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January 2010

V o l um e 5 # 1
Wading River Baptist Church
P.O. Box 438, 1635 Wading River-Manorville Road, Wading River, NY 11792
(631) 929-3512; 929-6022

Marriage: Some Theological Reflections

This month Maureen and I celebrate 35 ficient understanding of its theological of Eden. Eve was tempted and sinned
years together as husband and wife. Our significance. We have become preoccu- first, although Adam in his subsequent
wedding day seems like a long time ago, pied with the psychological, and when disobedience incurred more guilt be-
and yet, it also seems as though the years we consider Scripture, we often do so cause his was deliberate and not a sin
have flown by. We now have four grand- superficially. Sound theology, however, due to deception (Gen 3:1-6; 1 Tim 2:14).
children! During the years of my semi- is the foundation of any enduring mar- In light of this, in imposing the penalty
nary education and the early years of our riage. Consequently, let’s look at this for sin upon the woman, the Lord explic-
marriage, we witnessed the rise of a large problem from several categories of tradi- itly said, “Your desire will be for your
number of church-related and para- tional systematic theology. husband, and he will rule over you” (Gen
church ministries designed to teach 1. Marriage and the Nature of the 3:16).
Christians, mainly from the maturing Trinity. We first turn to Theology Behind this often-ignored relation-
generation of baby-boomers, about mar- Proper. Nothing could be more basic ship which does (and not merely ought
riage. Some of these ministries were than the essence of the triune Godhead. to) exist within marriage, there lies an-
very biblical, and some were more ori- The true nature of the God who created other more foundational and important
ented to psychology; virtually all of them and governs the universe has been de- relationship. Again, the Apostle Paul
attempted to be practical, striving to scribed only in the Bible. He exists as says, “But I want you to understand that
stem the rising tide of troubled mar- three distinct persons in one distinct Christ is the head of every man, and the
riages among evangelicals. In spite of essence. There is one deity—one God- man is the head of a woman, and God is
them, however, professing evangelicals head—but within that unity, there is a the head of Christ” (1 Cor 11:3). Thus,
have continued to get divorced at alarm- tri-unity of personhood. This fact, re- the man lives in subjection to Jesus
ing rates—some researchers claim at ferred to in Christian theology as the Christ and the woman willingly subjects
higher rates even than do non-believers. “Trinity,” entails by nature the existence herself to the headship of her husband.
The reasons for this have been analyzed of relationships between the persons of The reason for both, however, is that
repeatedly, and they include the poor the Godhead; namely, the Father, the Jesus Christ is himself in subjection to
example of parents, the high level of Son, and the Holy Spirit. Theirs is a per- the Heavenly Father. In other words, the
promiscuity both before and during mar- fect unity which is the impeccable model Lord Jesus does not ask a woman to ob-
riage, and the ubiquity of a permissive for all human relationships. serve a relationship to her husband
media culture that condones and pro- which He has not first observed in His
motes every sort of perverse moral anti- We need to remember this when it
comes to marriage. The Apostle Paul relationship to His Father.
exhorts wives to be in subjection to their 2. Marriage and the Image of
At the beginning of this new year, husbands just as they are to the Lord God. The second principle is anthropo-
we’re devoting this issue of The Beacon (Eph 5:22). The husband is the head of logical. The very first statement of the
to the subject of marriage. Three differ- the wife just as Christ is the head of the triune God with respect to His intention
ent articles discuss three very different church (v. 23). “Not fair!,” object the for marriage is found in Genesis 1:26:
aspects of the subject. We trust that you egalitarians (those who contend that “Let us make man [i. e., mankind] in Our
find each one thoughtful and helpful. men and women are equal in every re- image.” We are often told that the fact
Perhaps the contemporary disregard spect except physically). We are not left that we human beings are made in the
for the sanctity of marriage among without an explanation, however, and image of God sets us apart from the rest
Christians is best traced back to an insuf- that explanation goes back to the Garden of animate creation. We share His
continued on page 2

