Feece Muet Enewsletter Issue3

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Patron(s): Dr. B. S. Chowdhry, Dr. Aftab Memon
Editor: Fahim A. Umrani
Sub-Editors: Aakash Makhijani (06TL02), Asma Qureshi (05ES01), Tabish Noorani (05TL40)
V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 3 1 2 T H S E P T E M B E R 2 0 0 8

Our Issues:
Voice of students: Daily Routine Problems
Aakash Makhijani (06TL02), Muhummad Irfan Abro (06TL81), Asma Qureshi (05ES01) and Tabish Noorani (05TL40)

Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, ranked 2nd in the last HEC ranking,
The opinions expressed in this
article are the personal views of has set a benchmark in rapid development of its faculty enhancements and has as-
the authors. Anyone has all the tounded many. We feel proud of being part of Mehran UET. However as concerned student
right to disagree. The purpose is and well wisher of the MUET we would like to highlight some areas where we need a lot
to highlight the problems faced of work to do. Talking about the daily routine problems faced by a student in MUET
by students at MUET in good has become really very difficult. But still there are few problems which need to be
faith and it is hoped that the addressed and administration should take immediate steps to solve these problems. If
concerned authorities will take
these problems are solved then our university will be among one of the top university
serious notice of the pointed
areas. The editor takes the sole in the world.
responsibility of publishing this
How do we reach to Campus?

Healthy learning requires healthy learners, and healthy learners need better environ-
ment and food. Our environment is very good as MUET’s campus is located on a se-
cluded area of Jamshoro but its negative impact is lack of convenient accessibility.
Most students and other staff of the university have to rely on university’s own
limited transport or they have to give themselves up under the unfair and expensive
charges of private rikshaw owner’s. Therefore, most students has to spent most of
their time on campus even when they are free from regular classes and lab sessions.

What is “sports” at MUET?
Our Issues: 1 It has been said healthy mind lives in a healthy soul. It really hurts when we
discuss sports at MUET. It is seen that almost all other universities of Pakistan
Voice of stu- except Mehran UET winning or at least participating in regional and national sports
dents: Daily events. And another wound salting fact is that we don’t have a single sports event
Routine Prob- at the departmental level. The sports events are either completely non-existent in
MUET or no genuine effort is made to involve students in the sport programs. We
lems believe if sports department of MUET seriously takes this issue and manages its
program then many students who waste their time and energies in nonacademic
News on campus 4
activities can be channelized into constructive and healthy contributions. Mehran
UET is the only university in Pakistan which does not has a sports quota. This
deprives good sportsmen of Sindh of the right of getting engineering education. With
all these difficulties even if some gets a chance to reach finals of any event, and
if 6 days have passed, then he/she won’t get attendance depriving him/her of his
sessional marks and he/she will have to bear all his/her expenses too. It is begged
rather than advised to the authorities to pay special attention to the sports which
would not only improve the image of our university but also attract people of
Pakistan to know about MUET and can become a source of pride to its well wisher.

Some reservations on Self-financed admission policy

One of the most disappointing factor in the admission policy of MUET is self-finance scheme. We believe that it
discourages the bright but under privileged cream of Sindh. Neglecting the merit over self-finance and giving
more seats to less-populated districts prove great hurdles in achieving international quality engineers. With
all due respects to self-finance students, majority of them proves that they do not deserve to be engineers. It
is advised to administration that self finance system should be abolished in order to get genuine cream of stu-

Remedy for heat strokes: Air-conditioners!

Demand of air-conditioners in classes by the students may be too much for asking but things really get sweated
in the after noon of summers. Most of old built departments lack ventilating and spacious classes, common
rooms. Specially common room for girls have a “Guatnamo bay prison” look from inside. As girls have stated
taking interest in engineering, so the administration should also look into providing more4 facilities to fe-
male students. Girls’ common rooms are too small that they can not do prayers at prayer time. There should
more space of they can easily perform prayers. There is generator in Department of Electronics and Computer
system but not in Telecommunication Department. Practical are impossible without electricity. Student and
teachers both get frustrated in theory classes. That’s why there should be generator facility in Telecommuni-
cation Department as well.

Labs need to be properly equipped

The good engineers should have good practical experience. The MUET’s student already feel dearth of any inter-
action with the industry while they study. This can be compensated if our labs are properly and intelligently
equipped with state of art equipment. Although MUET is one of the few universities of Pakistan where there is
relatively good lab apparatus available as compared to other universities of Pakistan. But still much can be
done. Especially it is found that some equipment is blindly purchased which is wasted in the store rooms. In
some departments there is less apparatus in labs (for example PCs) and there are more students in waiting to
use them. There should be more practical apparatus. The apparatus should be latest one so the student can get
the latest knowledge from practical. There should be a proper system and in that system students should be less
so each and everyone can get a chance to use the apparatus. Students also have only an hour to perform practi-
cal. They should have more time to perform practical. Dr. Aftab Memon, Chairman of Telecommunication Depart-
ment, has given the perfect solution to this problem. Each section students are divided into groups and each
group has 2 hours of each practical in a week rather than one hour in a week. This idea should also be adopted
by other Chairmen of FEECE and MUET. The main problem behind this is the abrupt increase in the number of stu-
dents in recent years. In one class suddenly the number of student has increased from approximately 50 to 100.
This is done without envisaging the consequent problems and proper homework. It would have been much better if
first the available infrastructure was improved and then the number of students was increased. But unfortu-
nately quite opposite of this is done, may be due to commercial reasons. Administration should request HEC to
raise funds in order to get more apparatus and to develop necessary infrastructure.

