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Year 4

1.To investigate food as one of basic

needs of animals
2. To investigate sunlight as one of basic
needs of plants
3.To investigate air as one of basic needs
of plants
4.Excrete /perkumuhan :

5. Defecation /penyahtinjaan :

6. Bad habits :

7.Animals reproduce :

8. Life cycle : Butterfly , frog

9. Plants respond to stimuli : (4)

10. Plants reproduce :a) stem cutting b)

leaf c) underground stem d) suckers

11 Living in extreme weathe(hot @

cold ).Animals characteristics: a) big ears
b) small ears c) thick fur d) thick feathers
e) stay in holes f) keep food or water g)
thick fat h) wallowing
23. Rusting need air and moisture
.Prevent by coating,grease
,paint..anhydrous calcium cloride

12.specific characteristics :a)

hard shell b) scales c) curling up
13.Plants adaptation to nature :
a) cactus b) coconut
14. Why do you think a tailor and
a carpenter are using measuring
tape instead of ruler ? ( flexible)
15. Measurements using span are
not the same.Measurements
using straws and match stick are
the same.
16.Measurements in a standard
units are consistent and
accurate( ruler @ measuring
17. Taking time : water
clock,sundial clock,sand
clock,candle clock ,burning rope
18. These process repeated
uniformly ( swinging of pendulum
and dripping of water)
19.Length of string increases
,number of swing decreases
20.Materials : a) conduct
electricity b) heat c) float on
water d) absorb water d) can be
stretched e) allow light to pass
21. Natural materials : can be
found in nature and man-made
materials ( made by human
22. Reuse , reduce , recycle

24.a) List of constituents of solar

system b) List of planets in
sequence b) planets move

25. How far and how big (ratio -size)

:Moon(1) Earth (4) 400

27. Human limitation : a) Agriculture b)

Communication c) Transportation d)
-how did humans send massage a long
time ago
Year 6
1. Why some animals live in solitary and
3.the factors animals and plants compete for and
give reasons for them.
5. Why certain animals and plants are facing the
threat of extinction and suggest ways of
7.The effects to our earth if human activities are
not controlled.
9. The effects of force
11. Ways to reduce or increase friction.
13. How far an object moves on different
15. What speed is
17.That an object which moves faster takes a
shorter time to travel a given distance.
19.The characteristics of spoilt food
21.The condition for microorganisms to grow.
23.The reasons each way of food preservation is
being used
25.To design and carry out a project to preserve a
given food.
27.Types of waste and its sources
29.Harmful effects of improper waste disposal.

31. About waste that can decay and give

33. That microorganisms can cause waste
materials to decay.
35.What happen to human and the environment if
waste do not decay.

around the sun

26.a) why certain planets are not
able to support life b) what will
happen if earth is located much
nearer or further away from the
28.Advantages and
disadvantages technology

2. That cooperation and

competition are forms of
4. About endangered and extinct
animals and plants
6.About human activities that cause
environmental destruction.
8. What is force
10. The effects of friction
12.The advantages and disadvantages
of friction.
14.The relationship between speed
,distance and time
16. That object which moves faster
travels a longer distance in a given time
18.What spoilt food is.
20.That microorganisms can spoil food.
22.About ways to preserve food
24.What food preservation is.
26. The reasons for the need to
preserve food.
28. About proper and improper waste
30.Method of waste disposal in a local
area and give suggestion to improve
waste disposal.
32.Some examples of waste that do not
34.About advantages and
disadvantages of waste decaying.
36.What eclipse of the moon is.

37.The position of the moon,the earth and the

sun during the eclipse of the moon
39. The position of the moon ,the earth and the
sun during the eclipse of the sun.
41. Predict what will happen to the earth during
the eclipse of the sun.
43.The various types of simple machine.
45. What a complex machine is
47.How machines can make our lives easier
49.To design machines to solve problems

38.Why eclipse of the moon occurs.

40.Why eclipse of the sun occurs.
42. What a simple machine is
44.Examples of simple machines
46.To identify simple machines in a
complex machines.
48.How life would be without machine


1. Different types of microorganism

3.The use of microorganisms and their harmful
5.Way to prevent diseases caused by
microorganisms from spreading.
7.The examples of plants that disperse their
seeds and fruits by water ,wind,animal and
explosive mechanism
9.The characteristics of seeds and fruits in
relation to the ways they are dispersed.
11.To classify animal according to the food they
13.To identify producers and consumers in a food
chain and food web.
15.Examples of where ,when and why energy is
17.The example of appliance that make use of
energy transformation.
19. About ways of saving energy.
21.Sources of electricity
23.The symbols of various components in a circuit

2. About life process that

microorganism undergo
4.How diseases caused by
microorganisms can spread
6.How animals take care of their eggs
and young
8.Ways plants disperse their seeds and
10.The importance of survival of the
12.To construct food chain and food web
of different habitats.
14.The importance of organisms in a
food web
16.Various sources and forms of energy.
18.About renewable and non renewable
20.The reasons for the need to use
energy wisely.
22.Series circuit and parallel circuit
24. The effect on the bulb when various
switches in a series circuit and parallel

25.The dangers of mishandling electrical

27.How light travels

29.The reflection of light ,ray diagram and the

uses of the reflection in everyday life.
31. About temperature ,the metric unit for
temperature and how to measure temperature
using the correct technique.
33.About examples of application of the principle
of expansion or contraction of matter.
35.The properties of solid,liquid and gas
37.The processes involved when a matter
changes from one state into another.
39. About the water cycle and its important.
41. The properties of acidic ,alkaline and neutral
substances in terms of colour change of litmus
paper and taste.
43. The rotation of the Earth and Moon on their
axes and around the sun
45.The occurrence of day and night.
47. The phases of the Moon.
49. Shapes of structures
51.Factors that affect the stability of objects.
53.To design a model that are strong and stable

circuit are switched off.

26. Safety precautions when handling
electrical appliances.
28.How shadows are formed and the
factors that cause the size and shape of
a shadow to change.
30.Why a substance becomes warmer
or cooler.
32.About expansion and contraction of
34.That matter can be classified into
soloid ,liquid and gas.
36.That water exist in all three states of
matter and can change its state.
38.Factors that affect the rate of
evaporation of water.
40.The importance and ways in keeping
our water resources clean.
42.About constellations and its
44.The changes in length and position
of the shadow throughout the day.
46.The reason of the Moon appears
48.Shapes of objects.
50. Shapes of objects that are stable
52.Factors that affect the strength of a

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