continued from page 1
communicable attributes. Our ability to Thus, although the Scriptures never sus as her Lord (“Master” by virtue of
think and reason, to feel, to decide, and condemn singleness, and the Apostle His redeeming, or purchasing work, 1
then act upon those decisions is some- Paul even recommends it for some in Cor 6:20), so the wife is to be in subjec-
thing we share with no other being in the certain limited circumstances (1 Cor tion to her husband. By saying this, Paul
world. We can feel love, sympathy, an- 7:32-35), the biblical and societal norm reflects the Lord’s original purpose in the
ger, hate, and jealousy; we can demon- is for people to marry. That desire is, creation of the woman which was to be
strate kindness, justice, mercy, good- and always has been, planted deep the man’s helper (Gen 2:18, 1 Cor 11:8-
ness, faithfulness, and creativity. We within the souls of men and women 9).
will never cease to exist. All of these alike. Every culture on the face of the Moreover, the Lord Jesus has only
human attributes reflect the essential earth from antiquity to the present has one bride—the church. He will never
nature of the God in whose image we recognized this. This complementarity, leave or forsake her (Mt 28:20; Heb
have been made. therefore, is one reason why same-sex 13:5). Husbands and wives are to be
We tend, however, to overlook marriage is so biblically misguided. faithful to one another. No wonder,
something very significant, for the next 3. Marriage and the Body of then, that God declares that He hates
verse (27) tells us that “God created man Christ. The third major principle is both divorce (Mal 2:15-16), and that the Lord
in His own image, in the image of God Christological and ecclesiological. It is Jesus insisted that divorce was the result
He created him; male and female He that marriage reflects the way in which of hard hearts and was nowhere to be
created them.” The repetition lends em- the Lord Jesus Christ relates to the found in God’s original plan for marriage
phasis to this statement. The image of church. Quoting Genesis 2:24, Paul puts (Mt 19:8).
God in humanity is found in the male it this way: “‘For this reason a man shall Thus, in all of the practical instruc-
and the female, not the male or the fe- leave his father and mother and shall be tion as to how a man and woman are to
male. In other words, the fullness of joined to his wife, and the two shall be- relate to each other within the bounds of
God’s image in humanity is found only come one flesh.’ This mystery is great; marriage, we dare not lose sight of the
within the marriage relationship. but I am speaking with reference to more basic and significantly more pro-
Marriage combines qualities distinc- Christ and the church” (Eph 5:31-32). found theological foundations for mar-
tive to the man with those unique to the Essentially, the Apostle is saying that riage. No one who has been married has
woman, and the resulting union is a marriage was not designed as an end in ever claimed that marriage is always
more complete reflection of the Creator itself, or even primarily for the good of easy. In fact, at times it can be stub-
than could be seen in either the man or human beings, but as a tangible, divinely bornly challenging. But when a man and
the woman exclusively. There is, for ex- drawn illustration of the relationship woman remember that their Creator’s
ample, a softer, more compassionate that exists between Christ as Lord of the design for their relationship goes far be-
quality often possessed by women that is church and His redeemed people. An yond their own concerns and is designed
usually missing in the man. A boldness order exists in which Christ exercises the to reflect God’s image and essential rela-
and decisive courage, not usually associ- headship—He is the leader—and because tionship within the Trinity, then the
ated with women, often distinguishes He has loved them and died for them, merely difficult circumstances will give
men. Similar examples abound. In fact, they are in obedient subjection to Him. way to the overarching purpose of glori-
the dominion over creation which was This has profound implications for fying and enjoying God, which is, after
assigned mankind by an all-wise God marriage. Just as Christ sacrificed him- all, the chief end of man.
requires the participation of both sexes. self for His church, so the husband is to
So does procreation, which is also a re- love his wife with a sacrificial love. Just
flection of the image of the Creator God. as the church readily acknowledges Je- − Pastor Ron Glass

