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Ships Log



In This Issue
Admiral Merchants:
Driving for Excellence 1, 2
Driver Testimonial 2
Customer Service 3
In Memoriam 3
Online Settlements News Update 4

Admiral Merchants: Driving for Excellence

Louisville Truck Show 5

Everyone associated with Admiral Merchants knows we consider our independent contractors
and our independent agents as our business partners. That point is made
in our Strategic Profile, one of Admirals most important documents.
That message is conveyed continuously in our conversations, in our
publications and throughout our web site. We all recognize that, but
for the efforts of our business partners, the success Admiral Merchants
has enjoyed over the past years would not have been possible.

G.R.E.A.T. 6

We spend a lot of time recruiting new contractors and agents. Because

of the great service we give our business partners, our turnover rate,
especially for contractors, is among the lowest in the industry. Recently,
we have seen a significant uptick in the number of contractors joining
Admiral Merchants. It seems to me that one of the busiest departments in the company
recently has been Contractor Services. Mike, Kim, Wes and Bonnie are on a tear right now.
That department has sent out a flurry of e-mails lately, welcoming new contractors to the
Admiral Merchants family.
Our primary marketing effort apart from our great customer service to our contractors
and agents is our annual awards ceremony. This year, that celebration was held in Nashville,
Tennessee, where we recognized 114 contractors as members of the Terry Bramer Circle of
Excellence and 24 agents as Tom Seitz Million Dollar Agents. Every one of our contractors
and drivers, every one of our agents, is a very valuable partner for Admiral Merchants.
However, those we recognized in Nashville produced the most revenue in compliance with
all applicable rules. They are valuable partners indeed.
We accomplish a number of things at this awards celebration. First, we provide a brief, but
welcome, respite for many of our hardworking contractors from the rigors of life on the road.
We take the weekend to thank them for their hard work. However, we also provide facts
which prove once again that the Admiral team is very valuable to each of them.
This year our theme was: Admiral Merchants: Driving Excellence. I made the point at our
general session that excellence is what sets Admiral Merchants apart from our competitors. I
did that by showing to our guests that each year their business improves. In 2014, the average
revenue for members of the Terry Bramer Circle of Excellence was over $220,000. The average
revenue for the 24 Tom Seitz Million Dollar Agents in 2014 was almost $2,150,000. Those
are very significant contributions to the total Admiral Merchants revenue. However, I pointed
out to those very valuable partners that the hard work, dedication and professionalism of
each member of the Admiral Merchants team helped achieve those results. Every day, every
member of the team works hard to deliver excellent service to our business partners.
The numbers speak to our success. In 2014, Admiral Merchants moved over 50,000
truckloads of freight. In order to send out bills for those shipments, we processed over
450,000 documents. We had to re-bill 1,500 shipments because of mistakes in the billing;
only 300 of them were due to an error on the part of someone with Admiral Merchants.
Those are pretty amazing statistics! Those results would not have been achieved but for the
Drive for Excellence by every member of the Admiral team. Our Drive for Excellence is also
revealed in our claims and safety data. There were only 42 cargo claims made on those 50,000
separate shipments. There were 36 accidents, only 11 of which were preventable. Our CSA
(Continued on next page)

Updates From The Legalization

Department 6
Credit Status When Dispatching
Online 7
Permit Request Access System
(PRAS) 8
Perfect Score 8
Impressions From Nashville 9
Wedding At The Awards Meeting 9
Ira Payne Service Award 10
2014 Bill Bolish Employee
Of The Year 10
Agent-Contractor Council 11
Admiral Recognizes Drivers For One
Million Accident Free Miles 11
Terry Bramer 2014
Circle Of Excellence 12
2015 Criteria 13
2014 Tom Seitz Million Dollar
Agents 14
Snapshots From The Awards Meeting
Quarterly Maintenance Reports and
Receipts - Why Should I Submit
Them? 21
Office Visits 21
Pennys Lane 22
Snapshots From The Office
& Awards Video 23-24
Fun In Nashville, Petro Economics,
and Other Such Voodoo 25
Safe Driving Awards 26
Top Revenue Producing
Agents YTD 27
Top Drivers By Equipment Type
YTD 27

Driver Testimonial
Here at Admiral we are always looking for
better ways to serve our business partners, and
part of that is seeking out advice wherever we
can. With that in mind, Admiral has started
interviewing drivers to find out what works
for them and why they are leased on with us.
By taking these tips out of the truck stops
and exchanging the information on a larger
platform, we will all benefit from the collective
knowledge of the entire Admiral team.

He talks to you, looks you in the eye, and he really listens to what you have
to say. You feel like youre wanted here. And you dont get that feeling just

The first driver in this interview series is

Willie Davies, who originally started with
Admiral in 2002, and has rejoined Admiral most recently in March of
2010, pulling a 53 Step Deck Conestoga specializing in machinery,
automobiles, and aircraft.

Also, have the load board ready on your phone. You have chains, you have
binders, and you need to have the load board on a smart phone. That is
one of your tools.

Willie Davies
Unit 5426

What sets Admiral apart from other carriers?

Admiral lets you promote your own business. I have been in trucking for
43 years, and the freedom at Admiral is like nothing else in the industry.
You can run when you want to, no one hassles you on how to run your
business, and anybody that comes and puts in the effort can make a good
living. Im at a point where I want to get home on Saturdays and Sundays
to be home with my family, and I can do that here.
You get paid extra for getting your own loads, we have some really good
agents, and the fuel discounts are unbelievable. Like nothing Ive seen.
If there were a better place for me, I would go there, but I havent found
anything else like Admiral. The opportunity is like no other if you take
the basic tools and run with it. There are no other opportunities like it.
What brought you to Admiral?
I was with Admiral years ago and I left. I had referred a friend who was
looking for something years ago who was blown away and is [was] still
there. I was working in the automotive industry, and when that slowed
down a few years later I came back. Looking back I wish I had come back

How have you been so successful with Admiral?

You have to leave the door open to work with everybody. Dont just focus
on one or two agents, youve gotta be open to everybody. Some guys will
get in with one agent, and that keeps them busy, but those agents are full.
If youre not in that positon, work with everybody. I have about eight
really good agents that I work with regularly, but I am open to work with
anyone out there.

