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How to Build an Earthbag Dome

by Owen Geiger (/member/Owen+Geiger/)

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17 Steps

I Made it!



About This Instructable



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Owen Geiger (/member





Bio: Owen Geiger is the former director of

Builders Without Borders, a Mother Earth
News Green Home Adviser, The Last
Straw Journal Correspondent and the
director of the Geiger Research Institute of more (/member
More by Owen Geiger


Note: If youre new to earthbag building, first read the introductory Step-by-Step
Earthbag Building Instructable ( and How to Build an Earthbag Roundhouse
. Also, my new Earthbag Building Guide (
/articles/ebbuildingguide.htm) and Earthbag Building DVD
( are now available.
We built this earthbag dome at our home in Thailand for Mother Earth News
Magazine in 2007. The article that describes the complete building process in
detail was published August/September 2009. It is now free on the Internet:
Low-Cost Multipurpose Minibuilding Made With Earthbags
( , by Owen Geiger.
This earthbag dome Instructable simplifies the process and illustrates each step
of construction with photos. The two critical drawings are also included here.
Please refer to the complete article before asking questions.



earthbags (/tag/type-id/category-workshop/keywordearthbags/)
building (/tag/type-id/category-workshop/keywordbuilding/)
earthbag building (/tag/type-id/category-workshop
earthbag house (/tag/type-id/category-workshop

This multi-purpose dome can serve as a storage shed or cool pantry above
ground, or as a rootcellar or storm shelter below ground. No building permit is
typically needed, because it is below the minimum size required by building
codes, is not inhabited and is not attached to a residence.

earthbag home (/tag/type-id/category-workshop

vertical wall (/tag/type-id/category-workshop/keywordvertical+wall/)
Owen Geiger (/tag/type-id/category-workshop

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Earthbag structures provide a cool space in summer and an escape from the
cold in winter (ideal for humans and animals), which means this earthbag dome
is well suited for many purposes, like a quiet space for relaxing or playing music,
as well as those listed previously. Depending on your needs, the most practical
combination of uses might be a rootcellar/cool pantry for daily use and a disaster
shelter for emergencies such as tornadoes or hurricanes.
The key concept that makes earthbag domes work is corbelling. This means
each course (each row) of bags is inset slightly from the course below. Corbelled
domes made of adobe and stone have been built for thousands of years. The
concept has been applied to earthbags in the last few decades.
Basic project information:
18 exterior diameter; 8 interior diameter; 11 exterior diameter, 50 sq. ft. interior
floor space; total cost of materials: $300, which is about $6/square foot.
Tamper(s), round nose shovel(s), grape hoe or grub hoe (digging tool), 13 x 16
sheetmetal slider, knife, hammer, 2 level, 2 x 4 x 10 leveling board, tape
measure, fencing pliers, handsaw, trowel, garden hose with spray nozzle, 6 or
8 stepladder
The following instructions assume you have cleared and leveled the site,
removed topsoil, positioned fill soil around the building site to minimize work,
dug a trench to stable subsoil, put about 12 of gravel in the trench, and added
two stakes with string lines: a center stake with string line to measure the radius,
and a stake in front of the door to measure the dome curvature. Bags or tubes
can be used. We demonstrate bags, because theyre often available recycled for
very low cost. My YouTube Channel (
/user/naturalhouses#p/a/572898D8C259FF4D/0/6ODplmnpSts) has a short
video showing how the dome was built.


How to Build an Insulated
Earthbag House
/id/How-to-Buildan-Insulated-EarthbagInsulated Earthbag
Foundations for Yurts
Step-by-Step Earthbag
How to Build an Earthbag
Earthbag Water Tanks
utm_medium=relatedSee More (/tag/type-id/?q=)

Step 1: Dome Plans

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Lets briefly take a look at the plans so youll better understand the building
process. The first drawing is the floorplan that shows the dimensions for the
dome base and the angled buttresses in front. The buttresses provide
reinforcing on both sides of the door and also act as retaining walls to hold back
the earth. Make a rubble trench under the buttresses the same as the dome,
and interlock (overlap) each course where the dome and buttresses intersect.
The second drawing is the dome section that shows key vertical dimensions,
earthbag foundation, door and arch. Note the wood stake in front of the door.
The string line on this stake guides the curvature of the dome (112 radius in this
case). This dimension remains constant. Put the stake off to one side of the
doorway so youre not tripping on it during construction.

