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I'm running for president.

Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be

that champion. H
Praying for #WalterScott's family. Heartbreaking & too familiar. We can do b
etter - rebuild trust, reform justice system, respect all lives.
The detention of women's activists in #China must end. This is inexcusable. #Fre
eBeijing20Five Read this story:
Like IN law, AR bill goes beyond protecting religion, would permit unfair discri
mination against #LGBT Americans. I urge Governor to veto.
Abusive payday lenders take advantage of families trying to get ahead. Glad to s
ee @BarackObama & @CFPB take a stand.
Loved serving w/ @SenatorReid, true friend, partner, & fighter for the middl
e class. Big loss for Senate, Nevada & country. #ThanksHarry
Sad this new Indiana law can happen in America today. We shouldn't discriminate
against ppl bc of who they love #LGBT
Protecting pregnant women from discrimination shouldn't be a fight, should be as
American as apple pie. More to do:
#ACA@5: 16m covered. Young ppl. Preexisting conditions. Women get better coverag
e. Repeal those things? Embrace them!
Repeal of the ACA would let insurers write their own rules again, and wipe out c
overage for 16 million Americans.
Making college more affordable is an investment in our kids and economic growth.
Cuts to Pell Grants hold our kids back.
Our nation's future - jobs & economic growth - depends on investments made t
oday. The GOP budget fails Americans on these principles.
Budgets reflect our priorities. They should help families get ahead, educate our
kids, and spark small business growth.
...2) Playing politics with trafficking victims 3) Threatening women's health &am
p; rights.
Congressional trifecta against women today: 1) Blocking great nominee, 1st Afric
an American woman AG, for longer than any AG in 30 years
GOP letter to Iranian clerics undermines American leadership. No one considerin
g running for commander-in-chief should be signing on.
Excited to share the #NoCeilings data. Hope you will dive in & use it, share
it, learn from it, & get motivated:
See my new profile pic to raise awareness on how far we've come in reaching equa
l rights for women & girls worldwide.
Watched @repjohnlewis & @BarackObama in #Selma. Lets answer their call to kee
p fighting for voting rights, civil rights, & human rights.
I want the public to see my email. I asked State to release them. They said they
will review them for release as soon as possible.
Yesterday I met all-star women of tech in Silicon Valley, but #GirlsCanCode anyw
here & everywhere. Interesting story:
@billclinton It s a date!
Good week for #Philadelphia...
.@bfrist & I may not agree on everything, but see why we believe kids healt
h insurance is a priority. #commonground
The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork. Le
t s protect all our kids. #GrandmothersKnowBest
I ll never forget watching Ernie Banks play- broke barriers, loved baseball &amp
; life. We ll miss Mr. Cub. #LetsPlayTwo
.@madeleine there must be something in the water @Wellesley. #YouGoGirl
RT @bfrist: I fought for Children s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) in 1997, and
believe Congress must extend CHIP this year.
Looks like @elmo enjoyed reading with @ChelseaClinton more than when I sang to h
er as a baby. #tinear @2SmallToFail
@BarackObama #SOTU pointed way to an economy that works for all. Now we need to
step up & deliver for the middle class. #FairShot #FairShare
What would MLK say today? Great strides but miles to go. We have to keep up the

