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Monitoring & Management with IKON


Messaging systems are highly critical applications due to their business need,
and the high reliance of the corporate world on e-mail and phone. Real-time
monitoring and rapid human interventions are required in the event of a failure to
any messaging system.

Keross offers Messaging Monitoring and Management Services in a Software-

as-a-Service (SaaS) model, allowing our customers to have the same state-of-art
enterprise level services at a fraction of the cost.

Keross Application Performance & Monitoring services helps customers unify

various sets of SLAs against their mission critical applications. For messaging
systems, IKON provides in-depth availability & performance monitoring. In addition,
IKON provides trend analysis and reports for capacity and architecture planning.

IKON Application monitoring covers all layers of the OSI and TCP/IP models,
providing meaningful end to end dashboards covering application availability,
performance, response and transaction times.

ƒƒ Monitor MS Exchange, Domino, BlackBerry, Sendmail, Postfix, Zimbra Servers
ƒƒ Full technical flexibility, independent of architecture, OS
ƒƒ Remote diagnositcs, remote control and on-site support
ƒƒ Notification & escalation process workflow
ƒƒ Customized reporting & dashboarding
ƒƒ Discover application issues based on loads, network latency or hardware failures.
ƒƒ Well defined SLAs, Service Management, Alert to action ‘service desk’

“ IKON Messaging provides a

comprehensive level of coverage, giving us
visibility from the second a message enters
our network until it reaches the end user
Patch management & software distribution
Minimal time to implement and go-live

mailbox. Using a combination of detailed

metrics and an expert NOC team, we can ƒƒ Measurable ROI with lower OPEX and no CAPEX
focus on strategic intiatives because we ƒƒ Measurable Reduction in downtime of messaging services
know our messaging systems are always

ƒƒ Monitor and report on messaging application availability, response times and uptime
available, and without issues. ƒƒ Monthly dashboards and reports with full status and service summary
ƒƒ Flexible customer-oriented pricing structure
— Robert Trusty, Director of IT ƒƒ Alignment of IT & core business objectives
The National Investor, UAE

IKON Supervision provides maximum visibility without impeding on your control.

IKON Fully Managed Service offering provides maximum level of comfort allowing
monitoring your messaging infrastructure, including core servers, network and
end-user mailboxes.

For more information or a free trial, contact us:

Monitoring & Management with IKON

Monitoring Service Metrics & KPIs

Microsoft Exchange Server Lotus Domino Server BlackBerry Enterprise Server Postfix, Sendmail Servers
• Remote Delivery Queue Length • User Sessions Info • Messages sent/recd per min • Availability
• Messages Send & Received/sec • Peak Transactions per Minute • Failed/Pending message status • Messages In Queue
• Remote Procedure Call (RPC) info • Max Mail Delivery Time (sec) • • Inbound/Outbound Connections
and more… and more… and more… and more…

Managed Messaging Services Managed Services Architecture

In addition to monitoring service metrics, the Keross Network Opera-
tions Center (K-NOC) provides fully managed infrastructure services, Centralized IT Support Team
by taking care of your recurrent tasks, incident management and more, View dashboards, reports
Receive alerts, remote control
governed by customizable SLAs. The KNOC can also support your Messaging Architecture On-site support

messaging deployments.
6 PP
K-NOC services include: RS
M, S

• E-mail Server backup, maintenance activity

• E-mail inbox creation, update, deletion 1 2 3
• End-user e-mail inbox management IKON Probe

• Level I, II helpdesk support RE S IKON Central Servers

• Incident Analysis, management & resolution ME
(located at Partner or internally with
• Patch Management, scheduled updates 5 4
End users Keross Network Operations Center
Manage Central Servers

Professional Services Root Cause Analysis, Remediation

Level I, II, III Support

Keross Professional Service teams provide you with a team of expert

consultants to perform capacity planning, implementation and deploy- 1. IKON Probes poll & collect metrics
ment of your Messaging projects, supported by the K-NOC. 2. Metrics from various source sites are sent to the Central Server
3. Central Server correlates data against thresholds, displays dashboards
Post implementation, IKON MIS protects you, in real-time with proac- 4. Central Server send alerts upon warning, failures or misconfiguration issues
tive notification to help guarantee availability of your messaging 5. KNOC provides incident & root-cause analysis, remote incident resolution
infrastructure 24x7. 6. Partner or customer team provide on-site support

Service Metrics

BES - Messages received per minute vs time Server Availability

Additional Services for Messaging Servers

• Mail Security, Archiving Services • Log Management • Vulnerability Management
IKON Email Security Services provide high protection IKON SIEM is a comprehensive digital security platform that IKON SIEM is a comprehensive digital security platform that
against E-mail, Spam, Virus alongwith Business Continuity uses alarms and indicators to manage & prevent security uses alarms and indicators to manage & prevent security
with live archiving, Bandwidth management without risks by collecting & storing logs to analyse any type of risks by collecting & storing logs to analyse any type of
hardware or software. event. event.

© 2010 Keross LLC

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