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Serving the students and the University community since 1893


The Daily Tar Heel
friday, february 5, 2010

Skate park yearns to be free Tipster

Carson investigation

BY Jake FIlip

staff writer
Ten years after the Chapel Hill Skate Park opened
its ramps to local skaters, high prices and poor pro-
motion have sent it on a downhill grind.
To pick back up the momentum, Ryan Ogilvy, the

city| page 11
park’s manager, petitioned the Chapel Hill Town
Council on Jan. 25 to stop charging entrance fees
and tear down the fences around the premises.
The town leases the park to skate company Vertical
to stay
Urge, which keeps it running and pays the town if
The owners of Carrboro’s Miel profits exceed $80,000.
But business has taken a hit, and revenue has
Bon Bons are confectionary dropped a third since last year, so Olgivy said it’s
experts. Just hearing about time to rethink the deal.

their pomegranate, lavender,

“We would do better if it were free,” Ogilvy said.
“People are discouraged to come out because of the Defense will get
blood orange and rosemary- prices.”
But Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Athletic some information
flavored concoctions is Supervisor Bernard Leach said the town has no
reason to discontinue its contract, which expires in DTH ONLINE: Read the
guaranteed to make you drool. judge’s orders with this story
Unlimited year-long memberships cost $200 for at
Orange County residents and $250 for non-resi-
dents. Skaters can also pay $7 or $8, depending on BY SArah Frier
City Editor
residency, per session.
Ogilvy said the skate park, located off Homestead Hundreds of callers who helped
Road, has about 15 unlimited-skating members. find the men charged with killing
He said that the public skate park model can former Student Body President
work. Last year, Durham built a $485,000 skate Eve Carson will stay anonymous,
park across from the police station after local skat- a judge ordered Thursday.
ers made demands to the city. Marsh Creek Skate The Orange County district
Park in Raleigh is also public. attorney has documents which
Bill Webster, assistant director of Chapel Hill detail the tipster calls, some of
Parks and Recreation, said he supported Ogilvy’s which have already been provided
idea but did have some concerns. to the defense lawyers of the men
charged with Carson’s killing.
city | page 3 See skate, Page 4 After today’s order, the district
attorney will hand over only the
Homestead Rd. 0 3,000 transcripts that don’t identify the
SEEKING MONEY tipsters, and all of the tips will
remain sealed from public view.
Dozens of Chapel Hill Chapel Hill Skate Park Most of the calls were to the
organizations, including one 100 Northern Park Drive anonymous tip service Crime
Stoppers, Inc. The government
that provides recreation for ve
Dri wanted to ensure that the prom-
senior citizens, are applying ise of anonymity was kept so that


people would continue to use

for money from the town to W. M
lin S
t. the service, which solves other-

ain St
reet . Frank wise unsolvable crimes, District
help cover costs. E
Road Attorney Jim Woodall said.
mbia S

The defense attorneys wanted

to see all of the tips to ensure that
university | page 3
S. Colu

dth/ali cengiz
there weren’t other people that
could have been arrested for the
Hunter Lindaman, 8, of Hillsborough, rides the ramps at the Chapel Hill Skate Park. The park,
CAMPUS Y ELECTIONS SOURCE: GOOGLE MAPS DTH/STEPHEN MENESICK run by Vertical Urge, wants to stop charging entrance fees for skaters and make it public. See crimestoppers, Page 4
Seven candidates are running
to lead the Campus Y, the
University’s largest service
organization, during its 150th
Students could see more Pell Grants
year on campus. Students will
Proposal increases federal aid President Barack Obama’s proposed reforms, has potential
to cost UNC students, said Shirley Ort, director of the Office Two types of federal financial aid
vote Tuesday. of Scholarships and Student Aid at UNC.
BY jeanna smialek Perkins loans are mostly distributed by individual schools, Pell grants: Provide need-based aid to
staff writer but if federalized, adding them to financial aid packages undergraduates from low-income families. Currently,
Paying for college could be easier for low-income students could become harder. money is allotted to the program at Congress’ discretion,
under the presidential budget proposal, but middle-class stu- In 2008-09, 2,563 UNC students received Pell grants, but Obama’s proposal would make it a mandatory pro-
dents might find it harder to take out loans. which averaged $3,434, Ort said. gram. In the 2008-09 school year, 2,563 UNC students
About 1 million more students around the country would Ort said the reform comes at a time when more college received Pell grants, with grants averaging $3,434.
be awarded Pell Grants in 2011 under the proposal, which students might need financial aid because of the struggling
was released this week. The money comes from $68 billion in economy. Perkins loans: Provide loans to financially needy
additional spending on the program throughout 10 years. Kantrowitz said about 7 million students nationwide ben- students. These loans are distributed by campus admin-
“It may increase the amount of lower-income students efit from Pell grants, which average $4,000. istrators, who have considerable flexibility on how they
who apply for higher education and financial aid,” said Mark The maximum grant for 2009-10 is set at $5,350. Obama allot the money. Under the new plan, this program will
Kantrowitz, publisher of, a financial aid Web site proposed raising that to $5,710 by the 2011-12 school year, operate at a federal level. This school year, UNC received
for students. $4 million in Perkins loans.
But the federalization of Perkins loans, another of See pell grants, Page 4


ACC blues; Tar Heels lose again
SBP will work
The newest exhibit at the PAGE 4: UNC’s perimeter defense MEN’S BASKETBALL DTH ONLINE: View a slideshow
Sonja Haynes Stone Center struggled again against Va. Tech. UNC 70 of photos from the game at daily

closely with Crisp
explores, through art, the roles BY Powell Latimer Virginia Tech  74
Senior Writer
that Hispanic women play BLACKSBURG, Va. — The
in healing rituals. The gallery white towels twirled by Hokie fans
Communication The candidates on before Thursday night’s game filled
includes photo self-portraits relationships with the Cassell Coliseum with white
and oil paintings. key, Crisp says administrators: flecks of cloth.
It looked like a snowstorm —
DTH ONLINE: Read more about Monique Hardin:* “I’ve been and the 74-70 final score added
the election at dailytarheel. in the door, and I do have a good
this day in history com/student-body-elections. relationship with a number of UNC
another loss to the pile that’s
snowing North Carolina’s season
administrators.” under.
FEB. 5, 2008 … BY Courtney Tye
Nash Keune:* “We will definitely “It’s tough, what we’re going
Staff writer
Barack Obama wins 13 entertain the idea of disbanding the through,” UNC coach Roy Williams
Two new administrators will take said. “It doesn’t get any easier.”
states on Super Tuesday as a office this spring, and the relation- administration if they get in the way
of our ideas.” The loss, this time to Virginia
candidate in the race for the ship forged between them could Tech, will hurt even more because
influence how Joe Levin-Manning: I “will also of the flashes of resiliency the Tar
Democratic nomination for successful work to develop strong positive relation- Heels showed Thursday. UNC
each will be. ships with the new administrators to
the presidency. STUDENT
The student
showed it could compete in the
ensure to that the two administrations ACC, but wins are still elusive.
ELECTIONS body presi- are working together.” John Henson, the highly touted
2010 dent and the
Today’s weather vice chancel-
Hogan Medlin: “Student govern- freshman forward, started to show
ment will work hard under a Medlin his tremendous talent. He played
Like the Arctic lor for student in the post more Thursday night
administration to connect and engage
H 37, L 32 affairs serve as the primary liaisons than in previous games, and had a
students and administrators alike in
between students and administra- career-high 14 points.
accomplishing the goals established.”
tors, and their positions have ben- “That’s what I’ve got to do,”
efitted in the past from a close rela- Shruti Shah: We “must continue
Saturday’s weather tionship with each other. the work that they do with adminis-
Henson said. “We’ve got to get on
a winning streak if we keep play-
Like the Antarctic This year, the student body trators, while also continuing to do a
ing the way we played tonight, cut
H 38, L 23 president will work with a new better job of gauging student opinion
down on those mental errors.”
vice chancellor. Winston Crisp will and gaining student feedback.”
Freshman David Wear chipped
assume the role in May. Greg Strompolos:* “Even in 12 points, and sophomore Ed
index Crisp has demonstrated a hands-
on leadership approach that might
though I’m working with the adminis- Davis led UNC with 15 points and
tration, I’m not working for them. I’m seven rebounds.
police log ......................... 2 allow the new president even great- working for the students. In the end, Freshman Dexter Strickland
calendar ........................... 2 er opportunities to forge a relation-
sports . ............................. 4 it’s about what the students want.” started in place of a struggling
ship that could bring student inter- Marcus Ginyard, just his fourth dth/MARGARET CHEATHAM WILLIAMS
nation/world . .................. 9 ests closer to top administrators, *Candidates who did not mention the
crossword ........................ 9 issue in their platforms were given a Freshman John Henson (31) flashed some of his potential with a career-
opinion .......................... 12 See Crisp, Page 4 chance to elaborate on their plans. See Basketball, Page 4 high 14 points Thursday night in UNC’s 74-70 defeat by Virginia Tech.
2 friday, february 5, 2010 News The Daily Tar Heel

The Daily Tar Heel DAILY Photos of the week

ta ke
dai l y
Established 1893
116 years of
editorial freedom Mike Easley, private eye?
Andrew Dunn katy

