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t @ ) SECTION A Answer ALL questions in this section. ‘Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. MODULE 1 FUNDAMENTALS IN CHEMISTRY Define the terms (i) oxidation Ep Qa yo use io ‘2 marks} When an acidified solution of potassium mangenate(VII) is added to hydrogen peroxide a redox reaction occurs and the observations include effervescence and a colour change. (State the colour change observed. [1 mark] Gi) Write the TWO half equations for the reaction, indicating the changes in oxidation ‘number, a SS {6 marks} State the roles of the two reagents, potassium manganate(VII) and hydrogen peroxide. ee eo DS [2 marks} (©) Describe an experiment, ineluding observations, that can be used to compare the oxidizing ity of the elements chlorine, bromine and iodine. [4 marks} Total 15 marks ‘2 marks} =r solution containing ammonia and ammonium (©) Calculate the pH of a buffer solution made from 20.00 cm? of 0.10 mol dm Propanoic acid (CH,CH,COOH) and 40.00 em’ of 0.050 mol dm” sodium propanoate (CH,CH,COONa). (The acid dissociation constant, K,, for propanoic acid is 1.22 « 10-5) [5 marks] (4) The experimental determination of the pH of the buffer solution in 2 (¢) was carried out bya group of students, a Gi) List TWO relevant pieces of apparatus and/or materials that may have been used to ccarry out the experiment, ee seaEasneeeesrerrcs ea ana eer EOL SS a la ee (2 marks} Describe TWO relevant steps taken by the students to determine the pH of the buffer. Se es ee 2 marks} ‘Total 15 marks (CHEMISTRY OF THE ELEMENTS: 3 (@)_—_—(_ Outline TWO reasons why aqueous hydroxide ions, OH" (aq). are used in the identification of cations, [2 marks} (ii) Table 1 shows an incomplete list of a number of cations wit the expected results of their respective flame tests Complete the table. ‘TABLE 1: FLAME TEST RESULTS: ete Element Na’ K ce a co Colour of Flame Green ws [2 marks} (b) Mis a mixture of a soluble and an insoluble salt. Table 2 tsam incomplete laboratory report of tests carried out on M. ‘Complete Table 2 by writing the relevant observations. eS TABLE 2: LABORATORY REPORT No. | Tests Observations Inferences | @ | Addi HeitoMand = | + SO, evolved | warm. Shake M)with water and then filter. To the colourless filtrate, | * SO} (aq) present add acidified Cr.0,™ (aq) (iii). | Dissolve residue from (ji) in dil. HNO. Add a) KI (aq) . Pb present and b)_ boil for 1 minute : bl, formed [5 marks] © @ _ Write half equations to explain the observation in test (b) (i). [4 marks} Gi) Identify the salts in mixture M- [2 marks} Total 15 marks 007 B= SECTION B Answer ALL questions. ‘Write your answers in the spaces provided at the end of each question. MODULE 1 FUNDAMENTALS IN CHEMISTRY 4. Calcium oxide, quicklime, is produced by roasting limestone. Quicklime iS used to neutralize the acidity of soils. . (a) Define the term ‘standard enthalpy of formation”. : (2 marks} (0) Write a balanced equation for formation of Cats} [1 mark] () @) ©) Construct a Bom-Haber cycle for the formation of COs) showing clearly, using equations, the steps of the enthalpy changes involved. Be [6 marks} Distinguish between ‘exothermic enthalpy change" amd “endothermic enthalpy change’, citing. enthalpy changes from your Born-Haber cycle im(€}to support your answer. [4 marks] Explain, by writing an equation, how the data from the Bom-Haber cycle can be used to ccaleulate the lattice energy of CaO(s). {2 marks} Total 15 marks ‘Write the answer to Question 4 here. 008 ¢ -Me MODULE 2 KINETICS AND EQUILIBRIA (a) With the aid of appropriate Boltzmann distribution curves, (using the axes provided on page 12) describe the effect of EACH of the following on reaction rates: (i) Temperature [4 marks] = Gi) Catalyst B marks] (b) The values of initial rates measured for the reaction below are recorded in Table 3. , : S0j;+2r ——> 280"+1, J F ‘TABLE 3: INITIAL RATES DATA 1 i 4 Experiment (8,021 tH Initial Rate | (mol dm) (mol dm) (mol dn? min F 1 0.15 0.25 14% 108 1 3 2 os 0.50 5.6% 10° s 3 0.075 0.50 2.8» 10-5 :. 74 0.075 0.25 7.0 10° (Use the information from the table to deduce the rate equation and calculate the overall order of the reaction. {5 marks] Gi) Calculate the a) rate constant {2 marks] b)_~ initial rate of the reaction when [S,0,” ], = 0.13 mol dmv*and [1),= 0.32 mol dm, U mark] Total 15 marks 009 -12- Write the answer to Question 5 here. (@) — @)—_ Temperature | 3 z E z Kinetic eneray — Gi) Catalyst g i , = i Zz Kinetic enerzy ea 6 (a) (b) @) 010 “15 / MODULE 3 (CHEMISTRY OF THE ELEMENTS ‘The atomic radii across the first row of transition elements show a gradual decrease. Outline the reasons for this trend. (2 marks} (i) State the FULL clectronic configuration for the ions, TP; Fe"; Cr. [3 marks] Gi) Explain, in terms of electronic configuration, why iron(II) is readily converted to iron(tt), (2 marks} When aqueous copper ions are treated separately with aqueous ammonia and concentrated hydrochloric acid, the complex ions [Cu(NH,),(H,0).}” and [CuCI,}” are formed. 7 State the name of the shape for (i) EACH of the complex ions [2 marks} Gi) a complex ion of the formula [ML,]* where M is the central metal and L. represents the ligand. 