Installing New WEA Test Aix Image Using Nim

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Installing New WEA Test AIX Image Using NIM

Installing An Existing NIM Image

Creating A NIM Image
Changing NIM Source
Changing NIM Initiation Direction
Incremental AIX Software Fileset Installation
Adding A New Machine for NIM
Deleting A Machine From NIM
Virgin Maintenance Level 3 Installation
Installing AIX From WEA Test CDs
NIM Resource Maintenance Level Information
Configuring Network

Installing An Existing NIM Image

This section describes how to perform a nework install. Note however, that there are some AIX machine
architectures that will not allow a NIM operation to be performed at lower levels, i.e. wea2aix6 and
wea2aix7 can only be NIM'ed with an AIX Maintenance Level 3 image and cannot be NIM'ed with
Maintenance Level 1 or 2.

You can make a machine a NIM client by using the appropriate smitty panels described below while logged
onto the client itself. You can also make it a NIM client from the NIM server, however, if you do so, you
must "reset", "deallocate", and "allocate" the associated resources on the machine (NIM server or NIM
client) you wish to invoke the NIM download from/to.

Confirm NIM Status Of Machine

1) Determine if your machine is a NIM client. Telnet or logon to the machine you wish to NIM and edit the
"niminfo file" (i.e. "vi /etc/niminfo"). If the "niminfo" file does not exist, skip the next step (2), and go to
step 3.

2) Determine if the value for the "export NIM_MASTER_HOSTNAME" equals "".

If this is the case, proceed to Performing Normal NIM Image Installation. If this parameter equals
anything else, rename the file "niminfo" to "niminfo.nimesis" (or something reflecting this will be a backup).

3) From the AIX command prompt on the machine you wish to NIM, type "smitty nim".

4) In the "Network Installation Management" panel, select "Configure Network Installation Management
Client Fileset" and press "Enter".

5) In the "Machine Name" field, enter the machine you are on that you wish to make a NIM client (i.e.
6) In the "Primary Network Install Interface" field, press the F4 key to get a list of interfaces, move the
cursor to the network interface you are using (i.e. select "en0", "en1", "en2", etc), press "Enter", (or press F3
to get out of the list, and then enter the value for the ethernet interface).

7) In the "Host Name of Network Install Master" field, enter "gvtaix04".

8) In the "Hardware Platform Type" field, enter "chrp".

9) In the "Kernal to use for Network Boot" field, enter "mp" (the default) then "Enter", then wait a few
seconds for "OK".

This machine is now has configured itself as a NIM client. Proceed to the next section (Performing Normal
NIM Image Installation)

Performing Normal NIM Image Installation

1) From the AIX command prompt on the machine you wish to NIM, type "smitty nim".

2) In the "Network Installation Management" panel select "Perform a NIM Client Operation", and press

3) Move cursor to "reset" and press "Enter". In the "ARE YOU SURE" confirmation panel portion, press
"Enter", then wait for an "OK".

4) Press F3 to return to the "Network Installation Management" panel, then select "Manage Network Install
Resource Allocation", and press "Enter".

5) In the "Manage Network Install Resource Allocation" panel, select "Allocate Network Install Resources"
and press "Enter".

(If you get a failure in the next step, you probably have not performed the above steps Confirm NIM Status
Of Machine, or need to perform the operations in the section Deleting A Machine From NIM

6) In the "Available Network Install Resources" panel, you need to select the appropriate set of resources (for
WEA 4.30 use AIX Maintenance Level 3). See the section NIM Resource Maintenance Level Information
for a list reflecting the appropriate items to select for the appropriate maintenance level WEA test AIX OS
image. Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll the list of resources to select in the smitty panel.

7) Press F3 until you return to the "Network Installation Management" panel, then select "Perform a NIM
Client Operation", and press "Enter"

8) In the "Perform a NIM Client Operation" panel select "bos_inst", then press "Enter"

9) In the "Perform A Network Install" panel, move to the "Source for BOS Runtime Files, press "F4" key,
and then move cursor to the "mksysb", then press "Enter".
10) In the "Remain NIM client after install" field, accept the default "Yes". For the "installp Flags" field,
accept the default [-aXg]. For the "ACCEPT new license agreements?" press the tab key to indicate "yes",
then press "Enter".

