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Volume 46, Number 11, November 2009




Research: Training By Steve Blechman & Thomas Fahey, Ed.D.

256 Blood & Guts By Dorian Yates

106 Research: Supplements By Steve Blechman & Thomas Fahey, Ed.D.

270 Muscle Form+Function By Stephen E. Alway, Ph.D., FACSM

114 Research: Nutrition By Steve Blechman & Thomas Fahey, Ed.D.

290 The Bodybuilding Alchemist By Oscar Ardon NEW!

142 Nutrition Performance MSG: A Novel Way of Increasing

312 Extreme Muscle Enhancement

By Carlon M. Colker, M.D., FACN

326 Womens Bodybuilding By Cheri Owen NEW!

328 The Predator By Kai Greene

Appetite in Bodybuilders By Robbie Durand, M.A.

150 Supplement Performance Whey Protein Hydrolysates

Increase Blood Flow By Robbie Durand, M.A.

154 Sports Supplement Review MuscleTechs Hydroxycut

Hardcore X: Unleash The Power of Thermogenesis!

332 The True Victor By Victor Martinez

By Robbie Durand, M.A.

336 Raw Power! By Rodney Roller NEW!

274 MuscleTech Research Report

340 Mass With Class By Branch Warren

286 Shred of Evidence By Anthony Almada

344 Mark of a Champion By Mark Alvisi

350 Beast From the East By Evan Centopani
356 The Big Bad Wolf: The Peoples Choice
By Dennis Wolf


134 Fat Attack EPO: A Surprising Fat-Loss Hormone

By Dan Gwartney, M.D.

360 Erik The House Fankhouser By Erik Fankhouser


364 The Pro Creator By Hany Rambod

370 Trainer of Champions By Charles Glass

Research: Fat Loss By Steve Blechman & Thomas Fahey, Ed.D.

120 Research: Drugs By Steve Blechman & Thomas Fahey, Ed.D.

262 Testosterone First Reported Case of Severe Liver Failure


Due to Anabolic Steroid Cardiomyopathy By Dan Gwartney, M.D.

294 The Anabolic Doc Raw and Uncensored

By Thomas OConnor, M.D. NEW!
298 Anabolic Pharmacology Steroid of the Month: Dianabol
By Seth Roberts

302 Anabolics Q&A By William Llewellyn

304 Anabolic Research Update By William Llewellyn
308 Anabolic Edge By Jose Antonio, Ph.D.
316 MD Walk-In Clinic By Dr. X
322 Busted! Legal Q&A By Rick Collins, J.D.



Research: Health & Performance

By Steve Blechman & Thomas Fahey, Ed.D.

128 Research: Sex By Steve Blechman & Thomas Fahey, Ed.D.

146 Bodybuilding Science Thermal Therapy for Ultimate Muscle
Recuperation By Robbie Durand, M.A.

152 Muscle Growth Update Casein Before Bedtime Increases

Muscle Mass By Robbie Durand, M.A.

24 MD November 2009



Editors Letter By Steve Blechman


Mail Room Where Our Readers Rave & Rant


Industry Insider Buzz By Shawn Ray


MD People


The Gospel According To Lee By Lee Priest

70 By Gregg Valentino

278 Ramblin Freak By Gregg Valentino

376 Hot Shoppe By Angela T. Frizalone


378 Web Directory

380 MD Marketplace By Angela T. Frizalone & Manda Machado
396 Last Writes By Lee Priest

EDGE 216

OF B-RAY 176


162 ALVISI MAKES HIS MARK Mark Alvisi Is the 2009
Overall USA Champion! By Ron Harris

176 THE REDEMPTION OF B-RAY Branden Ray Is Down,



But Far From Out By Flex Wheeler

188 GEE-FORCE! Middleweight USA Champ Daryl Gee Is

Already A 202 Power to Reckon With By Ron Harris


202 RELENTLESS PURSUIT! Grigori Atoyan Proves

Persistence Pays Off at the USA By Ron Harris

216 THE RAZORS EDGE! Tamer El Guindy Cuts His

Competition to the Bone at the USA By Ron Harris

226 FEROCIOUS POTENTIAL! Seth Feroce Is Destined for

Greatness By Ron Harris

242 THE GIRLS OF METROFLEX Photography By Per Bernal

November 2009

MD 25

editors letter
By Steve Blechman Publisher & Editor-in-Chief


he new wave is here. Like Moses parting the Red

Sea, the time has come to make way for the new
generation of bodybuilders. The bodybuilding universe
has become more diverse, and MD
is here to bring you the newest,
and most exciting new pros and
the most promising amateurs to hit
the stage this year.
We begin with the man on our
cover, with his symmetrical
physique and signature abdominal
vacuum pose, which is rarely seen
in the pro ranks today. They say the
journey of a thousand miles begins
with one step. MD has seen the
steady, determined steps of Mark
Alvisi we witnessed his narrow
miss at the Nationals last year; we
took pride in his resilience, work
ethic and powerful will, as he
stormed through countless legblasting workouts; we watched as
he prepared for his Heavyweight
and Overall USA win. We were with
him on that last leg of the journey,
when the apex was reached, and
we stood proud as he accepted his
pro card.
We all knew Mark was a rising
star, destined for greatness, and in
Alvisi Makes His Mark, on page
162, Ron Harris gets him to open
up about what it felt like to win the absolute toughest
amateur bodybuilding contest in the world.
Grigori Atoyan has proven that persistence pays off,
and in Relentless Pursuit, see this years Super-heavyweight USA champion, on page 202. Ron Harris inter-

28 MD

views the thickly-muscled Armenian about the journey

that led to achieving his pro card. The road has been a
long one for Atoyan 13 years
long and not until his 15th
attempt, did he achieve his goal.
Grigori began his lifelong passion
for the iron at the age of 17, when
he lived in the U.S.S.R.; his first
hero was Shawn Ray. Atoyan
moved to Sacramento in 1993 and
won his first NPC contest in 1996;
thus began his quest for the pro
ranks. His story is not to be
Daryl Gee is a power to be
reckoned with and in Gee-Force,
on page 188, Ron Harris tells us
his story. Gee began training with
a buddy in high school, but it wasnt until college that he hooked up
with other lifters, who shared
their knowledge of nutrition and
supplementation. But Gee didnt
compete until 2003; when he did,
he discovered that Once I got up
there onstage, it just felt right.
This year, he placed as
Middleweight Champion at the
USA. How did he do it? Im a
small-boned guy, a real hard-gainer; the only way Ive been able to
add muscle mass is to shock the
muscles with higher intensity.
Forced reps have been the best way to achieve that.
Check out Gee-Forces story!
Striations on top of striations, with lines and details in
places most anatomy professors dont even know about.
Thats how Tamer Razor El Guindy, winner of this years November 2009

USA Light-heavyweight class, has been described. His physique

strengths also include an ideal structure with ultra-wide shoulders
and a tiny 27-inch waist. In The Razors Edge, on page 216, Ron
Harris gives us the keys to the razor-sharp conditioning that
brought El Guindy so close to winning his pro card.
Branden Ray is down, but far from out. In The Redemption of
Branden Ray, beginning on page 176, Flex Wheeler shares B-Rays
story. Despite having
some of the best proportions seen on any
amateur in years, B-Ray
got edged out of attaining his pro card, by the
ridiculous conditioning
of the aptly-nicknamed
Tamer Razor El
Guindy. Shortly afterward, he was fired from
his CNN job. Its been a
tough summer, but the
Brooklyn Knight is
staying positive. How
does he stay focused?
I have the gym. For an
hour and a half every
day, I dont think about
my problems. Is he
headed for the
Nationals and that
elusive pro card?
Thats the plan, says
B-Ray, without hesitation.
Seth Feroce is destined for greatness, and
in Ferocious Potential,
on page 226, Ron Harris
talks with this most complete, shredded-to-the-bone freak, who displays thick muscle from top to bottom, front to back. Seth has been
quietly building more and more mass and keeping it under wraps
until now. A heavyset kid growing up in Pittsburgh, he immersed
himself in the world of bodybuilding in his teens when his dad first
took him to Yorks Gym. My dad said once he saw the look in my
eyes when I first walked in there and saw the big guys training, he
knew hed lost me. Seths contest history is brief but we know its
just the beginning!
This month we debut Raw Power, on page 336 by Rodney
Roller, and Anabolic Doc, on page 294, by Thomas OConnor, M.D.
The rest of the issue is packed to the binder as usual with all the
latest cutting-edge research and information on bodybuilding by the
industry insiders who make it all happen. See you next month!
Cover photos are by Per Bernal

November 2009

Steve Blechman
Senior Science Editor
Robbie Durand, MA
Managing Editor
Angela T. Frizalone
Creative Director
Alan Dittrich, Jr.
Associate Editor
Alan Golnick
Associate Art Director
Stephen Kolbasuk
Assistant Editor
Louise Powell
Contributing Editors
Carlon Colker, M.D.,Thomas Fahey Ph.D.
Dan Gwartney, M.D.
Executive Assistant
Michele Gampel
Chief Photographer: Per Bernal
Bill Comstock
Bill Hamilton, Jerry Beck
Advertising DirectorAngela T. Frizalone
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MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT (ISSN 0047-8415) is published
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MD 29

Lets Hear It for Evan!
Way to go, MD, for putting Evan
Centopani on the cover [September
2009]. What a triumph for Evan to win
his first pro show! He really is the
Beast from the East, as he slaughtered
the competition at the New York Po.
Evan was like a hurricane or a tornado
that came upon the contest. The sky
opened up and a deep voice laid it on
the competition: Move over,
Wally, e-mail

Mark Alvisi
Mark Alvisi is a man of his
word. He said he would win
the USA, and he delivered.
Mark has one of the best looks
in bodybuilding today: huge,
symmetrical and pleasing to
the eye. Mark represents the
future of bodybuilding. He
doesnt look gross like some
other bodybuilders. And some
guys you see at bodybuilding
shows are walking around so
deprived of food and water,
they look like they would keel
over if a stiff wind came along.
Not Mark Alvisi. Hes pumped
and ready for action. His USA
win was a well-deserved victory. Congratulations, Mark!
Roger, e-mail

Basic Training
I love to watch Kai [Greene] train. All the guys Ive seen in the old days did the same
basic, bust-ass training thats been the basis of every great physique over the years. And it
was the basis for my own very modest gains, too. Its the type of training that gives
results, and it aint fancy and it aint brain science and it aint complex you just have to
do it consistently.
Richard F. DiLorenzo, e-mail

Dorian Yates: A Classy Guy

30 MD


Its great to see Dorian Yates Blood and Guts column in MD each month. His column is one of the most
thoughtful and informative sections of the magazine.
Perhaps best of all, Dorian is a gentleman who has class.
Ive been training for 30 years and class seems to be a
dying concept in gyms. People used to be more polite,
more courteous, and would put their weights away. Now
you have guys who grunt and scream while they do
their set. Its like feeding time at the zoo. In fact, Ive
been to zoos where the animals were more polite than
some gym members, and they the animals smelled
better, too.
Allan, e-mail

November 2009


By Shawn Ray

Welcome Home, Adela;

But Wheres Jen?

Pros Muscle Their Way Into Mr. O

38 MD

Missing In Action
Richard Jones pulled another
disappearing act after his return to
the pro stage in Pittsburgh this past
May, where he found himself in the
unfamiliar placement of 9 out of
12 competitors. He planned on
competing in the Dexter
Jackson/202 Pro in August, but the
show came and went while Richard
was MIA. Word on the street is that
both of his parents have been ailing, and a few cross-country visits
from California to his hometown,
Boston, have taken a toll of his
focus and any type of serious
preparation for the contest stage
had to be put on hold. Stay tuned;
Richard said he is far from done as
a competitor. We wish a speedy
recovery for both parents.


These players were added to the Mr. Olympia

lineup from three pro shows in August the
Jacksonville Pro, PBW Tampa and Europa:
In the 202-pound division, Stan McQuay,
John Hodgson, Lee Powell, Ricky Tricky
Jackson, David Henry, Daryl Gee, Kris Dim
and Charles Dixon all made it to the 2 Annual
Olympia Showdown in Sin City. This left the IFBB
Atlantic City Pro held a mere two weeks prior to
Olympia Weekend for the Welshman, James
Flex Lewis, to be added to this impressive list of
pros, along with two more spots up for grabs to
qualify to compete. Ive been wrong before, but Im
betting the house that Lewis will qualify in Atlantic
City, if not win the show to bring some additional
United Kingdom flava to the Olympia EXPO!
All of these bodybuilders were added to an
impressive lineup of pros already qualified to
compete in the Olympia Showdown at the Mr.
Olympia EXPO on Saturday, September 26 in
Las Vegas, including Kevin English, Mark
Dugdale and Eduardo Correa. This could be
the highlight of the weekend no doubt the best
deal of the weekend, for the mere cost of an
EXPO ticket on center stage.
In the mens open division, we saw Canadians
Fouad Abiad and Ben Pakulski qualify for the
big show at the Orleans Arena, by way of top-three
finishes at the PBW Tampa Pro. The following
weekend at the Europa Pro, we witnessed the
return of Dennis James to the winners circle
from the PBW Tampa Pro repeat that feat in backto-back weekends in Dallas, by besting 2005 NPC
Nationals Champion Bill Wilmore and the Worlds
Biggest Pilot, Joel Stubbs from the Bahamas.
This years Mr. Olympia lineup was the deepest its been in years and the late additions
were interesting to watch. Go to for up-to-the-minute
coverage and check out next months MD for
more details!

Noticeably absent from this years Ms.

Olympia Fitness competition was 10-year
IFBB pro Jen Hendershott, who has not
had a year off in 13 years since she began
competing. Whats notable about her
absence is the fact that she was the
reigning and defending Ms. Fitness
Olympia champion from 2008, as well as
the current Ms. Fitness International
champion for 2009. Jen has been relatively busy with her Phat Camps she promotes, as well as taking a much-deserved
break from the competition stage.
We at MD know the lineup was weakened by her not being there this year, but she will have something
to prove in 2010. Time will tell if she can regain her crown or if the
stork decides to pay her and her husband a visit. No, she is not
pregnant but with the extra time off, Ive seen stranger things
happen! Good luck, Jen!
On the flipside, one Olympia champ decides to sit and another
returns in the form or former Ms. Fitness Olympia winner,
Adela Garcia. Fresh off a year of recovering from knee surgery
and a torn ACL, Adela barnstormed the competition in Dallas at
the Europa Pro by taking the 1 place and making a statement to
all those would-be Olympia fitness ladies with aspirations of taking what Adela feels is her vacated
title. Welcome home, Ms. Garcia!

November 2009


Jacksonville this past summer, many of

his hardcore fans are hoping he nixes the
Some Monday Morning Quarterbacks feel
his quad, triceps and back are suffering from muscle tears and/or nerve damage. Upon closer observation, Id have to agree with them. The photos posted
online and Internet video clips clearly show one quad has
atrophied more than the other; the triceps tear on one of
his 24-inch arms is readily visible upon first blush. The
biggest, baddest back ever put on public display is but a
shell of itself. Clearly, there is something going on back
there either a lat tear or nerve damage is making his
once most dominating pose the talk of the town, and not
in a good way.
While I am no doctor, the naked eye can see something
is just not right and will no doubt hinder him in comparison poses, rather than favor him. In 2010, Big Ronnie will
be looking forward to his 47 birthday. Heres wishing him
well, whether or not he competes.

Muscle Camp Under Construction

Should Ronnie Compete Again?

Eight-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman has gone
on record as stating that he will possibly return to the
pro contest stage in 2010. After reviewing some of his
latest guest-posing appearances in Pittsburgh and

Plans are full steam ahead for a Muscle Camp in

Boise, Idaho with co-title sponsors GENr8 Nutrition
and slated for sometime in March
2010 during the weekend of the BFE
(Boise Fitness Expo) Party. All the supplement company
affiliates will gather, along with some of the biggest names
in bodybuilding who are sponsored by these companies.
Kris Gethin, Bodybuilding.coms online editor and I will
be playing host to top pros who will show fans and athletes the mechanics of training, nutrition, supplementation
and competition. We are hoping to have IFBB personalities
like Kevin Levrone, James Flex Lewis, Marika
Johansson, Flex Wheeler, Bob Cicherillo, Evan
Centaponi, Mark Alvisi, Victor Martinez and more.
Look for more breaking news online at

Rookies of the Year:

Evan Centopani and
Daryl Gee
As of this writing, I have two rookies of the year: Evan Centopani and
Daryl Gee. Evan won the 2007 NPC
National Overall title, then took a year
off in 2008 only to return and beat a
tough field of IFBB veterans like
Dennis James and Markus Ruhl to
win the New York Pro his first pro
show taking home $15,000 in prize
money and qualifying for the Mr.
Olympia. While Evan opted to sit out
this years Mr. Olympia in favor of a
return at the Arnold Classic in March
2010, he joined some elite pros Phil
Heath, Kai Greene, Branch Warren,
Darrem Charles and Melvin
Anthony in what he accomplished
in his pro debut.
November 2009

MD 39

Shawn Rays
Daryl Gee was an amateur who took
four years off from competition, only to
return to the stage at the Los Angeles
Championships in July to win the middleweight class and Overall titles, on his
way to winning the middleweight class at
the NPC USAs and an IFBB pro card as the
1 runner-up Overall in that show! His third
contest in as many weeks would land him
on an IFBB pro stage, weighing a paltry 174
pounds in the newly-created 202-pound
division in Jacksonville, Florida landing in
the number-two spot and nabbing an
Olympia Showdown qualification to boot.
Based on this placement ahead of veterans
Tricky Jackson, Charles Dixon and
Steve Namat, Daryl was onstage in the
premier event of the year for 202-pound
bodybuilders at the Olympia EXPO. What a
ride! Enjoy it, kid, and congratulations!

Posedown Award A Tricky Call

The winners of the GENr8 Nutrition Best Presentation Award at the Europa
Pro Show in Dallas came down to two of the best showmen in the game. Ricky
Tricky Jackson, winner of the 202-pound division posedown and Marcus
The Comet Haley from the open division both vied for the $1,000 prize
sponsored by Muscular Development, Gaspari Nutrition, Pro Bodybuilding
Weekly, Flexus Sports Products and Ed and Betty Pariso. The outcome was a TIE!
These guys, popped, rocked, shook and shimmied their way into winning the
prize, which Ed Pariso generously funded with an additional $1,000 based on the
entertainment value and creativity each of these professionals brought to the
show! Good job, guys, and congratulations!

Welcome, Wonderful Women

New IFBB pros at Olympia Weekend included Tina Chandler, Isabelle
Turell, and Nicole Duncan. They were some of the most excited women that
weekend, as a portion of their dreams became reality. Time will tell if the waters
are too deep at this level, or if they have found themselves at home among the
worlds best. Good luck to all of them.

MD Supplement Store: Better Than Ever

Be sure to watch for the new MD Supplement Store, which is being improved
and upgraded at to serve you better! A welcome
addition to help complete the best place for one-stop shopping at the #1 website in the world for bodybuilding!

Sacramento Pro
A late addition to the mens pro contest season is the Sacramento Pro.
Longtime NPC/IFBB pro judges and contest promoters John Tuman and Ted
Williams have added an IFBB pro mens contest to their womens pro figure and
NPC contest weekend on November 7 . John and Ted have a passion for helping
the sport grow, and now some of the worlds best have reason to diet a bit
longer with hopes of early Olympia qualifications for 2010, prior to next years
calendar kicking off with the Iron Man Pro in January, held in Los Angeles.
Stay Hungry! S. Ray
For the latest breaking news and information, visit the forums,
where updates are posted daily by top pros and rising stars of tomorrow. And dont miss the
Team MD Radio Show on Mondays at 4 p.m. PST, 7 p.m. EST with Shawn Ray and Flex Wheeler.

November 2009








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50 MD November 2009

November 2009

MD 51


By Lee Priest

Hes got an opinion actually a lot of opinions and hes not afraid to express them. Being politically correct is not how
Lee Priest rolls, so if you are easily offended, you may want to flip a couple pages!

Australian Men Make the Worlds

Worst Husbands?
As an Aussie as well as a newlywed, this story caught
my eye. An Oxford University study published in the
Journal of Population Economics surveyed 13,500 men
and woman ages 20 to 45 and found that Australian men
helped the least with household chores and childcare, as
compared to the dream hubbies from, in order of most
helpful to least: Norway, Sweden, Great Britain, the USA,
Northern Ireland, the Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, New
Zealand, Japan, Germany, and Austria. Hmm the title
of the article was quite deceptive. By most accounts,
there are close to 200 countries in the
world and this study only seemed to
include 13 of them. Thats like saying a
Dodge Neon is the fastest car in the
world, compared to a few economy models from Hyundai, Kia, and Saturn.
You do see a lot of guys here who go
straight from work to the pub to meet
their mates and drink enough beer to
float a yacht. A normal weekend for an
Aussie man is to gather at a house with
their buddies and drink even more whilst
watching the footy (soccer to you) games
on TV. I certainly dont fit into this category, as my current wife and any former
women I have known will attest to. I
happen to be a clean freak and do actually enjoy doing housework. So there!
My favorite quote from the article was when the
researcher, a woman, naturally, pronounced You might,
in principle, expect to see women preferring to remain
single, rather than face the prospect of spending more
time doing household chores. As if marriage is all about
housework! What if the guy loves the woman and is out
working his butt off 12 hours a day to support her and a
few kids? Does he have to come home to scrub the floors,

One of the most sickening news

items I read this summer was about
an eight-year-old girl in Arizona who
was raped by four teenage boys
from her neighborhood. As if the
heinous act werent repulsive
enough, her parents blamed her for
hanging around the boys and were

56 MD

so angry at how she had shamed

the family that they didnt even
want her anymore. All of the parties
involved were refugees from the
African nation of Liberia, where
and I am not making this up rape
was not even a crime punishable by
law until just three years ago. That
was not a misprint or typo, I said
three years.
This is absolutely insane, and I

dont give a flying fuck what you

want to say about cultural differences. How the hell can you blame a
little girl for being raped? Her parents should be deported if thats
how they treat the child.
This reminds me of that story I
talked about a couple months ago
from Afghanistan. A married woman
was gang-raped and she was then
stoned to death for wait for it

November 2009


Parents Blame Her!

do the laundry, cook dinner, and bathe the rugrats as

well or else hes a miserable, selfish bastard?
I think there are both wonderful and shitty husbands
in every country. I think this study didnt include a lot of
countries in places like Asia, Africa and the Middle East,
where, if the women were allowed to speak under conditions of anonymity and didnt have to worry about being
punished, they would tell you what a really terrible husband is. It seems like the researchers took a very narrow
view of the world as being made up of only a few of the
wealthier, more civilized countries.
But you cant get all up in arms over one survey. Next
month, there will be another article
telling you that French men are the
worst husbands or something. The bottom line is that you cant lump an entire
country into a stereotype. If a woman
wants to see whether or not a man will
be helpful with housework, live with him
for a bit, before getting married. If hes a
lazy slob who wont lift a finger around
the house then, chances are hes not
going to transform into Mr. Maid once
you get a ring on his finger.
As for men helping out with the
kids, one good yardstick for that is just
seeing how he is around kids. If a guy
cant stand kids and doesnt want anything to do with them before he has
them, its doubtful hell be an adoring, doting daddy
once he has his own spawn. So ladies, regardless of
what country you live in or what country your prospective husband is from, judge each man on an individual
basis. Besides which nobody mentioned the fact that
these Swedish and Norwegian husbands who are so
helpful with housework and childrearing may also happen to be big pussies. If you want that, just be a lesbian and do it right!


adultery! I thought we were living in
2009, but it seems like some of these
countries are still stuck in the Dark
As for these Liberians, if they
wanted to live by their own barbaric
laws and customs, why didnt they
stay in their armpit of a country? I
get it they want to enjoy the
opportunities of the USA, and of
course the welfare and Medicaid,
but they dont want to adapt to U.S.
culture, where raping a child is a
very serious criminal offense and the
rapists are blamed, not the victims.
Parents like those should not be
allowed to have kids. What kind of
values and beliefs do they teach
them? Are daughters taught to submit to men, and sons told its acceptable, even their God-given right, to
violate women on every possible
level? In Afghanistan, you can actually have your wife killed if you just
suspect shes cheating on you.
Doesnt that make you glad the USA
is spending billions of dollars and
has thousands of troops deployed
over there to keep them safe from
If I was the judge and jury in this
situation in Arizona, I would put the
father in jail, put the teenage boys in
juvenile detention at least until they
turn 18 and then possibly move
them to adult prison where they can
find out how much fun it is to be
gang-raped, and I would try to find a
good, loving home for the little girl,
along with plenty of counseling.

