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“Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage”

What’s Happening Around Town Answers to Questions on the Ranch

Time sure flies! I cannot believe February

has arrived and Valentine’s Day is almost here!
By God’s grace, we had another week filled with A: Field trip permission slips and money are due
opportunities to apply our minds and hearts to MONDAY! Please remember to send a boost-
new information and skills! It is such a joy to er seat to school on Thursday for your child if
see progress in the lives of our students! I trust he or she is younger than six years old! There
the evidence of growth shines brightly while will be tape and a marker outside of our class-
your child is at home too! room Thursday morning for you to mark your
This week we focused on how to read and child’s seat. We will leave shortly after 10:30
mark long vowels, and though we still have much on Thursday and head to McDonald’s for
work to do, the students are making progress! lunch and then on to the Botanical Center!
They are also working hard in math learning addi- We will arrive back at school at 2:30 and will be
tion fact families one through five as well as try- dismissed at 3 p.m. as usual!
ing to find missing addends in the simple addition
problems! I encourage you to give your child op-
portunities to practice what they are learning
while at home! For example, if your child is set-
ting the table, ask him or her how many more
plates are needed so every family member has
one if two plates are already out! Real life situa-
tions provide meaningful basic skills practice!
I trust this upcoming week will be thrilling!
We will be traveling to Canada to celebrate the
start of the Olympics and learn more about the A: Yes, please return your child’s artwork that
country! We will also be turning our attention came home in the special folder last week even
from insects to jungle animals this week, and if if you will not be purchasing one of the items
all that were not enough, we will enjoy a field from the catalog with your child’s artwork on it.
trip to the Botanical Center on Thursday and We need the artwork back for our art show and
our Valentine’s Day party on Friday! Please pray hope to raise quite a bit of money for our
our hearts would overflow with love toward God school with this fundraiser. Also, please take
in all we do and say during this busy week! time to look at information included in your
Lost in wonder at God’s love, child’s HORSE folder about the upcoming PTF
Miss Hult Fun Night at The Incredible Pizza Company!
Spotlighting Students and Volunteers A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week

The Davenport family graciously provided Monday: (Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13 - The
snacks this week! Bananas, fruit snacks, and Temptation of Jesus) Satan tempted Jesus in
pudding were just a few of the favorites! You three ways: to satisfy His need of food Himself by
should have seen the chocolate pudding turning stones into bread, to take a shortcut to
smiles! Next week, the Charlton family has get all the world’s kingdoms without going to the
volunteered to bring snacks! THANK YOU! Cross, and to test God the Father’s faithfulness
I also appreciate Miss Michaela by being foolish. Jesus did not sin in any way and
Schroeder’s willingness to come in and teach proved He is God. We, too, can say no to
the students about Peru! The students really temptation by knowing and quoting Scripture!
enjoyed listening to her share about her adven-
Tuesday: Review of previous lesson.
tures while living in Peru for a year! Wednesday: (John 1:35-51 - The First Disciples) Dis-
ciples are learners, and Jesus, the Master Teach-
er, selected twelve special men to work for Him
and live a life of service unto Him. Andrew, John,
Simon, Philip, and Nathanael were the first five
men to be called by Jesus. They spent the rest of
their lives teaching other people about Jesus and
encouraging others to become followers of Him!
Likewise, we can spend our lives doing the same.
Thursday: Review of previous lesson.
Friday: (Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16 - 2:17 - Calling
the Fishermen and Matthew) While fishing, Peter,
Andrew, James and John were called by Jesus to
serve Him. Then, Jesus called a man named Levi
who was a tax collector. He repented of his sins,
changed his name to Matthew, and began to
follow Jesus. Like the disciples, we can share
1 John 3:1 about Jesus’ love for us and what He did for us
“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, on the cross.
in that while we were still sinners, Christ died
for us.”

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Monday, Feb. 8 - Friday, Feb. 12 - Bible verse R

Tuesday, Feb. 9 - Show and Tell
Wednesday, Feb. 10 - Chapel
Thursday, Feb. 11 - Field Trip to the Des Moines Botanical Center (10:30 - 2:30)
Friday, Feb. 12 - Valentine’s Day party (11:30 - 12:15); Early dismissal - 12:30

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