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Brief of Projects

Industrial Environmental Management related Projects

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Demonstrate innovative and financially sustainable solutions for

Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) for waste water
treatment. (Executed under: GIZ, 2013-2015)
Under this initiative, identification of core issues were undertaken
through baseline studies/ situation analysis at national/state/cluster
levels and formal consultations was taken up through a National
Workshop with various stakeholders. Preparations for undertaking
pilot work were also undertaken for an In-depth study of the pilot
activities and customization of applicable tools/methods.
Implementation of pilots includes training and capacity building, up-
scaling strategy and policy guidelines.

Overall project conceputalisation, co-ordination, providing advisory

Pilot Demonstration at CETP of GIDC Industrial Estate, Vapi (Gujarat)
(Executed under: GIZ, 2013-2015)
The Vapi Waste and Effluent Management Company Ltd. (VWEMCL)
is responsible for the CETP and is looking forward for viable
solutions for the improvement of its CETP. For the CETP Vapi
(Gujarat), GIZ (IGEP) engaged the Institute for Ecopreneurship of
the School of Life Sciences of the University of Applied Sciences
Northwestern Switzerland that had identified problems associated,
identified potential solutions and in the process of recommending a
concrete revamping scheme for sustaining on the basis of in-depth
analysis of the gorund situaton.

Adivisory input for performance evaluation of combined
wastewater treatment plant, co-ordination, training and organising
round tables and workshops

Pilot demonstration at waste water management in Industrial Parks
of APIIC (Andhra Pradesh): (Executed under: GIZ, 2013-2015)
On APIICs request, GIZ has enganged international experts for
reviewing the proposal being developed by their consultants and is
providing inputs on technical aspects as well as business model. In
addition, several other industrial estates CETP requirements are
assessed by the GIZ team and assiting in preparing plans for
improving wastewater management in several of its existing
industrial parks, including setting up of a few CETPs.


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Adivisory input for performance evaluation of combined

wastewater treatment plant, co-ordination, training and organising
round tables and workshops

Demonstration of Implementation of Environment Friendly
Techniques in Textiles Sector and Up-scaling of the same (Executed
under: GIZ, 2013-2015)
The overall objective of the core topic of Environment-friendly
Techniques in Selected Industry Sectors is that the use of
environment-friendly technologies and techniques is promoted in
selected industry sectors, particularly from Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs). Outcome from the intervention is that the
Innovative techniques/technologies that are financially sustainable
are demonstrated. Experiences of the pilot examples are
documented and the actual replication is promoted in different
industrial areas of different states. Reference documents are
developed for promoting sustainable environmental improvements
in textiles, and pulp and paper sectors in India. Capacity building
and institutional strengthening measures are undertaken for
identified institutions/ stakeholders.

Adivisory input for performance evaluation of combined
wastewater treatment plant, co-ordination, training and organising
round tables and workshops

Demonstration of Implementation of Environment Friendly
Techniques in Textiles Sector and Up-scaling of the same (Executed
under: GIZ, 2013-2015)
Following approach is adopted for the component of Environment-
friendly Techniques in Selected Industry Sectors.


Current status and core issues assessed, based on which

industries are identified in the pilot state of Gujarat
Solutions implemented on demonstration basis, addressing the
identified core issues.
The experiences of the pilot examples are documented and
their actual replication is targeted
Stakeholder consultations are taken up throughout the project
phase, and learnings and solutions are targeted to be
incorporated into policies, planning processes and guidelines
through preparation of National Reference Document on
Environment Friendly Techniques for both the sector.
Capacity building and knowledge management activities for the
government officials and industries are undertaken

Adivisory input for performance evaluation of combined

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wastewater treatment plant, co-ordination, training and organising

round tables and workshops

Organising Industrial Study Trip to Germany (Executed under: GIZ, 2014-
After the successful implementation of some of the pilot work on
pulp and paper sector, particularly those from wastepaper or
recycle fibre based processing units in the state of Gujarat
measures, the participating industries showed interest to explore
Best Available Technique as referred in the EU-BREF document
and are keen to visit a few German industries that have
implemented BAT technologies. UBA facilitated the visit of the
paper industries from Vapi (Gujarat) to industries in Germany.
Industries were facilitated for a trip in Germany to see
incineration/ gasification of rejects (including plastic components)
from paper mills in their boiler and the combined emission
abatement techniques. Organization and facilitation of the field
trip of Indian delegates to selected German and one Austrian paper
industries, as well as to the Federal Environment Agency (Dessau)
and the Ministry of Environment (Bonn) in close cooperation with
UBA was lead under the initiative.

