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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

24 December 2009 CHRISTMAS EVE – Midnight Mass Year C

Christ, The Light of Our Lives

e begin this long-awaited celebra- als, as families, and as a community of believers,
tion of the Christmas Eve by wish-ing open our hearts to receive Jesus with the same
one another “A BLESSED CHRIST- generosity with which Mary Most Holy received
MAS.” We are here not just to keep a religious him as her Savior and Lord. Let us do just that,
and cultural tradition, but to commemorate the even as we include in our intentions the needs
human birth of God’s Only Begotten Son. This of all those we love, the entire community of
is the event that has changed the course of hu- believers, and the whole of mankind.
man history and still has the power to change
our lives for the better.
Such a wonder will happen if we, as individu-

displeases the Lord. (Pause) Gloria

RITES P –Lord Jesus, you are the All –Glory to God in the
Son of God and the Son highest, and peace to his peo-
Entrance Antiphon of Mary. Lord, have mer- ple on earth. Lord God, heav-
(To be recited only when no Entrance cy! enly King, almighty God and
Hymn is sung.) All – Lord, have mercy! Father, we worship you, we
The Lord said to me: “You P –Lord Jesus, at your birth give you thanks, we praise
are my Son; this day have I be- you became one like us you for your glory.
gotten you.” in all things except sin. Lord Jesus Christ, only
Christ, have mercy! Son of the Father, Lord God,
Greeting All – Christ, have mercy! Lamb of God, you take away
P –The grace and peace P –Lord Jesus, you came to the sins of the world: have
brought by Jesus at his birth reconcile us with God mercy on us. You are seated
be with you all! the Father and with one at the right hand of the Father:
All – And also with you! another. Lord, have
mercy! receive our prayer. For you
Penitential Rite All – Lord, have mercy! alone are the Holy One, you
P –Brothers and sisters, P –May almighty God have alone are the Lord, you alone
as we are about to start this mercy on us, forgive us our are the Most High, Jesus
Midnight Mass, let us exam- sins, and bring us to everlast- Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
ine our conscience and see if ing life. in the glory of God the Father.
there is something in us that All – Amen! Amen!
Opening Prayer Responsorial Psalm Ps 96 Gospel Acclamation
P –Father, you make this R – Today is born our Savior, All –Alleluia! Alleluia!
holy night radiant with the Christ the Lord! I proclaim to you good
splendor of Jesus Christ our R. M. Velez news of great joy:
light. We welcome him as today a Savior is born for
Lord, the true light of the F C Dm Dm/C us, Christ the Lord.
world. Bring us to eternal joy Alleluia! Alleluia!
in the kingdom of heaven,
where he lives and reigns To--day is born our Sa-vior,
Gospel Lk 2:1-14
with you and the Holy Spirit, In this passage the Evan-
Bb C F
one God, forever and ever. gelist does not simply give us
All – Amen! B H an account of Jesus’ birth; he
also makes us aware that the
Christ the Lord! newborn Baby is the Savior of
LITURGY OF the world.
THE WORD * Sing to the Lord a new P –A proclamation from the
song; sing to the Lord, all you holy Gospel according to
1st Reading Is 9:1-6 lands. Sing to the Lord; bless
In the oracle we are about his name! R.
to proclaim, the Church sees a All – Glory to you, Lord!
prophecy about Jesus the Mes- * Announce his salvation, In those days a decree went
siah, who brings the light of day after day. Tell his glory out from Caesar Augustus
among the nations; among all that the whole world should be
God’s love to a world darkened peoples, his wondrous deeds!
by hatred, pride, and suffering enrolled. This was the first en-
R. rollment, when Quirinius was
of all kinds.
* Let the heavens be glad governor of Syria. So all went
R – A proclamation from and the earth rejoice; let the to be enrolled, each to his own
the Book of the Prophet sea and what fills it resound; town.
Isa-iah let the plains be joyful and all And Joseph, too, went up
The people who walked that is in them! Then shall all from Galilee from the town of
in darkness have seen a great the trees of the forest exult. R. Nazareth to Judea, to the city
light; upon those who dwelt in * They shall exult before of David that is called Beth-
the land of gloom a light has the Lord, for he comes; for lehem, because he was of the
shone. he comes to rule the earth. He house and family of David, to
You have brought them shall rule the world with jus- be enrolled with Mary, his be-
abundant joy and great re- tice and the peoples with his trothed, who was with child.
joicing, as they rejoice before constancy. R. While they were there, the
you as at the harvest, as peo- time came for her to have her
ple make merry when divid- 2nd Reading Ti 2:11-14 child, and she gave birth to her
Tonight St. Paul reminds firstborn son.
ing spoils. For the yoke that She wrapped him in swad-
burdened them, the pole on us that the incarnation of dling clothes and laid him in a
their shoulder, and the rod God’s Son brings us salva- manger, because there was no
of their taskmaster you have tion and grounds our hope room for them in the inn.
smashed, as on the day of that we shall be with him for Now there were shepherds
Midian. ever. in that region living in the
For every boot that R –A proclamation from the fi elds and keeping the night
tramped in battle, every cloak Letter of Paul to Titus watch over their flock. The
rolled in blood, will be burned angel of the Lord appeared
as fuel for flames. For a Child Beloved: The grace of God to them and the glory of the
is born to us, a Son is given us; has appeared, saving all and Lord shone around them, and
upon his shoulder dominion training us to reject godless they were struck with great
rests. They name him Wonder- ways and worldly desires and fear.
Counselor, God-Hero, Father- to live temperately, justly, The angel said to them,
and devoutly in this age, as we “Do not be afraid! Behold, I
Forever, Prince of Peace. His await the blessed hope, the ap-
dominion is vast and forever proclaim to you good news of
pearance of the glory of our great joy that will be for all
peaceful. He will rule as King great God and savior Jesus
David’s successor, basing his the people. Today, in the city
Christ. of David, a savior has been
power on right and justice, He gave himself for us to
from now on until the end of born for you who is Christ
deliver us from all lawlessness and Lord. And this will be a
time. and to cleanse for himself a
The zeal of the Lord of sign for you: you will find an
people as his own, eager to do infant wrapped in swaddling
hosts will do this! what is good. clothes and lying in a man-
The Word of the Lord! The Word of the Lord! ger.”
All – Thanks be to God! All – Thanks be to God! And suddenly there was a