fight against injustice. #MLKDay

Attacking financial reform is risky and wrong. Better for Congress to focus on j
obs and wages for middle class families.
An important fundraising drive by @WFP: Donate $1, create a lifeline to 1.7M Syr
ian refugees. #ADollarALifeline
Lets join @PEPFAR, @gatesfoundation & @girleffect in fighting for an AIDS-fre
e future for girls. #WAD2014 More here:
Today I m thankful for the new addition to our family & thinking about littl
e ones everywhere. Happy #Thanksgiving cc: @2SmallToFail
Went to @cookstoves summit yesterday w/global & industry leaders focused on
a worthy mission. Cooking shouldn t kill.
Thanks to POTUS for taking action on immigration in the face of inaction. Now le
ts turn to permanent bipartisan reform. #ImmigrationAction
Quality child care makes our families & communities stronger. Thanks to the
President for signing bipartisan child care bill. @2SmallToFail
In Memphis @StJude children s hospital to dedicate the Marlo Thomas Center and s
ee their new proton therapy center.
Thinking of my dad today, and all of the others who served before and after him.
New @oppnation data shows encouraging news on youth employment, but so much more
to do. Read more about #JobOne here:
Proud to launch a new toolkit at #AAP14 to help pediatricians & parents talk
, read & sing to babies: @2SmallToFail
Congratulations to Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi, tireless champions fo
r the education and freedom of every girl and boy.
Love these innovative investments to close the #wordgap & opportunity gap fo
r Chicago kids cc @2SmallToFail
Hopeful to see NYC lead the way in raising wages for working families. Thanks Mr
. Mayor.
Kathryn Bigelow s new short LAST DAYS makes the case for why poaching & terr
orism are connected, & why it matters.
.@BillClinton and I are over the moon to be grandparents! One of the happiest mo
ments of our life.
RT @ChelseaClinton: Marc and I are full of love, awe and gratitude as we celebra
te the birth of our daughter, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky.
#GirlsCHARGE commits to help 15 million girls get access to secondary school. #N
oCeilings #CGI2014 #SmartThingToDo
RT @melindagates: Backstage with @HillaryClinton at #CGI2014:
RGd1 #NoCeilings
Proud to announce 3 more #JobOne commitments at #CGI to create more job pathways
for youth- Join us at @ClintonGlobal
RT @ClintonGlobal: At #CGI2014, President Obama announces an important step forw
ard in the global effort to remove land mines:
RT @ChelseaClinton: My parents & I before tonight s amazing Clinton Global C
itizen Awards. What a great start to #CGI2014!
Congratulations California on winning #PaidSickDays, which will help 6.5 million
workers. #WeAllGetSick
RT @ChelseaClinton: This (elegant) elephant has a special role at #odlrlive toni
ght. Thank you #OdlR for helping to #SaveElephants http://t
Ive broken bread w/ all of my fellow #SecStates but weve never broken ground! Grea
t visit to @StateDept yesterday.
A very Happy Birthday to my very wonderful husband today.
For #IReadEverywhere w/ @NYPL, I m reminded of moments reading to Chelsea when s
he was little. Let s #closethewordgap
Come On Oakland, Let s Do This - a great rallying cry from @urbanstratoak on why
talking, reading, & singing matters.
On my way to Oakland and excited to announce a new @2smalltofail campaign there.