The Birthday Corner Missionary of the Month – The Mars Hill Network
January 1st – Kaitlyn Hallstrom
January 4th – Jackie Hallstrom How refreshing it is to get into the car team. You can even hear our very own
January 10th – Bill Mallman and turn the radio on to 90.9 FM and Pastor Glass on “Pastor of the Day”
January 11th – Judy Ehmann have a radio station that offers an alter- every third Thursday of the month at
native to loud music and off-color com- 5:45 AM, 12:13 PM, and again at 9:27
January 13th – Carol Fitzgerald
mentary. The Mars Hill Network carries PM. We are quite fortunate to have the
January 22nd – Leo Stein
the news, the weather, Mars Hill Network in Riverhead being
January 25th – Alice Teufel
and other insights into that it is a Syracuse-based radio station.
our daily lives, doing so Please continue to support the Network
The Anniversary Corner with clarity and respon- with your prayers. For more information
Jan. 10th – Pastor & Maureen Glass sible reporting alongside please visit:
of the Christian agenda
Do you have a January birthday or offered by the Mars Hill − Joan Tyska
anniversary and it is not listed
here? Please let us know.
Some Practical Rebuttals to Arguments
for Homosexual Marriage
The issue of homosexual marriage has Argument 3: The Constitution Argument 6: Committed homosex-
been in the news repeatedly over the past guarantees Americans the right to ual relationships are characterized
year and tempers have flared on both their own “pursuit of happiness” by the same kind of love as the het-
sides of the controversy. It can be daunt- and that right is being infringed erosexual marriages of the people
ing to have a conversation with someone upon by the banning of homosex- who oppose them.
who is vehemently in support of the re- ual marriage.
Blogger Dan Phillips of Biblical Christi-
definition of marriage, as I have found
Considering that the founding fathers anity ( and
out firsthand. Hopefully the arguments
didn’t even have the emancipation of PyroManiacs
that I have put together can be of some
slaves in mind when they wrote this into ( has
help to you if you find yourself having to
the constitution, I find it hard to believe noted the following in a post entitled
explain your position.
that they were in support of homosexual “Homosexuals (among others) cannot
Argument 1: Jesus never spoke marriage either (and especially since love”:
about homosexual marriage. homosexuality itself was actually illegal
until very recently). Certainly an Ameri-
He also didn’t talk directly about polyg-
can’s “pursuit of happiness” cannot Homosexuality is engaging in sexual
amy or pedophilia, and yet few would try
mean whatever they want it to mean. If acts with another human of the same
to make the argument that He was in
hurting others makes me happy, does sex.
favor of them. Technically, He did speak
that mean I have the Constitutional right
to these issues indirectly−by defining Love is a commitment to pursue the
to do so? There are boundaries to these
marriage. When questioned about di- greatest good of the object of one's love,
vorce, He responded: “Have you not read with the revealed person and will of God
that He who created them from the be- Argument 4: If marriage is essen- as one's core motivation and ethical
ginning made them male and female, tially a religious institution, then framework.
and said, ‘For this reason a man shall all heterosexual couples who mar-
Only those born of God can love (1
leave his father and mother and be ried outside of a religious system
John 3:10-18; 4:7, 16, 19; 5:1-2; 2 John
joined to his wife, and the two shall be- (in front of a judge, for example)
come one flesh?’ So they are no longer cannot be considered married.
two, but one flesh. What therefore God It is true that present laws and regula-
As Pastor pointed out in his article, God
has joined together, let no man separate" tions for healthcare and property owner-
set forth a certain pattern for marriage
(Matthew 19:4-6). This is the picture of ship are biased towards married couples.
(one man and one woman for life), laid
what God designed marriage to be. I doubt the general public would object
out clearly in Scripture, as a depiction of
There is no room for variation. By defin- to changes to these laws and regulations
the relationship between Christ and His
ing marriage in this way, He necessarily in order to protect an individual’s rights
Church. Even a secular marriage be-
defined all other relationships as non- over their loved ones and their property,
tween a man and a woman, by its sheer
marriage. regardless of the nature of their relation-
design, represents Christ and His Church
ship (platonic or sexual). However, that
Argument 2: Homosexuals just to all mankind irrespective of the cou-
is not the path this controversy has
want the same boring, suburban ple's belief system. Anything else, includ-
taken. The drive is to redefine marriage,
life that heterosexuals are able to ing any kind of homosexual or polya-
which according to God’s Word, is im-
have. morous union, does not depict what God
intended, and therefore cannot be con-
Homosexuality has become so normative
sidered marriage. It can be very frustrating to explain our
in this country that there are an abun-
position to unbelievers, especially on the
dance of places where they can (and do) Argument 5: Marriage is a basic
occasions when they start flinging in-
live such a life. They can already buy human right.
sults. Ultimately we need to remember
homes together, raise children together
As sinners rebelling against a holy God, that only God can change a person’s
(whether through adoption or reproduc-
we have rights to nothing except death heart and only God can bring revival to
tive technology), and even, unfortu-
and eternal punishment. Everything we our country, and we need to make both
nately, serve as members in a plethora of
are given is by God’s grace and mercy. of those things a matter of prayer.
churches. None of these things necessi-
He has given men and women the bless-
tate a redefinition of marriage, just so
ing of marriage for reasons that Pastor
homosexuals can have some sort of title
already specified and we are to honor − Laura Kelleher
for their relationship.
Him with it, not manipulate and pervert
it to what we think would best fulfill our
fleshly desires.