11) In the "ARE YOU SURE" confirmation panel, press "Enter", within a few seconds the "Command" field
should reflect "OK". The installation of the image will take approximately 30-50 minutes. If you are using
DSView, you will see progress displayed and finally a login screen. When a successful installation has
(seemingly) began, you will see a white screen, with the text

Welcome to AIX:
boot image timestamp: 22:46 02/12 (or something like it)
The current time and date: 14:28:48 05/21/2003 (or something like it)
number of processors: 4 size of memory: 3072Mb (or something like it)
boot device: /pci@fef00000/ethernet@10::,,9.42,64.165, (where the second IP
address is your machine)
closing stdin and stdout....

If you are using telnet, if you can ping the machine you are downloading a NIM to, it is still healthy, and if
you cannot telnet to it, it is probably still installing the image.

Creating A NIM Image

Prepare the NIM Resources

1) Contact Gary Deen or Steve Hayden to prepare a resource for the creation of your nim image (on the
appropriate machine, a directory must be created called

Assure The Machine You Are Backing Up Is A NIM Client

1) Telnet to the "gvtaix04" machine.

2) From the AIX command prompt, type "smitty nim".

3) From the "Network Installation Management" panel, select "Perform NIM Administration Tasks", press

4) From the "Perform NIM Administration Tasks" panel, select "Manage Machines", and press "Enter".

5) In the "Manage Machines" panel, select "Change /Show Characteristics of a Machine", then press "Enter".

6) Make sure your machine is in the list, and if it is in the list, proceed to Create The NIM Image.

7) If your machine is not in the list, press the "F3" key to return to the "Manage Machines" panel and select
"Define a Machine", and press "Enter".
8) In the "Define a Machine" panel, in the "Host Name of Machine" field, enter the machine name (i.e.
"wea2aix2"), then press "Enter".

9) In the next "Define a Machine" panel, the "NIM Machine Name" should already be filled in. For the
"Hardware Platform Type" enter "chrp" press "Enter" (accept remaining defaults). For the "Kernel to use for
Network Boot", enter "mp", then press "Enter".

Create The NIM Image

Note: in the example field values below, the string "boxname" must be replaced with the machine name you
are creating a NIM image for (i.e "wea2aix2").

1) From the "Network Installation Management" panel, select "Perform NIM Administration Tasks", press

2) In the "Perform NIM Administration Tasks" panel, select "Manage Resources", then press "Enter".

3) In the "Manage Resources" panel, select "Define a Resource", then press "Enter".

4) In the "Resource Type" section of the panel, move cursor to "mksysb", then press "Enter".

5) In the "Define a Resource" panel, in the associated field, insert the following values:

Field Value

Resource Name [mksysb_6_420_boxname] (name for the resource, where "boxname"

is your machines name)
Resource Type mksysb
Server of Resource [wea2aix6], (where you are going to put the file)
Location of Resource [/export/mksysb2/aix513_6_420_boxname/mksysb2] ("aix513*"
is the location for the mksysb resource)

Comments [WPO 4.20 image from boxname]

Source for Replication []

System Backup Image Creation Options:
CREATE system backup image toggle to "Yes"
NIM client to backup [boxname] (the box you are backing up).
EXPAND /tmp if needed? toggle to "Yes"

Once the above values are input, press "Enter". Your NIM image creation should begin and will take several
minths to complet.

Changing NIM Source

This section describes operations performed to convert a machine from performing a NIM on gvtaix04
(WEA Test NIM) to nimisis (INS wesbeta2 NIM).

Remove the machine from gvtaix04 NIM server

1) From gvtaix04 AIX command prompt type "smitty nim".

2) From the "Network Installation Management" panel, select "Perform NIM Admininstration Tasks",
then press "Enter".
3) From the "Perform NIM Admininstration Tasks", select "Manage Machines", then press "Enter".
4) From the "Manage Machines", select "Perform Operations on Machines, then press "Enter".
5) In the "Target Name" panel, select the machine you wish to perform actions on, then press "Enter".
6) In the "Operation to Perform" panel, select "reset", then press "Enter".
7) In the "Reset the NIM State of a Machine" panel, in the "Deallocate All Resources" field, press the
tab key to change the value to "Yes", and for the "Force" field, tab to change the value to "yes", then
press "Enter". In the confirmation query, press "Enter".
8) Press the F3 key to return to the "Manage Machines" panel, select "Remove a Machine", the press
9) In the "Machine Name" panel, select the machine you wish to remove and press "Enter".
10) In the "Remove a Machine" panel, press "Enter", and in the confirmation query, press "Enter".
11) As nimisis cannot successfully logon to perform a NIM install if the profile has a "PS1" value setting,
you might need to delete your ".profile" file and ".kshrc" on the machine you wish to NIM from

1. 12) Assure the ".rhosts" file contains an entry for " root" and
" root".