On my way to @Twitter! Tweet your questions to me with #AskHillary & watch m

y conversation with @KatieS here:
After a year of #TweetsFromHillary, I want to hear from you. At 5:20pm PT, I ll
be at @Twitter doing a Q&A on #HardChoices. #AskHillary
In #SiliconValley today visiting @Google, @Facebook, & @Twitter. Looking fo
rward to seeing everyone and answering some questions.
So great to see @billclinton taking #NoCeilings on the road to India to talk abo
ut women in the economy.
.@2SmallToFail & @EssenceMag team up to close the word gap & help parent
s talk, read & sing to kids. More here:
Stopped by @HudsonBooks at JFK before my flight to London. We re taking the #Ha
rdChoices book tour across the pond!
Hard-working women will pay the price for today s two troubling #SCOTUS decision
s -- in wages, health care & dignity.
Heartbreaking news: a vital voice for justice is silenced.
.@2SmallToFail & our kids have a big advocate in the @WhiteHouse, reminding
parents & caregivers #TalkingisTeaching
National paid family leave benefits families & our economy. Get the facts: h
ttp:// And visit
.@katyperry Well thats not a Hard Choice. You already did! Keep letting us hear y
ou Roar.
At the @ClintonFdn we say, Were all in this together." Read Charles Blows NYT colum
n this morning. #YesAllOfUs
I came across this photo this morning and saw others sharing it, thought I would
too. #MayaAngelou
I will miss my friend #MayaAngelou. Truly a #PhenomenalWoman.
Meriam Yahya Ibrahims death sentence is abhorrent. Sudan should stop threatening
religious freedom and fundamental human rights.
Happy 90th Birthday to my former colleagues in the Foreign Service! It was an h
onor to spend 4 years working with you. #FS90
In Little Rock today with Dale and Leslie Chihuly for the opening of his spectac
ular new exhibit @ClintonCenter.
.@voguemagazine Thank you Anna. Wishing all the mothers out there a Happy Mother
s Day, & looking forward to celebrating a new mother soon.
Access to education is a basic right & an unconscionable reason to target in
nocent girls. We must stand up to terrorism. #BringBackOurGirls
My heart is with all those in Arkansas and elsewhere that were in the path of th
ose terrible tornados.
My most exciting title yet: Grandmother-To-Be! @billclinton and I are thrilled t
hat Chelsea and Marc are expecting their first child!
Good luck to my friend & former colleague Deputy Secretary Bill Burns. A tre
asure of American diplomacy.
20 years ago, women made 72 cents on the dollar to men. Today it s still just 77
cents. More work to do. #EqualPay #NoCeilings
Great to meet the strong & brave young women from #PussyRiot, who refuse to
let their voices be silenced in #Russia.
A majority of lower wage jobs are held by women. Raising the minimum wage is goo
d for women & for the economy.
Well, that explains what happened to my iPad! RT @BillClinton: I m following my
.@tulsaeducare @GKFF @2SmallToFail Great day launching #TalkingIsTeachingTulsa.
And, I made some new friends:
Today @CGIU MT @jimmykimmel: @TheEllenShow- 3 Clintons & a Kimmel @BillClint
on @ChelseaClinton #selfie
Great to be back in Arizona with @SenJohnMcCain & @cindymccain at #CGIU. Loo
king forward to the weekend @ASU.
The freedom to speak out & to connect is a fundamental right. The people of
Turkey deserve that right restored. #TwitterisblockedinTurkey

.@UN SecGen Ban Ki-moon @phumzileunwomen great to see you for @UN_Women yesterda
y. Watch here:
For #IWD2014, I celebrate the work of Eleanor Roosevelt, a courageous advocate f
or human rights. Her work continues to inspire. #NoCeilings
Some encouraging news today from China s business leaders on stopping the demand
for ivory.
Some of the team from Beijing 95 who declared women s rights are human rights.
Great reunion today, more work to do.
@billclinton all you needed was a good pair of snow boots! But you can watch the
event here: #NoCeilings
Headed in from Chappaqua on this snowy morning to talk to @melindagates about wh
y data is so important for women and girls. #NoCeilings
Briefed by my old @WhiteHouse colleagues yesterday on the new wildlife trafficki
ng report. Good progress being made.
Join me, @2SmallToFail, & @UniContigo to help close the word gap. Take the p
Its so much more fun to watch FOX when its someone else being blitzed & sacked
! #SuperBowl
As a teenager I saw #MLK speak in Chicago & shook his hand. He urged us to s
tay engaged with the cause of justice. As vital as ever today.
1 in 3 women live at or on the brink of poverty in the US. 28 million children d
epend on them. @ShriverReport @amprog
So pleased & proud to see Mayor @BilldeBlasio sworn in today. MT @BillClinto
n: What a great day for NYC!
10 years ago I was proud to begin working on bipartisan efforts to save unemploy
ment insurance. Let s do it again quickly in this new year.
Merry XMas & Happy New Year x 1,002,958. Thinking about the millions who fac
e challenges everyday. Looking forward to 2014. So much to do.
Excited to report Patti Miller (formerly of@sesamestreet) has joined @ClintonFdnto
co-leadmy early childhood initiative,@2SmallToFail.
What happens to kids in families cut from unemployment insurance & food stam
ps? Theyre #2SmallToFail, & deserve an equal chance to succeed.
Wishing my good friend the 68th #SecState a Very Happy 70th Birthday.
Just landed in NY. The Ukrainian government must follow Madiba s example & c
hoose dialogue with its people, not force.
On my way back to the U.S. from Madiba s funeral and watching what s going on in
Ukraine with alarm.
Nelson Mandela was a champion for justice & human dignity, with unmatched gr
ace. I ll remember him as Madiba, truly an unconquerable soul.
Great op ed from another @2SmallToFail leadership council member (and a teacher)
, @cindymccain . Read it here:
After #SecState Kerry spoke, I sat down for Q&A with @laurawbush, my fellow
#AfghanWomen Council co-chair.
#SecStates 67 & 68 reunited @giwps today. Watching program backstage before
going out to discuss #AfghanWomen.
New op ed by Senator, Doctor and friend Bill Frist, who is on the @2SmallToFail
leadership council. Worth a read.
Went to premiere of White Gold @MuseumModernArt last night, a film I narrated ab
out elephant poaching. Coming soon!
Text AID to 80108 to give $10 to the @mGiveFoundation to help with Typhoon Haiya
n disaster relief effort. I m doing it, I hope you will too!
Backstage with @GabbyGiffords at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards. What an
incredible woman.
Talking about how we can empower the next generation in LA with
@ChelseaClinton @2SmallToFail & @ServiceNation
No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project. Our new BHCCF initiative to acceler
ate progress for all women and girls.
.@wef report on women shows progress in 2/3 of countries, still more to do. I ll
address on Nov 1 in Philadelphia.
@WilliamJHague great seeing you today. I m so pleased that our special relations