Teenage Nationals
Winner Was Actually
20 Years Old
There was a bit of controversy after
this years NPC Teenage Nationals
when it came to light that the winner
was actually 20 years old at the time
he won. Im really not sure whos to
blame here, as I dont know for certain
whether or not the promoter was
aware of this fact or not. If he was
aware of it and still let him compete, I
have to shake my head. Whats the
point of having a teenage contest if
you dont really have to be a teen to
enter? Would you let a 39-year-old
compete in the over-40 category, too?
But for the sake of argument (and
so I can do my usual ranting thing) and
not necessarily speaking specifically
about this case, allow me to comment
on the scenario of a 20-year-old competing in a teenage division. At that
stage of development, there is indeed
a big difference, as a young man ages
each progressive year, in many ways.
This is why you can drink at 21 and
not 20, for example. So indulge me as I
address a young guy, knowingly competing at an unfair advantage.
Why would you do something like
this? Do you really want a trophy that
badly? Its like assholes taking drugs
and competing in natural shows, beating legitimately drug-free athletes (not
exactly a perfect analogy, but bear
with me). Then the secret drug-user
proudly gloats, Hey look, I won! Big
deal, fuckhead. You won while using
drugs against guys who werent!

I know there are plenty of guys

who do this. If everyone in natural
shows was actually taking drugs, I
suppose it would be fair and a level
playing field. But if you want to or feel
the need to use drugs, why are you
doing a natural show when there are
plenty of non-tested contests out
there? Is it because you take drugs
and still dont look very good? Is your
physique nothing that a hard-working
natural bodybuilder couldnt achieve,
so you are able to convincingly pass for
a natty? Fucking losers, I swear.
Now, in my humble opinion, competing in the teens when youre 20
takes the cake. Did this kid forget his
birthday or something? From the photos I saw, he looked even older, but
thats nothing new these days. A lot of
these new young guys being promoted as phenomenal mass monsters look
a good 10 years or more older than
what their birth certificates would indicate. But thats not important the
important thing is that theyre HUGE!
So what if a kid is 21 or 22 and losing his hair, as long as he has 22-inch
arms and 34-inch thighs! Not a very
healthy look, but the hardcore fans
could care less about that. Lets see if
these young freaks are still around in
10 or 15 years. If not, no matter,
because there will always be some
other new young freak to fawn over.
Entering a teen show as a 20-yearold why stop there? Why not try your
hand next time at the Masters, or
throw a wig on and mix it up with the
ladies? All that matters is that you win!

NASA Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Moon Landing

But Was It a Hoax?
As a guy who doesnt like to simply accept what Im told as the
Gospel truth (get it?), I have my doubts as to whether or not there really was a lunar landing in 1969, or in the other two Apollo missions to
the moon that followed. Conspiracy theorists can be notoriously
wacky, but they have made some very compelling arguments that at
the very least cast shades of doubt on the alleged historic event.
For one thing, you see the U.S. flag moving in the footage, when
there is no atmosphere and thus no wind on the moon. Others have
pointed out where they insist you can see wires above the astronauts, used to
make them appear lighter and simulate the lower gravity up there. In some of the
footage you can see the shadow of the lunar lander going one way, while the shadows of the astronauts at the bottom of the steps is facing in a different direction. If
we had two suns instead of one, you could explain that one away. There are just
too many strange facets to that footage for me to completely accept it as genuine.
At the time of the moon landing, the USA was bitterly engaged in the Cold
War with the Soviet Union, and the space race was a major battlefield, since

58 MD

November 2009


there was no actual war (thank God, or else the world may have been turned into a barren nuclear wasteland,
unable to sustain any life aside from cockroaches).
Would you really put it past the U.S. government to fake the whole thing, just to show their superiority over the
Godless Communist Russkies? And if we did actually go to the moon why is it we never went back after the three
Apollo missions? They said it was too expensive. Nice try, but Im not falling for it. Look at all the money NASA has
blown with the Space Shuttle program, going back and forth to that stupid space station, and sending remote-control robot rovers to Mars.
The U.S. government also somehow found the money to fund the Iraq war, bail out Wall Street and the automotive industry. Why didnt they build some type of permanent space station on the moon? At least that one wouldnt
be doomed to eventually re-enter the Earths atmosphere like the one floating up there now is. Why didnt they celeth
brate the 40 anniversary of the moon landing by pointing the Hubble or some other high-power telescope back up
there to show us the flag, the lunar lander, and all the other crap the astronauts supposedly left on the surface?
Dont tell me it couldnt be done; that Hubble gadget takes pictures of galaxies billions of miles away! It all
reminds me of an old 70s movie called Capricorn One, that tells the story of a hoaxed manned mission to Mars.
Check it out sometime on Netflix and it may just give you something to think about something your government
typically doesnt encourage.

Henry Louis Gates,

Racial Drama,
and the Beer Summit
On July 16, Harvard University
professor Henry Louis Gates had
returned home to Cambridge after a
long trip in China filming a documentary. For some reason, he couldnt get
his front door open and he and a
friend decided to break in. A concerned neighbor called the police to
report a possible burglary in
progress. When the cops showed up,
an outraged professor Gates made a
scene shouting about how it was typical treatment of a black man in
America. Sergeant James Crowley
arrested Gates for disorderly conduct
and took him into custody. President
Obama, apparently an acquaintance
of Mr. Gates, sided with him and publicly criticized the Cambridge police
department. Of course, it quickly
turned into a big messy controversy
over racial profiling by law enforcement. In the end, Obama invited
Gates and Crowley to the White
House to iron it all out over a beer,
which the press immediately dubbed
The Beer Summit. Oh, brother.
What the fuck? Again with the
race card. Shit, it gets old over there
in America. Pulling that race card
does nothing but set everyone back
and goes against the supposed racial
harmony were all working toward.
This Gates guy and his friend, both of
whom happened to be black, were in
fact breaking into his house though
the front door. A neighbor sees it and
does what all of us would want our
own neighbors to do, rings up the

60 MD

police. Instead of calmly explaining

what was going on when they
showed up, Gates has a meltdown.
Anybody should be arrested if he
or she chooses to act in such an irrational and hostile manner. I dont care
if youre black or an Eskimo, you
should know better than to yell and
act belligerently to the police seeing as they have guns, badges, and
the authority to cuff you and toss you
in the back of their car. Gates should
have been grateful he had a neighbor
who actually gave a shit, instead of
looking the other way and refusing to
get involved when she saw a potential crime being committed.
If I saw two guys breaking into a
house, I would call the police too,
regardless of their race, hairstyles,
or anything else related to their
appearance. All thats relevant in a
situation like that is what appears to
be taking place: a crime. I should
note that a couple weeks later,
Gates did have a bouquet of flowers
sent to the neighbor.
What I do find even more outrageous is that Obama, with the U.S.
economy in shambles and our soldiers
fighting in wars raging in two different Middle Eastern nations, chose to
take the time to pay attention to this
incident and worse, to invite his old
buddy to the White House to discuss
it. What about all the other people
being racially profiled, mistreated,
harassed, and abused every day in the
USA? They dont get to go drink a
beer with the President.
The whole thing was such an obvious publicity stunt. Gates was out of

line when the cops showed up, so he

was arrested. They never should have
dropped the charges against him. If
Gates thinks its so terrible being a
black man in America, why not see
how he likes it in Africa, a continent
ravaged by poverty, famine, disease,
wars, and political corruption?
My wife is from South Africa, a
nation ruled for many years by the
bad white man. And yes, there was a
lot of overt racism and oppression of
the native people. They all thought
their hell would turn to heaven once
the black man got control back, but it
didnt quite work that way. The place
went to shit. The whole country is on
strike. The people get all kinds of free
entitlements, but all they do is clamor
for more, more, more! Blacks from
poorer parts of South Africa come to
the cities, willing to work for less
money, and the city folks murder them
to keep them from stealing their jobs.
Im so sick of all this crap. Look at
the past, learn from it, and move on!
Dont live in the past and dwell on
how unfair things were. I find it really
hypocritical that blacks spent so much
time fighting against segregation, and
nowadays you have all sorts of
pageants and awards shows specifically for blacks. If you had a White
Miss America or an awards show for
white musicians, that would immediately be reviled as racist.
Its wonderful for black people to
be proud of who they are and celebrate the achievements of their race,
but the only whites who do that are
neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan. Dont
get me wrong, I definitely dont

November 2009


approve of what those people preach.
Im just trying to make a point. It just
seems really odd that its only OK to
be proud of who you are if youre a
minority. If youre not, that pride is
called being a white supremacist. On
a similar note, why is it acceptable
for a black comedian to ridicule white
people, mocking the way they walk,
talk, dress, dance, etc., but if a white
comedian ever did something similar
he would be pardon the pun
I suppose the reason given most
often is the history of slavery. It is
true many slaves were kidnapped,
forced to work for free, treated brutally, and even killed by white men.
So the white man is bad, right? I
dont have a clue what the numbers
would work out to for that in terms
of deaths and lives stolen by servitude. But how many blacks have
been slaughtered by other blacks in
places like Rwanda, Uganda, Darfur,
Ethiopia and Somalia? How many
blacks have been murdered by each
other in the USA in inner cities over
the past 40 or 50 years in places like
Detroit, Los Angeles, Cleveland, and
Gary, Indiana? Yet many of the black
men and women in the USA who
grew up in these environments surrounded by drugs, gangs, unemployment, and broken families somehow
managed to do great things and
change the world. Some of the greatest athletes and entertainers of the
last few generations sprang from
those places.
So thats why I cant stand to
hear the race card being brought up
and hearing how awful it is to be a
black American and how the White
Devil continues to make their lives
miserable and prevent them from
achieving anything. Affirmative
action was a huge mistake in my
eyes. If you want to get a good job,
be the best man or woman for that
job. Study or do whatever it takes to
be more qualified than the others
who want that job. Plenty of white
people live in poverty, too dont
you watch Jerry Springer?
Your life is what you make of it,
and if you spend your life making
excuses and waiting for someone to
hand you what you want, youll

62 MD

never know happiness or success. If

you believe the odds are stacked
against you and you cant succeed,
that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It sickens me when those types
of blacks see others who have succeeded and sneer at them as being
sellouts or Uncle Toms who arent
keeping it real. Yeah, real poor and
And before I get off this topic
completely, I have to mention something that irks me blacks who
were born in America referring to
themselves as African-American. If

you were born in the USA, youre an

American. Otherwise, everybody
would have to announce their ethnicity or nationality. Im an IrishAmerican, an Italian-American, a
Vietnamese-American. No! Youre
an American, period! The only people who can legitimately call themselves African-American are those
who have immigrated to the USA
from Africa.
OK, Im done. Please save all your
angry e-mails to MD, by the way. As
I have said, I am not a racist at all
I hate all human beings equally!

Stupid Question of the Month!

I need some help dealing with a situation I have gotten myself into. I met this
new girl a couple weeks back and we have been having an awesome time, if you
know what I mean. She has her own place, and thats where we hang out. But now
she is insisting on seeing where I live. The problem with that is, I still live at home.
Its the only way I can afford to lease my new Mercedes-Benz E550 coupe.
She thinks I do something on the Internet and that I make 200 Gs a year, because
thats what I told her. But really, I am a personal trainer with only three to four
steady clients. I dont want more than that because it messes up my eating and
training, and I do plan on being a pro bodybuilder someday. Im only 25, so I have
plenty of time. Anyway, what should I tell this girl so she stops being so nosy? Help
a brother out!
Well, well, well! You got yourself into this situation by lying from the get-go. Did you
really think she wouldnt find out the truth sooner or later? Bloody hell living above your
means and buying a Mercedes to look cool while living at home you sound like a lot of
immature twerps I have known.
Get rid of the car, get your own place, and be a fucking man! Living at home with
mommy and daddy is pretty sad for a guy your age. I could understand if you had just lost
your job and were getting back on your feet or something, but thats not it. And to say that
you dont want more than three or four clients way to set the bar nice and high, you
underachieving twat! More clients would mess up your training and eating. Poor little you!
Theres this bitch called life and shes going to slap you in the face, followed up by an even
meaner bastard named reality.
You say you want to be a pro. How many times have I heard that before? Have you ever
even competed? I would sincerely ask you to send photos for an honest appraisal of your
potential, but I can already tell you a career as a pro bodybuilder aint in your future. Pro
douchebag definitely.
So to help you out with some advice, listen up. Come clean with your girlfriend and tell
her the truth. Be sure to apologize for being a big fat liar. If she loves you, it wont matter
what you do for a living, where you live, or what you drive. She could also be so angry and
disgusted at the lies that shes all done with you or its also possible that she was only
with you because she thought you had money. In that case, shes a user and you shouldnt
go for that type of woman anyway. They will take you for whatever they can get and then
move on to the next idiot take it from someone who knows from experience!
So be truthful from now on, not only to potential mates but also to yourself. Sit down
and honestly ask yourself what you want in life and if the path you are on today is going to
take you there or not. Right now it sounds to me like youre cruising down a dead-end
street time to make a U-turn, my friend.
Cant get enough of the outspoken Mr. Priest? Go to
Forums, and check out The Lee Priest Zone, his very own section of the No Bull forum.

November 2009


By Gregg Valentino
Somewhere, a village is missing its idiot and I know where to
find him..YUP, IM ON THE MD
INSANE!!!....From the most popular bodybuilding magazine on
the planet > MUSCULAR
Bull Radio Show!!!From
unique, and up-to-the-minute
Bodybuilding News and Articles
found only on our site, to the incredible Photo Galleries and Videos on
MDTVFrom the fastest-growing
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CyberStore, where you will find
exclusive MD-branded merchandise
plus thousands of your favorite sports
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brands in the industry.All at incredible prices!!!! is
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Headquarters for everything that is
hardcore Bodybuilding!!!!


TIME Stupidity is not a crime
so on the MD NO BULL forum,
youre free to speak your mind!!!

Originally Posted by marka aka Mark Alvisi >>> I

believe that doing cardio even in the off-season helps you
grow, because it helps keep your metabolism elevated as
well as keeps your cardiovascular endurance strong so you
can train harder and recover faster. You need to feed the
muscles with good calories and burn the fat with intense
training and cardio. It is also better to not let your body fat
climb too high or you will have to work harder to burn it off
later, and may lose muscle doing it. Keep in mind this is
what works for my body. Some guys dont have to do cardio to stay pretty lean off-season. The bottom line is if you
want to lower your overall body fat regardless of where
you are holding it, you have to burn more calories than you
are taking in. That does not mean starve yourself, or your
metabolism will slow and you will
burn muscle. Your best bet is to do cardio first thing in the a.m before you
eat. Five times a week is a good start.
You should start with 45 minutes to
an hour, depending on what you are
doing now for length of time. I like
using the StepMill. You could also use
an elliptical machine or treadmill with the elevation at 10 or
more. Shoot for a heart rate of 65% to 70% of your max
heart rate. (220 minus your age) x 65% or 75% Good luck.
FUCKING ROCK, BRO!!!!!...Forum members make a
mental note. oh shit, I see youre out of

70 MD


Ive come across decomposed bodies that are less offensive than
some of you are!!! NOW, FROM


CENTAPONI > I do cardio when I feel like I should.
There is no schedule. I use the treadmill when I do it.
I ate five precontest meals because 5 whole food
meals is a lot different than 3 whole food meals and
3 shakes..Evan Centopani.
MISHIN FOR AN ARM WORKOUT >> Eugene, I was wondering what kind of exercises are you using for during your
arm workouts?
Originally Posted by EUGENE MISHIN.I do a total of
4 exercises for arms, 2 for bis and 2 for tris.
Hammer curls for bis 4 sets of 8-10
Preacher bench for bis 4 sets of 8-10
Rope pushdown for tris 4 sets of 8-10
Dip machine for tris 4 sets pyramid 15 reps
to 6 reps
Eugene, what do you think is the
most important thing to know about
calf training?
1. Start to train them first
when you come to the gym.
2. Change exercises every
3. Change amount of reps and sets every workout

November 2009
(high reps, low weight.low reps,
heavy weight)
4. Do supersets
almost every week. Maybe once
every 8 or so weeks I may skip them.
I think barbell rows are superior to
dumbbell rows, but if you were to do
one, I would most likely skip the
other....alternate them..Evan
Q. Do you think three days on
then a day off would be better than
just one day of rest a week?
A. When I competed I did 3 on 1 off. Now
I do Mon. to Fri.
Q. What do you think about all
these guys keeping their diets a
A. I never cared what other guys ate or
took, I only cared about what benefited
me. Some guys need a Guru/Trainer, no
hard no foul, I didnt.
Q. What was the heaviest you
weighed in the off-season when you
were competing?
A. I went up to 242lbs after the 97
Olympia for the 98 Olympia. I came in at
218lbs but lost a lot of sharp crispness I
usually displayed and came in 5th.
Q. Do you think doing cardio right
after a hard and heavy leg workout
would be overtraining?
A. I personally never had a problem
doing cadio after great leg workouts!
Actually, it helps loosen up the pump
sometimes. I walk or I ride the stationary
bike, its not like I run or anything. 4.0
incline at 4.0 speed.
Q. How did you eat your egg
whites, back in the day?
A. Scrambled. Sometimes I add chopped
chicken breast, canned tuna or ground
beef for extra protein.
AS A MAN IN HIS LATE 40s >>> Middle
age is when you choose your cereal
for the fiber, not the toy.A BIG >

72 MD

Hi, Valarie, Im Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for
meHi. Can I domesticate you?.WOW, THIS MONTHS BABE OF THE
arrested earlier? Its gotta be illegal to look that!!!
Name: Valarie Beck
Forum Name: lilfitgirl
Age: 21
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Hometown: Monroeville, Ohio
Height: 55
Measurements: 34, 27, 33
Eyes: Hazel
Off-season Weight: 122
Competition Weight: 115
Favorite Food: steak
Favorite Junk Food: ice cream
Favorite Quote: Obsession is
what lazy people call dedication. Unknown
Favorite Makeup: Cover Girl
Sports/Activities/Hobbies: huge football
fan, full-time student at the University of
Toledo, spending time with friends and
family, anything outdoorsy (hiking, biking, kayaking, swimming, etc.) and lifting
of course!
Favorite TV Show: Greys Anatomy
Favorite Music: everything! (metal, country, pop, rap, easy listening, etc.)
Biggest influence in your life: my family
Favorite Body Part to train: arms
Your Best Asset (body part): long, lean
Future plans /
Goals: start
spring of 2010
as a natural figure or bikini
(depending on
how my training comes along); become a
personal trainer.
My name is Valarie Beck; I am a 21-year-old
college student at the University of Toledo
majoring in early childhood education. I have
always been an athletic person and enjoyed
every aspect sports offers. In junior high I was
a four-season athlete with volleyball, basketball, track and summer league softball. In high
school I was a member of the fall and winter
dance team and ran track in the spring. My first
year in college was quite the adjustment, not

November 2009
being in so many activities, and my body suffered for it. I gained the dreaded freshman
15 lbs. I soon realized how unhappy I was with myself and started doing simple cardio
at the local rec center a few times a week. I saw some results, but wasnt meeting my
goal. One of my best guy friends talked me into lifting weights along with my cardio to
help burn more fat and tone up. After the first week of lifting weights, I was hooked!
Lifting and time at the gym has since become one of my top priorities in life. I absolutely love watching my body grow and change.
After giving myself completely to this lifestyle, I thought
I should do something with it, so I applied to be a promo
model at the Arnold Classic. I have been a promo model at
the Arnold Classic the past two years (2008 & 2009) and will
be in 2010. Now I want to take this to the next level and step
onstage for the first time in spring of 2010. Another goal of
mine that I will be meeting soon is to become a personal
trainer. I already have many people asking me for advice on
training, and I want to be able to give them professional
advice. I will be taking a personal trainer course along with
my full class schedule this coming fall at the University of
Toledo. Many people question and judge the lifestyle I live,
but Im not doing this for them...Im in this for me.
NOW. Are your feet tired? They should be, youve
been running around in my mind all dayOOOPS,
Name: Joe Pietaro
MD Forum Member Screen Name: Joe Pietaro (formerly MuscleSport Mag)
Hometown: Long Island, NY
Age: 42
Years Bodybuilding: 23 years
Goal for the Future: Turn back the clock
Favorite Bodybuilders: Rich Gaspari, Jay Cutler, Dan Lurie
I consider myself a lucky guy. A sports nut my entire life, Im actually earning a living writing about that exact subject. Covering the last three Super Bowls and multiple baseball playoff games has been everything that I could have
imagined and then some. Being a bit of a throwback, my favorite place to visit is Wrigley Field. They can build all the
new ballparks they like, but give me one of the historical originals any day. Even while I was interviewing the likes of
Derek Jeter and Eli Manning, I still had the itch for bodybuilding.
As a teenager, I got hooked on working out and reading the muscle magazines and that transcended into adulthood. I wanted to cover the big bodybuilding shows just like the other main events.
Ive been to the last two Arnold Classics
and last years Mr. Olympia and enjoyed
them just as much if not more than
many of the other sporting events. I
immersed myself into the bodybuilding
scene as a journalist, and that made me
decide to launch my own online publication, MuscleSport Mag, which covers both
of my passions. Now that I find myself
working with MD, the skys the limit. I feel
as if my mainstream sports experience
gives me a different insight into this industry and Im confident that will help me
establish myself even further and become a
better writer. The key to this profession is to
separate yourself from the pack, and Im
working toward that. Not bad for a kid from

76 MD

November 2009


By David Burton

his month we had a number of excellent entries to this contest; eight essays were competing for this months
prize and coming out on top with a third of the overall votes was Big Bris essay. It tells the story of his struggle
with diabetes and how a bodybuilding lifestyle helped him take back control of his symptoms. Enough said now,
lets give it up for Big Bri!

Living, and Succeeding with Diabetes

by Big Bri
In August 1997, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
I vividly remember the day that I was diagnosed. I was at
work and I did not have any balance. When I was walking, I was using the wall to hold me up. My supervisor
saw me and asked me if I was OK? I was very disoriented
and I said, I dont know?
I ended up being rushed to the hospital where I stayed for 3 days. I was put
on a few oral medications: prandin, glucophage, and metformin. I had good and
bad days trying to control my sugars; it
was very hard for me to follow the
diet they gave me. But, in August
2002, I tried a diet called Sugar
Busters. This worked very well. My
sugar was under control and the diet
was manageable. I lost about 20 pounds
over a few months.
The doctor and I at the Clinic did not
get along. In August 2004, I moved to
another doctor and I have seen him since. In January
2005, some of my medicines were interacting with each
other and my blood sugar was dropping very low and my
energy level was nonexistent. I found out that I had gone
into lactic acidosis. It was shutting down my kidneys.
Again, I was hospitalized
One day, I woke up and I went to stand up, everything
spun around and I fell on to the floor. I could not stand up

as I had zero muscle coordination. After about 10 minutes

I was able to get up, I made it to my bathroom where I
keep Smarties in case I have a low blood sugar attack.
When I got to work I researched this and found that my
sugar was somewhere between 34 and 40. I was close to
passing out going into a diabetic coma. This terrified me.
I have not had a low sugar attack
since. I just went and saw my doctor the
other day, after almost a year because I
dont have insurance. He was so proud of
everything that I had done and how well
I could read my body signals now. I have
no circulation problems and or nerve
damage from the diabetes, which is
After seeing my doctor, I can now cut
my insulin dose in half and ELIMINATE
some other medication that I was taking.
Through my weight loss and exercise I
have made my body more receptive to
the insulin that my body produces. One day soon I hope to
be FREE of the medication and control it all through diet.
I owe a lot of the changes in my body due to the exercise
and the nutritional advice that I have gained since joining
MD. Since November 2008, I started dieting again. I was
as high as 290 pounds. Two weeks ago, around the 8th of
July, I was weighing 258 pounds. A total of 32 pounds lost
over roughly 8 months.

Big Bri tells a great story, and getting this amount of info condensed into 500 words is no mean feat, but he
managed to do this and to get his story across, with great impact. Big Bri is managing to control an illness which
is blighting the western world, Diabetes is reaching almost epic proportions and costs millions in health care costs
every year, yet with a few changes to a persons lifestyle it can be kept under control and keep the need for medication to a bare minimum.
Adhering to this lifestyle has helped Big Bri, and his dedication is to be commended. Hiding behind the scenes,
but still being a helpful part of his journey are the members of the Muscular Development forums. Big Bri has a
very long personal journal thread in the member journals section of the site; for anybody interested in reading
more about his progress, his thread can be accessed at
Congratulations to Big Bri and as always, I look forward to more excellent article entries next month!

