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Deceleration Principles > INCREASED OPERATING SPEEDS D> REDUCED MAINTENANCE > HIGHER EQUIPMENT PRODUCTIVITY CMS ee In machines, equigment ar their components, mation Is required to accomplish work, Often, at some point in that motion, impact ‘occurs tat generates destructive shock wihin the structural and operating members ofthe mache or equipment, ‘As operating speeds rise under the continual demand for higher productivity, shock damage to equipment becomes an increasingly serious problem, resutng in costly downtime and loss of production. ‘Tne problem of improving equipment productivity is solved by effectively controling or redirecting energy of motion. CEES EO Al moving objects possess a certain quantity af kinetic (mation) energy. The neawer the object andlor the faster it travels, the more energy it has. Kinetic energy canbe dissipated by using fiction, For example, an automobi's forward motion (kinetic energy) is changed into heat by friction at its bake surtaces. As mation energy changes into neat energy, the car stops. Kinetic energy can also be dissipated by (1) mechanically deforming another object, such asa spring, rubber bumper or ther resilient cushion; or (2) by using the resistance ofa fluid ‘lowing through an orifice, a in an hydraulic ar pneumatic cinder cushion or dashpot. CRN Impact occurs wien one object hits another. Shock is impact at energy levels high enough to damage either ar both ofthe objects. This is the prime cause of fatigue and premature structural failure i industrial equioment, Most common energy absorbing devices contribute shock, rather than reduce it, because they do not dissipate kinetic energy at a uniform rate. Due to this non-linear deceleration, ‘the object being stopped often is subjected to destructively high energy levels (shack) ether atthe beginning or atthe end ofthe {eceleration stoke, In contrast, indusrial shock absorbers stop ‘moving objects safely and effectively, without shack, by achieving controlled linear deceleration. Force eS ea me BRAKES BRAKING DISTANCE. APPLIED HERE High deceleration free at he endo rave: Consra car approaching a wal ifthe der apts te brakes fo Ip the cr wil si ve forward hen te wal seated, ads moton aay wl be dst by ig he al 2 S i =e S ee ~ RAKES BRAKING DISTANCE seated HERE High deceleration free a he slr ol ave: te brakes are apled to stongy, te car decelerate api, producing a igh eral load on he passengers. The ca mi ro ht he wal Eu passengers il eon fond. Force ee Ge eer =e a rakes ‘APOUED WERE BRAKING DISTANCE Linear deceleration throughout wave: he brakes are applied smecy and iy, ju encug 0th car befor she wal gscanges fo! 2 ‘ana, conruous foward tus wih no nota peak bads io stub em. This analogy describes the action of shock absorbers using linear eceleration 1 stop the motion of equment or components of almost every kind. By eliminating “peak” or non-inear deceleration forces, shock damage to equipment and machines 1s also eliminated. Deceleration Principles Force Springs and bumpers are ineectve deceleraors and result the ‘hme curve as a car whose brakes ae appled too gant Force STROKE ‘Hydraulic and pneumatic devices suchas cylinder cushions, vales or dashpos also result in unsatisfactory deceleration curves, similar to ‘applying the car's brakes too hard 0 soon FORCE STROKE ‘Indust shock absorbers achieve tue ineardoceTration and are ‘the most efficient method of stopping moving objects. Ths cure ‘mizors tha ofthe car brakes being applied smocthly and firmly at ust te right tne ‘Two traditional energy-absorbing methods ae widely used. One 's mechanical, represented by springs or resent bumpers. The ‘others hydraulic or (ess commonly) pneumatic, such as cylinder cushions, dashpots and deceleration vales. Both are non-linear ‘and produce high peak force loads atone point or anther SEIS Using a spring to decelerate a moving object i like aplying a car's brakes too gently, because the amount of force needed to compress a spring isnot constant, {As the spring is compressed, its resistance to further compression increases, eventually becoming a solid stop. In aditon, the object's kinetic energy is merely stored in the spring and then transterree back to the abject. D_ HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC DEVICES Devices such as cylinder cushions, valves or dashpots have an effect opposite that of spring. Using them slike applying a car's brakes too hard, too soon, Inthe deceleration stroke of ths type ot hyoralic dave the moving object's Kinetic energy converted into heat by forcing a fd trough a single once a fixed size. The amount offi tat an escape fs limited bythe siz ofthe fixed orice. Since the orifice sie must ve a compromise between the amount of Canstiton needed atthe beginning of the sok and the amount ‘needed atte eg, nally wil provi to much resistance and atthe end itl provid oo ite Basically, the pressure rise is determined by the object's velocity and weight, Asa result, the device provides its greatest deceera- tion force wil the objet is moving atts highest velocity. This produces sudden impact, tolowed by a mushing-out stroke CESS To achieve tue near deceleration, the sizeof the oifice should be changed atthe same rate thatthe