Final Paper

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Anna Kirwan

Professor Slater
Transformation through the Arts
My Transformation
When I decided to take this class I had no idea what to expect. I never considered myself to be
an artist in fact; I referred to myself as a math and science kind of girl. I was nervous about
what my assignments in the class would entail, and if I had to actually make decent art. Chapter
one in our book, first sentence said, Art is like sex, it is too important to leave to the
professionals. We discussed the quote and how no one should think that they are not good
enough to call themselves artists. I came to the quick realization that we were not expected to be
amazing artists, and that many of my classmates felt the same way I did.
We quickly dove into how art affects our ever day lives. I had never thought of art as
something other than a painting or sculpture. What this class taught me right away is that art is
everything, and everything is art. I have been an athlete my whole life, and have never once seen
playing a game as a work of art. Every move, every step, every breath during a game is art,
because it is something you are creating. This lesson stuck with me because it shows how
important art is, and people do not even realize it.
Gestalt default is a big part of why people do not see the art all around them, and before
taking this class I did not know what gestalt default was. It is a preconception about any
situation or site. Gestalt default is seeing a dirty person on the street and assuming they are an
alcoholic who lost their home. Noticing clean is when you drop the preconception and really
look at things for what they are. To me, this was the most valuable lesson we learned in this

course. Growing up in a well-off family, being a very privileged child, its easy to put your mind
on autopilot and not open up your eyes to really see the world. I have been very guilty of not
noticing clean many times throughout my life. Learning this lesson has made me see things in a
completely different light. As a nursing major, I was not sure there was any possible way art
could connect to my future profession. One day in genetics I looked at the bored and saw the
word gestalt. It was referring to what a typical patient should look like when theyre healthy. I
instantly knew that the lessons about art I learned this semester would be with me for life.
Our lesson on symbols was another lesson that really affected me. I never really notice
symbols because they are everywhere, and have become second nature. So many small, simple
symbols can have the biggest meanings. Also, one image or object could mean something to
someone, and something completely different to someone else. They day we had to bring in a
symbol, someone else had the same one as me however they were completely different. I chose
to bring in a necklace that belonged to my nana. The necklace is simple with just a small gold
elephant pendant. There hasnt been a time where I have seen an elephant and not thought of my
nana. This was the perfect example of how something small and simple can mean something so
much bigger. I dont remember why but nana always had little elephant charms hidden around
the house, therefor it was the perfect symbol. Another boy in our class brought an elephant pin.
I was intrigued by what he would say about it. He proceeded to tell the class that he picked it to
represent his favorite band. I had never realized how important symbols are to us before that.
One of my favorite and most entertaining lessons we did was playing. Taking time out of
class work to just act like little kids and play games was not something I expected. I especially
didnt think Id be learning so much from it. It seems trivial and silly however, playing and
letting loose is essential to a healthy balanced life. A life that is all work and no play is definitely

not ideal. Many times people get so caught up with working and being successful, that they
forget how important it is to relax and blow off steam. The best part about playing is that there is
no right or wrong way to do it. Anything that relieves stress, and doesnt involve any work
qualifies as play.
The final lesson that helped me transform as a student and as an artist was the difference
between intrinsic and extrinsic. I never realized that they changed through the stages of life.
What I realized is that with age comes wisdom. We learn that materialistic things do not matter
as much as we used to think. When we begin getting older, we strive for things that cannot be
physically touched. When I was in eighth grade, compliments and peer pressure were my top
motivators. All I wanted when I was younger was to have other kids like me, and I was mostly
motivated extrinsically. Having matured some since then, I find myself looking for different
kinds of motivation. Things like happiness and success are what I am chasing after. Although
they are harder to accomplish, they are much more fulfilling than any materialistic motivator.
This class has taught me many things, some of which I already knew and it made me
think. However, it also taught me things that I never would have noticed as I went through life.
Before this class, I judged people and things as I saw them. Now, I have a much more open
mind towards new people and experiences. This class has made me never again want to be the
type of person who remains on autopilot. Observing things around me and finding the beauty in
every situation was something I never considered, and now I know more than one way to do that.
I also know that life is a crazy ride full of ups and downs, and finding the art whether its good or
bad, is very important. Art changes the way we perceive everything, and without it, the world
would be a very boring place.

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. ~Thomas Merton
Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic
mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. Make. Good. Art.
~Neil Gaiman
Art attracts us only by what it reveals of our most secret self. ~Jean-Luc Godard
A piece of art is never a finished work. It answers a question which has been asked, and asks a
new question. ~Robert Engman
Art reaches its greatest peak when devoid of self-consciousness. Freedom discovers man the
moment he loses concern over what impression he is making or about to make. ~Bruce Lee

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