Design and co-ordination, organising the trip and stirring the

Environmental Audit and due diligence of Ludhiana Forging Cluster
(Client: World Bank, Executed Independently)
50 steel forging units in Ludhiana intended to implement energy efficiency
interventions in their units. Securing carbon finance revenues under CDM
Mechanism for the energy savings achieved by these activities were being
considered to be facilitated by The World Bank. In line with the
operational policies of The World Bank, the current study (Environmental
Audit and Due Diligence Study - EADD) was carried out to assess the
environmental performance of the participating units of LHFEPL and
develop an Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan for
implementing the carbon offset project.

The study comprised the following major components.
Carry out Environmental Due Diligence of the participating units with
regard to various environmental regulations of India, Operational
Policies and the Guidelines of Pollution Prevention and Abatement
Handbook (PPAH) of The World Bank
Carry out environmental audit of sample units and assess the overall
environmental performance of the participating units of LHFEPL and
Assess the positive/negative environmental impacts of the proposed
energy efficiency measures.
The approach to carry out the environmental audit and due diligence

study comprised an initial walk through audit of the few selected units,
followed by a questionnaire survey and detailed environmental
monitoring at seven representative units. The results of the above
exercise were analyzed and issues and issues of environmental
management were identified.


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Baseline study, data analysis, deocumentation

Consulting services for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Energy
Saving project (Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency JICA, Executed
under: Winrock International India, 2009-2011)
The objective of this project was to provide Consulting Services for
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to JICA/ SIDBI
(Small Industries Development Bank of India) for effective
disbursement of an energy efficiency credit line. The project also
aimed at analysing the technical and financial feasibility of various
proven energy saving technologies for a wide array of industrial
sectors and geographically distributed MSME clusters presence all
over India, as also to capture the impact of the intervention.

Advisory inputs on technical and financial feasibility of technologies,
impact assessment

Accelerated Power Development & Reforms Programme (APDRP)
(Accelerated Power Development & Reforms Programme (Client:
APDRP, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India, Executed under: National Productivity
Council, 2004-2006)

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A landmark project initiated and supported by Ministry of Power

(MoP), Govt. of India for Indian Power sector (Generation,
Transmission & Distribution) having components for Infrastructure
Development, Renovation, Modernization of Systems, Policy &
Organizational Changes.

DPR report preparation

Waste Minimization Circles (WMC): A cluster based program of
Ministry of Environment & Forests of India for the industries (Client:
The World Bank, Executed under: National Productivity Council, 2001-2002)
To make the industries understand and to create a multiplier effect
and promote WM across the entire industrial spectrum Ministry of
Environment and Forests, New Delhi initiated this project titled
"Waste Minimization in Small Scale Industries" using the concept of
"Waste Minimization Circles". As part of the assignment, processes
of various industrial sectors were studied and extensive stakeholder
interactions carried out to evolve WM opportunities.
Co-ordination of WMC circle formation, Guiding and implementing
WM measures in member Industries, Documentation

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Hazardous Waste (HW) minimization of Bulk Drugs Industries (Client:

CPCB, India, Executed under: National Productivity Council, 2003-2004)
In order to provide technical assistance and information needed for
identification of hazardous waste streams, its characterization and
waste management practices in specific industrial sector, the
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) initiated the project on
"Identification of Hazardous Waste Streams, their Characterization
and Recovery/Recycling (Waste Minimization) & Management
Options in Bulk Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Sector".

Environmental Moniotoring, Feasibility Study, Documentation

CP implementation in stone crusher units (Client: The World Bank,
Executed under: National Productivity Council, 2002-2004)
This study was initiated by World Bank with a view to undertaken
survey of the Stone Crushing Industry in Gujarat. Perform cleaner
production assessment studies in a few selected units and to
provide technical assistance for implementation of cost effective
methods to prevent and or control pollution at source.

