Assassin's Creed

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Assassins Creed

This article is about the series. For the rst game in the the memories of his ancestors to discover the locations
series, see Assassins Creed (video game). For the book of additional Pieces of Eden so they can be recovered
series, see Assassins Creed (book series).
before Abstergo can do so. While experiencing these
memories, some of their abilities are genetically leaked
into Desmond, known as the Bleeding Eect, giving him
Assassins Creed is a historical ction action-adventure
open world stealth video game series that consists of eight some of the Assassin skills of his predecessors at the cost
of living with multiple sets of memories and personalities
main games and a number of supporting materials, as
of 2013. The games have appeared on the PlayStation in his mind.
3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable,
PlayStation Vita, iOS, HP webOS,[1] Android, Nokia
Symbian Windows Phone platforms, and the Wii U.

Within the Animus, Desmond explores the memories of

a number of Assassins, including Altar Ibn-La'Ahad, an
initially disgraced Assassin working to redeem himself
during the Third Crusade; Ezio Auditore da Firenze, an
Assassin in Italy during the late 15th and early 16th centuries of the Italian Renaissance, and Ratohnhak:ton,
otherwise known as Connor, a half-Mohawk, half-British
Assassin during the American Revolution. Throughout
these events, Desmond learns of allusions to the prophetic
end of the world in 2012 from a former Animus test subject, Subject 16: the event turns out to be a repeat of the
disaster which wiped out the ancient civilization, and he
nds out that his memories hold the key to Earth surviving the second storm. During his experiences, Desmond
is aided by holographic projections of three of the ancient races rulers: Jupiter, Minerva and Juno. After
Desmond dies to ensure Earths survival, his memories,
which have survived in cyberspace,[5] are accessed by
Abstergo, which hires a new subject to enter the Animus. The new subject relives the memories of Edward
Kenway, Ratohnhak:tons grandfather and a privateerturned-pirate during the British colonial years.[6]

The main games in the franchise were developed by

Ubisoft Montreal for the single player and Ubisoft Annecy for the multiplayer, with the handheld titles developed by Gameloft and Gryptonite Studios, with additional development by Ubisoft Montreal. The series
has been well received by the public and critics, and has
sold over 73 million copies as of April 2014, becoming Ubisofts best selling franchise.[2] The series took inspiration from the novel Alamut by the Slovenian writer
Vladimir Bartol,[3] while building upon concepts from the
Prince of Persia series.[4]


The Assassins Creed games primarily revolves around

the rivalry between two ancient secret societies: the
Assassins and the Knights Templar, and their indirect relation to an ancient species pre-dating humanity, whose
society, along with much of Earths biosphere, was destroyed by a massive solar storm. The games real-world
chronological setting begins in the year 2012, and features Desmond Miles, a bartender who is a descendant
of several lines of prominent Assassins; though raised
as an Assassin, he left his nomadic family to seek out a
more common lifestyle. He is initially kidnapped by the
megacorporation Abstergo Industries, the modern-day
face of the Knights Templar, who are aware of Desmonds
ancestral lineage. Desmond is forced to use the Animus, a device that allows him to experience his ancestral memories. Abstergo is seeking to discover the location of several artifacts, or the Pieces of Eden, that hold
great power, to control mankind and alter its fate, bringing humanity into one single unied group. Desmond also
encounters a small team of modern-day Assassins; agreeing to work with them, Desmond uses their version of
the Animus (the Animus 2.0) to continue to experience

2 Gameplay
While the game is presented through protagonist
Desmond Miles, the bulk of the game is played as
Desmond experiences the memories of his ancestors
through an advanced device called the Animus. This provides a means of a diegetic interface, showing Desmonds
ancestors health, equipment, goals, and other features as
part of the Animus interface. The Animus is based on
the player controlling the assassin to maintain the synchronization between Desmond and his ancestors memories. Performing actions that go against the Assassins
way or dying breaks the synchronization, eectively requiring the player to restart at a previous checkpoint. Furthermore, the player cannot explore outside areas that the
assassin has not experienced yet. There are also abnormalities within the Animus from previous users of the


While playing as the Assassin characters, the games are
generally presented as third-person in an open world, focusing on stealth and free-running. The games use a mission structure to follow the main story, generally assigning the player to complete an assassination of public gureheads or a covert mission. Alternatively, several side
missions are available, such as mapping out the expansive
cities from a high perch followed by performing a leap
of faith into a haystack below, collecting treasures hidden across the cities, exploring ruins for relics, building a
brotherhood of assassins to perform other tasks, or funding the rebuilding of a city through purchasing and upgrading of shops and other features. At times, the player
is in direct control of Desmond, who by nature of the
Animus use has learned Assassin techniques through the
bleeding eect, as well as their genetic ability of Eagle
Vision, which separates friend, foe and assassination targets by illuminating people in dierent colors. Through
the Animus interface, the player can go back to retry any
past mission already completed; for example, in Assassins Creed: Brotherhood, the player achieves better synchronization results by performing the mission in a specic manner such as by only killing the missions target.
The games use the concept of active versus passive
moves, with active moves, such as running, climbing
the sides of buildings, or jumping between rooftops, more
likely to alert the attention of nearby guards. When the
guards become alerted, the player must either ght them
or break their line of sight and locate a hiding place, such
as a haystack or a well, and wait until the guards alert
is reduced. The combat system allows for a number of
unique weapons, armor, and moves, including the use of
a hidden blade set in a bracer on the Assassins arm, and
which also can be used to quietly assassinate targets.

Release history

[1] Released under the title, Assassins Creed: Liberation HD,
for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.

La'Ahads memories during the time of the Third Crusade. Desmond begins to witness events after Altar
breaks all three tenets of the Assassin Brotherhood while
attempting to stop Robert de Sabl from taking a Piece
of Eden. Al Mualim, the Brotherhoods leader, demotes
Altar to Novice and tasks him with assassinating the nine
Knights Templars, including de Sabl, to regain his former status. Altars quest eventually leads him to face
de Sabl in the presence of King Richard I of England
warning the King of de Sabl's plot to kill him. Altar defeats de Sabl, but with his last words, de Sabl
reveals that there were ten Templars, the last being Al
Mualim, who now holds the Piece of Eden. Altar returns
to face Al Mualim, struggling to ght through the illusions created by the Piece, but eventually kills Al Mualim.
When Altar recovers the piece, heand those watching
the Animuswitness a holographic map showing locations across the globe where other artifacts are located.
Desmond is pulled from the Animus, and was going to
be killed, but his life is spared by Lucy Stillman, an Assassin working as a mole within Abstergo, as she claims
they might need to further examine his memories later.
He comes to learn that a former test subject had left messages only Desmond can see, foretelling of the end of the
world in 2012.
The rst Assassins Creed introduced elements that would
remain cornerstones of the rest of the series. The game
attempts to create historical versions of Masyaf (the
Brotherhoods location), Jerusalem, Acre and Damascus,
and incorporates a number of documented historical gures into the story. The virtualized Animus system, free
running, climbing, stealth, and parkour elements were all
present in this title, as well as the initial formulation of
the combat system. The player would have to complete a
number of side quests before they would be able to obtain
an assassin quest from a local Brotherhood guidemaster
in each city, though future games would abandon this prerequisite.