1 marky When titanium({Il) chloride is dissolved in water, a purple solution is formed. Explain carefully how the colour is produced. [S marks} Total 15 marks Write the answer to Question 6 here. 011 SECTION A ‘Answer ALL questions in this section. Write your answers in the spaces provided im this booklet. MODULE 1 : FUNDAMENTALS IN CHEMISTRY lie @ With the aid of an example, define the term “dative (Co-ondinate) covalent bond’. BF ANd NY, nutes nie ofa dialed Bale Awederl neo (OW ol hy ol ie. yes Nak Ney nv wee [2 marks} (>) ~ Intermolecular forces of attraction influence the plhysical properties of substances, such as, their melting points, boiling points, and solubility im polar and non-polar solvents. vu Consider the structure of the following substances and amswer the questions which follow. Hi ee 9) aliovis- ‘ HH HHH 1 web, ne-¢-Gon f me-c-c-e-m |, ee. ee (A) propanone ®) 1-propanl (©) buiane (@) Place substances A, B and C in order of increasing boiling point (lowest boiling point first). ; [1 mark] Gi) Identify the intermolecular attractive forces found in EACH of the substances in (b) (i) above. \ crange pre, dipsle Mes by The cvenk Porras 06 ee ‘oi2 Fen foo bhava Da 6 6pone. oa. WL ong tho § OF retail (ii) Deseribe the origin of TWO of the intermolecular attractive forces named in b) Gi). { Macho bord re fob CS purdlfo inof Digolr, hordny - a uy ReGureas Nag 0 cc eS ‘ 14 marks} (©) Complete Table 1 by indicating whether EACH of the substances, potassium bromide, acetone and solid iodine are soluble or insoluble in the two solvents, water (polar solvent) ‘and toluene (tfon-polar solvent). TABLE 1: SOLUBILITY IN POLAR AND NON-POLAR SOLVENTS. ‘Substance Water (Polar) ‘Toluene (Non-polar) — Potassium bromide ; Acetone Solid iodine % i | / 15 marks] 4 ‘Total 15 marks 2 @ ) MODULE 2 KINETICS AND EQUILIBRIA Describe, using FIVE essential steps, an experiment which can be used to determine the solubility product of Ca(OH), at room temperature. », 15 marks} The solubility product, K,,, at 25 °C for calcium carbonate (CaCO,) was found to be 5.0 x 10 moF am. @o wa qi) Define the term’tolubility product.” [1 mark } ‘Write the equation for the dissociation of calcium carbonate. in. =>. Gee 6? ee UU mark} Write the solubility constant expression for calcium carbonate. ic (43) fo 3) (2 marks} (©) Calculate the solubility of calcium carbonate (K,, = 5.0 « 10? mo dm at 25°C) in @ pure water kp = Cc4\+ Coos3 [2marks} Gi) 0.1 mol dmv Na,CO, solution. [3 marks} (G) What is responsible for the difference between the solubilities in (c) (i) and (c) (ii) above? Oi mark} ‘Total 15 marks as 015 Eon MODULE 3 (CHEMISTRY OF THE ELEMENTS Describe the reaction of EACH of the following halogens with hydrogen. @ @ Git) Fluorine ee ee Chlorine estas Bromine [Smarks} ‘A student was provided with three test tubes, EACH containing one hydrogen halide. ‘Arred hot wire (excoeding 300 °C) was quickly placed into each test tube in turn, The observations were recorded in Table 2. TABLE 2: OBSERVATIONS FOR HYDROGEN HALIDES @ a Gi) Identify the gases observed in ‘TestTube ‘Test Tube 111 a [2 marks} “Write a balanced equation to represent the reaction occurring in Test Tube TI. Se ei maxis] Using the relevant information provided in the data booklet, explain the trend in the observations recorded in Table 2. i [2 marks} co oncro rae NeeT Ace ? © @ Gv) What would }ou observe if hydrogen fluoride was used in the experiment? [1 mark] Concentrated sulphuric acid was carefully added to test tubes containing sodium chloride and sodium bromide respectively. State what would be observed in the case of (sodium chloride {1 mark] Gi) sodium bromide. [2 marks] The produets of the reaction in (c) (i) above were passed into water and the resultant solution treated with AgNO, (aq) folléwed by aqueous ammonia. State what would be observed. 2 marks} Total 15 marks 017 -R \ 3 3% ) Fe ’ SECTION B Answer ALL questions. ‘Write your answers in the separate answer bookiet provided. MODULE1 FUNDAMENTALS IN CHEMISTRY a, (@) _ State THREE factors which affect the first i -cnexgy of the elements. (3 marks] (6) Write the s, p and d electronic configuration of the following species: OQ a Gi) a3 Gi) Mn* -_* (vy) Fev ee ce 15 marks} (c) Explain how ionization energy dats prowide evidence for shells and subshells. Be. * [3marks} (@ Study Figure 1 which shows the logaritiem ti tie base ten of the successive ionisation energies of an element and answer the questions which follow. 5 logy ionisation energy 123.45 6 7 8 9 104 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 ‘Number of the ionisation Figure 1. Log,, of ionisation endrgies of an element ra nara mem ner mag (a) (b) 018 (@ Write the electronic configuration of the element represented in Figure 1. ' [1 mark} G@ Suggest an identity for the element U mark] (Gi) Write a batanced equation to illustrate the first ionisation of the element. _ (2 marks} ‘Total 15 marks MODULE 2 KINETICS AND EQUILIBRIA @ Copy and complete Table 3 to show the type of equilibrium for the selected equilibrium systems. TABLE 3: SELECTED EQUILIBRIUM SYSTEMS System Number | Equilibrium System Type of Equilibrium Saturated solution of a salt at 1__| room temperature ‘The vertical balancing ofa ruler 2__|onaffiat surface 3__| Heating of limestone at 800 °C 13 marks] (GH) State TWO characteristics of the equilibrium represented by System 1 in Table 3. (2 marks} Substances A, B, X and Y form an equilibrium mixture represented by the equation below. aA+bB S=xX+y¥ (@ Write the expression for the equilibrium constant, U1 mark} (@) What “deduction can be made when the equilibrium constant is much greater than 1? [mark] © © 019 : -10- ‘When solid bismuth (II) chloride, BiCl, is added to water, a white precipitate BiOCI is produced. These compounds form an equilibrium mixture represented by the equation BiCl(ag) + H,O() = BiOC\(s) + 2HCKag). (Explain why the white precipitate, BIOC1, disappears on the addition of aqueous HCI to the equilibrium mixture. [2 marks} (i) Explain what would be observed if a large volume of water was added to the equilibrium mixture. {3 marks} Phosphorus(V) chloride, PCI,, decomposes at 250 °C and forms an equilibrium mixture represented by the equation PCL(g) == PCI(g) + Clie). One equilibrium mixture at this temperature contains PCI, and PCI, at concentrations of 0.20 mol dar and 0.010 mol dm” respectively. Given K, at 250 °C = 0.19 mol dar, caleulate the concentration of Cl, in the mixture. [3 marks} ‘Total 15 marks a ca arta tur weve Dae &) ©. Melting point (°C) 020 -its MODULE 3 cx berrey OF THE ELEMENTS The elements sodium to argon (Period 3) are often used to illustrate periodie trends. “ NO@).