Environmental Moniotoring, Feasibility Study, Documentation

Enhancing Thermal Substitution Rate (TSR) in Cement Plants of India
through increase use of AFR (Executed under: Institute for Industrial
Productivity, 2011-2013)
The overall objective is to draw up an implementable action plan for
the most promising AFRs (5 most promising alternate fuels and 2
most promising alternate blending materials) and undertake
accompanying measures to increase the Thermal Substitution Rate
(TSR) in Indian cement industry from the present level of less than
1% to 15% by 2020. The long term goal, aims for concrete policy
changes like amendment of hazardous waste management act,
favourable import policy of non-hazardous wastes like cut tyres and
promotion of MSW as an alternate fuel for co-processing, aiming for
5 to 10% use of the chosen AFRs in the 6 major cement producing
states in India. The anticipated benefit streams includes not just
significant carbon mitigation but also reduced fossil fuel usage and
in addressing some pressing local pollution issues.

Conceptualiation, design of TOR, overall co-ordination, organising
round tables and brain stroming workshops

Greening the Supply Chain of IKEA (Executed under: Institute for Industrial
Productivity, 2011-2013)
Instrumental in supporting the implementation of the action plan


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prepared for greening of IKEAs two representative vendors. Along

with the implementation support to these two units, action plan is
also being prepared for two more IKE A vendors. In 2013, IIP plans
to support small actions (and exit from this project) to ensure that
the results of the implementation phase is disseminated across the
entire vendor base of IKEA in India (numbering 65) and an
atmosphere is created so that this program is mainstreamed on
account of a win-win situation. Vendors being interested to
implement the greening plan to improve their bottom line and the
greening policy being internalized within the IKEA system.

Secondary research study, plant level process optimisation study,
environmental monitoring and documentation

Integrated Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Asia. (Client:
European Union, Executed under: Winrock International India, 2009-2011)
The principle objective of the Integrated Sustainable solid waste
Management in Asia (ISSOWAMA) Coordination Action, funded by
the European Commission under FP7 is to raise awareness of the
Integrated and Sustainable Waste Management (ISWM) approach.

Secondary source research study and documentation

Promotion of small and medium sized industrial enterprises in
respect of environmental pollution and pollution reduction (Client:
KFW development Bank, Executed under: Winrock International India, 2008-

Project Brief


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Project Brief

As part of preparation of two new credit programmes in India- one

focuses on energy efficiency and the second on environmental
pollution the following background research was carried out
1. Analysis of the industrial SME sector and framework in India
2. Summary of realized and planned environmental credit
programmes for SMEs

Background research study

Reviewing National Standards & preparation of comprehensive
industry document for stone crushers (Client: Central Pollution Control
Board, Executed under: Winrock International India, 2001-2002)
Initiated by CPCB, India, Stone crusher operations were studied in
representative units across the country and pollutants were
quantified and characterized to evolve measures to contain the
same in the operation and control of dust generation in the stone
crushing units. The emission standards were reviewed and


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compared against the actual practice and the level of emission

achievable by implementing possible pollution control opportunities
Secondary research study, environmental monitoring, field study,
data analysis and documentation

Regional Environmental Planning for Sanganer Region (Client: gTZ,
Germany, Executed under: National Productivity Council, 2001-2003)
In this study initiated by gTZ, the high intensity pollution load
coming out from the Sanganer textile industries were analysed to
come out with solutions for minimizing the environmental load
through process changes and/or modification of textile
Environmental field study, industrial process study, water and mass
balance, pilot implmentation, GIS mapping and documentation

Hazardous Waste (HW) minimization of Bulk Drugs Industries
(Sponsoring Agency: CPCB, India) (National Producitivty Council,
In order to provide technical assistance and information needed for
identification of hazardous waste streams, its characterization and
waste management practices in specific industrial sector, the
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) initiated the project on
"Identification of Hazardous Waste Streams, their Characterization
and Recovery/Recycling (Waste Minimization) & Management
Options in Bulk Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Sector".
Secondary research study, environmental monitoring and

CP implementation in stone crusher units (Sponsoring Agency: The
World Bank) (National Productivity Council, 2002-2004)

This study was initiated by World Bank named Cleaner Production
Implementation in Stone Crushers Main objective of the study is to
carry out a quick survey of the Stone Crushing Industry in Gujarat.
Perform C.P Assessment studies in a few selected units, provide the
SCUs with technical assistance for implementation of cost effective
methods to prevent and or control pollution at source.
Secondary research study, environmental monitoring and