12) Telnet to "wesbeta2", execute the NIM command with the machine name you wish to NIM as the
only parameter (i.e. "/NIM b80aix06").
13) Go have a latte!

Changing NIM Initiation Direction

This section describes the process of changing the direction of a NIM initiation. A NIM can be invoked from
the NIM Master or the NIM Client. The first section describes the actions necessary for Changing From
NIM Server Initiated NIM to Client Initiated, and assumes a successful NIM has been performed that was
initiated by the NIM Server. The next section Changing From NIM Client Initiated NIM to Server
Initiated, and assumes a successful NIM has been performed that was initiated by the NIM Client.

Changing From NIM Server Initiated NIM to Client Initiated

Actions Performed On NIM Server

1) From gvtaix04 AIX command prompt type "smitty nim".

2) From the "Network Installation Management" panel, select "Perform NIM Admininstration Tasks",
then press "Enter".
3) From the "Perform NIM Admininstration Tasks", select "Manage Machines", then press "Enter".
4) From the "Manage Machines", select "Perform Operations on Machines, then press "Enter".
5) In the "Target Name" panel, select the machine you wish to perform actions on, then press "Enter".
6) In the "Operation to Perform" panel, select "reset", then press "Enter".
7) In the "Reset the NIM State of a Machine" panel, in the "Deallocate All Resources" field, press the
tab key to change the value to "Yes", and for the "Force" field, tab to change the value to "yes", then
press "Enter". In the confirmation query, press "Enter".

Actions Performed On NIM Client

Changing From NIM Client Initiated NIM to Server Initiated

1) From the NIM server (i.e. "gvtaix04") AIX command prompt, type "smitty nim".
2) From the "Network Installation Management" panel, select "Perform NIM Administration Tasks",
then press "Enter".
3) From the "Perform NIM Administration Tasks" panel, select "Manage Machines" then press "Enter".
4) From the "Manage Machines" panel, select "Manage Network Install Resource Allocation" then press
5) From the "Manage Network Install Resource Allocation" panel, select "Deallocate Network Install
Resources" then press "Enter".
6) In the "Target Name" section of the panel, scroll to the machine you wish to change (i.e. "wea2aix2")
and press "Enter".
7) In the "Allocate Network Install Resources" section of the panel select all resources (use the F7 key
to select), then press "Enter".
8) Press the F3 key until you get back to the "Manage Machines" panel.
9) In the "Manage Machines" panel, select "Perform Operations on Machines" then press "Enter".
10) In the "Target Name" section of the panel, use the up/down arrows to move to the machine you want
to reset, then press "Enter".
11) In the "Operation to Perform" section of the panel, use the up/down arrow keys to select "reset", then
press "Enter".
12) In the "Rese the NIM State of a Machine" panel, for the "Deallocate All Resources" tab to "Yes". For
the "Force" tab to "Yes", then press "Enter".
13) In the "ARE YOU SURE" query, press "Enter", and wait several secons for the "Command" field to
reflect "OK".
14) Press the F3 key until you return to the "Manage Machines" panel, select "Manage Network Install
Resource Allocation" and press "Enter".
15) In the "Manage Network Install Resource Allocation" panel, select "Allocate Network Install
Resources" and press "Enter".
16) In the "Target Name" section of the panel, scroll to the machine you wish to allocate resources to (i.e.
"wea2aix2") and press "Enter".
17) In the "Available Network Install Resources" panel, you need to select the appropriate set of
resources. See the section NIM Resource Maintenance Level Information for a list reflecting the
appropriate items to select for the appropriate maintenance level WEA test AIX OS image (for WEA
4.30 use AIX Maintenance Level 3). Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll the list of resources to
select (using the F7 key) in the smitty panel. Once you have selected all required resources press
18) In the "COMMAND STATUS" panel, when the "Command" field reflects "OK", press the F3 key
until you return to the "Manage Machines" panel.
19) In the "Manage Machines" panel, select "Perform Operations on Machines", then press "Enter".
20) In the "Target Name" section of the panel, use the up/down arrow keys to select the machine you
wish to NIM (i.e. "wea2aix2"), then press "Enter".
21) In the "Operation to Perform" section of the panel, select "bos_inst" and press "Enter".
22) In the "Perform a Network Install" panel, in the "Source for BOS Runtime Files" field, press the F4
key to get a list of choices. In the "Source for BOS Runtime Files" section of the panel, select
"mksysb", then press "Enter".
23) In the "Remain NIM Client after install?" field, assure it is "yes". In the "ACCEPT new license
agreements?" field, tab to "yes", then press "Enter".
24) In the "ARE YOU SURE" query, press "Enter".
25) If the machine you are trying to NIM was in a white screen with the last line "Closing stdin and
stdout", you will probably need to restart the machine (i.e. press the white button on the front panel
once to get "OK", and again to initiate restart).