From staff and wire reports
EDITOR-in-chief doll
Arts Editor t turns out one of former Gov. Mike Easley’s daydreams involves trench-
OFFICE HOURS: coats, dark and stormy nights and damsels in distress.
mon., wed. 2 p.m.
to 3 p.m. Andrew A secret e-mail address Easley allegedly used to keep business on the sly used
Kellen moore photo EDITOR the name of a pop culture private eye, The (Raleigh) News & Observer reports.
Managing editor,
Newsroom com The nickname “Nick Danger” comes from a 1970s radio series chronicling the tales
mkellen@email. jordan of private eye Nick Danger. One series of episodes tells the tale of Danger’s discovery lawrence that everyone in town was missing his or her left shoe.
diversions editor
Sara gregory The name was spelled backward in the e-mail address, Sherri Johnson testified
Managing editor,
online Pressley Baird, in a deposition for a public records lawsuit filed by the N&O. She attributed the dth/Lauren mccay
gsara@email.unc. Jennifer
backward spelling to a learning disability. Adam Biel, a 2009 UNC graduate and Morehead-Cain scholar who
edu Kessinger founded Adventure for Autism, is biking from Alaska to Argentina.
copy co-EDITORs
Kevin Kiley,
Jarrard Cole NOTED. Careful what you swallow. QUOTED. “It was just a warning from me
Harrell Multimedia EDITOR Police said they were questioning a Missouri to him.”
university jarrardC@email. man about a stolen ring when he coughed it up. — Therese A. Ziemann, 48, of Wisconsin,
co-EDITORs The two-carat diamond ring, valued at about explaining why she tied up her lover and glued
962-0372 Dan Ballance $20,000, was reported missing when the own-
his penis to his stomach.
er’s purse was stolen from her car. Ziemann said she lured him to a hotel to con-
Sarah Frier A local jewelry store recognized the ring from front him after she discovered he was married.
962-4209 Ashley police pictures and called police, but the man Sentenced to one year’s probation Tuesday, Bennett, Anne swallowed the ring before they arrived. Ziemann said she had overreacted.
Ariel Krisulewicz
Zirulnick design co-editors
Kristen Long
EDITOR, 962-4103 graphics editor dthgraphics@
David on the scene today. Tickets cost $15, Yoga in the garden: Enjoy the
Reynolds Becca Brenner today
SPORTS Editor special sections or $13 for ArtsClub members. benefits of a mindful yoga practice,
962-4710 EDITOr Sustainability lecture: The Small Time: 8:30 p.m. emphasizing restoration and relax- Planet Institute’s Anna Lappé will be Location: The ArtsCenter, 300 E. ation in the growing classroom of
➤ The Daily Tar Heel reports coming to campus as the keynote Main St. the Botanical Gardens Education dth/andrew johnson
any inaccurate information speaker of the Southeast Youth Food Center. This opportunity is open
Keenan Jenkins sleds down the steps of South Building on
published as soon as the error Activist Summit 2010. Lappé’s work Saturday for gardeners and non-gardeners
Saturday after a heavy snowfall blanketed the campus.
is discovered. spans across social justice, environ- alike. Participants should bring a
mental issues, food politics, global- yoga mat because a limited number Visit to view the photos of the week.
➤ Corrections for front-page ization and more. She’ll give a lec- Tar Heel Trot: Kappa Kappa of mats will be available. The pre-
errors will be printed on the ture on “The Challenges of Building Gamma will host its 11th Annual session fee is $10, or $5 for NCBG
Police log
front page. Any other incorrect a Sustainable Food System.” Tar Heel Trot 5K Saturday, with all members.
information will be corrected Time: 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. proceeds to benefit Friends for an Time: 3:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.
on page 3. Errors committed Location: Gerrard Hall Earlier Breast Cancer Test. Register Location: N.C. Botanical Garden n A 45-year-old Chapel Hill a.m. Thursday at Lloyd and Main
on the Opinion Page have cor- online at for Education Center man was arrested for possession streets, according to Chapel Hill
rections printed on that page. Comedy festival: The N.C. Comedy $15 or buy a T-shirt for $12. of 0.20 grams of crack cocaine at police reports.
Corrections also are noted in the Arts Festival is the largest comedy Time: 9 a.m. Master class: Scott Hartman, 8:37 p.m. Wednesday at 309 E. Justin Demond Hardy of 306
online versions of our stories. festival in the southern U.S. featuring Location: the Old Well professor of trombone and chamber Main St., according to Chapel Hill Estes Drive was taken to jail and
➤ Contact Managing Editor improv and stand-up comedy. This music at Yale University, will teach police reports. held in lieu of $10,000 secured
Kellen Moore at mkellen@ weekend’s shows will feature sketch Career seminar: The General a master class Sunday. The class is Antonio Leon Gattis, whose bond, reports state. with issues about comedy. Contact (919) 338-8150 for Alumni Association will host a career open to the public. Contact the UNC address is listed as the Chapel Hill
more information. services event focusing on “Finding music department at (919) 962-1039 streets, was taken to the Orange n Someone stole $50 in cash
this policy.
Time: 7:30 p.m. the Perfect Job in an Imperfect for more information. County Jail and held in lieu of a from Jack Sprat at 161 E. Franklin
Mail: P.O. Box 3257, Chapel Hill, NC 27515 Location: DSI Comedy Theater, 200 Time.” The event will be led by Linda Time: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. $2,150 secured bond. St. at 9:53 p.m. Wednesday, accord-
Office: Suite 2409 Carolina Union N. Greensboro St. Conklin, the GAA’s alumni career Location: Kenan Rehearsal Hall He was also arrested for a ing to Chapel Hill police reports.
Andrew Dunn, Editor-in-Chief, 962-4086
services manager. Visit www.alumni. probation violation and failure
Advertising & Business, 962-1163
News, Features, Sports, 962-0245 Blues concert: Cedric Burnside, for more informa- To make a calendar submission, to appear in court for a larceny n Someone stole a wallet with
grandson of the legendary bluesman tion. e-mail charge, reports state. four debit or credit cards and a
One copy per person; additional copies may be
purchased at The Daily Tar Heel for $.25 each.
R.L. Burnside, is widely regarded Time: 9 a.m. Events will be published in the Social Security card at 4:07 p.m.
Please report suspicious activity at our as one of the best drummers in the Location: SASB newspaper on either the day or the n A 24-year-old Chapel Hill man Wednesday at the UNC Wellness
distribution racks by e-mailing world. Guitarist Lightnin’ Malcolm, day before they take place. was arrested for possession with the Center at Meadowmont at 100
© 2010 DTH Publishing Corp. from rural Missouri, is one of the Sunday Submissions must be sent in by intent to sell cocaine and maintain- Sprunt St., according to Chapel
All rights reserved leading younger-generation artists noon the preceding publication date. ing a vehicle to keep drugs at 12:18 Hill police reports.
The Daily Tar Heel Top News friday, february 5, 2010 3

cAMPUS briefs


Graduate students choose
Medlin for SBP endorsement

lives by
The Graduate and Professional
Student Federation endorsed
Hogan Medlin on Thursday night
following its student body presi-
Tighter budget may
lead to program cuts
6 core
dent forum.
Student Congress Speaker Pro
Tem Dakota Williams contest- BY Florence Bryan
ed the group’s decision, saying staff writer
Congress would sue the federation

Members of Chapel Hill nonprofit organi-
if it endorsed any candidate. zations burdened by the recession are hope-
Student body president can- ful this month as they apply to the Human
didates were asked about plans Services Advisory Board for town funding.
to address the needs of graduate Glenn Gerding, the board’s chairman,
students and melding the gradu- said almost all nonprofits are faced with
ate student body with undergrad-
uates. Issues ranged from health
less income but have experienced increased
demand for their services.
Provost finalist
care to in-state residency prob-
lems, along with creating a more
“It wouldn’t surprise me if they came touts experience
to us this year and said they needed more
family-friendly atmosphere for money than last year,” he said.
graduate students. BY Katy Charles
The board has a budget set by the Town Staff Writer
Greg Strompolos was asked Council. Last year, the board allocated
about his course evaluation plan, Despite a strong desire to team
$357,900 to 46 different organizations — up with Chancellor Holden Thorp
which some graduate students less than the $469,397 agencies asked for.
said they believed would be harm- and an uncanny resemblance to
The board will not know how much it has him, Jeffrey Vitter is not his twin.
ful for teaching assistants and job to offer this year until the town completes
applicants. Beyond dispelling that rumor,
its budget process this summer. Vitter gave a sense of who he was
“We only have a limited amount of money and explained his plan for UNC
Hardin receives endorsement to go a long way,” said Karen Rose, the board Thursday at the last of three forums
from BSM group at forum liaison. for students and faculty to meet and
Employees of one agency, EmPOWERment interview finalists for the University’s
The Black Student Movement Inc., which provides small business support, No. 2 administrative role.
endorsed candidate Monique affordable housing and a neighborhood coali- Vitter, a finalist for the position
Hardin for student body president tion to advocate community needs, said they of executive vice chancellor and
at its forum Thursday. will not ask for more funds than last year. provost, said he believes his posi-
The forum took place in the “We recognized that there was probably tive can-do attitude and core values
Upendo Lounge of the Student going to be a deficit in the budget, so we could help UNC do anything it sets
Academic Ser vices Building. kept our heads low,” said Delores Bailey, the its mind to.
About 70 people attended the executive director of EmPOWERment. “My aspiration is to be an enabling,
hourlong meeting. The senior recreation program run by the transformative provost,” he said.
Candidates received ques- Orange County Department on Aging at the Vitter said his experience, back-
tions pertaining to their plans to Robert and Pearl Seymour Center received ground and family have contributed
improve academic advising and the most funding last year. to his six core values: having per-
help student organizations pub- Even though it was given $36,800, the sonal integrity, facilitating transpar-
licize their events and activities funding was still $9,900 less than the ency and communication, helping
more effectively. department had requested. people succeed,
The program applied to the board for the encouraging
Environmental groups select first time last year. As part of a government academic excel-
Shah for SBP endorsement agency, the senior center used to ask for fund- lence, building
ing directly from the town manager’s office. a diverse, multi-
A coalition of campus envi- “The town tried to consolidate all requests cultural environ-
ronmental sustainability groups for services in the community last year,” said ment and being
endorsed Shruti Shah following Jerry Passmore, director of the Department open to change.
the Environmental Sustainability on Aging. “Even though we’re a government Vitter used
SBP Forum. institution providing a mandated town examples from Jeffrey Vitter
The forum was hosted by the service, we’re thrown in with all the other his time as pro- said liberal arts
dth/Alyssa Champion
Energy and Environment Policy applications.” vost of Te xas are the “heart
The funds the program received from the Barbara Lang instructs her students during the yoga class that she teaches on Tuesdays in
Center of the Roosevelt Institute association with the Department on Aging. The organization is seeking money from the town. A&M University,
board last year were not enough to cover the and soul” of a
and allowed representatives from dean of the
various environmental organiza- recreation services coordinator’s position. College of Science
tions to ask questions covering The department is asking for the same to see if an agency is fiscally responsible, well- amount they request, town funds are a sym- at Purdue University and chairman
issues such as water bottles, envi- amount of money it requested last year. managed and engaged in the community. bol of the board’s approval, said William of the Department of Computer
ronmental education, local and Passmore said that without enough funds, The board also refers to the Human Powers, an advisory board member. Science at Duke University to sup-
organic food and reducing UNC’s the department will resort to class fees and Services Needs Report, an outline of dispari- Nonprofits also use the funding as leverage port his strategic plan for UNC.
coal use. cuts in programming, such as yoga classes ties in Chapel Hill. The top three groups that to attract donations and grants. Whoever is selected as the pro-
A forum will be held for North for senior citizens, to make up the cost. have consistently needed support are the “Even if it’s only $1,000, that’s an affirma- vost will oversee all academic affairs
Campus Student Congress can- The board’s application for funding, which homeless, the mentally ill and youth. tion on the part of the town of Chapel Hill at UNC, which will include manag-
didates at 4 p.m. Sunday in the is due on Feb. 15, includes the program’s gen- Ever since El Centro Latino closed due to that they’re doing a good job,” Powers said. ing the University’s budget, laying
Ay c o c k - G r a h a m t h i r d - f l o o r eral overview, goals and results, who it assists, insufficient funds, the Latino population has out a new academic vision and
lounge. the operating structure and the budget. also become a priority group, Gerding said. Contact the City Editor overseeing research and student
If your group is holding a forum When allotting funds, Gerding said he looks Although many agencies do not get the at affairs.
and you would like it added to the Vitter spent most of his time
calendar, please e-mail the University focusing on transparency in deci-
desk at
body-elections for updates on times
and locations of the forums, as well
‘This American Life’ on a UNC stage sion-making, which he said draws
people in and encourages dialogue.
At Texas A&M, Vitter said he attend-
ed faculty meetings for more than 50
as election coverage so far. NPR’s Ira Glass to speak Saturday Ira Glass is the
host of “This
dents that are excited about it, and
I know people in the community
“I focus on being a good listener,”
that are excited,” Carey said.
City briefs By Mark sabb host of a news and commentary
American Life,”
Huntington said that it is impor-
he said.
which reaches While his background is in sci-
Police department to hold staff writer show on WXYC. 1.7 million tant for UNC to host a radio per- ence, Vitter said he values a diverse
community feedback event You all know the voice. Now WXYC DJs admire Glass’s
radio listeners sonality like Glass. education that includes humanities
meet the face. unorthodox way of storytelling and “It’s really a triumph for CUAB and arts departments.
T h e C h a p e l H i l l Po l i c e Ira Glass, host of the public radio his conversational tone, she said.
a week. that they are bringing Glass to UNC “The liberal arts are the heart
Department will hold its first series program “This American Life,” will “All of us have really normal- because it is showing radio culture and soul of a great comprehensive
of conversations to receive feed- deliver a speech about radio stories sounding voices, and so does Ira and-answer session. to UNC, which is something that university,” he said.
back from the community about Saturday in Memorial Hall. Glass. We share a casual and real Emily Carey, the music and is not well represented on college In response to a question about
its performance. The program, started in Chicago feeling,” Huntington said. media chairwoman for the Carolina campuses,” she said. the lack of diverse candidates in the
“It’s not about us identifying in 1995, features first-person sto- Adam Hochberg, a local National Union Activities Board, said CUAB With so many groups anticipat- pool for the position, Vitter high-
the issues; it’s about us listening,” ries and short fiction pieces with Public Radio news reporter, said brought Glass to campus because ing Glass, it is no surprise that he lighted his experiences at Purdue
said Chris Blue, assistant police universal interest. The show gained Glass has much to offer students. of what he could teach students. will be talking to a full house. The that allowed him to create diversity
chief for administration. “This popularity quickly because of “I think it is a great opportunity “We want students to learn show sold out Thursday. in the recruitment of faculty, and
is part of our transition to be a Glass’s tales, which combine emo- for the students because Glass is something culturally and think, as Glass’s speech is expected to said he would try to foster a diverse
more community-oriented polic- tion and sincerity. a master at using radio to tell sto- well as have fun,” she said. mirror his acclaimed radio show. atmosphere at UNC.
ing agency.” Past stories include babies who ries,” he said. “People into radio, arts, writ- “I think people will enjoy listen- “A search should not go forward
Four sessions will be held left the hospital with the wrong fam- “I don’t know if I’d say he invent- ing, communications and English ing to him speak the same way they without a large and diverse pool,”
throughout February. The first is ilies in 1951 and found out 40 years ed the art form of radio storytell- can hopefully see themselves in Ira enjoy listening to the program,” he said.
at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Chapel later who their real families were. ing, but he certainly perfected it, Glass and learn something.” Hochberg said. While at Purdue, Vitter said the
Hill Public Library at 100 Library The show has picked up a mas- and every week he demonstrates Buzz about Glass’s speech at “At its base, every single story is university doubled its rate of hir-
Drive off Estes Drive. sive public radio following. in his show how powerful the Memorial has expanded beyond the about people, and we forget that. ing women and minorities. At last
Visit “Ira Glass is an icon for me medium of radio is to telling the campus. Both student and general Ira introduces us to people.” week’s Board of Trustees meeting,
city for the full story. because he creates a radio show human story.” admission tickets have sold out. administrators questioned whether
that is very intimate and has a pres- The speech will consist of a lec- “I know freshmen that are excit- Contact the Arts Editor UNC is doing enough to bring in
— From staff and wire reports. ence,” said junior Jacki Huntington, ture followed by a short question- ed about it, I know graduate stu- at minority faculty members.
This focus on diversity contin-