CP implementation in stone crusher units (Sponsoring Agency: The
World Bank) (National Productivity Council, 2002-2004)

This study was initiated by World Bank named Cleaner Production
Implementation in Stone Crushers Main objective of the study is to
carry out a quick survey of the Stone Crushing Industry in Gujarat.
Perform C.P Assessment studies in a few selected units, provide the


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SCUs with technical assistance for implementation of cost effective

methods to prevent and or control pollution at source.
Secondary research study, environmental monitoring and

Environmental Impact Assessment studies and development of
Environmental Management Plan for various Hydro-electric plants
(Executed under: National Productivity Council, 2004-2008)
EIA and EMP study of 3000MW Dibang, Multipurpose Hydro-electric
project of NHPC
EIA and EMP study of Lohit Hydro-electric project
EIA and EMP study of 450 Mw Kynsi Stage-I) Multipurpose Hydro-
electric project, Meghalaya for Brahmaputra Board
EIA and EMP study of Myntriang Hydro-electric project for Assam state
electricity board


Catchment Area Treatment Plan, Geo-environmental Management Plan,

Rehabilitation of Flora and Fauna, Rehabilitaion and Relocation of Project
Affected People, Dam Break Analysis and Disaster Management Plan

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Conceptualisation, documentation, training, system protocol design,

facilitation during verification

Management System Implementation and Certification (Executed under:

National Productivity Council, 2004-2008)
ISO 9001: 2000, ISO 14001: 1996 and OHSAS 18001:2007
Implementation at Kopili Hydro-electric Power Plant, NEEPCO, Assam
ISO 9001: 2000, ISO 14001: 1996 and OHSAS 18001:1999
Implementation (Certified by IRQS) at Well Stimulation Services, ONGC,
Assam Asset
ISO 9001: 2000 Implementation (Certification by DNV) at CISF unit, Oil
ISO 14001: 1996 and OHSAS Implementation (Certified by NSCI, NATA)
at North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Ltd. (NEEPCO), Shillong
ISO 9001/14001 and OHSAS 18001 Implementation (Certified by NSCI,
NATA) at Assam Gas Based Power Station, NEEPCO - Kathalguri
Productivity Improvement Study for reduction in Patient Waiting Times
at Sri Sankardev Nethralaya

Name of the

Other EIA projects (Executed under: National Productivity Council, 2004-


Project Brief

EIA and EMP study of Namrup Thermal Power Plant, Assam state
electricity board
EIA for HW disposal site & design of landfill for UPPCB
EIA of MSW Landfill Site at Hafania, Agartala for Tripura State Pollution

Control Board
Feasibility Study of Design og ETP in HCEs for HSCC
Environmental base line data generation for Makrana Area
EIA for Identification of Landfill sites at Greater Noida


Baseline study, data analysis, deocumentation

Energy Management Related Projects

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Promotion of small and medium sized industrial enterprises in

respect of environmental pollution and pollution reduction (Client:
KFW development Bank, Executed under: Winrock International India, 2009)
As part of preparation of two new credit programmes in India- one
focuses on energy efficiency and the second on environmental
pollution both in relation to SME KFW initiated this study to
ascertain the ground realities and
1. Analysis of the industrial SME sector and framework in India
2. Summary of realized and planned environmental credit
programmes for SME
Secondary research study

Consulting services for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Energy
Saving project (Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency JICA, Executed
under: Winrock International India, 2009-2011)
The objective of this on-going project is to provide Consulting
Services for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to JICA/
SIDBI with respect to Energy Saving. The project also aims at
analyzing the technical and financial feasibility of various proven
energy saving technologies for a wide array of industrial sectors and
geographically distributed MSME clusters presence all over India.