When youre looking for freight, dont just look for whats near you. Im in
Cincinnati, and when Im at home, Im looking for anything within 500
miles. If I see some good freight coming back from South Carolina, for
example, then I see whats going to get me there to pick it up. That way,
right when a trip to South Carolina pops up, youre ready to return with
good freight. Its all about total miles. Dont just jump on freight because
its paying $2.80 a mile going somewhere, but you are left stranded or
have to take garbage back. Set up a return trip or a triangle that gets you
$2.00 on every load. I dont know if thats the right way to do it, but its
been working for me.
What is your experience of the perception of Admiral out on the
More and more people are talking about Admiral and its getting more
positive over the last couple of years. The drivers need to remember that
one experience with a broker will set the reputation for all of Admiral. If
I do something stupid, we all look bad to that broker. If you get with a
bad broker, finish the job and dont work with them again. Just leave it at
that. All of the drivers represent all of us, and the reputation is growing.
If you would like to take part in this testimonial series, please contact
Mike Griffin at 612-843-8153 or

Are there any particular impressions of Admiral that

stand out to you?
When I go to the awards banquet or the barbecue, Brian (Admirals
President and CEO) takes the time to say that he appreciates what I do.

Admiral Merchants: Driving for Excellence (cont from page 1)

accident rating is 16% we perform better than 84% of the truck lines in our peer group, a peer group comprised of this countrys
major large motor carriers. Those statistics show the commitment to excellence by our contractors, but also by the Safety and
Claims departments which are driving those results. The efforts by Holly Caskey, our Safety Director, and her team, and Mark
Dooley, our Claims Manager, and his team, help achieve those results.
No single person, department or group of people is responsible for our results. It truly is a team effort everyone plays a vital role.
As Walt Site summed up so well years ago, We are all in this together. Certainly, we all play a role in our Drive for Excellence.
However, we all have to remind ourselves that the drive is not over. We have to recommit ourselves every day to excellence. Only
if we do, will our success continue.
I want to thank every Admiral contractor, especially the members of the Terry Bramer Circle of Excellence, every Admiral
Merchants agent, especially the Tom Seitz Million Dollar Agents, and every member of the Admiral Merchants team. 2014 was a
very good year because of your Drive for Excellence. Thanks for all you do.

Brian P. Short
President and CEO

Customer Service
David and Dawn Disselhorst our Agent
2419 in Granite City, IL were recently
recognized for their excellent service by
Barnhart Crane. Lynn Wehrmann of
Barnhart Crane said David is one of
the best agents they have ever had or are
currently working with; he always goes the
extra mile to make sure our needs are met.
Do David and Dawn go above and beyond to make sure
Barnhart Crane is a satisfied customer? Yes they do. Were
they able to do it alone? No. David and Dawn choose the
support of our Contractors and the Admiral Merchants staff to
partner with them in providing level of customer service that is
required by Barnhart Crane.
Is Barnhart Crane the only Customer that feels this way about
other Agents, Contractors and Admiral as a whole? No. Are
there other customers and agents that could be served better
to create satisfaction to the level that Barnhart Crane has
recognized with David and Dawn? Absolutely!!!
My point is we all must continue to strive for excellent customer
service every day. If we, do we will have more extremely satisfied
agents with extremely satisfied customers like Barnhart Crane.
As I researched (googled) Customer Service for this article I
got pages and pages of information. A few of the quotes that
stood out were:

Ask your customers what they need from you and your
business, and then deliver it
No matter what, always be polite, courteous and friendly to
your customers
Listen to your customers, they want to be understood.
Their problem is your problem to help solve. Dont make
your problems their problem.
The list goes on and on. I recommend you take a minute and
research (google) it yourself.
Always remember who your customers are, and focus on
giving excellent customer service to everyone we work with
every day. Its not that difficult and if done correctly its a
Ill end with my favorite statement found when researching
(googling) Customer Service.
Dont strive to create great customers, strive to create raving
fans of you, your company and the services you provide.
We at Admiral believe that our Agents and Contractors are
our customers. Thanks for choosing Admiral.
Brent Layton
Vice President Business Development

In Memoriam
We have recently lost members of the Admiral family. While some may have been known by many and others by few, we wanted to take
a moment to reflect on those we have lost.
Ed Fox (Agent 2999) of Mentor, OH, has worked as an Admiral Agent since July, 2004. He passed away suddenly from a heart
attack on December 4, 2014. Ed will be missed by all who knew and loved him. Eds wife, Tracy, will continue operating their
Agency, representing Admiral.
Ron Golightly (Contractor 5809) of Fenelon Falls, Ontario has worked as an Admiral Contractor since March 2012. He passed
away suddenly from a heart attack on December 20, 2014. Ron will be missed by all who knew and loved him.
Teddy Kennedy (Driver-Unit 5592) of Laneburg, AR has worked as an Admiral Driver since January, 2011. He passed away on
January 20, 2015. Teddy will be missed by all who knew and loved him.
Former Admiral Agent and multi-truck Contractor, Roger Schnabel of Aberdeen, SD had worked with Admiral from July,
2000 to April, 2013. He passed away on January 22, 2015. Roger will be missed by all who knew and loved him, including his
Son-in-Law and Admiral Agent, Bob Weigel.

