Families Test Review

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families test review

Arranged marriage- when two families negotiate an agreement about
the marriage of their son or daughter to each other.
Conjugal relationship- a legitimate sexual relationship or marriage
Dual income family- a family in which both spouses work full-time
Ethnocentrism- the tendency to evaluate behavior from the point of
view of ones own culture.
Family studies- an interdisciplinary study that integrates anthropology,
sociology, psychology and other social sciences to study the behaviors of
individuals and their families.
Families throughout history- (nuclear, single parent, blended,
Non-normative- family challenges
Normative- age/ generation history experiences
Why divorces have gone up and less people are getting
Number one reason people marry is because they feel that marriage
signifies commitments, More couples are now choosing common law
relationships. main reason couples divorce is because of different values and
Common-law couple are more likely to break up than are couples that
are legally married.
Compare sociology, psychology, anthropology, and family
-psychology study of individuals behavior based on mental processes
experiments, surveys, qualitative mostly quantitative
jean Piaget
studies human behavior in society through the study of culture- uses
participant observation
Margret Mead
-sociology- explains the behavior of individuals in social groups,
families and society
qualitative and quantitative survey
studies demographics of the population
Reginald Bibby

-Families studies is an Interdisciplinary study that integrates

anthropology, sociology and psychology
choose 3 theories
Systems theory
Explains the behavior of individual as inseparable from the group
Explains why behavior continues in destructive patterns even through
Can be difficult to determine how other within the family are
influencing an individual behavior
Overlooks experience of individuals
Social/ structural factors, such as unemployment are not taken into
Symbolic interaction
Emphasizes mental processes and takes individual perception and
interpretations into consideration
Sense of individual control
Explains importance of shared symbols and communication
Observations of researchers may be influenced by the researchers
Pays little attention to the impact of wider society and does not explain
society-wide changes in families
Symbolic interactionism
MICRO approach
A Physiological theory that attempts to explain how individual choose
how they will act based on their perceptions of themselves and of other.
People define and interpret their experiences and give meaning to
me= objective qualities (tall, Male student)

I= subjective self (good student, shy, lonely)

role taking being able to anticipate how others will respond
communication requires common language and use of shared symbols
Cooleys looking glass self
4 main families
Blended family- a family in which divorced parent with children
Extended family- when young adults continue to live in their parents
Nuclear family- the typical family two parents and kids
Single parent- one parent provide for children without help
Significant changes in men and women roles
two-earners families bring in approximately $17300 more than oneearner families 2002, average family income has never been higher.
Debts are also record highs and saving are at records lows.
Women still do most of the multitasking
About 16% of women who work full-time outside the home do at least
another 30 hours of housework per week and about 17% do at least 30
hours of child care per week.
40% of women who quit their jobs do so for children and other family

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