+ 4 0,(@) TABLE 1 : DECOMPOSITION OF NITROGEN DIOXIDE oo (@ . Complete Table 1 by writing the missing values for [57 RO; 7: [2marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 033 se Gi) Plota graph of Roy against time, on the grid below. The first and last points have been plotted on the grid. 1{NO,] mor! dm? 100 2 300 Time (s) (2 marks} Gi) From your graph, determine the order of the reaction with respect toNO,. > Give a reason for your answer. t \ (Order of reaction: Se ee ee Reason: p (2 marks] : (iv) State the rate law for the reaction. 4 13 (i mark] ™) Penge slope ofthe graph to determine the value and units of the rate constant, k)\ for the reaction. (2 marks} GO ON TO THR NEYT Pai 034 36 (© Several experimental methods, including titrimetry, can be used to determine reaction rates. Suggest TWO OTHER methods which can be used to determine reaction rates. [2 marks} (@) Outline TWO experimental steps in the determination of the reaction rate of an esterifica- tion reaction using titrimetry. (2 marks} ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE A9119NNICAPRING 035 ae MODULE3 (CHEMISTRY OF THE ELEMENTS (@ _Insert arrows in the relevant boxes in Figure 2 to show the electronic configuration of the species. [5 marks} Fe(an Vee] fie fan Ee EF} can [ ail ecw TT vewn FT lz Figure 2. Electronic configuration of different species (©) Use the distribution in the d-orbitals to account for colour in transition metal ions. =a OS wo he lower tan decor visible Lageit aod ch nei Ine) 1s |e ‘& [2 marks] (©) Account for the observation that Zn”* compounds are normally colourless. Za) dv_od_absock visihie liarit due to bere electron arrangement in Wee dl orbitals ae [2 marks) GO ON TO THR NRXT PAGR: @ ‘Figure 3 refers to the following reaction scheme. ( caton, Bests, © ‘$ x80, (ankyy 2 * «| — iaa,o, “@ ®) oO. 8 feuci ©) Figure 3. Reaction scheme @ Complete the table below by writing the colour of the species labelled A,B,C,D and E in Figure 3. Species A B c D E Colour | ytnite | blue [5 marks} Gi)" Write the formula of Species B. Cu ae ee ee ee Total 15 marks C(O"), leat (ude Bp GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 037 9» SECTION B Answer ALL questions in this section. ‘Write your answers in the answer booklet provided. MODULE 1 FUNDAMENTALS IN CHEMISTRY 4. Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory is normally used to predict the shapes and ‘bond angles of simple molecules and ions. @ ) © ‘State the basic principle behind the VSEPR theory. (1mark 1 When hydrochloric acid reacts with water and ammonia the corresponding hydroxonium and ammonium ions are formed. @ w@ Gi) Using the VSEPR theory, state the shapes of the hydroxonium (H,O*) and ammonium (NH,‘)ions. 5 O\’ {2 marks] ar Using suitable diagrams, ilustrie the shape of EACH ion in (6) (i). [2 marks} Account for the shape of EACH of the species, H,O* and NH,*. (4marks} Suggest an explanation for EACH of the following observations: @ a ‘The experimental determination of the relative molecular mass of ethanoic acid (CH,CO,H) produces a value of 120 g. Your answer should include a suitable diagram. [4 marks] ‘The boiling point of propanone (acetone) is greater than the boiling point of butane. [2 marks] Total 15 marks 20 AN tn run NEV? DARE. 038 s:. MODULE 2 KINETICS AND EQUILIBRIA 5. The following equation represents a step in the Contact Process for the manufacture of sulphuric acid, Equation 1: _2SO,(g) + O,(g) => 280,@); AH =2196kJ mor! Chalice es oso.) * (@) State Le Chatelier’s Principle. pO [2 marks] ing oe 2 (©) State the effect of EACH of the following on'the equilibrium position of the reaction in Equation 1: aus DA pond (i) An increase in temperature. chfls fy He agit 9 leet © @ ‘When SO, and O, are mixed in a2: 1 ratio at 303 K the total equilibrium pressure of the system is 101.3 kPa. (2 marks] 4 py? Calculate K,, at 303 K for the reaction in Equation 1, if at equilibrium the number i iolb of moles of SO,, 0, and SO, are 1.2, 0.6 and 0.8 respectively. [4 marks} a ow Gi) Comment on the value for K, at 695 K for the reaction in Equation 1. (1 mark ] 2@ JClonsder tb flowing equation fara revectible reaction. a ow Equation 2: HS oho — Ale gt ss 89x10% camer Define he rn Bronsted Lary bse? [1 mark} Gi) Identify TWO bases in Equation 2. ot + ail ou [2 marks] y Wow HOt ©) Caleuilate the pH of 20.05 mol din’ solution of Ba(OH),. [3 marks} > Ba” QOH Total 15 marks Ba (OW, Ba ae ‘marl pot =- 'e9,. Low Cue f the 1 io tre moles of DH is o bees thet of Buo#l), p.0 mol’ x2 put gl = uy = | 7 a - ls POH = id 8 pot =~ ‘eg, CoV] ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Eon @ ) © @ 039 es MODULE 3 (CHEMISTRY OF THE ELEMENTS Define the term ‘electronegativity’. (1 mark | Consider the chlorides of the elements in Period 3 of the periodic table, and answer th following questions: @__ Describe the structures of the chlorides. [2 marks (i) Describe the differences in the pH of the solutions formed when the chloride react with water. [2 marks Gii)__ Write the equation for the reaction of silicon(IV) chloride and water. { 2marks Chlorine forms a colourless solution, P, when dissolved in cold sodium hydroxide. Thi teaction, which is tepresented by the reaction below, is referred to as a disproportionation ‘Ch(g) + 20H (aq) — (CT (aq) + C10"(eq) + HO) @ What is meant by the term ‘disproportionation’? (1 mark } iA suspension is formed