Online Settlements News Update

We are happy to announce that effective January 15th 2015 we have upgraded the On-Line Settlement page.
Admiral has made changes to the looks and the functionality of your on-line settlement page. It is much
more user friendly and you can access your settlement information more quickly. No longer do you have to
click on + and wait (and wait some more) to see detail of the settlement OR view your statement. As soon
as you login, you are presented with your Most Recent settlement and the statement at the top of the page.
If you want to see the detail of the settlement, click on the Transaction number. If you want to just see your
statement, click on View Statement. You also have 3 additional options listed on the left part of the page: This
Month, This Year and All Records. Click on the option that you would like to look at and follow the same process to look at the
detail or view the statement. If there is no statement, you will see that at the top of the page. If you logged in before and didnt
like it, try it again. If you have not tried it, what are you waiting for? To access your settlements online, visit our webpage under
Your Settlements for more information.
If you are currently set up to get your settlement statements emailed, you are now getting these more quickly than in the past.
This is because our system is set up to automatically send these whereas in the past they had to be manually pushed through the
email system. If you do not currently get your settlement statements emailed but get them mailed monthly instead, you should
consider going paperless and getting them emailed. How many times have you called up to ask, How much is my settlement?
or What are my deductions? Getting them emailed is not only a great way of knowing your settlement has been completed,
but also gives you the details of your most recent settlement, saving you a phone call. Please consider going paperless today by
contacting the Settlement Department.
Remember to use the card that is assigned to your unit when purchasing fuel. If you switch units or cards, you need to make
sure the card being used for fuel has the correct unit number assigned. You are not required to turn in copies of your fuel receipts
when purchasing fuel using your card, but if you pay cash, you are required to turn in these receipts with your trip report. Cards
are not intended for personal use. You can access your card transactions & balances online 24/7. To access, visit our webpage
under Your T-Card for more information.
As a reminder, in November 2013 our Tarp Charge Policy was updated to ensure all drivers are being paid for 100% of all
reasonable and required tarp charges. To accomplish this it is necessary to bill all tarp charges as a separate line item and not
imbed them in the freight bill. As it states we will pay 75% to the driver for all imbedded tarps billed and 100% of all tarps billed
as a separate line item. Agents please make sure to use the TARP CHARGE accessorial when entering loads in the website as this
will prompt the regular tarp line item (non-imbedded).
Please be sure to include delivery receipts for loads which have a customer original bill of lading and loads requiring multiple
stop offs. To better account for proper delivery locations and support the accuracy of billing for each load we require the delivery
receipt to accompany your loads. The only time you do not need the delivery receipts is if you are using the Admirals bill of
lading (long form).
If you have any questions, please let us know and thanks for all that you do.
Kelsey Rossow
Accounting Manager

Louisville Truck Show

Thank you to all of our Agents, Contractors and Drivers who visited us at our booth in the Louisville Truck Show this year. All
of the Admiral Office staff present said they thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you. On Friday, our CEO and President,
Brian Short, spent the day visiting with everyone and had a chance to spend some quality time catching up. Brian thought the
booth looked great and he felt a real sense of pride that the Admiral flag and banner were flying high.
Mike Griffin
Director of Contractor Services

Get Respect Each And every Time
It may be self-serving. It may be
presumptuous. It may even be egotistical
to say what a G.R.E.A.T. place Admiral
is to work. Regardless, I am going to say
it anyway. Admiral is great, and I hope you
I have been with Admiral since February,
2014. Even though thats fourteen months ago, its ONLY
fourteen months ago. Some might say thats long enough to
know just enough to be dangerous (in a good way, I hope!).
I would probably agree, but I would also say its long enough
to have been able to learn about Admiral and be familiar with
its inner-workings and the workings of my department. I
have learned that its not SO long as to stop looking at things
objectively and with fresh eyes.
As long as Ive been in this business, I had not experienced a
company quite like this one. This company really does what it
says it will do period! Admiral respects those with whom it
comes in contact and those with whom it conducts business. At
Admiral, people are given the respect they deserve, which has
all but faded away in our business. Now, Im not just talking
about the office staff receiving respect, but our Contractor,
Driver and Agent partners too.
What is respect anyway? Respect means to hold in high regard
someone or something that is good, valuable or important.
Do you feel respected? Do you feel valuable and important to
Admiral? I certainly do. I hope you do too.
I think respect is and always should be part of a GREAT
companys culture, part of the inter-woven fabric which makes

a company what it is and what it represents. A company that

respects people and receives respect in return. Unfortunately,
all too often, respect is not given or shared within companies.
Respect is where all relationships should begin. Without it, you
have nothing, as respect assumes trust. Trust is a cornerstone
of all successful relationships. Without respect and trust, you
have nothing. Trust brings about and goes hand in hand with
success. In order to have success you must have trust. We are
in the people business and therefore the relationship business
and trust is something people should seek and work toward
and expect in return.
Now why do you think Admiral is a place of respect and trust?
Ill tell you what I think. First of all, respect and trust should
always start at the top of any organization and Admiral is no
exception. Mr. Short and his family have nurtured over the
years a culture of respect and trust. For example; Agents and
Contractors trust that they will be told the truth and that
they will be paid what they should be paid. Employees trust
that they will be told the truth and that every two weeks their
paychecks will be there. We all trust that Brian Short says what
he means; what he does, he does for good reason; where he
leads us, there is good reason and we should follow. We feel it,
we live it, we are it.
Respect & Trust
-The two easiest things for someone to lose, the two hardest
things to get back.
Mike Griffin
Director Contractor Services

Updates From The Legalization Department

2015 Licensing Completed
I wanted to thank each of you for your patience and understanding during the 2015 license renewal process.
The State of Minnesota implemented a new online system, which we were one of the first carriers to utilize
and for the most part everything went off without a hitch. While we did do the renewals a bit earlier this
year to compensate for any anomalies in their new systems, everything went very smoothly. Thank you again!
2016 License Plate Escrow Deductions
Even though it seems like we just finished with renewals for 2015, its time to start planning for the 2016
license renewals. On May 1st, $50.00 per week will be deducted from your settlement to be held in escrow until $1800 is reached
for the 2016 license renewal.
If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at ext. 8138.
Thanks and safe driving!

Karen Hedtke
Legalization Specialist

Credit Status when Dispatching Online

Processing credit is extremely important and a high priority at Admiral. We are here to work with you to
insure we are providing services for those customers that meet our credit criteria. Please check credit and do
not commit to any load until you have verified a customers credit line and receive authorization to move a
load from a Credit Department team member.
With Admirals dispatching on line requirements I would like to reiterate what you are seeing when you enter
a customer number to dispatch your load and what, if anything, should take place.
The Status of Open Credit the system will also tell you the Current Balance, the Credit Limit and the Amount you have in
Available on the account.

Current Balance:
Amount Available:

Open Credit

If the account is Over Limit and the Amount Available appears in red and is a negative (-) number you will not be able to enter
your load. In this case you need to ask for a credit limit increase by submitting a Credit Request Form (CRF). Please do not
assume that by submitting the CRF we will automatically give approval to move your loads, the account will have to be reviewed
and approvals acquired. If you have questions in regard to a credit limit increase, please call the credit extension 8722 or email Note: The Credit Request Form (CRF) can be found on the Admiral website under the Credit tab then

Current Balance:
Amount Available:

Over Limit
- 5,000.00

If you pull up a customer and the account says Over Limit but it the screen comes up with a Current Balance of zero or you
are questioning the Amount Available, please contact the credit department at extension 8722 and we will work with you.