Assassins Creed II

Main article: Assassins Creed II

Lucy returns and breaks Desmond out of Abstergo, taking

him to an Assassin safehouse and introduced to Shaun,
a historian, and Rebecca, their technical support. Using an improved version of the Animus, Desmond takes
witness to Ezio Auditore da Firenze, a young nobleman
from the late 15th Century in Florence, shortly before
4 Main series
the execution of Ezios father and brothers by order of
a corrupt ocial working for the Templars. He and his
4.1 Assassins Creed
mother and sister take to hiding at the Monteriggioni villa
owned by his uncle Mario, who helps to train Ezio in the
Main article: Assassins Creed (video game)
ways of an Assassin. Ezio and Mario discover that Rodrigo Borgia is the gurehead of a number of Templars
Desmond is captured by Abstergo and forced to use all who were accomplices in the execution of his fama machine called the Animus to explore Altar ibn- ily, and with help of allies like Leonardo da Vinci, me[2] Originally announced as part of the season pass for Assassins Creed Unity.


Assassins Creed: Revelations

thodically assassinate the lower-ranked Templars, while

learning that Borgia has acquired a Piece of Eden called
the Apple. Eventually, Ezio corners Borgia, who hands
over the Piece and ees; Ezio is inducted into the ranks
of the Brotherhood and believed to be a prophet based
on their codex. A decade later, the Brotherhood learns
that Borgia has since become Pope Alexander VI, using
the Churchs inuence to strengthen the Templars. Ezio
invades Vatican City and confronts Borgia, discovering
that the Papal sta is also a Piece of Eden. Defeating
Borgia but sparing his life, Ezio uses both the Apple and
the Papal sta to reveal a chamber of ancient technology. Inside, he is addressed by a hologram of a humanoid
female that calls herself Minerva who speaks directly to
Desmond through Ezio. Minerva explains how her society had pre-dated humanitys, but a great disaster nearly
wiped them out, and warns that another event is due to
occur soon, putting the fate of humanity in Desmonds
hands. At this discovery, Desmond and his allies nd the
safehouse has been compromised by Abstergo and ee.

prepared to kill his son. Ezio chases down Cesare and
eventually captures him and recovers the Apple. Cesare
is taken to prison in Viana, Spain but manages to escape
with help of his allies. The Assassins lead the ght against
Cesare and the remaining loyal Borgia troops, and eventually Ezio throws Cesare from the castle walls, killing him.
With no perceived further threats, Ezio takes to hide the
Apple under the Colosseum. In the present, Desmond is
able to navigate through the underground chambers beneath the Colosseum to locate the Apple. As he picks it
up, Desmond is witness to another hologram gure, calling herself Juno, and who controls Desmond to stab Lucy
(because Lucy has defected to the Templars) before he
falls into a coma.
Brotherhood shares many of the same features as the previous game though it takes place primarily in Rome. Similar to the villa, the player is able to spend money to buy
and upgrade shops and other facilities throughout the city
as to increase revenue they can collect from it; however,
the player will be required to destroy Borgia towers that
control various sections of the city before they can do so.
The Brotherhood of Assassins is introduced, by which,
after saving citizens from certain events, the player can
invite these citizens as Assassins; they can then be dispatched to remote locations across Europe to gain experience and money, or can be called in to help the player
directly in a mission. For the rst time in the series, the
game features online multiplayer. Players play as Abstergo employees, who, through the use of the Animus,
take on the genetic memories of Renaissance Templars
in various game modes.[7]

Similar to the rst game, Assassins Creed takes place

in historical recreations of Venice, Florence, Forl, San
Gimignano, and the Tuscan countryside, and incorporates events during that period as part of the story. Missions are divided into main story missions, themselves
divided into memory sequences reected points along
Ezios life, and side missions which can be accomplished
at any time; this approach to mission structure remains
consistent in the other games in the series. The Monteriggioni villa provides several functions which can be expanded on by paying money for upgrades of surrounding
buildings, or by purchasing artwork, weapons, and costumes for the villa; in turn, the villa will generate wealth
for the player at a rate inuenced by the upgrades and 4.4 Assassins Creed: Revelations
acquisition of these items. Additional quests involve locating secret Assassin seals, and nding hidden marks left Main article: Assassins Creed: Revelations
by Subject 16, a former Animus user, that hint at the
nature of Minervas society.
Desmond comes to consciousness in a virtual area within
the Animus, the Animus Island, where he meets the digital personality of Subject 16. Subject 16 explains that
4.3 Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
from the trauma of stabbing Lucy, Desmond must complete the memories of both Altar and Ezio to be able to
Main article: Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
separate his mind from theirs and to allow him to come
out of his coma; however, doing so will destabilize the isDesmond and his allies retreat to the ruins of the Mon- land as the Animus recovers that memory segment and at
teriggioni villa, and Desmond reenters the Animus to one point Subject 16 sacrices himself to allow Desmond
continue Ezios memories, specically to identify the lo- to continue. Desmond rejoins Ezios story many years afcation of the Apple. After facing against Rodrigo Borgia, ter Brotherhood, where Ezio is curious to the Assassins
Ezio returned to Monteriggioni, but the villa is soon at- origins and has traveled to Masyaf to locate their original
tacked by forces under the command of Cesare Borgia, headquarters. He nds Altars library, though it is locked
Rodrigos son. Mario is killed and the Apple is stolen. by ve keys which the Templars are also seeking, believEzio vows revenge by helping to free the people of Rome ing there to be great power within it. Ezio travels to the
from the Borgia family. As Ezio works covertly to turn Ottoman-era Constantinople where the keys are said to
the city against the Borgias, he gains followers that want to have been hidden by explorer Niccol Polo, and nds the
join his cause, and Ezio trains them in the way of the As- city embroiled by the feuding brothers Selim and Ahmet
sassins. In an attempt to assassinate Cesare and Rodrigo vying for the Sultanate, the Templars secretly behind the
at the Castel Sant'Angelo, Ezio instead witnesses Cesare battle. While searching for the keys, Ezio meets and falls
forcing his father to eat a poisoned apple that Rodrigo had in love with Soa Sartor. Eventually, Ahmet is revealed