24 December 2009
multitude of the heavenly host C –For the nations and fac- between God and man that in
with the angel, praising God tions at war: May the peace Christ, man restores to man the
and saying: “Glory to God in brought by Jesus at his birth gift of everlasting life.
the highest and on earth peace lead them to seek an end to In our joy we sing to your
to those on whom his favor the scourge of war. Let us glory with all the choirs of an-
rests.” pray! R. gels:
The Gospel of the Lord! C –For our own family and All – Holy, holy, holy . . .
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus all the families in our parish:
Christ! Acclamation
May the spirit of Christmas
make us always ready to sup- P –Let us proclaim the mys-
Homily tery of faith.
port, forgive, affirm and love
one another. Let us pray! R. All – Dying you destroyed our
Profession of Faith death, rising you restored
All – I believe in God, the C –Let us pray in silence for our life. Lord Jesus, come
Father almighty, Creator of our personal intentions. in glory!
heaven and earth. (Pause)
I believe in Jesus Christ, Let us pray! R.
His only Son, our Lord. HE COMMUNION
P –We thank You, Father, RITE
WAS CONCEIVED BY for the gift of Jesus, Your
THE POWER OF THE Son. May we treasure his
HOLY SPIRIT AND BORN All – Our Father . . .
presence as Mary Most Holy P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
OF THE VIRGIN MARY. did. We ask this in the name
(All genuflect and pause af- All – For the kingdom, the
of Jesus, our Lord and Sav- power, and the glory are
ter reciting this sentence.) He ior. yours, now and for ever.
suffered under Pontius Pi- All – Amen!
late, was crucified, died and Sign of Peace
was buried. He descended to
the dead. On the third day, he LITURGY OF Breaking of the Bread
rose again. He ascended into THE EUCHARIST
All – Lamb of God . . .
heaven and is seated at the
right hand of the Father. He Preparation of the Gifts Communion
will come again to judge the P –Pray, brethren . . . P –This is the Lamb of God
living and the dead. All – May the Lord accept this who was born at Bethlehem
I believe in the Holy Spir- sacrifice at your hands, for the
to take away the sins of the
it, the holy Catholic Church, praise and glory of his name,
world. Happy are those who
the communion of saints, the for our good and the good of
forgiveness of sins, the resur- all his Church. are called to his banquet.
All – Lord, I am not worthy to
rection of the body and the receive you, but only say the
life everlasting. Amen! Prayer over the Gifts
word and I shall be healed.
P –
Prayer of the Faithful Lord, accept our gifts on this Communion Antiphon
P –On this Holy Night when joyful feast of our salvation. (To be recited only when no Com-
we commemorate the birth By our communion with God munion Hymn is sung.)
of the Savior of the world, let made man, may we become The Word of God became
us pray for the needs of all more like him who joins our man; we have seen his glory.
mankind and our own. Let lives to yours, for he is Lord
our response be: forever and ever. Prayer after Communion
All – Lord, You are our Light! All – Amen! P –God our Father, we re-
C –For the entire commu- joice in the birth of our Sav-
Preface of Christmas III ior. May we share his life
nity of believers who rejoice P –Father, all-powerful and
over the birth of Jesus: May completely by living as he has
ever-living God, we do well taught.
the peace of this night rever- always and everywhere to
berate into the whole world We ask this in the name of
give you thanks through Jesus Jesus the Lord.
through their lives. Let us Christ our Lord.
pray! R. All – Amen!
Today in him a new light
C –For the Holy Father has dawned upon the world:
and all the religious leaders God has become one with man, CONCLUDING
throughout the world: May and man has become one again RITE
the leadership they exercise with God. Your eternal Word
in the name of God bring all has taken upon himself our P –The Lord be with you.
peoples closer to one another human weakness, giving our All – And also with you!
in sincere cooperation and mortal nature immortal value. P –Bow your heads and
solidarity. Let us pray! R. So marvelous is this oneness pray for God’s blessing.
Christmas Eve – Midnight Mass
(Pause) P –God sent his angels to and fellowship with all
When he came to us as shepherds to herald the the heavenly host!
man, the Son of God great joy of our Savior’s All – Amen!
scattered the darkness birth. May he fill you P –May almighty God bless
of this world, and filled with joy and make you you: the Father, and the
this holy night with his heralds of his Gospel! Son, and the Holy Spirit!
glory. May the God of All – Amen! All – Amen!
infinite goodness scat-
ter the darkness of sin P –When the Word became P – Go and
and brighten your hearts man, earth was joined to share with others the joy
with holiness! heaven. May he give you and peace of Christmas!
All – Amen! his peace and goodwill, All – Thanks be to God!