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Step 2: Earthbag Foundation


Use the same earthbag foundation building technique described in previous

Instructables. This includes poly bags, double-bagged for strength, filled with
gravel to prevent wicking moisture into upper courses. The bags sit directly on
the rubble trench. Build the buttresses at the same time, in the same way. After
the two gravel bag courses are finished, add soil around the sides of the dome
and tamp solid to prevent the bags from moving.

Step 3: Measure the Radius


Use the string line on the center stake to measure the radius. Move the string to
make sure each bag is the same distance from the center point. This creates a
perfect circle. Repeat this step for every course except the very highest ones. By
that point, the circles become so small that you can just eyeball them. Note: the
string line on the center stake is lengthened to measure each course. Just make
sure it remains a constant length for each entire course. (You could use

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temporary knots or pinch the string between your fingers.)

Step 4: Level Each Course


Check each course for level after tamping. For small domes like this one, a
straight 2x4 works great. Put the level on the 2x4 and gradually move it around
over the center stake to check each bag. We fill each bag with the same number
of buckets so the walls are almost self-leveling. Also, were careful to use the
same technique for each bag.

Step 5: Moisten the Soil


Youre almost ready to start laying soil-filled earthbags. The soil in the earthbags

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needs to be slightly moist just enough to pack densely into the bags. Use a
garden hose to mist the soil. Test the moisture content by making a ball in your
hand. If it looks wet or if water oozes out of the bags, then theres too much
water. Youll soon recognize the proper moisture content. Also, note how the soil
in the photo below has been distributed around the dome to minimize labor.
Each bucket load is only moved a few steps. The reddish soil is called road
base. Its the same material used to build roads in many parts of the world, and
is ideal for earthbag.

Step 6: First Course of Soil-filled Earthbags


Now that youre above the level where moisture can cause problems, you can
start filling bags with soil. We use 2-gallon buckets to fill bags. The easiest way
to fill buckets is with a sturdy hoe thats made for digging. We use a grape hoe to
pull the soil into the buckets. And with just a flick of the tool, the bucket is pulled

Step 7: Tamping

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Tamp each course solid, starting with the high spots. Keep the tamper moving
so you dont create low spots. The first pass doesnt require much force. After
youve gone around once, you can start tamping more vigorously. Final tamping
is usually done with more force. Youll hear a change in pitch as the earthbags
become solid.

Step 8: Door Anchors


There are various ways of attaching door and window bucks. On this dome we
made six anchors with small pieces of steel welded together in a T-shape. Drill
holes in the anchors and pin to the earthbags as shown with steel rod.
Distribute the anchors, three per side, so there are two near the bottom, two in
the center and two near the top of the arched door opening. A steel door buck
was welded to these anchors after the dome was built.

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Step 9: Barbed Wire


Remember to always use 4-point barbed wire between courses. We used one
strand on this dome due to its small size. Use two strands of barbed wire
between every course for domes larger than this one.

Step 10: Angle Ends of Bags Toward the Center


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On straight earthbag walls, you can just butt the bags against each other. But for
roundhouses and domes, you need to align the bag ends to the center point so
the bags sit tightly against each other. Hit the bottom of each bag with a board
until it aligns with the center of the dome. The second photo shows how the bag
joints appear looking from above. (They look like mitered joints.) Repeat this
process throughout the dome. At the top, the process becomes more
pronounced as the radius decreases.

Step 11: Build the Arch


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You need a way to support the bags as you build the arch over the door. You
could build an elaborate wood and plywood form. This might be worthwhile if
youre building lots of arches the same size. But this dome has just one arch, so
we lashed two used tires together for the form. Build some supports on each
side of the door opening to hold the tires at the correct height. Add some
horizontal blocking to hold everything together, but leave enough space in the
middle to squeeze through and for the string line that will determine your dome
curvature. Note: you could temporarily fill the space with adobes, bricks, etc. and
remove them later, but then you lose access to the dome and cant use the
string line.
It looks really complicated to build an arch, but its not. Make tapered earthbags
about 12 high. Make sure you use the right soil mix that will withstand high
pressure. Compact the bags from the sides and top as much as possible. The
taper aligns with the center point of your form (the center of the tires in this
case). You could use a string line for this or just eyeball it like I did.

Step 12: Build the Eyebrow

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Its a good idea to include a protected overhang above entry doors to protect the
door and shelter people going in and out. This eyebrow or overhang is made
with hardwood table legs embedded between bags. Then short pieces of insect
resistant eucalyptus wood were nailed to the table legs and covered with 6 mil
plastic sheeting. The wood was varnished with polyurethane for greater
durability. (The table legs were varnished in advance.)

