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FEATURES Solar Energy Solutions McKinsey Mumbai - A Remarkable Revival Six Senses
Destination Spa Phuket Smart Grid Technology Interview with Philippine Green Building
Council The Shaw Foundation Alumni House @ The Alumni Complex New Boon Lay Bus
Interchange SHOW REVIEW Hong Kong Int’l Building and Decoration Materials & Hardware
Fair 2009 SHOW PREVIEWS ISH China 2010 WORLDBEX 2010 Expo Build China 2010
Project Qatar 2010
contents jan - feb 2010

Features Regulars
Green Buildings – Solar Energy Interview With PhilGBC News
Solutions 64 Architect Christopher Cruz 8 Architecture news from
46 Solar panels for photovoltaic de la Cruz, Chairman of around the world
energy have become one Philippine Green Building
of the most promising green Council talks about the Agenda
technologies for sustainable efforts and challenges of 36 Calendar of events,
building design. In this promoting green building exhibitions and conferences
section, we take a look at practices in the Philippines
a few examples of solar panel Facility Management
installations Smart Grid – A New Era of 74 HVAC & Control Products
Energy Conservation (Valves, actuators, dampers,
McKinsey Mumbai – A 66 During a recent visit to sensors, thermostats and
Remarkable Revival Singapore, Mr Andreas pneumatics)
50 McKinsey Mumbai, the Schierenbeck, CEO of
new corporate office for the Siemens Building Automation Roof & Façade
multinational consultancy and Vice President of 78 Façade: Metal Cladding
firm of McKinsey & Co, has European Building (Aluminum, Copper & Steel)
undergone a dynamic Automation Associations 84 Roof
transformation from an old discussed the concept of
printing press to a vibrant and smart grid as well as the Product Showcase
elegant office space benefits and challenges 108 Architectural Glass
arising out of its 114 Wood Flooring
Interior – Commercial / Office implementation 115 Ceilings
56 Workplace designer, M 116 Kitchen & Bathroom
Moser Associates, created an Architecture – Application 120 Exterior Lighting
office design that would Feature 122 Mixed Category
provide the facilities and 72 The innovative Italian Pavilion 128 New on the Market
amenities needed for a at Shanghai Expo 2010 will
collaborative way of work for be built using Mapei products
Nokia Siemens Networks in
New Delhi, India Show Review
86 Hong Kong International
Six Senses Destination Spa Building and Decoration
Phuket Materials & Hardware Fair
60 Six Senses Destination 2009
Spa Phuket offers world-
class innovative experiences Show Previews
that combine the island’s 96 ISH China 2010
pristine natural beauty with 98 WORLDBEX 2010
cutting-edge holistic and 104 Expo Build China 2010
contemporary treatments 106 Project Qatar 2010

On this page: The new air-conditioned bus interchange of Boon Lay in Singapore features
an integrated public transport hub, in which the bus interchange and MRT station are
seamlessly linked with retail outlets. Photo: Alcan Alucobond (Far East) Pte Ltd.
Image: ©Stefan Gisin

4 Southeast Asia Building JAN-FEB 2010

EDITOR Amita Natverlal
Eric Ooi (
Felix Ooi (
Marie Joy Guerrero Victoria
editor's note (
Fawzeeah Yamin (

Looking Ahead
Yvonne Ooi (


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appy New Year everyone! Welcome to 2010. I hope you Des Acacias, 91810 Vert-Le-Grand, France. Tel: 33-1-6456-0015;
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had a happy holiday season and this year finds you in
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I am sure we are looking forward to a fresh start. Last year was Japan: T. Asoshina / Shizuka Kondo ECHO Japan Corporation
a rough one for many companies in Asia and I know we are all Grande Maison, Rm 303, 2-2, Kudan-Kita, 1-Chome, Chiyoda-ku,
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Despite setbacks in economies last year, building materials companies have
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continued to expand. In Asia, the Munich-based chemical company WACKER
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notably in Asia and the Middle East. Phase III of Durrat al Bahrain; Gia Lam New
Town in Hanoi; and a new sustainable mixed-use development in Mumbai are
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The building and construction industry is cautiously optimistic. There are signs The magazine is available free-of-charge to applicants in the
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Trade Link Media Pte Ltd also publishes:

