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What is - "I Am"?

Many have tried and com up with: "I am human", "I am spirit" .. and even .. "I am God" (which
is pure blasphemy). This is probably because most people don't know the differenece between
"God" and "The Gods".
So .. maybe .. we should make a new rule.
When we mean "God", we should write "GOD".
When we mean "Gods" or "The Gods" .. we should write it - this way.
....Just to separate them....
(Just a thought. I will however, not use it here.)
This we can do .. as long as we talk about "The Lowest Gods" and "The Next Lowest Gods",
compared to God. There are more, but humans don't need to go further - in their understanding,
as long as they haven't reached "A Higher Level of Understanding".
When you have done that .. you will know that it is in time "to expand your knowledge" in this
I will include 3 levels of Gods (including God), here - and I defind them now, so there shall be
no misunderstandings. They go from - lower to higher:
1. The Creator Gods.
2. Gods .. to .. The Creator Gods.
3. God.
(Between 2 and 3 is somthing - I find impossible to describe - with the language we have developed.)

As an example: When you read in The Bible - "Gods Holy Mountain, in the uttermost north",
you may be lead to read "God's Holy Mountain....etc" - and you have lost a connection.
THIS mountain - does not BELONG to God, as the last sentence says - but what is tried to
be relayed, is:
The Mountain .. where The Creator Gods .. worshipped .. THEIR Gods.
(even though - Lucifer was created .. on this mountain .. by God.)
I have now layed a foundation .. to continue on.
"I Am" is a condition - that is divine.
It means: "One Mind".
(Not a consciousness and a subconsciousness .. but both - into one.)
Now .. a new foundation .. is made - to continue on somthing I have neen writing about,
The Humans .. once had .. a divine nature.
The Bible shows it clearly.
When we were in "The Garden of Eden" .. we could speak with God - as we now speak
to one another.
Later .. the same book tells .. that a human - cannot see God - and live.
So - as divine beings - we could speak with God - without dying.
In "The Garden" there were only ONE sind.
To eat .. from .. "The Tree of Knowledgde"
God said:"The one who eat from this tree, shall surely die."
Since "Death" .. in The Garden of Eden .. was defined as - The ONLY REAL way to die,
this statement (to God) - was uptained in that meaning.
Since Lucifer .. knew - that THIS time .. "death" - meant something else, he could take
advantage of this.
So .. when Eve said to The Serpent .. we can eat of every tree in The Garden, but - "The
Tree of Knowlegde". If we eat of this tree, we shall surely die.

Then - Lucifer .. who knew, that - this time .. "Death" meant:"To loose your Divine Nature",
could say: "You shall surely not die" .. as - this would be perceived as truth, compared with
the impression (read: definition) of death, that Adam and Eve had.
1. We lost Our Divine Nature.
2. Were expelled from The Garden.
3. And thus .. said "No Thankyou" - to eternal Life.
This was "The Death" - God .. had been talking about.
So .. the impression of "The Death", we NOW have, we have inherited - from "The Garden".
This form of death, is wrong - compared to the situation we live in .. to-day.
It COULD have been right .. if we still had been Divine Beings .. BUT - for only ONE
connection. (No, it is not "The Sea of Fire".)
I will spare the reader .. for more information about this death - as it cannot happend, before
"The Last Day of Judgement" (better known as "The Doomsday") - and maybe .. later than
even - THEN (I am not sure).
So, I stop here - concerning this subject - as very few people .. living to-day - would like
to know more (belive me).
I say .. as they say in the movies:"You don't want to know."
The judgement for doing .. this one sind .. was VERY SERIOUS.
Therfore .. IF we should have a chance .. to "be saved" - someone VERY SPECIAL - had
to do it.
The background for this statement - is - A Higher Law, saying:
If you know the divine (secrets) .. and then turn away from it .. there is bo way back.
In The Bible, we actually can read about this Law - in "Letter to The Hebrews 10:26".
For the readers convenience .. I copy this verse .. from King James Bible:
Heb 10:26 For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth,
there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,
(Copied from King James of 1982.)
CLOSE to this situation, we were - at this time.
Luckily for us - we didn't know "The Whole Truth" - so there were .. one way, we could be saved.
-A person without sind.
-Could buy (read: fullfill) "The Law and The Prophets" .. from The Old Testament.
-and thus .. make this old law, powerless.
----------------Ok, by what - does Jesus save us?
The we must go to "The Proverbs" .. chapter 8.
We must also have understood .. the things I have written about - earlier .. or else - we can read
this chapter .. and not have come - one step closer to an understanding.
We must start with "Letter og Jacob", here - "Letter of James" 1,21 and 4,5.
Again .. for the covenience of the reader .. I show a copy, here:
Jam 1:21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness
the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
Jam 4:5 Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, "The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously"?
The last verse .. has an "unfortunate" translation. (It is .. more .. in the direction that: "God long for the
spirit, to return to him" .. but - for this connection .. it is not so important.)

