Consumer Behavior

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McGuire has developed a motive classification system that is more specific than Maslows.

According to McGuire, there are 12 psychological motives, 12 reasons why consumers are
motivated to make purchases.
McGuires Psychological Motives

Need for Consistency

Need to Categorize
Need for Independence

Need to Attribute
Need for Cues
Need for Novelty

Need for Self-Expression

Need for Ego-Defense

Need for Assertion

Need for Reinforcement

Need for Affiliation

Need for Modeling

1. Need for consistency

People have a basic desire to have all parts of them consistent and they purchase products
that fulfill this need.These facets include attitude, behaviours, opinions, self-image, views
of others , and so forth. People that listen to country music will purchase products like
cowboy boots, heavy duty trucks and pets.

2. Need for attribute causation

People have the need to determine who or what causes things to happen to them.When
consumer attribute a sales motive to advice given by a saleperson or advertising
message,they tend to discount the advice.In contrast, similar advice given by a friend
would likely be attributed to a desire be helpful and might therefore be accepted.

3. Need to categorize

Categories allow people to process a large amount of information. Vehicles are

categorized into cars, light trucks, heavy duty trucks, van, sporty, mid-size, hybrid,
electric and so on. This helps consumers quickly narrow down their choices when
purchasing a vehicle.

4. Need for cues

Most people will view others' behavior and infer what they feel and think. Impression,
feelings, and attitude are subtly established by viewing our own behavior and that of
others and drawing inferences as what we feel and think. Clothing plays an important
role in presenting image of a person. People quickly judge others by the clothing they are
wearing and the vehicle they drive.

5. Need for independence

Americans strive for individuality and self-expression and many products are marketed as
"limited edition" or being different and unique

The Japanese culture discourages individuality and focuses on affiliation, and behavior
that enhances family and culture.

6. Need for novelty

People have variety seeking-behavior and this may be a reason for brand switching and impulse
buys, but that depends on the person. People experiencing rapid life changes will seek stability,
while people in stable life situations will seek change. The travel industry uses this by changing
up their ads and showing adventure vacations where people are actively having fun and some ads
showing relaxing vacations where people are swinging.
7. Need for self-expression

This motive deals with the need to express ones identity to others.

Americans are known for letting others know who and what they are by their extravagant
purchases, especially clothing and cars.

8. Need for Ego-defense

The need to defend your identity. An insecure customer will purchase well-known brand
names for fear of being labeled socially incorrect.When our identity is threatened, we are
motivated to protect our self-concept and utilize defensive behaviors and attitude.Many
products can provide ego-defense.

9. Need for Assertion

Customer's need to engage in activities that will increase self-esteem in the eyes of
others. Most consumers respond positively to ads that appeal to this need. Individuals
with strong need for assertion are more likely to complain when dissatisfied with a

10. Need for reinforcement

People are motivated to act because they are rewarded for doing it. For example, showing
off a new diamond ring to your friends creates acceptance and approval. Keepsake
diamonds uses this motive with an advertisement that states: Enter a room and you are
immediately surrounded by friends sharing your excitement

11. Need for affiliation

Affiliation is the need to develop mutually helpful and satisfying relationships with
others, which is a critical part of all people's lives.

Marketers frequently use such affiliation-based themes as Your kids will love you for it
in advertisement.

12. Need for modeling

Conformity and the need to base behavior on that of others. This is the major motivation
of children, teens (8-12 year olds), and especially teenagers-and in their social world
conformity mean acceptance.

Marketers utilize this motive by showing desirable types of individuals using their