when excess silver ions (Ag*) are added to Solution F (On filtering the suspension and heating the filtrate a white precipitate is formed Given the fact that the filtrate contains both Ag* and CIO~ ions, account for thé presence of the white precipitate on heating. [2.marks A simple salt, S, when treated with concentrated sulphuric acid produces dense whit fumes, T, and a red-brown gas, U. T, on dissolving in water, produces a colourless solution which turns blue litmus pape ‘Ted, and gives a cream precipitate, V, on addition of silver ions. V dissolves in aqueou: ammonia. @ Identify the substances, T, U and V. (3 marks] Gi) Write the formula for the ion present in S. [1 mark] (ii) Write the equation for the formation of the cream precipitate, V. [1 mark] ‘Total 15 marks END OF TEST i 040 a, SECTION A Answer ALL questions in this section. ‘Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. MODULE 1 FUNDAMENTALS IN CHEMISTRY 1, The manganate(VID) ion reacts in an acidic medium according to the following half equation: ‘MnO,- (aq) + 8H"(aq) + Se” —> Mn™(aq) + 4H,0. @ @ __ Define reduction and oxidation in terms of oxidation number. Reduction: Treseose iq eecidaKen # : 2 Wy idatton & Oxidation: Deentose i _ocidaon B® yo nonidos [2 marks} Gi) ‘Identify the role played by the MnO, ion in the redox reaction above and explain your answer im terms of oxidation number. . resin ZAC ect as “ere ie_ an increase WwW oddation aunber suggesbas it ig bey coh: = = / = 3 (Ma —> Mn ue z 4 {2 marks) (6) An aqueous solution of potassium iodide, KI, reacts with acidified MnO,~ to form a red- @ __Idéntify the species responsible for the red-brown colour. i era pclae fee (1 mark] Gi). Given that iodide ions react according to the following half equation, 2(aq) + 1(aq) + 26° deduce the balanced equation for the redox reaction between MnO,” and I. Hal? Hap + ot —2 ma"? » pow" 7 TZ, 041 = a (©) Compounds X and Y are tested for their reducing and/or oxidizing properties with MnO,” (aq) and I-(aq) separately. The results are shown in Table 1. TABLE 1: RESULTS OF TESTS ON COMPOUNDS X AND Y x x ‘MnO, (aq) @ ~ Mn0- (aq) @ MnO>(aq) decolourized decolourized req | Gi) Red-brown No visible solution formed change Categorise X and Y in terms of their oxidizing and reducing properties based on the above results, xX @: Sa en is a hes Pe PN (2 marks] (© Complete the following table by filling in the missing observations or inferences. ‘Test Observation “Taferencs ‘Mn0,-(aq) is added to ® + Aecolorzed D stat done ore a solution containing poctuced Fe*(aq). @) + browned coiaur + Fe ions produced ‘MnO, (aq) is added to | (ii) cplourly + MnO; reduced to Mn* ‘a solution containing SO,> followed by (aq). ‘+ White precipitate formson |v) « Be Sifaf addition of BaCl,(aq). Sulhor 4 ae ae $05 10 y i (5 marks) ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THR NEXT PAGE. MODULE 2 KINETICS AND EQUILIBRIA 2 @ Use the following electrochemical data to construct the labelled cell diagram for the combined bale. {4 marks} (6) Write the relevant half-equations for the change taking place at the @ — anode (i mark] @ cathode. {mark ] (© Write the equation for the overall cell reattion. Aa + Cute == aha! wq) + [mark] Go om rey em weer Fee @ — which electrode reduction takes place in the above electrochemical cell. (i) Give ONE reason for your answer to (4) (D. © Calculate the cell potential. = - 0,90 + 0.34 = 7D-No © @ Describe THREE changes you would observe if you substituted a zinc half-cell for [3 marks] (@) Suggest ONE reason for the cnanges observed in (f) (i) above. {1 mark] Gi) z F L & & E i (1 mark] ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THR NRXT PAGE @) CHEMISTRY OF THE ELEMENTS @ Both AP** and Pb give the same results on addition of NaOH(aq) and NH,(aq). ‘Complete Table 2 by filling in the observations. ‘TABLE 2: TESTS FOR AP* AND Pb* ‘Test Observation ‘NaOH(aq) is added ‘gradually until in NH,(aq) is added gradually until in [2 marks] Gi) _—_ Describe a test that could be carried out to distinguish between AI* and Pb** ions. Reagent: ‘Observation: Inference: [3 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE o 045 ah An accident occurs at a chemical plant that results in a chemical spill. The team of chemists recruited to do the clean-up takes a sample of the spill for analysis. ‘The results of the analysis are as follows: A B ic D ‘No characteristic colour change is observed on subjecting the sample to a flame test. ‘No precipitate is obtained on treatment with AgNO aq). ‘The pH of the sample is found to be 1.2. ‘The addition of acidified barium chloride results in the formation of a white ee @ Gi) Gi) Gv) w) ‘What does the result in B indicate about the sample? [1 mark} Based on the result in C, what type of compound is present in the sample analysed? (1 mark] (1 mark] ‘Suggest the identity of the chemical in the spill as indicated by the results of the | (1 mark) GO ON TO THR NEXT PAGE (©) @)_Mdentify the products, A and B, in the reaction scheme below. Cu*(aq) NOCH, a ‘Excess NH,(eq) Rie ane a SE Se B: eee (2 marks] (ii) Write the ionic equation for the formation of B. [2 marks} (ii) Name the type of reaction illustrated in the conversion of Cu” (aq) to B in the reaction scheme in (¢) (i) above. fochiswio Moe (i mark} ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -9- SECTION B Answer ALL questions in this section. Write your answers in the answer booklet provided. MODULE 1 FUNDAMENTALS IN CHEMISTRY 4. (@_ The foul odour of dirty socks may be attributed to caproic acid, an organic acid made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The results of combustion of a 0.450 g sample of caproic ‘acid indicate that it contains 0.279 g of C, 0.0467 g of H, and 0.124 g of O. @ Distinguish