Glemser: Roe v. Wade One Size Fits All Approach Is Wrong." (Kinnard, 2007)

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Janell Glemser
Professor Bass
October 22, 2012
Flip-Flops Do Not Fit Politicians
I am an independent voter, but even I can tell flip-flops and politicians do not seem to go well together.
As for presidential candidate Mitt Romney, one may second guess the correlation of the two. Extensive research
of the two candidates running for presidency in the 2012 election led me to conclude Mitt Romney cannot be
depended on to keep a definitive opinion, or how he plans to approach certain issues our nation faces. His
character displays indecisiveness over and over again surrounding a few specific issues. The only thing he
seems to be sure about is his political party status, a Republican, and a member of the 1% club. Romney seems
to be for or against based on the majority weight, so he can achieve the most votes. To list a few examples of the
nations issues in which Romney has proven to flip-flop, between are abortion rights, gun-control and
immigration laws.
In 2002, during his run for governor of Massachusetts, Mitt stated he would, respect and will protect a
womens right to choose. This choice is a deeply personal one. Women should be free to choose based on their
own beliefs, not mine and not the governments. (Garofoli, 2012) Clearly, Romney is pro-choice believing
women should have a choice to abort or not. However, at an event in October of 2011, Romney told pro-life
attendees, It is long past time for the Supreme Court to return the issue of abortion back to the states by
overturning Roe v. Wade. (Bohon, 2012) Contrary to being pro-choice in 2002, Romney now displays his
position to that of being pro-life. Many would question Romneys position on the issue of abortion due to him
flip-flopping between pro-choice and pro-life. To give a better understanding of Romneys indecisiveness
regarding abortion here are a few of Romneys views in his own words, "Roe v. Wade has gone too far, (Mitt
Romney Flip Flops); I believe that since Roe v. Wade has been the law for 20 years we should sustain and
support it, (Mitt Romney Flip Flops); I am prolife and I support prolife legislation. I think the Roe v.
Wade one sizefitsall approach is wrong. (Kinnard, 2007)


In addition to abortion, if elected for president, Romney will face the issues of gun control. This subject
is also one Romney does not show a clear or direct position on. He opposed fitting in with the National Rifle
Association (NRA), but since has joined the group. Romney was challenged by Bob Schieffer, host of CBS
Face the Nation in 2007 in stating, "You once said, We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts, I support
them, I won't chip away at them. I believe they protect us. Now you say you are a gun owner. You have joined
the National Rifle Association, after saying at one point, I don't line up with the National Rifle Association.
Why would you join that group?" (Jacobson). Romneys support for, in his own words, tougher gun laws,
during his 2002 campaign in Massachusetts may be the reason why he does not line up with the NRA. In 2004,
as governor, he signed what the AP would later call one of the toughest assault weapons laws in the country.
(Singal, 2012). These statements give an illusion that Romney is pro-gun-control. However, what would one
think if they first read the following quotes stated by Romney? Romney was questioned by a member of the
NRA on his stance on gun control during his recent presidential campaign. Romneys response was, I've been a
hunter pretty much all my life. (Singal, 2012). His campaign later said that In fact, Romney had only hunted
two times: during a rabbit-hunting trip in Idaho when he was 15 and at a Georgia quail hunt organized during
the Republican Governors Association in 2006. (Singal, 2012). Romney admitted to reporters two days later that
he did not own a gun, but was a member of the NRA. He admitted paying for his lifetime membership six
months prior and claims it was a calculated move. Im after the NRAs endorsement, he told an audience in
Derry, N.H. Im not sure theyll give it to me. I hope they will. I also joined because if Im going to ask for
their endorsement, theyre going to ask for mine. (Singal, 2012). I cannot speak for every American who will
be voting this election, but what does this say about this man that may possibly be running our nation?
Immigrants and immigration laws is another sensitive issue for Americans. If elected, Romney will be
expected to produce an acceptable, definitive plan pertaining to this issue. Romneys initial stance being he
would not take away, but moreso, support young immigrants who this policy benefits. The first flip flop comes
when Romney states, he would not revoke the work authorization and two year reprieve from deportation
issued under President Obama's special program for DREAM Act-eligible youth because they had "purchased"
it by paying a $465 fee. Then flip flopping on his flip flop the previous day, Romney said he would end the


program and not accept new applicants if elected. (Democratic Underground) To speak of peoples lives and
environments as items purchased in a store is unacceptable, and especially from an individual who Americans
should look up to and respect. These young thought to be Americans, are innocent bystanders and should be
excused from deportation. Of course, this is a personal opinion, but lets just take a walk in their hard-working
shoes for just one day and try to see through their eyes. Some did not have any knowledge whatsoever they
were not an American citizen. If it were not for them trying to apply for employment or colleges, which require
documents to prove citizenship, they would still be living how they always have been...... as proud Americans.


(n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2012, from Mitt Romney Flip Flops:
Bohon, D. (2012, October 17). At Presidential Debate, Obama Shills for Planned Parenthood. Retrieved
October 23, 2012, from The New American:
Democratic Underground. (n.d.). Romney Flip Flops on Immigration. Retrieved October 25, 2012, from
Democratic Underground:
Garofoli, J. (2012, October 22). Lies, Half-truths and Contradictions: Mitt Romneys flip-flop on contraception |
Politics Blog | an blog. Retrieved October 22, 2012, from SFGate:
Jacobson, L. (n.d.). Did Mitt Romney flip-flop on gun control? Retrieved October 25, 2012, from Politifact:
Kinnard, M. (2007, 7 April). ASSOC. PRESS. Romney Sidesteps Question on AbortionUltrasound Plan .
Singal, J. (2012, July 25). Romneys Flip-Flops on Gun Control Over the Years. Retrieved October 25, 2012,
from The Daily Beast:

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