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Awasthi and Maheshwari- Public Administration

2. Prasad and Prasad Thinkers
3. Ramesh Arora Indian Administration
4. Mohit Bhattacharya New Horizons in Public

5. Maheshwari Indian Administration
6. IGNOU books.
7. Fadia and Fadia
8. Sharma and Sadana
There is no need to read all the books from cover to cover. Prepare topic wise
in a comprehensive manner. Use examples, contemporary relevance, case
studies etc. Read case studies from The Hindu, Frontline, Kurukshetra and
Yojana. I must admit here that due to paucity of time, I personally could not
refer to Kurukshetra but sometimes I did pick up selective issues and found
them very useful.
For those topics that were covered in the class, I first used to read my class
notes and tried to understand them. Then, I used to refer to other sources for
more details and clarity. For topics that were not covered in the class, I began
by reading that topic from at least 2 different books and understanding the
basics. Sometimes, I also read the printed material to supplement my
knowledge. Then I made my own notes for these topics.
Next, I tried to memorize all that I had studied so that I could recall the
crucial points at the right time. I used to do this by reading my notes and
underlined portions in the books again and again.
Finally, to gain confidence, I used to write answers to as many questions as I

Books to be read for Pub Ad (mains)


This Chapter is very important. Read topics from class notes, Fadia and Fadia,
and Mohit Bhattacharya. Also refer to IGNOU notes for this topic. The
information from this topic can be used in answering questions of other units
as well. This is a very scoring area.

Mohit Bhattacharya, Fadia & Fadia, IGNOU notes


You must know the theories of various scholars very well. Try to go in as much
detail as you can but do not go into unnecessary details. Writing some details
(but not all details) gives a unique touch to your answers. Read from Prasad
and Prasad. This is also a very scoring area.

Prasad and Prasad



For this chapter, read from Sharma and Sadana. It is a very good source of
information. I also found the printed material of my coaching class helpful.
You may want to make your own notes though this depends from person to

Sharma And Sadana, Class notes, Setphen Robbin


This is a relatively small chapter which can be studied from any standard
book or from the printed material of any coaching class.

Mohit Bhattacharya

Questions from this chapter are being asked lately as it is relevant in the
current context. Apart from your class notes, you can go through Sharma and
Sadana, printed material and Yojana and Kurukshetra articles. There is a lot of
scope of innovation in this topic in the sense that you will often be able to
correlate it to news items/editorials in the news papers and you will also find
many case studies. If questions come from this area there is ample scope for
you to give some unique points that may not be found in most of the answer


Mohit Bhattacharya, Sharma And Sadana, Class notes,


For this Chapter, you can refer to Sharma and Sadana and newspapers. It is a
very scoring area. Information may also be pooled in from Awasthi and
Maheshwari and GS Polity notes. Just like for the previous Unit, if questions
come from this area there is ample scope for you to give some unique points
that may not be found in most of the answer scripts.

Sharma And Sadana, Class notes


For this topic, it is good to refer to class notes OR Ramesh Arora (no need to
do both). Since the book is short, one can read the entire book and underline
relevant portions. If you are able to get a grip over the content in this book or
your class notes, you will be able to answer any question for CPA.

Ramesh Arora

This is a very important Chapter even though questions may not be asked
every year but material from this chapter can be used in other topics too.
Also, since many books were written in early 2000 or late 90s, you will have
to make use of your knowledge from GS, newspapers and
Yojana/Frontline/IJPA articles for this topic. You can rely on your class notes for
this topic. The book by Mohit Bhattacharya titled- Social Theory &
Development Administration is helpful.

Class notes, Mohit Bhattacharya titled- Social Theory & Development


For this chapter, I read from two books- Sharma and Sadana and Fadia and
Fadia. I also referred to the printed material. This is an important chapter
since questions are being asked in the past 2-3 years from this area. Practice
writing answers and correlate this chapter with the Civil Services Chapter of
Paper-II. Study both these Chapters together comprehensively. Make sure to
quote ARC recommendations and reports of other relevant committees as
and when appropriate.

