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Issue #37 - May 2015

With Hollywood today influencing lives of very many people including Christians, I would like to believe that there are Christian movie producers, script writers,
we caught up with Collin Muwonge to tell us what he thinks of what appears to be musicians, graphics designers, and executive producers in Hollywood that are
influencing their community. But if that is not the case, then the more reason we need
a contest for influence between Hollywood and the Holy word.
Collin is a growing Christian man who is passionate about
young people. He has worked with young people for close
to 20 years now having started out as a prefect in primary

to train and send Christian professionals into these places. Lets have grounded
Christians go into Hollywood and act, or work on the lights, or write scripts, etc and live
for Jesus as well using every opportunity as a mission field. Even more, I believe that
God really wants the church to rule the music and film industry in the world today
because Satans strategy is pretty clear today and that is to Influence the kids and
young people for himself through music and any form of screen. God must be
wondering Where are those who claim to be Salt and Light in the world?

Collin joined KBC in Form 2 with a group of friends with

whom he later formed a music group called Harmony6.
I admire Kenyans because the church there has managed to make the gospel music
Some of his interests are music, reading, movies and industry bigger than what comes from the world.
hanging out with people
3. Hollywood seems to have fallen in love with making Bible stories into movies
He is the Team Leader of Youth Worx EA in Uganda leading sometimes with changes to the original Bible text. Is that blasphemy?
a team of 6 people and together they train emerging young It is because the Bible will always sell. I would like to believe that a lot of research goes
leaders and established youth workers all over Uganda and into making a bible movie and so sometimes it is just ignorance on our part about the
real story. Pastor Andrew likes to encourage us to check the context of any Bible story. I
Collin Muwonge in the major cities in East Africa.
He is a father, a musician, a development specialist and remember showing a clip from the Passion of the Christ movie at KBC and after the
Cantata one church leader walked up to me and said How could you show that? Was
loves Manchester United FC.
Jesus really beaten like that? The truth is he was.
1. If you were to take up a lifestyle of any Hollywood celebrity, who would it be and
I dont think there can ever be a contest between Hollywood and the Holy Word
because there can never be a contest between Gods
I admire George Clooney because he is good
word and anything else. A contest must produce a
looking, great at acting and has kept on top
winner and Gods word will always win.
of his game for centuries. His movies are not

there can never be a contest

too extreme either.

between Gods word and

anything else

In real life though, I would not choose to take

on the personal lives of any of the famous
Hollywood stars. I no doubt admire what
they have achieved like their money and
fame, etc but if I had to become one of them I would not choose any of them.

However many of the Hollywood movies today distort

Gods word, water it down and in many cases completely change what Gods word says. Check any top grossing
movie today and it will no doubt have something

deliberately distorting and watering

Many of the Hollywood stars are on the messed up side of life unfortunately. We see down Gods word. They water family
their money, their looks, their fame, but delving into their personal lives away from the down, they water sexuality down, they
water the human being down, they
cameras reveals some pretty messed up individuals.
make sex, nudity and violence normal
Almost all the famous stars today are either atheists or agnostic. They do good things and
for society, etc.
rally behind good causes but they do not believe in a supreme GOD. That immediately is a
turn off for me. They have messed up families and marriages, and some of their social So I would not be surprised if there is
and political views are really crazy. The many stories we hear about their drug and some motivation to blaspheme God
and scripture.
alcohol filled lives are disheartening.
Collin at a training in Karamoja
So, I admire the fact that many of them are brilliant, gifted and really work hard at what 4. As a Christian, am I not making a
they do. George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Russell Crowe, Angelina Jolie, etc are really big mistake being influenced by Hollywood?
passionate and committed to excellence in their work. Some Christians ought to learn If God is truly influencing you then nothing else should be. You should instead be the
from them on this. But their values and beliefs and how their lives usually end are the one influencing itunless of course one is really not a Christian which honestly
speaking is a lot of people in the church today. Christians are people growing into the
reasons why I would not choose to be any of them.
likeness of God everyday and as they walk the growth journey, God starts to influence
2. As a Christian parent, would you allow your son or daughter to pursue a career in
them and they in turn start to influence their community.
Hollywood and why?
The thing is, Hollywood wants you to have as much entertainment as you can, and a
Yes indeed. Because Hollywood is a place created by God and sure He loves the people
good laugh toowhich is not bad. But it also desires that sex and nudity become
there dearly. Plus there are many wonderful movies that have come from Hollywood
normal to you; that violence is something that does not shock you anymore; that bad
over the years and many more that could come from there. The famous Jesus Film, The
language and profanity are a part of you. It desires that you find nothing wrong with
Passion of the Christ, gods must be crazy, etc were all produced in Hollywood. So yes,
alcohol, smoking, drugs, etc. No wonder all these vices are on the increase in the world
yes, I would encourage my children to work in Hollywood because I dont think there is a
and even in Uganda today. You only need to watch AGATALIKO NFUUFU. And of
place in this world that God is not in charge of and where Godly people can not go and
course their main target are the kids and the young people.
So we should be allowing GOD to work in us everyday and as we walk the faith journey
But whats most important is that my children have a solid grounding in the Lord because
we will become influencers for God wherever we are, with whoever we are. Be it in
there is a lot of stuff in Hollywood, the so called entertainment capital of the world. For
Hollywood, Kampala, Cairo, etc.
starters there is a lot of money from the Hollywood movie industry. Furious 7 is one of
the latest movies and it has (as of 30th April 2015) grossed 1.349 billion dollars. The The KEY RING is a monthly publication by the Kampala Baptist Church Media
money there alone could break the back of anyone that is not grounded.
Team that seeks to provide an avenue where men and women can share
I would be truly happy if for example my son became a famous movie star. But most knowledge and understanding of the word of God, experiences and encourage
importantly that he is a light in Hollywood. That he is influencing for God through his one another as the older perform the act of paralambano to the younger.
work and actions.
Our prayer is that the Lord will speak to you through this publication.
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