as the agent for the Templars, and is killed by Selim, who chamber of Precursor technology behind it, including anthanks Ezio for his help but banishes him from the city other door requiring a key. Desmond suddenly falls into
for his own good.
a fugue state, and is put into the Animus. There, he exEzio - and through him, Desmond - uses the keys to wit- periences the memories of a half Mohawk, half British
(/rdunhedun/; Raness Altars memories following the death of Al Mualim. man named Ratonhnhak:ton
Connor (Achilles
These show Altar having lost his wife and youngest son in
son), who lived
the midst of a coup d'etat within the Assassins followed by
as Connors fathrough
a twenty-year self-imposed exile. Eventually, Altar rether, Haytham Kenway, who is later revealed as a British
turned to Masyaf, killed the usurper, and retook control.
Near death, Altar inscribed the keys with his memories agent of the Templars. Kenway had gone to the Colonies
in America with a stolen medallion, recruited Templar aland gave them to his friend Niccol to hide at a distant
location, before disappearing into his library forever. In lies including Charles Lee, and worked to gain the trust of
the Mohawk people to get them to show him the location
Ezios present, he and Soa go to Masyaf and open the library to nd Altars corpse and the Piece of Eden he pos- of the Temple, but to his annoyance, the medallion did
not open the Temple for him. Connor, as a young boy,
sessed. Ezio leaves the Piece as well as his assassin tools,
and speaks directly to Desmond, knowing he was only a witnesses Lee and his troops set re to his village, killing
conduit for him, and hopes he nds the answer he needs. his mother; years later, he is shown a Piece of Eden,
Desmond is then approached by another holographic g- through which Juno speaks to him and instructs him to
ure, Jupiter, who explains that their society had tried to get training from Master Assassin Achilles Davenport.
use technology to stop the destruction of the earths sur- Achilles takes Connor and teaches him about Assassins
face by a massive solar are but failed, but they had stored and introduces him to Patriots in the Revolution, through
their repository of knowledge in several vaults linked to which Connor stops several Templar plans to disrupt their
a central vault which Desmond must use to stop another eorts including an assassination attempt against George
similar are that will occur soon; Desmond recognizes Washington. During these memories, Desmond does rethe location in New England. Desmond wakes up from cover from the fugue state, and helps his allies to recover
his coma, nding Rebecca, Shaun, and to his surprise, his power sources to power the Temple scattered about the
father William, there. After learning that Lucy died from globe, including one held by Abstergo.
his stabbing, he informs of the location in New York, the Connor eventually encounters his father, but Kenway ofTemple that will save humanity.
fers a cease re, as he is also after Benjamin Church for
usurping his authority. During their investigation, KenRevelations includes many new systems, including additional weapons. Bomb-crafting is now available, allow- way warns Connor that the Patriots, worried of the allegiance of the various tribes to the British, are seeking to
ing the player to create explosive, distraction and tactical bombs, using materials found throughout the world remove Connors people from their lands. Connor eventually hunts Lee down and kills him, taking the medaland on Assassins Guild missions. As the player progresses through, Ezio can train new recruits to defend lion and ending the Templar threat. He is despondent
to nd his tribes village abandoned save for the Piece
dens (Assassin HQs) and an upgraded Assassins missions section called Mediterranean Defense in which of Eden; through it, Juno tells him to hide the amulet.
the player works to strip control of various cities from As December 21 approaches and signs of the solar are
Templar hands. The hookblade is also introduced, which begin to ensue, Desmond and his allies nd the buried
can be used in free-running (to travel along zip wires and medallion, and use it at the inner Temple door, behind
climb more easily) and in combat (to manipulate ene- which is a control sphere. Juno appears and encourages
mies). Eagle Vision has been upgraded to Eagle Sense, Desmond to touch it, but Minerva appears and warns him
which allows Ezio to not only see where his enemies and to stop it, warning that this will release Juno as an entity
targets are but where they have been and where they are that may protect against the solar are but will be a threat
going to be. The multiplayer mode returns in Revelations, to mankind in the future. Juno counters, explaining that
this time with more characters, modes, and maps, and Minerva would rather have most of humanity wiped out,
by advancing up through levels of experience, the player with Desmond safe in the Temple to emerge as a religious
gure to lead the survivors but ultimately leading into conlearns more about Abstergos history.
ict. Desmond opts to release Juno, believing humanity
will have a better chance ghting Juno. As his body is
wracked by energy from the control sphere, an aurora sur4.5 Assassins Creed III
rounds the Earth and protects it from the solar are. Juno
tells the now fallen Desmond that his work is now done,
Main article: Assassins Creed III
and now it is time for her to do her work.
Assassins Creed III is structured similarly to the previDesmond and his allies arrive at the Temple entrance in a ous games, with missions taking place on an open-world
cave in the New York area on October 31, 2012, and open map based on Colonial Boston and New York, and oers
its door using the Apple Of Eden, discovering a larger


Assassins Creed Unity

a large wilderness area, the Frontier and in the Davenport Homestead, where the player can hunt animals for
materials, which then subsequently can be used to construct goods to be traded and sold throughout the colonies.
Naval battles were introduced, wherein the player must
steer a warship named Aquila in dangerous waters and
perform ship-to-ship combat with cannons and mounted
guns. In Assassins Creed III there are a large assortment
of mini missions to play and many dierent outts to purchase as the player progresses through the game. The
modern-day aspects of the story were also signicantly
expanded, and featured missions taking place in, among
other locations, Manhattan, Rome and Brazil.

By March 2014, a game titled or code-named Comet,

was revealed to be in development, for release on
PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.[9] By the end of the month,
additional reports indicated that Comet would be set
around 1758 in New York, as well as feature sailing
on the Atlantic Ocean. The game would be a direct sequel to Black Flag, and would feature a Templar
named Shay as the main protagonist. Haytham Kenway from III and Adewal from Black Flag would also
make appearances.[10] On August 5, Ubisoft ocially announced the game as Assassins Creed Rogue. The game
features the Templar Shay Patrick Cormac, a rst for the
series, and is set during the Seven Years War across various locations in North America.[11] It is meant to ll
the gaps of the story between III and Black Flag and has
4.6 Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag
a crucial link to the Kenway saga, as well as connecting to Unity.[12] It was released in North America on the
Main article: Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag
PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on November 11, 2014[11]
and in Europe and Australasia on November 13, 2014.[13]
Samples taken from Desmond Miles body in the mo- It was released on Windows on March 2015.
ments after his death have enabled Abstergo Industries to
continue to explore his genetic memories using the Animus newfound cloud computing abilities. The unnamed 4.8 Assassins Creed Unity
player character is hired by Abstergos entertainment division to sift through the memories of Edward Kenway, Main article: Assassins Creed Unity
an eighteenth-century pirate and the grandfather of Connor. Ostensibly, this is to gather material for an AnimusOn March 19, 2014, images leaked for the next game,
powered interactive feature lm, but in reality, Abstergo
titled or code-named Unity, showing a new assassin in
and the Templars are searching for the Observatory, a
Paris.[9] On March 21, Ubisoft conrmed the games exPrecursor structure that allows the user to see through the
istence, having been in development for more than three
eyes of a subject. As Kenway, the player must unravel a
years, by releasing pre-alpha game footage.[15] The game,
conspiracy between high-ranking Templars to manipulate
which features up to four player co-op, a rst for the
the British, Spanish and French empires into locating the
series,[16] is set in Paris on the eve of the French RevoluSage - later identied as Bartholomew Roberts - who is
tion and follow Arno Dorian and his fellow assassins.[17]
the only man who can lead them to the Observatory.
It was released in North America on the PlayStation 4,
In the present day, the player is contacted by John, Ab- Xbox One and Windows on November 11, 2014 and in
stergo Entertainments information technology manager. Europe and Australasia on November 13, 2014.[13]
John convinces the player that his employer knows more
than they are telling, and encourages them to investigate
in more detail. He arranges for the player to access the
4.9 Assassins Creed Victory
Animus core, at which point Juno materialises into an
incorporeal form. She reveals that although it was necesIn December 2014, images and information leaked for
sary to open her temple to avert disaster, the world was
a new Assassins Creed game, titled or code-named Vicnot ready for her, and she is unable to aect it or possess
tory, which was later conrmed by Ubisoft. Victory will
the player character as her agents intended. John is unrelease in late 2015 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation
masked as the reincarnated form of the Sage and attempts
4 and Xbox One and is being developed by Ubisoft Queto murder the player to cover up the failed attempt at resbec. It will be set in Victorian era London and feature a
urrecting Juno, but is killed by Abstergos security before
new assassin protagonist.[18]
he can do so. As Roberts, the Sage admits to Kenway
that he owes no allegiance to the Assassins or the Templars and instead uses whoever he thinks represents his
best chance of achieving his ends.
5 Other games