Over Limit
Current Balance:
Amount Available: 10,000.00

Credit Hold means you cannot load this customer; the account has been placed on Credit Hold. If you have questions, please
do not hesitate to contact the credit department at extension 8722 or email
EXAMPLE: Status:
Customer on Credit Hold
Admiral requires a credit approval for every new customer and for increases to an established line of credit for existing customers.
No Admiral personnel should commit to giving credit until credit approval has been given by the credit department. The
extension of credit and credit terms will be granted in compliance with Admiral Merchants Policy Terms and Conditions in
conjunction with Admirals Credit Application.
Pat Gegner
Credit Manager

Permit Request Access System (PRAS)

Over the past several months the Permit Department and IT Department have been working on creating an
online application for submitting your permit requests. We are pleased to announce that it is now up and
Please take the time to look at PRAS and its functionality. If you have any helpful suggestions or comments
please email as we will continue to work on enhancements to make this application
better and more functional for our Agents and Drivers.

Some of the advantages of PRAS are the following:

Less time spent on the phone or on hold with the permit department.
Permits processed faster, which saves time and money.
Provides a more effective way to submit permit requests.
Provides confirmation email once application has been submitted.
Online permit request application provides 24/7 submission.

You can access PRAS via our Admiral Merchants Portal Website under the Permits tab and by clicking on the Permit Request
System (PRAS) link.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call 612-843-8270.
Megan Erickson
Permit Manager

Perfect Score
Congratulations to Harold Sparkman (agent 3399).
On April 20th, he bowled a perfect score at Colonial Lanes in Huntington, WV.
Debbie Taylor

Impressions From Nashville

Admiral recently wrapped up its annual
awards in Nashville, and it was a great
success thanks to the efforts of Augusta
Kirk, Missy Swenson, and many others on
Admirals staff. This event was especially
notable for me as it was the first time that I
had the chance to meet with so many of our
contractor and agent partners personally.
For those that were in attendance, I would like to thank you for
your graciousness and insight into this company and industry. I
was humbled to spend time with so many individuals at the top
of their field who took the time to give me their impressions of
Admiral. To those with whom I did not have a chance to meet,
I hope that we will have an opportunity to get together soon to
exchange ideas on how we can grow as a company.
There were a few themes that came up repeatedly in my
discussions over the awards weekend. First, it is clear that many
contractors value their independence. It is one of the reasons
they stay signed on with us. Admiral is a rare place in which
owner operators can enjoy the benefits of central support and
industry recognition without having to submit to too much
corporate structure. In light of this theme, I will continue to
present opportunities and research to the fleet so that you can
decide what options best serve your business. I will provide
you with my opinions on safety issues, make recommendations
on ways to become a safer driver, show you the research on
crash statistics, and present incentives to take part in safety
initiatives. I hope that you will recognize and adopt programs
that are in your interests. I will recognize that you have the
freedom to run your business as you see fit, and continue to
present suggestions to run more safely rather than issue edicts
and decrees.
The second theme that struck a chord at the meeting was
transparency. The claims department causes many to recoil at
the mention of our name. I would like to counter that perception

and build a department that works for you. Everyone should

feel free to contact me at any time to get information. I guard
the confidentiality of your records against outside parties, but
if you would like to know how a specific claim is progressing,
what records we have in your driver file, or anything else with
respect to your history at Admiral, simply give me a call or send
me an email. I am happy to talk to any of you on any question
that you have.
Finally, many of you have great insights into how we can better
serve our partners. Brian Short often repeats the refrain from
our founder, Bob Short, who said, Everything I know about
trucking I learned by talking to drivers. Time and time again,
drivers and agents in Nashville had fresh perspectives on ways
that we can improve. On more than one occasion, a driver
brought an issue to my attention in a way that I never would
have considered on my own. I am sure that all of you have seen
something that we can do to improve, wondered why we do
things a certain way, or thought of a better process. I ask that
you let me know all of your thoughts on how we can better
serve you. The best idea isnt worth much if it doesnt make it to
Minneapolis. Let us know what we can do to improve anytime
a thought comes up.
Again, thank you to those who took the time to meet with
me in Nashville. It was truly a fantastic opportunity and an
enlightening experience. To those who were not in attendance,
I wish you the best in 2015 and hope that I will see you as an
award winner at the 2016 meeting.
As always, if you are involved in an accident, incident, or have
a cargo issue, the Claims Department is here to help you 24
hours a day, seven days a week at the following numbers:
8:00 AM-5:00 PM (CST) -- 800-972-8864 ext. 8191
Outside of business hours 612-991-5923
Mark Dooley
Director of Claims Management

Wedding At The Awards Meeting

After the Terry Bramer awards winners were announced I got a call from Brian
Johnson (Unit 5885). Brian and his fiance Lisa Fuller from Williams, IN asked if
I would join them on the Friday afternoon of the awards banquet to celebrate their
wedding ceremony. The ceremony took place on the banks of Old Hickory Lake in
Gallatin TN. Brian and Lisa were also joined by a few family members including
their two granddaughters Braeleigh & Raine. It was a beautiful ceremony on a
beautiful day. All of the Admiral family sends our congratulations and wish Brian
and Lisa a long and happy life together.
Wes Dyer
Director of Driver Recruitment

Ira Payne Service Award

This year we had the honor of recognizing one driver that was to receive the Ira Payne Service Award. Members of the Ira Payne Service
Award have been a driver with Admiral for 20 consecutive years.
Bernard Jack Ponts, Unit 1746A spent over 60 years in the trucking industry.
He used to tell us that his career in trucking started while he was still in his crib
and cutting teeth and that trucking was in his veins and heart from the moment
he was born. Jack said he spent many years knocking around in various different
segments of the industry until he finally found his home at Admiral. Jack joined
the Admiral family on February 7, 1994 and never looked back. Jacks drive for
excellence was exemplified by his professionalism in everything he did. His ontime performance ratings and excellent customer service was exemplary, and his
word was his bond. Jack also served on our Agent and Contractor council where
his industry experience provided all of us much needed insight into life on the
road, and his uncanny sense of humor lightened each and every meeting.
When he wasnt on the road, Jack and his wife, Betty, were very active in the
Antique Truck Society. Jack and Betty both believed that the history of trucking
should have a place in the history of our country and visited antique truck museums
throughout the country to help and support their preservation efforts.
Jack passed away on September 23, 2014. At the March awards meeting he would have received the Ira Payne Service Award. We
will be sending his wife Betty a plaque recognizing Jacks service with Admiral.
Thanks for your service Jack. You will be missed.

