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Montana Constitutional Pledge Signatories - PolyMontana










October 4, 2014

Montana Conservative Politics by Dr. Ed Berry

Montana Constitutional Pledge Signatories

Posted on May 24, 2012

Written by Edwin Berry

1 Comment

The Constitutional Pledge is the product of 18-months of dedicated work by Dennis

Hicks and George Torp, of the Montana Alliance for Constitutionalism. Below are the

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updated signatories as of May 27 at 9:00 am.

Email Address
Candidate signatures in signature order:

Neil C. Livingstone, Republican candidate for Governor May 2

Ryan K. Zinke, Republican candidate for Lt Governor May 2
Dan Cox, Libertarian candidate for US Senate May 4
Corey Stapleton, Republican candidate for Governor May 6
Derek Skees, Republican Candidate of State Auditor May 7
Drew Turiano, Republican candidate for Secretary of State
Frank Mutch, Republican candidate for HD 9
Kirk McNutt, Constitutional Republican candidate for HD 13
Michael More, Republican candidate for the Public Service Commission, District
3, two-term state legislator (R) from Gallatin Gateway, the sponsor of the MT
State Sovereignty Resolution, current chair of the House Rules and Ethics


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Candidates who refused to sign the Constitutional Pledge:

1. Bob Fanning, Republican candidate for Governor, Oath Keeper
2. Joel Boniek, Republican candidate for Lt Governor, Oath Keeper
3. Ken Miller, Republican candidate for Governor
Elected official signatures:
1. Kevin McCauley
Montana voter signatures in alphabetical order:

Mike A.
Edwin X Berry, Ph.D.
Valerie S. Berry
Phil Cardan, M.D.

5. Jeremy Carpenter
6. Bill Clark
7. Dan Copple
8. Dennis W. Hicks
9. Donna Rae Hicks
10. Harry J. Hyatt

Ed Jonas III
Eric Olsen
Elmo Overseth
Tim Ravndal

15. Wayne Sand, Ph.D.

16. Glen Swope
17. George Torp
18. Lovella V. Torp
19. Greg Trude
20. Paul Vallely, MG US Army (Ret)
21. Christopher Williams
Outside Montana signatures in order received:

Author A-D
Author E-I
Author J-K
Author L-M



Montana Constitutional Pledge Signatories - PolyMontana

Author N-R

1. Robert Kemper, 90-year-old conservative from California

Author S-Z

Congratulations to all of you who have signed this Pledge. You are the leaders in our


quest for our freedom.


Candidates who sign this Pledge commit to resigning from their office if they fail to
keep their promise of fidelity to the terms of this Pledge. This is a serious pledge and
some candidates may not risk signing it.
Voters who sign this Pledge commit to vote for candidates who have signed this
Pledge and to hold candidates accountable to this Pledge.


This Pledge is more meaningful than any candidates platform because it is

unambiguous, comprehensive, uniform, and enforceable.


If you support conservative, constitutional ideals, sign up now to demonstrate your

commitment. To sign the Pledge, click here. Then either register or update your
profile. Select the item signifying you have signed the pledge.
In addition, if you are a candidate for a Montana office, you should sign the
signature form attached to the back of the Pledge PDF. Then either (a) send your
completed signature form to 439 Grand Dr. #147, Bigfork, MT 59911, or (b) email a
scan of your signature form to

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frederick J. Hammel says:

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May 4, 2012 at 4:21 pm

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The Pledge contains these six components:

1. To build a highly competent administration to achieve The Mission.
And administration of all over paid government employees, there is no one to
protect the private sector, the only real tax payers.
2. To defend and support Constitutionally limited government.
For years I have been saying limited government means fewer people working
for government. In the State of Montana and the U.S., government is the
biggest employer

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Montana Constitutional Pledge Signatories - PolyMontana

3. To defend and support Constitutional Separation of Powers and State


What does Separation of Powers mean; Checks and Balances. The separation
serves to ensure that the same person or group will not make the law, enforce

Dr. Ed on Wheres Matt Rosendale?

the law, and interpret and apply the law.

4. To promote and support economic freedom in Montana.
This State and Country has not had economic freedom since affirmative action,
quotes, and minimum wage going back to the 60s and 70s .
5. To defend and support excellence in education in Montana.
How can we have excellence in education, when their is no dress code, no
separation between boys and girls, if a boy acts like a boy they put him on drugs
, no morality . Since the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 all discipline has been removed
from all schools.
6. To defend and support Montanas lawful responsibilities for its natural