78 MD

November 2009

By Steve Blechman and

Thomas Fahey, EdD



The Glove Speeds

Recovery and
Increases Training
Volume During
Weight Training
The Glove is a thermal transfer
device developed by scientists from
Stanford University that literally sucks
heat from the body without constricting
the surface blood vessels. The device is
a negative pressure small chamber
with a water-cooled cone inside.
Athletes grasp the cylinder during rest
intervals between exercises (e.g.,
squats, intervals on the track), which
lowers muscle temperature.
A University of New Mexico study,
led by Young Sub Kwon, found that
using The Glove during rest intervals
between sets increased repetitions and
total exercise volumes during repeated
sets to exhaustion in the bench press.
College-age men did 4 sets of bench
presses to failure, with 3-minute rest
intervals, during which they cooled the
hand with The Glove, heated the hand
with The Glove, or rested normally.
Heat causes lost energy in the muscles, which promotes fatigue. The
Glove works by tightening the link
between fuel breakdown and energy
available for muscle contraction by
reducing muscle temperature. (Paper
presented at American College of Sports
Medicine Annual Meeting, May 27,

82 MD

Improving Your
Bench Press for
the NFL Combine
Max reps to failure on the bench
press is a common measure of
strength and muscle endurance and is
included in the NFL combine test.
Zach Wagner and colleagues from
West Point showed that the prime
mover muscles are increasingly activated during the exercise with
increasing reps. Bench press
endurance was highly related to onerep maximum capacity, bodyweight,
and mass. During the test, muscle contraction velocity and power output
slowed with fatigue, but there were
no differences between muscle fiber
activation in any muscle groups as the
test progressed. The best way to
increase performance on a bench
press rep test is to get big and strong.
(Paper presented at American College
of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting,
May 28, 2009)

Crunches Activate
Core Muscles
Better Than
Core muscle development is central
to successful bodybuilding and serves

as the foundation for peak performance

in almost all sports. Many personal
trainers deemphasize traditional abdominal exercises such as crunches, in favor
of Pilates exercises such as planks.
Anthony Caterisano and co-investigators from Furman University in
Greenville, South Carolina found that
crunches activated the rectus abdominis
(six-pack muscle) and external obliques
(side ab muscles) 20 percent greater
than planks. They measured muscle
activation using electromyography.
Crunches build core muscle strength
better than planks. (Medicine Science
Sports Exercise, 41: 198-199, 2009)

Eccentric Strength
Increases More
Than Concentric
Strength During
Intense Weight
When muscles exert force, they
contract eccentrically when they
lengthen and concentrically when
they shorten. Muscles can exert more
force eccentrically than concentrically,
particularly at fast movement speeds.
During standard weight-training exercises, muscles contract at higher percentages of maximum during the concentric phase of the lift because
eccentric muscle strength capacity is
However, Danish researchers led
by Emil Sundstrup found that gains
were greater in eccentric than concentric strength during a 12-week
weight-training program using standard lifts (squat, hack squat, knee
extensions, leg curls, and calf raises).
This study showed the importance of
including eccentric muscle contractions in strength-training programs.
(Paper presented at American College
of Sports Medicine annual meeting,
May 28, 2009) November 2009

By Steve Blechman and

Thomas Fahey, EdD


Elastic Bands
Increase Bench
Press Strength
Most elite powerlifters use elastic
bands or chains to provide variable
resistance during the lifts. Athletes
attach them to the bar and the resistance increases during the exercise as
the bands stretch or the chains come off
the floor. Limited research supports
their use.
Matthew Muller from Kent State
University and colleagues found that
elastic band training increased bench
press strength more than traditional
bench press training alone. During a sixweek training program, men did either
five sets of five repetitions in the bench
at 85 percent effort using bands, or at
100 percent effort without bands.
Strength gains were nearly 8 percent
greater when using bands. The study
showed that elastic band assist training
is an effective way to improve
weightlifting strength. (Paper presented
at American College of Sports Medicine
Annual Meeting, May 28, 2009)

Multiple Sets Best

For Beginning
Weight Trainers
Most weight-training studies on
beginners or untrained people showed
that multiple sets produce no more benefits than single-set workouts. Critics
say that these studies were poorly
supervised and that multiple sets would
be superior if people trained hard.
Brazilian researchers, using
untrained college-age men, found that
multiple sets produced greater strength
gains than single sets. The subjects performed 8-12 repetitions of knee extensions and elbow flexions on a resistance
machine (isokinetic dynamometer) for
one or three sets during a six-week
training period. Multiple-set programs
were best for beginning weight trainers. (Paper presented at American
College of Sports Medicine Annual
Meeting, May 28, 2009)

84 MD

Anabolic Hormone
Response to
Weight Training
Greater in Men
than Women
Increased levels of anabolic hormones, such as testosterone and IGF-1,
are critical for the training responses
that increase muscle mass and
strength. For example, studies by
Shalender Bhasin from Boston
University found that increases in muscle hypertrophy were directly proportional to blood testosterone levels. Men
have larger muscles than women, so
the response of anabolic hormones to
training might be significant in determining the training response.
A study from Springfield College in
Massachusetts, led by Jason Sawyer,
found marked gender differences in
testosterone and IGF-1 following a
weight-training workout. The authors
speculated that gender differences in
mechanical stress during the exercise
might have accounted for the differences in hormonal response. (Paper presented at American College of Sports
Medicine Annual Meeting, May 28,

in blood pressure in the aorta (large

artery leaving the heart), carotid artery
(supplies the brain), or whole-body
blood vessel resistance, following a sixweek weight-training program. Weight
training decreased blood pressure
equally in both racial groups. Weight
training is valuable for improving cardiovascular function and reducing blood
pressure. (Paper presented at American
College of Sports Medicine Annual
Meeting, May 28, 2009)

No Racial
Differences In
Blood Pressure
Responses To
Weight Training
African-American men have a higher
risk of hypertension (high blood pressure) and type II diabetes. Compared to
Caucasian men, African-Americans tend
to have stiffer large central arteries,
impaired blood flow control in smaller
arteries, and higher blood pressure.
Weight training increases blood vessel
stiffness, so it is unclear whether racial
differences exist in response to resistive
Kevin Heffernan and co-workers
from the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign found no racial differences November 2009

By Steve Blechman and

Thomas Fahey, EdD


Fat Loss
Obesity is bad for your sex life.
Most women dont like fat guys, and
excess adipose tissue interferes with
metabolic health that controls erections and testosterone levels.
Australian researchers, in a review of
literature, concluded that obese men
tend to have lower testosterone and
the biologically-active free testosterone. To make matters worse, agelinked declines in testosterone occur
faster in overweight and obese men.
Obesity increases risk factors
linked to low testosterone levels such
as obstructive sleep apnea, insulin
resistance, and type 2 diabetes. High
body fat levels, particularly in the
abdomen, interfere with hormones
that control the reproductive system
and decrease sperm quality. Weight
loss increases testosterone and free
testosterone and improves reproductive health. (Molecular and Cellular
Endocrinology, in press; published
online June 18, 2009)

The Thyroid Gland

and Obesity

90 MD

Fat Cell Growth
Follistatin is a chemical produced
by almost every cell in the body. It is
of great interest to bodybuilders
because it inhibits myostatin a
chemical that prevents muscle
growth. Researchers from the Ohio
State University found that mice
given a single dose of follistatin
increased body mass and strength.
The treatment increased skeletal
muscle size throughout the body but
did not affect heart muscle. A single
dose of follistatin continued to
increase strength for 60 days, and the

increased strength persisted during

the 560-day experiment.
This study showed that follistatin
inhibited myostatin and increased
strength and muscle mass in animals.
The research captured the imagination of bodybuilders and strength athletes, and supplement companies
advertise follistatin or follistatinboosters on the Internet. Even if you
could buy the real stuff, taking follistatin supplements might not be such
a good idea.
Swedish researchers from the
Karolinska Institute showed that follistatin promoted fat cell growth and
could contribute to chronic obesity
and insulin resistance. In other
words, follistatin could make you
stronger, but it might also make you
look like a tank. (Journal Clinical
Endocrinology and Metabolism, 94:
3003-3009, 2009)

Portion Size
Food Intake
Would you consume more calories
if given a plate containing 10 large
cheeseburgers or a plate containing
20 mini cheeseburgers (the burgers
on both plates contained the same
number of calories)? According to a
study from Wageningen University
in the Netherlands, you would eat
more when faced with the larger portion sizes.
People were given large (15 grams)
and small (5 grams) portions of chocolate custard, but allowed to eat as
much as they wanted. Those who
received the larger portions ate 10
percent more calories. Cafeteria studies using college students found similar results. Students ate less food
when given smaller portions, even
though they could eat as much as
they wanted. Parents trying to help
kids lose weight should serve small
portions at dinner and let them take
seconds. They might eat less and lose
weight. (American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, 90: 269-275, 2009)

November 2009

Illustrated by Jerry Beck/

The thyroid is a large hormonesecreting gland that lies just below

the Adams apple. It secretes thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), that
help regulate metabolic rate. Thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH), released
by the pituitary gland in the brain,
controls the release of thyroid hormones. T3 and T4 increase oxygen
consumption and caloric expenditure,
help regulate protein synthesis, promote sugar release from the cells, and
stimulate fat breakdown. Many
bodybuilders take thyroid hormone
supplements to help them lose
Thomas Reinehr, from the
University of Witten/Herdecke
in Germany, in a review of litera-

ture, concluded that TSH and T3

increase in obese people in an
attempt to normalize weight. Rapid
weight loss causes decreases in TSH
and T3, which at least partially
accounts for the difficulty in maintaining lost weight. Changes in thyroid
hormones seem to be a consequence,
rather than a cause of obesity.
(Molecular Cellular Endocrinology, in
press; published online June 18, 2009)

By Steve Blechman and

Thomas Fahey, EdD


Fat Loss
Elevated IGF-1
Does Not
Growth Hormone
in Obesity
Many bodybuilders take growth
hormone (GH) to build muscle and
lose fat. GH is a potent fat burner,
which makes it popular with the
total makeover set as well as athletes. Increased GH levels stimulate
IGF-1 release mainly in the liver.
Many of the beneficial effects of GH
are actually caused by IGF-1.
However, GH levels decline in obesity
and IGF-1 levels stay the same.
Danish and American researchers
showed that IGF-1 and its binding
protein were not related to the
degree of obesity in women. The
study showed no feedback between
growth hormone and IGF-1 in obesity.
GH and IGF-1 are readily available on
the black market. Bodybuilders
should be careful when using these
drugs in combination to decrease
body fat, because we dont fully
understand how the two hormones
interact. (Journal Clinical
Endocrinology and Metabolism, 94:
3093-3097, 2009)

Plus Exercise
Promotes Fat Loss
Most people have a difficult time
trying to lose weight, and more than
90 percent of people who lose weight
gain it back again within 12 months.
Our genes are programmed to protect
us from starvation. The body perceives low-calorie diets as an assault
on its well-being. Weight regulation
centers in the brain preserve energy
stores by slowing down metabolic
rate and increasing appetite.
Is it possible to fool Mother
Nature? Mexican researchers from
the Oasis of Hope Hospital in Tijuana
found that exercising after short fasts
(12-14 hours) promoted fat loss.

92 MD

Exercise involved prolonged, moderate-intensity aerobics. Participants

practiced this procedure 3-5 times per
week for 12 weeks. The average person in the study lost 16 pounds. The
body uses available fuels and will
mobilize fat stores when carbohydrates are not readily available.
We need more research to determine if mini-fasts plus exercise is a
viable weight loss method. (Medical
Hypotheses, in press; published online
July 3, 2009)

Do Chemicals in
the Environment
Make You Fat?
Energy balance and the principle of
conservation of energy is one of the
first lessons you learn in a college
nutrition course. In a nutshell, you get
fat if you take in more energy than
you expend. Likewise, you lose
weight when energy expenditure
exceeds energy intake. If weight management were that simple, we wouldnt be in the midst of an obesity epidemic.
Researchers from the University of
California, Irvine, suggested that obesogens environmental chemicals
that alter cellular sensors controlling
metabolic rate and food intake interfere with energy balance and promote
fat storage. Exposure to these chemicals during critical growth periods
might condemn people to a lifetime of
obesity. Understanding and managing
obesogens is a major public health
issue. (Molecular Endocrinology, 23:
1127-1134, 2009)

may have dangerous metabolic and

cardiovascular side effects. Japanese
researchers, in a study on mice,
showed that low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diets increased chemicals in the
blood that trigger blood clots. Blood
clots are implicated in most heart
attacks and strokes.
Blood-clotting abnormalities are
usually included as part of the
Metabolic Syndrome, a group of medical conditions such as abdominal
obesity, high cholesterol, insulin
resistance, and high blood pressure
that increase the risk of coronary
artery disease. While low-carbohydrate diets cause weight loss in the
short run, they are no more effective
than low-calorie mixed diets or lowcalorie, high-carbohydrate diets after
12 months.
We need more studies to determine the possible effects of low-carb
diets on blood clotting.
(Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis, and
Vascular Biology, in press; published
online July 23, 2009)

Diets May
Blood Clots
High-fat, low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diets, such as the Atkins diet,
are extremely popular for short-term
weight loss. Many medical experts
have criticized them because they

November 2009


By Steve Blechman and

Thomas Fahey, EdD

Obesity Rate Hits
All-time High
Last year, 26.1 percent of Americans
were obese, compared to 25.6 percent in
2007. A 2009 report issued by the Trust
for Americas Health and Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation showed that U.S. is
in the midst of a public health disaster
that is on par with the economic meltdown. Adult and childhood obesity rates
increased 2-3 times during the past 30
In 2008, obesity rates
increased in 23 states and
didnt decrease in even one
state. Mississippi and
Alabama are the fattest
states, with obesity
rates of 32.5 percent
and 31 percent,
while Colorado is
the skinniest at
18.9 percent.
Health care costs
expanded at an
alarming rate during the past 10
years, in part due to
the obesity epidemic.
The economic downturn has increased the
incidence of psychological
depression and made it more difficult for families to purchase healthy
foods, so it is likely that the obesity
rate will continue to increase.
July 2009)

Risk factors of heart attack and

stroke include high blood pressure,
abnormal blood fats, cigarette smoking,
physical inactivity, obesity, and diabetes. Add low testosterone levels to
the list. Researchers from the Boston
University School of Medicine, in a
review of literature, concluded that low
testosterone levels increase the risk of

98 MD

moting disorders that include high

blood pressure, abnormal blood fats,
insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes,
inflammation, abdominal fat deposition, and blood clotting abnormalities.
He stopped short of recommending
testosterone supplements to treat the
Supplementing testosterone in
aging men has been a controversial
subject since the hormone was first
isolated in 1934. Prescriptions for
testosterone increased threefold in the
last 10 years, but many physicians
worry that the benefits do not offset
the side effects. Leading a healthier
lifestyle will enhance metabolic health
and increase testosterone, reduce
body fat, boost muscle and bone mass,
improve blood sugar regulation, and
reduce the risk of the Metabolic
Syndrome. You can improve testosterone metabolism by living a healthier lifestyle even if you take testosterone supplements. (Journal
Andrology, 30: 370-376, 2009)

Exercise Reduces
the Risk of Cancer

Low Testosterone
Linked to
Low testosterone is an important
marker of poor metabolic health.
Andrt Guay from Harvard Medical
School, in a review of literature, concluded that low testosterone levels
increase the risk of the Metabolic
Syndrome a cluster of disease-pro-

Regular moderate-intensity exercise reduces the risk of heart disease,

stroke, and premature death, but its
effects on the risk of cancer are less
clear. A 16-year-long study in Finland
showed that moderate-intensity physical activity reduced the risk of cancer
by nearly 50 percent.
Scientists examined more than
2,500 men with no history of cancer at
the beginning of the study and reexamined them nearly 17 years later.
Exercising regularly at a moderate
intensity (5.2 Mets: equivalent to a
brisk walk) for 30 minutes at a time
provided protection against the disease. Exercise was most protective
against lung and gastrointestinal cancers. The study showed that regular
physical activity reduced the risk of
the deadliest and most common types
of cancer. (British Journal Sports
Medicine, in press; published online
July 28, 2009)

November 2009

Illustrated by Jerry Beck/

Low Testosterone
Increases Heart
Attack Risk

cardiovascular disease and premature

death from all causes. Other negative
health consequences include decreased
sex drive, erectile dysfunction, reduced
muscle mass and strength, bone loss,
chronic fatigue, and depression. Low
testosterone levels in aging men are a
significant public health issue that has
received little attention. (International
Journal Impotence Research, 21: 261264, 2009)

By Steve Blechman and

Thomas Fahey, EdD


Whey Protein
Boosts Muscle
Protein Synthesis
Scientists, coaches, and athletes
argue endlessly about the best protein
supplement for enhancing muscle protein synthesis. Whey and soy proteins
are digested faster than casein, so supplement makers often mix blends to
maximize amino acid availability for as
long as possible. However, little
research supports the use of one type of
protein over another.
Researchers from McMaster
University in Canada found that a supplement containing whey protein
hydrolysate accelerated muscle protein
synthesis at rest and after weight training better than soy or casein protein.
The researchers speculated that whey
protein promoted muscle protein synthesis best because it was digested
faster and was better able to increase
blood levels of leucine, which is a critical signaling compound for promoting
protein synthesis. (Journal of Applied
Physiology, in press; published online
July 9, 2009)

Timed Casein
Has No Effect on
Strength Gains

106 MD

Potassium Citrate
Reduces Risk of
Kidney Stones
During Atkins Diet
The Atkins diet, which is high in proteins and fats and low in carbohydrates,
is extremely effective for promoting
weight loss, particularly during the first
three to six months of dieting. While the
diet generally promotes positive
changes in metabolism, it often causes
high cholesterol, constipation, and kidney stones. Kidney stones are excruciatingly painful. In addition to the Atkins
diet, they are also common in people
who take calcium supplements and consume low-fiber diets.

A Johns Hopkins University School

of Medicine study showed that potassium citrate supplements prevented
kidney stones in children consuming
low-carbohydrate diets, by making the
urine more alkaline and preventing the
formation of calcium crystals. The
treatment was highly effective.
Consider taking potassium citrate supplements to prevent kidney stones
when following low-carbohydrate,
ketogenic diets, or if you are susceptible to kidney stones. (Pediatrics, 124:
e300-e304, 2009)

Lysine Reduces
Blood Sugar
High-sugar beverages, such as
energy drinks, cause rapid increases in
blood glucose (blood sugar) and trigger insulin release from the pancreas.
The insulin response is critical for
moving sugar from the blood into the
cells but can cause a yo-yo effect on
blood sugar. Rapidly fluctuating levels
of blood glucose and insulin can wreak
havoc in athletes who must maintain
high energy levels and adequate blood
sugar concentrations for sustained
practices and competitions. Insulin
spikes can also promote fat storage
when caloric consumption from the
energy beverage exceeds energy
expenditure during exercise.
Scientists from the
University of Minnesota
found that consuming the
amino acid lysine with glucose
resulted in a blunted blood
sugar response without affecting
insulin release. During training, including lysine in an energy replacement
supplement might help maintain a
more stable blood sugar
level, which would prevent
hunger, sustain energy levels, and prevent fat accumulation. (American Journal
Clinical Nutrition, 90: 315-320,
2009) November 2009

Illustrated by Jerry Beck/

Casein protein is absorbed

more slowly than either soy
or whey protein. Altering the
time that athletes take
casein supplements might
maximize muscle protein
synthesis and strength
gains, resulting from a
weight-training program.
A study from the
University of Tartu in
Estonia showed that supplement timing had no
effect on strength gains or
lean body mass in college-

aged males who lifted weights during

two eight-week training periods.
During the first eight-week session,
they took the supplements in the morning and five hours after training. During
the second session, they consumed the
protein in the morning, immediately
after training, and in the evening.
Supplement timing had no effect on
muscle strength, lean body mass or
body fat. (Nutrition Research 29: 405413, 2009)

By Steve Blechman and

Thomas Fahey, EdD


Preserves Muscle
Glycogen During
Carbohydrates are the principle fuels
during exercise at intensities above 65
percent of maximum effort. Since the
1960s, weve known that high-carbohydrate diets promote endurance capacity
better than low-carbohydrate or mixed
diets. While fats contain more energy
per gram than carbohydrates, they take
longer to metabolize. Consequently, carbohydrates provide more energy per
liter of oxygen consumed than fats. In
other words, carbohydrates are faster
fuels. Unfortunately, we store only
about 400 grams of glycogen throughout the body, which limits endurance
Popular energy drinks contain carbohydrates to help provide fuels for prolonged exercise. When first introduced,
these drinks contained the glucose polymer maltodextrin, because it could
deliver large amounts of glucose (sugar)
without being overly sweet-tasting.
Gradually, maltodextrin was replaced
by high-fructose corn syrup in most
sports drinks, because it was cheaper.
In a study on rats, Brazilian
researchers showed that pre-exercise
feeding with maltodextrin preserved
muscle glycogen in active muscles. In
humans, this effect would help athletes
involved in prolonged endurance events
recover faster and exercise more
intensely during subsequent workouts.
(JEPonline, 12: 30-38, 2009)

Boost Endurance
Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs)
have been called nutritional optimizers
and fatless fat. They provide a lot of
energy in a small volume, just like fat,
yet are absorbed and used rapidly, just
like carbohydrates. They may also

108 MD

reduce body fat, improve carbohydrate

and protein metabolism, enhance
absorption of essential minerals, and
decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing blood triglycerides
and cholesterol.
Japanese researchers found that
endurance capacity was higher following two weeks on a diet high in MCTs
(6 grams per day for two weeks) than
following a diet low in MCTs. The exercise consisted of 40 minutes on a stationary bike at 60 percent effort, followed by exercise to exhaustion at 80
percent effort. Blood lactate and perception of effort were lower during exercise
following the high MCT diet. These
results do not agree with other studies
in the literature. (Journal Nutritional
Science Vitaminology, 55: 120-125, 2009)

Waxy Maize
Starch Maintains
Blood Sugar
Bodybuilding involves a delicate balance between increasing muscle mass
and minimizing fat. During building
phases, protein and calorie intake are
critical for turning on chemical pathways that promote muscle protein synthesis. Unfortunately, unbridled caloric
intake also leads to increased fat deposition. When trying to lose fat, hunger
is the bodybuilders enemy. They must
continue intense training regimens,
while maintaining energy levels and
restricting calorie intake. Waxy maize
starch (WM) is a complex carbohydrate
that helps stabilize blood sugar, without increasing insulin and causing wild
fluctuations in hunger and satiety.
A Purdue University study showed
that consuming a supplement containing WM caused lower blood sugar and
insulin responses than drinking a beverage containing maltodextrin and
table sugar or eating white bread.
Waxy maize starch effectively sustains
blood sugar and prevents hunger. It
might be a useful supplement for bodybuilders. (Nutrition Research, 29: 383390, 2009)

Coenzyme Q10
Increases Interval
Sprint Capacity
Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like
chemical that helps supply energy to
the cells. Some athletes experience
coenzyme Q10 depletion during training
and might benefit from supplements.
Scientists from Selcuk University School
of Medicine in Turkey found that men
who took 100 milligrams per day of oral
coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) increased performance during repeated sprints on a
stationary bike (5 Wingate tests; all-out
30-second sprints), compared to when
they took a placebo (fake CoQ10).
CoQ10 increased peak power and average power and reduced the perception
of fatigue.
A Japanese study found that
Coenzyme Q10 (100 or 300 milligrams
per day for eight days) improved performance and reduced the perception of
fatigue during intense endurance exercise and interval training. The larger
dose produced the greatest effects.
Coenzyme Q10, particularly in doses of
300 milligrams per day, might prevent
fatigue and boost performance during
intense sprint exercise, but we need
more research before we can recommend it as an effective performanceenhancing supplement. (Journal
Strength Conditioning Research, in
press; published online July 28, 2009) November 2009

By Steve Blechman and

Thomas Fahey, EdD


No Benefit Linking
Dextrose and

Supplement Does
Not Increase
Workout Volume
Leucine is a branched-chain
amino acid thats used as a building
block for proteins, acts as a chemical
signaler for protein synthesis, and
helps maintain blood sugar through
its conversion into glucose in the
liver. Intensely training athletes can
sometimes become leucine deficient,
which makes it a possible effective
performance-enhancing supplement.
Baylor University researchers
found that large doses of leucine (40
mg per kilogram bodyweight) had no
effect on training volume during an
intense lower-body workout. Many
recent studies have demonstrated
the critical role of leucine in exercise
performance and adaptation to training. However, most studies have
failed to find a beneficial effect from
leucine beyond the effects of training alone. (Paper presented at the
American College of Sports Medicine
Annual Meeting, May 28, 2009)

114 MD

Caffeine Does
Not Alter the
Between Heart
Rate And Oxygen
During Exercise
Many athletes take caffeine to
jumpstart their workouts. Caffeine is a
mild stimulant that increases heart
rate and blood pressure at rest. A
study from Minnesota State University
at Mankato found that caffeine (6 mg
per kilogram bodyweight) did not
affect the relationship between heart
rate and oxygen consumption during
exercise. However, caffeine increased
oxygen consumption slightly.
Many studies found that caffeine
boosts endurance and high-intensity
exercise performance. Caffeine might
work by altering the perception of
fatigue. Caffeine is no longer on the
ban substances list in Olympic sports
but its use is still limited by the
NCAA. (Paper presented at the
American College of Sports Medicine
Annual Meeting, May 28, 2009)

Creatine monohydrate supplements

have been around for more than 15
years. While highly popular, creatine is
relatively cheap, so its not all that
profitable for supplement makers. In
an effort to stay competitive and
increase profits, companies have tried
to bind creatine to various substances
to speed its uptake and effectiveness.
A Creighton University study compared the effects of creatine versus
creatine plus dextrose on creatine
retention in muscle. Dextrose triggers
insulin release, which could enhance
creatine uptake. They found that both
forms of creatine are equally effective.
Bodybuilders should buy bulk creatine
monohydrate from a reputable manufacturer and forget about the bells and
whistles. (Paper presented at the
American College of Sports Medicine
Annual Meeting, May 28, 2009)

