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COL106 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Assignment 5
Courtesy: Univ of Washington,
Due: October 31st, 2014
Total Marks: 30
This assignment revisits the maze-solver of assignment 2. Instead of a doubly-linked list, a priority
queue will be used.
Please download the required files from the link given on the course webpage. You are required to complete the TODO sections in the Main.cpp for Section 1 and PriorityQueueArray.cpp for Section 2.

Note: A set of data files to use as input is also provided on the website. We do not guarantee that
these form an exhaustive test. Perform additional testing of your own before you submit your program.
A Makefile is also provided. Use make to compile all files. Use make test for compiling only the files
required for Section 2. The default executable will be a.out.

Submission Guidelines
Submit only 2 files: Solve.txt (It should have only the solve() definition) and PriorityQueueArray.cpp
in a zipped format. Name your zipped file as hEntryNumberi hFirstNamei

Maze Solver (10 Marks)

Input File: maze1.txt

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A Priority Queue is an Abstract Data Type (ADT) that allows fast access to the minimum element
in a collection.
You will use a priority queue to implement an algorithm to search for a path to escape from a 2-D maze.
We are providing you with a Maze class representing the maze with various useful data and operations and
PriorityQueueADT interface representing the priority queue that you have to use. You will complete the

TODO sections of Main.cpp so that it implements the algorithm described by the following pseudo-code:
Pseudocode for solve(Maze, DequeADTh Point i):
Keep a priority queue of squares to visit, initially empty. The priority queue should
be ordered by direct distance from the end square, with closer squares being smaller
or earlier in the queue order.
Put the mazes start location in the priority queue.
Repeat the following until the priority queue is empty, or until we solve the maze:
L := Remove the minimum location from the priority queue.
If we have already visited L before, or L is a wall, ignore it.
Mark location L as being visited.
If L is the mazes end location, then we have solved the maze.
Add unvisited neighbors of L (up 1, down 1, left 1, right 1) to your p.queue.
If you end up with an empty p.queue and have not found the end, there is no solution.
The algorithm examines possible paths, looking for a path from the start(S) to the end(E). It is more
efficient if it examines paths that move closer to the end first. This can be done by using a priority queue
one that gives the point that is closest to the end point (among the points that it has).

Implementation Details
The method you will implement in this section is named solve() in the file Main.cpp. It is just one
method; you must write it with exactly the header shown, so that it can be called by the provided main()
within Main.cpp. You may define additional methods in your class if you like, but they must be private.
(You probably should not need any data fields to implement this behavior.)
The maze and point classes are the same as in Assignment 2.
If the maze passed is null, you should handle it in an appropriate manner (without changing any
other part of the file). If the maze is non-null, you may assume that its state is completely valid, though
some mazes do not have any successful path from the start to the end location.

Running and Testing

Run make to compile the files. Run ./a.out <absolute-path-to-maze-file> 0 to run the program and
solve the maze. You can use the files maze1.txt, maze2.txt and maze3.txt and their respective solutions to
test/verify your code. Note that, if your priority queue has two points having the same distance from the
end point, then which one it returns when querying the minimum element is undefined. Consequently,
different implementations might explore a maze differently. However, if a solution exists, all correct
implementations will find it.

PriorityQueueArray (15 Marks)

In this part, you will write your own implementation of a priority queue. Specifically, you will use an
array to emulate the behavior of a binary min-heap, as discussed in class.
The ordering of the elements is based on the comparator specified in comparator.h. Given two
elements, this comparator orders them according to their distance from the end point the one closer
to the end point is ordered before the farther one. A priority queue built using this comparator returns
the point closest to the end point when top() is called.
Unlike assignment 2. here there is no need to define a templated class. It is sufficient for priority
queue to support only Point objects.

Implementation Details
You will complete the class in file PriorityQueueArray that implements our provided PriorityQueueADT
interface. It has the following methods; you must write them with exactly the header shown, so it can
be called by the provided classes. You may define additional methods in your class if you like, but they
must be private. You will also need to declare any private data fields needed by the class in order to
implement this behavior.
public PriorityQueueArray(Point * destination)
In this constructor, you will initialize a newly constructed empty priority queue. Your priority
queue must use the comparator in comparator.h. Give it a default array capacity of 10.
public void push(const Point& val)
In this method, you should add the given element value val to the priority queue. If the element is
null, you should handle it appropriately. (You may need to resize your array to fit the new element.)
public boolean empty()
In this method, you should return whether your priority queue does not contain any elements.
public Point top()
In these methods, return the minimum element. If the priority queue does not contain any elements, you should handle it appropriately.
public void pop()
In these methods, remove the minimum element. If the priority queue does not contain any elements, you should handle it appropriately.
public int size()
In this method, you should return the number of elements in your priority queue.

NOTE:You can use the file TestPriorityQueue.cpp to test/verify your code. Run make test. The
expected solution can be found in priority queue test correct solution.txt.

Maze Solver Revisited (5 Marks)

Now that you have your own PriorityQueueArray class that you have implemented in Section 2, rerun the Maze Solver described in Section 1 using it. Run make to compile, followed by ./a.out
<absolute-path-to-maze-file> 1 to run the solver using your priority queue implementation.

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