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The Voter and Candidate Pledge

for the State of Montana
We, the undersigned registered voters of the State of Montana , pledge our support
and votes to the Candidates for Montana State offices who have affixed their signatures in agreement
to this Pledge, and who hereby commit to resigning their office if they fail to keep their promise of
fidelity to the terms of this Pledge.
Whereas, the enumerated powers limiting the Federal Government have been breached, our
Constitution is being ignored, and our Federal Government is acting like a monarchy, treating the
citizens of the sovereign State of Montana as subjects of that monarchy; And
Whereas, the current Federal Government and Montana State Government have replaced the proper
Rule of Law with arbitrary laws, not rooted in our Constitution or laws, but are anchored in personal
ideologies; And
Whereas, without legislative debate or deliberation, new laws, executive orders, and bureaucratic
rules are being unlawfully imposed on the citizens of this State; And
Whereas, if left unchecked, the current lawless trajectory of our nation and our State will ultimately
result in the dissolution of our Constitutional Republic, and will consign the great experiment of
Americas freedom to the dust-bin of history; And
Whereas, our Founders positioned the States as an effective check against the usurpations of the
Federal Government, and our Federal and State Constitutions provide the powers necessary to
oppose all usurpations by the national authority;
THEREFORE, we the undersigned registered voters of the State of Montana hereby pledge our
united material support, and our votes, to the specific undersigned Candidates for public office, who
have irrevocably and wholeheartedly pledged their personal commitment and fidelity to the following

To restore Constitutional governance, the rule of law, and proven free-market

economic principles, in Montana government and policy. (The Mission)
To secure the united support and votes of the undersigned registered voters, the undersigned
Candidates wholeheartedly and irrevocably pledge their personal commitment and fidelity to The
Mission and the following terms of this Pledge:
1. To build a highly competent administration to achieve The Mission:
To achieve The Mission, the undersigned Candidates pledge they will not use the staffing and
appointment privileges of their office as rewards for support, or as a kind of spoils-of-war, but will
Montana Voter & Candidate Pledge"


Page 1

submit all prospective staff and appointees to a consistent and proven effective third-party
qualification process to identify the best candidate for each staff and appointed position in their
administration. They further agree to carefully and honestly consider the recommendations of the
qualification process, and will endeavor to comprise a highly competent team, committed to work
together to achieve The Mission.
2. To defend and support Constitutionally limited government:
WHEREAS, government bureaucracies increasingly intrude on every operation of our citizens; And
Our laws are expanded, interpreted, and complicated by regulatory agencies that undermine the
Constitutional rule of law in our State and country; And
Unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats become de-facto law-makers and enforcers of arbitrary
rules with the force of law; And
Government has the duty to promote the general welfare, not provide that welfare;
THEREFORE, the undersigned Candidates will ensure:
Every law proceeding from government must find its authority and permission in the original intents
of our State and Federal Constitutions; And
Every proposed law or administrative ruling must include the basis for its Constitutional authority
before it is signed into law; And
Every state governmental office and department is made subservient to the U.S. and Montana State
Constitutions; And
Every unlawful intrusion by the Federal government into the powers and responsibilities of the State
will be lawfully opposed or modified to comply with the limitations set forth in the State and Federal
3. To defend and support Constitutional Separation of Powers and State Sovereignty:
WHEREAS, the Federal government has overreached its Constitutional limitations by establishing
arbitrary national laws that reach the citizens of Montana; And
The Federal government has overreached by establishing unlawful arbitrary laws and regulations
over Montanas wildlife, lands, waterways, natural resources, and on the states businesses; And
The citizens of Montana have the exclusive right of governing themselves as a free, sovereign, and
independent state. (Montana Constitution);
THEREFORE, The undersigned Candidates will lawfully oppose, or modify to eliminate, or negate,
every Federal law, regulation, or bureaucracy that intrudes into the powers and authorities reserved to
the state and Montanas citizens; And
The natural resources of the state, including all timber, minerals, waterways, and recreational lands,
will be administered for the best benefits of its citizens, including the use of these resources to
develop and grow the States logging, milling, energy, and mining industries; And
Responsible exploitation of these valuable resources by industries will place the responsibility for
clean, non-polluting, and restorative business operations solely on those industries, and not on the
citizens of this State; And
Revenues from State lands and natural resources will be utilized to reduce the income taxes, property
taxes, and energy costs to its citizens, schools, and businesses, while protecting and enhancing the
value of State property and natural resources for the enjoyment of future generations.
Montana Voter & Candidate Pledge"