between ‘empirical formula’ and ‘molecular formula,’ using suitable ‘examples. [3 marks] @) Calculate the empirical formula and the molecular formula of caproic acid, given ‘that its molar mass is 116 g mot. 16 marks] (&) _ In the standardization of sulphuric acid with anhydrous sodium carbonate, a 1.49 g ‘sample of sodium carbonate is dissolved in distilled water to make 250 cm° of solution. ‘Three 25.0 cm? portions of this solution are pipetted and titrated against a solution of sulphuric acid of unknown concentration using screened methy! orange as the indicator. ‘The average volume of sulphuric acid used for the titration is found to be 24.65 cm’. @ Give THREE precautions that should be taken to ensure that the sodium carbonate, ‘used as a standard in the above titration, is of accurate concentration. [3 marks} Gi) Calculate the number of moles of sodium carbonate used for each titration, if the concentration of the stock solution is 5.65 x 107 mol dm. (1 mark} (iii) Calculate the accurate concentration of the standardized sulphuric acid in mol émr*. [2 marks} ‘Total 15 marks 80 ow TO THR WRT PAGE 048 - 10 - MODULE2 KINETICS AND EQUILIBRIA ‘The element calcium forms a number of sparingly soluble salts such as CaCO, found in limestone and CaC,O, found in kidney stones. @ — @ _ Write the equilibrium constant expression for the dissociation of calcium carbonate in an aqueous solution. [2 marks) Gi) Write an expression for the solubility product of CaCO, and explain its signifi- cance as it relates to sparingly soluble salts. {2 marks] (b) _A saturated solution of CaCO, at 25°C, is found to contain Ca™ ions at a concentration of 6.7 x 10% mol da. @ — Caleulate K,, (25°C) for CaCO, [3 marks] Gi) Describe the effect of adding Ca(NO,), and KNO, to separate samples of the satu- rated solution of CaCO,, (2 marks} © Kidney stones generally consist of partially soluble salts of calcium such as calcium oxalate, CaC,0,. Foods rich in oxalate such as chocolate, spinach or celery can trigger the onset of kidney stones. @o ‘Write an equation for the formation of calcium oxalate. {2 marks) Gi) Explain the common ion effect and how it relates to the formation of kidney stones from a diet rich in oxalate, C,0.>. [2 marks] @ ___ Whatis meant by ‘Le Chatelier’s principle’? [2 marks] ‘Total 15 marks Ve = Cenco,] Asp (a ] £C0,) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 049 Stiri MODULE 3 (CHEMISTRY OF THE ELEMENTS ‘NaX is a sodium halide which gives the following results on testing: ~° Bubbling Cl, into an aqueous solution of NaX gives a red-brown solution. On addition of starch a blue-black colour forms. ~ Addition of AgNO, to NaX(aq) gives a yellow precipitate which is insoluble in aqueous ammonia. (@) Identify Element X and explain the reaction taking place in EACH of the tests above. Tnclude balanced equations in your explanations. Lea ©) Consider the halogens Cl,, Br, and I, . @ State the trend in their colour intensity. (i mark] Gi) 2) __ State the trend in volatility of the elements. b) Account for this trend in volatility, in terms of atomic size and inter- molecular bonding. [3 marks] 050 Bia Figure 1 shows the trend in the first enthalpies of ionisation (ionisation energies) in the elements, sodium to argon. First enthalpy of ionisation kJ molt Na Mg A S PF S GQ oF @ State the general trend in the first enthalpies of ionisation for the elements Na to Ar as shown in Figure 1. {1 mark} (i) Explain the differences observed in the first enthalpies of ionisation of the following pairs of elements: a) MgandAl b) — PandS. (2 marks} Gi) Suggest TWO OTHER pairs of elements which should exhibit differences in their first enthalpies of ionisation as those elements given in (c) (ii) above. [2 marks] (Gv) __ Describe the relationship between atomic radius and first enthalpy of ionisation. (1 mark) ‘Total 15 marks END OF TEST 051 SECTIONA “Answer ALL questions in this section. Write your answer in the spaces provided in this booklet. MODULE1 FUNDAMENTALS IN CHEMISTRY 1. @)_ Hess's law states that the total energy change in a reaction is independent of the route i from reactants to products if the initial and final conditions of temperature and pressure are identical. Given the following data: Me(s) + 28%(aq) > Mg(eq) + Hg) aH = -S1 MgO(s) + 2H" (aq) > Mg” (aq) + H,O(g) AH = -151.1k0 2g) + 08) > 2H,0@) AH = ~ 483.61 ‘Use Hess’s law to calculate the enthalpy change for the following reaction: 2Mg (s) + O,(g) > 2MgO(s) fe a kc We [3 marks} () A student carries out an experiment to determine the enthalpy change of the reaction ‘between magnesium and hydrochloric acid. She measures the steady temperature of 100 cm? of hydrochloric acid in a polystyrene cup. She then places a 10 cm long piece of ‘magnesium, of mass 0.5971 g, in the acid and records the temperature every 30 seconds for 4 minutes, while stirring at regular intervals. @ Explain the reason for stirring the mixture at regular intervals. Se Se ee en a [i mark] 052 aoe i) Given that the initial and final temperatures are 28°C and 57°C respectively, sketch typical graph for the results of the experiment to illustrate how the student arrived at the temperature change, AT, for the experiment. Give the main source of error for the experiment. eee eee ge ener sp esata SSS ee © Gv) @ @ 053 Calculate the enthalpy change, in kI mot" of Mg for the reaction at constant pressure, given ‘The density of dilute HCI is 1.0g em=., [3 marks] Use the results of your calculation in (b) (iv) above to state whether the reaction is endothermic or exothermic. Draw a clearly labelled energy profile diagram for the reaction between magne- sium and hydrochloric acid. Inciude on your diagram the enthalpy change for the reaction. @ @) MODULE2 KINETICS AND EQUILIBRIA ‘Methanoic acid, HCOOH, the iritant found in the sting of an ant, is a weak acid with an acid dissociation constant, K,,, of 1.6 x 10“ mol dm’, HCOOH(@q) + #,0@ = H,O%aq) + HCOO-(aq) Explain what is meant by the term ‘weak acid’. Ls Ui mark} @ ‘White an expression forthe dissociation constant, K, of methanoic acid. (1 mark ] & chemist extracts the methanoic acid from 40 ants and adds water to make 25.00 em of a Solutio’ ¥. He then ttrates this solution with a 0.050 mol dm standard solution of eadiace hydroxide, NaOH(aq), a strong alkali, to determine the concentration of HCOOH in Solution ¥. Using Bronsted-Lowry theory, explain what is meant by a strong base. renee a Sd Sli {2 marks] 055 ee Gi) Calculate the pH of the standard NaOH solution. {2 marks} Gi) The concentration of methanoic acid in Solution ¥ is found to be 6.0 10° mol dr Caleulate the pH of Solution Y. [2 marks} (Gv) Suggest a suitable indicator for the titration between methanoic acid and sodium hydroxide. {1 mark] () Sketch a graph to illustrate the changes in pH that take place during the titration. { 4marks} 3 © Ant stings can be treated with baking soda, NaHCO, . Suggest, with the aid of an equation, 056 Se how baking soda helps to relieve the effect of the sting. (2 marks] Total 15 marks MODULE3 CHEMISTRY OF THE ELEMENTS Barjum is a member of the Group II elements in the periodic table. A barium sulphate meal is often fed to patients in preparation for X-ray analysis of the digestive tract. fa) @ @ Describe the reaction of barium metal with water. Include a balanced equation. eee ee eS ae eh eS rite ena J Seka ee eee eS (4 marks] Explain why the use of barium sulphate is acceptable in the X-ray analysis even though Ba” ions are toxic. — Se ee een > SN eee es toe es [2 marks} ) © @ 057 eta ‘Radium is a member of the Group II elements and is located at the bottom of the group. Predict BACH of the following: @ Thermal stability of RaCO, relative to the other Group II carbonates (i __Ease of reaction between radium and oxygen [2 marks} Magnesium oxide is used in the walls of industrial fumaces. Suggest an explanation for this usage. [2 marks] A student heated two calcium salts, A and B, and the following results were obtained. ‘Compound A decomposed to give a gas which formed a white precipitate on being bubbled into an aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide. Compound B decomposed to give two gases. One gas was brown in colour and tumed moist ‘bine litmus paper red and the other gas rekindled a glowing splint. @ Identify the gas evolved on heating Compound A. (imark] Gi) Identify the TWO gases evolved on heating Compound B. [2 marks} Gil) Deduce the molecular formulae of the two calcium salts. Compound A: ‘Compound B: {2 mari} ‘Total 15 marks SECTION B Answer ALL questions in this section. Write your answer in the answer booklet provided. MODULE 1 FUNDAMENTALS IN CHEMISTRY 4, , The safety air bags used in many vehicles are inflated on impact by a gas that is produced from the rapid decomposition of sodium azide, NaN, @ Assuming that the ges produced behaves as an ideal gas under these conditions: @ Gi. Gi) iv) &) ® @ State TWO properties of an ideal gas. {2 marks] Use the ideal gas equation to calculate the number of moles of gas produced in an air bag of volume 40.0 dm? at a pressure of 2.0 x 10? KPa and a temperature of 30°C. [5 marks] Given that the mass of gas produced in the air bag is 90.0 g, use the answer from (@) Gi) to calculate the molar mass of the gas and suggest its identity. [2 marks] Write the equation for the decomposition of NaN,. [2 marks} ‘State the conditions of temperature and pressure under which gases deviate from ideality. [2 marks] Describe the property of the gas molecules that is responsible for the deviation from ideality. [2 marks] ‘Total 15 marks = S n © Gary ay @ @) 059 240« MODULE 2 KINETICS AND EQUILIBRIA. State and explain the effect of EACH of the following on the rate of a chemical reaction: @ — Acatalyst [ 2 marks} Gi) Concentration of the reactants [3 marks) ‘Sulphur dichlorine oxide dissociates according to the following equation: SO,C1,(2) > SO,g) + CL@ ‘The data in Table 1 was obtained from a kinetic study of the variation in the rate of disso- ciation of SO,Cl, with concentration at a constant temperature. TABLE {s0,C1) Rate of dissociation mol dm mol dm s* 0.45 1.35 x 10+ 0.39 1.17x 104 034 1.02 x 10+ 0.28 8.40x 10% 023 6.9.x 10° 0.18 34x 10% @ Use the data given in Table 1 to calculate the order of the reaction with respect to the $O,Cl,. [ 2 marks] Gi) Write the rate equation for the reaction and calculate the value and units for the rate constant. 1 4 marks] Git) Calculate t for the reaction. { 2marks] Gv) State and explain the effect on the rate of dissociation of SO,Cl., of carrying out the experiment at a higher temperature. [ 2 marks} ‘Total 15 marks 060 21 = MODULE3 (CHEMISTRY OF THE ELEMENTS ‘The reaction shown in Figure | illustrates the reaction occurring between oxyhaemoglobin and carbon monoxide to form carboxyhaemoglobin. foe Co) ae "| Histidine Figure 1 @ —— @_Define the term ‘ligand’ and identify two ligands in the haemoglobin structures in Figure-1. [ 4 marks] Gi) State and explain the principle on which the reaction in Figure 1 is based. { 2 marks] (®) Carbon monoxide, CO, formed from the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, poses no threat to vegetation but is extremely toxic to humans at high concentrations. @ Using the information in Figure 1, account for the toxic effect of carbon monoxide at high concentrations. {3 marks} Gi) Suggest a treatment for a patient suffering from overexposure to carbon monoxide and give a reason for your suggestion. {2 marks} © Account for the origin of colour in transition metal