Protect Muscles
Glutamine is vital for a strong
immune system and recovery from
intense exercise. It also protects the
muscles from inflammation because of
its role in generating heat shock proteins (HSP) that help organize new
proteins and speed the removal of
injured cells and tissues. Stresses
increasing HSPs include muscle cell
damage from high tension, high cell
temperature, reduced pH (cell acidity),
inadequate blood flow, oxidative stress
(free radical damage), and depleted
energy stores.
Researchers from the University of
Illinois, Urbana, in a study on mice,
found that glutamine supplements
preserved muscle strength in artificially-inflamed muscles. While controversial, we have some evidence that glut- November 2009

By Steve Blechman and

Thomas Fahey, EdD


amine supplements boost immune function and protect tissues from inflammation. (Paper presented at the American
College of Sports Medicine Annual
Meeting, May 28, 2009)

Supplements Do
Not Boost Muscle
Protein Synthesis
at Rest or After
Muscle growth requires muscle tension, amino acids, calories, carbohydrates, anabolic hormones, and rest.
Take away any of these and training
progress grinds to a halt. Many recent
studies found that taking protein and
amino acid supplements before or after
weight training promoted protein synthesis. This practice increases the availability of amino acids, which are used
to build new proteins. Also, key amino
acids such as leucine activate important
biochemical pathways (i.e., the mTOR
pathway) that trigger protein synthesis.
Not all studies have found that supplementing protein close to workout times
has any beneficial effects.
Aaron Staples and colleagues from
McMaster University in Canada found
that supplementing protein and carbohydrate following a weight workout did
not boost protein synthesis more than
the workout itself. We need more
research to help decide this controversial issue. (Paper presented at the
American College of Sports Medicine
Annual Meeting, May 28, 2009)

Index Meal Boosts
Cycling time trials are prolonged,
high-intensity events requiring ready
availability of carbohydrates for fuel.
Carbohydrates come from stored glycogen in the muscles, liver glycogen, gluconeogenesis (liver converts various
fuels to blood sugar), and dietary

116 MD

intake of carbohydrates.
British researchers found that a 40kilometer cycling time trial was 4 percent faster, following a low-glycemic
index meal after a high-glycemic
index meal. Both meals contained 1
gram of carbohydrate per kilogram of
bodyweight. Glycemic index is a
measure of how fast foods increase
blood sugar. Low glycemic index
meals provided more sustained glucose release, which might spare
scarce muscle and liver glycogen during intense, prolonged exercise. These
results may not apply to short-term,
high-intensity exercise. (International
Journal Sports Physiology
Performance, 4: 331-344, 2009)

No Difference
Between Highor Low-Glycemic
Index Meals on

The Mediterranean
Diet Reduces
Abdominal Fat
The Mediterranean diet is high in
pasta, olive oil, fruits, vegetables, lean
meats, fish, nuts, and wine. People living in Mediterranean countries have the
lowest heart disease rates and greatest
longevity in the world. Diet may play an
important role in their excellent health.
A large study of nearly 500,000 men
and women age 25 to 70 living in 10
European countries found a reduced
risk of abdominal obesity in people who
followed the Mediterranean diet. The
relationship was strongest in men from
northern European countries. People living in France, Norway, and Sweden
were the thinnest, while those living in
Greece and Spain were the fattest.
Europeans were considerably leaner
than Americans. The Mediterranean
diet has positive effects on metabolic
health and preventing obesity.
(Journal Nutrition, 139: 1-10, 2009)

Glycemic index is a measure of

how fast a meal increases blood
sugar. Foods such as white bread,
table sugar, and corn syrup have highglycemic indexes and cause rapid
spikes in blood sugar and insulin.
Foods higher in fat and fiber have
lower glycemic indexes and provide
dietary carbohydrates more slowly.
A study from the University of
Saskatchewan in Canada showed that
the glycemic index of a pre-exercise
meal had no effect on performance
during 90 minutes of intermittent
high-intensity exercise on a treadmill.
The test subjects perform better after
consuming either meal compared to
fasting. A good pre-game meal is
important for performance in either
intense or endurance exercise. The
study showed that consuming calories
was more important than the composition of the meal. (International
Journal of Sports Physiology
Performance, 4: 367-380, 2009) November 2009

By Steve Blechman and

Thomas Fahey, EdD


Link Between
Steroids and
with Building
Many high school and college
women suffer from eating disorders,
such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia, which are related to distorted
body image. These women starve
themselves or eat-and-purge
because they think they are overweight even when they are not. An
increasing number of men have a similar condition called muscle dysmorphia.
These men are preoccupied with their
bodies and think they are not lean or
muscular enough.
Lebur Rohman from St.
Georges University of London in
the U.K. summarized the literature on muscle dysmorphia and
its possible link with anabolic steroid
use. Men with this condition have a
compulsive need to work out and diet.
They will evade important social and
work responsibilities to maintain their
workout schedule. They often take
drugs and supplements they know are
unhealthy in order to attain their goal.
We think that there is another perspective on this problem. While many
men undoubtedly have unrealistic body
images, extreme focus and dedication
are required to reach championship levels. In champions, preoccupation and
dedication are considered admirable,
while these qualities are classified as illnesses in less-accomplished people.
(Eating Disorders, 17: 187-199, 2009)

tive test for marijuana,

even weeks or months after smoking it.
Australian researchers, led by
Jonathon Arnold from the University
of Sydney, were able to detect THC in
rats several days after giving the animals the equivalent of 10 marijuana
cigarettes. They speculated that
humans who use the drug regularly
could test positive for THC when dieting or experiencing emotional stress.
This effect might also be significant
for other drugs such as nandrolone
(an anabolic steroid). (British Journal
Pharmacology, in press; published
online August 14, 2009)

THC is the chemical in marijuana

that makes you high. Once in the body,
it is absorbed quickly in the fat cells.
Gradually, it moves back into the bloodstream, where it is metabolized and
eliminated. Rapid fat loss during dieting
increases the rate that THC enters the
bloodstream, which can result in a posi-

120 MD

A 50-year-old former bodybuilder

had surgery to remove a malignant
tumor near his spinal column. During
the surgery, he experienced a sudden
drop in blood pressure while receiving
anesthesia. The surgeons reported
thickening of the valve and walls in
the left chamber of the heart and an

NSCA Issues
Position Statement
on Anabolic
Steroids and
Growth Hormone
The National Strength and
Conditioning Association (NSCA) is one
of the premier professional organizations for strength coaches and research
on strength and conditioning. In August
2009, the NSCA issued a position statement regarding anabolic steroids and
growth hormone use in sports. The elements of the report included:
1. Steroids increase lean mass, muscle mass, and strength.
2. Steroids plus weight training work
better together than either one alone.
3. The side effects of these drugs
have not been systematically studied,
but there are numerous reports of a
variety of possible side effects.
4. Women and men experience similar effects from steroids, but women
also experience masculinizing effects
such deepening of the voice and clitoral

November 2009

Illustrated by Jerry Beck/

Physicians Blame
Dieting Increases
Steroids for
the Risk of
Near Death of
Positive Drug Tests Ex-Bodybuilder

increase in the size of the wall separating the left and right sides of the
heart. The patient reported taking
anabolic steroids 15 years before.
The surgeons speculated that
steroids might have caused the
ex-bodybuilders heart problems.
Intense weight training causes
high pressure loads in the heart.
These loads increase when lifting
heavier weights. It could be argued
that steroids caused the heart problems, because they allowed the exathlete to lift unusually heavy
weights when he was younger.
However, heavy weightlifting increases heart size and the stiffness of the
arteries regardless of steroid use.
Which was the culprit: heavy weight
training or steroids, which allowed the
athlete to lift unusually heavy weights?
Also, did the steroids contribute to
enlargement of the heart independently of heavy weightlifting? (Journal of
Cardiothoracic and Vascular
Anesthesia, 23: 208-210, 2009)

By Steve Blechman and

Thomas Fahey, EdD


5. In children, steroids can cause
premature closure of the bone growth
centers, which results in retarded
6. Steroids are Schedule III substances. Illicit use can have serious
legal consequences.
7. Combining growth hormone with
weight training causes few changes in
muscle mass and strength beyond
weight training alone.
8. Growth hormone side effects
increase with dosage.
9. Anabolic drug use has decreased
in high school students during the past
few years. Hiring qualified, certified
coaches is the best way to prevent
drug use in athletes. (Journal Strength
Conditioning Research, 23: 1-59, 2009)

Drug Police
Seeking Growth
Hormone Test
Athletes first started using growth
hormone (GH) in the early 1980s. The
drug was harvested from cadavers
and was extremely expensive. Early
studies showed that GH had little
effect on athletic performance, but
athletes discovered that the combination of GH and anabolic steroids was
dynamite. While GH has been on the
banned substances list since 1989,
the world anti-doping Association
(WADA) did not introduce a GH test
until the 2004 Olympics in Athens.
The test could only detect GH for 24
hours after injection, so an athlete
would have to be an idiot to get
The ideal scenario for drug testers
would be a urine test that could
detect minute amounts of the drug.
Currently, thats little more than a distant dream. A promising test measuring connective tissue changes was
reported last year, but WADA has not
adopted it. Growth hormone will continue to be a problem drug for Olympic
sports until WADA scientists develop
an effective test to detect it. (Growth
Hormone & IGF Research, in press;
published online May 2009)

122 MD

Growth Hormone
Builds Muscle
and Cuts Fat
Growth hormone (GH), along with
its helper hormone IGF-1, has important long-term and short-term effects
on protein, fat, and carbohydrate
metabolism. Increases in GH during
exercise appear to be important for
triggering the training response. In
GH-deficient adults, supplementing
the hormone increases muscle mass,
physical performance, and decreases
body fat.
In studies lasting as long as 10
years, administration of GH supplements in older adults slowed many of
the effects of aging, such as decreased
muscle mass and increased fat. In
healthy athletes, GH decreases body
fat and prevents protein loss during
intense training, but these effects are
small and controversial. Chronically
high levels of GH seen in acromegaly
show that excessive long-term administration of the hormone does not
improve physical performance.
However, short-term supplementation
could benefit athletes. (Growth
Hormone & IGF Research, in press;
published online May 2009)

GH Remains the
Anabolic Drug of
Choice for
Olympic Athletes
Why is growth hormone so popular
with elite athletes? The answer is simple: there is no effective test to detect it.
Random drug tests make it very dangerous to take anabolic steroids, because
they can be detected for one week to
more than six months. However, available research suggests that GH provides only small benefits to athletes.
Even though athletes can once again
get GH from China, it is still expensive
and importing it is risky (both legally
and medically). GH might increase connective tissue strength, which allows
athletes to train harder, prevents soft
tissue injury, and speeds the healing
rate following injury. While the effectiveness of GH is unclear, at this time athletes can take it with little risk of detection. (Growth Hormone & IGF Research,
in press; published online May 2009)

Drugs That Turn On

Anabolic Genes
In 2002, the human genome project
identified the human genes. Sports governing bodies such as the International
Olympic Committee feared that
implanting the gene variants that controlled physical performance would
allow athletes to develop superhuman
strength, power, and endurance. Since
then, weve discovered that such
elaborate techniques may not be necessary. Drugs can increase the activity
of specific genes that control many
aspects of human performance. For
example, drugs that influence the
activity of genes controlling the powerful growth factor IGF-1 can trigger
increases in muscle mass and strength
without altering the gene itself.
At this point, we dont know much
about the effectiveness of these techniques for improving athletic performance, their long-term and short-term side
effects, or how to detect their use in athletes. (Growth Hormone & IGF Research,
in press; published online May 2009)

November 2009

By Steve Blechman and

Thomas Fahey, EdD


Regular Sex
Important for
Sperm Quality
Every bodybuilder knows that when
it comes to muscle, you use it or lose it.
The same goes for your reproductive
system. Australian researchers, led by
David Greening from the Sydney InVitro Fertilization Clinic, showed that
sperm quality improved by 20 percent
in men who ejaculated daily for seven
days. The researchers concluded that
couples trying to conceive should have
sexual intercourse daily for seven days
prior to ovulation.
Previously, urologists recommended
that couples abstain from sex for 5-7
days before ovulation so that men
could build up sperm volume. It
appears that older sperm is more susceptible to DNA damage, which can
decrease the chances of fertilization
and increase the risk of birth defects.
(Paper presented at the European
Society of Human Reproduction and
Embryology, June 2009)

Most Women
Use Vibrators

128 MD

Until recently, most women had a healthy bush and that signaled to men
that they were nearing the Promised Land. Things have changed. Nowadays
women clear-cut their nether regions to the point where you sometimes question whether youre having sex with a pre-pubertal girl. It appears that hairless loins are here to stay.
A Scottish study speculated that the wide distribution of porno movies
accounts for the sudden disappearance of pubic hair. Throughout history, art
(the ancient version of porno videos) showed men and women with minimal
pubic hair. Victorian modesty caused people to cover up, which promoted genital hair growth. With the Sexual Revolution that began in the 60s, the full
bushes of early Playboy models gradually led to todays genital deforestation.
Most women perceive removal of pubic hair as sexy and sanitary. They
believe that hair removal increases sexual pleasure by increasing sensitivity,
improving the beauty of the sex organs, and making it easier to identify the
hood of the clitoris. We need more research to help us understand this pressing public health issue. (Journal Sexual Medicine, 6: 2102-2110, 2009)

Guys with ED Have

Shorter Dicks
More than 50 percent of men over
40 years of age have moderate-tosevere erectile dysfunction (ED). To
add insult to injury, they also have
shorter penises. Egyptian researchers
from Cairo University, in a study of
more than 1,000 men, found that
stretched penis length was more than
one-half-inch shorter in men with ED
than in normal men (4.4 inches vs. 5.1
inches), while stretched penis girth
was similar (3.4 vs. 3.5 inches).
In both groups, penis length and
girth were highly related. The study
agreed with research on men from
North America, showing that the
foot-long club celebrated in porno
movies is largely a myth. Few men
are hung like race horses. Male porno
film stars with mutant dicks have
given inferiority complexes to a
whole generation of young men
raised on adult films. (Journal Sexual
Medicine, 6: 2305-2310, 2009)

Is ED a Disability?
Several large-scale studies found
that regular sex is one of the most
important factors promoting happiness.
What happens if contaminants in the
workplace cause sexual problems that

November 2009

Illustrated by Jerry Beck/

Does your significant other carry a picture of her vibrator in her wallet instead
of you? A study from the Kinsey Institute
at Indiana University showed that a
majority of women aged 18-60 use vibrators. That means that if shes not using
the sex toy with you, her vibrator is getting more action than you are.
On a brighter note, women who use
vibrators are sexually better adjusted
than those who dont. Vibrator users
scored higher on measures of sexual
desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, and
overall sexual function. Few women
reported side effects from vibrator use.
The study involved a sample of 3,800
women chosen to represent a cross-section of Americans. The research
showed that if you are looking for a highly sexual woman,
ask her if she uses a vibrator.
(Journal Sexual Medicine, 6:

The Deforestation of
Our Nations Crotches

By Steve Blechman and

Thomas Fahey, EdD


interfere with quality of life? Many studies have shown a link between erectile
dysfunction (ED), obesity, physical
inactivity, smoking, and recreational
drug use. Chemicals in the workplace,
such as lead, organic solvents, and
pesticides, and job-related emotional
stress can also promote ED.
Should work-linked ED be grounds
for disability payments? While scientists can build a reasonable case
between work stresses, contaminants, and bad sex, its unlikely the
government will do anything about it,
given the present economic climate.
(Journal Sexual Medicine, 6: 23402342, 2009)

Guys With Fat Guts

Cant Get It Up
Most women dont like guys with
fat guts. Belly fat is unsightly and guys
with beer bellies usually dont have
game. They also have erection problems. A Canadian study from Queens
University in Kingston, Ontario found
that men with large waist circumferences or obese body mass indexes (a
measure of weight to height) were 50
percent more likely to have erectile
dysfunction than leaner men.
The study involved 3,941 men 20
years or older who participated in the
National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey. Men who exercised at a moderate intensity for at
least 150 minutes per week and
maintained a waist circumference of
40 inches or less usually maintained
normal erection function, regardless
of total body fat. The best way to
keep it up is to lose the gut and exercise regularly. (Journal Sexual
Medicine, 6: 1990-1998, 2009)

High Cortisol
Levels Linked to
Sexual Problems
in Men
Cortisol is a stress hormone
released by the adrenal glands, which
are located on the top of each kidney.

130 MD

During times of stress, the adrenals

release cortisol to help provide fuel
for emergencies and promote tissue
healing inflammation. Chronically
high levels of cortisol can suppress
the immune system and cause cellular destruction throughout the body.
Japanese researchers showed that
high cortisol levels can also interfere
with sexual function. They measured
saliva and blood levels of cortisol and
testosterone and found that elevated
cortisol levels impaired the capacity
for erections, decreased sexual
desire, and interfered with satisfaction during intercourse. They found
no relationship between testosterone
levels and sexual function. The link
between elevated cortisol and bad
sex was low and might not be clinically significant. (International
Journal of Impotence Research, 21:
207-212, 2009)

Beer Glasses
Affect Men More
Than Women
How many times have you gone to
bed with a 10 and woke up with a
2? According to British researchers
from Brunel University, this is much
more likely to happen to a man than
to a woman. While casual sex is relatively common in men and women,
women have higher standards.
They asked nearly 1,000 male and
female students from the U.S.,
Germany, and Italy to rate the likelihood of having a one-night stand
with someone who propositioned
them and was either slightly unattractive, moderately attractive, or
exceptionally attractive. Looks had no
effect on a mans decision to have
casual sex, while most women
required that her potential sex partner be exceptionally attractive. The
study also found differences between
countries. Italian and American men
would sleep with anything that
moved, while German men were
more selective. (Medical News Today,
August 12, 2009)

November 2009


By Dan Gwartney, M.D.

EPO: A Surprising
Fat-Loss Hormone

altering behavior, affecting stem

Testosterone causes a greater prois impossible not to be amazed
cell differentiation away from
duction of red blood cells by stimulatby the human body, though we
developing fat, and increasing
ing the production of a hormone
all take our own for granted
sebum production in the skin, etc.
called erythropoietin (EPO).
most days. Record-setting athletic
performances create a sense of awe,
Many hormones stimulate different
Conversely, EPO stimulates testosas individuals demonstrate the
reactions, depending on the specifterone production, demonstrating a
potential and capabilities of the
ic tissue the hormone interacts
mutually supportive relationship
human form. Unfortunately, people
with. Most people tend to focus on
between the two hormones. In the
the most apparent example of horfail to experience the same awe in
bone marrow, where red blood cells
mone function testosterone being are created and mature, EPO and
more mundane acts, becoming
a muscle builder.
jaded or even disappointed in the
testosterone work together to stimu7
form and function of their
late the appropriate genes.
own body.
EPO is produced by spedoping, as altering hormone or enzyme cialized cells in the kidneys.
Though the list is endless, one amazing feature of levels by inserting new genes into a per- EPO production increases durthe human body is its sense
ing conditions of low oxygen,
sons DNA changes that persons abilities, such as high altitudes during
of economy. When one conby changing the very blueprint that
siders all the interaction,
mountain climbing or skiing.
communication, and
defines who that person is at the most This response is more proresponse that takes place in
nounced, with greater testosbasic level.
the billions of cells that
terone concentration, in men
comprise the body, it is amazing
Testosterone also increases the
with high-altitude sickness.
that 23 pairs of chromosomes
production of oxygen-carrying red
Elite endurance athletes manufacture
(structures containing DNA-based
blood cells. In fact, one of the first
altitude chambers to sleep in, basigenes) can contain all that informaclinical uses of anabolic steroids
cally a bubble chamber that creates a
tion. Though there are unfortunate
was in the treatment of anemia
partial vacuum, making the body
cases of genetic mishaps, the relia(low red blood cell count). Anemia
adapt to a high altitude-like condition,
bility of creating healthy people is
is often seen in women (particularly increasing EPO and red blood cell
those with heavy menstrual bleedproduction. This allows them to comTo prevent the need for huning) and people with kidney dispete more intensely. Of course, many
dreds of chromosomes, the body
ease. In fact, an elevated hematathletes continue to use the pharmarelies on many chemicals to perocrit (a measure of red blood cells
ceutical version of EPO and newer
form more than one function. One
as a percentage of blood) is one of
analogs of the drug, even though
example readily understood by
the more common side effects
drug testing has caught up to the
readers of this magazine is the mul- among users of anabolic-andropractice.
tifunctional spectrum of testosgenic steroids (AAS). It rarely causA recent study published in the
terones effects. Testosterone is
es problems, and is frequently
Public Library of Science reported the
most commonly known as a musoverlooked during clinical lab
effect of EPO on body fat and weight
cle-building hormone, but it also
reviews. In predisposed people,
loss in mice. It was previously
aids in sperm maturation, strengthelevated hematocrit (polycythemia)
reported that EPO given to chronically
ening bone, dilating blood vessels,
could lead to circulatory problems.
ill, dialysis-dependent patients (peo-

134 MD November 2009

ple whose kidneys do not function) is
associated with a decrease in body
mass index (BMI) and LDL (bad) cholesterol; increased exercise tolerance,
activity, and muscle growth; as well
as improved glucose control with a
lower fasting blood glucose and
increased insulin sensitivity.
Clearly, there is much more to EPO
beyond increasing oxygen delivery
for anemic patients or sports doping.
This group of scientists altered the
mice to overproduce EPO by transferring the EPO gene (cDNA) to a leg
muscle, increasing circulating (blood)
concentration 100-fold; not 100 percent, which would be doubling the
amount in the
blood, but 100fold or 10,000
percent! These animals were compared to normal
mice, the two
groups (EPO versus
normal) being
assigned to consume either a normal mouse-chow
or a high-fat diet
that causes obesity.
After a 12-week
trial, EPO-treated animals showed significant, practically incredible, results
compared to their untreated peers. In
just three months, obese EPO mice
lost 23 percent of bodyweight, with
dual energy X-ray absorptiometry
(DEXA) scans revealing that the prior
fat mass was reduced 28 percent by
volume. The reduction in fat resulted
in metabolic changes that improved
glucose control back to normal levels.
Obese mice and humans typically
have poor blood sugar control, with
high fasting sugar and insulin levels.
Perhaps even more exciting was
the effect EPO had on muscles. In
muscles that were transfected (had
the cDNA containing the EPO gene
transferred into the muscle cell), muscle volume increased 14 percent,
compared to the opposite-side leg
that was not transfected, with no
change in protein concentration
suggesting that the increase was due
to muscle hypertrophy and not edema
(fluid retention). However, the mus-

cle did not generate more force or

have more stamina, so it does not
appear to make a stronger or more
aerobically-fit muscle, despite the
increase in size. Additionally, the treated muscle was 25 percent more vascular, increasing gas exchange (oxygen for carbon dioxide), waste
removal (lactic acid), and nutrient
delivery (glucose, amino acids).
Lastly, various enzyme pathways
were stimulated in the EPO-treated
muscles, including anabolic pathways
and fat-burning/thermogenic processes. EPO-treated muscle burned fat for
calories/heat at a rate that was nearly
double that of untreated muscle, with
a lesser dependence on sugar as
an energy source.
This study is an
interesting step
toward gene
manipulation for
treating conditions
such as obesity or
sarcopenia (loss of
lean mass). As
promising as it is
with the mention
of muscle growth
and fat loss, it does
not appear to have immediatelyapplicable use in humans. Recall that
the most beneficial effects were seen
only in the treated muscles, not the
whole body. Further, the growth in
muscle was not accompanied by an
increase in strength. Lastly, the
potential risk of polycythemia (overly
thick blood due to red blood cell
overgrowth) at a dose necessary to
produce a body-wide effect is significant.
The most interesting revelation
could be the potential relationship
this finding has to the anabolic and
fat-reducing effects of testosterone
and other androgens. It is possible
that a minor effect of AAS-induced
muscle growth and fat loss is related
to the increase in EPO production, as
these hormones stimulate the EPO
apparatus in the kidneys or,
increased activity in EPO-based reactions as androgens and EPO appear
to cooperate in certain processes.
Some may point to the extremely

Some may point to

the extremely low
body fat of elite
cyclists who maintain
high EPO through highaltitude-simulating
sleeping chambers, or
by injecting EPO and
related drugs. November 2009

low body fat of elite cyclists who
maintain high EPO through high-altitude-simulating sleeping chambers,
or by injecting EPO and related
drugs. Remember, this group
expends thousands of calories daily
in aerobic exercise.
Gene doping and gene therapy
are part of the future of sports and
medicine. This study offers a
glimpse at what may be pending in
the next decade. Certainly, athletes
and anti-doping agencies are closely following the performance-

enhancing effect and physique

changes that may be brought about
through gene doping. This technique will blur the definition of
doping, as altering hormone or
enzyme levels by inserting new
genes into a persons DNA changes
that persons abilities, by changing
the very blueprint that defines who
that person is at the most basic
level. Certainly, there will be as
much controversy as there are
potential gene-transfection techniques.

