1415-IGCSE Computer Science 7

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1415-IGCSE Computer Science

Anti-virus software
An anti-virus protects our computer by keeping them up to date and by scanning our computer
every once in a while.
Universal Serial Bus (USB)
USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a serial data transmission method. The USB cable consists of
four wire shielded cables. When a device is plugged using one of the USB ports, the computer
automatically detects it is present. There is no need to restart the computer.
One of the disadvantages of a USB is that the maximum cable length is about 5 meters.
Note: A Flash memory is not an example of a USB. It is a device that is plugged into a computer
using one of the USB ports.
When a user visits a website, a small text file of information is sent by the web server to the web
browser. They collect important information about the user but not credit card numbers. Usually
they collect website visits, items purchases, types of music the user listens to Cookies are a set
of information but not a program.
Differentiate between cracking and hacking
Cracking means to change the source code of a program. It is done for malicious purposes.
Cracking is always considered to be illegal and usually cause damages.
On the other side, hacking means to gain access to a computer without authorization. Hacking
does not always cause damage.

Important notes to remember for the exams

While writing a pseudocode students will get a mark for each correct statement. So even if
you are not able to write the whole program, write as much as you know so you may be
awarded the partial mark. For example declaring variables or writing a loop will be awarded
some marks, even if the rest of the algorithm/pseudocode is not complete.

When you are asked to write two or three points for a question, you will be marked on the
first two or three points written. Any answer after the first two or three will be ignored. So,
make sure to start with the best answers.

When using the binary system/register students must write all the 0s and 1s. Any missing 0s
will lead to loss of marks.
Example 001110 is different from 00111 or 1110 (students must write 001110)

Students must initialize the trace program.

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