Fadia & Fadia, Sharma & sadana


For this chapter, IGNOU notes are a very good source apart from class notes.
Questions are not asked regularly but students must focus on Policy
Implementation and Policy Evaluation. Also keep an eye out in news papers
and magazines for latest information in this topic.

Nicholas Henry,GNOU MATERIAL


This is a small chapter and may be studied from printed material and
Internet. There is a lot of scope of giving unique points in this chapter.

Any printed material


This is a very important chapter and students must study it thoroughly. I

referred class notes, printed material and Sharma and Sadana for this unit.
Study this chapter along with Financial Management of Paper-II
comprehensively as a single unit.

Sharma & sadana, IGNOU material



This is a scoring area although there is little scope of uniqueness in this topic.
It is given very well in Rajini Goyal and Arora.

Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora

Rajini Goyal and Arora, class notes and D.D. Basu. Remember to always
correlate answer in this topic with Constitution and current Parliamentary

D.D. Basu, Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora

This is a topic that is best covered from IJPA articles and also from
Laxmikant.Annual Survey on Public Sector of Department of Public

IIPA Journals

Refer to your class notes, GS Polity notes, Rajini Goyal and Arora and
newspapers. There is a lot of scope to innovate in this topic by quoting
current practices of our Parliamentary system and comparing them with
practices in other nations especially USA and UK.

Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora, Awasthi

I could not find any good source for this Chapter so I relied on class notes and
IJPA articles.

IIPA Journals

Refer to your class notes, GS Polity notes, Rajini Goyal and Arora and
newspapers. There is a lot of scope to innovate in this topic by quoting
current practices of our Parliamentary system and comparing them with
practices in other nations especially USA and UK.

Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora

Refer to Rajini Goyal and Arora, IJPA articles and the book by Avasthi and

Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora, IJPA articles, Avasthi

For this chapter, I read from two books- Sharma and Sadana and Fadia and
Fadia. I also referred to the printed material. This is an important chapter
since questions are being asked in the past 2-3 years from this area. Practice
writing answers and correlate this chapter with the Civil Services Chapter of
Paper-II. Study both these Chapters together comprehensively. Make sure to
quote ARC recommendations and reports of other relevant committees as
and when appropriate.

Fadia & Fadia, Sharma & sadana

This is a very important chapter and students must study it thoroughly. I

referred class notes, printed material and Sharma and Sadana for this unit.
Study this chapter along with Financial Management of Paper-II
comprehensively as a single unit.

Nicholas Henry,Sharma & sadana, IGNOU material


For this chapter read the reports of various committees. If you are not able to
read entire reports then read their summaries. Lay emphasis on
understanding the overall picture of administrative reforms in our nation
since Independence. Also, you must use information from this topic
extensively in answers to other topics questions as well.

IJPA articles, S.R.Maheshwari

For this Chapter, apart from class notes, I read Rajini Goyal and Arora. I also
used a lot of information from newspapers and Yojana articles. In answers for

these units, first always correlate with Constitutional articles, then give basic
points and then cite case studies.

Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora

For this Chapter, apart from class notes, I read Rajini Goyal and Arora. I also
used a lot of information from newspapers and Yojana articles. In answers for
these units, first always correlate with Constitutional articles, then give basic
points and then cite case studies.

Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora

For this Unit, apart from class notes, I read Avasthi and Avasthi. I also used
information from newspapers and Frontline articles. There is a lot of room of
innovation in this Chapter and students can give many unique points in their

Avasthi & Avasthi

Questions from this chapter are increasingly being asked recently.

Unfortunately, I could not find any comprehensive source for this topic. I thus
relied heavily on newspapers, Frontline/Yojana/IJPA articles and my GS Current
Affairs notes. Answers in this chapter, if written well can fetch a lot of marks
and there is a lot of scope of giving unique points by going into details of the
setup of relevant institutions in India. For example, in Disaster Management,
you can discuss the entire machinery at Central, State and District levels and
details of relevant Acts.

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