Step 13: Buttresses


Continue building the buttress at the same time as the dome. The bags and
barbed wire interlock at every course. We added a few pieces of rebar for
added strength where it seemed it would do the most good: down through the
top of the bags to help preventing overturning, and where the buttresses
connect to the dome. The buttresses are stepped to match the slope of the

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earth. The steps make it easy to climb on the dome. The lower part makes a
nice bench.

Step 14: Upper Courses of Earthbags



Continue the same process of laying and tamping bags. The corbel (overhang
between courses) will increase the higher you go. Use the string lines at every
course to arrive at the desired shape. Make sure each bag is angled toward the
center point and tightly butted to the next bag. (This is what makes the dome
really strong.)

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The photo shows the view from above. Youll get to a point where theres almost
nothing under your feet. Its a strange sensation to say the least. Dont step on
the inner edge of the corbel or the bag could tilt loose. Be extra careful working
higher on the dome. Youll be working around barbed wire, tools laying on the
wall, etc. Watch your step. Dont get in a rush. Take lots of breaks and drink
plenty of water.
The second photo shows the last bag being put in place with a great feeling of
accomplishment. The last bag looks like a mushroom cap.

Step 15: Living Roof


The easiest method of finishing the dome is plaster. We live in a rainy climate
where a plastered dome might leak. Plus, we wanted a beautiful plant covered
dome in our backyard. Living roofs require a lot of regular maintenance just like
gardening, so think long and hard before going this route. Without regular
watering, weeding and fertilizer the living roof will turn into a giant weed patch,
die or maybe even erode away. Weve worked hard to establish really healthy
grass, as you can see in the photo.
The main steps for the living roof include adding two or three layers of 6 mil
plastic sheeting (black poly). I put one layer directly against the dome and back
side of the buttresses. Then I backfilled with earth (more road base) about half
way up and added another layer of plastic. I added a third layer of plastic on the
top of the dome where the risk of water penetration is greatest. Work carefully
and try not to puncture the plastic. Gradually add soil on top of the plastic
starting at the bottom and working up. Compact it slightly as you go. I used field
dirt soil from rice fields for this step. It has enough clay to stay in place, but
still enable grass to grow. Add drought resistant sod once the dome is covered
in a layer of soil. Some pieces of sod require bamboo pins to keep from slipping.
Time the project so the sod gets started during the rainy season. We have a
lawn sprinkler on top of the dome and water it whenever it gets dry.

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Step 16: Plastering


The outside (front area only) is plastered with cement plaster with yellow iron
oxide pigment. All edges are rounded slightly to soften the look. Plaster mesh
isnt typically needed on earthbags, but we used plastic plaster mesh in this
application due to the buttresses being exposed to the elements. Plastic mesh
wont rust. We never plastered the inside since our dome is used as a tool shed.
This allows people to come and see how the dome was built.

Step 17: Conclusion


Domes are the strongest form in nature and easily support enormous forces. We
added about 20 truck loads of soil on the dome without it moving one bit. Im

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confident another 100 truck loads could be put directly on top and it wouldnt
make any difference, because the dome is all in compression, and tamped earth
(road base in our case) can support very high loads. So if you want to build
underground, domes are a good way to go that or roundhouses. Both gain
their strength from the circle: forces (loads) are transferred directly to the
ground. There are no components to fail as in post and beam or wood frame
Domes have lots of other advantages. They create the most floor space for a
given length of wall. There are no wasted corners. The feeling inside is magical.
Those who live in domes (and roundhouses) most likely never live in boxes
again. Wind flows around domes and does not build up pressure against them.
You can build domes without wood. You can build domes with minimal tools and
materials no nails, no wood, no plywood, no shingles. This makes domes a
good candidate for those who lack carpentry skills and for emergency shelters
for disaster areas and war refugees. Give people some rice or grain bags and a
little training, and soon they can build their own sturdy, safe shelters.
But no building system is perfect for all climates and situations. For instance,
domes are not culturally accepted in some areas. Domes evolved in desert
regions where wood was scarce, and are not the best choice in rainy climates.
Theyre exposed to the elements and vulnerable to leaks. Its difficult to get a
perfect plaster job that doesnt leak. A leak could soften the soil and cause the
dome to collapse, so the fill soil has to be stabilized, which adds to the labor and
expense. For this reason we typically advise against domes in rainy climates,
but this is not to say it cant be done. Theres a dome in Koh Phangan, Thailand
where it rains almost constantly for months at a time, and it hasnt leaked yet. It
was built by Phangan Earthworks (
with expert plasterers. However, few people can match this skill level, even
those who do plaster work for a living. Plastered domes are particularly risky
where there are freeze/thaw cycles. Water will get into every little crack (plaster
always has small cracks) and burst the plaster when it freezes. Thats how
nature turns mountains of stone into sand and gravel
So the choice is yours. Domes are enormously popular among earthbag
builders. If you live in a rainy climate, you could build a dome with a living roof
like we did. Weve had no leaks so far. Another good option is to build a roofed
dome like the Kentucky Dome Home (
/projects/kentucky.htm) .
Photos: Meemee Kanyarath