velocity ofthe maving object ‘changes. An industrial shock absorber combines the minimum possibie deceleration force withthe minimum deceleration time ‘nd optimum velocity decay characteristics. This combination ‘makes the industrial shock absorber the most efficient method {or stopping moving objects. Product Construction and Function CaS (One approach to tnear deceleration involves replacing the single cotfice wit a series of holes spaced along the length ofa cylinder (Figure A). As the piston moves along the cylinder, it closes the hhales one by one, decreasing the effective total orice area. AS the object’ velocity decreases, it maintain a constant decelera- tion force This is shown graphically in Figure 8. Wile the deceleration force {s constant throughut the stroke with na sharp force peaks, this ‘nom-adjustable system provides true linear deceleration for only ‘one spect combination of object weight, velocity and propeling| force. A change in any ofthese variables requiesa diferent total orice area. But while each arfice could be equipped with its Indiviual adjustment, the problems of adjusting and balancing such a system make it impractical SEES Based onthe mutiple-offce principle, the shack absorber has a sefes of oie Noles machined along the length of a fixed inner tube. A slotted metering tube fits over the nner tube and can be ‘ofated to adjust the total effective orice area as requires. The adjustable shock absorber’ external adjusting ring can simply be rotated tothe correct reference mark ona fixe, graduated da This adjusts the unit tothe desired deceleration rte, providing tue linear deceleration, When te slotted metering tube is rotted toward the open position (8 onthe graduated dia), the shock absorber is set for maximum orfice area and minimum resistance (Figure C) Conversely, rotating the tube toward the closed pasion (0.0n the dal) decreases the ofice area and increases the resistance, The setting varies the cistibution of kinetic energy aver the stroke, and isnot a dec indication of the amount af energy boing absorbed. This simple, effective system allows the shock absorber to bo easily adjusted o maintain liner deceleration with diferent combinations of object weight, velocity and propeling force. x f A hf ~ PA | Lyin 5 ronce ce econ aaa ¢ 5 Time and Force Advantages Force CYUMDER cuSON OR OASHPOT INDUSTRIAL SHOCK ABSORBER ‘STROKE me, DDASHPOT/CYLINOER ‘usmiow wean DECELERATION Force ‘tke br se ec a nero Set STROKE FoRce STROKE FORE LEVEL OF WOREASED | Weng EXEC DUE TO INCREASING THE SPEED CEE The two critical factors in evaluating the effets of tnear deceleration on production equipment are time and force Production personnel are primarly concerned with reducing cycle time to increase output, Maintenance people generally ook for ways to reduce destructive impact force. An industrial shock absorber can da both Figure E compares the doveeration force ofan industrial shock absorber and a cylinder cushion or dashpot of equal stroke length. For te same amount ot kinetic energy, an industrial shock absorber reduces peak deceleration force by more than ‘wo-thires. ‘This force reduction alone is enough to satisly some requirements {or reducing destructive impact forces. But to realize the ful profit potential of tue linear deceleration, the deceleration time must also be considered Figure F compares the deceleration tine ofan industrial shock absorber to that of a cylinder cushion, The shock absorber stops ‘moving objec of the same kinetic energy, aver the same stroke Fength, tree to four times faster than a cylinder or dashpt Eee ‘Alternatively longer stroke industrial shock absorber can be ‘substituted in place ofa shorter stroke dashpot or cushion without increasing deceleration time. Infact, @sbinch stroke industil shock absorber will decelerate in the same te as a two-inch stroke dashpot or cushion stopping the same weight moving tthe same velocity. Figure G shows the effect of substituting 2 longer stroke industrial shock absorber in place ofa shorter stroke cushion ar dashpot. The reduced impact force on the mounting structure and onthe object being stopped is even more dramatic Instead of reducing impact foree by a factor of three tis now reduced by a factor of 10 or more Operated at the same speed, production equipment wil ast much longer because ofthe lower levels of stress and fatigue resulting from the reduced deceleration froes. On the other han, i the ‘equipment is designed to withstand the peak forces developed by the shorter stroke cylinder or dashpot, an industrial shack absorber allows an incrase in cyte speed while maintaining the ‘same peak deceleration force (H). Without increasing impact- related downtime, production can be more than tripe For engineering, the advantages are obvi. An industrial shack absorber satisfies the damands of both production and ‘maintenance while simultaneously reducing the mass and cost of the equipment Industrial shock absorbers offer two distinct benefits: greatly reduced equipment maintenance and taster production time. Shock Absorber Styles Cea The ist linear decelerators where known as hydro shacks. A hydro shock isa fixed-ortice, non-adjustable device designed to decelerate a load ata constant linear rate. Constant resistance