2014 Bill Bolish Employee Of The Year

When Settlements was in need of a new team member in 2008,
am email was sent out encouraging employee referrals. Cindy
Sorenson (employee in the department at the time) immediately
reached out to a former colleague of hers knowing the person
would be a perfect fit for the role. At the time, Cindy stated,
she is one of the most responsible people I have known. That
statement still holds true six years later.

Kim Guzman joined Admiral on November 3, 2008 as a

Settlements Specialist in the Settlements Department.
Kim has been associated with the trucking business for 38 years.
Initially she started working at Transport Clearings which was
a clearing house they purchased freight bills from different
carriers and Admiral was one of the carriers. After 18 years at
Transport Clearing she worked in the billing and settlements at
Quail Trucking and Overnight Express.
Kim has proven over the years her commitment to customer
service to all our customers. She goes above & beyond and is
serious about getting the job done. Kim tells it how it is and
has developed a positive working relationship with everyone
she deals with. Shes a very hard worker and is appreciated by
many. Some have even given her nick names. One in particular
is MONEY BAGS (given to her by Ken Nipper) because she
likes to take your moneybut only to pay off good debt, yet
she will make sure you get a paycheck!
Bill Bolish was all about taking care of our customers &
employees and I know if he were here today, he would be very
proud of Kim and having her on our team!

We are pleased to announce that the 2014 Bill Bolish Employee

of the Year is Kim Guzman.


Congratulations Kim!
Patty Zilka
Settlements Supervisor

Agent-Contractor Council

Thank you to the Agent-Contractor Council members who play a pivotal role in Admirals success. We cant express enough how
much we appreciate your time and effort. (A * denotes that their term on the council is up.)
Mark Beare, Ringgold, GA
David Disselhorst*, Granite City, IL
Gary Fellure, Grove City, OH
Rick Guile, Eureka, IL
Tammy & Fred Hasse, Lawrenceville, GA

Tiny & Jacque Loretangeli, Greenwood, DE

(not pictured)
Jim Murphy, Hermann, MO (not pictured)
Matt Rocha, Granite City, IL

Admiral Recognizes Drivers For One Million Accident Free Miles

I am very pleased to tell you that Admiral had the opportunity to recognize two
drivers at the Terry Bramer Awards for Million Mile awards. Admiral began the
Million Mile award program in 2009 and we have now had 25 drivers achieve
one million accident free miles and 2 drivers have achieved 2 million accident
free miles. It takes about 10 years to legally drive one million miles, and any
preventable accident starts you back at zero. This makes the million mile award
very difficult to achieve and is essentially the equivalent of a lifetime achievement
award for a driver.
Chris Campbell Unit 1977A first started with Admiral in March 2000. By
the end of 2014, Chris has driven 1,083,859 consecutive, accident free miles.
John Major Unit 4161A has been with Admiral since December 2003.In
November 2014 John reached 1,043,404 consecutive, accident free miles.
Brian Short and Chris Campbell
(John Major Not Pictured)

Holly Caskey
Director of Safety


Terry Bramer 2014 Circle of Excellence

The following are the 2014 Terry Bramer Circle of Excellence honorees.
Congratulations to all!
Silver Level

Gold Level


Ronald Baird
Steven Baird
Mark Beare
Steven Bennett
Jose Botello
Frank Bowers
Richard Brent
Chris Campbell
Brian Cisler
Glen Claiborne
Lisa & Brian Clevenger
James Crowl
Everett Davis
Barend DeWit
Gary Fellure
Don Fields
Misael Fontanez
Thomas Andy Griffin
Ricky Guile
Tracy & Dan Hawkins
Paul Hershberger
Blake Holmes
ITC 24 (4)
Pam & Ralph Johns
Chad Keng
Barry Stephen Kennedy
Teresa & David Kern
Marci & Jerry Ketterer
Mark Knepp
David Korhonen
R. Blayne Lough
Andy Mainard

Portia & Butch Mantooth

Steven McCarl
Arlen Jody Miller
James Murphy
Mike Nichols
Danny Oliver
Wayne Overbay
D. Robert Pineda
Nelson Quijano
Rick Ramm
Andrew Rice
Michael Robinson
Norman Rule
Rodney Schnelle
Michael Schweighofer
Tim Shrout
Marina & Vadim Sidko
Jeffrey Smith
Kim & David Snyder
Kim & Michael Southers
Rodney Spickler
Carol & Jack Stevens
Diana & Ricky Stovall
Mark Suver
Michael Tiff
Ron Watkins
Michelle & Joe Williamson
Debbie & John Wilson
Clarence Winget
Wes Wyatt
Walter Yasuk

Danny Adams
Yvan Arsenault
Richard Beck Jr
Cory Botts
Marshall Bruner
Roger Cooper
Gary Daniels
Willie Davies
Jason Derrenbacher
Steven Dickert
Scott Fetterolf
Carson Finsterbush
Dwight Franke
Hugh Gross
ITC 24
Brian Johnson
Tadeusz Karas
Steven Kirk
John Knapp
Charles Krohne
Justin Mallow
James Marr
Shawn McLean
Kent Miller

Glenn Monteith
Roy Dean Murphy
Michael Neuteboom
Carolyn Pannebaker
Susan & Donald Patterson
James Pharis
Sean Poland
Thomas Quinton
Robert Renner
Mark Rix
Matt Rocha
Martin Roe
Michael Ruschmeyer
Marvin Schwark
Don Skelton
Brent Smith
Jamie Sturgess
Robert Sulzbach
Keith Tolles
Mike Wimberg
Daniel Yoder
Boguslaw Zablocki
Tony Zhai

2015 Criteria

Terry Bramer Circle of Excellence 2015 Revenue Criteria

Gold Level
Silver Level

$200,000 Line haul revenue

$175,000 Line haul revenue

Terry Bramer Circle of Excellence-Gold Level will recognize those drivers attaining $200,000 in line haul revenue or more
within a 12-month period (calendar year) while operating according to Admirals safety standards and in compliance with
federal and state laws and regulations and company policies. This includes:
No serious company policy violations.
The cost of all preventable accidents combined must be below $1,000 total.
The cost of all cargo claims combined must be below $1,000 total.
No pending claims.
No more than one out of service, no more than one moving violation, and be in good standing in all areas of safety
and compliance.
Satisfactory CSA scores.
Not placed on a final warning for any reason during the calendar year.