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DanTheGlassman (/member/DanTheGlassman/)

1 month ago


You could plaster the dome with hemp plaster or a layer of hemp cement and
soil directly onto that!

(/member then add


ricardo.garcia.50951101 (/member/ricardo.garcia.50951101/)

I'd like to see it from the inside!

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1 month ago



Paracordaholic (/member/Paracordaholic/)

1 month ago


1 month ago


7 months ago


Its a hobbit hole!


Rodney7799 (/member/Rodney7799/)


tundrawolf (/member/tundrawolf/)

Can we see the inside? How does it stack after a few years for keeping the
free of insects that burrow through soil?

(/member inside

Owen Geiger (/member/Owen+Geiger/) (author)

7 months ago


Like I've said several times, it's tiny inside and

(/member hard to photograph. You can find similar photos on
the Internet of other earthbag domes. (Really cool
No insects can tunnel through all that soil and
through multiple layers of plastic sheeting. BUT
some plant roots (vetiver grass?) managed to
puncture a hole in one place. We peeled back the
sod, added some more plastic sheeting and put
the sod back. Total repair time = 5 minutes. No
damage to the earthbags because I caught it
quickly. Use a more durable roof for homes:
rubber bituthene instead of plastic sheeting.

Ricardo Furioso (/member/Ricardo+Furioso/)

11 months ago


Extremely cool.
I may

never build a house like this, but I'm glad to know you did.

I'll bet it's also cool inside when it's hot outside.
Thanks for the Instructable.

Owen Geiger (/member/Owen+Geiger/) (author)

Ricardo Furioso
8 months ago


Yes, it's always cool inside -- the same

(/member temperature as the earth. The door is facing away
from the afternoon sun so it never gets hot inside.

Ricardo Furioso (/member/Ricardo+Furioso/)

Owen Geiger
8 months ago


How hard would it have been to include windows?

(/member How would you do that?
And yes, we'd like to see photos of the inside of
THIS structure.
Thank you again?

Owen Geiger (/member/Owen+Geiger/) (author)

Ricardo Furioso

Most domes have windows. This however is just a tiny tool shed. Search

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the Internet for images of earthbag

domes. Most have arched
(/member windows. There are various ways
of making windows. I like to
include ferrocement 'eyebrows'
over windows to block sun and
8 months ago

Ricardo Furioso (/member/Ricardo+Furioso/)


Owen Geiger
8 months ago


(/member That is one hell of a lot of work for "a tiny tool
shed." Actually, kind of insane. But the
Hobbitliness of it is amazing, the beauty of it is
endearing, and your raw determination to do
something wonderful is inspiring.
Thank you from all of us out here in "2x4 studs on
16-inch centers" land. Keep doing what you're
doing and keep us posted every step of the way.
Like I said above, I may never build like this, but it
is wonderful to know that you are doing so with
enthusiasm and success.
Please, please, send us updates and
Instructables on a regular basis. This is among my
very favorite all-time Instructables.
And I know that I am not alone.
Best, Rich

Owen Geiger (/member/Owen+Geiger/) (author)

Ricardo Furioso
8 months ago


For those interested in ongoing projects, please

(/member follow our Natural Building Blog.
We have over 2,000 blog posts on every topic you
can think of, and it's all free.

lsuydam (/member/lsuydam/)

1 year ago


I LOVE this. What do you think is the largest dome you could build this way?

Owen Geiger (/member/Owen+Geiger/) (author)

8 months ago


Somewhere around 20' interior diameter is about

the limit. That would be 23' exterior diameter.