7 aim to lead Campus Y

Elizabeth Burcu Wes Crouse is ued into student life as Vitter talked
McCain is a Bozkurt is a a junior econom- about increasing global initiatives,
sophomore sophomore ics and math- another major university push.

in group’s 150th year

history and planning to ematics major. At Purdue, Vitter oversaw the
international double major in development of a residence hall pro-
Goals: gram to promote diversity awareness
studies major. international He wants to
studies and and the doubling of study abroad
BY Julian Caldwell and holding a sesquicentennial Goals: She will develop an participation in college of science.
maintain and public health. online donation
Staff Writer anniversary celebration. Sophomore Ian Lee said he would
Seven UNC students are As co-presidents, the students increase the financial support system Goals: She wants to take steps system that allows alumni to sponsor like to see the next provost do a better
will oversee the Y’s 21 commit- by forging alumni partnerships, con- toward sustainability to bridge the individual events and prioritize the job of linking the academic aspects
winding down their campaigns
tees and 12 special project groups, tinuing to pursue external grants and gap between different areas of the implementation of a new Web site. of campus with student life.
to secure one of two spots as co-
and represent the Campus Y when allocating funds more effectively. Campus Y and to increase benefits to Quote: “I want to use our 150th “There’s room to integrate those
president of the Campus Y.
working with administrators and Quote: “The first thing I would do members and all of the organization’s anniversary to be more introspective two and create a more academi-
The election will take place
other campus groups. as co-president would be to create a 21 communities. … and look at the things that have cally vibrant environment outside
Tuesday, Feb. 9, the same day
as the student body president brain trust of individuals so we can Quote: “I want to bridge the gap been successful and haven’t been of class,” he said.
election. In the past, the rules Contact the University Editor shape a platform not only for next between the executive board and the successful and then plan accord-
required that co-presidency at year, but for the next five years.” committees.” ingly.” Contact the University Editor
be shared by one male and one at
female, but that rule was elimi- Alyzza Dill is Jesalyn Marjorie Clay Vickers
nated last year. a junior health Keziah is a Betubiza is a is a junior
The online election is only policy and junior junior English and eco- What happens
open to dues-paying members of
the Y as of Friday, Jan. 29.
management international international nomics major. next?
major. studies major. studies major. Goals: His goal The next provost will likely be
The two candidates with the
Goals: Goals: Goals: She said is to re-establish selected by Chancellor Holden
most votes will serve as co-pres-
She wants to Transparency the Campus Y a physical con- Thorp within a few weeks.
idents of the Y, an organization
set up a 150th and communica- needs to include nection with the Instead of being offered a
dedicated to addressing social
anniversary planning task force and tion, group cohesion and a return to more democratic principles in its bud- community and with alumni by invit- contract, the next provost will
justice issues.
implement technology and “big picture” social justice work are get approval process. ing both inside for events. be given a letter of appointment,
This year marks the 150th
anniversary of Campus Y pres- communication expansion. among her goals. Quote: “The primary reason I want Quote: “I think the Campus Y co- which will outline his salary and
ence on the UNC campus. Quote: “My freshman year, I had Quote: “A common theme in every- to run for co-president is a continua- president should be somebody who any other benefits included in
In their campaigns, candi- no idea that Campus Y existed, and thing I’ve done in my life up to this tion of giving back to an organization not only brings great ideas to the the job, such as a car, and what
dates have often focused on fis- that’s something I will work hard to point is communication and collabo- that has definitely shaped my aca- table, but I also think the Campus would happen if he decides to
cal responsibility, inclusion of make sure doesn’t happen on my ration.” demic career here.” Y co-president should be somebody step down as provost.
Campus Y alumni in activities watch.” who can implement the ideas.”
4 friday, february 5, 2010 News The Daily Tar Heel

Basketball said.
The Tar Heels actually took a
“We put ourselves in a hole,”
Williams said. “Guys got a little
hump late in the game — a theme
that’s become recurrent for UNC.
from page 1
lead into the locker room at half- tougher … We were the aggressor And when with 17 seconds
start of the season. Strickland time, only to get shelled by long- on the offensive boards.” remaining, Will Graves’ 3-point-
played 15 minutes and hauled in range shooting from Virginia The Tar Heels clawed back to er rattled in and achingly out, it
seven rebounds, but didn’t add Tech. a one-possession game several was the close to another chapter
much scoring. Larry Drew II Malcolm Delaney led all scorers times in the final three minutes, in the book of too little, too late
scored nine points and led UNC with 21 points, including seven- and Drew’s steal and layup with that the Tar Heels are writing this
with six assists. for-seven free throw shooting to 1:02 to play put the score at 69-67, season.
During one stretch late in the help VT (17-4, 4-3 ACC) close the Virginia Tech. For a moment, UNC The road stretch continues for
first half, Drew assisted on four game down the stretch. was thinking comeback. UNC, as the Tar Heels travel to
straight buckets, and the Tar Heels “It’s a good win,” Va. Tech coach But Drew’s foul put Delaney at Maryland on Sunday and then
(13-9, 2-5 ACC) looked in control Seth Greenberg said. “It’s a good the line, and Delaney closed the come home to face Duke next week.
of the game at the close of the first program win. It validates us.” game out with two makes. UNC will likely have to win one or
half. Yet again, UNC had plenty of It didn’t help that UNC strug- both of those games to stay in con-
Heck, Drew even cracked a smile chances to pull out a win but gave gled yet again from beyond the arc tention for an NCAA bid. UNC sits
in the second half, something that’s up runs to start the game and in and from the free throw line. now at 10th in the ACC.
been rare for UNC in 2010. the middle of the second half. UNC went 4-for-15 from deep,
“I thought we played with much Those runs left UNC playing from and 20-for-30 from the line. The Tar Contact the Sports Editor
more intensity tonight,” Williams behind for most of the game. Heels couldn’t seem to get over the at

crimestoppers Because its so rare for federal

courts to pursue cases similar to
Atwater’s case is only the second
charged in the Middle District of
guishable, legitimate reason why
the government would not pros-
from page 1
his, defense attorneys are arguing North Carolina between 1998 and ecute Mr. Lovette federally for Ms.
crime. that the decision to indict him and 2008 on an indictment in which Carson’s murder, considering that
The tips were only a fraction of choose to pursue the death penalty death was a possible penalty, even Mr. Lovette and (Atwater) were
the evidence which led to the arrest was arbitrary and based on race. though a firearm was used in 1,098 allegedly involved in the exact same
of Lawrence Alvin Lovette, 19, and Motions filed Monday asked for murders, the defense wrote. crime,” a defense motion states.
Demario James Atwater, 23, in courts to rule out the possibility of The statistics are enough to If federal prosecutors want to
March 2008, Woodall has said. the death penalty. prove discrimination, defense law- respond to the defense’s claim
Both men were charged with They wrote that the U.S. attorney yers wrote. before the trial, they have to do so dth/margaret cheatham williams
first-degree murder and kidnap- general was nearly four times more Lovette was less than 18 years by March 15, said Lynne Klauer, Guard Dexter Strickland started his fourth game of the season against
ping of Carson that month. likely to authorize the death pen- old at the time of the crime and was spokeswoman for the Middle the Hokies. UNC and Strickland struggled to defend the 3-point line.
alty in cases where the defendant ineligible to receive the death pen- District. The trial is scheduled to