1. Saad F, Gooren L. The role of testosterone in the metabolic syndrome: a review. J
Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, 2009 Mar;114(1-2):40-3.
2. Molinari PF. Erythropoietic mechanism of androgens: a critical review and clinical
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4. Navarro JF, Mora C. Androgen therapy for anemia in elderly uremic patients. Int Urol
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5. Malgor LA, Fisher JW. Effects of testosterone on erythropoietin production in isolated
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6. Juul SE. Nonerythropoietic roles of erythropoietin in the fetus and neonate. Clin
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7. Perretta M. Molecular action of erythropoietin on RNA synthesis: 30 years of study.
Arch Biol Med Exp, (Santiago) 1988 Jun;21(1):203-17.
8. Geddes L. Superhuman: what gives elite athletes the edge? New Scientist, 25 July
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9. Gonzales GF, Gasco M, et al. High serum testosterone levels are associated with
excessive erythrocytosis of chronic mountain sickness in men. Am J Physiol Endocrinol
Metab, 2009 Jun;296(6):E1319-25.
10. Czerwinski B. Tour de France stage-winner Mikel Astarloza tests positive for EPO.
USA Today, 31 July 2009., accessed August 13, 2009.
11. Hojman P, Brolin C, et al. Erythropoietin over-expression protects against dietinduced obesity in mice through increased fat oxidation in muscles. PLoS One, 2009 Jun
12. Eschbach JW, Abdulhadi MH, et al. Recombinant human erythropoietin in anemic
patients with end-stage renal disease. Results of a phase III multicenter clinical trial. Ann Int
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13. Tuzcu A, Bahceci M, et al. The comparison of insulin sensitivity in non-diabetic
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14. Allegra V, Martimbianco L, et al. Lipid and apolipoprotein patterns during erythropoietin therapy: roles of erythropoietin, route of administration, and diet. Nephrol Dial
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15. Borissova AM, Djambazova A, et al. Effect of erythropoietin on the metabolic state
and peripheral insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients on haemodialysis. Nephrol Dial
Transplant, 1993;8:93.
16. Allegra V, Mengozzi G, et al. Early and late effects of erythropoietin on glucose
metabolism in maintenance hemodialysis patients. Am J Nephrol, 1996;16:304-308.
17. Gunga HC, Fries D, et al. Austrian Moderate Altitude Study (AMAS 2000) - fluid
shifts, erythropoiesis, and angiogenesis in patients with metabolic syndrome at moderate
altitude (congruent with 1700 m). Eur J Appl Physiol, 2003;88:497-505.
18. Schobersberger W, Schmid P, et al. Austrian Moderate Altitude Study 2000 (AMAS
2000). The effects of moderate altitude (1700 m) on cardiovascular and metabolic variables
in patients with metabolic syndrome. Eur J Appl Physiol, 2003;88:506-514. November 2009


By Robbie Durand, M.A.

Senior Web Editor

A Novel Way of
Increasing Appetite
in Bodybuilders
recently spent a few days with
IFBB pro Kai Greene, and can
this guy eat! I filmed him for a
workout, which can be found on along
with many videos from other pros.
After his workout, Kai immediately
ate two full-sized chicken breasts
and a bowl of rice and we were
going to dinner in 40 minutes. When
we arrived at the restaurant he ate
two steaks, a baked potato, vegetables, and ordered another steak to
go. This guys appetite is amazing.
Most bodybuilders have problems
putting on size because they just
dont have the appetite. Is there
anything a bodybuilder can do to
increase his appetite?
According to a new study in the
American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, monosodium glutamate
(MSG) is being examined as a way
to enhance appetite in the elderly.
Also known as sodium glutamate,
MSG is a sodium salt of the nonessential amino acid glutamic acid.
MSG is a food additive that
enhances flavor in food. It has virtually no flavor of its own, but
through neurological mechanisms,
causes people to experience a more
intense flavor from the foods they

142 MD

eat that contain MSG.

MSG was first identified as a flavor enhancer by the Japanese
researcher Kikunae Ikeda in 1908.
He identified the flavor-enhancing
substance of seaweed, recognizing
that Asians used seaweed for flavoring for thousands of years. Use of
MSG was minimal in the United
States until after World War II, when
it was introduced to the U.S. food
industry as a flavoring agent that
our military discovered made
Japanese army rations more palatable than our own.

One study looked

at the effect of
MSG supplementation of food for
the elderly who
have lost their
appetite. MSG
caused an
increased intake
of certain foods.

Medical Use
for MSG?
MSG is used extensively
throughout the world as a flavor
enhancer. A team of scientists in the
Faculty of Medicine at the
Complutense University of Madrid
discovered that when given to rats,
MSG produces a massive 40 percent increase in appetite. The scientists thought that MSG affects the
arcuate nucleus (area of the brain
involving appetite control), preventing proper functioning of the bodys
appetite control mechanisms.
According to this hypothesis, people
(and children) who consume foods
with large quantities of MSG just
feel more and more hungry the
more they eat.
Glutamate is an amino acid that
enhances the flavor of natural ingredients, and is present in most of the
fresh food we eat. The Spanish scientists fear that MSG use could
compound the already rising problem of obesity, particularly when
MSG is used as an additive to
enhance the flavor of processed
foods or foods served in restaurants, or even at home.
Food companies are obliged by
law to list E-621 (number code for

November 2009

food additives) in the ingredients,
but they do not have to specify the
quantity used. Food additives
improve specific flavor characteristics such as continuity, mouthfulness, effect, mildness, and thickness. They also improve the overall
preference for food. One of the
major problems that doctors face in
hospitals with elderly patients is
that the patients cant maintain their
bodyweight, as they just dont want
to eat. One of the physiological
problems of the elderly is a general
decrease in the sensitivity of the
senses, including taste.
Several studies investigated the
use of MSG to enhance the flavor of
food and get patients to eat more.
One study looked at the effect of
MSG supplementation of food for
the elderly who have lost their
appetite. MSG supplementation
caused an increased intake of cer1
tain foods. In another study, intake
of energy and nutrients was measured in hospitalized elderly subjects given food with or without
added MSG (0.6 percent) for six
months. Although total energy
intake did not change, higher intake
of the foods containing added MSG
(soups, meats, vegetables) was
observed, and the intake of foods
without added MSG (e.g., desserts)
was low.
Another study of 62 middle-aged
patients with diabetes mellitus
reported similar findings. The combination of MSG and food flavors
increased food intake and improved
nutritional status in 43 hospitalized
elderly patients whose bodyweights
were reduced by disease.
Interestingly, MSG may enhance
the intake of protein. Healthy adults
who supplemented a protein-rich
liquid diet with 0.5 percent MSG
increased the gastric emptying rate
(how quickly foods are emptied
from the stomach). Of interest, this
action of MSG occurred only in a
protein-rich liquid diet and not when
it was added to an equicaloric car4
bohydrate (no protein) liquid diet.
In another study, it was reported
that 0.5 percent MSG supplementa-

144 MD

tion of a similar protein-rich liquid

diet reduced post-ingestive abdominal discomfort, such as stomach fullness and heaviness, in healthy adult
volunteers older than 45. Such findings suggest that dietary MSG supplementation in elderly subjects
experiencing clinically-significant
gastric disorders might improve
stomach function and overall nutri5
Some people have sensitivity to
MSG that is associated with a wide
range of side effects including
headaches/migraines, lethargy,
sleepiness, anxiety, panic attacks,
mental confusion/disorientation, and
insomnia. MSG may not be the
healthiest of things to consume, but
if you are looking to increase your
appetite, small amounts of MSG
may rev up your appetite and help
you consume more food.
Research and data on the usefulness of MSG supplementation of
institutionalized diets for improving
nutritional status and well-being in
elderly individuals is still fairly preliminary.
1. Bellisle F, Monneuse MO, Chabert
M, Larue-Achagiotis C, Lanteaume MT,
Louis-Syrvestre J. Monosodium glutamate as a palatability enhancer in the
European diet. Physiol Behav,
2. Bellisle F, Dalixa M, Chapppuis AS,
et al. Monosodium glutamate affects
mealtime food selection in diabetic
patients. Appetite, 1996;26: 267-76.
3. Schiffman SS. Sensory enhancement of foods for the elderly with
monosodium glutamate and flavors.
Food Rev Int, 1998;14:321-33.
4. Zai H, Kusano M, Hosaka H, et al.
Glutamate added to a high-energy highprotein liquid diet promotes gastric emptying. Am J Clin Nutr, 2009;89:431-5.
5. Tanaka T, Fujita S, Kawai M, et al.
Effect of dietary free glutamate on the
postprandial sensation for protein-rich
liquid diet. Jpn J Taste Smell Res,
6. Shigeru Yamamoto, Miki Tomoe,
Kenji Toyama, Misako Kawai, and
Hisayuki Uneyama, Can dietary supplementation of monosodium glutamate
improve the health of the elderly? Am J
Clin Nutr, 2009;90(suppl):844S-9S.

November 2009


By Robbie Durand, M.A.

Senior Web Editor

Thermal Therapy
for Ultimate
Muscle Recuperation

aunas and hot tubs have been touted for years as a way
to rejuvenate the body. Sauna sessions or thermal heat
are used to facilitate sweating, but you sweat in the
gym. Do you really need a sauna? For most bodybuilders,
saunas and hot tubs are things we know we should incorporate into our workout program, but just dont incorporate
them as much as we should.

Health Benefits of
Thermal Therapy
When researching the literature on the recuperative effect
of thermal therapy generated by hot tubs and saunas, I was
amazed at how the therapeutic effect could enhance muscle
recuperation in men. Studies examining the use of saunas
found that they:
Reduce levels of stress hormones adrenalin and
noradrenalin, and increase the pleasure and well-being
hormone beta-endorphin.
Increase testosterone and growth hormone (GH) in
Reduce the inflammatory mediator prostaglandin
F2-alpha, and protect against oxidative stress and free
radical damage.
Regular saunas, when combined with exercise therapy, can efficiently clear organic chemicals, solvents,
drugs, pharmaceuticals, and even PCBs and heavy met4-6
als from the body. Use moderation when spending time
in a sauna; and too much time there can cause an exacerbated stress response.

Can Cranking Up the Heat

Make You Bigger?
In a recent study in Orthopaedic Science, researchers
reported that muscles of animals exposed to heat stressstimulated increases in heat shock proteins not only caused
the activation of satellite cells, but also increased protein
synthesis during the regeneration of injured skeletal

146 MD


muscle. Skeletal muscle stem cells are responsible for the

repair and hypertrophy of skeletal muscle. It was strongly
suggested by the researchers that the application of heat to
injured or damaged muscle may facilitate recovery and
enhanced satellite cell activation, leading to enhanced muscle mass.
Want more? In the Journal of Applied Physiology,
researchers reported that intermittent heat application (30
minutes on alternating days) to the muscles of rats
enhanced muscle hypertrophy. You might want to go steal
grandmas heating pad after reading these research papers!
Heat shock proteins were previously shown to increase
muscle protein synthesis and increase muscle mass. In
fact, a single bout of heat stress has been demonstrated to
increase muscle mass and protein synthesis. Heat shock
proteins are stimulated by many factors. They were originally found to increase with the application of heat hence,
heat shock proteins.

Thermal Therapy Boosts

Nitric Oxide Production
New research elucidates why thermal therapy such as
saunas and hot tubs may be so beneficial to bodybuilders
thermal therapy increases nitric oxide production. Several
studies have reported the importance of nitric oxide for muscle recuperation and satellite cell activity. Thermal therapy is
currently being used to treat various cardiovascular disease
symptoms. In subjects with cardiovascular risk factors who
underwent daily sauna treatment for two weeks (15 minutes
of 60C infrared sauna followed by 30 minutes covered with
blankets), endothelium-dependent vasodilation increased
significantly meaning more blood flow to the tissues.
Thermal therapy may also help to reduce blood pressure
through the enhancement of nitric oxide production. In a
series of investigations with moderately-hypertensive
patients, twice-weekly sauna bathing for three months was
associated with significant reduction in resting systolic and

November 2009

resting diastolic pressure, averaging 20-23 mmHg and 14-18
mmHg, respectively. These reductions in blood pressure
were at least as large as those seen in control groups asked
to run twice weekly. This means that sitting in the sauna is
going to facilitate the production of nitric oxide, which may
enhance muscle recuperation.

Thermal Therapy May

Increase Insulin Sensitivity
to the Same Extent as
Being insulin-sensitive means that cells are highly
responsive to the actions of insulin, which is a good
thing. A previous study reported that fish oils, which
enhance insulin sensitivity, led to increased muscle
mass. The study found that after five weeks, animals
with the marine omega-3 diet showed increased sensitivity to insulin, which improved protein metabolism.
Animals fed the marine omega-3 diet used twice the
amount of amino acids to synthesize proteins, especially in muscle.
New studies suggest that thermal therapy may
enhance insulin sensitivity as well as exercise. Sauna
therapy resembles exercise training in that it induces a
temporary increase in cardiac output (amount of blood
produced by the heart per minute) and workload.
Some doctors are starting to use saunas as a way to
reap the health benefits of exercise in older adults who
cant handle exercise.
In individuals too physically impaired to achieve
effective aerobic training, regular thermal therapy might
1. Vescovi PP, Coiro V, Volpi R, Giannini
A, Passeri M (1992). Hyperthermia in sauna
is unable to increase the plasma levels of
ACTH/cortisol, beta-endorphin and prolactin
in cocaine addicts. J Endocrinol Invest, 15
(9): 671-5.
2. Kukkonen-Harjula K, Oja P, Laustiola
K, Vuori I, Jolkkonen J, Siitonen S, Vapaatalo
H. Haemodynamic and hormonal responses
to heat exposure in a Finnish sauna bath.
Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol,
3. Masuda A, Miyata M, Kihara T,
Minagoe S, Tei C (2004). Repeated sauna
therapy reduces urinary 8-epi-prostaglandin
F(2alpha). Japanese Heart Journal, 45 (2):
297-303. doi:10.1536/jhj.45.297.
4. Krop J (1998). Chemical sensitivity
after intoxication at work with solvents:
response to sauna therapy. Journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine
(New York, NY) 4 (1): 77-86.
5. Kilburn KH, Warsaw RH, Shields MG
(1989). Neurobehavioral dysfunction in firemen exposed to polycholorinated biphenyls
(PCBs): possible improvement after detoxification. Arch Environ Health, 44 (6): 345-50.
6. Rea WJ, Pan Y, Johnson AR (1991).
Clearing of toxic volatile hydrocarbons from
humans. Boletn de la Asociacin Mdica de

148 MD

be a feasible alternative, providing somewhat similar

benefits for vascular health as suggested by Tei and
colleagues. Granted, there is little reason to suspect
that thermal therapy would provide the weight-control
benefits associated with aerobic training. Surprisingly,
however, Tei reports that obese subjects tend to lose
body fat during several weeks of daily sauna treatment.
Whether this observation can be replicated in well-controlled trials remains to be seen.
It seems that sauna/hot tub therapy may not only be
relaxing, but may enhance nitric oxide (NO) production which can enhance muscle recuperation. A
decrease in NO production with aging may be a contributing factor in the decrease of muscle mass with
aging. Previous research has shown that blunting production of NO decreases muscle hypertrophy during
muscle overload.
Other researchers reported that NO is a primary sig15
nal for satellite cell activation. NO is an important regulator of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), which is a
cytokine with various cellular functions on muscle.
Specific to skeletal muscle hypertrophy, HGF activates
satellite cells and may be responsible for causing satellite cells to migrate to the injured area. A previous
research study reported that stretching a muscle
induced hypertrophy via release of HGF; the researchers
found that the release of HGF was dependent on NO
Getting into the sauna or hot tub may be one therapeutic means of recuperation from intense exercise that
bodybuilders can benefit from.

Puerto Rico, 83 (7): 321-4.

7. Winterfeld HJ, Strangfeld D, Siewert H.
Effect of sauna and walking series on blood
pressure, peripheral microcirculation and
performance behavior in essential hypertension. Inn Med, 1983;38:494-7.
8. Winterfeld HJ, Siewert H, Strangfeld
D, Warnke H, Kruse J, Engelmann U.
Potential use of the sauna in the long-term
treatment of hypertensive cardiovascular
circulation disorders a comparison with
kinesiotherapy. Med Prax, 1992;81:1016-20.
9. Winterfeld HJ, Siewert H, Strangfeld
D, Bohm J, Aurisch R, Engelmann U, et al.
Sauna therapy in coronary heart disease
with hypertension after bypass operation, in
heart aneurysm operation and in essential
hypertension. Inn Med, 1993;48:247-50.
10. Imamura M, Biro S, Kihara T,
Yoshifuku S, Takasaki K, Otsuji Y, et al.
Repeated thermal therapy improves
impaired vascular endothelial function in
patients with coronary risk factors. J Am
Coll Cardiol, 2001;38:1083-8.
11. Vuori I. Sauna bathers circulation.
Annu Clin Res, 1988;20:249-56.
12. Biro S, Masuda A, Kihara T, Tei C.
Clinical implications of thermal therapy in
lifestyle-related diseases. Exp Biol Med,
(Maywood) 2003;228:1245-9.
13. Smith LW, Smith JD, Criswell DS.
Involvement of nitric oxide synthase in

skeletal muscle adaptation to chronic overload. J Appl Physiol, 2002;92:2005-2011.

14. Soltow QA, Betters JL, Sellman JE,
Lira VA, Long JH, Criswell DS. Ibuprofen
inhibits skeletal muscle hypertrophy in rats.
Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2006;38:840-846.
15. Anderson JE. A role for nitric oxide
in muscle repair: nitric oxide-mediated activation of muscle satellite cells. Mol Biol
Cell, 2000;11:1859-1174.
16. Kojima A, Goto K, Morioka S, Naito T,
Akema T, Fujiya H, Sugiura T, Ohira Y, Beppu
M, Aoki H, Yoshioka T. Heat stress facilitates
the regeneration of injured skeletal muscle
in rats. J Orthop Sci, 2007 Jan;12(1):74-82.
Epub 2007 Jan 31.
17. Goto K, Honda M, Kobayashi T,
Uehara K, Kojima A, Akema T, et al. Heat
stress facilitates the recovery of atrophied
soleus muscle in rats. Jpn J Physiol,
18. Kobayashi T, Uehara K, Goto K,
Kojima A, Honda M, Akema T, et al.
Muscular hypertrophy is induced by heat
stress in rat skeletal muscles. St Marianna
Med J, 2003;31:131-8.
19. Kobayashi T, Goto K, Kojima A,
Akema T, Uehara K, Aoki H, et al. Possible
role of calcineurin in heating-related
increase of rat muscle mass. Biochem
Biophys Res Commun, 2005;331:1301-9.

November 2009


By Robbie Durand, M.A

Senior Web Editor.

Whey Protein
Increase Blood Flow
hey protein is not only a
fast-acting protein as it has
been known for years, but it
has many more applications for
bodybuilding. It may help you get
better pumps in the gym.
The vascular endothelium is a single-cell layer in blood vessels that
influences vascular health and risk of
disease by regulating vasoconstriction and vasodilation, blood pressure, blood clotting, etc. Bioactive
peptides derived from food, especially milk proteins, exert a wide range
of biological actions including
decreased blood pressure and
improved endothelial function. Milk
is a rich source of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptides. ACE inhibition prevents the
conversion of angiotensin I to
angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor. Many people with high blood
pressure are prescribed ACEinhibitor drugs to lower blood pressure, but bodybuilders may get a
similar effect with whey protein
Most bodybuilders take a nitric
oxide (NO) product before exercise
to increase muscle pumps, but taking a new and novel whey protein

150 MD

shake may also help with getting

better pumps.
A researcher from the University
of Connecticut investigated a new
whey protein hydrolysate and its
effects on vasodilation. The active
whey supplement was a proprietary
peptide isolated from a whey protein

Many people with

high blood pressure
are prescribed ACEinhibitor drugs to
lower blood pressure, but bodybuilders may get a
similar effect with
whey protein
hydrolysate. Subjects consumed one
serving a day of NOP-47 or a placebo
for two weeks. At the end of the
study, researchers found that acute
ingestion of NOP-47 significantly
increased blood vessel dilation at 30,
60 and 90 minutes, post-ingestion.
This means the daily ingestion of a
whey protein hydrolysate may be a

great way to facilitate blood flow in

the gym, as a single serving
enhanced vasodilation 90 minutes
after consumption.
Ballard KD, Bruno RS, Seip RL, Quann
EE, Volk BM, Freidenreich DJ, Kawiecki
DM, Kupchak BR, Chung MY, Kraemer WJ,
Volek JS. Acute ingestion of a novel
whey-derived peptide improves vascular
endothelial responses in healthy individuals: a randomized, placebo-controlled
trial. Nutr J, 2009 Jul 22;8:34.

Reduces Muscle
Soreness After
Eccentric Exercise
Being sore is a way of life in
bodybuilding like walking up a
flight of stairs in torture after a grueling leg day. But bodybuilders may
not need to suffer anymore. In this
months Journal of the International
Society of Sports Nutrition,
researchers tested the validity of a
supplement called BounceBack to
reduce muscle soreness.
BounceBack is a proprietary
dietary supplement with antioxidants
and a potent blend of anti-inflammatory agents, proteolytic enzymes,
curcumin, phytosterols from

November 2009

unsaponifiable avocado and soybean

oils, vitamin C, and resveratrol.
Subjects took two capsules daily,
which contained 258 milligrams of a
proteolytic enzyme blend that included bromelain and proteases from
Aspergillus melleus and A. oryzae.
The two capsules also had 421 milligrams of turmeric extract
(root/rhizome; standardized to 95
percent curcumoids), 90 milligrams
of a phytosterol blend (beta-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol),
20 milligrams vitamin C and 6 milligrams of Japanese knotweed
extract (root; standardized to 20 percent resveratrol).
After supplementing with
BounceBack, subjects performed a
bout of heavy eccentric squats. The
subjects took the supplement for 30
days before retesting, using the
exact same protocol. At the end of
the study, BounceBack capsules
reduced pain and tenderness. There
was no reduction in serum markers
of inflammation, muscle damage or
muscle flexion.
BounceBack may be a useful
alternative to non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAID) for

reducing muscle soreness and relieving the symptoms of delayed-onset

muscle soreness (DOMS).
Udani JK, Singh BB, Singh VJ,
Sandoval E. BounceBack capsules for
reduction of DOMS after eccentric exercise: a randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled, crossover pilot study. J Int Soc
Sports Nutr, 2009 Jun 5;6:14.

In a poster presentation at the
2009 ISSN in New Orleans,
researchers reported a new supplement for increasing testosterone.
TestoSurge is a proprietary substance
extracted from Fenugreek (Trigonella
foenun-graecum) seeds and is
patent-pending by INDUS Biotech.
A study examined 30 resistancetrained males (it is important that
they used people who were already
lifting weights) who completed all
phases of the study. Subjects were
matched according to total bodyweight and randomly assigned in a
double-blind manner to ingest either
500 milligrams of a placebo or
TestoSurge, once daily for eight

TestoSurge caused an increase in

one-repetition maximum (1-RM)
bench press and leg press, and lean
body mass, in addition to increases
in total and bioavailable testosterone. It was concluded that daily
500-milligram supplementation with
TestoSurge significantly impacted
body fat percentage, total testosterone and bioavailable testosterone,
when compared to a placebo in a
double-blind fashion. These changes
were attained without any clinical
side effects.
TestoSurge looks promising for
athletes looking to increase natural
testosterone levels and enhance
muscle mass.
Chris Poole, Brandon Bushey, Earnest
Pena, Eric Constancio, Tyler Jones, Fanny
Dufour, Natalie Ervin, Brittany Clemens,
Darryn Willoughby, Richard Kreider, Cliffa
Foster, Lem Taylor, and Colin Wilborn.
Effects of TestoSurge supplementation on
strength, body composition and hormonal
profiles during an 8-week resistance training program from 2009 International
Society of Sports Nutrition Conference
and Expo New Orleans, LA, USA. 14-15
June 2009.


By Robbie Durand, M.A.

Senior Web Editor

Casein Before
Bedtime Increases
Muscle Mass

nless you have been living under a rock these last

few years, bodybuilders have come to know that
whey protein is described as a fast-acting protein, whereas casein is classified as a slow-acting protein. Casein protein is a slow-digesting protein because it
forms a gel in the gut, which results in a steady release
of amino acids into the bloodstream over time.
Research shows that when you consume casein, you
will reach a peak in blood amino acids and protein synthesis between three to four hours. The total release of
amino acids in the bloodstream, however, can last as
long as seven hours after ingestion of casein protein.
For years, bodybuilders have been saying to take
whey protein immediately post-exercise to get a rapid
increase in protein synthesis, but take a casein
protein powder at bedtime to maintain a
steady supply of amino acids while you sleep.
That sounds good in theory, but is there any
proof to validate taking a casein supplement
later in the day enhances muscle growth?
Based on a new study, I can finally say YES!

grams of carbohydrates, and approximately 0.2 grams of

fats. The daily dose was divided into 2 equal portions.
The subjects were divided up into two supplementation
Group A: Subjects consumed the casein protein supplement between breakfast and lunch (at 10:00 AM) and
after lunch, 10 minutes before the training session (at
3.50 PM).
Group B: The casein supplement was first ingested in
the morning as in group A and then in the evening 2.5
hours after dinner and at least 1.5 hours before bedtime, that is, at 10:30 PM. The supplement was
administered according to the same timetable on training and rest days.

