Death: The Real Beginning of Life.

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Death: the real beginning of life. Everything created must

perish. Some day we will die and leave everything on this
earth behind. Long we may live but the life on earth is short.
The Qur’an says, “Every human being is bound to taste
death.” (29-57) In truth, we have come from Allah and are
returning to Him. We are ore on a journey to Heaven – our
homeland. When, how, and where will we die? Only Allah
knows. It is Allah’s secret. Everything is determined by Him.
What Allah takes is His; What He gives is His. Death is
certain but no one knows when it will strike. A believer keeps
himself prepared for the last journey. Allah’s Messenger
Muhammad (PBUH) has said, “Be in the world as though you
were a stranger or a wayfarer.” At evening do not expect to
live till morning; at morning do not expect to live till evening.
Take from your heath for your illness – and from your life for
your death.” “There are two blessing which most people
misuse, health and leisure.”

Allah’s Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said, “No believer

should desire death. If he is virtuous, it is likely that his good
deeds may go on increasing as long as he lives, and if his
deeds are not good, it is possible that he earns the Good
Pleasure of the Lord through repentance, in later life.” As
narrated by Al Bukhari. When signs of death appear that is
when it is clear that a sick patient won’t survive, it’s
recommended that he be turned on his side to make him
face the Qiblah. The person attending him should recite the
Kalimah gently to induce the one to recite for himself.

It is natural for people to grieve the death of a near and

loved one but, Islam forbids indulgence and excessive grief
for the dead. But on the death of the Muslim Salatul Janazah
is performed (The Funeral Prayer). Its is a Salah that is
performed over the dead body of every Muslim, young or
old, even of infants who have only lived for a few minutes or
even seconds. When the believer dies, the body is washed
and cleaned of all impurities which maybe due to a disease.
It’s then wrapped in white sheets and perfumed. Then it’s
placed on a bier and carried on the shoulders to its last
resting places a mark of respect. Following the dead body to
the grave and taking part in Salah is regarded as a duty
which a believer owes to a believer. This Salah, unlike other
Salawat, doesn’t have Rokou, Sajdah, or Tashahhad. It’s a
collective responsibility on all the Muslims of the locality of
the dead person. It’s called Fard Kifayah, which means it’s
sufficient that some Muslims should take part in it. The
service may be held anywhere, in an open place, in a masjid,
or in a hall.


Suicide is forbidden by Islam because it is murder of oneself.

Allah is the sole Giver of life and death. The life He gave us is
a precious gift. It has its joys and sorrows and we must use it
according to Allah’s commands. We should not misuse it to
our whims and fancies. Suicide is an act of a lot of cowardice
and not from bravery at all. It takes more courage to face
the battles and sorrows of life with a strong heart then to
avoid it and end it all. Suicide is committed by the one who
has run into trouble or is unable to bear or face a
catastrophe. If someone made many sins, had a bad past, or
lived a horrible life and can’t go one to face it, suicide isn’t
the answer. They should believe in Allah to help them and
have faith in god, not suicide! Our body isn’t even our own.
It’s given by Allah and belongs to him. We’re only users for it
for as long as Allah wishes.

Your soul after death…

When a person dies the Angel of Death comes with some

other angels to visit the dying person and commands the
soul to come out of the body. If the soul is an obedient and
good soul it will come out happily and the angel will pull out
the soul with ease. If the soul is disobedient and bad, the
soul will try to escape within the body and the Angel of
Death will forcefully take the soul out in a very painful
process. It will be as if pulling a wet cotton ball from a thorny
bush. After the soul is taken out, the other angels that had
come with the Angel of Death who are from heaven and hell,
will take the soul the first angel . If the soul is an obedient
and good soul, the angels from heaven will carry it on a
golden plate covered with silk all the way to the Throne of
Allah passing though the seven heavens while praising the
soul with good praises as he was praised when he was when
he was on earth. When the angels reach the 1 st heaven, the
gates will be open and so on till the seven heavens and the
Throne of Allah. When the soul reaches the throne, he will
make Sajdah to Allah and Allah will be pleased telling the
angels to put the soul back on earth where his body is and
around it but not in the body until the time the body is put
inside their grave. The bad soul is carried by the angels of
hell fire as they curse the disobedient soul with names that
he was called on earth and worse than that. The soul will be
of a foul smell. When it reaches the 1st heaven the gates will
be closed and permission will not be granted to enter. Then
Allah commands the angels to put back the soul on earth
around the body but not in it until the time the body is inside
the grave.

After the soul is in the body and in the grave and the burial
is over, the Angels Kiraam and Kaathibir will come and wake
the dead person and ask them three questions.
- “Who is your Rab?”
- “What is your Deen?”
- (they will show a picture of our prophet and ask) “Who
is this man?”
The good soul will answer all the three questions right and
say one question after the other, “Allah is my Rab, Islam is
my Deen, and that the man is Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Then a voice from the sky will come saying, “My slave has
answered correctly.” Then the angels are told to open the
window from paradise where that persons place will be so he
can see what lies in it. His grave shall be filled with light cool
breezed air and with peace and serenity. The size of it will be
as wide and long as his eyesight can go. The body will
remain in there until the Day of Resurrection.
The and disobedient soul after put in the grave will be asked
the same three questions and will answer all three wrong
saying, “I don’t know.” For each wrong answer the angels
will call the person a liar and hit him on his head with a
hammer that forty strong men will have to use their strength
to lift it. Then Allah commands the angels to open a window
in hell fire for him to see his place there. Then the earth is
commanded by Allah to come closer as the grave would
become so tight that the body’s ribs would pierce the heart
and interlock themselves. The grave would be hot with hot
winds and the body would be disturbed and in trauma in a
very bad situation. Then a big black snake poisonous snake
will come, sit on the person’s chest, and start to bite it. The
poison is so dangerous and poisonous that one drop were to
fall on any part of the earth, no vegetation would grow there
until The Day of Judgement.

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