complexes. [ 4marks} ‘Total 15 marks END OF TEST 061 2s SECTIONA Answer ALL questions in this section. MODULE 1 1. In an experiment to determine the empirical and molecular formulae of a hydrocarbon, A, ‘hydrocarbon is completely burnt in excess oxygen and the products collected. A gave 3.52 g ‘carbon dioxide and 1.62 g of water, on complete combustion. IM, CO, = 44; MH,0 = 18] (@® Calculate the mass of @ carbon in 3.52 g of carbon dioxide [1 mark} hydrogen in 1.62 g of water. [1 mark] (b) _ Use the answers obtained in (a) (i) and (a) (ii) to calculate the empirical formula of A. [2marks] 062 =a ‘The molar mass of A is 114g mol. Calculate its molecular formula. {2marks} Describe simple tests that could be used to confirm that the products of the combustion of A are water and carbon dioxide (You must include in your answer the reagent used and the observation obtained for EACH test). @ Water ee (2 marks} (i) Carbon dioxide [2marks} Total 10 marks 063 ae - 2 (a) _—_Amorganic compound, X, is subjected to chemical analysis and mass spectrometry to determine its structural formula. Some of the results of the chemical analysis are recorded in Table 1 below. Complete the table by writing the observations and inference that have been omitted. TABLE 1: RESULTS OF TESTS ON COMPOUND X Test Observation Inference An alkaline solution of silver} (i) nitrate is added to a few cm? of X. The mixture is warmed] Aldehyde Todine and X are warmed —_| (ii) ‘Methylketone with some NaOH in a test tube. X is added to afew cm’ of —_{(iii) bromine in tetrachloro- Alkene ‘methane. X is added to dilute HCL ‘White crystals are produced. —_|(iv) [4 marks} (v) Suggest a value for the pH of a solution of X. (1 mark] (vi) The mass spectrum of X reveals that it has a RMM of 203. A prominent peak is also observed in the mass spectrum at m/z 77. Use this information and the results of your chemical analysis as recorded in Table 1 above to draw a displayed structure for X. {1 mark] GO ON TA THE NEYT PAGE 064 25 ©) _Anorganic compound Y is also subjected to chemical analysis. Some of the results are presented in Table 2. Complete Table 2 by writing the tests and inference that have been omitted. TABLE 2: RESULTS OF TESTS ON COMPOUND Y ‘Test Observation Inference MnO, is added toa | Colour changes from purple | (i) FoF Y, and the mixture is | to colourless. White precipitate produced. | Phenol present. Gas evolves which forms Carboxylic acid group white fumes with NH,(g). [3 marks] “Tbe molecular formula for ¥ is found to be C, H,,O,. Suggest a structural formula for ¥. (1 mark] ‘Total 10 marks: 065 A student synthesizes a crude organic product in the laboratory. The process of purification outlined in the flow diagram in Figure I below. Crude product in aqueous solution Product ‘Ada bot solvent B Process 2 Cystalline Produet suspended in solution Process 3 Dry colourless ibe ti Figure 1. (@ Identify EACH of the processes 1, 2 and 3 in Figure 1. [3 marks} o © 066 ae (® Suggest the name of Solvent A and explain why the solvent sus is suitable. ate dete ee cote ee [3 marks} Gi) Describe Mixture B [imark] Suggest a suitable piece of equipment which could be used to obtain the (extracted product a [imark} Gi) dry crystals. [imark} Mixture B shows some discolouration and an additional step is required before Process 2. ‘Name the purifying agent necessary in this step. (i mark] ‘Total 10 marks 067 aie SECTION B Answer THREE questions from this section, ONE question from EACH module. @ @ w Gi) w) w) MODULE 1 Answer EITHER Question 4 OR Question 5. Describe the features of a chemical system in a state of dynamic equilibrium. 14 marks] Define the term ‘equilibrium constant’. U1 mark J Iodine gas is purple and hydrogen iodide gas is colourless. Hydrogen and iodine, in the gaseous state, react according to the equation: HY) + 1) = 2HI@) Describe and explain, with reference to changes in colour, the observations made when hydrogen gas is reacted with iodine gas at constant temperature until equi- librium is achieved. [5 marks] ‘Table 3 shows some data for the system given in (iii) above. (Assume that the volume of the vessel is 1 dm* and the temperature remains constant.) TABLE 3: DATA FOR THE SYSTEM ABOVE, Species 4H, 1, HI Initial concentration (mol dm“) fl 2 0 Equilibrium concentration (mol dm™*) 67 8) Use the information in Table 3 and the equation in (a) (iii) above to caleu- late the number of moles of hydrogen reacting. >) Complete the table by inserting the equilibrium concentrations of I, and HL {3 marks] ‘Write an equation for K, for the reaction in (iii) above. {2 marks] (®) The terms K,, pK, and pH can be used to indicate the relative strength of weak acids. The ‘general equation for the equilibrium of a weak acid is given below: @ HA(eq) <> HY(@a) + Aaa) ‘Write an expression for EACH of the following terms: a K, » pK, c) pH [3 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE @ ©) © (i) Given that K, for acid HP is 3.0 x 10° mol dm”, predict the relative size of K, for a stronger acid HQ. Explain your reasoning. [2 marks} ‘Total 20 marks Explain BACH of the terms ‘oxidation’ and ‘reduction’, in terms of (loss and or gain of electrons [2marks} (i) change in oxidation number. [2 marks] Hycrogen peroxide, H,O,, can act as both an oxidising agent and a reducing agent, and chloric (1) acid (HOCI) can act as an oxidizing agent. 