When is the Best Time

to Take Casein Protein?
Researchers examined two different timing
frequencies of casein over an eight-week
period in conjunction with a heavy resistance
exercise program. Body mass, body composition, and muscular strength were measured 3
to 4 days before the beginning of training
and supplementation (Pre), during the week
(on Wednesday and Thursday) between the
two eight-week periods (Post 8), and 3 to 4
days after the end of the second 8-week period (Post 16).
The subjects consumed a protein supplement (Protec, Eiselt Research, Sweden)
twice a day. The protein contained 70 grams of
protein (82 percent casein), approximately 0.8

152 MD

November 2009

Casein Before Bedtime

Increases Muscle Mass
Greater Than After Exercise!
At the end of eight weeks, researchers found that
the group that consumed casein closer to bedtime
had increased muscle mass, compared to the group
that consumed the casein earlier in the day before
Additionally, the increase in fat-free mass in groups that
consumed casein later in the day was related to the increase
in squat strength. So the big question that the researchers
had to address was why would consuming a casein protein
powder later in the evening result in greater increases in
muscle mass, compared to consuming it earlier in the day?
In group B, the daily protein intake was spread more evenly
over time, due to the ingestion of the second portion of the
supplement late in the evening, approximately 2.5 hours
after dinner whereas in Group A, the last protein shake was
consumed at 3:50 pm.
The subjects in Group B spaced out the consumption of
the protein shakes. This means prolonged duration of
moderate aminos in the system each day could lead
to greater increases in muscle mass over several
weeks. So it seems that taking a casein protein powder
before bed is ultimately going to help you put on more muscle mass than taking a casein protein powder earlier in the
Burk A, Timpmann S, Medijainen L, Vhi M, Opik V. Time-divided
ingestion pattern of casein-based protein supplement stimulates an
increase in fat-free body mass during resistance training in young
untrained men. Nutr Res, 2009 Jun;29(6):405-13.

November 2009

Does Lifting Heavier Cause Greater Increase in

Protein Synthesis Rates?
Olympic lifters and powerlifters train to move heavy
weight but does lifting heavier weight result in a greater
increase in protein synthesis rate? Without even taking a
muscle biopsy, bodybuilders have considerably more muscle mass than either Olympic lifters or powerlifters, so
there is your proof Hold on this is MD, you cant just
say something without backing it up with the facts!
A recent study examined protein synthesis rates,
post-exercise, after different training protocols with
increasingly heavier weights being used. The
researchers examined how protein synthesis was affected after using 1-RM between 20-90 percent.
Interestingly, there was a stimulation of protein synthesis up until 60 percent of a 1-RM, thereafter no further
increases in protein synthesis occurred.
Interestingly, increases in protein synthesis occurred
the same at 60 percent of a 1-RM as it did at using 90
percent of a 1-RM. Lifting heavier is necessary for muscle growth, but if it was strictly weight as the limiting
factor, then powerlifters and Olympic lifters would have
greater muscle mass which clearly they dont. The
research suggests that there are no additional increases
in protein synthesis when using weights greater than
60 percent of a 1-RM.
Kumar V, Selby A, Rankin D, Patel R, Atherton P, Hildebrandt W, Williams
J, Smith K, Seynnes O, Hiscock N, Rennie MJ. Age-related differences in the
dose-response relationship of muscle protein synthesis to resistance exercise in young and old men. J Physiol, 2009 Jan 15;587(Pt 1):211-7.

MD 000

Sports Supplement
Product Review



Unleash The
Power of

Hydroxycut Hardcore X is the latest

creation from the researchers at MuscleTech,
which will undoubtedly redefine a category
and lead the way for an entirely new generation of thermogenics.
Thermogenesis is the process by which
the body generates heat, or energy, by
increasing the metabolic rate above normal.
Thermogenesis is activated by a few different
mechanisms, including supplements, nutrition, exercise, exposure to cold, and also
dietary supplements.

Hydroxycut Hardcore X utilizes a scientifically-engineered multi-platform technology

to stimulate the enzymatic response involved
in thermogenesis and the fat-uncoupling

process. In plain English, Hydroxycut

Hardcore X turns you into a fat-burning

machine. Hydroxycut Hardcore X rapidrelease liquid micro-dispersion capsules contain key ingredients that have been shown to:
Increase Norepinephrine By Up To An
Average Of 92 Percent
Accelerate Metabolism
Enhance Muscle Performance
Increase Uncoupling Proteins

154 MD

November 2009

Sports Supplement Product Review

dence that during high-intensity exercise in highly-fit men and
women, caffeine ingestion increases oxygen uptake and enhances
fatty acids and decreases the perception of pain during exercise. In
men, caffeine has recently been been found to increase testosterone
response during exercise.
Cayenne Capsaicin is the major pungent ingredient in red-hot
cayenne peppers. In humans, a large increase in energy expenditure is seen immediately after a meal containing red pepper vs.
controls. Capsaicin has been reported to increase thermogenesis
by dose-dependently enhancing catecholamine secretion. In addition, human studies demonstrated that the increase in thermogenesis is abolished after administration of beta-adrenergic blockers
such as propranolol, which implies that capsaicin-induced thermo10
genesis is likely based on beta-adrenergic stimulation. Thus,
administration of capsaicin favors an increase in lipid mobilization
and a decrease in adipose tissue mass.
Choline Choline is a lipotropic agent, and its supplementation has been shown to enhance synthesis and release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction (where nerves release the
chemical transmitter for muscle to contract). Current research
underscores the importance of choline in proper functioning of the
human body. It appears that maintaining free-blood choline concentrations is necessary for optimal cognitive and muscular performance. A decline in plasma choline concentration has been
observed in athletes after intense exercise. Therefore, choline supplementation may improve acetylcholine balance and prevent
decrement in physical performance.
The possible synergistic interaction between carnitine and choline
has been known for several years. L-carnitine transfers long-chain
fatty acids, such as triglycerides, into mitochondria (a cells energy
powerhouse) where they may be oxidized to produce energy. L-carnitine is a very popular supplement that promotes growth and development. It is also used for fat burning, increasing energy, and
improving resistance to muscle fatigue.
It was found that choline supplementation results in significant
conservation of carnitine in humans, which means choline enhances
the fat-oxidizing properties of carnitine. Choline supplementation
promoted tissue carnitine accretion, particularly in skeletal muscle. In
3. Lipidrol: L-Tyrosine ((2S)-2-Amino-3-(4addition, a choline-supplemented diet decreased the percentage of
Hydroxyphenyl) propanoic Acid, L-Leucine ((2S)-2body fat and increased the percentage of protein without signifi11
Amino-4-Methylpentanoic Acid, Trans-Ferulic Acid
cantly changing bodyweight.
Tyrosine L-tyrosine is a nonessential amino acid (protein buildAcid, L-Carnosine (2-(3 Aminopropanoylamino)-3ing block) that the body synthesizes from phenylalanine, another
(1H-Imidazol-5-Yl)propanoic Acid), L-Arginine
amino acid. Tyrosine is also the precursor of several neurotransmitPyroglutamate, Myristic Acid (Tetradecanoic Acid).
ters, including L-dopa, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine
4. Capsicore: Capsicum Annuum (Cayenne)
(all of which stimulate metabolism). Tyrosine has several beneficial
effects on mood and maintaining well-being, which is especially
To briefly sum up some of the major ingredients important during the diet phase when less calories are being con
in Hydroxycut Hardcore X, here is the supportsumed. Tyrosine has been evaluated in two previous studies to pre14,15,16
ing literature:
vent mental declines in performance in the sleep-deprived state.
Caffeine A wonder drug in terms of metaboMethionine Methionine, an essential amino acid, is used as a
lism and exercise performance. Forget Guarana
methyl-group donor in many metabolic reactions. Methionine is a
and Goto Kola nothing increases metabolic rate
lipotropic amino acid, which reduces fat and aids in lowering choleslike good old caffeine. Back in 1990, researchers
terol. Methionine is the source of sulfur that is required for the synfound that caffeine dose-dependently increased
thesis of other substances that are important for the efficient produc7
resting energy expenditure. The researchers found tion of energy in the body such as choline, creatine and carnitine. It
that the degree of energy expenditure was directly detoxifies amines, which are byproducts of protein metabolism.
related to the blood caffeine levels. There is eviMethionine seems to act as a catalyst for choline and inositol, thus

156 MD November 2009

Sports Supplement Product Review

speeding up their function. Methionine has been shown to
reduce fat and aid in lowering cholesterol. It aids in reducing liver fat, and increases the bodys metabolism. Because
of its ability to remove and transport fat out of your body, it
is essential for weight loss.
Betaine Betaine is a derivative of the amino acid
glycine. It is a significant component of many foods including wheat, spinach, beets, and shellfish. As a nutritional aid,
betaine has been shown to be lipotropic i.e., causing fat
loss by promoting the oxidization of lipids. It has also
been noted to increase appetite, and in animals it has been
shown to promote lean mass. Due to a reduction in calories, many competitors experience a drop in workout intensity and may notice a reduction in the number of repetitions
they perform.

Betaine is included in Hydroxycut Hardcore X to

enhance muscle performance. A recent study indicates that
two weeks of betaine ingestion can significantly improve
muscle endurance in a lower-body workout, by increasing
the number of repetitions performed in the squat exercise,
and improve the quality of the workout by increasing the
number of repetitions performed at 90 percent of the subjects maximal mean and peak power outputs. These
improvements appear to occur within one week of supplementation. These performance improvements were realized
within seven days of supplementation.
Oleic Acid Oleic acid is a monounsaturated omega-9
fatty acid found in various animal and vegetable sources.
Oleic acid appears to convert into a hormone called OEA in
the small intestine. OEA helps to communicate satiety signals (the messages that tell your brain youre full). In previous animal research, OEA has been found to:

Hydroxycut Hardcore Xs key

thermogenic compounds rapidly
increased plasma
concentration by up
to 92 percent!
Norepinephrine is
the bodys primary
hormone without it, you can
forget about
losing fat.

158 MD

Slow gastric emptying. This slows the rate by which

food passes through the stomach and allows us to feel
fuller longer.
Possibly alter the way fat is digested and utilized. This
may also play a role in the weight-reducing effect of this
interesting hormone.

Hydroxycut Hardcore X is Backed

by Scientific Research

When developing the Hydroxycut Hardcore X formula, Team MuscleTech researchers included an ingredient
that was clinically researched and shown to help you get
shredded. !
To find out more about MuscleTech products, visit
1. Benefits N, et al. (1995). Clin Pharmacol Ther, 58:684.
2. Ngondi J, et al. (2009). Lipids Health Dis, 8:7.
3. Lafontan M, Berlan M. Fat cell adrenergic receptors and the control of
white and brown fat cell function. J Lipid Res, 1993 Jul;34(7):1057-91. Review.
4. Stich V, De Glisezinski I, Crampes F, Hejnova J, Cottet-Emard JM,
Galitzky J, Lafontan M, Riviere D, Berlan M. Activation of alpha(2)-adrenergic
receptors impairs exercise-induced lipolysis in SCAT of obese subjects. Am J
Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 2000 Aug;279(2):R499-504.
5. Bell DG and McLellan TM. Exercise endurance 1, 3, and 6 h after ingestion in caffeine users and nonusers. J Appl Physiol, 93:1227-1234. 2002.
6. Spriet LL, Maclean DA, Dyke DJ, Hultman E, Cederblad G, Graham TE.
Caffeine ingestion and muscle metabolism during prolonged exercise in
humans. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 262:E891-E898. 1992.
7. Beaven CM, Hopkins WG, Hansen KT, Wood MR, Cronin JB, Lowe TE.
Dose effect of caffeine on testosterone and cortisol responses to resistance
exercise. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 2008 Apr;18(2):131-41.
8. Astrup A, Toubro S, Cannon S, Hein P, Breum L, Madsen J. Caffeine: a
double-blind, placebo-controlled study of its thermogenic, metabolic, and cardiovascular effects in healthy volunteers. Am J Clin Nutr, 1990 May;51(5):75967.
9. Kawada T, Watanabe T, Takaishi T, Tanaka T, and Iwai K. Capsaicin-induced
beta-adrenergic action on energy metabolism in rats: influence of capsaicin on
oxygen consumption, the respiratory quotient, and substrate utilization. Proc
Soc Exp Biol Med, 183: 250-256, 1986.
10. Yoshioka M, Lim K, Kikuzato S, Kiyonaga A, Tanaka H, Shindo M, Suzuki
M. Effects of red-pepper diet on the energy metabolism in men. J Nutr Sci
Vitaminol, (Tokyo) 41: 647-656, 1995.
11. Kawada T, Watanabe T, Takaishi T, Tanaka T, and Iwai K. Capsaicin-induced
beta-adrenergic action on energy metabolism in rats: influence of capsaicin on
oxygen consumption, the respiratory quotient, and substrate utilization. Proc
Soc Exp Biol Med, 183: 250-256, 1986.
12. Daily JW, Hongu N, Mynatt RL, Sachan DS. Choline supplementation
increases tissue concentrations of carnitine and lowers body fat in guinea
pigs. J Nutr Biochem, 1998;9:464-470.
13. Zeisel SH, Blusztajn JK. Choline and human nutrition. Annu Rev Nutr,
14. Dodson WL, Sachan DS. Choline supplementation reduces urinary carnitine excretion in humans. Am J Clin Nutr, 1996;63:904-910.
15. Neri DF, Wiegmenn, D, Stanny RR, Shappell SA, McCardie A, Mckay
DL. (1995) The effects of tyrosine on cognitive performance during extended
wakefulness. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine, 66, 313-319.
16. Magill RA, Waters WF, Bray GA, Volaufova J, Smith SR, Lieberman HR,
McNevin N, Ryan DH. Effects of tyrosine, phentermine, caffeine D-amphetamine, and placebo on cognitive and motor performance deficits during sleep
deprivation. Nutr Neurosci, 2003 Aug;6(4):237-46.
17. Hoffman JR, Ratamess NA, Kang J, Rashti SL, Faigenbaum AD. Effect
of betaine supplementation on power performance and fatigue. J Int Soc
Sports Nutr, 2009 Feb 27;6:7.
18. Yang Y, Chen M, Georgeson KE, Harmon CM. Mechanism of
oleoylethanolamide on fatty acid uptake in small intestine after food intake
and body weight reduction. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 2007
Jan;292(1):R235-41. November 2009

Interview by Ron Harris, Photography by Per Bernal
Its not often that we are able to follow an amateur
through his final months leading up to becoming a professional bodybuilder. But with Mark Alvisi, weve all been
able to do that right here on the pages of MD, as well as
on our website. You didnt have to be Nostradamus to
pick Mark as a rising star destined for greatness if you saw
him last year at either the USA, his breakout show, or the
Nationals, where he took a painfully close second place to
Mike Liberatore in the Heavyweights.
Between his obvious genetic gifts and his powerful will and
work ethic, it was only a matter of time before Mark graduated
to the pro ranks. Sadly, we have all seen athletes like this that
either never made it or took much longer than anticipated to
hit that next level. Not Alvisi. After his narrow miss at the
Nationals last November, he put his nose to the grindstone
and did what it took to make sure that the next time he got
onstage, there would be no doubt in anyones mind that they
were looking at the clear-cut champion. Though hes already a
proud member of Team MD, please welcome Team MDs
newest professional bodybuilder: Mark Alvisi!

162 MD November 2009

November 2009

MD 163

I didnt feel
any pressure
other than what
I put on myself.
The confidence I
had throughout
the prep came
from knowing
I was doing
everything I
had to do to
look like a
Mark Alvisi

164 MD

RH: First off, congratulations to

you, Mark. You just won the Overall
at one of the absolute toughest
amateur bodybuilding contests in
the world. I know you probably
felt a few different emotions
when you won, but which ones
were strongest?
MA: There were two major hurdles I
had to face, which were winning my class first
and then the Overall. I was much more concerned
about winning my class, because obviously if I didnt do
that then the second challenge wouldnt even happen. I
knew Lee Banks looked really good and that he would
push me for the class. So if I could get past him and win
the Heavyweights, I knew I would be strong enough to
get the Overall.
The craziest moment was when they were announcing
the class placings. As soon as third was called out, I had
a flashback to the 2008 Nationals when it was just me
and Mike Liberatore up there waiting to see whose name
would be called out for second. I was totally re-living that
moment in time. In my head, all I was thinking was,
Dont say my name next! When I heard Lee Banks
name next, I didnt feel excited to win like you would
imagine. My head and shoulders dropped, and I had an
overwhelming feeling of relief, like a piano had just been
lifted off my chest. Right after that, I thought wow, I really
pulled it off after all. At that point I started getting excited
about going for the Overall in a few minutes.
RH: So was that less stressful?
MA: It was, for sure. In looking at the other class
winners, I felt confident that I had the best combination of size, symmetry, and condition that the judges
would like. Up until they were done comparing us, it
was all business. But once we went into the Overall
posedown, the pressure was off and I decided to
have fun with it. I noticed pretty quickly that the
other guys were following me wherever I went
onstage. They were crowding in on me so much that I
couldnt even hit my poses. So I moved to different areas
and waved them over, like, Come guys over here now!
It was a cool feeling to know that I was literally the guy
they were all chasing.
RH: Has it sunk in yet that you won the USA
and youre a pro? Do you feel any differently?
MA: I do know that I won, but Ive never been here
before. Its all new. It does sink in a little more each day
as more people e-mail, call, and come up to congratulate
me. The crazy thing is that all of a sudden I feel like Im
under a microscope. People say they heard I was here or
there, all these sightings, like Im some kind of celebrity.
There goes my privacy!
RH: The USA has produced some of the best and
most popular pros of the last 20 years, men like November 2009

Flex Wheeler, Chris Cormier, Phil Heath, Melvin

Anthony, Mike Matarazzo, Eddie Robinson, and
Dennis James. How does it feel to be in the company of a roll call like that?
MA: Its unbelievable to be on that list of guys. I have
looked up to all of them. Some USA champions have
been the best pros in the sport, and theyve all paved the
way for me. And its a trip to think that I will become part
of that same legacy. Young guys coming up will look up to
me. And long after Im gone, my name will still be on that
list of USA winners. Its a real honor.
RH: Getting back to the Overall for just a minute,
who among the other class winners do you think
was closest to you or do you actually know from
the scoresheets?
MA: Daryl Gee, the middleweight, was closest. I
thought he looked amazing for a middle. I want to commend and congratulate him. He had great shape, round
muscles, and was in top condition. Daryl actually had a lot
of the same strong points that I did, hes just not as tall or
heavy. For his height, he looks phenomenal. I wasnt surprised when he took second the next weekend as a pro at
the Jacksonville 202 show. Hes going to do really well as
a 202 over the next few years.
RH: You were definitely a favorite to win the
USA. How did that affect you psychologically? Was
it a mental boost of confidence was it added
pressure or a little bit of both?
MA: I didnt feel any pressure other than what I put on
myself. The confidence I had throughout the prep came
from knowing I was doing everything I had to do to look
like a champion. I showed the judges what they wanted to
see, and everything worked out the way it was planned.
RH: Some people suggested that you should
jump right into one of the pro shows happening in
August, like the Tampa Pro or the Europa. Tampa is
right there in your own state of Florida and you
would only have had to diet for another three
weeks, so was that something you considered?
MA: Everybody was asking me that from the minute I
won. I talked it over with Hany and also ran it by Steve
Blechman. The consensus was that it didnt make any
sense to rush in and compete, just to say I did a pro show
or that I placed. My ultimate goal is to win my first show,
the way Flex, Heath, and Evan did. Im not ready to do
that yet. There are some pretty decorated pros doing the
Tampa show, and I am realistic enough to know that I
couldnt beat them right now. I need time to improve. Its
foolish to bring a knife to a gunfight.
RH: I know you work very hard for Gaspari
Nutrition year-round, but most readers probably
have no concept of how much traveling you actually do. What kind of challenges did that present
for you? How tough was it to maintain your optimal schedule of eating, training, and sleeping?

November 2009

MD 165

I think I
brought my legs
up the most.
My quads and
hams were
fuller and
harder, and my
thighs had better sweep. I also
saw a lot more
fullness, roundness, and detail
in my shoulders
and arms. You
could really see
it in my front

166 MD November 2009

MA: The biggest challenge by far is

the eating. Once youre away from
home and your own environment,
things arent as easy. I like
being near my own kitchen,
my own grocery stores I
even have a butcher who
knows me and makes up all
my custom meat orders the
way I need them. So whenever I
travel, first I have to scout out where
Im going to get my food. Then, how and
where do I cook it?
I got myself a little grill similar to the Foreman one
that I take everywhere. I find a place to buy chicken
breasts, beef, fish, whatever. It takes advance planning to
get all your meals, or it could be a disaster. That actually
happened to me in Las Vegas right before the USA.
Apparently there are no grocery stores in Vegas. I found
the nearest Costco and called a cab because I hadnt rented a car. I had the cab driver wait for me while I shopped
and spent 175 bucks on meat and potatoes, then he took
me back. The car ride was 105 bucks.
RH: Damn, dude, that sucks.
MA: And like I was saying before, you have to cook
the food, and that also means bringing not only the
grill but utensils and containers. That all has to travel
with you, and you pay extra now for heavier luggage. Then sometimes the refrigerator in the hotel
room isnt big enough for you, or you cant even
get a refrigerator. So yeah, the eating part
would definitely be the biggest pain in the ass
for any traveling bodybuilder on a diet. I have
been doing all my appearances so far in the
U.S., but now I have requests from promoters
in places like Poland, Dubai, and the United
Kingdom. Im excited because Ive never been
to any of them, but part of me is also starting
to worry about the food.
RH: From all the guys Ive ever talked to,
you dont have anything to worry about
when you go to the Middle East. All the
guys who go to that Oxygen Gym in
Kuwait say the meals and transportation
are all taken care of very well.
MA: Yeah, I heard they treat pro bodybuilders like royalty. That should be a nice
change of pace! The only thing Im dreading
about Dubai is the 17-hour-long flight.
RH: Yeah, good luck with that. Lets talk
a bit about your prep for this show.
Compared to past diets, how hard was
this one?
MA: In one sense it was, because I never
started double cardio sessions so far out
before 12 weeks. But Hany made

November 2009

MD 167

sure I kept my food intake up. My strength also stayed

consistent, and I was even getting stronger on a lot of
things during the diet, which was unusual. That all
changed at three weeks out. Hany cut my carbs down, had
me crank up the cardio intensity, and thats when the party
was over. I was digging hard to make it through those
days. I pulled all my energy together for my workouts so
they were still at 100 percent, but the rest of the day and
night my energy levels were up and down mostly down.
RH: Were you doing more or less cardio than you
did last year for the USA and Nationals?
MA: Tough to say because it was different. I was doing
45 minutes first thing in the morning and again before I
went to bed. Hany didnt want me doing any more
because I train legs twice a week. Those are double splits,
with quads in the morning and hams and calves later on.
That burns up a lot of calories, especially with the 7s at
the end of a body part. I was doing two hours of cardio a
day toward the end of my prep for the 2008 USA, but this
way let me come down in weight more gradually.
RH: Speaking of weight, I havent even asked you
about that. What did you weigh for this USA versus
last year?
MA: I weighed in for the 2008 USA at 205. At the
Nationals four months later I was 211. For this USA I was
216 pounds.
RH: Nice! Eleven pounds of muscle in a year
you have to be happy about that. One last question
about your cardio does Hany make you do that
damned StepMill? I loathe that thing.
MA: He did, but I actually prefer the StepMill anyway. It
doesnt beat up my knees and ankles at all, and its a lot
easier to get my heart rate up to where it needs to be, as
opposed to trying to accomplish that on a treadmill or a
bike. Id have to be hauling ass on those things. I dont
mean that the StepMill is easy. Everyone knows its a bitch,
especially when youre low on energy and havent eaten
since the night before.
RH: How did your weight training change toward
the end? Did you still continue doing FST-7 all the
way through to the show?
MA: No changes, I did FST-7 all the way through. Its
a very difficult way to train when youre tired and
depleted, but its what I had to do to come in with the
look I needed.
RH: You did use FST-7 for almost a full year
prior to this win. In what areas of your
physique did you see the most improvement?
MA: I think I brought my legs up the
most. My quads and hams were fuller
and harder, and my thighs had better
sweep. I also saw a lot more fullness,
roundness, and detail in my shoulders
and arms. You could really see it in my
front relaxed stance.