Terry Bramer Circle of Excellence-Silver Level will recognize those drivers attaining $175,000 in line haul revenue or more
within a 12-month period (calendar year) while operating according to Admirals safety standards and in compliance with
federal and state laws and regulations and company policies. This includes:
No serious company policy violations.
The cost of all preventable accidents combined must be below $1,000 total.
The cost of all cargo claims combined must be below $1,000 total.
No pending claims.
No more than one out of service, no more than one moving violation, and be in good standing in all areas of safety
and compliance.
Satisfactory CSA scores.
Not placed on a final warning for any reason during the calendar year.

Penny Lynner
VP Operations

Tom Seitz Million Dollar Agent Criteria

Silver Level will be awarded to those agents producing $1,000,000 $1,999,999
Gold Level will be awarded to those agents producing $2,000,000 $4,999,999.
Platinum Level will be awarded to those agents producing $5,000,000 or more.
Walt Site
Sr. VP Marketing


2014 Tom Seitz Million Dollar Agents

At our recent Awards Banquet in Nashville we had the honor of presenting the
2014 Tom Seitz Million Dollar Agents. Congratulations!


Seated: Char Roberts(2284), Tammy Haase(2248), Tammy Toalson(2284), Tammy Fellure(3017), Dawn Disselhorst(2419)
First Row: Shawn McLean(3505), Gary Fellure(3017), John Frey (2442), Brian Short, David Disselhorst(2419),
Bobby Niemeyer(2419), John Mariano III(3128)
Second Row: Fred Haase(2248), Jerry Sakowski(3534), Larry Huisenga(2631), Rick Toalson(2284), Gary Muth(2061),
Harold Sparkman(3399), Matt Hillegas(2963), Brad Tolles(2609)

Platinum Level
M & M Trucking (2103)
Gold Level
Gary Fellure (3017)
IB 1 & Associates, LLC (2182)
LDM Enterprises (2048)
Singleton Transportation (2476)
Sparkman Trucking (3399)
Terry Moody (3510)
Value Plus Transportation (2631)


Silver Level
A Dispatch Service, LLC (2609)
Helen Blennerhassett (3458)
Bob Greenwell Trucking (2477)
C & H Logistics (2383)
Tom Campy Campos (2198)
Disravis Logistics (2419)
DLG Transportation Systems(3505)
GMA Transportation (2061)
Tammy and Fred Haase (2248)
Hillegas Trucking (2963)
ITC 24 Open Deck Freight Systems (3534)
Jamson Leasing, Inc. (3128)
Mags Logistics (2442)
New Ground Transport (2664)
Nipper Transportation (3229)
R/T Connection, Inc. (2284)

Snapshots from the Awards Meeting


Snapshots from the Awards Meeting (CONTINUED FROM 15)


Snapshots from the Awards Meeting (CONTINUED FROM 16)


Snapshots from the Awards Meeting (CONTINUED FROM 17)


Snapshots from the Awards Meeting (CONTINUED FROM 18)


Snapshots from the Awards Meeting (CONTINUED FROM 19)


Quarterly Maintenance Reports and Receipts

Why Should I Submit Them?
I have been asked by contractors on several
occasions over the years why they should
submit receipts along with their quarterly
maintenance reports. The short answer is
- because its company policy. However,
there are several other good reasons why
you should submit your receipts.
First of all, your receipts are supporting documents that the
reported maintenance was actually completed. As a business
owner you should keep detailed records of the maintenance
you perform and the money you spend on your equipment as
these are tax deductible expenses. It is in your best interest as
a contractor to provide supporting documents to Admiral to
show that you are properly maintaining your equipment. This
is why Admiral Policy requires receipts to be submitted with
your maintenance reports.
Another reason that happens to be very relevant at this moment
is in the event of a DOT audit. The auditors will look for
supporting documents of equipment maintenance as well as
for required repairs noted on a roadside inspection. The more
we can provide to an auditor to show that our contractors are
properly maintaining their equipment, the better the outcome
of the audit. We will have only 48 hours to produce any
supporting documents once they are requested by the auditor.
Admiral, as well as their drivers will be subject to penalties if
documents cannot be produced.
The worst case scenario happens if a contractor is involved in an
accident that ends up in litigation. In 2013, I was required to
represent Admiral and participate in three different depositions
in relation to accidents that Admiral Contractors were involved
in. When a case goes into litigation we are required to submit

any and all documents related to the driver, the equipment

and Admirals policies and procedures. When this happens we
want to be able to produce as much documentation that the
equipment has been properly maintained as possible. It does
not look good when we only have a hand written document
that says maintenance was performed but we have no receipts
to substantiate the repairs were made. Even in a case where the
accident is not the fault of our driver, if the attorney can show
that we were negligent in some way, or that we did not follow
standard safety practices, then we can still end up paying a very
large sum of money to the plaintiff.
The final reason that is a good idea to turn in all receipts is that
it can work as a disaster recover y plan for you. A few years
ago we had a contractor that had a fire in his home and all of
his documents and receipts related to his truck were burned
up. Fortunately he had very faithfully sent in his quarterly
maintenance reports along with his receipts to Admiral over
the years. We were able to provide him with all of his lost
maintenance reports and receipts. He was very grateful as he
needed his receipts in order to take the appropriate deductions
on his taxes.
I hope that the reasons I have presented will encourage you
to provide Admiral with complete, comprehensive, accurate
quarterly maintenance reports along with all the relevant
receipts included. If you have any questions or would like
suggestions as to how to maintain your repair records, please
feel free to contact the safety department at 612-843-8276.
Thanks for all you do.
Holly Caskey
Director of Safety

Office Visits
We realize that most loads do not bring you through
Minneapolis, Minnesota. But when they do, we would
love it if you would take time and come visit us. Just call
the office and I will direct you to the best place to park
and arrange a taxi for you.
We will take you out to lunch, make sure you have all
of the supplies you need and give you time to talk to the
members of the team.
Hope to see you soon.
Missy Swenson
Jen Hanley-Tuttle, Scott Fetterolf, Missy Swenson, Michael Tiff