is accomplished by generating constant internal pressure. AS the oifice area must diminish in concert withthe velocity, the onfice size and location are cial. the application data isnot exact and results in an improper orice design, the reaction force isnot constant, This results ina high colision or set-down force. Hydro shocks typically provide acceptable performance, nd the equipment manufacturer finds its tamper-proot feature desirable. However, the end user is faced with stocking as many shack absorbers as there are applications due tothe hydro shock's Inet, CEES ‘The adjustable shock absorber offers flexibility in application design and selection procedure. With the widest range of cffective weight (se Model Rating Charts on pages 14-18), one ‘made can cover many applications. By simply Tuning i’ another ‘ortce when an effective weight change is necessary, the total ‘orifice area changes, providing the required constant internal pressure. I> SELF-COMPENSATING SHOCK ABSORBERS Fixod-orfic, set-compensating shock absorbers do not require adjustments to provide the flexibly of wider effective weight ranges common to adjustable models plus the tamper-proot ‘features of hydro shocks. Sel-compensating shock absorbers decelerate moving weights smoothly, regardless of changing conditions. Self-Compensation Ct EISELE In cases where non-adustability is beneficial but the features ofan adjustable shock absorber are required, sel-compensating shocks meet both needs, With a wide ange of effective weight, (see pages 14 ana 15), a sef-compensating shock absorber wil provide acceptable deceleration despite changing eneray conditions The oifice profile, designed by a computer that constantly arranges the size and location of each onic white inputting changing effective weights, neutralizes the effec of changing fluid coeticiens, weight, velocity, temperature and fu compressibility Figure A ‘linear decelerator by definition decelerates a maving weight. at alnear or constant rate of deceleration, The adjustable shock alvsrber is able to provide linear deceleration when operated vin its energy capacity and effective weight range by dang Inthe required orice area. The resulting fore-stroke curve (Figure A) shows the optimum (lowest) stopping force Figure B Figure 8 shows the force-stroke curve ofa sel-compensating shock absorber stopping a weight at the low end of ts efective ‘weight ange. Note how the reaction forces ae no longer Constant but are til acceptable, The curves skeved slighty higher atthe beginning ofthe stroke and dips wer atthe end Figure C Figure sa force-stroke curve of the same sel-compensating shock ansorber i Figure B Out atthe high end ofits effective ‘weight rage. The energy curve is now skewed upward atthe lend of stroke and stl yields acceptable deceleration Figure D Figure Di a family of frce-stroke curves: 4. Adjustable shock absorber properly tuned or tyéro sock perfectly matched ». Selt-compensating shock absorber atthe low end af is effective weight range. €. Secompensatin shock absorber at the high end of ts effective weight range. 4, Adjustable closed down, or hydro shock nat matched (Gashpot ete) Effective Weight Cee Effective weight is an important factor in selecting shock absorbers. A shock absorber ‘sees’ the impact of an object in ‘terms of weight and velocity only, it does not ‘see’ any propeling force. The effective weight can be thought of asthe weight that the shock absorber 'sees' on impact. Eifectve weight includes the effect ofthe propeling force on the performance of the shock absorber. Falling to consider the effective weight may result in improper selection and poor pertormance of a shock absorber. Under extreme conditions, an effective weight that is too low may result Inhigh forces atthe start of stroke (high on-set force). However, an effective weight that is to high forthe shock absorber may ‘cause high forces atthe end of stoke (high set-down force), Consider the folowing examples: 11). Aive-pound weight traveling at 25 feet/second has 625 inch-pounds of kinetic energy (Figure A). On ths basi alone, an ‘A/2 Xt would be selected. However, because there is 0 propeling force, the calculated effective weight is five pounds — ‘which s below the effective weight range ofthe standard ‘A241, The result isa high on-set force at the stat ofthe stroke (Figure B). The solution is to use a specialy-orficed shock absorber to handle the loa. 2.) Aweight of §0 pounds has an impact velocity of 0.5 feet! ‘second witha propelling force of 800 pounds (Figure C). The total impact energy is 802.5 inc-pounds. Again, an A 1/2 X 1 ‘would be selected based on just the energy. The effective weight is calculated tobe 16,050 pounds. This well above the range of the standard A 1/2X 1. I ths shock absorber is use, high set- ‘own forces wil esult (Figure D). In this case, the solution is to use an LVA 1/2 X 1, which s designed to work in low-velacity, high-effective weight applications a LOW EFFECTIVE WEIGHT =| med B LOW EFFECTIVE WEIGHT [ANPLE 1 ORFCE AREAS ‘TOO SMALL (GH ONSET) umn DeZELERATON FoRce ‘STROKE c HIGH EFFECTIVE WEIGHT as D HIGH EFFECTIVE WEIGHT XAMPLE2: ORIFICE AREAS ‘TOO LARGE (HGH SEF-DOWN uweaR DeCELERATION FORCE STROKE

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