Introducing Energy Efficient and Low-Carbon Technology and
Equipment to India (Client: International Center for Environmental
Technology Transfer -ICETT, Japan, Executed under: Winrock International India,

Project Brief

Through this Project, it was envisaged that the Indian industry

would enhance their technical understanding of energy efficient
and low-carbon technologies and equipments as well as technical
and managerial capacity to make their plant operation more

The two most promising technologies suitable for promotion in
Indian industrial sector which were identified are-
1. Energy efficiency improvement of glass furnace
2. Improvement of combustion efficiency of fossil fuel

Project Name

Energy Audit of Large, Medium, and Small-scale establishments

(Client: Various, Executed under: National Productivity Council, Winrock
International India, 1999-2010)

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Was involved in more than 20 energy audit assignments at various

levels as team leader / member / advisor, covering a wide range of
industrial sectors- large / medium / small-scale industries,
commercial and municipal establishments, and the agricultural
sector. These energy audits were funded by corporate,
Government, multi-lateral / bilateral agencies and the project
locations were spread out across the country. I was responsible for
conducting energy analysis and heat balance and determining the
baseline performance and identifying specific areas for intervention
to achieve energy conservation. The units were also provided with
technical assistance for implementation.
Notable among the energy conservation studies are -
National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) for their
Generation Plants at the following locations, namely
a) Talcher Thermal Power Station- Orissa
b) National Capital Power Station- Uttar Pradesh
c) Dadri Thermal Power Station
Energy audit at Heavy Water Plant, Manuguru
Performance evaluation of boilers at M/s Rama Phosphates
Energy audit at M/s Bombay Stock Exchange
Energy Audit of CL Gupta Exports of Moradabad, UP
Energy Audit of 20 Government Building at Raipur of CREDA

Introducing Energy Efficient and Low-Carbon Technology and
Equipment to India (Client: International Centre for Environmental
Technology Transfer -ICETT, Japan, Executed under: Winrock International India,

Project Brief

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Project Brief

Through this Project, it was envisaged that the Indian industry

would enhance their technical understanding of energy efficient
and low-carbon technologies and equipments as well as technical
and managerial capacity to make their plant operation more
profitable. The two most promising technologies suitable for
promotion in Indian industrial sector which were identified are-
Energy efficiency improvement of glass furnace
Improvement of combustion efficiency of fossil fuel

Promotion of small and medium sized industrial enterprises in
respect of environmental pollution and pollution reduction (Client:
KFW development Bank, Executed under: Winrock International India, 2009)
As part of preparation of two new credit programmes in India- one
focuses on energy efficiency and the second on environmental
pollution both in relation to SME KFW initiated this study to
ascertain the ground realities and to carry out


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Analysis of the industrial SME sector and framework in India

Summary of realized and planned environmental credit
programmes for SME

Secondary research study

Energy Efficiency Intervention in the Rolling Mill Cluster in
Bhavnagar, Gujarat (sponsoring agency-ICETT, Japan) (Winrock
International India, 2009-2011)
The objective of the project was to design and demonstrate energy
efficiency measures in the energy intensive rolling mill cluster in the
state of Gujarat. The initiative has been designed in such a way that
large scale replication and up-scaling of the demonstrated energy
efficiency measures can be facilitated.

Development of Best Practice Guidelines for Foundry sector of India
(Executed under: Institute for Industrial Productivity, 2012-2013)
Leading the initiative to develop a best practice guide for the
foundry sector in India, with specific focus on Kolhapur foundry
cluster. Based on a strong interest from Bureau of Energy Efficiency,
and as a logical step to the development of the guide, also planning
is on-going to provide technical support in demonstrating some of
the technological best practices in the Kolhapur industry cluster.
There is a possibility to carry forward the Kolhapur experience and
merge it with BEEs cluster program, helping the entire foundry
sector in India, comprising of around 4500 industrial units.

Development and Application of Energy Management systems
(EnMS) and approaches to substantially improve energy and carbon
efficiency (Executed under: Institute for Industrial Productivity, 2011-2013)
This is planned to be achieved by developing easy to use and
effective tools to help industry continuously improve energy
performance by identifying energy saving opportunities and in
helping them focus their attention on most promising options. Such
energy management tools will not only help industry in cutting their
operating cost, but also in helping the industry/BEE meet the energy
reduction targets being notified under PAT. The tool will also help
BEE in making the PAT targets (in subsequent PAT cycles) more
realistic based on a quick assessment of energy saving opportunity
as facilitated by these tools. The customization of the A2A tool for
the Indian Ammonia industry has been successfully carried out in
2012. The technical libraries were significantly improved and the
tool has been able to generate interest amongst the fertilizer units.
In 2013, additional measures are planned so that the tool is being
universally used as the first level of assessment for the identification
of potential areas of energy saving by all fertilizer units in India.

