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Nome: Thales Lima Oliveira

Turma: 6556

Interstellar is a movie about a group of space explorers that travel through a wormhole (a
shortcut in space that can transport matter to long distances in seconds).
In a not too far future, the life on Earth becomes very difficult, caused by the lack of food and
the constant plague attack at the crops. In this context, the ex-pilot of NASA named Cooper and his
daughter Murphy receives gravitational signals at their home that indicate coordinates to a secret
facility of NASA. There they told to Cooper their plans to save the humanity, which consists in a
space travel to another galaxy through a wormhole near Saturn. This new galaxy have three planets
with potential habitable and, in the past, three other crews were sent to check these planets. Once
confirmed the possibility of life in one of these planets, they will follow one of two plans. The Plan A
consists in the transport of all the humanity through the NASA building (to do this it is need to solve
an equation that allow the controlling the gravity, which depends of observation the singularity inside
a black hole). The Plan B, in case the Plan A fail, they will colonize the new planet with human
embryos, and everyone Earth will die. Than Cooper is recruited to pilot the spaceship Endurance and
he accepts.
Cooper and a crew formed by three scientists leave the Earth in a two years travel to the
wormhole near Saturn and cross it to the new galaxy. Over there they decide to check the planet near
the Gargantua (a black hole), but the time in this planet is slower than Earth (caused by the big
gravity of Gargantua). Three of them, including Cooper, land in the planet with a smaller ship and
check the impossibility of life, because the entire planet is covered with water and swept by gigantic
waves. They are hit by a wave and one scientist die, besides the travel delay more one hour. When
they return to Endurance, they see that they spent 23 Earth years in this short trip.
As they spent too much time in the first planet, the crew decide to go to the most promising
planet. They found the astronaut who arrived there first and discovered that he sent fake positive
signals to force a rescue and the planet is not habitable. Another scientist die when discover his plans
and the astronaut kill himself trying to leave the planet, destroying part of the Endurance in the
With low resources and the Endurance damaged, the remainder crew compound by Cooper,
Amelia and the robot TARS decide to risk to get speed with the huge gravity of Gargantua and reach
the last planet. They plan to leave TARS in the black hole to help the solution of the gravity equation
in Earth, but Cooper leave the Endurance with a ship to release weight to Amelia complete the
When the black hole absorbs Cooper, he enter in an extra-dimensional space where he can
manipulate the gravity to send messages across the time. He use this to send the singularity of the
black hole, with the help of TARS, to Murphy solve the equation on Earth. He concludes that the
gravitational signals sent to Earth before was promoted by an advanced human civilization that can
manipulates the dimensions. Murphy solve the equation and save all the humans in the planet.
With the mission complete, Cooper wake in a space-station orbiting Saturn and find his
daughter 60 years older than him (Cooper get old a few years because the time distortion of
Gargantua) and she convince him to go to Amelias planet, which can sustain life.

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