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Patron(s): FEECE-MUET

Dr. B. S. Chowdhry
Dr. Aftab Memon
Fahim A. Umrani Mehran UET, Jamshoro
Aakash Makhijani Our Issues:
Asma Qureshi Aakash Makhijani (06TL02)
Volume 1, Issue 2
The Information and Communication Technology Telecom Engineering program was to
8th June 2008 (ICT) Industry is growing at the massive scale. produce high quality TL in various spe-
The ICT Industry is contributing to be country’s cialized areas such as:
economy, providing the local population with job • RF Planning and Optimization
Inside this issue:
opportunities and earning foreign exchange. In • Mobile and Wireless Communica-
this information age ICT industry provides the tion,
ability to individuals & organizations to access, • Terrestrial & Satellite Communica-
Our Issues: 1 process and communicate the information for tion,
DEPARTMENT- economic growth of country. It is the field of • Multimedia Communication,
INDUSTRY INTERAC- telecommunication that provides proximity and • Communication Systems and Net-
TION access to resources and markets. The telecom- works,
munication sector is perceived to be one of the • Optical Fiber Communication,
Technical Article: 3 largest services industries of Pakistan. ICT In- • Telemedicine
A Robot that Can dustry has great ability to flourish existing busi- • Advanced Networks
Smile or Frown nesses and attract new industries, termed as ma- Later on HEC selected MUET as an
jor contributor to the development of Pakistan. Institute of Communication Technolo-
News on campus 4 Mehran UET has the privilege to establish the gies hub and approved scheme of
Telecommunication Department for the first time Rs.189 million in 2004 for the establish-
in the history of all Public and Private sector ment of ICT.
universities of Pakistan. Keeping in view the tre- The most important need for Telecom-
mendous growth of Telecom Sector and low munication Department is to have more
“Mehran University of
Tele-density in the country, there is great scope close collaboration with Industry so that
Engineering and Technology
and consumption of Telecom Engineers, Experts students could go for Study Tours or
has the privilege to establish and Solution Providers; therefore in year 2001 Industrial Visits in every semester in
the Telecommunication MUET started the program to produce graduates different organizations such as PTCL,
Department for the first exclusively in Telecommunication Engineering SIEMENS, SUPARCO, Telenor, Ufone,
time in the history of all with in the Electronics Engineering Department Mobilink, Warid, NTC, TIP, and CTI etc.
Public and Private sector and the department was renamed as Electronics
universities of Pakistan.” & Telecommunication Engineering Department.
Bilal Tirmizi 06TL44 &
Main objectives to launch Aakash Makhijani 06TL02
PIA Study Tour Picture of
06 Telecom Section 1

The organizations like Siemens, SUPARCO, Telenor, also conducts the ing that period. Interns submit a formal
test of students after final year for recruitment. Telecommunication De- report at the end of internship program
partment also encourages the students to take up industry related the- and are given a certificate of acknowl-
sis/project in the final year. The industries are thanked and acknowl- edgement upon completion. Some com-
edged for their kind cooperation. panies also pay the stipend to interns.
Telecommunication engineering skills are acquired via hands on experi- The importance of industrial visits or
ence. Students need direct industrial exposure to learn the practical as- study tours of Telecommunication Engi-
pects of designing, maintaining and executing the telecommunication neering students is one of the main fac-
network and keeping it operational and de tor in the engineering studies. The main
objective of industrial
visits is creating
awareness of techno-
logical advancement.
The industrial visits
are actually ‘windows’
through which one can
see the different pro-
gress that has been
made in industry. Dr
Aftab Memon, Chair-
man of Telecommuni-
cation Engineering De-
Lec. Faisal K. Talpur and Lec. Naveed A. Umrani at PIA Tour partment, has prepared a schedule of
industrial visits based on the courses
void of problems. Internships are integral part of building up technically
taught in the department on a term-wise
proficient engineering graduates. The internship training is the most
basis. However, industrial visits are dif-
important aspect for student’s career development.
ficult to be arranged because of lack of
Dr A. K. Baloch, Director IICT & Directorate of Industrial Liaison (DIL),
response from the companies. The stu-
is looking after internship programs. DIL intends to
dents and chairman both have to take
bridge the gap which has prevailed for dec-
efforts for the industrial visits. But al-
“The main ades between the university and the industry.
most every batch in every semester goes
DIL has developed a formal internship policy.
for the industrial visits. This process
objective of 2nd year, 3rd year and final year students are
allows the students to complete practical
allowed to apply for internships. Students
industrial visits knowledge of the theory subjects. Field
have to write application to DIL for the re-
visits to different industries make student
is creating quest letter to the organization. The applica-
familiar with areas such as transmission,
tion should be forwarded by the concerned
optimization, RF planning, mobile switch-
awareness of Chairman. The Chairman ensures the eligibil-
ing, wireless networks etc.
ity of student and then forward the applica-
technological tion to DIL. DIL gives the request letter to
applicant. This process is done fast for the
easiness of students. Students then send
the letter to organizations with CVs to apply
for the internship. Then if the student is eligible then organization
selects them for internships. DIL also claims to receive requests from
top companies for recruiting students for internships. The best five or
ten students are nominated for the internship.
In telecommunication engineering the internships are in different de-
partments. Internships are in radio frequency planning, optimization,
operations and transmissions, mobile switching, telephony switching,
optical fiber, microwave departments. During the internship period,
which is usually of 6 weeks in June and July, interns are assigned
tasks by senior employees in the company to whom they report dur-
Radar section at PIA
Volume 1, Issue 2 Page 3

