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Over Wandered Ways

Story #1 Breakdown
<Panel One> Panel one starts in complete Blackness
with the word, Tick. Tick. Tick. -Represents Thomas
while his eyes are closed but can hear what
sounds to be a clock<Panel Two> Zoomed shot of Thomas face, His eyes
half opened somewhat groggy. Head Laying on arm,
which is propped up on Table in front of him.
<Panel Three> -Sitting up in Chair- Begins to
wonder way hes in the library. Confused, as the place
looks foreign to him, he assumes its because hes still
half asleep and hes never been to the library in the
middle of the night. (Thought Text)
<Panel Four> -Aerial View of Library, looking
down at him- Zoomed out look of Thomas as he
begins to walk down long aisle way of Library.
Bookcases at both sides of him.
<Panel Five> While walking down the aisle, he begins
to look down each book row too see if anyone is there
that could help him fins out where he is, but each is
<Panel six> Continues to walk down the walkway,
beginning to wonder where everyone is he begins to
speak but is cut off by a noise. Side shot of Thomas
walking/Camera angle in Between Bookcases
Dialog: Thomas: Where is Every--- (Normal tone)
Unknown entity: SHHH! (Loudly)

<Panel Seven> Startled by the nose, he begins to see

a silhouette/Shadow of what looks like a desk. Walked
towards, Camera Angle- At face with both eyes
Squinted, seeing a desk at the end of hallway
Dialog: Thomas: Who is that, talking? (Slightly
Entity behind Desk: SHHH! (Even Louder)
<Panel Eight> Now at desk, has propped himself up on
it, feet lifted off floor and seemingly no one at the
Camera Angle- Back of Thomas/Zoomed
out to see Full desk
Dialog: Thomas: Hmm, I suppose that noise
wasnt from
here (Curious)
Noise Below Desk: SHHH! (Extremely
<Panel Nine) Thomas can now be seen having pulled
himself over towards the other side of desk to see a
Camera Angle- View Now from side.
Seeing Thomas & man looking at each other
Dialog: Thomas: Sir, Can you please help me? I
seem to
be lost.
Man: How many times shall I shush you?

<Panel Ten> Man keeping same face as panel nine and

Thomas now more puzzled than ever raises eyebrow,
while still hovering over the tall desk.
Camera Angle- Same as Panel 9
Dialog: Thomas: ButWhy not? Youre talking?
Different Voice (from inside man):
The boys got you beat there!
Man: Shut up! Dont make me Kick you!
Thomas: Why would you kick me for
asking a
Man: Not you. Now be quiet!
Different Voice: Kick me and Ill bit your
Now help the child.
<Panel Eleven> Man Begrudgingly decides to
introduce himself as The Head Librarian of Warhill
Camera Angle- First person view from
Thomas perspective at Head Librarian
Dialog: Head Librarian: Welcome to Warhilll
*Skips rest of
Im here as the head
and you will refer to
me as such.
Here at Warhill we
like to abide
by the rules for
better enjoyment,

that rule beingNo

<Panel Twelve> Thomas, now very confused by what
he has just heard, begins to ask HL about what
Warhill is. The man, confused by the question, blows it
off to tell the boy that the library will be closing soon &
hed best making his way out soon.
At this point, a loud sneeze can be heard.
*Camera Angle- Back behind Thomass head
at slight angle to the right showing both the man and
Thomas talking.
Dialog: Thomas: Warhill? What is that, and where
am I?
Man: I beg your pardon Cough Young
the library will be closing very soon.
would be wise for you to be leaving.
<Panel Thirteen> Thomas is surprised when another
head pops out of the middle of the mans cloak. This
curious new fellow had a mighty bushy white beard. He
proceeds to talk about how the inside of the cloak can
get so stuffy and make him sneeze.
Camera Angle- Side shot with Thomas
scratching his head, while a mans head can be
seen outside the middle of the Mans cloak
Dialog: Bearded Man: Had to get some fresh air, it
gets so

Stuffy in that cloak. Plus it rubs

Beard into my nose, making me
<Panel Fourteen/Fifteen> --This is a Split panel
The Left panel is of Thomas, still confused at what
just happened. He proceeds by asking whether they
are midgets/little people.
The Right Panel shown is of the 2 men, shown to
look very annoyed by what Thomas has just asked,
Claiming that to be very rude & preferred the term,
Gnome. Thomas, now somewhat relieved tells the
lower gnome he looks old which then the lower gnome
angerly replies but Im not a day over 250. Confused
by this Thomas asks how to leave the Library. The
lower gnome give him the answer then asking him his
*Camera Angle- Each panel is a close up of
each characters face. Left being Thomas/Right being
the Gnomes.
Dialog: Thomas: Wait are you all a couple of little
Top Half: Young Man
Lower Half: That is very rude, we prefer
Both Men: Gnomes!
Thomas: Thats cool you look old?
Lower Man: Not that its your business,
but Im
not a day over 200
Thomas: Do you know how to leave the
Upper Man: To exit the Library, please
take the
door to your left.

<Panel Sixteen/Seventeen> --Quick split Panel of

Thomas hopping off the desk and walking towards the
exiting door.
Camera Angle- Left panel is a simple
shot of Thomas hopping down, while the right
shot is of him exiting the door
<Last Panel> Both Gnomes shown standing on each
other with the cloak pulled behind them. They
curiously talk about Thomas. Believing him to be a nice
but rude kid. Ends with them both laughing.
Camera Angle- Full shot of Librarian
Gnomes from Behind Desk
Dialog: Top half: What a curious little boy
Bottom half: I liked him, though he was a
bit rude
if you ask me.
Top half: Bit dimwitted, too!
*Both enter to Laughter*
--End with Black Box
So begins the story! While not much is given in
the opening I hope it is enough to interest
anyone to help continue the journey.

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