Getting Acquainted with Cheryl Sunderland

Bubbly, full of life, sunny disposition, a year olds, worked with the Junior
serving attitude, musically inclined, Church, has volunteered for VBS, and
faithful friend and loving the Lord are has helped Liz Hyland with the Harvest
just a few descriptive words that come to Dinners. Cheryl participates in the
mind as we get better acquainted with WRBC choral ensemble; on occasion she
Cheryl Sunderland. We already are will sing a solo, or perform a duet with
somewhat acquainted with her as she Maureen Glass. The list goes on…
has shared her testimony with us on Cheryl does not shy away from giv-
many occasions, inviting the WRBC to ing her testimony as she did once at a
become her prayer warriors in her most ladies luncheon, sharing how God has
recent of life’s struggles. One of Cheryl’s stood by when the judicial system failed
favorite Bible verses, Philippians 4:13, her. Many of these testimonies reflected
further describes who she is: “I can do the ongoing battle with her ex-husband
all things through Christ who strength- concerning her three children.
ens me.”
Cheryl took and passed an online
Being born into a military family Pharmacy Technician Course and went
for his job that would later cause them to
and to a mother and father who knew the to work as a Pharmacy Technician at the
relocate to Beverly, Massachusetts. Their
Lord helped to define Cheryl’s character. Rite Aid pharmacy in Mattituck, NY,
first child, Anna, was born in March of
She was born May 13, 1964, in Wichita, where she is still working. This em-
1991. Not long after, Alan was trans-
Kansas, where her father was stationed ployment is in addition to her custodial
ferred to Westbury, NY on Long Island,
in the Air Force. Her parents, Vaughn position at WRBC.
where their second child, Sarah, was
and Ann Sunderland−high school sweet-
born in September of 1993. After several Cheryl is a high-energy gal keeping
hearts−already had an established fam- moves around the Island, their third herself busy all the time. She likes to
ily: two sons−Craig, 12 years old, and child, William, was born in Miller Place take long walks for exercise, loves to
Brian, 7 years old−and a daughter−Amy, in July of 1995. bake and has a reputation for her home-
11 years old, making Cheryl the baby of made apple pies. We already know that
By 1993, Cheryl’s focus turned to her
the family by seven years. Another she loves to sing and does so whenever
children’s spiritual lives and she began to
strong influence in Cheryl’s life was her possible. If she takes the time to relax,
search for a church where they could
Grand Mom Eloise who demonstrated a you can find her listening to music or
learn the Word of God. Being that the
strong love for God and never let Cheryl maybe watching a John Wayne western
WRBC was close by to where they lived
forget how important that was. movie–her favorite genre.
and a place where they found the fami-
Cheryl grew up in Orting, Washing- lies quite friendly and where the Word of
ton, where she attended school and be- God was being preached in a way that
came involved in extracurricular activi- they appreciated, they began attending
ties such as Cross Country, Track, and the WRBC.
Cheerleading. At age 13, she gave her
Unfortunately, Alan did not share
heart to the Lord while attending a
Cheryl’s enthusiasm for the church and it
Methodist Church but switched over to
held Cheryl back from becoming a mem-
the Community Baptist Church when she
ber or getting involved in any of the min-
was 14 and became active in the Youth
istries. Eventually Alan and Cheryl grew
Group there. At 15 years old, she was
apart and divorced in 2002, allowing
baptized. Eventually she became a
Cheryl’s passion for the church to ad-
“Young Life” leader after she graduated
vance. In May 2004, Cheryl became a
from Orting High School in 1982. She
member of the
entered the Green River Community
College shortly after and earned an AA
degree in Recreation in 1984. As a mem-
ber, Cheryl began Cheryl also can be a bit of a “ham” at
While in college, Cheryl met her ex-
to join in various times, always upbeat and always smiling.
husband, Alan Summerhill, on a blind
ministries of the How great it is to have Cheryl here at the
date. They were married in April 1989
church. She was WRBC.
and shortly after moved to Oklahoma
a Sunday School
City, Oklahoma, where Alan was trained − Joan Tyska
teacher of the 2-3

