and for this God will take them to task
on the Day of Judgement. - Ali R.A

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There are people who spend millions on land vehicles, dresses, visiting countries etc etc, IT IS
THEIR MONEY , they have the right to spend it, even Muhammad SAW said that,

People have the right to enjoy from what they earn, they toil hard, they utilise their money and time
for that, BUT , where do we draw the line ?

"...But spend not wastefully (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift. Verily spendthrifts are
brothers of the devils... Surah al-Israa 17:26-27

"Allah hates for you three things: gossiping, begging, and wasting money." Muhammad S.A.W

And so......I don't think I need to give more examples and make this a boring (already boring)
note! But my point is that, even we or our parents or relations have been like this!
We think more about RIYAA, showing off! And acquiring things in this material world!

The USA throws the excess wheat to the Pacific Ocean, Some Arabs have expensive food parties,
and throw the rest without using them again , people have food festivals , throw food at each other,
bathe in chocolate can they do all that? when they know that children are dying through
starvation in another corner of the globe ?
Do you see the connection between the GLOBAL events and the LOCAL events I just mentioned?
People have become selfish, they have confined their thoughts and even religion to themselves and
their family!
You will see, a good, praying, fasting, fat muslim with a beard and a cap with a Hijabi woman...but
what use of him, if he doesn't do what he's required to do for the society?

Islam should not only be practiced in an individual level, but it also has to be implemented to a
society, we have to lead by example, and show the non muslim brothers and sisters, how it is done,
Karl Marx understood the beauty in the Islamic economic system, but we don't even ponder about
this, we are just vegetables, we don't think why Allah has prescribed us such a system.

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What use in going for Hajj every year when your neighbour or your villager is having an economic
crisis? What is the point in buying ten cars when three cars are enough? Why arrange grand
weddings and invite all the big shots when you can do it in a simpler way? Why show off? Havent
we ever heard of "CONTEMTMENT? What use in praying and fasting, If Islam doesn't reflect in
our souls? In what we do???.....
knowledge/ religion can only be taught properly when a society is economically stable, when people
don't have problems, when the father is not forced to join some pirates to attack a ship, when the
mother is not forced to sell her body, WE, those who have enough money are the ones responsible,
IF THEY go astray,

Muhammad SAW said

"Poverty can be a reason for Infidelity"

Let us be a bit more conscious about what we do with the money we're blessed with! Let us be a bit
more responsible about the society! Let us not confine our empathy, care, affection to those who live
within our household! Let us practice Islam the way it was practiced!

if you like others to have what you like for

yourself, you will be a Muslim - Al-Tirmidhi,
Number 1334

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