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April 21st, 2015

Sangre Ridge
P.T.A General Meeting

Attendees: Amanda Fox; Andrea Wilson; Meghan Crawford; Erin Robinson; Sarah Major; Annette
Downs; Torey Widener; Leigh DeFreitas; Sasha Hanrahan; Deanna Leport; Clair Edwards; Beth
Norwood; Jennifer Owens
7:01pm: Call to order

Approval of November minutes

Treasurers Report- Erin Robinson:
a Please see attached, simplified budget
Principals Report-Andrea Wilson/ Amanda Fox:
a Parent night out will be Friday 5:30pm-8:30pm. Please RSVP because space will be
limited. There will be outdoor activities, movies, pizza and drinks. The event is
hosted by the Sangre Ridge staff and open to all Sangre Ridge students.
b More testing monitors are needed for Wednesday tests.
c Relay for Life book sale will take place Monday April 27 th. Donations should be
turned in to the school by Friday April 24th. Coin donations will be accepted all week
d Blood drive will be held May 7th at the school. Please sign up to donate blood.
Presidents report- Andrea Wilson, Amanda Fox:
a City Wide PTA reporti Citywide PTA is still filling spots for new/old committees: male/diversity chair,
assistance with the special needs/education chair, city wide book fair chair.
b Tentative 2015-2016 Master Calendar is being prepared for review. Calendar will be
available at start of coming school year.
c Possibility of beginning an afterschool science club taking place six weeks before
Science night. Each week a new science experiment would conducted, then
presented as one of the S.N. stations. Suggestion made to involve 6 different
departments from OSU, with grad. Students assisting class; Mad Science out of
Edmond; SAHEP department with OSU; Project Wild & Project Wet-student teacher
led science day (Tony Ivy would be the contact person for this project.)
d Next board meeting will take place May 13th at Mexico Joes-buy your own lunch
Committee Reports:
a Science Night:
i Science night received great praise from multiple participants, it was a huge
success! 124 names were collected in the student drawing, with an estimated
300 people present. OSU had two departments present, both were very
popular with the attendees--a live bug demonstration and a virtual reality
station. Some suggestions made to enhance science night for the future to
include getting the students more involved.
b Earth Day Picnic-Torey Widener:
i The B.Y.O.P event (Bring Your Own Picnic) will be held on Earth day, April 22 nd.
The playground will be open, families will be encouraged to bring a meal and
blankets to participate in the night. Recycle centers will be set up for trash
with education provided regarding the benefits of recycling.
c 5 Grade Legacy/Graduation-Andrea Wilson:


i Trampoline Park is unavailable for 5th grade fun day. Instead students will stay
in town, spending the morning at the Youth Fitness Zone. The group will then
travel to Boomer lake to play and the parks and enjoy hot dogs cooked on the
ii 5th grade graduation will be held May 19th at 10am. PTA will provide a pizza
lunch for students and families. A signup genius will be created for desserts
and drinks.
iii Legacy changes will be made, with aspirations to get the students more
involved in what their legacy will be. The 2014-15 graduating class will be
leaving a legacy of updating the panel photos in the entry way. Last portraits
posted are from 2010. Money the 4th grade raised through their fundraising
will be held back and used for next year. Legacy will continue to sell t-shirts,
but will focus more on philanthropy and community service than the purchase
of material things.
d Outdoor Day-Amanda Fox:
i Teachers have taken the reins! We will have at least 27 stations; two
additional stations are pending. Volunteers will be needed for assistance with
food and such during the event. Awaiting confirmation for an archery boothequipment will be available, but only if a certified archery instructor can be
found. A PTA liaison for outdoor day will be needed next year. Skyline is
moving their outdoor day to the fall. May consider doing that depending
upon the successfulness of their venture.
e Teacher Appreciation: Amanda Fox & Andrea Wilson:
i Appreciation dinner will be held May 6th at Meditations. Open bar will begin
at 6:00pm with dinner to follow at 7:30pm. A raffle will be held; no
volunteers are needed but one of the Presidents will go to express our
appreciation to the staff.
ii Teacher appreciation week will be held May 4 th-May 8th. Signup geniuses will
be sent out for parents to sign up to bring meals for teachers and support
f Book Fair- Leigh DeFreitas:
i Total sales equaled $15,387; $10,000 taken in Scholastic dollars; $3,600
taken in cash.
g Committee Chairs:
i All chairs are filled except the following:
1 Outdoor Day Liaison
2 Science Night
3 Yearbook
Old Business:
a PTA drop box is here. Awaiting dcor before being hung.
New Business:
a Approval of committee chairs and board. The board is still in need of a President
b Please see attached budget:
i Increase to music department and graduation day-motion made; seconded;
2015-2016 budget approved.
ii Dance-a-thon will continue to be our big fundraiser of the year, with a
scaled down version of baskets and bingo in the spring. We will reserve a full
scale b&b fundraiser in the event that a large purchase needs made.
c Spring Spending:
i Hand on Equations for 4th and 5th grade. Two sets have been requested in
addition to the one we currently have. Each set cost is $275 a piece to equal

ii Outdoor classroom shed and improvements; new shed and improvements,

(including a concrete pad) to equal $5,000.
iii Two grills and accessories for outdoor lunches to equal $1,200. Mrs. Downs is
currently awaiting results of a grant submission to CREC for the purchase of a
new outdoor grill for the school.
iv Electric keyboard for music class and musicals to equal $1,000.
v 24 iPad minis with cover to equal $340 apiece. Two charging carts to equal
$900 for a total of $10,000. Motion made to increase amount purchased to
28 iPad minis with covers. Increasing total to $11,360. Motion seconded and
vi Parents night out will be continued next year. PTA will cover the cost of pizza
to feed participants and payment of staff babysitters. Total cost to equal
vii PTA operating cost increased by $50 to equal $1,000. This will cover cost of
office supplies, such as envelopes, paper, etc.
Motion made to approve 2015-2016 budget; seconded; approved unanimously.


Anyone interested in joining any PTA committee may contact any member of
the PTA board for information. Volunteers ALWAYS welcome!

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