Assassins Creed Rogue

Main article: Assassins Creed Rogue


Assassins Creed: Altars Chronicles

Main article: Assassins Creed: Altars Chronicles


Altar Ibn-La'Ahad is sent on a mission from the Order

of Assassins to retrieve a Chalice from the grasps of both
the Crusaders and the Saracens. Altar quests to nd three
dierent magic keys then travels to Jerusalem to face the
head of the Knights Templar, Basilisk. Upon arriving,
he learns that the Chalice is not an object, but a woman
named Adha who reveals that Altar has been deceived by
an assassin named Harash, who is now a double-agent for
the Templars. After killing both Harash and Basilisk, Altar attempts to save a kidnapped Adha from captivity but
is too late. The game ends with a captured Adha sailing
away and Altar left in the holy land.


Assassins Creed: Bloodlines

Main article: Assassins Creed: Bloodlines

Altar has traveled to Cyprus from the Holy Land in order to assassinate the last remnants of the Templars. Here
Altar again meets Maria and they travel together to kill
the remaining Templars and learn more about the Apple of Eden and the mysterious Templar Archive where
more of the artifacts are believed to be hidden. Altar
manages to kill the new Templar Grand Master, Armand
Bouchart, and his followers, but the Archives contents
are discovered to have already been taken from Cyprus.


Assassins Creed II: Discovery

Main article: Assassins Creed II: Discovery

After losing the Apple of Eden to Girolamo Savonarola,
Ezio is told to meet Antonio, his fellow Assassin. When
doing so, Ezio nds Antonio with another man named
Luis Santangel, who asks Ezio to rescue his friend
Christoa Corombo from a presumed Templar trap set
up by Rodrigo Borgia. Ezio rescues Christoa from this
trap, and is informed that Assassins in Spain are captured
and executed by Tomas Torquemada. Ezio, who feels that
it is his duty to rescue the Assassins, sets out for Spain to
ght back against the Spanish Inquisition. Along the way,
Ezio nds out that Torquemada was ordered to commit
these actions by Rodrigo Borgia, who leads Torquemada
to believe that God desired it so. Ezio also nds out that
his close allies, Luis Santangel and Raphael Sanchez, are
in fact Assassins themselves. When nally confronting
Torquemada, Ezio chooses not to kill him thinking that
Torquemada is merely misled by Borgia and not a Templar himself. Ezio then returns to Italy to continue his
search for the Apple of Eden.

designed as a promotion, and tie-in for Assassins Creed:

Brotherhood. The game is mostly text-based, but includes
graphics and sound as well as some video.
Players are test subjects for Abstergo Industries who relive
the lives of other test subjects ancestors through the DDS
(Data Dump Scanner) as opposed to the Animus. These
ancestors are Assassins.
The rst mission pack is titled Italian Wars, and is
divided into four chapters. Chapter one focuses on
Bartolomeo d'Alviano during the Battle of Agnadello.
The second chapter focuses on Francesco Vecellio on
a mission to kill Niccol di Pitigliano (cousin of Bartolomeo d'Alviano). The third focuses on Mario Auditore and the protection of Monteriggioni. The fourth and
nal chapter focuses on Perotto Calderon, an undercover
assassin who watches over Lucrezia Borgia, with whom
he falls in love.
The second mission pack, entitled Rome, was released
November 16, 2010. The rst chapter takes place between 1497 and 1503, and deals with the ex-courtesan,
Fiora Cavazza. It deals with Fioras involvement in recruiting an army for the Borgia, and her subsequent betrayal. The second takes place in 1503, and involves
Giovanni Borgia, eeing his family and eventually joining the assassins. Chapter three involves Francesco Vecellio, and his training to be an assassin under Ezio Auditore. Chapter four again focuses on Giovanni Borgia,
now an Assassin and joining Hernn Corts on his journey to Tenochtitlan to acquire a Piece of Eden, one of
the Crystal Skulls. Giovanni brought it to Bombastus for
study, resulting in the discovery of the formula for the
Philosophers stone.
The third mission pack, entitled Holidays, and its rst
Chapter called Ghosts of Christmas Past were released on
December 21, 2010 with further missions to be released
in 2011. The rst chapter takes place at various times
and places in history: during the World War I Christmas
Truce, the Beagle 2 truth, the return of Charles II back to
England, and the time of the Shroud of Turin.
A fourth story pack, The Divine Science Story Pack
was announced, but never released. Also, an updated
user interface, referred to as the DDS 2.0, was listed
as coming soon, with enhancements and an easier way of
choosing mission packs and crafting equipment, however
this was also never released. The game is now oine and
no longer available.