UNC again beaten

Preparing for federal trial was a young black male and the alty. He was not indicted by federal begin in May.
victim was a young white female prosecutors.
Atwater is also being prosecuted than in other cases between 2001 “Apart from their death penalty Contact the City Editor
in federal court. and 2008. eligibility, there is no other distin- at

pell grants “We have to Crisp Crisp. He is a champion, hands

down,” she wrote in an e-mail.
on the perimeter
from page 1

Ort said.
educate our way to past
from page 1

presidents said.
“He has always been a huge
mentor and advocate for student BY Mike Ehrlich Javi Gonzalez (19) have done the
The proposal would also make a better economy.” The student body president and government. Honestly, the new Staff Writer
“It gets old,” Drew said of UNC’s
Pell grant spending mandatory. vice chancellor for student affairs SBP will probably already have
Currently, Congress decides each arne duncan, u.s. secretary of work together on a wide variety of met and have a strong relationship the clock winding down and North struggles on perimeter defense.
year how much to spend on the education, on the obama administration’s issues covering all aspects of student with Crisp. He’s that type of guy — Carolina desperately needing a stop, “But it’s our task to stop that from
program. goal of improving national college life, including housing, diversity, ori- he’s always been out there meeting Virginia Tech put the ball in the happening.”
To pay for the increase in Pell graduation rates entation and campus recreation. people.” hands of its best guard and the ACC’s The Hokie guards took turns
grants, the Obama administra- Previous student body presidents “Student affairs affects every- leading scorer, Malcolm Delaney. getting hot Thursday. Hudson
tion has proposed eliminating the many N.C. college students, said met regularly with the current vice thing outside of the classroom, And once again, the Tar Heels scored 10 of VT’s first 14 points to
Federal Family Education Loan the reforms to the system could chancellor, Margaret Jablonski, who which is everything in student gov- failed to stop an opposing guard. spark an early lead.
program, which provides fed- hurt some students. has held the role since 2004. ernment,” Student Body President Delaney’s two free throws in the Then, Delaney got hot in the sec-
eral subsidies for private loans, Brooks, executive director of the Former Student Body President Jasmin Jones said. “Everything we final minute iced the VT win. ond half, dropping nine of his team’s
said U.S. Secretary of Education N.C. State Education Assistance James Allred worked with Jablonski do funnels into that.” Since the start of this calendar 13 at one point despite some foul
Arne Duncan in a conference call Authority, said students could have on projects including expanding Crisp, the current assistant year (and the start of UNC’s streak trouble. He weaved around what
Thursday. to pay more for loans than in the field space availability and creat- vice chancellor for student affairs, of six losses in eight games), oppos- seemed like a thousand screens per
The program is not looking to past to compensate for a possible ing a fund for bringing in speakers was selected for his new job by a ing starting backcourts have out- possession to find openings.
increase the national debt or bur- increase in interest rates. during his 2006-07 term. 16-member committee of admin- scored UNC’s starting backcourt “He’s crafty, he knows how to
den taxpayers with the increase, he He said that without competi- Crisp said he and the new presi- istrators and students — one of by an average of 21.4 points. get fouled, he knows how to get to
said. tion, federal loan companies might dent will need to have frequent and whom was Jones. Thursday night was more of the basket, and he can shoot at the
Justin Hamilton, press secre- get lazy and slack on service. open communication to be success- Several former presidents have the same. Virginia Tech’s one-two same time,” Graves said. “So he just
tary for the U.S. Department of “Local service is very important,” ful in their respective roles. served on administrative search punch of Delaney and Dorenzo played like himself.”
Education, said federal direct loans Brooks said. “I’ll need to understand their committees, helping influence the Hudson scored 21 and 17 points, While Drew’s presence wasn’t felt
will have the same eligibility and The Obama administration platform and what issues they view direction of UNC’s leadership. respectively. so much on the scoreboard, he did
interest rates as the private loans hopes the Pell grant increase will as important, and they’ll need to Joe Templeton, former Faculty On the other end, Larry Drew II get into an offensive rhythm in the
that many students receive but help improve national college understand what’s important to Council chairman who also served and Dexter Strickland combined first half with dribble penetration.
will save the government millions graduation rates, Duncan said in me,” he said. on several searches, said the student for just 10. And even with Will On four consecutive UNC field goals,
of dollars in subsidies that can the conference call. “I’ll rely on the student body body president serves an important Graves (4) and Marcus Ginyard Drew sliced into the lane and found
instead fund Pell grants and other “We have to educate our way to a president to give me advice and purpose on these committees. (6) included, the Hokies combo an open teammate for a bucket.
reforms. better economy,” Duncan said. perspective on student viewpoints, “Jasmin Jones and James Allred still ruled the scoreboard. With Maryland’s Greivis Vasquez
But Steve Brooks, whose agency to educate me and to be an advo- always brought energy, enthusi- “Malcolm was a load in the sec- up next and Duke’s Jon Scheyer on
works with College Foundation of Contact the State & National cate for student issues.” asm, and intelligence to the search ond half,” UNC coach Roy Williams deck, the Tar Heels will have their
North Carolina to provide loans to Editor at Former student body president committee,” he said. said. “He made those big threes hands full trying to stop this trend.
J.J. Raynor, who built a relation- “Administrators look to the stu- from deep, and those hurt us.” And as Graves said, it’s not just
ship with Crisp while he was the dent representatives for a connec- The Tar Heels’ struggles to a collective thing. The guards need
assistant vice chancellor for stu- tion to the way students live in the defend guards have been well doc- to make it personal.
dent affairs, said the next student world today. .” umented. Delaney and Hudson “It’s not just as a backcourt, just
body president will benefit from became the sixth and seventh as a defender,” he said. “We want to
Crisp’s leadership style. Contact the University Editor perimeter starters to exploit UNC stop them and put our effort into
“I am a huge, huge fan of Winston at this season. it. It’s just a matter of getting the

Ira Glass
Georgia Tech’s Iman Shumpert job done.”
(30), Delaney again (26), Clemson’s
Demontez Stitt (20), Wake Forest’s Contact the Sports Editor
Ishmael Smith (20) and N.C. State’s at

skate not be attractive to most skaters.”

Covach said the park would be
Radio Stories & Other Stories
from page 1
more popular if the town made

Live in Memorial Hall “It’s not on a busy road, and there

isn’t much out there,” Webster said.
frequent renovations and better
maintained its batting cages, which
Saturday, February 6, 7pm “If the skate park were made free,
there would still need to be staff to
pull in large sums of money dur-
ing baseball season. He said better
run them.” advertising also could help.
Local skater and UNC senior “The problem with the park
Ricky Covach has been going to is that it’s tucked so far away,” he
the park since it opened. said. “I know people who’ve lived in
“I love this place more than ever, Chapel Hill their whole life and are
but I know what will happen if the just hearing about the park.”
park is made free,” he said. “Public Leach also said construc-
skate parks require full padding tion companies are bidding for a
and helmets, something that would $21,000 job to replace the framing
of the ramps and railings.
“The skate park has been a vital
part of our system,” he said. “People
are going to want to come back.”
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The Daily Tar Heel friday, february 5, 2010 5

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The Daily Tar Heel News friday, february 5, 2010 9

Taking precautions can help prevent on-campus theft

BY Sofia Morales closed 24/7, but this is only effective and three apartment communities,
staff writer
Keeping possessions safe on cam-
if students refrain from opening the
door to strangers.”
we’ve had probably less than 10 inci-
dents this semester.”
How safe is your gear?
pus is a major concern for students. Young identified “piggyback- Bradley said he believes the Property crimes on campus increased from 417 to 448 from 2004 to 2007 and decreased to 337 crimes in 2008. The most
In 2008 there were 337 property ing,” which happens when some- thieves are typically from within the popular items stolen in 2009 were computers and other electronics such as cameras, iPhones and calculators.
crimes, a reduction from the 446 one allows another person to pass community instead of an outsider.
that occurred in 2006 and the 448 through a secure door, as one of the “When a door is open and there Property crimes on campus Items stolen from dorms in 2009
in 2007. biggest problems regarding safety. is a wallet or a phone, it is an easy
500 8
Residence halls have not been a grab”, he said.
safe haven, with 26 larcenies or bur- How can students secure 7
glaries occurring in 2009. Stolen Are rooms particularly 400
rooms? 6

Number of crimes
items ranged from money and purs-

Number stolen
vulnerable to theft? 5
es to earrings and electronics. Young: “They should shut and 300
Randy Young, spokesman for lock their door when they use the Young: “There were about 300 4
the UNC Department of Public bathroom or visit friends.” robberies on campus last year, but 200 3
Safety, and Rick Bradley, assistant Young added that it only takes a a large percentage of those were in
director of housing, offered tips on moment for someone to come inside open areas.” 2
protecting yourself from theft. and take something. He added that students often leave 100
“Value resides in small packages, cell phones and laptops unattended
How can students keep which creates an opportunity for or forget books and bags. Theft is a 0 0
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

ch rre s
Co tion

oo or
items safe in their dorms? those who are looking to rob.” lot more common in libraries, the

lle ag

Cu nic
yS or

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ele the

Pu k
Pla box


SRC and Student Stores, he said.


ec n

or rse
Bradley: “If it’s somebody that How frequent are incidents?
they don’t know, they shouldn’t let Contact the University Editor
let him in. Residence halls doors are Bradley: “With 32 residence halls at SOURCE: DPS.UNC.EDU DTH/AMANDA PURSER