Incremental AIX Software Fileset Installation

This section describes the process required to install additional filesets on AIX using NIM rather than using
the CD's.

1) From the machine you want to install additional filsets on, from the AIX command prompt, type
"smitty nim".
2) From the "Network Installation Management" panel, select "Install and Update Software", then press
3) From the "Install and Update Software" panel, select "Install Software" then press "Enter".
4) In the "Select the LPP_SOURCE containing the install images" section of the panel, select the lpp
source for the AIX maintenance level you wish to install (i.e. "lpp_source_gvt_aix513"), then press
5) In the "Install Software" panel, the cursor should be positioned at the "Software to Install" field, press
the F4 key.
6) A "Software to Install" panel will appear. Using the up/down keys, move to the item(s) you wish to
install and press the F7 key. After completing all of your selections, press the "Enter" key.
7) Back in the "Install Software" panel, for the parameters on the left, input/select the values on the right
(see example below for installing "bos.compat"), (note the example below reflects values to commit
the software installation, you might want to simply "PREVIEW only" first to assure installation will
succeed. (For the faint of heart)), then press "Enter". In the "ARE YOU SURE?" confirmation
window press "Enter". Wait a minth, and when the install finishes an reflects "OK", press the F3 key
until you return to the command prompt.

********************* SMITTY SCREEN ******************************

Install Software

Type or select values in entry fields.

Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.

[Entry Fields]
* LPP_SOURCE aix513_lpp_source .
* SOFTWARE to install [bos.compat] +

Customization SCRIPT to run after installation []

(not applicable to SPOTs)

installp Flags
PREVIEW only? (install operation will NOT occur) no +
Preview new LICENSE agreements? no +
ACCEPT new license agreements? no +
COMMIT software updates? yes +
SAVE replaced files? yes +
AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software? yes +
EXTEND file systems if space needed? yes +
OVERWRITE same or newer versions? no +
VERIFY install and check file sizes? yes +

F1=Help F2=Refresh F3=Cancel F4=List

F5=Reset F6=Command F7=Edit F8=Image
F9=Shell F10=Exit Enter=Do

Adding A New Machine for NIM

To add a machine, you must perform actions on the NIM server (i.e. "gvtaix04"), as well as the client
machine itself. If an AIX machine has no operating system, or has an incompatible operating system (or
perhaps other conditions), it might be necessary to boot the machine in "single user" mode and manually
configure the machine for NIM. Regardless, perform the steps in Operations Performed On The NIM
Server, and then Operations Performed At The Client Machine.

Operations Performed On The NIM Server

1) From the NIM server (i.e. "gvtaix04"), from an AIX command prompt, type "smitty nim".

2) From the "Network Installation Management" panel, select "Perform NIM Administration Tasks", then
press "Enter".
3) From the "Perform NIM Administration Tasks" panel, select "Manage Machines", then press "Enter".

4) From the "Manage Machines" panel, select "Define a Machine", then press "Enter".

5) From the "Define a Machine" panel, in the "Host Name of Machine", enter the machine name (i.e.
"wea2aix9"), then press "Enter".

6) In the "Define a Machine" panel, in the associated fields, enter the appropriate values, then press "Enter"
(see following example for adding machine "wea2aix9"):

Define a Machine

[Entry Fields]
* NIM Machine Name [wea2aix9]
* Machine Type [standalone]
* Hardware Platform Type [chrp]
Kernel to use for Network Boot [mp]
Primary Network Install Interface
* Cable Type bnc (for s&g changed to N/A)
* NIM Network network1
* Host Name wea2aix9
Network Adapter Hardware Address [0]
Network Adapter Logical Device Name []
IPL ROM Emulation Device []
CPU Id []
Machine Group []
Comments []

7) Press F3 to get back to the "Manage Machines" panel, then select "Manage Network Install Resource
Allocation", then press "Enter".

8) In the "Manage Network Install Resource Allocation" panel, select "Allocate Network Install Resources",
then press "Enter".

9) In the "Target Name" portion of the panel, select the machine you defined previously, then press "Enter".