Assassins Creed: Lost Legacy

Assassins Creed: Lost Legacy was a planned title for the

series. It would see Ezio travel to Masyaf. However,
the concept evolved into what would become Assassins
Assassins Creed: Project Legacy was a single-player Creed: Revelations, and the 3DS title was announced as
browser-based role-playing game Facebook application, cancelled on July 15, 2011.[19]


Assassins Creed: Project Legacy


Assassins Creed: Utopia


Assassins Creed: Recollection


Assassins Creed: Multiplayer Rearmed

merchant father and an African mother. She is recruited

into the Assassin Order by a former slave and ghts
Assassins Creed: Recollection is a real-time board game against slavery as well as the Templars. Aveline uses a
developed for iOS. The game delivers a new experience variety of new weapons in combat, including a machete
to the Assassins Creed world in which fans and new play- and a blowpipe for ranged attacks.
ers alike go head-to-head in real-time political battles It was announced on September 10, 2013, that the game
with characters and locations from the franchise. Play- would be re-released as Assassins Creed: Liberation HD
ers can also unlock a collection of artwork, spanning the for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows via
series. The game features over 280 Memories, reconnect- the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade and Steam,
ing with characters from Assassins Creed II and Assassins respectively, in January 2014.[24]
Creed: Brotherhood. The single-player Story Mode has
10+ hours of gameplay, with 20 missions taking place
from Barcelona to Constantinople and 10 challenge mis5.9 Assassins Creed: Utopia
sions. In Versus Mode, players can challenge their friends
and people from around the world, pitting their strategies and abilities against one another. The game sup- Assassins Creed: Utopia is a cancelled mobile game
to be available on Android and Apple
ports Game Center, allowing players to track achieve- which was planned
games story would have led into
ments, challenge friends, and play against the world over.
there would have been no
Go behinds the scenes with the Art Gallery, a collec[27]
tion of artwork spanning the entire franchise (Assassins
Creed, Assassins Creed II, Assassins Creed: Brotherhood, Utopia will take place in the 17th century, at the very beAssassins Creed: Revelations and Assassins Creed III) ginning of the colonization of America. It spans over 150
showcasing the high level of quality in character design years, to help players discover how the Assassins inuas well as the attention to detail in the locations. Through enced history and helped shape the nations original thirthe Store, players have the option to Buy Packs for the teen colonies.[28] The gameplay involves building your
in-game currency, Animus Credits (Animus Credits may own Assassins Creed Utopian colonial city, and will have
also be purchased through an In-App Purchase), or to more of a social slant than any of the earlier games.
Buy/Sell Memories from/to other players in the Market. The Assassins of each colony will take on their enemies
The short lm Assassins Creed: Embers is also featured in limited time epic battles, and players will be able
within the game.[20]
to pit their strength against friends in asynchronous 3D

Assassins Creed: Multiplayer Rearmed is a multiplayer

video game designed for iOS. It is the only Assassins
Creed Multiplayer driven by an in-game economy. The
aim is to assassinate the assigned target and avoid being
killed by your own hunter. The player can purchase additional items, characters and abilities as well as compete
with friends and foes from around the globe in a 4 player
realtime online multiplayer mode. Players can connect
via Game Center using either WI-FI or 3G. It is also possible to play against someone in the immediate area via
Bluetooth. Available map locations include Jerusalem,
San Donato, Venice and Alhambra.[21]


Assassins Creed: Pirates is a mobile game, that was

released on iOS and Android devices on December 5,
2013.[29] Developed by Ubisoft Paris,[30] the game follows Captain Alonzo Batilla, who is neither Assassin nor
Templar, as he commands a ship and crew, while crossing paths with the Assassins and Templars. Gameplay
focuses on real-time battles between ships. The title is in
3D and features both wind and weather that will have an
impact on how players proceed.[31]


Assassins Creed III: Liberation

Main article: Assassins Creed III: Liberation

An original Assassins Creed title for the PlayStation Vita
was announced to be in development during Gamescom
2011, and would feature a new story with new characters. On June 4, 2012 at E3, Liberation was ocially
announced.[22] The main protagonist is a Creole female,
named Aveline.[23] Aveline is the daughter of a French

Assassins Creed: Pirates

Assassins Creed Memories

Assassins Creed Memories is a mobile game that was released on iOS devices on August 20, 2014. Developed
along with PlayNext and Gree, the game combines card
collection and battling, target chasing, and strategy elements, along with the option of competitive multiplayer.
Additional multiplayer options include allowing players
to join a guild and then engage in 20 vs 20 guild combat
scenarios. Memories features dierent historical eras, including the Third Crusade, the golden age of piracy, feudal Japan and the Mongolian Empire.[32]


Assassins Creed Chronicles: China

Main article: Assassins Creed Chronicles

Assassins Creed Chronicles is an episodic 2.5D action
game for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox
One. The game is available with the purchase of Assassins Creed Unity 's DLC season pass. The rst episode
features Shao Jun in 16th century China.[33]


Assassins Creed Identity


tor Ashraf Ismail, said that the ending of the franchise

had been written. Ismail said We have an idea of where
the end is, what the end is. But of course Yves [Guillemot, Ubisofts overall boss] announced we are a yearly
title, we ship one game a year. So depending on the setting, depending on what fans want, we've given ourselves
room to t more in this arc. But there is an end.[42] In
a later interview, Ismail commented that he and the team
would be interested in doing an Assassins Creed game
in an Ancient Egyptian setting, along with reiterating an
earlier statement that a female leading character was not
an impossibility for the series.[43]

In May 2014, Guillemot stated that Assassins Creed

games would continue releasing on the last generation
PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 for the foreseeable fuAssassins Creed Identity is an upcoming game for iOS de- ture, despite the franchise moving to the current genervices set to be released worldwide in early 2015. It is a 3D ation PlayStation 4 and Xbox One with Assassins Creed
third-person RPG game. Currently, it has been released Unity.
as a soft-launch in Australia and New Zealand.[34]
Main article: Assassins Creed Identity

7 Other media


Ubisoft expanded Assassins Creed franchise to other meCorey May, one of the writers for the series, stated in dia, including lms, comic books and novels.
2009 that Assassins Creed will never take place during World War II.[35] Asked about future of the series,
7.1 Comics
Sbastien Puel from Ubisoft said that "[...] we could do
35 of these [Assassins Creed games]",[36] while Laurent
7.1.1 Assassins Creed: Graphic Novel
Detoc from Ubisoft said we hope to reach Assassins
Creed 10".[37]
In the limited edition of Assassins Creed, an 8-page
In November 2011, a Ubisoft survey was sent out, ask- graphic novel was included, that showed two side-stories
ing participants which locations and time periods they of Altar Ibn-La'Ahad and Desmond Miles. The novel
would like to see in the next Assassins Creed games. was also distributed to EB Games store managers in 2007
These settings were Medieval China, Victorian England, to promote the game. The story serves as a prelude to the
Ancient Egypt, the Portuguese and/or Spanish Invasion of rst Assassins Creed game and is narrated simultaneously
the Americas, the American Revolution (which was used by both characters. In it, the novel covers Desmonds esfor Assassins Creed III), the Russian Revolution, Feudal cape from Abstergo in the year 2012 and also one of AlJapan, and Ancient Rome.[38] Alex Hutchinson, creative tars assassination missions in the year 1191. The start
director of Assassins Creed III, suggested the most re- of the novel involves the introduction of the two characquested Assassins Creed settings, World War II, Feudal ters with Altar calling himself a hunter, while Desmond
Japan and Ancient Egypt, are the three worst settings is a prisoner. Although initially they describe themselves
for an Assassins Creed game.[39] However, Hutchinson otherwise, by the end of the novel they both re-introduce
stated both he and May were open to the idea of a fu- themselves as assassins.
ture entry set during the time of the British Raj,[40] which
now consists of the modern states of India, Pakistan,
7.1.2 Assassins Creed, Volume 1: Desmond
Bangladesh, and Myanmar.
In June 2013, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot stated that
there were three Assassins Creed games in development,
with one presumably being Assassins Creed IV: Black
Flag, and another, the then-unknown Assassins Creed
Unity. Guillemot said, We are making sure the teams
who are creating the dierent iterations have enough
timetwo years, three years, so that they can take risk
and they can change the concept enough so that it can be
appealing and fresh.[41]

