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Programa de Matemtica

Direccin de Formacin General

Session 6 - Proportionality
1. Teresa worked for three hours and earned
$8,100. How many hours does she have to
work in order to earn $32,400?
2. In optimal conditions, a performing arts
student needs 25 minutes to learn 15 lines
of text. How many minutes will he need to
memorize 180 lines of text? How many

6. The following graph shows the distance

travelled by a public bus in relation to the
liters of gasoline used during the ride, if the
speed is constant. According to the data
provided, which is the constant of
proportionality? How many liters of gasoline
are used if the bus makes a 375 km ride?

3. It costs $5,500 to rent a tennis court for

half an hour. If Juan and his brother are
renting it for 3 hours and 15 minutes, how
much money do they have pay?
4. A research determined that 100 gr of
oranges provide 34 ml of water to the
organism. How many ml of water do 2 kg of
oranges provide?
5. The following graph shows the relationship
between the consumption of water in cubic
meters and the price to pay for it in pesos.
According to the given information, which is
the constant of proportionality? How much
money has to be paid if 7,552 cubic meters
of water were consumed?

7. An aquarium can be filled up with 12 cans

of 15 liters each. How many cans of 4.5
liters are needed to fill the same aquarium?
8. A construction company knows that in order
to build an 8-story structure 72 workers are
needed, and they will take 12 months to
complete it. How many extra workers does
the company have to hire to complete the
same structure in 9 months?
9. In a farm there are 50 animals and the food
is enough for 18 days. If 10 more animals
were introduced, for how many more days
would the food be enough?
10.A public bus takes 7.5 hours between
Valparaiso and Talca at an average speed of
84 km/h. At which average speed went
another vehicle that made the same trip in
6 hours?

Pgina 1 de 5

Programa de Matemtica
Direccin de Formacin General

11.The following graph shows the price that

each member of a technology club has to
pay for buying a piece of equipment.
According to the graph, which is the
proportionality constant? How much does
each member has to pay if there are 12
people in the group?

12.The following graph shows the relationship

between the waiting time for the costumers
in a phone company attention center and
the amount of employees attending the
public. If there are 12 employees in the
attention center, how many minutes does a
costumer have to wait?

14.An investment of $350,000 gives a profit of

$4,200 in a year. How much profit would a
$450,000 investment give in a year?
15.The following graph shows the relationship
between the amount of bought items and the
price to pay. According to the given
information, which is the price to be paid if
15 items are bought?

16.The speed of a car is 70 km/h and it takes 5

hours to drive for a certain distance. How
many hours does it take to drive the same
distance another car with a speed of 80
17.If a water tap pours 32 liters per minute and
it takes 3.5 hours to fill a tank, how much
time does it take to fill the same tank if the
water tap now pours 24 liters per minute?
18.A research about the salinity of seawater
determined that 2 liters of seawater contain
1.5 grams of salt. If a sample has 9.375
grams of salt, how many liters of seawater
did the sample have?

13.A motorcycle goes 120 meters in 4

seconds. What distance does it goes in 1
minute and 12 seconds if the speed
remains constant?
Pgina 2 de 5

19.In order to pave a road that is 800 meters

long and 12 meters wide, 18,000 tiles were
used. How many tiles are needed to pave a
road that is 1,000 meters long and 15
meters wide?

Programa de Matemtica
Direccin de Formacin General

20.The following graph shows the relationship

between the number of machines needed to
complete a work and the time they take to
do it. How many hours does it take to
complete the work if 25 machines are

Pgina 3 de 5

1. 12 hours
2. 300 minutes = 5 hours
3. $35,750
4. 680ml
5. k=2 ; $15,104
6. k=0.05 ; 18,75 lt
7. 40
8. 24
9. 15
10.105 km/h
11.k=600,000 ; $50,000
12.12.5 minutes
15.$75,000 for 15 products
16.4.4 hours
17.4.7 hours
18.12.5 lt
20. 16 hours

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