UNC drops second straight National and World News

BY Anna Kim
Senior Writer
Waltiea Rolle
U.S. to investigate Former CEO of Jackson’s doctor
Miami 80
Before Thursday’s game against
Miami, coach Sylvia Hatchell UNC 69 paced the Tar Toyota problems BofA is charged might surrender
Heels with 20
emphasized to her players the Midway through ACC play, No. 9 points and 13 WASHINGTON, D.C. (MCT) CHARLOTTE, N.C. (MCT) LOS ANGELES (MCT)
importance of a win. UNC has a 4-3 conference record. — U.S. auto safety regulators — New York Attorney General — An attorney for Michael
rebounds in an
After an 80-69 loss, North The two other ACC losses came have launched a formal probe Andrew Cuomo announced Jackson’s doctor said he was in
Carolina (16-5) will have to wait for against Virginia Tech on the road 80-69 loss.
into braking complaints on Thursday that his office is fil- negotiations with a prosecutor
another chance. UNC dropped its and UNC’s most recent home game 37,000 Toyota Prius hybrids, just ing civil charges against former Thursday morning about how
second consecutive game against a against Florida State. “We want to do well this season,” after the Japanese automaker Bank of America Corp. chief the physician will surrender to
conference opponent. Those losses put UNC among Hatchell said. “But at the same admitted that it made changes executive Ken Lewis, former face criminal charges in the pop
After trailing for most of the four teams that stand tied at third time, we’re building to the future.” to the brake software in models chief financial officer Joe Price icon’s death.
game, UNC rallied from a 13-point place with four wins apiece. Hatchell has implemented 10 in production. and the Charlotte bank. No case has been filed against
deficit to tie the game 61-61 with Throughout the season, seven different starting lineups this sea- The National Highway Traffic The charges are the latest from Dr. Conrad Murray, but the Los
7:05 remaining. ACC teams have spent time in AP son, with a number of underclass- Safety Administration said a long-running, multi-pronged Angeles County district attor-
But the Tar Heels were unable to Poll. Many of them have fallen vic- men filling in the rotation. Thursday that it had opened a investigation of the bank’s Jan. ney’s office is expected to file
reclaim the lead, despite a season- tim to upsets by their conference The team’s youth has been test- preliminary evaluation of the 1 acquisition of Merrill Lynch an involuntary manslaughter
high 20 points and 13 rebounds for opponents. ed during conference play. And problems, which it said had gen- & Co. In question has been the charge and potentially other
freshman Waltiea Rolle. “I’ve been coaching for 24 years Hatchell’s subsequent assessment erated 124 complaints, including bank’s disclosure of Merrill’s counts against him this week,
UNC remained scoreless while now,” Hatchell said. “I don’t think has been simple. reports of four crashes. Many of fourth-quarter 2008 losses and said numerous sources familiar
the Hurricanes staged a 10-0 run I’ve ever seen the ACC so evenly “The team needs to be mentally the complainants say their 2010 bonuses paid to Merrill employ- with the case.
over a five-minute stretch. matched.” tougher,” she said. Prius lurches over bumps or pot- ees before the deal closed. Murray’s lead attorney, Ed
It doesn’t appear the road ahead The outlook for the Tar Heels The largest deficit the team has holes and the brakes are ineffec- In a n e w s c o n f e r e n c e Chernoff, said he and Deputy
will be any easier. will rely largely on the leadership of overcome in a win is nine points, tive for a few seconds. Thursday, Cuomo said his office District Attorney David
No. 6 Duke (6-1) is at the top of two veteran players and the ongo- which came against N.C. State. Toyota acknowledged prob- is charging the bank with securi- Wa l g r e n w e r e d i s c u s s i n g
the ACC standings, and UNC will ing growth of the youthful team. Despite rallying from a 19-point lems with the software in the ties fraud because it “understat- arrangements for booking and
travel to Cameron Indoor Stadium The team’s scoring has fallen deficit to within one point against Prius earlier Thursday, saying it ed” Merrill’s losses to investors arraigning the doctor after the
on Monday to try to avenge its loss. largely on the shoulders of Italee Florida State on Monday, the team had corrected problems with the to win approval of the deal in case is filed.
North Carolina will rely on its Lucas and Cetera DeGraffenreid, failed to obtain the lead. antilock brake system in models December 2008. A week later, “We both share the goal of the
conference-leading scoring offense who rank fourth and ninth, respec- “We did that at N.C. State, so I sold since late last month. the bank “overstated” its ability efficient administration of this
and rebounding to get back on a tively, in the conference. know this team can do it,” she said. The company was still decid- to legally escape the deal in order process,” Chernoff said.
winning track. Lucas and DeGraffenreid remain “But Florida State showed we’ve ing what steps to take to fix the to obtain $20 billion in govern- A spokeswoman for the dis-
“Every game is so important,” the only upperclassmen among the still got a lot to learn.” problem in Prius cars sold in ment bailout funds. Merrill was trict attorney’s office did not
Hatchell said. “One game can be team’s starters and have led the Japan and overseas before late paying out $3.6 billion in bonus- immediately return messages
the difference between first place team in scoring for a combined 14 Contact the Sports Editor January. es to its employees. seeking comment.
and sixth place.” games this year. at

This American Life

NPR’s Ira Glass, host of “This
American Life,” will speak at UNC
on Saturday. See pg. 3 for story.
$ Carolina’s our 14th Annual Awards Issue

© 2009 The Mepham Group. All rights reserved. Campus Y candidates
Level: 1 2 3 4 Seven students are running for
co-president of Campus Y during a
chosen by YOU, the readers
Complete the grid
milestone year. See pg. 3 for story. of the DTH.
so each row, column
Shake your bon bon
and 3-by-3 box (in
Bonnie Lau and Robert Healey
l i n e Now at
bold borders) con-

Vo t e O n
o m
tains every digit 1 have delightful jobs as owners of
to 9. Miel Bon Bons. See pg. 11 for story.

t a r h e e l . c
Solution to
Thursday’s puzzle
Is there a problem, officer?
Chapel Hill Police want input
from town residents about how
they operate. Go online for story.
Favorite female athlete Best up-and-coming solo artist
Healing through art Favorite male athlete Favorite Triangle radio station
A new exhibit at the Stone Center Most underrated athlete Favorite local band
explores healing rituals in Hispanic
communities. See pg. 10 for story.
$ Favorite sports Web site Best place to see a band
Best workout Most entertaining Web site
Favorite intramural sport
Best phys ed class

Best on-line shopping Web site
$ Best movie from 2009
Best place to buy music
Favorite venue to see a movie
Favorite reality show
Best album of 2009
Favorite local place to people watch
Best place to get a mixed drink
Cleanest bar bathroom
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
(C)2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Best theme night - what and where Favorite place for a caffeine fix
Best place for a microbrew Favorite place for a frozen treat
Across Rombauer 12 Emma’s “Sense and 45 Root for
1 __ St Ives: Cornwall 61 63-Across hdg. Sensibility” role 46 Radar guns, e.g. Best place for a meal after midnight Best restaurant for a healthy meal
5 Drift
62 *Ball honorees
63 Besiege
13 Ritzy
18 Aleutian island
47 San Luis __, California
48 Bill for shots
Favorite new hangout Best place to watch a game on TV
9 Caught on video 65 *Southwestern horseman 22 Course with x’s 49 Author Leonard
51 Chops finely
Best restaurant to impress a first date
14 *First family member 67 Musher’s wear 25 Inclination
15 Muppet who testified 68 Abbr. that shortens text 26 Other, in Spain 53 European auto Best burger
before Congress
16 Spry
69 Gossip columnist Cassini
70 Extra large?
29 Risky undertaking
33 Drink from a bag
56 Carefree diversions
57 Bard’s “below”
COLLEGIATE LIFE Best lunch bargain
17 *Old street corner singer
19 Director De Mille
20 Keys
21 *Arthur in a dress
23 Orkan sign-off word
24 Express gratitude to
25 *Receptacle for choice
71 Con
72 Three-part nos.

2 Hangdog
3 Lie
1 “Bewitched” role
35 Fidel’s friend
37 Finsteraarhorn, e.g.
39 Start of many a story
40 “Do I dare to __ peach?”:
41 Near-exhaustion metaphor
59 “__ forgiven”
62 Lip soother
64 West who said “To err is
human, but it feels divine”
66 Repeated nursery rhyme
$ Best drinking game
Favorite study spot
Best parking ticket appeal excuse
Favorite class to do the crossword
Best road trip
Best place to stock up on Carolina gear
Favorite area/mall/center to shop
Best newcomer restaurant or bar
Best place for student living
slips 4 Actress Barkin Quirkiest roommate habit
27 Publisher often seen in PJs
28 Park, in NYC
5 Ruby and others
6 65-Across’s “Bravo!”
Favorite spring break destination
30 Cpl.’s superior 7 Microscopic organism Favorite YouTube video, name and URL
31 Valuable rock 8 Provençal cuisine $
32 Mine entrance delicacies
34 Cover letter letters 9 Middle x
36 Diamond stat 10 One taking a little off the
38 Demonstrate effectiveness, top? All entries must be
and a literal hint to the 11 Street going downhill?
Choose your campus favorites and submitted by Monday, March 1, 2010
puzzle theme found in
the answers to starred
42 Farm dweller
43 Musical ability
44 D.C. fundraisers
47 *Brit. award
50 Summa __ laude
52 Eastern principle
54 “Murder, __ Wrote”
55 *Danseur noble’s partner
win a $50 Restaurant Gift Card
at 5:00pm. One entry per person.

One winner will be chosen in a random

drawing and announced in our special
Carolina’s Finest Award issue
Thursday, March 18, 2010.
Any DTH reader is eligible to win.

58 Eucharist plate
60 Culinary author
10 friday, february 5, 2010 Arts The Daily Tar Heel

Art of Hispanic healing rituals on display

Exhibit explores theme of diaspora “I had been doing family his-
tory research and because of the
devoid of the body and is made up
of smaller prints.
circumstances of the slave trade, I Méndez was not at the exhibit’s
By katelyn trela project was different. got to a point where I just couldn’t opening Thursday, but her presence
STAFF WRITER “This semester, we don’t have find any more information about could be felt through her bold, bright
It has historically been a woman’s an arching theme, but we’re tying my ancestors,” she said. “I just hit illustrations of the healing woman.
job to heal the soul and spirit. in to the performing arts theme a wall.” Freshman Chelsey Robertson
With the Sonja Haynes Stone of the diaspora idea,” said Ursula While in Mexico, Phillips heard joined classmates in attending the
Center’s newest exhibit, “La Littlejohn, the program coordina- about nearby communities of peo- event for extra credit.
Sombra y el Espíritu: Women’s tor at the Stone Center. ple of African descent and began “I think it is really cool, and I’m
Healing Rituals in the Diaspora,” This school year, UNC is linking working on a documentary proj- anxious to hear more about them,
the tradition continues. film, lectures and theater with the ect. These communities inspired what they’re all about,” Robertson
The exhibit, consisting of pho- theme of diaspora, a migration of Phillips’ new photography project. said about the works.
tographic self-portraits by UNC people from their homelands. “Wendy roamed to find her Though they work in different
alumna Wendy Phillips and oil Joseph Jordan, director of the place, to find her calling,” Jordan mediums, both artists speak to the
paintings by Lucía Méndez, brings Stone Center, knew both of the art- said. migratory theme.
together two separate projects that ists and realized their works could Her collection is divided into “It allows us to continue to delve
explore the role of women’s healing be combined to demonstrate the two parts: La Limpia and La into diaspora,” Jordan said at the
rituals in Hispanic communities. diaspora theme. Sombra. La Limpia is a cleansing event. “Not only what it means,
Both display strong women and For Phillips, a black woman who set, composed of Phillips’ self- but how it makes meaning in our
empowering figures. studied in Mexico when working portraits taken in her garden. La lives.”
Artists usually submit works to on this project, her experience Sombra, meaning the soul or the dth/sam ward
the center, which are reviewed and with the artwork was extremely shadow, is a collection interpret- Contact the Arts Editor Bill Jenkins, an epidemiologist at the Institute of African American
chosen by a committee. But this personal. ing an embodiment of the soul at Research, views the gallery Thursday at the Sonja Haynes Stone Center.

