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By Rick Schoonover, Safe Houses San Fernando Valley 2004


Alcohol: you can usually smell the guests breath, which is a good
indication of intoxication. There will be major behavioral changes.
Sleeping patterns will change. Slurring of words, staggering can also
Heroin: the individual will have pinned eyes, will scratch, nod, also a
change in behavior
Methadone: abuse symptoms similar to heroin.
Cocaine: the person will have behavior changes such as locking oneself in
the bathroom for long periods of time, personality changes such as
paranoia, grandiose, flippant, jittery, speedy, and reclusive. Also pupils will
be dilated, stuttering, and facial ticks. They will be broke.
Speed: their eyes will be dilated, excessive talking, major behavioral
change, such as violent tendencies and tweaking. Also there may be
excessive weight loss over prolonged periods of use.
Marijuana: excessive eating, excessive talking, giggly, red eyes. It is very
difficult to get an accurate reading on a drug test as the stays in the
system for long periods of time.
Prescription drugs: examples of prescription medications most likely to
be abused: valium, Librium, codeine, dilaudid, vicodin, soma, darvacet,
darvon, doridan percacet, percodan, etc...
Signs of abuse are very similar to that of someone under the influence of
alcohol or heroin - slurred speech, nodding, scratching, change of
behavior, impaired motor skills.
Psychiatric medications: signs of abuse can be extreme behavior
changes - extreme highs, extreme paranoia, depression, suicidal
tendencies. This can also be a result of lack of medication. It is often
difficult to make a judgment call.

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