The important thing .. is .. That "He" (God) let a spirit .. live in us - and this spirit is "The Implanted Word",
BECAUSE .. it is able (or .. "mighty" - to use another translation) to save our souls.
"The Implanted Word" = "The Spirit God let live in us" (because - it can save our souls).
Well, the we can ask: Does The Bible .. confirm this impression - in another of its books?
The answer .. luckily .. is "Yes".
1Co 2:11 For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no
one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.
Every comment .. between to lines - of five stars .. are directly copied from "King James Bible of 1982".
This verse says - very spesific - "the spirit of the man - which IS IN HIM.
After making this observation .. we can continue.
-------------We have now confirmed that:
-I have .. my spirit.
-You have .. your spirit.
-A king .. has his spirit.
-A ruler (officer) .. has his spirit.
IE: Every living human being - has his spirit .. living together with his soul.
For those who have read my earler writings .. will surely remember:
1. Soul = Personality.
2. Spirit = Conscience.
If we listen to our conscience .. we improve our personality. (The same said, in accordance with what we
have read - now.)
If we let The Spirit .. teach The Soul - The Soul .. can become a spirit.
From these two sentences .. we learn:
Soul and Spirit .. are from the same light (compare: matter - for a body).
The difference is .. that The Spirit knows more .. than The Soul.
Since it shouldn't be difficult to understand .. that IF we shall get beack .. our divine nature - The Spirit
must teach The Soul .. how to become A Spirit.
This is "The Salvation".
Where is Jesus .. in this connection?
It is .. a little bit early .. to answer this question - yet.
But it WILL be answered - as it is VITAL for the connection - to answer it.
NOW - we are ready .. to continue to .. "The Proverbs" chapter 8.
"The entrance" is interesting - and until we come to verse 15, we dont see anything wrong with the
claim .. that this is about Jesus.
Pro 8:15 By me kings reign, And rulers decree justice.
What is most natural:
Jesus .. help kings to reign and officers (rulers) to make laws of justice? .... or
"The Spirit .. that is in every human" help kings to rule and rulers to make laws of Justice?
In this verse .. first of all .. we can see - that it is "The Spirit that lives in us" .. that is telling
us about "himself" ("himself" - to simplify it).

There is only one more information about this spirit, that can be useful for us to know - before
we continue.
Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils
the breath of life; and man became a living being.
Here .. the word (for "livinging being") in The Original Language .. is "Nefersh".
"Nefersh" can not mean "Living being", but can mean "Living Soul" (which The Nowegian Bible
of 1930 .. uses.
In this connection .. it is not so important, BUT - in another connection (that we shall not go in
on) - it IS.
The most important .. is to undertsand (here) .. that the condition to the spirit, we got here - is
"The Breath of Life" (Neshama - according to the impression we have to-day)
This spirit .. MAY have been "Ruah", earlier - but this is not - EITHER - important, for the
connection we shall try to understand now.
What is important - are:
-We have a spirit.
-Living together with our soul.
-In our physical body.
(This is a simplified, but correct picture.)