Pennys Lane
Admiral contractors and drivers strive to provide excellent customer service on a daily basis, but we seldom hear feedback. However,
when customers do express their thanks and appreciation for outstanding service, we want to recognize those individuals who go the
extra mile and thank them for being part of Admiral.
On January 23, 2015, Admiral received a call from Liebovich Steel and Aluminum in Rockford, IL. They wanted to tell us
that John McCain unit 5965 was a true professional. They expressed that he was very patient with the crew, which wasunder staffed on that day and that he waited his turn without complaining even though the consignee was running way behind.
Thank you for the job well done!
On March 11, 2015, Wes Dyer received a call from new contractor Ronnie Brown unit 6316 at around 9 pm saying that
Sherry agent 3085, out of Steubenville, OH, had called him to ask if he would be able to move a load and if he had the hours
available. The load was going from the airport in Nashville to Columbus, OH, and had to be there March 12th. Ronnie called
Wes to verify that it was okay to take load. Ronnie gets to Nashville to pick up this load and they have no paperwork, so a
call was made to another Admiral contractor, who guided Ronnie on the proper way to fill out an Admiral BOL and delivery
receipt. Sherry and the consignee (first load for this customer) stayed in contact with Ronnie until 2:30 in the morning to make
sure everything was going well. Ronnie told Wes that he had never been treated so well. Thank you.
On April 6, 2015, Nancy Nieradka called Ron Toalson, agent 2684, to let him know how grateful she was that he had such a
super crew of drivers handle a load for her. Yvan Arsenault unit 6078A and Richard Brent unit 6225, were both wonderful to
deal with. Nancy said she got a call from Lex to make sure she received everything from them that she needed.Nancy told him
she was just waiting on the paperwork. Even though Yvan was dealing with the sudden death of his 34 year old daughter, he
proved that he is a true professional. Excellent job Yvan and Richard!
On January 8, 2015, Ronnie Pool, unit 5218, hauled this helicopter from Satellite Beach, FL to Jacksonville, FL.

**We would love to publish pictures of your equipment too! E-mail your pictures to so that we can post them in
the next edition of Pennys Lane! **


Snapshots from the Office & Awards Video

On February 6th, the office wore red supporting awareness of heart disease. I think Brian Shorts socks say it all!

Continued next page....


Snapshots from the Office & Awards Video (continued from 23)


Fun In Nashville, Petro Economics, and Other Such Voodoo

Another year has passed and another successful meeting to honor our partners in this transportation
venture. We have another good year behind us, and many mountains to climb in the year ahead.
Oprylandwas a beautiful place to have a meeting and I found it to be absolutely amazing. The facility itself
was a wonder, vast and beautiful. We were pleased to have had the experience of staying there.
The real experience of course, was having the opportunity to see and visit with so many good friends, old
and new. I always enjoy the comradery. The mood was upbeat and positive, as well it should have been.
We all had a good year. In 2014, records were met and surpassed by many. Thus, the awards were many.

Lets look ahead to another year of accomplishments.

Then came the realities of 2015....oil prices went in the tank, which was great for prices at the pump, but not so great for the
When oil prices drop below $70 a barrel, oil companies begin to tighten up on spending. When it hits $48 they have slammed
on the breaks. IT STOPS. The ripple effect of that is sure and sudden.
The Saudis, do not like the small oil producers muddying up the price waters and they are out to drive them out of the market.
They will do economic battle with the major oil companies, but they do not want these little guys having ANY effect on the price
of oil. So, they intend to drive them out by producing all the oil we want, making it cheap and available. That will break the
smaller companies; it will simply make it not profitable to produce oil.
So the ripple effect is in motion and the economy will take a hit.
We cannot stand by and let it hit us in this way. We have to find different business, new business. We have to work harder and
think about what we can do to keep our wheels rolling. AND THAT IS NOT VOODOO.... we cannot sit at home and wait on
what happens in petro economics. We have to roll up our sleeves and go to work, every day. You and I cant out last the Saudis.
We have to keep beans on the table, and the truck payments made.
So think about it, I mean really think about it! Before you turn down or walk away from a load, you may not get what would be
your first choice in a load, or it may not pay what you got last year, but get it on, go (safely), get it off, and do it again. As long
as you can make it work, do it.
Keep rolling; keep your payments current, and BE THERE when the smoke clears.
Nothing gets you through tough times like hard honest work.
Be safe, always, night and day, logs current, seat belt on, repairs made. We care about safety that means we care about you.
Hug your family, tell them how much you love them, and work hard to make their lives and yours better.
Do the deal, do it again and do it right!!!!!!!!
Warm regards from the Wood household and from Admiral Merchants Motor Freight.
Ralph A Wood
Senior Vice President


SAFE DRIVING AWARDS: August 2014 thru February 2015

Congratulations to the following drivers who earned Safe Driving Awards for the months of August 2014 thru February 2015.
To be eligible for a Safety Award the following criteria must be met:
A current driver in good standing with Admiral for each 12 month period after your date of lease.
No preventable accident or unreported accidents/incidents.
No cargo claims or unreported cargo notations.
No roadside inspections with out-of-service violations
No moving violations (citation or noted on a roadside inspection)
No more than 50 CSA points.
Must be in good standing in all areas of Safety and Compliance as defined in Admiral Merchants policies and procedures.
Thanks again and congratulations to the following drivers for achieving another year of safe driving.

Holly Caskey
Safety Director
20 Years
Joseph J. Schlechter
19 Years
Melvin A. Clark
17 Years
Bobby W. Short
16 Years
Mark J. Guinup
Garry A. Harlan
Michael R. Wright
15 Years
Dennis R. Caughman
Vernon L. Brobst
Rodney L. Clark
14 Years
Mark E. Harlan
Danny D. Oliver
Brian W. Cisler
Marshall R. Bruner
13 Years
Dennis E. Harlan
Charles E. Chasteen
David W. Saunders
Roger L. Creviston
12 Years
Barend de Wit
James Cody Kelly
Michael A. Tigner

9 Years
William D. Bishop, Jr.
Randall E. Jones
Marci A. Ketterer
Douglas A. Christopher
Wayne T. Anthony
Donald R. Skelton
Gregory T. Morgan
H. Wayne Smith
8 Years
Wesley H. Wyatt
Tadeusz Karas
William H. Graham, Jr.
John Major
7 Years
Pieter Jan Zekveld
Darrell E. Myers
Jeffrey W. Wright
Jose J. Quiroz
John W. Ponder
6 Years
Michael P. Ryan
Deborah C. Johann
Robert W. Plunk
John H. Kelley
Harry M. Ulsh, Jr.
Gregory T. Simon

5 Years
Scott S. Ellis
David R. Korhonen
11 Years
Rebecca J. Marlin
James Michael Ratliff
Michael L. Deshong
10 Years
Bogdan Bob Biela
Douglas L. Bartman
Michael L. Lapsley
Timothy M. VonDuyke Patrick W. Lapsley
Ronald B. Wilkerson
Arlie Tim Zekveld
Ricky W. Lawing, Sr.