Technical Article
A Robot that Can Smile or Frown
Contributed by Asma Qureshi 05ES01

Nexi, the latest robot star from class of robots that can engage in sophisticated forms of
MIT's Media Lab, is symbolic of peer-to-peer teamwork with humans in uncertain envi-
the widespread research interest ronments.
in the future range of applications MIT and other U.S. researchers have no monopoly on
for personal robots and human- personal robot enthusiasm. In Japan, for instance, robot
robot teamwork. Nexi is an ex- experts are even more convinced that robots are rapidly
perimental humanoid robot with a becoming social companions to people.
head that can display a wide Robotic maids will be common domestic assistants in less
than 20 years, say the robot experts at Georgia Tech.
"The personal robot market is already growing 400% per
year," says Henrik Christensen, director of the newly
formed Robotics and Intelligent Machines Center in the
Georgia Tech College of Computing. For industrial ro-
bots, Jeffrey Burnstein, executive vice president of the
Robotic Industries Association (RIA), reports 2007's
growth at 24%.
"Now, as we get more intelligence into the robot, we can
start doing things we could only imagine in the 1960s
and 1970s," says Christensen. "On the industrial side, it
is enabling the expansion of robots from the automotive
"Don’t mess with me!”
sector to a number of other sectors. The added intelli-
gence is also enabling the move from large-scale to
range of facial expressions. Video small-scale manufacturing. That added intelligence also
cameras and microphones enable increases the functionality possible with the home de-
ployment of personal ro-
"Robotic maids will be common domestic assistants in
less than 20 years, say the robot experts at Georgia

it to see and hear, and eventually bots," he says.

Nexi will have mobility made Expect personal ro-
possible by a Segway transporter bots to enter our
type device. home lives in two
ways, Christensen
The project was originally funded adds. "One is the ro-
by an office of Naval Research botic personal assis-
Defense University Research In- tant that may cost as "I’m confused!”
strumentation program award. much as an automobile.
The intent: to develop a novel
Mehran UET, Jamshoro

News on campus
• ENGRO at MUET Newly established Central Library

This is for the information of Electronics student that the

ENGRO is conducting the test on 15th July at 10.00 am in the main campus of University. ENGRO is
Pakistan's one of the leading fertilizing industries located at Daherki (District Ghotki) Sindh. It’s a
wonderful plant to work there with highly qualified engineers from all over Pakistan. You should
reach at 9:00 am sharp. The test will most likely contain sections of technical and IQ questions.
Wish you all very good luck!
• The Al-Khwarzmi Gold Medal and Rs 2000 cash reward

On behalf of IT Vision Society, Prof. B. S. Chowdhry would like to Sponsor Al-Khwarzmi Gold
Medal and Rs. 2000 cash reward to 1st position holder of each batch of Electronics to Eulogize Al-
Khwarizmi's profound effect on the philosophy of Mathematics and the development of Algebra. In
case of same candidate secures 1st position in successive year, it will be awarded to second posi-
tion holder and so on. The IT Vision society also requests other former graduates of Mehran to
come forward and offer scholarships etc.
On behalf of FEECE_MUET newsletter team I appreciate I& congratulate T Vision society for this
noble gesture!
• Everybody back on campus!

The good days are over ;)! Everybody will be coming back on campus from 22nd of this
month and resume their normal proceedings of teaching and learning! The buses will take
of for campus at 7 am in morning and leave back for your homes at 2 pm.

Volunteers required

Any body who has some literary taste and is interested in becoming part of our team of FEECE-
MUET e-Newsletter, please drop an email to me @
You can also contribute:

1- Activities/News of the MUET (with focus on ES, TL, BM, CS, SW and EL Deptt:)
2- Project Proposals (for junior and senior level undergraduates)
3- Achievements of Students (Curricular or Extra-curricular)
4- Recommended websites, books, places
5- Student Issues and problems.
6- Descent Entertaining/Funny but creative stuff
7- Etc,

To subscribe for this newsletter please join the yahoo group

named sar_muet or email

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