Cattell's Personality Factor Model

Personality traits and scales used to measure traits are numerous and commonality amongst the
traits and scales is often difficult to obtain. To curb the confusion, many personality
psychologists have attempted to develop a common taxonomy. A notable attempt at developing a
common taxonomy is Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Model based upon personality
adjectives taken form the natural language. Although Cattell contributed much to the use of
factor analysis in his pursuit of a common trait language his theory has not been successfully
Science has always strived to develop a methodology through which questions are answered
using a common set of principles; psychology is no different. In an effort to understand differing
personalities in humans, Raymond Bernard Cattell maintained the belief that a common
taxonomy could be developed to explain such differences.
According to Cattell, there is a continuum of personality traits. In other words, each person
contains all of these 16 traits to a certain degree, but they might be high in some traits and low in
others. The following personality trait list describes some of the descriptive terms used for each
of the 16 personality dimensions described by Cattell.
Cattell also developed an assessment based on these 16 personality factors. The test is known as
the 16 PF Personality Questionnaire and is still frequently used today, especially in business for
employee testing and selection, career counseling and marital counseling. The test is composed
of forced-choice questions in which the respondent must choose one of three different
alternatives. Personality traits are then represented by a range and the individuals score falls
somewhere on the continuum between highest and lowest extremes.

Criticism on Cattells Theory:

Although Cattell contributed much to personality research through the use of factor analysis his
theory is greatly criticized. The most apparent criticism of Cattell's 16 Personality Factor Model
is the fact that despite many attempts his theory has never been entirely replicated. In 1971,
Howarth and Brown's factor analysis of the 16 Personality Factor Model found 10 factors that
failed to relate to items present in the model. Howarth and Brown concluded, that the 16 PF
does not measure the factors which it purports to measure at a primary level (Eysenck &
Eysenck, 1987) Studies conducted by Sell et al. (1970) and by Eysenck and Eysenck (1969) also
failed to verify the 16 Personality Factor Model's primary level (Noller, Law, Comrey, 1987).
Also, the reliability of Cattell's self-report data has also been questioned by researchers
(Schuerger, Zarrella, & Hotz, 1989).

Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Model has been greatly criticized by many researchers,
mainly because of the inability of replication. More than likely, during Cattell's factor analysis
errors in computation occurred resulting in skewed data, thus the inability to replicate. Since,

computer programs for factor analysis did not exist during Cattell's time and calculations were
done by hand it is not surprising that some errors occurred. However, through investigation into
to the validity of Cattell's model researchers did discover the Big Five Factors, which have been
monumental in understanding personality, as we know it today.

Rolex Watches are considered as luxury product with an elegant design, expensive
packaging ,limited distribution and ads that stress exclusiveness should not be priced at or
below average product.Rolex Watches ad fulfill the Need for consistency and Need for
Modeling because some Rolex ads devote most of their copy to a description of very
successful people such as Arnold Plamer or Monica Kristensen. They state that this
person ownes a Rolex.
Peronality traits of Cattells that taget Rolex ads are practical , self-assured and Social

Dalda ad use a credible spokeperson Zubaida Appa in their ads to fulfill the Need to
Attribute Causation.Zubaida Appa has impressive credentials ,Knowledgeable and trust-


Personality Trait of Cattell that target Dalda ads are Affected by feelings: emotionally less
stable and Tough Minded: Realistic

In an advertisement for a Fairness creams such as Fair & Lovely, it will say "show off
your beauty to your man," this will appeal to women by showing that the product
increases your self-esteem.
These fairness cream ads fulfill
the Need for Assertion.
Personality trait of Cattell that
target this ad are Shy: timid,
threat- sensitive and Reserved
before using the product.

Above ads shows wellknown brands for cloths,watches and shoes.These ads fulfill the
Need for Ego-Defense . A consumer who feels insecure may rely on well-known brands
for socially visible products to avoid any chance of making a socially incorrect purchase.
Personality trait of cattell that target for these products are Tense: frustrated and
Apprehensive: insecure, worring, troubled

K & Ns ads fulfill the Need for Independence by giving ready to cook food to those
consumers who want that they do not depend on others, they do their own work without
relying on others. Do your own thing and be your own person clearly express this
Personality trait of cattell that target K & Ns ads are Self-sufficient: prefer own decisions
and Emotionally stable :mature, faces reality ,calm

Free Home Delivery Ads trying to fulfilling the Need for Independence by providing
services to people to assure them that they do what they want without relying on others.
Whenever they need something ,they just make a call to home delievery service providers
and they get what they want without depending on other.

Personality trait of cattell that targeted in these ads are self- sufficient : prefer own
decisions and Emotionally stable.

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