On the Cover: • Southeast Asia Construction
The Shaw Foundation Alumni House @ The Alumni Complex, National • Security Solutions Today • Bathroom + Kitchen Today
University of Singapore. Photo by Architects Vista Pte Ltd
136 • Concrete Technology Today
FEATURES Solar Energy Solutions McKinsey Mumbai - A Remarkable Revival Six Senses
Destination Spa Phuket Smart Grid Technology Interview with Philippine Green Building
Council The Shaw Foundation Alumni House @ The Alumni Complex New Boon Lay Bus
Interchange SHOW REVIEW Hong Kong Int’l Building and Decoration Materials & Hardware
Fair 2009 SHOW PREVIEWS ISH China 2010 WORLDBEX 2010 Expo Build China 2010

• Lighting Today • Landscape Today

Project Qatar 2010

Cover design by Fawzeeah Yamin

6 Southeast Asia Building JAN-FEB 2010

INTERVIEW Profile of PhilGBC

In early 2006, a group of environmental advocates and

business leaders convened to form the Philippine Green
Building Council (PhilGBC) with the realisation that an
organisation that shall promote greener buildings is
needed to coordinate effor ts to promote sustainability
in the building industry. Over the years, the Council
has gone from strength to strength with more than
75 members comprising of architects, engineers,
developers, contractors, government, material suppliers
etc. In this issue, Architect Christopher Cruz de la Cruz,
Chairman of PhilGBC talks to Southeast Asia Building
editor about the effor ts and challenges of promoting
Architect Christopher Cruz de la Cruz
green building practices in the Philippines.

Q: Can you briefly outline the objectives

o f t h e P h i l i p p i n e G r e e n B u i l d i n g C o u n c i l ? 
Christopher: The Philippine Green Building Council is a
national not-for-profit organisation that promotes the sharing of
knowledge on green practices to the property industry to ensure
a sustainable environment. The Council is an alliance of building
and construction industr y leaders from both the public and
private sectors that shall be the non-partisan venue to develop a
nationally accepted and recognised green building rating standard.

Relevant issues that may affect how a building’s sustainable credentials

are to be measured shall be discussed in this programme. The Council
shall act as a referee in determining the correctness of the claims
of project proponents by developing the national green building PhilGBC signing agreement with City of Makati and Green Peace.
rating system. It shall be an independent monitoring and verification
system that shall serve as a third party certification. This will level the reduce waste generated at job sites, thus, requiring less landfills.
playing field among the building industry players since all claims will The reduction of the negative impacts associated with building
be benchmarked against a single rating system. Businesses will use construction promotes the preservation of the natural ecology. It is a major
this mark as a recognisable branding tool that will enable buyers to contribution of the business industry in the protection of the environment.
easily identify buildings that are performing environmentally well. The Sustainable building improves the productivity of businesses. Healthier
programme shall be officially referred to as Building for Ecologically workspaces promote building occupants’ comfort and health and
Responsive Design Excellence Programme (BERDE Programme). boosts employees’ morale. As the business industry increases the
uptake of sustainable building strategies, they are realising that first
Q: What is your definition of a “green building”?  costs are now very competitive. Accessibility to greener building
Christopher: Green B u i l d i n g i s t h e p r a c t i c e o f d e s i gn i n g, materials, technology and information are accelerating the acceptance
constructing, operating, or reusing buildings in an ecological and of sustainable building. With a mature market ready to embrace
resource efficient manner. It focuses on the promotion and practice sustainable building, businesses will be reaping the marketing
of sustainable site development, improvement of indoor air quality, benefits that are provided by sustainable building. This enables
use of efficient energy, and improvement of water management, businesses to maintain competitiveness and improve their bottom-line.
utilisation of green materials and the preservation of cultural heritage.
Q: What challenges did PhilGBC face when
When buildings use less energy it reduces the demand for government i t w a s f o r m e d a n d h o w i s t h e s i t u a t i o n n o w ? 
to build more power plants. Improved quality of effluents from Christopher: There is a need to educate the public on what it
buildings helps the government maintain cleaner water resources. takes to be green.  The industry is constantly faced with new
Improved resource management practices enable businesses to technologies, and strategies that help contribute to green building