Place a Classified: or Call 919-962-0252

DTH Classifieds DTH office is open Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:00pm

Line Classified Ad Rates Deadlines
Private Party (Non-Profit) Commercial (For-Profit) To Place a Line Classified Ad Log onto Line Ads: Noon, one business day prior to publication
25 Words ......... $15.00/week 25 Words ......... $35.50/week
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Announcements Child Care Wanted For Rent For Rent For Rent Rooms Travel/Vacation
NOTICE TO ALL DTH CUSTOMERS NANNY, BABYSiTTER needed in Carrboro WAlk TO CAMPUS. 2BR/1BA with W/D, ACCOMODATiON for graduate student:
Deadlines are NOON one business day prior
to publication for classified ads. We publish
for 21 month-old boy. M-F, 8am-2pm. Own
transportation and valid driver’s license BOLINWOOD dishwasher, central air and heat. Available
immediately. $750/mo. 933-8143, www.
$1,600/mo. Grads? Undergrads? No
Spacious room in lUXURY home. Must see.
All facilites, including WiFi. Close to bus
Monday thru Friday when classes are in ses-
sion. A university holiday is a DTH holiday too
required. Must be non-smoker, reliable, pa-
tient, nurturing and willing to get down on CONDOS
WAlk TO CAMPUS. 1BR/1BA with W/D,
pets, sorry. includes: parking, utili-
ties, internet and some furniture. On
routes. $450/mo.,
the floor and play! light housekeeping dur- J, D buslines. Shared common area.
. (i.e. this affects deadlines). We reserve the • 11⁄2 miles to UNC dishwasher, central air and heat. Available Available August 1. Call 919-767-
ing nap time. Parents work from home office.
. right to reject, edit, or reclassify any ad. Ac-
ceptance of ad copy or prepayment does not Respond with detailed personal information • 2BR/11⁄2 BA with 900 sq/ft
immediately. $600/mo. 933-8143, www.
1778, Sublets
imply agreement to publish an ad. You may and relevant experience. s_2mommy@ya- $630/month & up
stop your ad at any time, but NO REFUNDS or
- • 3BR/2BA with 1200 sq/ft 1BR/1BA APARTMENT next to Univer-
credits for stopped ads will be provided. No
advertising for housing or employment, in ac-
CHilD CARE BABYSiTTER needed for Tues-
day morning Women’s Bible Study Group,
$700/month & up
house on busline. large bedrooms, Help Wanted sity Mall. large living, dining area, spa-
cious bedroom, hardwood floors, new
g cordance with federal law, can state a prefer- • Rent includes water hardwood floors, outside wooden kitchen, W/D, parking. Available immedi-
9:30am-11:30am. Experience preferred but
e ence based on sex, race, creed, color, religion, deck, W/D, dishwasher, all applianc- SURvEY TAkERS NEEDED: Make $5-$25 per ately. $675/mo. Call 919-923-3461, email
not required. $10/hr honorarium. Contact • Very QUIET complex on
d national origin, handicap, marital status. es. Free parking, storage and trash survey.
Dina for more information, dina@hillsong. “N” busline
l pick up. $400/BR. Available May or
org, 919-967-3056.
Real Estate Associates
August 2010. 933-0983, 451-8140, LEgAL ASSISTANT
SAlSA 4 U! Come dance salsa every
1st Saturday! Salsa lessons offered
teens in Chapel Hill. Start dinner, pickup and 919.942.7806
Duties include typing, filing, reception, book- Travel/Vacation
every Monday! For more informa- keeping and legal research. knowledge of
drop off kids. $10/hr. Own car required. cha- 3BR/1BA HOME 4 MilES SOUTH of campus.
tion call 919-358-4201 or check out Beautiful hardwood floors, central heat and
Microsoft Office is a must. knowledge of Ma-
cintosh computers and website development
air, W/D hookups, nice yard, no pets. Avail- is helpful but not required. This is a full-time SpRINg BREAk
For Rent able immediately. $750/mo. leave message
at 919-933-1162.
position, M-F 8:30am-5pm, starting May 17,
2010 and ending on June 30, 2011. Perfect
$189 for 5 DAYS or $239 for 7 DAYS. All
prices include: Round trip luxury cruise with
Child Care Wanted lOCATiON! lOCATiON! lOCATiON! 6BR/ for a May graduate who wants to step out food. Accommodations on the island at your

FAIR HOUSINg 3BA home, gorgeous brick courtyard in before law school. Mail resume with cover choice of thirteen resorts. Appalachia Travel.

find plive
FUll-TiME BABYSiTTER needed for June thru All REAl ESTATE AND RENTAl advertising in Cameron McCauley Historic District. kitchen letter as soon as possible but no later than www., 800-867-5018.
August for 6 and 3 year-old girls in Chapel this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair being newly renovated. 407 West Patter- March 15, 2010 to Dorothy Bernholz, Direc-
tor; Carolina Student legal Services, inc., PO
Hill. Car required. Hoping for 1 full-time but Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal son Place, $4,000/mo, 919-656-6495 or
will consider 2 part-time babysitters. annal- to advertise “any preference, limitation, or Box 1312, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. CSlS inc. is
an Equal Employment Opportunity employer.
Tutoring Wanted, 919-321-4381. .com sing
discrimination based on race, color, religion,
AvAilABlE JUlY 1. Will also lease August
sex, handicap, familial status, or national AMERiCAN HiSTORY ii TUTOR. looking for
PART-TiME NANNY for 2 boys (7 and 4) in origin, or an intention to make any such 2010 to May 2011. 4BR/3BA Chapel Hill
fun neighborhood near campus, M/W/F 12- house. Furnished? $1,700/mo. includes 3 EGG DONORS NEEDED. UNC Health a professional, punctual and considerate se-
preference, limitation, or discrimination.” nior history major to tutor a college student
5pm, $12/hr, start February 15. 929-4888. parking spaces, all utilities, cable, inter- Care seeking healthy, non-smok-
This newspaper will not knowingly accept with a learning disability. Pay rate at $20/hr.
net access. 3 blocks from Foster’s Market. ing females 20-32 to become egg
any advertising which is in violation of the Email at or call
On busline. Call 704-210-8356 or email donors. $2,500 compensation for
Announcements Announcements law. Our readers are hereby informed that
all dwellings advertised in this newspaper COMPlETED cycle. All visits and pro-
cedures to be done local to campus.
are available on an equal opportunity basis OFFiCE SPACE DOWNTOWN. 1 room, 260 For written information, please call
in accordance with the law. To complain of
discrimination, call the U. S. Department of
square feet. 1 parking space. lease required.
$500/mo, includes electricity, gas, water.
919-966-1150 ext. 5 and leave your Wheels for Sale
current mailing address.
Housing and Urban Development housing 919-929-2102.
discrimination hotline: 1-800-669-9777. 1969 CHEvY CAMERO Z-28. Orange with

WAlk TO UNC. NEW RENNOvATiONS. AiDE WANTED for fun loving, strong willed black interior. Manual transmission. v8 en-
2BR/2BA, TYlER CREEk. W/D, stove, refrig- 209 North Roberson. 3BR/2BA with W/D, gine. Mileage 80k. Great condition. $10,000.
boy, 14, with complex psychiatric profile.
erator, dishwasher. New carpet, paint. Water dishwasher, central air and heat. Avail- 828-490-4417.
Flexible hours, evenings and weekends, $15/
included. 2nd floor. Bus route. inspector@

able immediately. $1,700/mo. 933-8143, hr. Prefer grad student with special needs ex- 919-810-6972. http://willettprop- perience, but would consider very responsible