Page 2

4. To promote and support economic freedom in Montana:

WHEREAS, economic liberty is inversely proportional to government intrusion into the affairs of its
citizens; And
In a free-market economy transactions between private parties and businesses are free from state
intervention, including restrictive regulations, taxes, tariffs and enforced monopolies; And
In a free-market economy the government operates to allow every citizen to live his life to the fullest
according to his nature, as a rational being, and which upholds individual rights and does not itself
violate them in any way; And
Government must not waste the fruit of its citizens labors through wrongful redistribution of their
property to fund entitlement programs; And
The state government must faithfully keep its contracts;
THEREFORE, the undersigned Candidates will demand all public offices in, and activities of, the
State of Montana will promote and support free-market policies in every operation, activity, and law;
Administration of State programs must demand the utmost economy, and will avoid any further
growth in State administrative bureaucracies; And
Where possible, entitlement programs, and state pensions, will be protected through privatization and
safeguarded from loss by real practices of insurance, and will be removed from the States budget;
State regulations, fees, taxes, and bureaucracies that intrude in, or impede, lawful transactions by the
states citizens or businesses will be lawfully opposed or modified to eliminate, or negate, such state
5. To defend and support excellence in education in Montana:
WHEREAS, Montana is a signatory, bound to the terms of the Northwest Ordinance, demanding that
Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of
mankind, schools and the means of education shall be forever encouraged and established; And
The Montana State Constitution grants the sole responsibility to provide public education to the State;
A Thomas Fordham Foundation study currently ranks the State of Montana dead last among the
states in measuring its teachers by student performance, monitoring coursework, and how much
power the state gives to schools to hire and fire teachers; And
The U.N.-sponsored International Baccalaureate World Schools, which promotes secularism and
European-style socialism, has already penetrated Montana public schools;
THEREFORE, the undersigned Candidates will ensure the sovereign State of Montana will take its
sole responsibility to provide an educational system and environment that will develop the full
educational potential of each student; And
Will hereby adopt the goal that Montana will provide the highest quality, most effective educational
system among the states, that is the envy of every other state; And
Will make an honest assessment of current educational alternatives such as school choice, charter
schools, home schooling, national K-12 curricula, educational tax credits, educational savings
accounts (ESAs), and alternate teacher certification. These alternatives and others will be evaluated,
and implemented, on the basis of their best educational value to the students; And
Will work to place the primary control and responsibility of education into the hands of parents; And
Montana Voter & Candidate Pledge"


Page 3

Will identify and remove all Federal, U.N., and foreign influences from Montana public education: And
Will restore the fundamental goals of public education to include the development of personal virtue,
personal ethics and values, and mastery of the fundamental principles of our Constitutional Republic,
and citizenship, in order to restore a love and loyalty to those foundational principles of government.
6. To defend and support Montanas lawful responsibilities for its natural resources:
WHEREAS, the Federal government currently claims sovereign control over about 28% of Montanas
land; And
The Federal government plans to actively expand their control over additional Montana lands through
unlawful use of Executive Orders and the Antiquities Act, And
The Federal Constitution clearly authorizes the federal government to only own such land as is
necessary for a seat of government and such land as is necessary for the erection of forts, docks and
shipyards, etc.; And
Valuable mineral producing land, forests, pasture and grazing land have been usurped from the State
and people who live there, and are held under Federal domain; And
The original intent of the Founding Fathers in the Constitution was never for the federal government
to supersede states powers and authorities; And
The Constitution does not allow the seizure of American land or territory by foreign governments,
including the United Nations, or any other foreign government or group of governments, including for
World Heritage sites; And
Much of the land seized by the Federal government has been by Executive Orders bypassing the
authority of Congress; And
The Federal Constitution requires that all state lands be purchased by the Consent of the Legislature
of the State in which the Same shall be;
THEREFORE, The undersigned Candidates pledge to work to restore all lands unlawfully seized by
the Federal government, whether by congressional Acts, Rules, Laws, Decree, Executive Order, or
any other means under color of law, to be returned to its rightful owners, the Sovereign Citizens of
Montana; And
Will legally and administratively oppose the multitude of bureaucracies that have sprung up to enforce
the unlawful seizure of our native land and its resources including, but not limited to: The Bureau of
Land Management, The United States Park Service, The various bureaus of Wildlife and Fisheries,
etc., and restore the rightful powers over the land to the State and private ownership, in accordance
with the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Montana; And
Will ensure that Montana will accept and fulfill its duties and responsibilities, as a sovereign State,
over its lands and natural resources, and will limit Federal involvement in the State to those
enumerated powers defined for it in the Federal Constitution; And
Will ensure Montana will oppose all unlawful interpretations of the Commerce Clause (Article I,
Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution) that expand, rather than limit, Federal government
intrusion or that apply Federal regulations or taxes to commerce conducted within the State; And
Will ensure that revenues from State lands and natural resources will be utilized to reduce the income
taxes, property taxes, and energy costs to its citizens, schools, and businesses, while protecting and
enhancing the value of State property and natural resources for the enjoyment of future

Montana Voter & Candidate Pledge"


Page 4

The undersigned registered voters in the State of Montana hereby pledge their material and voter
support to the Candidates who have signed this Pledge, and will hereafter hold the undersigned
Candidates accountable for their fidelity to the terms of this Pledge during their term of office:
Voter Signature
Printed Name

Montana Voter & Candidate Pledge"




Page 5

The undersigned Candidates for public office in Montana hereby pledge their wholehearted
commitment and fidelity to the terms of this Pledge. They further affirm they will resign their office if
they knowingly and unrepentantly violate any terms of this Pledge. They further affirm that this Pledge
is a binding Contract between the undersigned Candidates and the signatory voters of Montana
under Montana contract law."
Voter Signature
Printed Name

Montana Voter & Candidate Pledge"





Page 6

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