The purpose of The Spirit .. is to teach The Soul .. how to become A Spirit - on the same level
that our spirit .. is.
# There is somthing .. coming after this .. but this time - we don't go into that.
# (I am not sure, but I think I have written about this continuence .. earlier, here.)
Now we continue .. with the proverbs .. and will be shocked - if we don't allready know this.
Pro 8:35 For whoever finds me finds life, And obtains favor from the LORD;
Pro 8:36 But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul; All those who hate me love death."
So .. we compare .. with verse 70 - in "The Gospel of Thomas" (to make the shock .. complete).
(As there are so many bad translations .. I use one from YouTube .. that is GOOD.)

Doesn't proverbs 8,35 and 8,36 .. say exactly the same .. with one addition, in the Biblical part:
"Those who hate me love death"?
Now, we have come to the point .. where it is in time - to answer the question .. over:
Where is Jesus .. in this connection?
Joh 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except
through Me.
"through me"
What does that mean?
Jesus had to fulfill (which .. on a spiritual level .. is - "to buy"[meaning: change ownership]) "The
Law and The Prophets" from The Old Testament.
This way he did penance for our sinds.
This way .. "The Old Law" could be made powerless.
What will save us .. according to "Jesus order" in The New Testament, is the
spirit we now have learned to know about.
It is strong words, that: "Whoever find the spirit .. find life - and obtains favor from The Lord."
In the words:
I am the way
-- I have shown you the way
the truth and the life
-- to the truth and eternal life
No one comes trough The Father .. exept .. through me -- No one find salvation, exept trough The Spirit
(I have revealed for you).
Which also can be read: No one come to The Father .. exept through my teaching.
Where this spirit .. is one of the most important parts .. of his teaching.
So if we compare v. 70 in The Gospel of Thomas .. with what is in the Bible:
The word inplanted - is the spirit who can save your soul.
If we don't put away - filthiness and overflow of wickedness - we clearly see, that this is the reason,
we will be destroyed.
So here we see the same picture .. as in verse 70, in The Gospel of Thomas.
So - through the fulfilling of "The Old Law" (read: Through .. that Jesus suffered for our sinds),
a plan for salvation .. for the human race .. could be possible.
Only a person .. without sind .. could make this possible.
Therfore is Jesus .. our saviour.
* "I am" - is - "One Mind".
* This is a divine condition.
##addition: Transfer this condition to your heart = Get back your divine nature. :addition##
(In combination with what you have read here .. and the rest of The Teaching of Jesus .. this is
fully possible .... and - "The Meaning of Life".
Under this transference .. our DNA will change .. to a complete new set of DNA. "Junk DNA"
will activate.)
*Once .. humans had a divine nature.
*We could talk with God - in The Garden of Eden.
*To day .. the humans cannot see God .. and continue to live.
*Humans lost their divine nature .. when they did The Only Sind, they could do (In The Garden).
*They ate from "The Tree of Knowledge".
*The punishment for this sind .. was "death".
*Since "death" ment - "Losing the divine nature" and The Humans had a different opinion about death*-The Serpent could use this .. and fool the Humans, to eat from this tree.

*Since they didn't die - in accordance with their opinion of the death .. they thought The serpent had told
the truth (which is an opinion that is alive - even now).
*To save the humans .. was a strong wish .. by God.
*Since the penelty .. was based on a higher law .. God couldn't .. just forgive this transgression.
(There is a reason for this too - That I have never mentioned, in anything I have written here,
*It began .. with The Old Law (Told about .. In The Old Thestament).
*This law had to be fullfilled .. before anything more could happend.
(It is the same reason for this .. as mentioned in the previous point.)
*Then .. another way had to be used - a way that (luckily) allready existed.
(Only because .. The Humans - didn't know "The Whole Truth" .. this was possible,
thinking about "Heb 10,26".)
*The Spirit .. in combination with the rest .. of The teaching of Jesus - is our salvation.
(Our salvation .. means: Getting our divine nature back and come to The Heaven.
Must not be confused with: "The Heavens".)
Greetings Aage.

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