WAlk TO UNC CAMPUS, HOSPiTAlS. Avail- undergraduate. Driver’s license, non-smoker.
PERFECT FOR 6 FRiENDS! Walk to cam- able immediately! 2BR/2BA with study that Occasional sleepovers required. Contact Ann
pus. 2 3BR/2BA duplex units. Share back could be used as small 3rd bedroom. located at or 919-932-8367.
Researchers at UNC Chapel Hill are seeking patio. North Columbia Street. Hard- off Mason Farm Road. This sublet is through kARATE ASSiSTANT: Assistant instructor in
woods, W/D, dishwasher. Available 7/31/2010. W/D in the basement. Rent is
volunteers for a study on Postpartum Depression. 6/10/10. $1,800/unit. 816-206-4315,
youth karate class. Tuesday and Thursday
$1,000/mo +utilities. Call 919-995-2553 for 7-8pm. Black Belt in Tang Soo Do required. appointment. If February 5th is Your Birthday...
Membership in CkC preferred. Membership
2BR/1BA CONDO in triplex. Hillsborough FURNiSHED APARTMENT. Private entrance, in iTF related school considered. Ability to intense feelings produce some of your
Street. Completely remodeled, hardwoods, assist with large group of diverse ranked stu-
tile throughout, new appliances, W/D,
bedroom and living room combination,
dents, ages 6-11 years-old. Must be able to
best work this year. Go for the gold by investing
kitchen, bathroom. On busline (at the door).
1. Have experienced Postpartum Depression near bus stop, $800/mo. No pets, avail- $450/mo, includes utilities. 967-8115. demonstrate and teach the 18 Tang Soo Do enthusiasm and personality. Develop ideas
2. Have experienced Depression in the past, but not after childbirth able June1, 2010. Email Ask for Mrs. Albert. qup katas and 10 Red Belt Soo Do il deh ryan logically, and then put your heart and soul and have working knowledge of the 20 CkC into the task of bringing each idea into reality.
3. Have never experienced depression one steps, 10 hapkidos and 10 ho sin sul suit-
WAlk TO CAMPUS. 5BR/3.5BA duplex QUESTIONS able to each of 11 group ranks. Send resume Dreams provide strong persuasion.
This study requires 3 visits to UNC. with W/D, dishwasher, central air and heat. About Classifieds? and application found on our web site www.
Monetary compensation is provided. Available June. $2,400/mo. 933-8143, To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Call 962-0252 to or bring
to Chapel Hill Branch 890 Mlk Blvd.
Please call Brenda if interested... Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Today is a 7 - Be thankful for the energy Today is a 6 - Get down to business.
Announcements Announcements Lost & Found to handle your projects. Your partner Shoulder your responsibilities and get
has urgent business matters. Offer help creative in finding ways to outpace co-
lOST: WAllET with One Card, license & some in the form of communication. workers. Mind and heart are one.
additional cards. Sentimental. 828-551-5355. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Today is a 6 - Your commitment to a Today is a 6 - Remove all restraint. Today
lOST: SET OF kEYS on campus Friday
social or charitable effort reflects your you get to try anything and everything.
night with Ford key, leather key orna-
ment, flex pass, room key, blue carabiner. philosophical platform. Create a power- it’s not about work. it’s about play. Enjoy
919-280-5760, ful message of love. the game!
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
lOST: RiNG. large blue stone, 3 small
Today is an 8 - You conduct a lot of busi- Today is a 6 - A household matter keeps
light blue stones on either side. lost last
semeter. Reward. if found please contact: ness & grow your income. leave doors you from focusing on studies or work., 919-602-7498. open so that you can adapt to changing Handle the problem early, or get help
needs. Get rest before supper. from a professional.
lOST: BElOvED DUCk UMBREllA. Yellow Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
with orange bill sticking out front. Answers Cancer (June 22-July 22)
to “Sir Quacks-A-lot.” Baked goods, possi- Today is a 6 - You face adjustments to Today is an 8 - if you haven’t already done
bly hugs as a reward., your schedule and your thinking, espe- so, expand your vision to include humani-
828-779-8730. cially in the work arena. Talk is cheap. tarian efforts. Do this even if it doesn’t
Actions are far more convincing. make sense. You could simply pledge to
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) your favorite nonprofit.
Roommates Today is a 5 - Finances loosen up a bit Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
when an associate kicks in some cash. Today is a 6 - You may do a lot of talking,
ROOMMATE WANTED: Furnished apartment Then you can throw yourself into the but the work resists completion. Save
located in Finley Forrest. On multiple buslines work. Design your message as you your energy. Sometimes business has to
to UNC, $500/mo +half utilities. dldaniel@ would a painting. wait until the time is right., 478-997-9272. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
ROOMMATE WANTED: Beautiful house Today is a 6 - Every step you take brings Today is a 7 - You want to be on the road.
in peaceful neighborhood minutes from you closer to a desired goal. Baby steps However, there are a few things to finish
campus. intersection of Mlk and i-40. On are fine. You gain momentum as you first. Handle your own responsibilities and
buslines to UNC, $375/mo +utilities. ethe- stretch your imagination. leave the rest to someone else., 919-753-8340. (c) 2010 TRiBUNE MEDiA SERviCES, iNC.


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The Daily Tar Heel City friday, february 5, 2010 11

have sweetest
jobs in town
Miel Bon Bons DTH ONLINE: Watch owners
create a cake at dailytarheel.
blends flavors com/multimedia.

of the tray to eliminate bubbles.

BY grace joyal After the inner shell sets, Lau
staff writer squeezes ganache, a fluffy whipped
Biting into a delicately crafted chocolate, to each shell. The filling
chocolate at Miel Bon Bons can is made by boiling cream and infus-
release fusions of pomegranate, ing the desired flavors, she said.
lavender, blood orange, rosemary, Lau feels the ganache to know
saffron or ancho chile. when to add the top shell of choc-
The owner of the place, Bonnie olate. She pours the chocolate
Lau, has as many flavors — her over the tray and scrapes off any
Hong Kong upbringing, her excess.
French and Japanese education, For colorful chocolates, Lau uses
her Carrboro destination. food coloring powder mixed with
“Chocolate is a universal lan- cocoa butter and airbrushes the
guage,” she said. “Using different inside of each space in a tray.
tastes brings someone back to their The intricate designs topping
home.” some of the pieces like a tattoo are
Lau and her business partner, from transfer sheets, which are
Robert Healey, make an average of individually sized and applied to
2,500 chocolates a week by hand in each chocolate.
their shop in Carr Mill Mall. Lau said she uses her world expe-
Their titles range from mango rience as flavoring inspiration. dth/B.J. Dworak
and saffron ganache to four-layered Before making chocolates, she Bonnie Lau, the owner of Miel Bon Bons in Carr Mill Mall, prepares chocolates Thursday afternoon in the kitchen of her Carrboro-based store. “Ever
almond truffle to lemongrass with was a pastry chef for a five-star since I was little, I’ve dreamed of chocolate,” said Lau, whose chocolates are known for their interesting flavors such as saffron and lavender.
coconut puree. hotel in San Diego, Calif. In 2001,
“People’s tastes have evolved,” she was inspired to go to France to
Healey said. “People don’t just want study chocolate.
a milk chocolate anymore.” While Lau finished her studies
If a chocolate is made correctly, in France, construction was begin-
it should have a nice snap when ning on the Carrboro store. She
broken, Lau said. Poorly made flew between France and North
chocolates are grainy. Carolina while preparing to open.
One tray of 28 square pieces of Miel Bon Bons, which opened in
undecorated chocolate takes Lau 2008, has done well in its second February 1-12 presented by the Carolina
half an hour to make, assuming the year. Women’s Week Art Show 2010 Women’s Center
temperature is stable. Healey said “It’s like a guilty pleasure that Carolina Union Main Gallery
chocolate is incredibly sensitive to people can still afford,” said Anna
temperature. Pepper, owner of The Painted Bird, Monday, February 8
“If you’ve ever opened a candy another store in the mall. Performing Feminisms | 8 pm | Union Film Auditorium
bar and it’s white, that’s because it Lau and Healey said they’d con-
An evening featuring a variety of creative expressions,
is poor-tempered,” he said. sider expansion in the future, even-
including live performances, lm, and readings exploring
Dark chocolate is the most popu- tually offering classes in chocolate-
lar among customers, Healey said, feminism’s possibilities.
making and cake decorating.
especially filled with rose water “Chocolate is very special,” Lau
raspberry ganache. said. “You should treat it like a Tuesday, February 9
To make ganache-filled choco- jewel.” Fireside Chat with Holden Thorp
lates, Lau first coats the inside of each 3 pm | Campus Y Faculty Commons
spot in the tray with a thin layer of Contact the City Editor Miel Bon Bons makes an average of 2,500 chocolates by hand each week. Chancellor Thorp leads the campus in a conversation about a
melted chocolate, tapping the sides at The gourmet chocolates are often topped with intricate, colorful designs. more inclusive Carolina. Participate in a conversation about what
feminism means and how it can be used to make real positive
change at UNC.

Take Back the Night and SpeakOut! 2010
When location is everything, 5:30 pm | Steps of Wilson Library
Take the night back from rape and sexual assault! Rally at
we have just the place for you. 5:30. March across campus at 7. SpeakOut! begins at 8 pm in
the Pit. Sponsored by Project Dinah.

Partners in UNC Wednesday, February 10

Robert Jensen

Campus Housing 5 pm | Carroll 111

Dr. Robert Jensen hosts a screening of The Price of Pleasure:
Pornography, Sexuality and Relationships, a documentary that
offers a critical examination of the heterosexual pornography
industry. Sponsored by Feminist Students United.

Thursday, February 11
An Evening with Sarah Haskins
8 pm | Hanes Art Center Auditorium
Our capstone event, featuring Sarah Haskins, whose comedy
will help us re-imagine the meaning and possibilities of feminism
through the lens of humor.

Live near campus and Franklin Street. “Take Back the F-word” is the theme for
Women’s Week 2010, sponsored by the
Carolina Women’s Center. For a complete
Granville is a short walk to class, shops & restaurants. schedule, visit <
womensweek/> and check out our blog at
<>. • • 1.800.332.3113 • 919.370.4500

The Daily Tar Heel DTH CLASSIFIEDS The Daily Tar Heel

No matter who you are,

or where you are on life’s journey,
You Are Welcome Here.
1321 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

10:30 Sunday Worship Email Jenny Schultz:
North Chatham School • 3380 Lystra Rd. for info on
College & Young Adults at UCCH. • 960-0616
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12 friday, february 5, 2010 Opinion The Daily Tar Heel

andrew dunn QUOTE OF THE DAY:

The Daily Tar Heel EDITOR, 962-4086
EDITorial BOARD members

Harrison Jobe meredith engelen cameron parker “I don’t know if I’d say he invented
Established 1893, Opinion EDITOR Patrick Fleming pat ryan
116 years Nathaniel Haines
houston hawley
steve kwon
christian yoder
the art form of radio storytelling,
of editorial freedom GREG MARGOLIS
but he certainly perfected it.”
associate opinion EDITOR
ahna hendrix

Adam Hochberg, NPR reporter, on Ira Glass

EDITORIAL CARTOON By Nate Beeler, The Washington Examiner
Featured online reader comment:
“We should all take issue with the
recent turn in academia to treating
olivia blanchard education as part of a consumer
Blanchard is an English major from
Atlanta, GA. transaction.”
“mothra,” on a column describing unspoken

Just focus
contracts between students and professors


on mind Because of racism legacy,
race should play factor
Kvetching board

v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
TO THE EDITOR: It took more time to deliver
Barack Obama’s election my sandwich than it did for

made many Americans face their the Titanic to sink.
racial prejudices tangibly for the To my boyfriend and roommate:
first time. But his election did Can I not walk into my room
not create a “post-racial” society, without finding you on his back

where racial attitudes don’t affect … on my bed?
n my last column, I expressed our politics. Cameron Parker’s