168 MD November 2009

RH: I know from talking to other clients of

Hanys like Branden Ray that he has you do a lot of
posing practice. Did that pay off at the show?
MA: Oh yeah! The judges worked us heavyweights
hard. It was a tough class and they kept moving us
around, so we were up there a while. Other guys
were bending over and huffing and puffing for
air, but I was fine. A lot of people told me my
presentation was much better this year.
RH: Some people scoff at using
a coach, but what are the most
useful aspects of having someone like Hany Rambod on your
team as a resource? Whats
the difference between doing
it on your own and working
with Hany?
MA: Hes a second set of eyes, a
second opinion when you need one. A
great coach becomes more valuable the closer you
get to the show. Thats when subtle decisions can
make a big difference. Should I do cardio today?
Should I eat more, less?
There are some days when you wake up and all of a
sudden your weight is down four or five pounds, out of
nowhere. On your own, you might panic and not know
what you should do. I could call Hany up on a day like
that and he would know exactly how to proceed. He
might tell me to skip my morning cardio and add 150
grams of carbs to my meals that day to avoid going catabolic and losing muscle. I can honestly say I did not lose
any lean mass during this prep. You walk a fine line
between dialing into perfect contest condition and losing
muscle mass, and someone like Hany keeps you on the
right side of that line.
RH: And of course, the final week must be when
Hany comes into play the most.
MA: Yeah, you have the whole process of filling out
and getting rid of the subcutaneous water.
Manipulating your carbs and water just right to achieve
the desired look isnt easy. Trying to do it on your own
can stress you out, and stress makes you hold water!
Guys panic because when youre that lean, the water
moves around and you can literally look great one
minute and smooth five minutes later. With an experienced coach who knows your body to guide you, there
is no stress. I let Hany worry about it!
RH: Do you have any idea yet when you want to
make your pro debut? And, what types of improvements do you want to make by that time?
MA: Nothing is set in stone at all right now. I want to
take a good, solid off-season and put on about another
eight to 10 pounds of muscle first. That would be ideal. I
think I would look really good onstage at 225 pounds.
Tentatively, assuming the pro schedule is the same next
year, I am possibly thinking about the Tampa Pro, then

November 2009

MD 169

I gotta thank my sponsors, Gaspari Nutrition

and MD. I have to thank
Steve Blechman and MD
for all the exposure and
publicity. The contracts
from both Gaspari and
MD helped out financially, because this is a very
expensive sport to participate in between the
food, the supplements,
and a good coach. I am
grateful to have some
help reaching my goals.

170 MD November 2009

maybe a couple more right after. I want more overall size,

more thickness and detail in my back, more rear delts, more
calves, and more legs. I have long legs, so they take a while
to really fill out.
RH: This is an individual sport, but I am sure there
were a few people who were instrumental in your
winning. Who would you like to thank?
MA: I gotta thank my sponsors, Gaspari Nutrition and
MD. Rich Gaspari lightened up my workload the last
two months and made sure any traveling I did was
limited to Florida so I could focus on getting
ready for the USA. I have to thank Steve
Blechman and MD for all the exposure and
publicity. The contracts from both Gaspari
and MD helped out financially, because this
is a very expensive sport to participate in
between the food, the supplements, and a
good coach, it all adds up and I am grateful to have some help reaching my goals.
Thanks to my girlfriend Lauren Pearlman for
being there for me through everything, and
thanks to all the fans who believed in me and were
always so positive.

Contest History
2001 NABF Florida Supernatural
2001 NABF American Nationals
2001 Musclemania
2002 Musclemania
2002 Musclemania Superbody
2003 NPC Southern States
2006 NPC Southern States
2006 NPC USA Championships
2007 IFBB Arnold Amateur
2008 NPC USA Championships
2008 NPC Nationals
2009 NPC USA Championships

Overall Champion
Professional Winner
3rd, Welterweight
10th, Professional
Middleweight & Overall
2 , Light-heavyweight
2nd, Light-heavyweight
Did not place
Heavyweight Winner
4th, Heavyweight
2nd, Heavyweight
Heavyweight &

Contest Diet 6 Weeks Out

5 a.m.

45 minutes cardio on StepMill, abs, and

7 a.m.
Carton of liquid egg whites
(48 grams protein), 1 cup oatmeal
9 a.m.
8 ounces (all meat amounts are cooked
weight) extra-lean ground beef
50 grams brown rice*
11:30 a.m. 8 ounces ground chicken breast
50 grams brown rice
1 p.m.
Weight training
2:15 p.m.
Carton of egg whites
3:45 p.m.
8 ounces extra-lean ground beef
50 grams brown rice
6 p.m.
8 ounces ground chicken breast
50 grams brown rice
8:30 p.m.
8 ounces extra-lean ground beef
50 grams brown rice
10 p.m.
45 minutes cardio on StepMill
*Carb amounts were decreased as the show got closer.

November 2009

MD 171

176 MD November 2009








If youve been reading MD over the past year, you know that one of the
most popular monthly features has been Branden Rays Road to the
USA column. After taking second place last year, he was on a mission,
with the help of The Pro Creator Hany Rambod, to take his rightful place in
the pro ranks. But things didnt go as planned.
B-Ray, despite having some of the most pleasing shape and proportions seen on an amateur in years, got edged out by the ridiculous condition of the aptly-nicknamed Tamer Razor El Guindy. As if that werent
enough, he was fired shortly afterward on his 28th birthday, no less
from the job at CNN he held for five years. Its been a rough summer for
Branden, but somehow hes keeping a positive attitude and remains optimistic about his future.

November 2009

MD 177

178 MD November 2009

FW: Lets start with the lead-up to the USA. How was
your physique shaping up in the final couple weeks? What
improvements did you see from the year before?
BR: Flex, I made what I felt were huge improvements in that
year. Unfortunately, they didnt show onstage. I was very happy
with my conditioning. In the videos posted up on MD before the
show, you could see I was dead on. Even in Vegas I did a precontest interview with your colleague Shawn Ray and
posed for that in my hotel room, and again you
could clearly see my condition was dead on. But
onstage I looked like crap.
FW: You said on the MD No Bull
Forum that your stage color was what
ultimately messed you up. Elaborate
on that situation if you would.
BR: That was a huge part of it, yes.
Not being dark enough is a problem
for a lot of competitors, but I had the
opposite problem of being too dark.
As you know, Im not light-skinned
in the first place.
FW: Correct.
BR: Being too dark actually works
against you, especially once the oil is
on and youre under those bright
stage lights. But getting back to what
happened, Jan Tana was doing the spray
tan for the competitors and this was the
first time I had ever had that done. Tamer
El Guindy and Chulsey Grahams appointments had been right before mine, and while I
was getting sprayed, they were already standing in
front of fans and drying off. My skin must be a lot drier
than most peoples, because it just soaked up this tanning
product. I dried off before those two guys! So I said well, I guess
I better do another coat. You can never be too dark, right? Wrong.
My skin soaked that up too, of course.
The stuff made me so dark onstage that my true condition
couldnt be seen. But I swear to you, my glutes and hams were
shredded, my Christmas tree was perfectly dialed in, all that.
Hany Rambod will attest to that, and he doesnt lie. Another issue
I had with this particular tanning product was that my skin had
some type of allergic reaction to it and I started breaking out.
FW: It had to have been heartbreaking to see the stage
shots from the show and realize just how badly these
issues obscured your cuts.
BR: Flex, it killed me, because it looked like I hadnt worked
hard enough to get in shape. But I tell you, I busted my ass for
this show. I was doing 45 to 60 minutes on the StepMill twice a
day. My condition was exactly where it needed to be. Even the
other guys backstage saw that. They were all congratulating me,
long before the show was over, for winning! But things looked
different out there onstage.
FW: The color wasnt the only issue, though. You
dropped a lot of weight in that last week before the
show. You weighed in at only 188 pounds, and a lot of the

November 2009

MD 179

fullness and roundness I normally see on you in the off-season was gone. What happened
there, bro?
BR: Three weeks out from the
show, I was looking awesome at
about 215. Kevin Levrone has
moved back to the East Coast and
trains at my gym, and he took a
look at me. Kevin said all I needed
to do was drop my water and I was
ready to rock.
FW: I should point out that
everyone says that, but Kevin
actually has an eye for these
things as a former Mr. Olympia
competitor. He knows the difference between fat and water;
most people dont.
BR: Right. But I kept on pushing
for that extra level of freaky conditioning, because I wasnt about to
leave anything to chance. Id already
been second place and I had no
intention of leaving the USA with
anything but a pro card. When I got
off the plane in Las Vegas, I was 200
pounds on the dime. I have to preface everything I say next by saying
that just like last year when Dexter
worked with me, this was the first
time Hany worked with me and he
hadnt really learned how my
metabolism responds to various
factors. I dont care how great any
coach or guru is, they still need to
learn how each individual clients
body responds. You saw it last year
with Chad and Dennis Wolf, too.
FW: OK, I think we get the
picture. You dont want to
throw Hany under the bus.
BR: Exactly. So I get off the plane
at 200 pounds. Hany is all about
condition, because it usually does
win shows. He was concerned that I
was holding a little water from the
flight and was very determined to
get rid of it. He had me go do more
cardio and sit in a sauna, and eat
only fish.
When I woke up the next morning, I had dropped 11 pounds. I was
sharper, but I was a lot flatter, too.
That cant happen again. I need to
stay full, and I need to be at the top

180 MD

of the light-heavyweight class to

look my best. I am absolutely certain that if I had been 198 onstage
and the color had not been a problem, I would be talking to you now
about my win.
FW: Thats tough, dude, really
tough. As a competitor, I know
exactly how second place can
feel just as bad as last place.
Can you break it down for the
readers who may not understand that?
BR: It feels like first loser. This
was a tough class. I want to make
that clear. We had an amazing
group of light-heavies at this years
USA, and the judges did a great job
of moving us around so we all got a
fair look. So when it came down at
the end to me and Tamer, I was very
excited. I was thinking, Yes, I can
win this! Then I heard my name
and my heart almost stopped. There
was this moment of confusion
where I was mixed up and wasnt
sure if I had been announced as
first or second but right away, I
realized what had happened.
FW: Why do you feel Tamer El
Guindy beat you?
BR: It was totally on condition.
Last year, when Curtis Bryant beat
me for the class, he simply dominated me. He killed me on condition
and muscle maturity, and he had a
very complete physique. What Im
about to say about Tamer, you have
to understand is only in reference
to his physique. I like Tamer as a
person. Hes a very nice guy and I
know he works very hard. And he
also had a big disappointment that
night when he didnt get one of the
three pro cards.
Tamers physique is not proportionate. His shoulders overpower
his entire torso. The reason that
really gets me is that I was told that
my shoulders were starting to overshadow my torso, so I actually
stopped training them for a few
months, then here comes this guy
with these ridiculous shoulders and
he beats me? Even my mom, who
knows very little about any of this November 2009

November 2009

MD 181

stuff, came up to me after prejudging

and said, Why are that mans shoulders so big? They look funny. He
also needs a lot more hams.
But you know, I cant blame Tamer
for beating me, and I dont. If I had
presented my physique onstage the
way it should have looked, it would
have been a different story. And it
will be a different story in a couple
months at the Nationals.
FW: As soon as the show was
over, actually probably before
the theater was even empty,
there were people starting
threads about how you were
over-hyped, which is their snide
way of saying you werent as
good as MD made you out to be.
How do ignorant comments like
that make you feel?
BR: You know, everyone is entitled
to his or her own opinion. This is a
subjective sport and people have different tastes and preferences. I never
thought I would be in this position of
having so much publicity and going
into a big contest as a favorite. And I
never in my wildest dreams imagined that some people would be
rooting against me as a result!
But I embrace the high expectations people had and still have for
me. I take the honest critiques to
heart, and even the negative comments still motivate me to be better.
A lot of the people who go online
and spent all this time talking about
how I was over-hyped have never
even seen me in person. Theyve
never seen me compete, seen me
train, or even met me at an expo.
They should really take that time and
energy and apply it in the gym so
they can look better.
You dont see the pros and top
amateurs posting all this stuff,
because theyre too busy working on
their physiques to worry about it so
much. But again, I know that my
physique is not the ideal to everybody, and I take the good with the
bad. Im grateful to have the publicity
and recognition that I do have and I
cant expect everyone to be a fan.
FW: I guess it comes down to
something I dealt with all the November 2009

years I competed as a pro. When you

have great genetics, youre damned if
you do and damned if you dont. If you
lose, they call you lazy and say youre
not focused enough; you dont work as
hard as the other top guys because you
rely on your genetics. But if you win,
they give you no credit and dismiss it
like, Well, hes a genetic freak anyway,
of course he won. Are you starting to
get a lot of this?
BR: Well, I do find it amusing when I hear
comments like If I had his genetics, Id be
Mr. Olympia by now! Really, you would? I
only started competing two years ago, and
this USA was only my fourth contest! I
understand that some people could be
resentful or jealous because I do have great

November 2009

MD 183

genetics for bodybuilding.

When I was growing up, I wanted to be six-foot-six and become a
basketball superstar like my idol,
Michael Jordan. My mom knew it
wasnt gonna happen. Everyone in
our family is on the short side, so I
wasnt going to see six feet, much
less six-six. But she constantly told
me that it didnt matter. Were all
meant to do or be something, its
just a matter of finding that thing
you were meant to do or be.
I was meant to be a bodybuilder. I didnt hate the tall guys
just because I didnt get that
height. I focused on what I was
good at, or could be good at,
instead. Not every guy who has a
passion for bodybuilding will have
the type of genetics to be a champion at it. But that doesnt mean
you cant still train and improve
and be a fan of the sport. You dont
have to hate the guys who do
have the better genetics.
FW: Whats the plan now?
Are you heading to Nationals?
How are you going to make
sure you walk away with a pro
card this time?
BR: Thats the plan. Mistakes
were made, and there was a lot of
frustration and disappointment to
deal with, but the important thing
is to learn from those mistakes and
not repeat them. I know that if I
show up looking the way I should,
Im going to be very, very tough
for anybody else out there right
now as an amateur light-heavyweight to beat.
FW: If you did turn pro,
would you want to jump into
the 202s, or take time off and
put on more mass first and
then hit the Opens?
BR: I would love to make my
pro debut in New York, where Im
from, and do it as a 202. But I
would not limit myself to staying
in that class after that. Im a
young guy and I am still growing
and filling out. I am certain I can
eventually put on significantly
more mass and still retain my

184 MD November 2009

shape and proportions.

FW: Now we move on
to the other major piece
of drama. You were fired
on your 28th birthday,
which was shortly after
the USA, right? Im not
sure how much you can
actually talk about due to
pending litigation, but
what happened there?
BR: Unfortunately, there
isnt much I can talk about,
because a discrimination
case is in the works. Once
the smoke clears and there
is definite closure to the situation, I will be glad to talk all
about it here in MD.
FW: Just to make this
clear, your discrimination
case has nothing to do
with race, but the fact
that you are a top-level
bodybuilder, correct?
BR: Yes, but I cant go
into any more detail than
that at this time, sorry.
FW: Your job at CNN
was the reason you lived
in the D.C. area. Now
that youre no longer
working there, do you
have any plans to head
back up to your old
stomping grounds,
BR: No, but there is a
possibility I may relocate to
another area of the country.
Nothing is definite yet.
FW: Getting fired from
a good job had to have
been a heavy blow, but
has any good come out
of it yet?
BR: In some ways, its a
blessing. I know it would
be the end of the world for
some guys, but I still have
my working relationships
with MD and VPX. I dont
have any kids, and I live a
pretty simple life, so the
temporary loss of income
isnt devastating to me. I

November 2009

landed a food sponsor

recently, so things like my
beef and chicken are covered.
As any bodybuilder
knows, those are major
weekly expenses. And you
know, I have more time now
to focus on training for the
Nationals. All my workouts,
meals, and sleep are perfectly on schedule. So yeah,
every cloud has a silver lining like they say. I never
wanted to lose my job, but
life goes on. It has to.
FW: A lot of people
have to deal with unexpected adversities and
challenges. It sounds like
youre doing a great job
of keeping your head up,
so do you have any
words or advice to others
out there dealing with
their own problems and
trying to stay positive?
BR: I have the support of
my amazing girlfriend and
my friends, and more than
that, I have the gym. For an
hour and a half to two hours
every day, I dont think
about my problems or anything else. I focus on the
training; the weights, the
feel in the muscles, all the
things I love and the real
reason I do this. Im only
onstage what two, three,
four days a year? The rest of
the time, Im a gym rat, like
so many of the MD readers
out there. The gym is my
sanctuary. When Im in
there, anything is possible
and I know that with my
hard work and dedication, I
am only going to get better.
FW: I know you will,
B-Ray. Looking forward
to watching you shut em
all down at the
Nationals, bro.
BR: Thanks Flex, I appreciate that.

MD 185

188 MD November 2009

MW USA Champ Daryl Gee is Already a

202 Power to Reckon With
By Ron Harris, Photgraphy by Per Bernal

Ready to Turn Pro,

But Not Compete as a Pro?
Its become common practice over the last few years to take a full year off
after turning professional before making your IFBB debut. Evan Centopani
won the NPC Nationals in November of 2007, but didnt get on a pro stage
until May of 2009. Mike Liberatore got his pro card at the 08 Nationals, but
wont be making his pro debut until spring of 2010.
It wasnt always this way. Back in the 90s, I remember the guys would
start making use of their new pro status pretty fast. If they won the USA,
North American, or Nationals, guys like Flex Wheeler, Chris Cormier,
Mike Francois, Kevin Levrone, Porter Cottrell, and Paul Dillett were
on a pro stage the very next year. You dont see that too often anymore.
Todays bodybuilders rarely seem to feel they are ready to get up on a
pro stage when they earn their pro card by winning a national contest. But
Daryl Gee hasnt been following much of a traditional path this year, the
first season hes competed since 2005. First of all, youre supposed to be a
familiar face to the judges to win your class at a big pro qualifier like the
USA. Few judges on the panel knew who Daryl Gee was, as hed only
been on a national stage once and that had been almost four years ago.
But if you do somehow manage to win the middles at the USA, your amateur status aint changing just yet if you believe conventional rhetoric.
As a middleweight, supposedly the only show you have a prayer to
turn pro at is the NPC Nationals, since all class winners there earn a card.
The USA is really supposed to only be good for getting publicity and giv-

November 2009

MD 189

ing you some nice momentum

heading into the Nationals. Even
this year, when the USA was to
award three pro cards for the
first time (it was only in 1999
that a second card was given out
in addition to the Overall for the
first time), nobody expected
those cards to go to anyone but
the top three heaviest weight
class winners.
A middleweight has never
turned professional at the USA in
the entire history of the contest.
That all changed this year when
Daryl Gee, a northern California
transplant now living in New York
City, stormed into Vegas hot off an
Overall win at the prestigious
NPC Los Angeles the weekend
before. With incredible muscle
size, shape, and condition, the
judges felt he was a worthy recipient of one of the trio of cards up
for grabs.
Then, in an unheard-of move,
Gee went into the very first pro
show being held after the USA
which was just one week later in
Jacksonville, Florida. There, in a
field of 13 202-pound IFBB professionals, some of whom have
been in the pro ranks for as long
as seven years, he took a very
close second place to another
man making his pro debut, Stan
McQuay. The only difference was
that Stan outweighed him by over
20 pounds and had close to three
years since turning pro to prepare
mentally and physically for this
day. Daryl had six days!
Lets get all this straight. An
unknown isnt supposed to win
his class at the USA. A middleweight isnt supposed to get
one of the pro cards. And a guy
who just turned pro the weekend
before isnt supposed to do well
at a pro show. I guess nobody
told Daryl, huh? Im sure a lot of
you were like me when you
heard all this crazy news. You
wondered, who is this dude and
where has he been hiding? MD
put me on the case to find out.

190 MD November 2009

At Last, A Real Hard-gainer

You Can Identity With!
Many of the pros are such genetic freaks when it
comes to how easily they put on muscle mass when they
started out that it almost seems as if they belong to a different species than the rest of us poor slobs. For example, Dennis James literally gained one pound of muscle
every day for the first month, once he began pumping
iron. Daryl Gee has more in common with the common
man. A standout tennis player in high school, he began
training with his buddy Matt in Junior year, simply as
something to do to stay out of trouble.
Kids we knew were getting into drugs, gangs, just a lot
of bad stuff, he explains. Matt was excited to try out the
routines he saw in magazines and what he saw on Shawn
Rays workout show on ESPN, and Daryl did enjoy the feel
of the weights. But in a glaring example of just how impor-

November 2009

tant nutrition is, Gees ignorance in the subject kept him

from making gains. We would train at night, and then I
would simply go right to bed without eating, in that catabolic state breaking the muscle down and not giving it
any fuel to recover and grow.
After two years of working out, Daryls bodyweight had
hardly budged from 135 to 138 pounds at his current
height of 54. It wasnt until he went off to college to earn a
degree in Criminal Justice (a field he never wound up
working in) that he finally met others into lifting who
shared their knowledge about eating and supplementation.

Discovered at the Olympia Expo

and Urged to Compete
Near the end of college, Daryl almost became a
Federal agent for the Department of Treasury, but after a
technicality demanded he re-take his entrance exam, he

MD 191

Training Split

Chest and triceps

Quads and hams
Back, calves, and forearms
Shoulders and triceps
Rack deadlifts, calves, abs,

Contest History
2003 Contra Costa
2005 Contra Costa
2005 California Championships
2005 NPC Nationals
2009 Los Angeles Championships
2009 USA Championships
2009 IFBB Jacksonville Pro 202

192 MD


Novice winner 2 , Lightweights

Middleweight winner
Welterweight winner
3rd, Middleweights
Middleweight and Overall
Middleweight Champion
2nd place November 2009

November 2009

MD 193

cream, and nachos seemed like too much of a sacrifice

for a trophy at the time.
Meanwhile, he was a fan of the sport and had started
attending the Mr. Olympia Weekend every year since 1999.
Occasionally, freelance photographers and others would
compliment his physique, but Daryl never paid much attention. That changed in 2002 when he was approached by Bill
Geiger, then the editor of Muscle and Fitness magazine.
Bill couldnt believe that I had never competed, Daryl
says. He thought I had a great look, and asked me to shoot
for his magazine. I was blown away by that. Finally I said
hey, if the editor of the biggest fitness magazine in the world
thinks Im good enough to have my pictures in there, I guess
I should compete. I didnt want to look back years later and
wonder how I would have done in a show.

took that as a sign to try something

different. He became certified by
four different personal training
organizations and went to work as a
trainer but eventually found that
wasnt for him either.
I always put 110 percent into
motivating and pushing my clients,
but few of them were willing to make
the same commitment back or even
stay with training, period. The revolving door aspect of clients coming
and going, which is the nature of that
business, really discouraged me and
I got out after six months.
Instead, he went to work as a
supplement company sales rep
and began applying the knowledge
he had gained in training and
nutrition to his own physique. As it
took on the look of a bodybuilder,
various people encouraged him to
try competing, but Daryl wasnt
ready. I knew I would have to go
on a pretty long, strict diet, and
that idea didnt appeal to me one
bit, he admits. Giving up some of
my favorite foods like pizza, ice

194 MD November 2009

On a Roll,
Then Dropping
Off the Map
After a six-week low-carb
diet that indeed made him
tired and moody, Daryl entered
a big regional show in his area
called the Contra Costa. He
won the Novice division and
took second in the Mens open,
but more importantly, he had
discovered how much he liked
competing. Once I was up
there on stage, it just felt right,
he says. He also got a much
better idea of what he was up
against, and it was clear to him
he needed more size before he
competed again.
Gee took off 2004 and
returned to the show in 05 to
win the middleweights, and hit
the Cal and become its first
champ in the new welterweight
division but missing the
Overall to David Truley, who
was featured several months
later here in MD. Daryl finished
the season off with a stab at
the NPC Nationals, placing
third as a middleweight. He
had no idea at the time it
would be his last contest for
almost four years.
I took a job as a recruiter,
more commonly known as a
headhunter, Gee says. The
workdays were often up to 12
hours long and I was constantly on the road. He kept
up his training and did continue to make gains, but he
knew that competing was out
of the question with such a
grueling schedule.

2009: The
Things turned around last
year when Daryl left his
native San Francisco area to
take a job in New York City as
the Sales and Marketing
Director for a book publishing
company. With a desk job and
less stress, he was able to get

November 2009

MD 195

G-Forced Reps
When asked to briefly summarize his training
style, Daryl made it clear that he learned the hard
way (through several injuries over the years) not to
ever use a weight that he could handle for fewer
than six or seven reps on his own. After that, he frequently employs the one technique he feels has
been the most productive of his entire training
career: forced reps.
If you look at my bone structure and my joints,
its obvious Im a small-boned guy, he says. I am a
true hard-gainer, and the only way I have been able
to keep adding muscle mass is to shock the muscles
with higher levels of intensity. For me, forced reps
have been the absolute best way to achieve that.
Hes quick to point out that forced reps are often
bastardized and rendered useless out of ignorance
or ego. They work very well if you do them after hitting failure on your own, but if you are using so much
weight that all your reps are forced reps with a spotter helping, you defeat the purpose.