Assassins Creed Volume 1: Desmond is a Frenchlanguage graphic novel written by Eric Corbeyran and
drawn by Djilalli Defaux. It has been released only in
France, Canada, Belgium, Poland and Italy. The comic
book was published on November 13, 2009, a few days
before Assassins Creed II was released.[45] The story is
a retelling of events from Assassins Creed and the beginning of Assassins Creed II, mostly from Desmonds
modern perspective; for example it is revealed that Lucy
In August 2013, Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag 's direc- helped the Templars to kidnap Desmond. It also features



Subject 16 (referred to as Michael) and a Roman assassin named Aquilus. However, events in the comic book
are dierent from what happens in the game. It is said
that Subject 16 is alive but trapped in the animus, a virtual reality simulator used to relive memories of ancient
relatives, but theres no mention of Shaun or Rebecca.[46]




Assassins Creed, Volume 2: Aquilus

Assassins Creed Volume 2: Aquilus is a French-language

graphic novel written by Eric Corbeyran and drawn by
Djilalli Defaux. The story opens with a young Desmond
recalling his conversation with his father. He wakes
up and has a conversation with Lucy. After meeting
Rebecca, Shaun and other assassins, they get into a truck
and drive to Monteriggioni.
In the meantime, Desmond relives memories of Aquilus
through the animus after his apparent death in the rst
volume. The Roman assassin is rescued by his cousin,
Accipiter, and is tasked with a quest to save Lugdunum.
He meets with his father and discovers an artifact of the
rst civilization: an ankh which can temporarily revive
the dead. The mysterious object is then stolen by a Templar senator, Vultur, who kills Aquilus father.
The modern day story continues as Assassins ght Abstergo agents when they're ambushed on the road. Later,
it is revealed that theres a traitor among in the Assassins
truck, and Desmond deals with the situation. The group
nally arrives in Monteriggioni and at the end, its hinted
that the ankh artifact might be hidden within the towns

Assassins Creed, Volume 5: El Cakr is the fth volume

of the French graphic novels. It is centered around the
story of Jonathan Hawk and his Egyptian ancestor Numa
Al'Khamsin, also known as El Cakr. It was released on
31 October 2013.

Assassins Creed, Volume 3: Accipiter

Jonathan Hawk was sent by a suited executive and a lab

technician to relive Accipiters memories. He was sent
to 259 CE, when Accipiters Alamans were crossng the
Rodanus into Genava and Aube to face the Roman forces
at Oppidum. The battle raged bloodily and long, but Accipiters forces were eventually victorious. Accipiter was
met by the Iberian Assassin Cuervo after the battle, the
latter coming to congratulate the Alamans on their victory
and to discuss the future.

Assassins Creed, Volume 6: Leila

Assassins Creed, Volume 6: Leila is the sixth volume

of the French graphic novels. It is centered around the
story of Jonathan Hawk and his Egyptian ancestor Numa
Al'Khamsin, also known as El Cakr. It is the last of the
Egyptian storyline. It was released on 31 October 2014.

Assassins Creed: The Fall

Main article: Assassins Creed: The Fall

In July 2010, Ubisoft announced a three-part comic book
mini-series set in the world of Assassins Creed as a part
of their UbiWorkshop initiative.[47] Ubisoft has hired illustrators Cameron Stewart and Karl Kerschl, both winners of multiple comic book awards.[48] The rst issue
of the series was released on November 10, 2010, the
second part on December 1, 2010. It was published by
WildStorm.[49] The comic takes place between 1888 and
1908 in Russia and 1998 set in the United States. It follows Nikolai Orelov and his descendant Daniel Cross, a
recovering alcoholic experiencing the bleeding eect in
a therapists oce.


Assassins Creed, Volume 5: El Cakr

Assassins Creed: The Chain

Main article: Assassins Creed: The Chain

The Chain is a sequel comic to The Fall that completes
Nikolai Orelovs story as well as focusing on his descendant, Daniel Cross. The comic will also provide some
light on the events of Assassins Creed III. It was released
in mid-2012.[50]
7.1.10 Assassins Creed: Brahman
Main article: Assassins Creed: Brahman

Brahman is set in 19th century India, and introduced the

new assassin, Arbaaz Mir. It was written by Brendan
Fletcher with art by Cameron Stewart and Karl Kerschl.
Assassins Creed, Volume 4: Hawk is the fourth volume
It was released in late-2013 in North America.[51]
of the French graphic novels. It is centered around the
story of Jonathan Hawk and his Egyptian ancestor Numa
Al'Khamsin, a member of the Assassins in the 14th cen- 7.2 Films
tury. It was released on 16 November 2012.

Assassins Creed, Volume 4: Hawk


Assassins Creed: Lineage

Main article: Assassins Creed: Lineage

Assassins Creed: Lineage is a 36-minute lm serving as a
prequel to Assassins Creed II. The lm, released in three
parts on YouTube, promoted the game and is the rst attempt for Ubisoft to make its rst step in the lm industry.
It is about the story of Giovanni Auditore, Ezios father,
who investigates the mysterious assassination of Duke of
Milan Galeazzo Maria Sforza and rst learns about Rodrigo Borgias conspiracy.

Assassins Creed: Ascendance


brings and causes. As they leave, the two are attacked by a

stranger, who appears to be of Asian origin as well. After
killing him, Jun reveals that she was a former concubine,
now on the run from servants of the Chinese Emperor
Zhengde, and explains how her former master rescued her
from his inuence. After returning to his home, Ezio tells
Soa and his children to leave, knowing that others would
come. He then teaches Jun the key to liberating her people from the Emperors inuence. Later that night, Ezios
villa is attacked by more of Shao Juns enemies, and after a ght, he successfully eliminates them all. The next
morning, Ezio hands Shao Jun a small box and tells her
it may come to use one day, but only if you lose your
way. He then sends her away as two riders appear at the
villa. Sometime afterward Ezio journeys to Firenze with
his wife Soa and their daughter Flavia, despite suering
from heart problems. While resting on a bench and after
having a short conversation with a young man with a scar
on his face, similar to the sort of man he used to be, he
exhales and dies in view of his family. The lm then ends
as a nal letter from Ezio to Soa is read, saying that of
all the things that kept him going throughout life, love for
the world around him was the strongest of them all.