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Saturating a Re-Rolling Cluster by Energy Efficient Technology
(Executed under: Institute for Industrial Productivity, 2012-2013)
Saturation approach model attempted in the Bhavnagar and Sihor
steel re-rolling cluster in Gujarat has been taken up for entered the
implementation. Depending on the success of the implementation
phase, the project will take some small accompanying measures in
2013 to bring the project to a stage, where it is able to pick up
speed on its own, with or without a sponsor to carry forward the
mainstreaming phase.

Climate Change and CDM related Projects

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Facilitation for registration of 10.2 MW Wind Farm project under

CDM with UNFCCC (Client: Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Ltd,
Executed under: Winrock International India, 2010-2011)
RRECL has implemented a 10.2 MW (17x600kW) wind farm in
Jaisalmer, Rajasthan and the wind power project is being developed
through the CDM process for getting it registered as a CDM project
activity under UNFCCC.

3.115 MW UREDA Micro Hydro Power Project. (Client: CDM Cell
Uttarakhand, Executed under: Winrock International India, 2010)
The project activity involved construction and operation of 29
Microhydel projects in the state of Uttarakhand in India. The project
is successfully registered with the CDM Executive Board under

Preparation of NATCOM Report under India's Second National
Communication to the UNFCCC (Client: MoEF of India, Executed under:
Winrock International India, 2010-2011)
As part of the project synthesization, review and compilation of
Indias Second National Communication is carried out to facilitate
integration of research activities n of more than 75 institutions,
undertaken for submission to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change

Greenhouse gas emissions trading system outreach to developing
countries (Client: European Union, Executed under: Winrock International India,
The overall objective of this project is to provide an assessment of
institutional and procedural barriers, needs, constraints and
opportunities related to the potential implementation of an ETS and
to propose a capacity building program for the development and
implementation of greenhouse gas emissions trading systems,
including any transitional instruments in China, India and Brazil.

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Project Name

Feasibility study for CDM on leach pit toilets and toilet linked bio gas
plants, sponsored by UNICEF
Project aimed at examining leach pit toilets and toilet linked bio gas
plants in Purba-Medinipur and Nadia districts (West Bengal) for
earning carbon credits which will help in financing sanitation related
activities and also help in stronger advocacy for sanitation
promotion at the state level.

Development of a CDM Methodology for Manufacturing and use of
Energy Efficient Hydrocarbon Refrigerators and Application (Client:
UNIDO, Executed under: Winrock International Agency, 2008-2009)
Under the United Nations Industrial Development Organization
(UNIDO) funded project, new CDM baseline and monitoring
methodologies titled Manufacturing of energy efficient
refrigeration appliances and Manufacturing of refrigeration
appliances using low GWP refrigerant is developed exploring
potential for application of the same in the PDD.

CDM project on Installation of biomass based improved cook stoves
and boilers in commercial institutions in Tamil Nadu (Client: Eneco
Energy Trade B.V., Netherlands, Executed under: Winrock International India,

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The project activity aims to develop environment friendly cooking

applications in commercial, educational and other enterprises in the
state of Tamil Nadu which involves establishing Green Kitchens
and providing alternative fuel in the form of biomass briquettes for
institutional customers and setting up of 240 Green Kitchens per
year consisting of four biomass stoves and one steam boiler (100kg
steam/hr capacity) over the next five years.

CDM project for installation of a high rate up-flow anaerobic sludge
blanket (UASB) digester which captures methane and burns it for
generating steam in boilers. (Client: K R Paper Mill, Executed under:
Winrock International India, 2009, partially completed)
The project activity involves development of CDM project for
installation of a high rate Up flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB)
digester which captures methane and burns it for generating steam
in boilers.

CDM Capacity Building for Indian Project Developers (Client:
Ministry of Environment, japan) (Executed under: Winrock International
India, 2008-2009)
This program was conducted under the Integrated Capacity
Strengthening for Clean Development Mechanism (ICS-CDM)

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Program of the Ministry of Environment, Japan MoEJ. The program

includes training workshop to address the needs of sector-specific
stakeholders including potential project developers.

Capacity Building and Preparation of CDM Documentations for
Small Scale Projects in state of West Bengal (Client: WBPCB, Executed
under: Winrock International India, 2008)
Carried out capacity development of WBPCB and project developers
of these three projects on preparation of Project Concept Note
(PCN), Project Idea Note (PIN) and Project Design Document (PDD). I
also prepared PCN and PDD and assisted the project developers in
getting necessary approvals (host country).