hip continues even after leaving office.

New profile pic in honor of the International #DayoftheGirl. Join us at the Clin
ton Foundation in celebrating.
As a mom, I made reading to @ChelseaClinton a priority every night. New studies
show us the importance of words:
Here at #CDF40. My advocacy for children began with Marian Wright Edelman, it co
ntinues w/ @2SmallToFail
8 African nations, 16 NGOs, $80 million, and a path to end elephant poaching. @C
helseaClinton and I are thrilled!
So proud of what we ve done and so much more to do. Join me. #Beijing+20
Something I didn t know until I read her new bio this AM: Secretary Albright pla
ys the drums. Welcome to Twitter @Madeleine. See you at CGI!
Great 1st meeting with @2SmallToFail Leadership & Advisory Council yesterday
. Here s some good reading on the issue:
.@jk_rowling, look familiar? Not Hogwarts but beautiful St Andrews! Thanks to gr
ad student Claire for the grand tour
Flying to 112 countries is a lot until you consider swimming between 2. Feels li
ke I swim with sharks - but you actually did it! Congrats!
I can t believe he turned 67 today. He doesn t look a day over four... http://t
Bill wrote a wonderful letter about BHCCF work. So proud of what s been accompli
shed, I know the best is yet to come.
.@RachaelRad, tweet and ye shall receive. And I see that you re a fellow Downto
n Abbey fan. Birds of a feather it would seem!
Bill & Chelsea are back from a great BH&CCF trip to Africa, just in time
for Bill s big news from POTUS:
Congratulations from across the pond to the Duke and Duchess! Wishing you the be
st of luck and a bit of advice: It Takes a (Royal) Village!
Seneca Falls, 165 years ago today, began a movement that remains the unfinished
business of the 21st century.
Today Im reminded of Invictus, a poem Mandela used to recite in prison. You re tr
uly an "unconquerable soul" Madiba. Happy 95th Birthday.
Went to Central Pk Zoo to meet w/wildlife experts about elephants. Their solutio
n: Stop the Killing - Stop the Trafficking - Stop the Demand
Malala today at the UN: Nothing changed in my life except this-weakness, fear and
hopelessness died. Extraordinary young woman. #MalalaDay
.@WPSProject at Bryn Mawr was so inspiring. Women in public sector jobs: 50% by
2050. That s the goal.
I applaud all the hard work of everyone who worked so tirelessly to make today p
I am disappointed in today s decision striking at the heart of the Voting Rights
Bill, Cheslea & I have sent our love and prayers to our great friend, Madiba
, his family and his nation during this difficult time.
Having so much fun with Chelsea, taking selfies back stage. MT:@ChelseaClintonhtt
.@2SmalltoFail is my new effort w/ @nextgen_usa to help our kids in their crucia
l early years. We can all act:
What an incredible Twitter welcome! In my hometown Chicago for #CGIAmerica. 11am
ET I ll talk about my #BHCCF work
Thanks for the inspiration @ASmith83 & @Sllambe - I ll take it from here...

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