10) In the "Available Network Install Resrouces" portion of the panel, select the resources you wish to
allocate (should be 5 resources, see examples below). See the section NIM Resource Maintenance Level
Information for a list reflecting the appropriate items to select for the appropriate maintenance level WEA
test AIX OS image (for WEA 4.30 use AIX Maintenance Level 3). Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll the
list of resources to select.

11) Press "F3" to get back to the "Manage Machines" panel, select "Perform Operations on Machines", then
press "Enter".

12) In the "Target Name" panel, select the machine you defined above and press "Enter".
13) In the "Operation to Perform" panel, select "bos_inst" and press "Enter".

14) In the "Perform a Network Install" panel, for the following fields enter the associated value (press the F4
key for a list of values), then press "Enter":

Target Name wea2aix9

Source for BOS Runtime Files mksysb
installp Flages [-agX]
Fileset Names []
Remain NIM client after install? no (tried YES for s&g on wea2aix8)
Initiate Boot Operation on Client? no (tried YES for s&g on wea2aix8)
Set Boot List if Boot not Initiated on Client? no
Force Unattended Installation Enablement? no
ACCEPT new license agreements? [yes]

15) From the NIM client, initiate a restart and cause a NIM to be performed on that machine.

(If from the NIM Server, in the "ARE YOU SURE" panel, press "Enter".

Operations Performed At The Client Machine

1) First disconnect your ethernet cable, and restart your machine (i.e. powered on, the alphanumeric
display on the front of the box reflects "OK", press the (usually) white button, and from the keyboard,
press the "6" key until your arm hurts).
2) When (eventually) the display of a text screen panel which contains utilities for diagnostics/etc is
displayed, select the option "Maintenance Mode".
3) From the command prompt, you must issue the "bootlist" command including several parameters,
which include the boot sequence. As the NIM installation requires network connectivity to a NIM
server, these values are specified in the command line. This command is entered all on one line. An
example follows:
4) bootlist -m normal cd0 ent0 gateway= bserver= client= hdisk0
5) The above example specifies a boot order of CD first ("cd0"), then the network (including the IP
address of the gateway (i.e. "wea2aix6"), the NIM resource machine (i.e "wea2aix6"), and the client
machine (the machine you are on and are NIMing), and the hard disk (hdisk0)
6) Reconnect the ethernet cable.
7) If your machine has an OS on it, from the Maintenance Mode window, at the command prompt type
"init 2", which allows the OS to continue to boot into it's normal mode, where you can perform the in
the above section Installing An Existing NIM Image
8) If your machine has no OS on it, you must first perform operations on the NIM server to configure
your AIX machine as a NIM client. See Gary

Deleting A Machine From NIM

1) On the NIM server (i.e. "gvtaix04"), from the AIX command prompt type "smitty nim".
2) From the "Network Installation Management" panel, select "Perform NIM Administration Tasks",
then press "Enter".
3) From the "Perform NIM Administration Tasks" panel, select "Manage Machines, then press
4) From the "Manage Machines" panel, select "Perform Operations on Machines", then press
5) In the "Target Name" list, scroll to your machine and press "Enter".
6) In the "Operation to Perform" panel, move the cursor to "reset" and press "Enter".
7) In the "Reset the NIM State of a Machine", for the "Deallocate All Resources" field, press the Tab
key to change the value to "Yes", move to the "Force" field and tab to change this value to "Yes",
then press "Enter".
8) In the "ARE YOU SURE" portion of the panel, press "Enter".
9) Press the F3 key until you return to the "Manage Machines" panel, then select "Remove a
Machine", then press "Enter".
10) In the "Machine Name" list, scroll to the machine you wish to remove and press "Enter".
11) Back in the "Remove a Machine" panel, with your machine name in the Entry Field, press
12) In the "ARE YOU SURE" section of the panel, press "Enter".

Virgin Maintenance Level 3 Installation

Perform the steps in section Performing Normal NIM Image Installation but for step 6 use the following

Resource Type of Resource

resolv1 resolv_conf
bosinst_data bosinst_data
lpp_source_gvt_aix513 lpp_source
spot_gvt_aix513 spot
mksysb_aix513 mksysb

This image of the AIX 5.1.3 OS has additional configuration required.