64 Southeast Asia Building JAN-FEB 2010

Profile of PhilGBC INTERVIEW

Promotion of green building between PhilGBC and UK Trade and Investment. Multi-awarded architect Jason Pomeroy (left) with Christopher Cruz de la Cruz.

programmes. With a lot of “schools of thought” on how to be Next, is the concern about the gamut of standards on green
green, the PhilGBC needs to explain to the public that a rating tool building that is out in the market.  This is addressed by the
will make things easier for the public to identify green buildings. development of BERDE (Building for Ecologically Responsive
Also during the early days of Council development,  we lacked the D e s i gn E xc e l l e n c e ) .  I t s e e k s t o h a r m o n i s e a l l re c o gn i s e d
attention of decision makers who will make all of this happen.  standards, laws and regulations in the area of green building.  It
Today,  the PhilGBC’s opinion is valued in the areas of policy is positioned to be the “National Green Building Rating System”.
development, business development, and environmental expertise
There are already commitments from the Philippines’
Q: How many green buildings are major industry players that they will use the BERDE
there currently in the P h i l i p p i n e s ?  s y s t e m .   A m o n g t h e c o m p a n i e s i n t e r e s t e d a r e t h e Ay a l a
Christopher: In the absence of a nationally recognised green building Land I nc., the Net Group, and Megaworld Corporation.
rating tool, there really is no way to identify which buildings are really
green, but presently while the national rating system is being developed, Q: Many developers think that choosing “green”
industry is slowly integrating green design strategies in their development. building materials and techniques will only add
money to their budget. What is your view on this? 
Q: What is the current level of consumer Christopher: The PhilGBC simply needs to explain to the market
d e m a n d f o r g r e e n h o m e s i n t h e P h i l i p p i n e s ?  players that it is a sound investment decision to look into the
Christopher: I had a discussion with the Dept of Trade a few lifecycle costs rather simply looking at upfront costs.  Also it is
months back and they were planning to hold business meet good to note that there are already sustainability financing options
ups to facilitate green development.  There is a lot of interest in available in the Philippine market which effectively reduces the
government and industry and they are responding quite well. amount of money needed to building green.  They also need to
understand that green buildings are better “leveraged” against
The Dept. of Labour is looking into embarking on a building development loans.  Banks are starting to understand that
programme to upgrade sk ills of construction workers in green building may in effect “future proof ” a developer’s investment.
preparation to the upcoming demand for greener buildings.  Future proofing as a concept are understood as sound investment
T h e P h i l G B C i s n o w d e s i g n i n g i t s p r o fe s s i o n a l e d u c a t i o n strategies that are well understood by financing institutions.
programme to upgrade the skill sets of consultants in
preparation to the release of the BERDE Rating System in 2010. Q: How have developers and architects responded to
the green building initiatives launched by PhilGBC?
Q: Are there any misperceptions that developers in Christopher: The top developers and architecture/ engineering
the Philippines tend to have about green building?     firms are already members of the PhilGBC and actively participate
Christopher: Several,  the number one concern is that in the development of BERDE.  Education and business
green building is expensive. I consider this a myth as green networking events of the council are always “over subscribed”.
b u i l d i n g g r a d u a l l y   b e c o m e s “ b u s i n e s s a s u s u a l s c e n a r i o”
and the cost of technology will become ver y competitive. Q: Are there any specific goals that the
PhilGBC has set in terms of increasing
s u s t a i n a b l e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n t h e P h i l i p p i n e s ? 
Christopher: We play a key role in policy development. We want
to ensure that policy makers have informed options in developing
a good policy mix for the Philippines.  We are now in the process
of discussion with material suppliers and seeking their support in
being part of the greening the supply chain of the property industry.

Q: What kind of future do green

buildings have in the Philippines?
Christopher: Very bright GREEN!

For more information about the Philippine Green Building Council,

Signing of agreement with Secretary of Department of Energy, Hon. Angelo
T. Reyes. visit

JAN-FEB 2010 Southeast Asia Building 65

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