Owen Geiger (/member/Owen+Geiger/) (author)

8 months ago


Somewhere around 20' interior diameter is about

the limit. That would be 23' exterior diameter.


gratefulnathan (/member/gratefulnathan/)

1 year ago


Thank you Owen for all your wonderful information!

have inspired my son and I to build a semi subterranean earthbag dome.
We have been hard at it for 2 months now and are finally getting close to the
It has been a learning experience to say the least!
Wanted to ask your opinion about waterproofing material.
Our plan is to have a living roof when we are done.
I am looking at the different materials available and it is all kinda confusing.
You suggested using 6 mil sheeting. Could we use recycled 5 mil tarps as we

(/member You

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have no budget. Also what do you think of a light weight roof underlayment?
The material is a little pricier but would it offer any better protection from leaks?
We want it to last forever. Thank in advance!

Owen Geiger (/member/Owen+Geiger/) (author)

8 months ago


1 year ago


Last forever, ha! Tarps should last for quite a

(/member while. Eventually though insects, rodents and
roots will puncture through.
The most durable roofing for this purpose is
rubber bituthene, but it's super expensive.

Gabeuse (/member/Gabeuse/)

My dreamhouse! I wonder how it could resist in a northem climate


Owen Geiger (/member/Owen+Geiger/) (author)

8 months ago


Add waterproof insulation on the exterior for cold

(/member climates. Search for my article and blog posts
about Insulated Earthbag Houses.

urtlesquirt (/member/urtlesquirt/)

2 years ago


11 months ago


Build a life size model of Bag End. Challenge Accepted.


plood (/member/plood/)



on a related note, would giving this a circular door have any effect on

Owen Geiger (/member/Owen+Geiger/) (author)

8 months ago


2 years ago


Sure, you could do that.


wakojako (/member/wakojako/)


No, no, no! Build a life-size model of Hobbiton, wait, no, The Shire!

wakojako (/member/wakojako/)


2 years ago


Wait a second, is this why Bag End is called Bag End?


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timmycutts (/member/timmycutts/)


2 years ago


"The name comes from the farmhouse in the tiny Worcestershire

of Dormston, in which Tolkien's aunt lived. It can also be seen
as a pun on "cul-de-sac" (literally, "bottom of the bag")." - LotR wiki.

(/member village

More to the point, it's also a slight pun on "Baggins", since if you say
"Bag End" quickly as one word, it sounds not entirely unlike "Baggins".

wakojako (/member/wakojako/)


2 years ago


Oh, I know it's Bag(gins) End - I was just fooling around.


jediwhiz3 (/member/jediwhiz3/)


2 years ago


2 years ago



urtlesquirt (/member/urtlesquirt/)


Of course. Owen Geiger's real name is J.R.R. Tolkein.


11 months ago


8 months ago


amekdala (/member/amekdala/)

i wonder about the inside how does it look?

/amekdala/) is

there any possibility to take a picture of it

Owen Geiger (/member/Owen+Geiger/) (author)

It's really tiny and hard to photograph the inside.

(/member Search earthbag dome images on the Internet
and you'll see lots of similar photos of larger

emtsevilla (/member/emtsevilla/)

10 months ago


i look at this instructable every 6 months since it came out just because it's so
(/member boss.

Owen Geiger (/member/Owen+Geiger/) (author)

8 months ago


8 months ago


8 months ago


Whoa, thanks.

mahendra.rajguru (/member/mahendra.rajguru/) words for it.


ttimelady (/member/ttimelady/)

Could you live in this???


NeoNeodym (/member/NeoNeodym/)

I'm going to build a play house for my daughter using this. It WILL happen.

2015.04.27. 20:35

How to Build an Earthbag Dome
10 months ago



11 months ago

Wascopirate (/member/Wascopirate/)


It's not a nasty, dirty, wet hole filled with ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor
a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing to sit down on or to eat: it's a hobbit
hole, and that means comfort.

(/member yet

branson graf (/member/branson+graf/)

Wascopirate 11 months ago


haha! so glad someone said that! it was on my mind the whole time!

DragonFireWolf (/member/DragonFireWolf/)

11 months ago


it does look like a hobbit hole just needs a round



girltaker (/member/girltaker/)

11 months ago


2 years ago


this was the coolest thing ive ever biult


bthorson139 (/member/bthorson139/)

trying to make this dome for my cousins do you think it would be big
enough? Or would it be better if I just made a roundhouse or regular one. I
have a lot of cousins and I want there to be enough room for all of them.

(/member If I'm

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