1) After booting, the "Configuration Assistant" will appear, select "Set or Verify System Date and
Time", then click "Next".
2) In the "Set or Verify System Date and Time" panel, set the values appropriately and then click
3) Back in the Configuration Assistant panel, select "Set Password for Administrator (root user)",
then click "Next".
4) In the "Set Password for Administrator (root user)" panel, set the password appopriately, then
click "Next". A information panel will display informing you the password has been set, click
5) Back in the Configuration Assistant panel, select "Configure Network Identifications (TCP/IP)",
then click "Next".
6) In the "Configure TCP/IP" panel, select "Manually configure TCP/IP", then click "Next".
7) In the "Configure TCP/IP TaskGuide" panel, if not filled in already, enter the fully qualified Host
Name, the IP address, and the Subnet mask (subnet mask should be ""), then click
8) In the "Configure TCP/IP TaskGuide" "Network Interface" panel, select your Standard Ethernet
Network Interface" (i.e. "en0 10-80 Standard Ethernet Network Interface"), then click "Next".
9) In the "Configure TCP/IP TaskGuide" "Device attrubutes" panel, select "100 Full Duplex", then
click "Next".
10) In the "Configure TCP/IP TaskGuide" "What is the default gateway address" panel, for the
"Default gateway address", enter ", for the "Domain name:, enter "",
and for the "IP address ofthe name server", enter "", then click "Next".
11) In the "Configure TCP/IP TaskGuide" summary panel, confirm you have entered the correct
values for the previous panels, then click "Next".
12) In the "Configure" popup reflecting "TCP/IP configuration completed successfully", click "OK",
and in the 'Running Command" dialog box, click "Close".
13) Back in the "Configuration Assistant", select "Configure a web server to run Web-based System
Manager in a browser", then click "Next".
14) In the "Configure Web-based System Manager Applet Mode" panel, accept the default "Yes,
configure Web-based System Manger to use the above server.", then click "Next".
15) In the "Configure Web-based System Manager Applet Mode" panel, the text will reflect the URL
for systems management (i.e. ""), click "Next" to
16) Back in the "Configuration Assistant", select "Configure Online Documentation Library Service",
then click "Next".
17) In the "Configure Online Documentation Library Service" panel, click "Next".
18) In the "Configure Online Documentation Library Service" panel, select "Setup the Documentaion
Library Services on this computer", then click "Next".
19) In the "Configure Online Documentation Library Service" panel, select "Yes, remote users.......",
then click "Next".
20) In the "Configure Online Documentation Library Service" panel querying which browser you
wish to use, select "Yes, use Netscape", then click "Next".
21) In the "Configure Online Documentation Library Service" panel querying which browser version
to use, select "No, I want to continue to use the current browser", then click "Next".
22) In the "Configure Online Documentation Library Service" panel querying whether to search for th
Documention Library Service Search engine, click "Next".
23) (steve, this is iffy!)
24) Insert AIX CD1 in the CD drive, and in the "Configure Online Documentation Library Service"
panel querying for the device, select "/dev/cd0/.....", then click "Next".
25) In the "Running Command" dialog box, wait for it to reflect "Finished" and "Success", then click
26) Back in the "Configuration Assistant" in the "Configure Online Documentation Library Service"
panel, click on the device that the AIX Expansion Pack CD1 is in, then click "Next".
27) In the "Configuration Assistant" in the "Configure Online Documentation Library Service" panel
querying whether you want to install or mount any of the documentation that is on the operating
system Base Library CD?, select "Yes", then click "Next".
28) Insert AIX Documentation CD1 in the CD drive, and in the "Configure Online Documentation
Library Service" panel querying for the device, select "/dev/cd0/.....", then click "Next".
29) In the "Running Command" dialog box, wait for it to reflect "Finished" and "Success", then click
30) Back in the "Configuration Assistant" in the "Configure Online Documentation Library Service"
panel, click on the device that the AIX Expansion Pack CD1 is in, then click "Next".
31) 30 In the "Configuration Assistant" in the "Configure Online Documentation Library Service"
panel querying whether you want to install the documention on the hard drive or leave the CD
mounted, select "Hard Drive Install", then click "Next".
32) In the "Configuration Assistant" in the "Configure Online Documentation Library Service" panel
querying whether you want to install all the documention, select "Install all documention filesets
in the list below", then click "Next".
33) In the "Configuration Assistant" in the "Configure Online Documentation Library Service" panel,
click "Install now", then click "Next".
34) In the "Configure" pop-up, click "OK".
35) In the "Running Command" dialog box, it should reflect "Finished", and "Success", click "Close".
36) In the "Configuration Assistant", select "Exit the Configuration Assistant", then click "Next".
37) In the "Configuration Assistant", select "Exit the Configuration Assistant", select "Finish now,
and do not start Configuration Assistant when restarting the operating system", then click
"Finish". Your operating system should then complete the installation and display the logon
prompt. Logon as normal.