December in Review
Christmas wreaths, poinsettias, and gar- narrators. Cheryl Sunderland and De- freshly baked cookies to bring home to
lands adorning the WRBC were sure nise Tolf were both featured soloists. their families, and to enjoy a time of
signs that December had arrived and Immediately following the service, “Veggie Tales” and pizza.
Christmas was becoming a focal point. an old-fashioned luncheon arranged by Music filled our church on Christ-
As Pastor Glass taught an in-depth, Sun- the deaconesses of the church was served mas Eve as members arrived to hear Carl
day-morning study of “The Christmas in the Fellowship Hall. The deacon- Chapman on the trumpet, Marie Caputo
Story,” other Christmas activities began esses−Bonnie Heuzey, Judy Ehmann, at the piano, and Reeva Bellard at the
to appear on the calendar. Maureen Glass, Marcelle Ritzmann, and organ playing a medley of Christmas
First on the agenda was the Senior Vicki Valentine (along with honorary carols. Peter Albrecht, Vic Bellard, and
Saints Candy Cane Luncheon held on deaconess, Jackie Hallstrom)−serve re- Ed Tolf read Scriptures pertaining to the
December 12th. Not only was the Fellow- lentlessly and are to be thanked for their birth of the Lord Jesus, communicating
ship Hall decked out in candy cane col- continuing service. the true meaning of Christmas.
ors, but so were all of the attendees; the What Christmas Eve service is com-
color red prevailed throughout the room. plete without the singing of “O Holy
It was a time of peppermint candy, meet- Night?” Denise Tolf did not let us down
ing new friends, and−most impor- with her special presentation of it. An-
tantly−celebrating Jesus’ birthday. Re- other highlight of the service was when
cord attendance turned out to hear Bill the family quartet of Carl and Sarah
Mallman speak as the devotional leader. Chapman and Vic and Reeva Bellard
On the following day, Sunday, De- harmonized and sang “What Child Is
cember 13th, the service opened with a This?” After Pastor Glass delivered his
musical program entitled “An Old- Christmas message, he closed the service
What a wonderful time of fellow- with the lighting of the candles distrib-
Fashioned Christmas,” presented by the
shipping it was! We cannot forget the uted to all, emphasizing “a fellowship of
WRBC Choral Ensemble and The Joyful
saga of Sylvena Ingoglia’s homemade light.”
Noise Makers Youth Choir. Chris Hall-
chocolate crème pie. The pie never made
strom and his daughter, Kara, served as As December ends, so does another
it to the buffet as it was confiscated by a
year at WRBC leaving us with many
small group of chocolate crème pie lov-
memories to cherish. May we look for-
ward to 2010 with great eagerness to
The kid’s cookie bake, led by Liz serve the Lord and to continue to grow in
Hyland and Cheryl Sunderland, was re- His wisdom. Happy New Year to you all
scheduled for December 23rd due to the and may God bless you.
blizzard over the preceding weekend.
Just in time for Christmas, a group of
kids gathered in the WRBC kitchen to − Joan Tyska
bake cookies, fill Christmas tins with the