Armed and dangerous

my general frustration with op-ed “Content over color” (Feb. Dear roommate: If you are
UNC’s course requirement 3) is wrong in implying that it going to spend every waking
system, that cruel plague threat- did and saying that Chapel Hill moment in our room
ening to overthrow our education should put race in the rear-view canoodling on the top bunk
in favor of mindless, rote box-
checking. UNC must remain committed to all 28 varsity sports mirror when it comes to town
with your boyfriend, can you
at least let me join in every
Building off this theme, I
would like to address specifically and resist the financial arms race in college football The process that ultimately
chose Donna Bell, a qualified
once in a while?
To the guy at the gym yelling
the lifetime fitness requirement,

progressive community activist, “YOU CAN DO THIS!” to him-
a particularly onerous compo- fforts to keep up with Last year, the athletics tional revenue goes toward even to serve on the Town Council self on the treadmill: Are you
nent of our curriculum. perennial football power department reported a surplus more state-of-the-art facilities was democratic and transpar- this vocal in bed?
I can already hear many conferences — the SEC of just $200,000, compared to and even higher coach salaries. ent. Parker argues that there
saying, “But Olivia, lifetime fit- Dear Koury elevator: Every
and Big 12 — risk perverting a $6 million profit at Florida. It is a self-perpetuating cycle was a double standard between
ness promotes physical fitness time I step into you, I feel I am
UNC’s commitment to non- But Florida supports only 16 that carries budgets into the Asian-Americans and African- risking death because Cherie
and teaches us healthy habits. revenue sports. varsity teams, the minimum stratosphere with little hope Americans in the process.
There’s nothing wrong with a Berry has not approved of you.
UNC should remain commit- required by the NCAA to be a for decelerating. Augustus Cho ran for Mayor
little exercise.” and received less than 3 percent To the automatic flushing toilets
And to those people I say yes, ted to sustaining a broad range Division I school. UNC, by con- And there is no guarantee
of the vote. in Lenoir: I’m not done yet.
indeed — if you personally enjoy of Division I varsity sports, even trast, funds 28 varsity sports. increased funding will even
at the expense of expanding the The current model is clearly improve our football program Not a single Asian-American I can’t even be mad the girl
taking LFIT classes as inspira- candidate stood for election to
football program. strained. The answer, though, is at all. UNC’s expenditure next to me is blaring “Defying
tion for healthy living, please be the Town Council. Cho is also a Gravity” in the library because
my guest. The model of funneling not entering into an arms race growth will almost certainly Republican leader, and Asian- it is the Glee version … Mad
What I do take issue with is money to football will send in an effort to catapult UNC be matched, if not outpaced, by Americans voted almost 2-1 for respect.
everyone’s mandatory conscrip- UNC into a financial arms race, football to national prominence more prestigious football pro- President Obama. Cho couldn’t
tion into the LFIT department, a dangerous tailspin of spend- — and to ramp up revenue. grams like Texas and Florida. To the girl in the crowded
even rally his own community. hallway who ran into the trash
whether we like it or not. ing that the University cannot Increased funding for the The University can continue Those who suggest realizing
The purpose of universities can and insisted on turning
and should not sustain. football program reaps improved to place a priority on sports like Martin Luther King Jr.’s Dream around and cursing it out: I think
is to challenge us intellectually,
Football and basketball are facilities, like the $10 million football and basketball — but by ignoring the role of race in our we all know who won that fight.
teach us how to think for our- politics live in a fantasy world.
selves and allow us to gain at
clearly the major sources of sports medicine facility opening not at the expense of the small-
Coming from Parker, it reeks of Dear rugby girl: Stop being so
least some degree of expertise in athletics revenue and help keep in 2010. Proponents argue this er non-revenue sports.
white privilege. There is only one damn attractive. I am tired of
a chosen discipline. non-revenue sports afloat. improves player performance, Entering a money war with questioning my sexuality for you.
But there is a difference which leads to more wins. traditional football power- African-American U.S. Senator
But for some reason, and two African-American gov-
between recognizing that — and Provided the team wins, houses guarantees one thing: Dear Pit Stop girl: Stop being
American universities seem ernors. African-Americans still so attractive. You’re making me
intent on treating their students channeling resources according- better recruits could decide to huge expenditures. It does face tremendous difficulty get- waste all my money.
as children in need of constant ly — and entering into an all-out play for UNC. And more wins not guarantee what’s far more ting proportional representation
prodding, not as adults seeking spending binge on football to means more revenue. important — tangible benefits To the guy who stopped on
in government. Stadium Drive to fix his hair in a
higher education. compete with the powerhouses. But then, of course, that addi- across the board.
Illogically, the lifetime fitness parked SUV’s back window with
Jeff DeLuca a pink hairbrush: Really?!
classes aim to instill in us a “life- Freshman

Hear ye, hear ye

time” commitment to health upon Political Science, Music To the girl on her phone in
the completion of a one-semester Davis: When you go under the
walking class. We are told that table, we can all still hear you.
this is for our own good, to Football should not be
changed, is valuable sport To the girl with the Kim
improve our physical fitness, and
we have to accept it.
But more than simply a sense-
With little time left in o∞ce, Jones right to TO THE EDITOR:
Possible ringtone in the
library: You are awesome.
less attempt to combat the obe-
sity “epidemic” through about
pursue town hall meetings for student feedback Yes, football is a dangerous
sport. It is the cause of most seri-
Dear girl in my First Year
Seminar: I can’t believe you’ve

ous sport-related injuries at the
32 hours of exercise total, the he town hall meetings tion,” said Student Body Vice student body — an “updated never seen/heard of Star Wars.
high school level (as suggested
lifetime fitness requirement is an being conducted by President David Bevevino. snapshot,” in Bevevino’s words. We can no longer be friends.
by the letter to the editor titled
obvious example of the degree Student Body President The student body president Jones hosted the first of eight “Problem is with football itself, Dear roommate: I did not think
to which American students Jasmin Jones are a good final candidates have already solicited planned forums on Monday not lack of trainers”, Feb. 2). But that Pandora had bad music.
are denied their proper share of effort by the administration to a lot of student ideas. Candidates in the lounge of Mangum this is because it is a contact Thank you for proving me wrong.
adulthood. sport. Anyone playing this game
Telling me that I am unable
collect student input to pass on tend to incorporate student Residence Hall, in the Olde Yo snow plowers! I’m really
to the next president. input in crafting platforms, and Campus Upper Quad commu- understands that and knows the happy for you, and I’mma let
to monitor my own health at the risks involved.
age of 20 is akin to telling me Jones has little time left in they hear from students regu- nity. She will host seven more you finish … No, seriously.
office. But this effort is not larly at campaign forums. in the coming weeks. Football is the greatest sport Finish plowing the roads.
that I am not really an adult, on this earth. Just wait to see
that I have more to learn before about what she will be able to But this town hall process Jones said about 20 students To the Lenny Kravitz
how many people watch the
I can be trusted to handle my accomplish before she leaves. nevertheless has unique advan- came to the first town hall. But Super Bowl this weekend. Or
look-alike: How about you use
own life. It is about providing the tages that stand to help Jones’ more should come to her future the skateboard instead of using
the number of kids who play the
It means that an undergradu- next student body president replacement. meetings. it as a prop to get groupies …
sport from third-grade leagues
ate degree is no more about with the knowledge needed to First, it gives Jones a final This is a valuable way to con- stick to your guitar.
on up to the high school level.
pursuing an academic field than address student concerns on initiative to pursue during her nect with student government This sport teaches valuable To the builders of Dey Hall:
it is about learning elementary day one of his or her term. lame duck tenure. Jones’ great- and influence the priorities of lessons to its players. You know a building is poorly
school-level health concepts. constructed when you have to
“The next SBP will come in est strength is her personality, the new administration. I was not the best high school
Most importantly, I am effec- athlete, but playing football wait in line to get out.
tively denied autonomy over my with their set of established which she can use to really cson- As the end of the Jones admin-
goals and ideas, but it is impor- nect with students. istration approaches, students taught me the importance of To the kvetcher who watches
own body. perseverance and hard work.
Unfortunately, this privacy tant for them to know the con- Second, the town halls will should take every opportunity to Lenoir employees: Why do you
cerns of the student body right give student government the ensure that the next administra- Watch the movie “Rudy” and count how many times someone
invasion is incredibly common in you’ll understand.
American universities. now at the time of their elec- most recent sentiments of the tion starts off on the right foot. shakes it at a urinal?
The sport is perfect. No other
Sharing rooms denies us any Dear John Grisham: I know you
sport requires the combination of

No ordinance needed
sort of real privacy; like students are a renowned and successful
athletic ability with so much intel-
in a boarding school, we are author, but in light of recent
lectual prowess. Watch how Peyton
expected to sleep side-by-side events, we would like to invite
Manning plays this Sunday.
and forced to give up the level Snooki to be our graduation
People who love and play this
of personal space that adults are speaker instead.
game are intelligent. They know
assumed to need.
In the same way, America’s
Chapel Hill needs flexibility in working with developers the risks involved.
But they also know the joys
Send your one-to-two

war on underage drinking is no sentence entries to
proposed Chapel Hill sells for about $342,000. the only way to address the the sport can bring. All across,
more than a misguided attempt this great country, young men
to treat adults as children; town ordinance requir- With such high pricing, town affordable housing issue. subject line ‘kvetch.’
ing home builders to officials are worried that lower- In Carrboro, developers have dream of putting a football hel-
again, our bodies are not our met on.
own, because even a drop of mark off 15 percent of their to medium-income workers are the option to donate money
new units as affordable hous- finding it harder and harder to and time to the Community Next Week:
alcohol makes us technically Robert Fleming
guilty. ing strikes the right tone. live in the area. And they are Home Trust, an organization Look out for the editorial board’s
Sophomore endorsements for student body
While exercise is certainly But the ordinance is unnec- right to be concerned. that provides homes between Economics
necessary for a healthy lifestyle, election candidates.
essary; it’s important for the The real crux of the issue, $90,000 and $150,000, priced
a childish fitness requirement town to maintain some flex- though, is whether this is the between 30 and 50 percent
is an unfortunate testament to ibility in working to attract best way to go about providing below their appraisal values. SPEAK OUT department and phone number.
American universities’ unwilling- developers. affordable housing — not if the This functions as a workable ➤ Edit: The DTH edits for space,
ness to cede parental control over Writing guidelines: clarity, accuracy and vulgarity.
Even without an ordinance, housing is needed. alternative. ➤ Please type: Handwritten Limit letters to 250 words.
their students.
We legally become adults the town has been pretty suc- An ordinance would hinder The idea behind the town’s letters will not be accepted.
at 18, and as adults we should cessful in negotiating with the town’s ability to negotiate ordinance is important. ➤ Sign and date: No more than
➤ Drop-off: at our office at Suite
developers to keep affordable and attract developers, who Making sure there is low-cost two people should sign letters.
have the right to run twice a ➤ Students: Include your year,
2409 in the Student Union.
week or not, to share a room housing needs in mind. might be less willing to work housing in Chapel Hill should major and phone number. ➤ E-mail: to
or live singly, to drink a beer or Low-cost housing is cer- with the town because of the be a priority. ➤ Faculty/staff: Include your ➤ Send: to P.O. Box 3257, Chapel
teetotal. tainly a worthy goal when con- concrete policy. So main- But adding a strict ordi- Hill, N.C., 27515.
Either way, I expect UNC to sidering the current real estate taining a level of flexibility is nance is not the right way to
give me a high-level understand- market of the area. Even with important. go. Chapel Hill should remain EDITOR’S NOTE: Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily represent the opinions
ing of English literature, not a the economic downturn, the Further, having developers as flexible as possible so as not of The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials reflect the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel edito-
mindless series of laps around a rial board. The board consists of 10 board members, the associate opinion editor, the
average home in Chapel Hill set aside low-cost units is not to drive developers away. opinion editor and the editor.

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