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Youth Ministry News

Youth Sunday School will meet at it's normal time
(11:00am - 12:00pm) in the
youth room.
Confirmation Class is meeting (with mentors) from 12:15
- 2:15pm.
While Confirmation Class is meeting, all other youth
are welcome to participate a special youth outing
here are the details:
Sarah Kuhnle and Kim Ames will be leading a fun and
trip today, from 11:00am - 2:30pm.
All interested youth will gather in the youth room at
11:00am, drive via church van to Royal Asian Buffet in
Marshalls Creek, followed by a trip to Dingmans' Falls.
The group will return to the church by 2:30pm.
Because of these other activities during the day,
there is NO Sunday night youth programs (Sports
Ministry/Praise Band/Youth Worship) this Sunday
(April 12th)
JAM (Jesus And Me) Jr. High Afterschool Program
meets every Thursday from 2:45 5:00pm.
Information and Permission Forms are available on the
church website ( and in the youth room.
Each week following the JAM program is a free
Fellowship Meal for all students (from 5-6pm), followed by
Jr. High Boys and Jr. High Girls Bible Studies (from 67:30pm).
Sr. High Bible Study meets every Monday Night from
6:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. This is a bible study for Sr. High
students (9th-12th grade) who are looking to get deeper
into their faith, and grow stronger as a disciple of Christ.
We will have girls and guys combined bible study for three

weeks, followed by girls and guys separate discussions on

the fourth week of every month.

Thank You
Ive appreciated immensely all the calls, cards and prayers
from the members of the congregation, during my
recovery. Looking forward to returning to worship. Thank
you from the bottom of my heart, Maria Jacobs.
Thank you friends at our church for the beautiful message
and cookies sent for Easter. Jean Eden
Thanks for the beautiful card, gift and Easter cookies. Kay
Plates of homemade cookies, Easter cards, and paper
stained glass sun catchers were recently delivered to our
nursing home and homebound members. Thank you to
everyone who baked cookies, helped assemble the plates,
made the cards and crafts, and delivered them to 46
members of our church family! Your team effort brought
many smiles to those who often feel forgotten!
ESUMC Relay for Life Team
Many of our members and friends are involved in the
American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. The Relay this
year will be the weekend of June 13-14. In the meantime,
our team is fundraising, and the next fundraiser is a night
of dining at Texas Roadhouse near the mall. On the
evenings of April 28th and April 30th, from 4:00 9:00
p.m., anyone bringing the Relay for Life flyer will have 10%
of their dinner purchase donated to the Relay. You must
have the flyer for the donation to be made, and the flyers
are available in Oberholtzer Hall, the Narthex, and from
team members who will hand them out the next few
Sundays. Thanks in advance for your support.
Missing: Brown Jacket
If you mistakenly took home a brown hooded jacket after

the Maundy Thursday Service, please return it to the rack

outside Fellowship Hall and claim your jacket which is still
hanging there, Thank you!

Cards and Notes are always appreciated by members of
the church family who are no longer able to attend services.
Gloria Sobrinski, Pleasant Valley Manor, 4227 Manor Drive,
Stroudsburg, Pa. 18360 would enjoy hearing from you!
Stephen Ministry
Put into practice what you learned and received
from me, both from my words and from my
actions. And the God who gives us peace will be
with you. Philippians 4:9
ESUMCs newest class of Stephen Ministers completed their
intensive training on April 15th. Since September, they have
been learning how to listen and care in a nonjudgmental
way, focusing on being used by God to convey His love to
their future care receivers. On April 26th, Amy Hollister,
John Hollister, and Karen Todd will be commissioned as
Stephen Ministers during the worship services. Please keep
them in prayer as they begin their caring ministry!
Caring Calls Report
The Caring Callers have celebrated their one year
anniversary of contacting members/regular attendees who
have missed four consecutive Sundays. Callers were given
305 contacts to be made this year! An Awesome
number!!! These calls helped ESUMC say, WE CARE" and
were for the most part greatly and graciously received.
Thank you to the Caring Caller Team for their time and
And just a reminder.Please complete and turn in your
Communications Card weekly so we may use the resources
of our Caring Callers to reach out to those truly MIA from
Thank you for Wearing your Lanyard Name Tag!
We are getting to know each other as we continue to wear

our new name tags. Name tags are on a table in

Oberholtzer Hall in alphabetical order by last name. If you
did not sign up for a name tag, and would like to have one,
please register your request on the sheet on the name tag
table. Stick on name tags are encouraged until your new
name tag is ready. Please return your tag to the basket. If
you take it home, remember to wear it every Sunday!

College Care Packages: It's time for our springtime
college care package ministry. In the spring, ESUMC sends
out encouraging notes and gift cards to our college
students just prior to finals week. If you're like me, maybe
you have some gift cards hanging around the house that
you could donate to the cause. There will be collection
boxes for gift cards in Oberholtzer Hall and the church
office starting in April. We are looking for small
denomination gift cards ($5-10) from places like Dunkin
Donuts, Starbucks, fast food establishments, etc. The
stressed out college kids will thank you! Any questions,
contact Sue Randall 570-460-7052.
Our April UMW meeting will be April 18th in
It is our Northeast District Day Apart with Rev. David Goss
speaking on disabilities. If interested, contact Linda Drake
at 570-856-9395 to make arrangements to carpool.
MS Walk Pray Pledge - Sunday, May 2nd at 12:20
MS Walk Sign Ups are in Fellowship Hall for the next
three Sundays in April. We will walk from the church to
and through the ESU Campus and return to the church in
one hour. Your prayer support is critical for the success of
this endeavor. Please join Toms Trekies and get a Team T
shirt to wear on the walk. Pledge checks should be made
out to NMSS and given to Tom or Kathy Hinkey
Adult Spring Mission Trip: Please pray for the team as
we travel to and work in North Carolina this week repairing
homes that were damaged by hurricanes and tornadoes.
Team members are Ed, Sue, Pat, Robin, Mike, Nagwa, CJ,

Harry and Wayne.

Health Care Equipment
Walkers, crutches, canes, adult potty chairs, shower seats,

raised toilet seats, depends, wheelchairs and more are

available to anyone in need. Contact Peggy Strack, 570421-3280, ext. 1023.

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