Ascendance is an animated short by UbiWorkshop and

Ubisoft Montreal, which bridges the gap between Assassins Creed II and Assassins Creed: Brotherhood. It tells
the backstory of Cesare Borgia's rise to power. The animated short was released on November 16, 2010. The
short story takes place in the middle of the events of
Brotherhood as Ezio Auditore sits and gathers information about Cesare Borgia, from a hooded man who is
later revealed to be Leonardo da Vinci. It is available
7.2.4 Theatrical lm adaptation
for purchase on Xbox Live, PlayStation Store and iTunes
You know, we absolutely want to respect the game.
Theres so much cool stu in the game that we're actually spoiled for choice in terms of what we can use and
7.2.3 Assassins Creed: Embers
what we can't, but we also want to bring new elements
Embers is an animated short lm created by to it and perhaps our own version of things that already
UbiWorkshop. The lm is included as a bonus in exist in the game. But we're denitely making a feature
Signature and collectors editions of Assassins Creed: lm, and we're approaching it as a feature lm, as opRevelations. UbiWorkShop released a teaser trailer posed to approaching it as a video game. But I love the
on July 21, 2011, which was featured at Comic-Con world... When I met up with the guys from Ubisoft and
2011. The Embers trailer shows an older Ezio with his they started to explain this whole world and the idea of
DNA memory you know, I think its a very feasible scifamily. He fears someone is trying to get him.[53][54] The
developers described Embers at the 2011 Comic Con, at entic theory. I just thought, 'This is so rich,' and about
the possibility of it being this cinematic experience. So
the Assassins Creed panel as a nal epilogue to Ezios
story, and although can be watched anytime, should I'm really excited about it, and we're working very hard
to make sure that we've got the best and most exciting,
be watched after the completion of Assassins Creed:
Revelations story, to fully understand and complete the original package.
tale of Ezio Auditore da Firenze.[55]

Michael Fassbender, star and producer of the lm, on

to the game
The short lm follows an elderly Ezio, living a peaceful how much of the lm would remain faithful
life in the Tuscan countryside with his wife Soa and his
children Flavia and Marcello and writing his memoirs.
One day a stranger appears, a Chinese female Assassin By October 2011, Sony Pictures was in nal negotiations
called Shao Jun, who came to Ezio in order to seek knowl- with Ubisoft Motion Pictures to make a lm version of
edge of his life as an Assassin. Although Ezio prefers that Assassins Creed,[57] to be released in 3D.[58] In July 2012,
Jun not stay, due to his desire to leave his days as an As- Michael Fassbender was announced to star in the lm, as
sassin behind, Soa allows her to stay for the night. The well as co-produce the lm through his DMC Film banner
next day, Ezio catches Jun reading his memoirs and bids with Conor McCaughan.[59] Jean-Julien Baronnet, CEO
her to leave, but relents after she asks him about what Ubisoft Motion Pictures, said Fassbender was the stuit means to be an Assassin. While on a trip to Firenze, dios rst choice to star in the lm. Negotiations between
Ezio then recounts his story of how his father and brothers Sony Pictures and Ubisoft Motion Pictures were put on
were executed in the town square, forcing him to become hold, with Ubisoft executives planning to develop the lm
an Assassin, and how such a life is dened by the pain it independently in order to maintain greater creative con-



trol. Sony could still distribute the lm, but Ubisoft Motion Pictures would not resume talks until packaging the
project with a writer and director.[60] In October, Ubisoft
revealed the lm would be co-produced with New Regency and distributed by 20th Century Fox. New Regency will nance part of the lms production, in order
for Ubisoft to not shoulder much nancial risk, yet still
be involved creatively. Baronnet also revealed Ubisoft
hoped to release the lm along with a new game launch
for the series.[61]

vast period of time, it is set only in the 15th century with
no mention of the games present-day events.

Assassins Creed: Brotherhood

Assassins Creed: Brotherhood is a continuation of the Assassins Creed series written by Oliver Bowden and published by Penguin Books. It is a novelized version of the
game Assassins Creed: Brotherhood just like its previous book. Also, it does not contain any of the games
In January 2013, Michael Lesslie was hired to write the present-day events including Desmond, only a reference
lm.[62] In May, it was announced that the lm was to to a phantom by Ezio. Unlike the events of the game
be released on May 22, 2015,[63] which was later pushed which start in 1499, this version of the story starts in
back to June 19, 2015.[64] In June 2013, Frank Marshall 1503.
entered negotiations to produce the lm, along with Fassbender and McCaughan for DMC Film and Eli Richbourg for Ubisoft.[65] In July, Scott Frank revealed he 7.3.3 Assassins Creed: The Secret Crusade
was rewriting the script.[66] In November, the lm was
pushed back once again to a new release date of August Assassins Creed: The Secret Crusade is the third Assassins Creed book by Oliver Bowden and published by Pen7, 2015.[67]
In January 2014, a Linkedin prole for executive pro- guin Books. The story is told by Niccolo Polo, father of
of Altar ibn la-Ahad.
ducer Fannie Pailloux stated lming was scheduled to be- Marco Polo, and is about the life[78]
gin in August 2014. In April 2014, Adam Cooper and
Bill Collage were hired to rewrite the script.[69] By the
end of April, Justin Kurzel was in talks to direct.[70] In 7.3.4 Assassins Creed: Revelations
June, Olivia Munn expressed interest in appearing in the
Assassins Creed: Revelations is the fourth novel in the
In early August 2014, FilmDivider cited inside sources continuation of the Assassins Creed series written by
as describing the setting of the lm as being the Spanish Oliver Bowden and published by Penguin Books. The
Inquisition, with Fassbender playing a Spanish Assas- novel release date is November 24, 2011 for the United
sin named Aguilar de Agarorobo, as well as his mod- Kingdom and November 29, 2011 for the North Amerern day descendant - a convicted felon named Michael ica. Like the previous novels of Renaissance and BrothLynch - who is being used by the Templars to further their erhood, it is a novelised version of the game Assassins
cause in their war against the Assassins.[72] In September Creed: Revelations. Additionally like the prior novels, it
2014, the lm was pushed to an unspecied 2016 release does not contain any of the games present-day events indate,[73] which was revealed to be December 21, 2016 cluding Desmond. Like the game, Ezio Auditore must
in January 2015.[74] In February 2015, it was announced leave his life behind in search of answers, in search of
that the lm had entered production[75] and that Marion the truth. In Assassins Creed: Revelations, master assassin Ezio Auditore walks in the footsteps of the legCotillard had been in a role.[76]
endary mentor Altair, on a journey of discovery and revIn May 2015, Fassbender announced that lming would
elation. It is a perilous pathone that will take Ezio to
commence in September of that year.[77]
Constantinople, the heart of the Ottoman Empire, where
a growing army of Templars threatens to destabilise the
7.3 Novels
Main article: Assassins Creed (book series)



Assassins Creed: Forsaken is a continuation of the Assassins Creed series written by Oliver Bowden. It covers
the life of Haytham Kenway during his years before and
during the events of Assassins Creed III.