0,+ 2H" + 26 > HY 1,H,0,+ +e + H,0 HOC +H +e Cl, + HO (® Use the appropriate half equations (from those above) to write a balanced equa- tion to show the reaction between hydrogen peroxide and chloric (I) (hypochlo- rous) acid. [2marks] Gi) By making reference to the change in oxidation numbers of the elements in both the hydrogen peroxide AND the chloric (1) acid, determine which reactant is re- ‘duced and which is oxidised. [6 marks] In an experiment to determine whether iron or nickel is a better reducing agent, a strip of ‘each metal is placed in an aqueous solution of a salt of the other metal. A reaction occurs in the container in which iron is placed in the aqueous solution of the nickel salt. @ State what type of chemical reaction occurs and write an ionic equation for the reaction. [3 marks} i Which element has the greater reducing ability? Explain your answer, using a suitable half equation. [4marks} (iii)__Tin shows no reaction with solutions of EITHER iron or nickel salts. Place the elements, tin, iron and nickel in order of INCREASING reducing ability. (1 mark} ‘Total 20 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 069 gs MODULE2 Answer EITHER Question 6 OR Question 7. (@) Describe EACH of the following terms, using appropriate examples: @_— Homolytic bond fission (Inductive effect [6 marks} (>) _Citral is an oily liquid which contributes to the flavour and aroma of oranges. (@) State TWO types of reaction mechanisms which citral will undergo, identifying the functional group involved in EACH case. [4 marks} Gi) With the use of simple molecules containing the functional groups identified in (©) (@®, explain the steps involved in EACH of the mechanisms mentioned in () @. [8 marks] (© Oestrone, a female sex hormone, reacts with bromine in the presence of iron (III) bromide via a mechanism not mentioned in () (ii). Identify the mechanism and draw the product of this reaction. {2 marks} Total 20 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 070 Ws ‘The reaction sequence below shows the conversion of methylbenzene to A. cH, cH, cH, No, NH, Reaction I Reaction II OO -=0 x @ —— @_ For the reaction sequence given above, state the reagents and conditions needed for Reactions I and Il. [4 marks] i) Identify ONE OTHER product that could be obtained in Reaction I by changing the conditions. State the condition(s) needed. [2 marks] (>) Amphetamine, like A, is an amine. It is a drug that increases the heart rate and causes increased sweating in humans. Its structure is given below: ca, oe ‘cH 1 NH, Structure of Amphetamine @) Explain the differences in basic character of A, ammonia and amphetamine. In your explanation make reference to the molecular features of each molecule. State the order of INCREASING basic character of the three molecules. (8 marks] Gi) Write an equation to show the basic nature of any ONE of the above substances. {mark ) (iii) ‘The pK, of A is 9.62. Suggest how the pK, of amphetamine and ammonia should vary relative to that of A. (2 marks} (©) The pH of ethanoic acid is 4.76 and of dichloroethanoic acid is 1.29. (@ Predict pH values for difluoroethanoic acid and dibromoethanoic acid. (2 marks} (i) Would benzoic acid be a stronger or weaker acid than ethanoic acid? (1 mark } ‘Total 20 marks 071 2s MODULE3 Answer EITHER Question 8 OR Question 9. ‘The enthalpy of solution of sodium chloride is determined in a school laboratory. The results of four trials are presented in Table 4 below. ‘TABLE 4: EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS OF DETERMINATION OF AH ,,, NaCl @ ) ‘Trial 1 2 3 4 OH, 4.80 465 5.25 460 (KJ mor) The theoretical value is + 5.00 KJ mol”, @ iy Git) Calculate the mean of AH_,, NaCl from the data. {2 marks} ‘Comment on the precision and accuracy of the results. [3 marks] Calculate the standard deviation of the data and explain the significance of the value. [3 marks} In the above experiment a top loading balance is used to weigh the sodium chloride sam- ple and a 250 cm? beaker is used to measure the volume of water. The thermometer readings are measured within + 0.5 °C. @ Gi Discuss whether each instrument is appropriate for the measurement taken and ‘suggest possible alternatives where necessary. [6 marks] Give TWO reasons for calibrating an instrument such asa thermometer and suggest TWO steps involved. (4 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 072 a (©) The volume of water, at room temperature, displaced by a series of standard weights is recorded. The results are given in Table 5 and the calibration curve is plotted in Figure 2. ‘TABLE 5: VOLUME OF WATER DISPLACED Mass of Volume of standard HO displaced @® (em") 2 0.75 4 15 8 3.0 12 45 16 60 ‘Volume of water displaced (em) 8 10 2 ‘Mass of standard (g) Figure 2. ‘Use the calibration curve in Figure 2 to determine the density of a block: avolume of 4.0 cm’. 073 -14- Different types of distillation, for example, simple distillation, fractional distillation and steam distillation, are used to separate mixtures. The physical properties of three compounds, W, X and Y are given in Table 6. @ &) © ‘TABLE 6: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF W, X AND Y Compound mpJ/°C bps Solubility in water w -917 45 Soluble x ~62 34 Immiscible Mi 801 1465 Soluble State which type of distillation is BEST suited for separating EACH compound from a mixture of the compound in water. [3 marks] A fourth compound, Z, (b.p = 97.2°C) forms a non-ideal mixture with water which boils at 88.1°C at 0.43 mole fraction of Z. @ Construct the b.p / composition curve for the mixture of Z in water. Include in your diagram all data given, and label the two phases present. [5 marks] Gi) Use the diagram drawn in (b) (i) to explain why this mixture cannot be completely separated using fractional distillation. [8 marks} ‘Steam distillation is used in the extraction of essential oils from plant materials. Suggest @ ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage of carrying out the distillation under increased pressure {2marks} i) TWO industries that utilize the process. [2 marks} ‘Total 20 marks END OF TEST ,

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