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RetroPay By Element

Wages/Arrears due for past months at newly negotiated rates/increment in salary from past months.
First we have to create two elements one for Salary and one for Adjustment (Arrears)
Elements : xxMonthly Salary
xxMonthly Salary Adj
Set effective date to your actual setups date (Normally we create all elements including adjustment elements during initial

Define the element and select Primary classification as Earnings

Select the type as Recurring and save

Click on Input Values Button and define input values for the element , check database item and save

Same way define another element which is our adjustment element. But make it Nonrecurring and save.

Define Input Values as we defined for the above created salary element.

Now we can define the salary basis but its an optional step.
Select the values from list of values like element name and input value name and basis.

Now create links for the elements (We should have a payroll defined). Save the link

Link for Salary Adj element.

Now define a person by setting the effective date 01-Jan-2000 (You can hire a person at a later date)

Now attach Payroll and Salary Basis with person at assignment screen. save

Now Click on the Entries Button on Assignment screen and attach element xxMonthly Salary with the person. Then click on entry
And enter 10,000 in pay value. Save

Now Run the quick Pay

We will run quick pay for the month of Jan-2000 and Feb-2000 with only one element that is xxMonthly Salary
Then we will run quick pay for the month of Mar-2000 with changed salary with two elements after some more setups.

At assignment screen click Others Button and select Quick Pay from List of Values.

Select Standard as Run Type

Save and Click on Start Run

Process is Completed. Click on View results and select Run results.

Here we can see our element is processed and have results in Pay value.

Now change date to 29-Feb-2000 and run second months quick pay.

Now set the date again to 01-Jan-2000 (Setup Date) and Check / Create event Group

Create new event group and add the following datetracked events as below.

These are the events to add to our newly created event group.
Update Type
Date Track Update
Date Track Update
Date Track Delete
Date Track End Date
Date Track Insert
Date Track Correction


Column Name


Now go to the element screen again and Query xxMonthly Salary Element and Click on Recalculation tab and add
Recalculation event and Retropay Element. Save

Now query Employee record for which we are testing our scenarios.

Update the salary from 10,000 to 12,000 on 01-Jan-2000 and select correction when save(if salary was defined on 01-Jan-2000).

Now create assignment set to run retropay for only our selected employee.

Now Click on Amendment Button

Select Include and add Saleem, Mr Yaseen (Our Employee ) SAVE.

Now create element set and include our elements Type must be customization Set

Add xxMonthly Salary and save

Now Run the request Click on View and select Request from drop down window

Select Single Request

Find Retro-Notification Report request

Give the parameter as below

You can Click on Refresh Data button to complete the request other wise request will be automatically completed.

Request Completed successfully

Run another request by same way. Give the parameters as below

Check the request

Click on View Log to see the assignments processed

See the Assignments processed, as we have just one employee in our assignment set so number of assignments processed is 1.

Now Go back to Enter and maintain screen and query Mr Saleems Record

Go to the assignments screen and click on Entries button. Here you can see the two elements are attached as we have changed
our salary in Jan-2000 and run the process in march that why ajd element for jan and feb is attached with 2000 (Changed value

See the Change for Jan-2000

See the Change for Feb-2000

Run Quick Pay for Mar-2000 and see the results

Here we can see that oracle payroll has calculated the two month arrears (which are only salary difference I,e 12000 10000 =

=============================================== Smile Please

Compiled By : Majid and Zafar
Inbox Technologies
Karachi, Pakistan

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