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KJV (1611) NRSV (1950- Jerusalem NIV (1978) NLT (1996) ESV (2001) Message (2002)

90) (1966)
Therefore the Therefore the The Lord will Therefore the All right then, Therefore So the Master is
Lord himself Lord himself give you a Lord himself the Lord the Lord going to give you a
shall give you a will give you sign in any will give you himself will himself will sign anyway. Watch
sign; Behold, a a sign. Look, case: It is a sign: The give you the give you a for this: A girl who is
virgin shall the young this: the virgin will be sign. Look! sign. presently a virgin will
conceive, and woman is young woman with child and The virgin Behold, the get pregnant. She'll
bear a son, and with child and is with child will give birth will conceive virgin shall bear a son and name
7.14 shall call his shall bear a and will give to a son, and a child! She conceive him Immanuel (God-
name son, and shall birth to a son will call him will give birth and bear a With-Us).
Immanuel. name him whom she will Immanuel. to a son and son, and
Immanuel. call will call him shall call his
Immanuel. Immanuel name
(which Immanuel.
means ‘God
is with us’).
By whom we through through Through him Through through Through him we
have received whom we whom we and for his Christ, God whom we received both the
grace and have received have received name's sake, has given us have generous gift of his
apostleship, for grace and grace and our we received the privilege received life and the urgent
obedience to apostleship to apostolic grace and and authority grace and task of passing it on
the faith bring about mission of apostleship to as apostles postleship to others who
among all the obedience winning the call people to tell to bring receive it by entering
nations, for his of faith obedience of from among Gentiles about the into obedient trust in
Rom. name: among all the faith among all the everywhere obedience Jesus.
1.5 Gentiles for all the nations Gentiles to what God of faith for
the sake of for the the obedience has done for the sake of
his name honour of his that comes them, so that his name
name. from faith. they will among all
believe and the nations,
obey him,
glory to his
Rom. For he is the for it is God’s it is there to For he is The for he is Be a responsible
minister of God servant for serve God for God's servant authorities God’s citizen and you'll get
to thee for your good. you and for to do you are God’s servant for on just fine, the
good. But if But if you do your good. good. But if servants, your good. government working
thou do that what is But if you do you do wrong, sent for your But if you do to your advantage.
which is evil, wrong, you wrong, then be afraid, for good. But if wrong, be But if you're breaking
be afraid; for should be you may well he does not you are afraid, for the rules right and
he beareth not afraid, for the be afraid; bear the doing wrong, he does not left, watch out. The
the sword in authority because it is sword for of course you bear the police aren't there
vain: for he is does not bear not for nothing. He is should be sword in just to be admired in
the minister of the sword in nothing that God's afraid, for vain. For he their uniforms. God
God, a vain! It is the the symbol of servant, an they have is the also has an interest
revenger to servant of authority is agent of the power to servant of in keeping order, and
execute wrath God to the sword: it wrath to bring punish you. God, an he uses them to do
upon him that execute is there to punishment They are avenger it. That's why you
doeth evil. wrath on the serve God, on the God’s who carries must live responsibly
wrongdoer. too, as his wrongdoer. servants, out God’s —not just to avoid
avenger, to sent for the wrath on the punishment but also
bring very purpose wrongdoer. because it's the right
retribution to of punishing way to live.
wrongdoers. those who do
what is
And God God did So God did God gave And God God did powerful
wrought extraordinary remarkable extraordinary Paul the was doing things through Paul,
special miracles were the miracles power to extraordinar things quite out of
19.11 miracles by the through Paul, miracles through Paul, perform y miracles the ordinary.
hands of Paul: worked by unusual by the
God at Paul's miracles. hands of
hands Paul,
For I think that For I think For it seems For it seems Instead, I For I think It seems to me that
God hath set that God has to me that to me that sometimes that God God has put us who
forth us the exhibited us God has put God has put think God has bear his Message on
apostles last, apostles as us apostles us apostles has put us exhibited us stage in a theater in
as it were last of all, as on show right on display at apostles on apostles as which no one wants
appointed to though at the end, the end of the display, like last of all, to buy a ticket. We're
death: for we sentenced to like men procession, prisoners of like men something everyone
are made a death, condemned like men war at the sentenced stands around and
spectacle unto because we to death: we condemned end of a to death, stares at, like an
I Cor.
4.9 the world, and have become have been to die in the victor’s because we accident in the
to angels, and a spectacle to exhibited as a arena. We parade, have street. We're the
to men. the world, to spectacle to have been condemned become a Messiah's misfits.
angels and to the whole made a to die. We spectacle to
mortals. universe, spectacle to have become the world, to
both angelic the whole a spectacle angels, and
and human. universe, to to the entire to men.
angels as well world—to
as to men. people and
angels alike.
Important events in the formation of the Christian

ca. 30 C.E. Death of Jesus

Composition of Christian texts

First Christian texts (some of the Pauline Epistles)

ca. 50–60

ca. 65–70 Gospel of Mark

Gospels of Matthew and Luke, and Acts of the

ca. 80–90

ca. 85–95 Gospel of John

Other letters (of James, of Peter, of John, to the

late 1st century

ca. 95 Apocalypse of John (a.k.a. "Book of Revelation")

Christian canon begins to form

Clement of Rome's writings indicate that oral

ca. 96 C.E. tradition is still seen as more important than
written gospels

Meanwhile: Jewish canon established; Council of

ca. 100 Jamnia determines the canonical text of the Hebrew
Bible (the "Masoretic" text)

Earliest surviving manuscript of a gospel written

ca. 125
(St. John, known from fragments)

Christian writings—letters, gospels, and

second century apocalypses—multiply; Pauline letters circulate as a

by ca. 150 Justin Martyr's writings quote extensively from

written Gospels and Pauline texts, showing that
they have superseded the oral tradition in
importance; Christian leaders recognize the need
for an established canon

Christian canon assumes its final form

(the "closing of the canon")

Irenaeus, bishop of Lyon, asserts the primacy of the

ca. 180 four gospels (St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke and St.

Edict of Milan: Emperor Constantine grants freedom

of worship throughout the Western Empire

325 Council of Nicaea, the first ecumenical council

Constantine orders Bishop Eusebius to supply the

332 churches he has founded in Rome with complete

Codex Sinaiticus, the earliest surviving complete

mid–4th century
Christian Bible

Council of Laodicea lists 26 canonical books for

reading in church (omitting Revelation)

Athanasius of Alexandria writes the "Easter letter,"

367 which includes a list of all New Testament books in
their modern sequence

St. Jerome (under Pope Damasus) is commissioned

ca. 382 to produce the "Vulgate" Bible, a standard Latin

Emperor Theodosius bans pagan worship, making

Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire

Council of Hippo and Council of Carthage (397)

393 both name the 27 books of the New Testament we
know today

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