4 Years
Donald Jack Stevens
Roy David Tidwell
Ronald E. Fraley
Elmer Luke Lindsay
Gary L. Fellure
Daniel G. McNulty
Robert G. Schiets
James W. Cockrum
Steve B. Sauble
Joe E. Williamson
Michelle C. Williamson
Larry A. Cole
B. Stephen Kennedy
David B. Riggle
Stephen J. Smith
Melissa K. Spicer
Charles J. Stanaitis
Mark J. Knepp
Ronnie G. Nelson
3 Years
James D. Brady
Hugh D. Gross
Daniel P. Hawkins
Tracy A. Hawkins
Percy W. Bellow
Julius T. Dupree
Daniel R. Yoder
Ronald Baird
Jason J. Gorsenger
Franklin Chad Keng
Jeffrey G. Smith
Ronald J. Balson
James E. Beach
Steven J. King
Joseph W. Mitchum
Mark W. Suver
William L. Wittkamp

3 Years, Cont.
Roger D. Young
Ian P. Wallis
Michael N. Neuteboom
2 Years
Carol A. Stevens
Brett W. Copeland
Brian K. Johnson
Michael J. VanKrieken
Thomas Glen Claiborne
James R. Eyster
Dwight W. Franke
Robert D. Pineda
Robert J. Renner
Wayne U. Schafer
Tony L. Truax
Brandon Shane Pryor
Michael G. Tiff
Blaine D. Carruthers
Patrick Jamie Sturgess
Peter Zaharopoulos
Marion O. Roland, Jr.
Thomas W. Smith
Gary L. Messersmith
1 Year
Raymond R. Bryant
Larry C. Cutter
John W. Keck
Keith W. Smotherman
Harold Casey Greenwald
Carl L. Hall
Mark E. Kurtz
Wallace H Stebelton
Cleave A. Tharp
William E. Anthony
Billy W. Cleek
David L. Conn, Jr.
Eric L. Crowe

1 Year, Cont.
Gary A. Hage
David M. Jehle
Brett H. May
Edward A. Perry
Michael L. Ruschmeyer
Brent R. Smith
Robert L. Walker
Shawna C. York
Larry D. Jackson
Dale K. Johnson
Russell E. Kassin
John P. Knaap
William R. Skinner
Ronald L. Watkins
Harlan R. Becraft
Harold J. Brewster
B. Phil Buschman
Jeffrey A. Casada
Marion F. Chism
Reginald M. Griffin
Thomas B. Littleton
Dennis E.J. Riley
Kevin B. Seems
Michael D. Williams
John Canellos
Bradford S. Collins
David L. Conn, Sr.
Stanley R. Cross, Jr.
Julio C. Madrid
Dennis E. May
Seth H. Skelton
Timothy A. Shrout
Steven K. Smith




Larry Morris
Gary Fellure
Don Singleton
Jim McGowan
Harold Sparkman
Brad Tolles
Chris Palmer
Tammy Haase
Larry Huisenga
Helen Blennerhassett
Tom Campos
Shirley Bohman
Brian Clevenger
Matt Hillegas
John Mariano
Gary Muth
Bob Greenwell
David Disselhorst
Rick Toalson
Audrey Snelson
Brenda Stringer
Shawn McLean
Charlie Armstrong
Darrell Elliott
Jerry Sakowski

Albuquerque, NM
Columbus, OH
Winchester, KY
Bakersfield, CA
Kenova, WV
Northville, MI
Alpine, CA
Lawrenceville, GA
Springfield, MO
Conroe, TX
Woodland, CA
Chesterfield, MO
McConnellsburg, PA
Everett, PA
Morrisville, PA
Hot Springs Village, AR
Louisville, KY
Granite City, IL
Panama City, FL
Jacksonville, FL
Olive Branch, MS
Toronto, ON
Fort Worth, TX
Birmingham, AL
St. Catherines, ON





6240 Allen Mellott

5853 Christopher Vorys
4647 Richard Brent
6277 John Baxter
5658 Rollad Liff
6176 Robert Stone
5885 Brian Johnson
5321A David Korhonen
6140 Brian Barr
5108 Michael Deshong
5555 Jeff Smith
5462 Terry Johnson
5467B Mike Nichols
5594 David M. Blue
4293 Donald Skelton
6009 Lawrence Ayers
4622B Paul Hershberger
6281 Ronald Glover
5099A Brent Smith
5696 Curtis Sanlo Sr.

5427 Portia and Anderson Mantooth

3274B Brian and Lisa Clevenger
6234 James and Kathy Ball
5660 David and Kim Snyder
5920 David Conn Jr.
3784C Ralph and Pamela Johns
5066A Don Fields
5565 Joe and Michelle Williamson
6119 Kimberly and Michael Southers
3375 Marshall Bruner
6158 Danny Adams
6178 William Mellott
3567 Jim Murphy
5935A Angel Arroyo Jr. and Mike Fontanez
2755 John Leglar
6203 Charles Schenk
6059 Patrick McCarthy
5517 Donald and Carol Stevens
6071 Timothy Shrout
5342 Nelson Quijano

5680A Daniel Hawkins680A D

6258 Anthony Miotke and Debra Thornton
6282 Cody Olesiak
6204 Donald Patterson
3780A Lynn Dennis
6145 Ronald Baird
5414A Diana (Lynn) and Ricky Stovall
4820A Ralph Baird
6144 Kris Jacobs
3732 William James Davidson
6177A Daniel Loewen
6101 Richard Ramm
5544 Steven Baird
5685 Michael Van Krieken
3876 David Kern
6214 Waymath and Lonnie Dean
6205 Timofey Moiseyenko
5588 Mark Suver
6020A Michael Graham
3529C Thomas Glen Claiborne


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