The Origin of “Silent Night”

nknown to many, the lovely Christmas song “Silent the composer sang together the improvised composition several
Night” had quite a stormy, almost dramatic origin. times. It sounded even better than they had anticipated. Now
Everything happened in the Catholic parish of Obern- the only uncertainty was how the people would react.
dorf, in the Tyrol region of Austria, Europe. That night, soon after the proclamation of the Gospel,
It was the early morning of the 24th of December Fr. Joseph announced that he had a surprise for all: a new
1818. In spite of the unusually cold temperature, Fr. Joseph Christmas carol entitled “Stille Nacht, Heilege Nacht” (Silent
Mohr, the parish priest, was beginning to feel the heat of Night, Holy Night). Franz Gruber and himself would sing it for
a big problem that had developed most unexpectedly: the them to the accompaniment of a guitar since the organ was
organ of the parish church had broken down and did not out of order . . . .
seem to have any intention to resume its service in time for As the singing proceeded, one could see the eyes of
the Midnight Mass. the parishioners, young and old, twinkle with deep feeling. A
As the worried priest was called to baptize a newborn child, few elderly women furtively wiped their tears. Soon, almost
he left the repair of the organ in the hands of the sacristan, all found themselves swaying their heads to the rhythm of
hoping that on his return it might finally be fixed. But when he the composition. Before the third stanza was over, the entire
came back one hour later, the situation was still the same. congregation was humming the tune with gusto and devotion.
Fr. Joseph felt as if the whole world was tumbling down No one was missing the organ any more.
on him, as he could anticipate the disappointment of the When the Mass was over, the parishioners almost mobbed
parishioners at not hearing the familiar sound of the organ the poor Fr. Joseph and Franz Gruber, demanding a copy of
during the Midnight Mass. Christmas without the organ, in the new composition. They were pacified only when they were
Austria, is like a wedding without the cake . . . . But, being a promised that the day after – Christmas Day – they could
man of faith, the middle-aged priest did not totally lose hope. claim their copy as they came for the “High Mass.” Needless
He knelt down in front of the Blessed Sacrament and prayed to say that on that Christmas Day, the turnout of people was
fervently for a few minutes, seeking strength and consolation exceptionally big. All joined in singing “Stille Nacht” as if they
from the Lord. had been doing that for years! And the singing lingered on in
Those minutes spent in prayer proved particularly effec- the streets as everyone went back home.
tive. When Fr. Joseph rose from his kneeler, his eyes were Such was the origin of “Silent Night,” the Christmas song
unusually bright. He had found a solution, or so he thought that has been translated and sung in almost all languages
. . . . Immediately he dashed to his writing desk, grabbed a of the world.
pen, and began to scribble the lines of a simple poem that all
of a sudden had started bubbling up in his mind. The child he Jess P. Balon
had baptized a short while earlier and his mother had been
the source of his inspiration.
When he had finished, he was visibly elated at the thought
that he could recite that newly composed poem during the
Midnight Mass, as a way to make up for the absence of the May the Baby Jesus
sound of the organ. Then he halted for a few seconds: You fill you and your family
don’t just recite a poem in church during the homily. A poem with the abundance
is a song, and a song is to be sung! Why not ask his friend
and musician Franz Gruber to compose a simple tune that
of his grace.
would suit his simple poem?
Fr. Joseph lost no time and hurried to see his friend. As
Franz Gruber read the poem, he also felt inspired. In just a A Blessed Christmas
couple of hours he came up with a melody that was as simple to One and All!
and as touching as the lyrics. There and then, Fr. Joseph and

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PUBLICATIONS Tel. Nos. 894-5401; 894-5402; 892-2169 • Telefax: 894-5241 • E-mail: editorial@wordandlife.
org, • • Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu,
G. Ramos, V. Dumanacal, M. Caquilala, D. Daguio, V. David • Illustrations: S. Fabris,
B. Cleofe • Circulation Team: S. Cheng, F. Edjan

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