Installing AIX From WEA Test CDs

This procedure assumes you have either just turned on the machine, pressed the white button on the front
panel of the machine and are going through the install process, OR, you have had an existing OS running and
from the AIX comand prompt have typed "fasthalt" and after the machine halts have pressed the white button
on the front panel of the machine, OR, you have from the AIX comand prompt have typed "bootlist -m cd0
hdisk0", and "reboot" (the "bootlist" command simply specifies the boot order. If the CD drive is not
working or the CD media is defective, the hard disk will be booted, assuming it has a sane AIX image on it).
All three methods assume you have inserted the appropriate CD1 in the CD drive. CD1 has been labeled with
the machine name and IP address you will input later. It also has on the label "weaaix01", which was the
machine these CDs were created from. All of these CDs are identical with the exception of the labeling.
These instructions assume you are using the system console. The following instructions describe how to
install the AIX image from CDs.

1) After the machine has completed startup (several minutes will transpire), you will be presented a
green text screen "Please define system console", and stating you should press the F1 key then
"Enter". Do so.
2) You will then be prompted to select your language, select English (type "1") and press "Enter" to
3) You will then be prompted to with "Welcome to Base Operating System Installation and
Maintenance" panel. Choose the option "Select install now with default settings", (which is the
default) and press "Enter" to proceed. You will get a "Installation Warning" panel, select "1 Continue
with Install", and press "Enter".
4) After several minths, you will be prompted "Please remove volume 1, insert volume 2, and press the
Enter key". Do so.
5) After several minths, you will be prompted "Please remove volume 2, insert volume 1, and press the
Enter key". Do so. Lots of stuff will be displayed, read EVERY word!
6) After several minths the machine will complete the boot process and you will be presented
a. the normal AIX Console "Welcome to ..." login screen. Click on the "Options" button and
select "Command Line Login". You will be presented with a green text screen, press "Enter"
to get login prompt. Login using the normal WEA Test password.
b. you will be presented with a screen with an XTERM window and a Blue GUI reflecting you
dont have network connectivity).

From the AIX Command prompt, type "smitty tcpip".

From the "Further Configuration

Network Interfaces
network Interface Selection
Change/Show Characteristics of a Network Interface
In the resulting list (if more than one), start at the top one, select it, and find the network
interface who's "Current State" is "up"
Change the "Current State" to "down", and press "Enter". This command should execute
"OK" and "ENx changed". Press the F3 key to return to previous panel "Change/Show
Characteristics of a Network Interface"

Change the "Current State" to "detach", and press "Enter". This command should execute
"OK" and "ENx changed". Press the F3 key to return to previous panel "Change/Show
Characteristics of a Network Interface"

7) You now need to change the machine name and IP address. From the AIX command prompt, type
"smitty mktcpip".
8) In the "Available Network Interfaces" portion of the panel, select the appropriate interface (i.e.
"en0"), then press "Enter".
9) In the "Minimum Configuration & Startup" panel, for the "HOSTNAME" field, enter the hostname
for the machine you are installing the AIX CD os on (i.e. ""). In the
"Internet ADDRESS" field, enter the IP address for this machine (should be on the CD, or see WEA
Test Dept AIX Network Information). In the "START now" field, change (use the Tab key) the
value to "yes". (Other default fields/values should be "Network "MASK" should be "",
"NAMESERVER" "Internet ADDRESS" should be "" and "DOMAIN Name" should be
"". "Default Gateway" should be "" (the b80aix(xxx) machines use a
Default Gateway of and Network MASK of ""). Then press "Enter". After a
few seconds results should be "OK".
10) Press the F3 key until you return to the AIX command prompt. Issue the command "mount -a". (note
that if a disk that your machine is configured to mount is down or unavailable, you will get "cannot
mount...", and will need to do a "Ctrl/C" to get back to the command prompt).
11) Type Ctrl/d, wait several seconds, and you will be presented with the normal AIX login screen. Now
git to work!

NIM Resource Maintenance Level Information

The following lists indicate the resources required for installing a particular configuration. You should be in
the "Available Network Install Resources" panel panel of smitty. Determine the image you want from the
sets below, and using the up/down arrow keys, scroll up and down to the individual resource, and select it
using the F7 key. When all of the resources are selected for your set, press "Enter". Within a few seconds an
"OK" should be displayed and you should return to the point above where you hyperlinked to here. The
section For Maintenance Level 3 with WPO 4.2 below describes resources required for a WPO 4.20 image.
Note: you might need to deallocate a previously allocated resource if this step fails.