Internet is need of time!

Every engineer should be connected to the world in order to get the educational exposure, to know the job op-
portunities and to know the latest research in the worlds. In this world of World Wide Web one way to get the
world exposure is internet. There is good internet facility in Departments of Electronics and Department of
Computer Systems. Electronics Department has also WLAN facility. But unfortunately and ironically in Telecommu-
nication Department so far there is no internet facility at all. These should be net facility for students of
Telecommunication Department. The final year students suffer most due to the lack of net facility while they
research for their final year projects. Also hostellers are also trapped in this problem. There is no internet
facility in hostels also.


Current Politics in campus should be banned!

One of the national tragedies of our countries is that noble professions are turning into “mere jokes” and
are being generally disgusted by the masses. One such profession is Politics. The way different political
parties ruin the life’s and careers of the innocent student at MUET it is disgusting. Boycotts and daily
fights is not the sign of healthy environment. Good students suffer a lot because of politics. Boycotts cause
no classes and syllabus is not completed in due time. There are good and bad students in university. Bad stu-
dents do politics for there own good not for others good. We believe it would not be against basic human
rights if it is banned for moment until the university administration provides healthy platform such as stu-
dent unions without interference of outsiders. There should be no politics in MUET. MUET administration
should take appropriate steps to rid the politics in order to make healthy environment in University.

Need to beef-up Academic and Extra-Curricular activities

Academic activities like seminars, competitions, exhibitions, quizzes and workshops are part of the learning
facilities and they boost up confidence in students. Teachers do good job in boosting up confidence in stu-
dents by taking presentations. But talent of many talented students is wasted as there are no competitions,
exhibitions and quizzes. Unfortunately seminars and workshops happen only once in a blue moon. The number of
seminars and workshops should be increased. Dr. BS Chowdhry, Chairman of Electronics and Bio-Medical Depart-
ment, Prof Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan Rajput, the Vice chancellor, MUET, Prof Dr MR Abro, and Dean Faculty of Elec-
trical, Electronics and Computer System Engineering, were the pioneers of mega event IMTIC’08. Such events
should be repeated every two year. This proved very good for the students. This is the request that authori-
ties should increase the academic activities like seminars, workshops, exhibitions, competition and quizzes.

In support of External System

The MUET has external system. But now due to delay in results the external system in theory papers from 09
Batch will be finished. This step of administration will finish the merit and will give rise to favoritism.
This will cause very bad effect on good students. This system will cause a lot of undue favor to so called
“comrades”. Therefore, the external system should be continued to stop undue favoritism. There should be
external system in sake of saving the merit.

While writing this article few points are omitted because of the agility of the authorities to solve them. It
would be obliged if the authorities also take notice of the above mentioned problems and rectify them and
make university life the golden period of our life.

MUET, Pakistan signs MoU with

University of Southampton, UK
A delegation of University of Southampton, UK, including Pro-Vice chancellor Professor Dr. Alistair Fitt and
Madam Jo Nesbitt, deputy head of the international office and regional director, visited the Mehran UET on
Wednesday and signed an MoU for exchange of scientific, academic and technical information between the two
It also includes academic exchanges, mutual visits of faculty and school members to pursue research and to
deliver lecture, and student exchanges on a reciprocal basis.
Professor Fitt appreciated efforts of MUET for signing MoU and said that many goals and objectives, including
identifying opportunities for exchanges, cooperation, joint research and development in disciplines of mutual
interest can be achieved under this international partnership programme.
News on campus
Newly established Central Library

Announcement of Result:
The result of SECOND TERM THIRD YEAR (05-
has been displayed on 22-07-2008.
Out of 117 students in 05 ELECTRONICS, 64 are declared successful,14 have passed only Second
Term Third Year while 39 students are failed in different subjects. The list of candidates se-
curing Top 5 positions are:

1. Mr. Kapil Dev - 05ES10 (90.7%)

2. Miss Mohadissa - 05ES73 (89.3%)
3. Mr. Naveed Khuwaja -05ES124 (87%)
4. Miss Asma Qureshi -05ES01 (86.5%)
5. Mr. Toufique-05ES18 (86.2%)

Volunteers required
Any body who has some literary taste and is interested in becoming part of our team of FEECE-
MUET e-Newsletter, please drop an email to me @ fahim_umrani@yahoo.com.
You can also contribute:

1- Activities/News of the MUET (with focus on ES, TL, BM, CS, SW and EL Deptt:)
2- Project Proposals (for junior and senior level undergraduates)
3- Achievements of Students (Curricular or Extra-curricular)
4- Recommended websites, books, places
5- Student Issues and problems.
6- Descent Entertaining/Funny but creative stuff
7- Etc,

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