Betrothal: A Biblical Alternative to Dating

In Pastor’s sermon on December 13th porary culture), where a couple adopts a show that the betrothal model is a much
from Matthew 1:18-25, we were alerted level of physical intimacy reserved by more biblical approach to gaining a
to the fact that Mary was betrothed to God for matrimony−in the absence of spouse and transitioning from singleness
Joseph at the time he learned that she any commitment to marry. Betrothal, to marriage.
was with Child. Legally, Mary and Jo- because it was binding, distinguishes it 1. Dating is noncommittal, whereas
seph were husband and wife (“Joseph from modern engagement, which can be betrothal is characterized by an irrevo-
her husband,” v. 19); however, a physi- dissolved immediately at the whim of cable commitment to marriage. Jona-
cal relationship did not yet exist (“before either person apart from any formal, than Lindvall of Bold Christian Living
they came together,” v. 18). A divorce legal procedure. (, one of
was therefore required to terminate a In this article, I will draw four con- the leading exponents of betrothal, has
betrothal (“Joseph…planned to send her trasts between dating and betrothal. defined dating as: “recreational romance
away secretly,” v. 19; cf. Deut 24:1), un- Although the 21st-century American cul- in which each party intentionally en-
derscoring the solemn nature of such a ture would have us believe that dating is deavors to cultivate the other’s desire,
pledge to marry. Note the stark contrast a mandatory ritual for those wishing to while recognizing that the relationship is
between the betrothal arrangement and marry and that a series of short-term most likely temporary.” Lindvall has
cohabitation (a premarital state widely romantic relationships is healthy prepa- also referred to dating as “institutional
accepted, even encouraged, in contem- ration for marriage, I will endeavor to flirting” and “serial romance.” Accord-
continued on page 6