Assassins Creed: Renaissance

Main article: Assassins Creed: Renaissance

Assassins Creed: Forsaken

Assassins Creed: Renaissance is a novel based on the As- 7.3.6 Assassins Creed: Black Flag
sassins Creed series written by Oliver Bowden and published by Penguin Books. It is a novelised version of the Assassins Creed: Black Flag is a continuation of the Asgame Assassins Creed II; however, rather than spanning a sassins Creed series written by Oliver Bowden. The novel



chronicles the events of the game with the same name. It fore Assassins Creed: Revelations release. These were
was released on 7 November 2013.
both for the class Spy, the rst item being the iconic hidden blade, the second a hood based on the one Ezio wore
in Revelations. In Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots,
7.3.7 Assassins Creed: Unity
the outt of Altar is available as an unlockable, though,
originally, it was only an April Fools joke by Hideo KoAssassins Creed: Unity is a continuation of the Assassins jima. In the 2011 Indian lm Velayudham, the superhero
Creed series written by Oliver Bowden. The novel focuses costume worn by the protagonist is visibly based on Alon the events of the game from Elises perspective. It was tars in Assassins Creed.[89][90]
released on 20 November 2014.



8 Reception

The Assassins Creed series, particularly the main games,

have received mainly positive reviews from fans and critUbiWorkshop released an encyclopedia of the Assassins ics, many of whom have called Assassins Creed "...the
The seCreed series in 2011. Initially intended as an art book, the standout series on [the seventh] of consoles.
project gathered so much material that the company decided to expand it into an encyclopedia. It will still feature
works of artists, such as Craig Mullins, Tavis Coburn,
123Klan, Gabz and James NG. Artists were given cre- 9 References
ative freedom, as they were able to create a unique Assassin from the period of their choosing. The art book [1] Assassins Creed: Altairs Chronicles for Palm Pre.
Gameloft. Retrieved December 26, 2010.
contains a carte blanche section, which is going to contain fan-submitted artwork. The original cost of this is
[2] Facts & Figures. Ubisoft. Retrieved 21 April 2012.

Assassins Creed: Encyclopedia

In November 2012, to coincide with the release of Assassins Creed III, UbiWorkshop released a second edition of
the encyclopedia. This Edition contained an additional
120 new pages of content, covering both Assassins Creed
III and Assassins Creed: The Chain, as well as revised
content based on feedback.[82]
The Third Edition of the Assassins Creed Encyclopedia
is an updated hardcover edition incorporating information of characters and events from Assassins Creed IV:
Black Flag and Assassins Creed: Brahman along with
new artwork and concept art. It was released worldwide
on 11 November 2013 and includes 390 pages of new
content and a revised version of the second edition, which
is also available to purchase from UbiWorkshop.[83]


In other media

[3] Interview: Assassins Creed. CVG. Retrieved September 2, 2012.

[4] The Making Of: Assassins Creed. EDGE. August 27,
2012. Archived from the original on December 23, 2013.
Retrieved March 3, 2013.
[5] Bryan Vore (March 4, 2013). Assassins Creed IV: Black
Flag. Retrieved March 4, 2013.
[6] George, Richard (March 4, 2013). The Dawn of Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag. IGN. Retrieved August 30,
[7] GameStop Placeholder Art Names Assassins Creed:
Brotherhood Update. May 5, 2010. Retrieved October 21, 2010.
[8] Harman, Stace (27 March 2012). Connor goes loud: Assassins Creed III gets rst showing. VG247. Retrieved
19 June 2012.

In the 2009 Wii game Academy of Champions: Soccer, [9] Schreier, Jason (March 19, 2014). Leaked Images Reveal One Of This Falls Two Assassins Creed Games.
Altar appears as a playable character along with other
Kotaku. Retrieved March 19, 2014.
Ubisoft characters.[84] In the 2012 game Soulcalibur V,
Ezio appears a playable ghter.
Sackboy, the player [10] Schreier, Jason (March 27, 2014). Sources: Assassins
character from LittleBigPlanet and its sequel, can be cosCreed Comet Will Let You Play As A Templar. Kotaku.
tumed as Ezio.[86] In Prince of Persia: The Forgotten
Retrieved March 27, 2014.
Sands there is an unlockable outt through Uplay.[87] In
Prince of Persia (2008), Altars Costume can be un- [11] McWhertor, Michael (August 5, 2014). Assassins
Creed Rogue conrmed by Ubisoft - heres the rst
locked with a code obtained by pre-ordering the game.
trailer. Polygon. Retrieved August 5, 2014.
Final Fantasy XIII-2 has a costume of Ezio from Assassins Creed: Revelations as an optional costume option as [12] Wallace, Kimberly (August 5, 2014). September Cover
DLC.[88] In PC/Mac versions of Team Fortress 2, two
Revealed Assassins Creed Rogue And Unity. Game
promotional items were introduced in 2011 months beInformer. GameStop. Retrieved August 5, 2014.


[13] Karmali, Luke (August 28, 2014). Assassins Creed

Unity Release Date Delayed To November. IGN. Retrieved August 28, 2014.

[30] Goldfarb, Andrew (September 10, 2013). Assassins

Creed Liberation HD, Pirates Announced. IGN. Retrieved September 10, 2013.

[14] Futter, Mike (October 13, 2014). Assassins Creed

Rogue Coming To PC In 2015. Game Informer.
GameStop. Retrieved October 13, 2014.

[31] Futter, Mike (September 10, 2013). Assassins Creed:

Pirates Brings The High Seas To Small Devices. Game
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[15] Karmali, Luke (March 21, 2014). Ubisoft Conrms Assassins Creed: Unity, Release Date Teased. IGN. Retrieved March 21, 2014.

[32] Miller, Matt (August 21, 2014). Assassins Creed Memories Launches On iOS. Game Informer. GameStop.
Retrieved August 22, 2014.

[16] Jackson, Leah B. (June 9, 2014). E3 2014: Assassins

Creed Unity Co-Op Revealed. IGN. Retrieved June 9,

[33] Marchiafavra, Je (September 22, 2014). Assassins

Creed Unity Season Pass Includes Newly Announced
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Retrieved September 22, 2014.

[17] Lien, Tracey (June 9, 2014). Assassins Creed Unity hits

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Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses


Assassins Creed Source:{}s%20Creed?oldid=660446647 Contributors: Frecklefoot, GTBacchus,

Lemming, Emperor, Darkwind, Cherkash, DocWatson42, Misterkillboy, SoWhy, OwenBlacker, CanSpice, Icd, Mike Rosoft, Discospinster, RoyBoy, Shadoks, Gary, Wangry, Velella, Binabik80, Saxifrage, Zntrip, Woohookitty, TheNightFly, Tabletop, Sygmoral, Mandarax,
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, Flinders Petrie, RandomAct, Materialscientist, Dr.smartfella, Citation bot, Williamstrother, Brightgalrs, Enok, Xqbot, Hnk511, CoolingGibbon, SolanSarr,
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, Gx872op, Warregubbi, Piedonut, Mathonius, Amaury, Shanthanchalla,
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