Capacity Building and Preparation of CDM Documentations for
Small Scale Projects in state of Bihar (Client: Bihar State Pollution
Control Board, Executed under: Winrock International India, 2009-2010)
Contributed for capacity development of BSPCB officials by way of
training and assisted project developers of these three projects on
preparation of Project Concept Note (PCN), Project Idea Note and
PDD for Bihar State Pollution Control Board (BSPCB) who identified
three potential projects in the state. The projects are:
LDO to LPG switching at Patna Diary Project, Patna, Bihar
4 MW hydel power project
Solar water heater

CDM project on 29.7 MW Wind Power project in Karnataka, India
(Client: Accion Wind Energy Pvt. Ltd., Executed under: Winrock
International India, 2010)

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Accion Wind Energy Pvt. Ltd. (AWEPL) in partnership with Vestas

Wind Technology India Pvt. Ltd. has developed a wind energy
project of 18 Vestas V82 Wind Turbines of 1.65 MW capacity each
totaling 29.70MW, spread over two locations in the State of
Karnataka, and connected to the grid. The project was developed as
CDM project by applying Consolidated methodology for grid-
connected electricity generation from renewable sources Version 8
CDM project development, documentation and baseline study

CDM project development on Biomass based co-generation project
of Foods, Fats & Fertilizers Limited, Andhra Pradesh (Executed under:
Winrock International India, 2011)
Foods, Fats & Fertilizers Limited (FFF), has developed a biomass
based co-generation project to utilise industrial waste generated
during oil extraction from palm, sheanut, rice bran etc. for
generation of electricity for in-house consumption and supply of
surplus to the local electricity grid. The CDM project is developed


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under following the small scale methodology Type III.E Avoidance

of methane production from decay of biomass through controlled

CDM project development, documentation and baseline study

Documentation and evaluation of activities under Project of the
Presidential Estate (Client: Office of Presidential Estate, Executed under:
Winrock International India, 2011)
This project aims at estimating the carbon offset assessment from
the ROSHINI is an initiative taken up on the directions of the
President of India to make the Presidents Estate an eco-friendly,
green, energy efficient and zero waste model township of trees,
Tree Census and Development of a Nature Trail.
Carbon foot print asseseement and eveolving mitigation strategy

Capacity Building and Preparation of CDM Documentations for
Small Scale Projects in state of West Bengal (Client: WBPCB, Executed
under: Winrock International India, 2008)
Carried out capacity development of WBPCB and project developers
of these three projects on preparation of Project Concept Note
(PCN), Project Idea Note (PIN) and Project Design Document (PDD). I
also prepared PCN and PDD and assisted the project developers in
getting necessary approvals (host country).
CDM documentation and training

Capacity Building and Preparation of CDM Documentations for
Small Scale Projects in the state of Himachal Pradesh (Client: State
Council for Science and Technology, Himachal Pradesh, Executed under: Winrock
International India, 2008)

Project Brief


Project Name
Project Brief


State Council for Science and Technology (SCSTE), Himachal Pradesh

has identified three potential projects in the state. The projects are:
4.0 MW bundled hydro project
5.5 MW bundled hydro project
Energy efficiency measure at ACC, Gagal
CDM documentation and training

Capacity Building and Preparation of CDM Documentations for
Small Scale Projects in state of Jharkhand (Client: Jharkhand State
Pollution Control Board, Executed under: Winrock International India, 2008-2009)
Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board (JSPCB) has identified three
potential projects in the state. The projects are in the refractory,
sponge iron and soft coke sectors.
CDM documentation and training

Project Name
Project Brief


CDM on 8.5MW Poultry Litter Based Power Generation Project in

Manoharabad, Andhra Pradesh (Client: Kakatiya Alloys Pvt. Ltd., Executed
under: Winrock International India, 2009-2010)
.5MW Poultry Litter Based Power Generation Project in
Manoharabad, Andhra Pradesh is being developed by Kakatiya
Alloys Pvt. Ltd. (KAPL). The purpose of this project is to mitigate CO2
emission from power generation by utilizing poultry litter as a fuel,
which is a renewable energy source.
CDM project development, documentation and baseline study

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