The Betrothal Pattern other when we made a com-
mitment to marriage, and yet,
Singleness Betrothal Marriage before we got married, we
Parentally approved, Consummation after had fallen in love.” Husbands
• Physical purity • Physical purity • Physical intimacy
binding commitment • Emotional oneness time of mindful, biblical are commanded to love their
• Emotional purity • Emotional intimacy
to marriage cultivated preparation for marriage wives (Eph 5:25; Col 3:19),
ing to Douglas Wilson, author of Her and wives are to love their
gress” and not to “defraud”−with physi-
Hand in Marriage: Biblical Courtship in husbands (Titus 2:4). With dating, hav-
cal and emotional purity, respectively.
the Modern World, there is no scriptural ing “fallen in love” is cited as the reason
In business, defrauding refers to backing
precedent for dating: “This system where for subsequent engagement and mar-
out of a deal; misleading; taking away or
a guy takes an interest in a girl, asks her riage; with betrothal, a self-sacrificial
holding back property, rights, etc. In the
out, then decides whether or not he likes and romantic love is the result of the
context of romance, defrauding occurs
her (and, of course, she does the same emotional unity that is cultivated only
when one party has been emotionally
with him) is not to be found in the Bi- after a binding pledge to marry.
deceived or experimented with; that per-
ble.” Biblical evidence for three distinct son has been enticed to desire something 4. Dating presupposes that inti-
marital states in the eyes of God−single- that the other is unwilling to fulfill. De- mate knowledge is needed to determine
ness, betrothal, and marriage−can be frauding typically occurs when a rela- suitability for marriage, whereas be-
found in Deuteronomy 22:22-29, where tionship has been terminated, where two trothal recognizes that the qualities that
the punishments for sexual immorality hearts that have begun to bond are will make for a godly husband or wife
under the Law are specified. Paul abruptly torn apart. Wilson defines the can be verified in a supervised group
Washer associates dating with the “con- “zone of vulnerability” as “that place setting (e.g., the local church). Voddie
sumer mentality” of our culture; young where one cannot leave the relationship Baucham, Jr., pastor of Grace Family
people pursuing a spouse feel they are without being hurt.” Young people can Baptist Church in Spring, TX, and author
entitled to “test drive several models drift into that zone after just “a few” of What He Must Be…If He Wants to
before making a purchase.” Wilson also dates, at which point defrauding will Marry My Daughter, writes, “It is a fool-
identifies such a “test-run mentality” as a occur if the relationship is discontinued. ish young man who believes he can date
hallmark of the dating institution. Courtship, as defined previously, is also a young woman for any length of time
liable to defrauding. Lindvall puts forth and avoid emotional entanglements that
A word at this point about court-
a thought-provoking question as he con- will impair both his and her ability to
ship, a term that many readers will be
siders how hearts become calloused by evaluate their suitability objectively.”
more familiar with than betrothal. Lind-
multiple defrauding experiences: “Is it Douglas Wilson adds, “In God’s pattern,
vall defines courtship as a “parentally
possible that although ‘breaking up is wisdom is exercised as public informa-
authorized romantic relationship fo-
hard to do,’ the more you do it the better tion about a suitor, or about a young
cused on serious contemplation and
you get at it?” With betrothal, romance woman, is carefully gathered.” The bib-
hope of future marriage.” However,
is not cultivated until after the commit- lical characteristics of both a godly young
courtship often permits a “romantic trial
ment to marriage has been made with a man−which include obedience to God’s
period” prior to a commitment to mar-
full parental blessing; the man and Word (Psa 119:9), self-control (Titus
riage, making it far less binding than
woman are then free to bond emotionally 2:6), the capability to provide spiritual
betrothal and prone to degenerating into
and spiritually (while abstaining from leadership in the home (Eph 6:4), and a
parentally approved dating.
physical affection) during a betrothal strong work ethic (Col 3:23)−and a godly
2. Even Christian dating leads to
period lasting up to one year, without the young woman−which include sensibility,
emotional promiscuity prior to a com-
fear of being defrauded. purity, kindness (Titus 2:5), a gentle and
mitment to marriage, whereas betrothal
3. The philosophy of dating is to quiet spirit (1 Pet 3:4), and modesty (1
protects both physical and emotional
eventually marry the one you love, Tim 2:9)−can be ascertained by observa-
purity. God’s Word clearly forbids pre-
whereas betrothal emphasizes the bibli- tion, friendly conversation, parental
marital sexual intimacy (1 Cor 6:9, Heb
cal mandate to love the one you marry. counsel, and prayer without having to
13:4). Speaking to the physical tempta-
In a recent Sunday School, Victor Bellard date.
tion inherent to dating, Paul Washer
contends “it is absolutely impossible to reminded us of the marriage of Isaac and In closing, I would suggest that the
be alone with someone of the opposite Rebekah in Genesis 24. Isaac, after modern dating system magnifies present
sex for any extended period of time hearing the account as to how the Lord enjoyment at the tragic cost of physical
without falling into some form of sexual had guided his father’s servant to Re- and emotional infidelity to one’s future
immorality.” Solomon counseled his son bekah, “took Rebekah, and she became spouse, while admitting that the be-
in Proverbs 6:27, “Can a man take fire in his wife, and he loved her” (Gen 24:67). trothal pattern outlined here necessitates
his bosom and his clothes not be Isaac did not hesitate to marry Rebekah patient endurance and steadfast faith in
burned?” With that in mind, single despite having just met her, trusting that the providence of God (Rom 8:28) in the
evangelical Christians should also strive she was the woman “appointed” (Gen years leading up to marriage, when the
to guard their emotions. Lindvall con- 24:14) for him by God. Jonathan Lind- majority of one’s unmarried peers will be
nects the Apostle Paul’s two admonitions vall, on behalf of his wife, Connie, stated, dating.
“Neither of us was in love with one an-
in 1 Thessalonians 4:6−not to “trans- −Peter Albrecht