Content of Associated Resources

mksysb system backup (boot, devices, install manager, mksysb)

bosinst_data defines disk layout and contents
resolv_conf all network stuff, DNS
lpp_source install images, LPPs, Client gets filesets from server
spot diskless, dataless client , boot images, lpp device and associated scripts
cleanup scripts scripts that are executed after boot/restart is performed to do additional actions (we
currently dont use)

For Maintenance Level 1 (from nimesis)

Resource Type of Resource

lpp_source_6_aix512 lpp_source
spot_6_512 spot
resolv1 resolv_conf
bosinst_data bosinst_data
mksysb_6_aix511_nim mksysb

For Maintenance Level 2

Resource Type of Resource

lpp_source_6_aix512 lpp_source
spot_6_512 spot
resolv1 resolv_conf
bosinst_data bosinst_data
mksysb_6_aix512 mksysb

For Maintenance Level 3

Resource Type of Resource

lpp_source_gvt_aix513 lpp_source
spot_gvt_513 spot
resolv1 resolv_conf
bosinst_data bosinst_data
mksysb_6_aix513 mksysb (alternatively you can use "mksysb_gvt_aix513")

For Maintenance Level 1 With WEA 4.21 Image


Resource Type of Resource

lpp_source_6_aix512 lpp_source
spot_6_512 spot
resolv1 resolv_conf
bosinst_data bosinst_data
mksysb_6_W421_wea2aix2 mksysb

For Maintenance Level 3 with WPO 4.2

Note that all WPO 4.20 images are machine specific, as WPO creates several LDAP entries in your directory
server that have the machine name in it. All images require the same four resources with the fifth being a
"mksysb" resource. The naming convention for the mksysb resource is "mksysb_6_420_boxname", where
"boxname" is the machine name this image was created on (i.e. "mksysb_6_420_wea2aix2" is an image of
the AIX machine "").

On the web page WEA Test AIX Machines, the column "WPO 420 Backup Exists" reflects whether a WPO
4.20 NIM image exists for each machine listed.

IMPORTANT: Bear in mind that once you have installed a WPO 4.20 image on a machine, YOU MUST
START EVERYTHING! (see WEA Starting and Stopping on AIX). Also, the /WEA/tools/gdeen/Programs
utility does not work well with a WPO 4.20 or any other incremental installation.

Resource Type of Resource

pp_source_6_aix512 lpp_source
spot_6_512 spot
resolv1 resolv_conf
bosinst_data bosinst_data
mksysb_6_420_boxname mksysb

Configuring Network
When something is busted with your network connectivity upon bootup, you might get a GUI that includes a
blue panel, as well as a dterm. If this is the case, and you cannot ping anything, follow this procedure to
establish network connectivity. In this example case, the physical connectivity had been switched from the
"slot" female RJ45 connection to the "motherboard" female RJ45 connection.

1) Determine whether you have physical connectivity. From the AIX command prompt, type "netstat
-v". Within the output of this command should be a string "RJ45 Port Link Status : up", reflecting
physical connectivity. Preceding the line with this string (several lines above), there should be a line
reflecting which "ent" this interface is known as (i.e. "ETHERNET STATISTICS (ent2)"). We now
know that "ent2" is physically connected to the network.
2) At the AIX CLI, type "smitty tcpip", select "Minimum Configuration & Startup". In the resulting
"Available Network Interfaces", choose the device/definition you wish to configure (i.e. "ent2), then
press "Enter".
3) To remove the original configured I/F, type "ifconfig en0 down delete", then "rmdev -dl en0", and
"rmdev -dl ent0", then type "cfgmgr" to syncronize the ODM with this information.
4) To configure the new I/F, from the AIX CLI, type "smitty tcpip", and then select "Minimum
Configuration & Startup", then press "Enter".
5) When prompted, select the new interface (i.e. "ent2"), then press "Enter".
6) In the "Minimum Configuration and Startup" panel, for the "Hostname" and "Interenet ADDRESS"
fields, enter the appropriate values (i.e. "" and "". For the
"Network MASK" field enter the appropriate value (i.e.for the "Test Cell 6" machines enter
"", for the "PVC Dev lab" and "Test Cell 1", enter the appropriate value). For the
"NAMESERVER" field enter "". For the "DOMAIN Name" field enter "".
For the "Default Gateway" "Address" field enter "", and for the "Start Now" field select
"Yes", then press "Enter".

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