NISPMUN - South Africa, UN Habitat Research

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1) How to reduce overconsumption in developing Urban Areas?

Spread industrial areas out and not have them all clumped to one Urban Area
that is developing. (Possibly have an area that has all of the necessary shops but not the
industries themselves)
Find out about the population distribution in SA.
Policies like One child policy? - To prevent the population from expanding even
Educate the people in the developing countries about contraception and safe
sex. = The world population grew almost 3 times from 1950 to 2010 from 2.5
to just under 7 billion, a 274% growth. The estimates of
this growth was about 150%
whereas the developing world accounted
for 330%.
As modernisation of our society has a detrimental impact on resource
availability and leads to an increased competition that generates significant amount of
wastes we could establish a research group to find a way to recycle those wastes or to
reduce them. (Money + who will be a part of it? - Assign some reps from specific
countries to be a part of the fund?)
South Africa 26% of Urban Population (26% of the population live in the
largest city)
- 82% of the population have access to improved sanitation facilities
- 99% of the population have improved access to a water source this includes
piped water on premise, other improved water sources such as public taps,
standpipes, tube wells, boreholes, protected dug wells, protected
springs, and rainwater collection. )
- Price of gasoline US$ 1.42
- 64% of the total popn lives in Urban Areas

2) The question of defining the post-2015 Development Agenda.

3) The question of adequate housing

and slum upgrading programmes

Find out how many in South Africa do not have enough housing programmes and
are in poverty.
There is considerable urban sprawl in parts of Eastern Africa (Urban sprawl or
suburban sprawl describes the expansion of human populations away from central urban areas
into previously remote and rural areas, often resulting in communities reliant upon heavy
automobile usage.)

* South Africa is the 25th-largest country in the world by land area, and with close
to 53 million people, is the world's 25th-most populous nation.
* The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of European
(white),Asian (Indian), and multiracial (coloured) ancestry. All ethnic and linguistic
groups have political representation in the country'sconstitutional democracy,
which comprises a parliamentary republic and nine provinces.
*South Africa has the seventh-highest per capita income in Africa, although poverty and
inequality remain widespread, with about a quarter of the population unemployed and
living on less than US$1.25 a day.
*South Africa is ranked as an upper-middle income economy by the World Bank, and is
considered to be a newly industrialised country.[13][14] Its economy is the second largest
in Africa, and the 28th-largest in the world.
*In post-apartheid South Africa, unemployment has been extremely high as the country
has struggled with many changes. While many blacks have risen to middle or upper
classes, the overall unemployment rate of blacks worsened between 1994 and 2003.[45]
Poverty among whites, previously rare, increased.[46] In addition, the current government
has struggled to achieve the monetary and fiscal discipline to ensure both redistribution
of wealth and economic growth. Since the ANC-led government took power, the United
NationsHuman Development Index of South Africa has fallen, while it was steadily rising
until the mid-1990s.[47] Some may be attributed to theHIV/AIDS pandemic, and the failure
of the government to take steps to address it in the early years.
*The Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions estimates over 100,000 people were driven
from their homes.[50] The targets were mainly migrants and refugees seeking asylum, but
a third of the victims were South African citizens.[49] In a 2006 survey, the South African
Migration Project concluded that South Africans are more opposed to immigration than
anywhere else in the world.[51] The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in
2008 reported over 200,000 refugees applied for asylum in South Africa, almost four
times as many as the year before.
*Since 2004, the country has had many thousands of popular protests, some violent,
making it, according to one academic, the "most protest-rich country in the world".[77]
There have been a number of incidents of political repression as well as threats of future
repression in violation of this constitution leading some analysts and civil society
organisations to conclude that there is or could be a new climate of political repression,

or a decline in political tolerance.

*As the Union of South Africa, the country was a founding member of the United Nations.
The then Prime Minister Jan Smuts wrote the preamble to the United Nations Charter.[97]


The country is one of the founding members of the African Union (AU), and has the

largest economy of all the members. It is also a founding member of the AU's New
Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD). South Africa has played a key role as a
mediator in African conflicts over the last decade, such as in Burundi, the Democratic
Republic of Congo, theComoros, and Zimbabwe. After apartheid ended, South Africa was
readmitted to the Commonwealth of Nations. The country is a member of the Group of 77
and chaired the organisation in 2006. South Africa is also a member of the Southern
African Development Community, South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone, Southern
African Customs Union, Antarctic Treaty System, World Trade Organization, International
Monetary Fund, G20 and G8+5.
South African President Jacob Zuma and Chinese President Hu Jintao upgraded bilateral
ties between the two countries on 24 August 2010, when they signed the Beijing
Agreement, which elevated South Africa's earlier "strategic partnership" with China to
the higher level of "comprehensive strategic partnership" in both economic and political
affairs, including the strengthening of exchanges between their respective ruling parties
and legislatures.[99][100] In April 2011, South Africa formally joined the Brazil-Russia-IndiaChina (BRICS) grouping of countries, identified by President Zuma as the country's
largest trading partners, and also the largest trading partners with Africa as a whole.
Zuma asserted that BRICS member countries would also work with each other through
the UN, the Group of Twenty (G20) and the India, Brazil South Africa (IBSA) forum.







Area (km2)


Population (2013)


Free State

























North West











Cape Town

Cape Town




Honourable chair and fellow delegates,

This delegate from South Africa feels honoured to be a part of this conference and of this
committee, and looks forward to a rewarding conference in which there would be extensive
efforts to solve the current problems with the preservation of our habitat.
Looking for an innovative and efficient way of developing a system where basic
needs, such as clean water, proper sanitation, food and so on so forth, need to be
delivered to rural areas where poverty is abundant.
The private sector needs to play a larger and more crucial role in ensuring that
the goals are met by using more efficient resources available and reducing wastes.
This delegate is more concerned about finding the root causes of all these
problems and to
exterminate them in the most quickest and most efficient way
possible as all of them are threats to the stability of our world.
The relocation of Slum dwellers in the most economically and socially efficient
way as possible.
Looks forward to a fruitful and very productive debate, especially a stronger cooperation
between developed and developing countries to reach 'peace and security' and to meet the
resolutions needed to solve the problems at hand. Thank you.

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