January Bible Quiz Questions December Bible Quiz Answers
1) How many men did Moses send out to spy out the land 1) Shechem (Joshua 24:32).
of Canaan?
2) Out of a fish’s mouth (Matthew 17:27).
2) What was Joshua’s name before Moses changed it?
3) Doves (Matthew 10:16).
3) What was Bathsheba’s father’s name?
4) Pergamum (Revelation 2:15).
4) To whom was it revealed by the Holy Spirit, that he would
5) Caphtor (Crete) (Jeremiah 47:4; Amos 9:7).
not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ?
Bonus: Mizraim.
5) Which king was struck by an angel of the Lord and was
eaten by worms and died?
Bonus: Whose birth was the first recorded after the Flood?
Submit the answers and Bible reference to:
― Felix Acerra
The answers for this month’s quiz will be announced in the
next newsletter!

January 2010
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2
3 9:45 AM 4 5 6 8:00 AM Ladies Prayer 7 7:00 PM 8 9
Sunday School – Joan Tyska (727-5998) Basic Bible
11:00 AM Morning 6:30 PM AWANA Interpretation
Worship Service (Hermeneutics)
7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
and Exposition of Psalms

10 9:45 AM 11 12 7:00 PM 13 8:00 AM 14 7:00 PM 15 16

Sunday School Board of Ladies Prayer Basic Bible
11:00 AM Morning Deacons 6:30 PM AWANA Interpretation
Worship Service Meeting
7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
and Exposition of Psalms

17 9:45 AM 18 19 20 8:00 AM 21 7:00 PM 22 23

Sunday School Ladies Prayer Basic Bible
11:00 AM Morning 6:30 PM AWANA Interpretation
Worship Service 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
4:30 PM Supper and Exposition of Psalms
6:00 PM 1st Winter
Family Film Night

24 9:45 AM 25 26 27 8:00 AM 28 7:00 PM 29 30

Sunday School Ladies Prayer Basic Bible
11:00 AM Morning 6:30 PM AWANA Interpretation
Worship Service 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
and Exposition of Psalms

31 9:45 AM
Sunday School
11:00 AM Morning
Worship Service

PO Box 438
Wading River, NY 11792

Our Purpose
Wading River Baptist Church
1. To glorify God through sharing
the good news of salvation by God’s
sovereign grace through faith in His
Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. To nurture believers through a

strong program of Christian educa-
tion, youth ministries, and expository
Biblical preaching.

3. To provide an opportunity for

Biblical worship, service, and fellow-

4. To extend our ministry through-

out America and around the world
• For the Exaltation of God in All Things through participation in home and
foreign missions.
• For the Proclamation of Faith in Christ
• For the Transformation of God’s People WRBC is affiliated with the Conserva-
tive Baptist Association of America
and the Conservative Baptist Mission
to the Northeast.

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