Anthropology Personal Statement

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Anthropology degree

This degree is about the study of humans, and will give students a comprehensive understanding of
their own and other people's cultures, societies and economies. It is a complex academic subject
that studies people across different periods, locations and fields i.e. socio-political, evolutionary and

Its often described as the most scientific of the humanities and the most humanistic of the sciences,
partly because it focuses on observing and analysing people in their own surroundings and culture.

Anthropology looks at the rich diversity of contemporary human societies, their history and what it
means to be human. It studies how people are shaped by and interact with their social, cultural and
physical environments, and will give student a high level of cultural awareness by showing them why
people or cultures do particular things in certain ways.

Graduates with an anthropology degree are well-suited for a career in any number of fields,
including: education, teaching, research, museum curation, social work, international development,
government, non-profit management, and forensics.


Below is an anthropology personal statement written by one of our writers. You can use this
example to gain an idea of how to structure and put together your own one. You are strongly
advised not to copy or plagiarise it, instead use it as a resource to inspire your own creative
Anthropology personal statement example 1
"In my opinion anthropology, when combined with other things such as studying foreign
languages, cultures, or religions, gives you a good sense of what really matters in the world. It is a
subject that can help you to understand not only yourself but also others, it allows you to interact
with people who are different than you and in some ways bring you closer to them.
The more I have studied anthropology the more I want to learn, to me its a stimulating, intriguing
subject that requires independent thinking and clear logical reasoning, both traits that I possess.
I have always been curious about the world around me, and about how societies and cultures have
evolved. The comparative study of society and culture fascinates me, and I greatly enjoy watching
people in their own environment. I always had a strong desire to learn about cultures other than
my own and I want to gain an understanding of the world so that I might help to teach others
about issues like tolerance. On a personal level, I feel it can make a person less ethnocentric, by
deconstructing their cultural assumptions, and opening their mind.

These are the main reasons why I want to study anthropology, all apart from the fact that I find it
a very interesting and compelling subject which will teach me more about human diversity.
Another benefit of having this degree is that the training I receive on it can be applied to any
number of other professions. I will have be equipped with a set of analytical skills that are suitable
for many different jobs and fields such as the civil service, conservation heritage management,
working for charities and lecturing.
I am an open minded person who is ready and prepared for the diverse challenges that the
discipline has to offer.
I consider myself fortunate to have studied A level Anthropology at college. During my time on the
course I found myself surrounded by teachers who had a profound commitment to teaching in the
truest sense of that word. The knowledge and skills that I acquired during my studies at college
have served me extremely well both within and outside the world of academia. This experience has
provided me with an exceptional foundation for success at the degree level.
Recently I have managed to secure a job as a volunteer with a charitable organisation that was
involved in the ethnographic study of societies and cultures from around the world. They needed
someone to work on a project, and this gave me the perfect opportunity to gain some work
experience and to make contacts. My responsibilities included handling correspondence, answering
emails, record-keeping, interviewing, transcribing, critical analysis, and writing reports. I gained
other useful competencies such as careful note taking, attention to detail, observational and
analytical skills and cross-cultural communication. I also learnt practical field skills, along with the
theoretical and regional knowledge which is essential to studying or working in this area.
This work experience has changed the course of my life in ways I would not have imagined, by
opening up my horizons to a variety of related areas I didnt even know existed, and by allowing
me access to further opportunities to challenge and improve myself.
The decision to study anthropology at your university is probably been the most important decision
of my academic life. I firmly believe that the level of education at your institution is equal in
quality to that available at the most prestigious of institutions, with the added benefit of a tutor to
student ratio that allows for a degree of personal interaction impossible at other universities."

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