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Herramientas para la Toma

de Decisiones Gerenciales
Julio 2014
Luis Del Carpio

Pantry Shopper *
Pantry Shopper is a supermarket in suburban Philadelphia, where competition among
supermarkets is fierce. Pantry Shopper management feels that because prices are so competitive,
shoppers will choose one supermarket over another due to the services offered. For this reason, Pantry
Shopper prides itself on its in-store bakery; its deli counter, which the store claims offers more
varieties of meats, cheeses, and salads than any competitor; and its meat counter, where the store
provides custom cuts of meat and poultry.
The store has been in business in the same location since 1953. Over the years, the store has
had different owners and different managers, each with his or her own ideas on the management and
design of the store. The new manager, Beth Smith-Danton, is no exception. Beth felt that by providing
shoppers with faster, more efficient service, she might be able to improve the store's competitive
position and market share. To this end, she has already moved check approval from the main desk to
the cash register. She has increased the limit on cash back from checks from $20 above the purchase
amount to $50 above the purchase amount. She has instituted a delivery service to make shopping
more convenient, especially for senior citizens.
To this point, however, Beth has not changed the checkout system itself. The last major
remodeling of the checkout system occurred in 1982. Since then, the demand at the store has
increased and the technology of the cash registers has changed. Beth needs to use her square footage
efficiently in redesigning the checkout system. She knows that she has to design the system for peak
usage but does not want to overdesign the systemthat is, to install too many cash registers and lanes.
It's not that Beth is concerned about the unnecessary expenses, because the registers, scanners, and
conveyors represent a fixed cost that would be spread over many shoppers. Wasted space is a far
greater concern.
Planning for a major redesign, Beth collected data at her store on several consecutive
Saturday mornings. She noticed that customers arrived at the checkout at a rate of approximately 100
per hour. Fully 20 percent of the customers had 10 items or less. Those people took about 2 minutes to
serve on average, while customers with more than 10 items took about 4 minutes to process. Beth
expects service time to improve when universal price code readers are installed in the new design.
Help Beth with her design for the system.

* Adaptado de Mtodos cuantitativos para los negocios, 11va Edicin Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Camm y Martin

Despensa Shopper es un supermercado en los suburbios de Filadelfia, donde la

competencia entre los supermercados es feroz. Gestin Despensa Shopper siente
que porque los precios son tan competitivos, los compradores eligen un
supermercado sobre otro debido a los servicios que ofrece. Por esta razn,
Despensa Shopper se enorgullece de su panadera en la tienda; su mostrador de
delicatessen, que las reclamaciones Store ofrece ms variedades de carnes, quesos
y ensaladas que cualquier competidor; y su mostrador de la carne, donde la tienda
La tienda ha estado en el negocio en el mismo lugar desde 1953. A travs de los
aos, la tienda ha tenido diferentes propietarios y gerentes diferentes, cada uno con
sus propias ideas sobre la gestin y el diseo de la tienda. El nuevo gerente, Beth
Smith-Danton, no es una excepcin. Bet senta que al proporcionar a los
compradores con un servicio ms eficiente ms rpido, ella podra ser capaz de
mejorar la posicin competitiva de la tienda y la cuota de mercado. Con este fin, ya
ha trasladado la aprobacin de verificacin de la recepcin principal a la caja
registradora. Ella ha aumentado el lmite de dinero en efectivo de cheques de 20
dlares por encima del importe de la compra a $ 50 por encima del monto de la
compra. Ella ha instituido un servicio de entrega para hacer compras ms
Para este punto, sin embargo, Beth no ha cambiado el sistema de pago en s. La
ltima remodelacin importante del sistema de pago se produjo en 1982. Desde
entonces, la demanda en la tienda ha aumentado y la tecnologa de las cajas
registradoras ha cambiado. Bet tiene que utilizar su cantidad cuadrada de manera
eficiente en el rediseo del sistema de pago. Ella sabe que tiene para disear el
sistema para el uso de alta, pero no quiere sobredisear el sistema, es decir, para
instalar demasiadas cajas registradoras y carriles. No es que a Beth le preocupan
los gastos innecesarios, ya que los registros, escneres y transportadores
representan un costo fijo que se extendi a lo largo de muchos compradores.
La planificacin de un importante rediseo, Beth recolect datos en su tienda en
varias maanas de los sbados consecutivos. Se dio cuenta de que los clientes
llegaron a la caja a una velocidad de aproximadamente 100 por hora.
Completamente 20 por ciento de los clientes tena 10 artculos o menos. Esas
personas salieron unos 2 minutos para servir en promedio, mientras que los clientes
con ms de 10 unidades tomaron unos 4 minutos para procesar. Bet espera que el
tiempo de servicio a mejorar cuando los lectores de cdigos de precios universales
se instalan en el nuevo diseo. Ayuda a Beth con su diseo para el sistema.

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