196 MD

all his meals in on time again and the itch to get back on stage
grew stronger.
I put a plan together to do the Atlantic States show here in
New York to re-qualify, then the Junior Nationals two weeks
later in Chicago, he says. But just before Gee was to start his
diet, he suffered a slight tear in his elbow tendon and couldnt
train for five weeks.
It was the longest I had gone without lifting in 17 years,
and it was tough. I started dieting and got slowly back into
training, but I had to wait and see how I was looking before I
figured out my new plan. As the weeks went on, the west
coast was looking more and more like his best bet. The L.A.
was coming up, and thats where a lot of guys qualify for the
USA a week later, he explains. Its a show with great exposure and I also thought it would be nice to start my comeback
in my home state.
By now you know how it went. Gee swept his class and the
Overall in L.A. and turned pro just a week later. Daryl contemplated several options to compete soon as a 202. I knew there
was a pro show in Sacramento coming up, but I wasnt sure if
they would have a 202 class, he says. Tampa was also a pos- November 2009

sibility, but I knew it would have a

rough lineup because Dave Henry
was doing it. Jacksonville was only a
few days away, but it seemed like my
best bet.
His head still spinning but
buoyed by the reassurance of
respected industry figures like Jon
Lindsay, Bill Comstock, and Larry
Pepe, Daryl decided to seize the
opportunity and fly to Florida for a
third contest in as many weekends
but with a major difference. This was
no amateur contest.

High Praise From The Jaguar

West coast NPC bodybuilders know that promoter Jon Jaguar Lindsay has
been around the sport an awfully long time and has seen a shitload of great
physiques over the years, many of them in events hes put on. Thats why Daryl
was so flattered after his Los Angeles win when Jon let him know he was the best
L.A. champ hes ever seen. Former L.A. winners include Bob Paris, J.J. Marsh,
Richard Jones, Will Harris, and Mark Dugdale.
A week later, he paid Gee another humbling compliment. Jon told me I was
the best USA Middleweight winner hed ever seen, he says. Among the past holders of that distinction are Stan McQuay, Vinny Galanti, Johnny Stewart, and
John Sherman. It meant a lot coming from him, Daryl tells us. And it did help
give me the confidence to decide to jump right into the pro show a week later in

Welcome to the Big

Leagues, Kid
One thing Daryl still regretted
about his contests in 2005 was that
he had virtually no recollection of
them. I was so focused and intense
about winning that I never enjoyed
the experience at all, he laments.
This time I wanted to enjoy every
minute and soak it up, because you
only make your pro debut once.
So despite being depleted and
dehydrated, Daryl remained lighthearted and friendly to all, including
his fellow competitors. I had a box
of Krispy Kreme doughnuts with me
to eat before pumping up, and all the
other guys just stared when I opened
that up. So I shared my doughnuts
and had a laugh when I told them the
first round of Krispy Kremes was on
me, the rookie, but after that they
were five bucks each!
It turned out to be a weekend full
of memories worth cherishing, as
Daryl took second place. After four
years away from the sport, I won a
big regional show, turned pro, and
qualified for the Olympia all in just
three weeks, he sums up. Even I
couldnt believe it was all really happening.

Olympia-bound and
Nothing to Lose
And is Daryl Gee going to compete in Las Vegas? You know he is!
Its all still a big whirlwind, but Im
very excited about stepping on the
Olympia stage. Ive looked up to the
reigning champion Dave Henry for a

November 2009

MD 197

198 MD November 2009

long time. The guy is just sickeningly

thick and massive, and that back
thats what I visualize every time I
work my back.
Lats are one area Daryl knows he
needs to improve as well as his hamstrings, but he relishes the challenge
and looks forward to what he can do
over the next few years. At 176
pounds I still have a lot of room to
grow as a 202 Pro, he clarifies.
Right now Im in a great place. Im
the new guy going into this show
against the veterans, and I have
nothing to lose. Its going to be a lot
of fun and Im just getting started.
Indeed he is. 202s and fans of the
202 division, are you ready? A new
force is gathering strength to
become a formidable threat and
its called Gee-Force!

November 2009

MD 199

Grigori Atoyan Proves

Persistence Pays Off at the USA
By Ron Harris, Photography by Per Bernal

Not An Overnight Success

Unless It Was A Long-ass Night!
Getting beyond physiques, I personally find it hard to root for a guy like
Phil Heath (whose physique I do happen to be a fan of). Not only was he
winning contests within a very short time after he started training, but he
won the Overall at the USA in his very first attempt at a pro card. The vast
majority of competitive bodybuilders out there cant really identify with a
story like his. Gift, indeed!
As a competitor, it took me nearly 20 years of dogged attempts just to
win my first Overall at a regional NPC show. So who do I root for? Someone
like Grigori Atoyan, thats who! The immigrant from Armenia started his
quest for a pro card six years ago, and not until his 15th attempt did he finally
achieve that goal. Along the way, he came maddeningly close on several
occasions: runner-up four times at pro qualifiers, and a class win without the
required Overall needed to graduate out of the amateurs at another. Most
people would have said Screw this, at some point over those years and all
those disappointments. But as Grigori says, I dont know how to quit.

Back in the U.S.S.R.

Grigori grew up in the Republic of Armenia when it was still part of the
massive U.S.S.R. Fairly athletic, he swam competitively and played soccer
into his teen years. At 17, Grigori was a year away from his mandatory military service, and went to a local Olympic weightlifting gym to toughen up
for the Red Army. Under the rule of Mikhail Gorbachev and his Glasnost and
Perestroika reforms, Russia had started to lift the Iron Curtain ever so slightly
to allow some Western movies and music trickle in, and Atoyan had been

202 MD November 2009

November 2009

MD 203

awed by the physiques of 80s action heroes Arnold

Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and Jean-Claude
Van Damme.
I remember seeing them and saying to myself, man!
I would love to look like those guys, he remembers.
Luckily for Greg (as most of his friends call him), the
coach at this place was Armen Gevorkyan, a former
Olympic weightlifting champion who also knew a little
bit about bodybuildng a sport frowned upon in the
Soviet Union as being capitalist.
Armen was great with the kids who filled his Spartan
gym, and told Atoyan, Im going to make you love training so much that if you ever go a day without it, youll feel
sick to your stomach! To this day, Greg admits to feeling
guilty whenever he misses a workout. With a single bench,
a few bars, and two pairs of dumbbells, Grigori recalls that
it often took four to five hours to complete a training session, due to waiting your turn and changing weights. But
regardless, this was the place he began his lifelong passion for the iron.
We did the Olympic lifts because it was required to
use the place, but we also did bench presses, squats, military presses, deadlifts, shrugs, curls all basic stuff that
was perfect for a young guy to start off on.
An older guy used to come around town with items

204 MD

smuggled in from America such as Marlboro cigarettes and

Levis jeans. One day he also had some bodybuilding photos, and one Greg saw made an immediate impression. It
was Shawn Ray with his trophy, after winning the 1987
California Championships, he remembers. He was hitting
this side pose and his triceps looked absolutely amazing,
just bulging out of nowhere. From then on, any time me
and my friends would do anything for triceps, wed encourage each other to get more reps by saying come on man,
Shawn Ray triceps!
Shawn, I know you have to feel good about that. In the
year Greg spent at his first gym, he went from 150 to 165
pounds and was excited about making further gains. But it
was time to fulfill his military obligation, and unfortunately
for him, it was a very bad time to be joining the army.

Hard Times, and Escape

to California
In 1991, the Soviet Union broke apart and Armenia
immediately re-established its independence after nearly 70
years. Almost immediately, a full-scale war broke out with
neighboring Azerbaijan that would last nearly four years
and put Armenia through tremendous hardship. There
was rarely any electricity or running water, and food was
so scarce that you would always see long lines in the November 2009

206 MD November 2009

streets just for some bread or a bit of butter,

Grigori wistfully remembers.
Luckily, Atoyan had cousins living in
Sacramento, and in 1993 he left for a new life in
the USA. Speaking very little English, one of his
first priorities was finding a gym so he could at
least start training regularly again after the chaotic
war years. At the same time, he was not thrilled
with his job delivering pizzas (which Ronnie
Coleman also did, incidentally), and was on the
lookout for something better.
The local 24-Hour Fitness had a sign saying
they were hiring trainers, and Grigori immediately
saw an opportunity to work in the business he
loved. Despite initial rejections, Atoyan persevered a quality that would become his hallmark until they acquiesced and gave him a
shot, despite his language issues. Soon he met a
285-pound bodybuilder training there named Bill
Cambra, and the 165-pound Greg told him of his
desire to compete in bodybuilding.

November 2009

1996 TNBF Natural California Invitational
1997 NPC Contra Costa
1997 NPC California
2001 NPC Iron Man
2002 NPC California
2003 NPC USA Championships
2003 NPC Nationals
2004 NPC USA Championships
2004 NPC Nationals
2005 NPC USA Championships
2005 NPC Nationals
2006 NPC USA Championships
2006 IFBB North American
2006 NPC Nationals
2007 NPC USA Championships
2007 IFBB North American
2007 NPC Nationals
2008 NPC USA Championships
2008 IFBB North American
2009 NPC USA Championship*
2009 IFBB Tampa Bay Pro
2009 IFBB Europa Supershow
*Earned pro status.

Short and Overall

3rd, Novice Middleweight
3rd, Middleweight
2nd, Heavyweight
Heavyweight and Overall
9th, Heavyweight
10th, Heavyweight
4th, Heavyeight
2nd, Heavyweight
4th, Heavyweight
9th, Heavyweight
4th, Heavyweight
2nd, Heavyweight
11th, Heavyweight
2nd, Super Heavyweight
Super-Heavyweight Winner
2nd, Super-Heavyweight
3rd, Super-Heavyweight
11th, Super-Heavyweight
Super-Heavyweight Winner
17th place

MD 207

I told him I thought in

about a year I might be big
enough to compete, but he
just laughed at that, Grigori
says. Bill said bodybuilders
never think theyre big
enough the way to go was
to just do a show and then
that would be all the motivation I would ever need to keep
doing it and keep improving.
With Cambras guidance on
dieting and posing, Atoyan
entered a local natural show
and won the Overall. Two
weeks later, reality smacked
him in the face when he
entered the middleweight division at the NPC Sacramento
and failed to place. I saw how
these guys looked and said,
Im in the big leagues now. I
couldnt come back until I had
put on some serious size.

The Quest
Begins, and The
Road is Long
Little did Grigori know that
13 years would pass from his
first NPC contest until he
finally earned professional
status. He worked hard in the
gym and grew into a lightheavyweight, a heavyweight,
and by 2007, a super-heavyweight. In 15 of his local
shows before he got to the
national level, he placed third
on seven different occasions.
It was a landmark occasion
when he finally took second
place at the 2001 Iron Man
amateur show. Six months
after that, Atoyan won the
California the same title
that had been a steppingstone for men like Flex
Wheeler, Shawn Ray, Chris
Cormier, and Melvin
That same year, he started
competing nationally, bypassing the junior shows and
going directly to pro qualifiers. Along the way, there

208 MD November 2009

were various disappointments. Perhaps the most devastating was his second place to Capriese Murray at the 2004
NPC Nationals, a show Atoyan had achieved his best-ever
condition for and honestly felt he should have won. So forlorn was he over the loss that he actually quit training
entirely for three months until his father, Harutyan, gave
him a much-needed kick in the ass.
My dad told me he had told me to quit all this weightlifting stuff when I was a kid, and I wouldnt listen, he says.
And now youve come this far at it and you want to quit?

November 2009

The next day, he was back in the gym, and one of Atoyans
biggest regrets is that his father didnt live to see him finally win his pro card.
He passed away three weeks before the 2005 USA, and
I almost didnt compete, he intimates. But my mom
pushed me, because she knew thats what dad would have
wanted. As it turned out, winning the Heavyweights at that
show was a futile effort for Grigori and the others due to a
newcomer from Colorado they were already calling The
Gift Phil Heath.
MD 209

Brief workouts may have been the
keys to success for champions like
Dorian Yates, the late Mike
Mentzer, and the reigning 202 King
Dave Henry, but Grigori Atoyan
prefers to bomb his muscle groups
with higher volume. Heres a look at
typical numbers of sets he will perform for given body parts:
Shoulders and traps:

Persistence Pays
off At Last
Even though its a clear indication
of his character and steel willpower
that Grigori continued striving
toward his goal, despite so many
shattered expectations, he shrugs off
any praise by pointing out others
with similar degrees of fierce determination. Bob Cicherillo competed at the national level for 13 years
before he won the USA, he says.
And theres Sean Allan, whos also
been at this a long time. A lot of
guys out there work very hard, you

210 MD

just dont hear as much about them

as the ones who experience success
right away.

Putting That Pro

Card to Use A.S.A.P.
Greg had been waiting so long
and dreamt so many times of stepping on an IFBB stage that as soon
he pinched himself after the USA to
make sure it was all really happening, he didnt waste another minute.
The next pro show was two weeks
later in Tampa, and Atoyan was
going to do it despite his own appre-

24-28 sets
20-24 sets
16 sets
16 sets
30-32 sets
16 sets
12 sets
8 sets

hensions and the advice of some to

hold off.
A lot of people said I should just
wait until the spring shows in 2010,
he shares. But I had waited long
enough to be a pro already. Ill be 37
in November. Forget about waiting, I
want to get up there now and see
how I really look next to these guys.
Ironically, once Grigori got to the
show and was backstage in the
pump-up area, it struck him that he
knew and had competed against a
lot of these pros already. It was
almost like a reunion from past November 2009

USAs and Nationals, with Bill

Wilmore, Leo Ingram, Ben White,
Lionel BrownI was competing
with Lionel back in 2001 at the amateur Iron Man show, for goodness
sake, he laughs.
Though he wasnt happy with
either the way he looked there or his
showing (17th place out of 30),
Atoyan conferred with his coach and
good friend George Farah to make
some changes that boosted him up
to 11th place the following weekend
in an even tougher lineup at the
Europa show in Dallas.

November 2009

The Next Part of His

Journey Had Begun
Things are really taking off now for
Grigori Atoyan. Hes finally a pro after
so many years of busting his ass and
refusing to give up after being
knocked down over and over again.
His two Max Muscle retail stores are
doing well, with one now featuring a
private personal training studio.
Grigoris marriage is now in its 16th
year, and he has two great teenage
sons who are immensely proud of
dad. Hes got a contract with
CytoGenix, and the future looks bright.

When asked what his ultimate goal

in the sport is, he cautions me first
not to laugh. After assuring him I
would never be so rude, he quietly
confided that he wants nothing less
than to become Mr. Olympia one day.
I know Im not 25 years old, and I
still have to work my way up to that
level, and it will be tough. But I dont
think anything is impossible if you put
your mind to it, youre willing to work
harder than the next guy, and you
never quit.
Amen to that, brother. Amen to
MD 211

212 MD November 2009


Shoulders and traps
Legs and calves

Full name: Grigori Atoyan
Nickname: Greg
Date of birth: November 21, 1972
Height: 58
Off-season weight: 256
Contest weight: 230
Current residence: Sacramento, California
Years training: 19
Occupation: Owner of Max Muscle retail stores
in Rockland, CA and Rancho Cordova, CA
Marital status: Married 16 years to Narine
Children: Sons Harutyan (15), and Martik (13)
Favorite clean meal: Breakfast oatmeal and
egg whites
Favorite cheat meal: I guess pizza or cheesecake but I really love a great omelet with the
works, meat and tons of cheese.

November 2009

MD 213

hy by Per Ber
s, Photograp

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216 MD November 2009

November 2009

MD 217

Who Does Tamer

Look Up To on
Todays Pro Stage?
Though hes almost one of them
himself, Tamer has a great deal of
respect for several of the men currently occupying A-list positions in
pro bodybuilding. A lot of people
look at Kai Greene today and see
his success, but they forget the
years of hard work he put in to get
there, he says. For the first two
years he was a pro, Kai couldnt
even get a look from the judges.
Many guys give up in frustration,
which is what happens with a lot of
pros who you hardly ever hear
about again. But Kai changed his
physique through tremendous heart
and determination and it paid off.
When it comes to physiques,
Tamer admires the new guard,
featuring classic shape and proportions. I look at Dexter
Jackson, Victor Martinez, and
Phil Heath, and it gives me a
great feeling about the direction
our sport is headed for the future,
El Guindy states. They all have
good mass, but they remind me
more of the golden era when small
waists, classic lines, and beautiful
proportions were equally valued.
Our sport was in a mass craze for
a long time, but thankfully that
seems to have shifted.
Tamer himself is grateful,
because the size game is one he
never wanted to play. I dont want
to be 230 or 250 pounds, because
that would ruin my physique, he
explains. Also, I feel that for our
sport to grow in popularity, it needs
to have more attainable physiques
that people can see and say, hey
Id like to look like that. With all due
respect to the huge guys like
Ronnie and Jay, most people think
thats just too much, too extreme.
Bodybuilding has always been the
most popular when the physiques
had a more classic look that people
could aspire to, like in the days of
Steve Reeves, Arnold, and Frank

218 MD November 2009

Contest Hpisto


2002 Emerald Cu
2003 Emerald Cu
2005 USA Cham
2006 USA Cham
2007 USA Cham
2008 USA Cham
2009 USA Cham

8th, Middleweigh
10 , Ligh
2 , Li
10th, Middlewei
5th, Light-heavywe
2 , Mid
4th, Light-heavywe
ht Champion

Training Sp

Hamstrings & ca
Chest & shoulder

The Boy from Brazil

Tamer was born 32 years ago in Sao Paulo Brazil to
Moustafa, a dentist and former lawyer who had emigrated
from his native Egypt, and Iara, a biochemist whose family
had originally hailed from Italy. They stressed education as
his top priority, and young Tamer focused his studies on
biology and chemistry. He also excelled as an athlete in basketball, swimming, track and field, and especially at the
Brazilian national sport of soccer.
At 14, El Guindy began going to the gym to improve his
performance on the soccer field. Once he ran across photos
in magazines of Lee Haney, the late Mohammed
Benaziza, and Dorian Yates, it was only a matter of time
before he lost interest in becoming the next Pel or
Beckham. I knew right then and there that I wanted to look
like those guys, Tamer recalls. Though he was able to pick

November 2009

the brains of a couple local bodybuilders and get his

hands on some magazines, solid training and nutrition
information was lacking in Brazil at the time, as it continues to be today, according to Tamer. My friend and I read
that the pros would eat bananas before workouts, so we
started eating 10 of them before heading to the gym, he
says, laughing. I would be sick to my stomach the whole
time working out, but I figured, hey this is what it takes
to be one of those guys in the magazines.

Living His Passion and

Finding True Love, in Seattle
It really wasnt until he moved to Seattle at the age of
20 to continue his education that Tamers bodybuilding
and personal life really fell into place. First, he met fellow
immigrant (from the Ukraine) Zhanna Rhotar, now an

MD 219

IFBB Figure and Bikini Pro, while they were

both running for Student Body President.
Among other things, they had the fitness
lifestyle in common, and quickly hit it off.
Now engaged, they have been inseparable for
over 12 years. Ive been with Zhanna since
she was 17, he says, so we really can say
weve grown up together.
While in Seattle, they were privileged to be
mentored by another Lithuanian, Ms.
Olympia Valentina Chepiga, and her husband
at the time, Oleg, himself a Ukrainian bodybuilding champion. It wasnt long before he
started competing locally, including several
tries at the tough Emerald Cup, the largest
regional show in the Pacific Northwest.
After graduating college, Tamer had also
taken a position with Golds Gym Corporate
as an international consultant. I would travel
to various locations in Europe and the Middle
East and stay as long as it took to help a new
franchise get up and running successfully. But
eventually, the constant flying and living out
of hotels began to wear on El Guindy, and he
wanted out. I still dreamed of becoming a
professional bodybuilder, and I knew I would
never achieve that goal living on the road. I
needed more stability.
When the opportunity presented itself for
him and Zhanna to go in as partners on a
Golds Gym in Rancho Santa Margarita in
2005, California, he jumped on it and they
packed their bags for Orange County. It
turned out to be a perfect situation for us, he
informs us. We manage the gym, train
clients, and also have the opportunity to pursue our goals in the industry.


Who better to ask about the secrets to getting shredded than the
poster boy for razor cuts? Tamer sees two main keys to achieving
extreme condition. The first you cant do anything about, but the second
one is entirely up to you.
Genetics are important for getting that incredibly dry look, he concedes. Some people do have thinner skin than others, which allows all
the striations and details to show more. But much more important is what
the great Dorian Yates referred to as mental toughness. You do have to
be willing to endure more pain and suffering than the other guys youll
be competing against. I wanted to win the USA so badly that I kept dieting and pushing for better and better condition, long past the point
where most other competitors would have said, OK, thats good enough.
The diet and the cardio take more of a toll on you both mentally and
physically past that point, and most guys just wont go there which is
why few bodybuilders ever compete in that extreme type of condition.

220 MD

The Pro Creators

Special Project
Tamer stepped up to the national level that
same year, and placed 10th as a middleweight
at the USA. He was wise enough to recognize
that he would make faster progress with the
guidance of an expert. Thats when he began
working with Hany Rambod, a decision that
he knows has had a powerful impact. I consider myself one of Hanys special projects,
because he got me early in my career and has
been able to develop me since then.
Back then, Rambods FST-7 training system
was in its infancy and didnt even have a
name yet, but Tamer was fortunate enough to
have been a test subject from day one. Within
a year, he had not only moved up a weight
class to the light-heavies, but also cracked the November 2009

top five at the USA. The following years USA almost proved
disastrous, as a last-minute illness threatened to knock him
back down to middleweight.
Hany and I argued back and forth about what to do, he
says. He said I wasnt the biggest light-heavy anyway, so I
should capitalize on my condition and lines and drop down to
middles. I was dead set against it, but as luck would have it I
wound up weighing in as a middleweight anyway and took
second to Jose Raymond. El Guindy tried things on his own
in 2008, but was unhappy with the package he brought,
despite still earning fourth place in the light-heavyweights. As
soon as the show was over, Tamer decided to get back with
Hany and that he was going to win the USA in 2009.

time to time. If you cant handle that, you shouldnt compete. All I can do is keep coming back better and better, and
my day will come.

A Work in Progress
with Great Promise
Tamer has his eye on the upcoming NPC Nationals, a
show hes never competed in. He isnt foolish enough to
think for one minute that the momentum of taking second
at the USA will ensure victory there. Thats a very dangerous way to think, he says. Not only does Tamer plan on
continuing to bring the spectacular condition that has
become his trademark, but hes also working his butt off to
build a more complete physique.

The 52-week Contest Diet!

Contest diets can range anywhere from six weeks to 16
on average. Ive even heard of 20 weeks. But would you
believe Tamer dieted a full year for this recent USA? After
the 2008 USA, I did some reevaluating, he says. Did I want
to be one of those guys who places in the top five for a few
years and then retires? Or did I really want to be a pro? If so,
I had to do everything in my power to make that happen.
Tamer did not eat one morsel of junk food for a full 12
months, even though he enjoys items like pizza and fastfood burgers as much as the rest of us. While he normally
would let himself bloat up to 245 pounds in the off-season
(I usually looked more like a powerlifter for nine months
out of the year, he quips), he did not let his weight get over
210-214. Every meal was meticulously recorded down to the
last grams of protein, fat, and carbs in a journal, and Tamer
also kept up his cardio.
The official diet started at 12 weeks out from the USA,
but thanks to his extra efforts and discipline, El Guindy
never had to do anything extreme in terms of cutting calories or doing excessive amounts of cardio. By the time he
was down to 200 pounds, Tamer could already see clear striations in his glutes but he knew that wasnt good enough
to guarantee beating someone as genetically gifted as
Branden Ray. I had objectively studied all the top lightheavies, and the only one I felt could realistically beat me
was him, Tamer reveals. But I knew condition would be his
Achilles heel and if I came in with condition that blew his
away, I stood a very good chance of winning.

Close Enough That He Could

Smell the Ink on a New Pro Card
By now you know the rest of that story. Tamer did defeat
Ray, but the victory was short-lived, as he left the Overall
posedown without a pro card. Im not ashamed to say it I
sat there backstage and I cried for a good 10 minutes with
Zhanna hugging me, he says. To work so very hard for a
whole year, to come so close, but still fall short it was such
a disappointment. Surprisingly, Tamer harbors no bitterness
toward the controversial decision. I dont really believe in
the whole politics nonsense, he tells us. Any sport that
involves referees or judges has controversial decisions from

November 2009

MD 221

My legs have always been good, and

my shoulders responded like crazy from
the first time I touched a weight, he
explains. They are so wide and round
that they overpower my chest and arms,
even though I barely do anything for
them anymore. Once he fills out his
chest, makes his back even better, and
most of all brings up his arms to match
those melon delts, Tamer knows he can
be a very competitive pro.
I compete now at 188 pounds, and by
the time I am 200 in the same condition, I
will be ready to hang with the best in the
202s. I tend to agree with that prediction,
and I know the growing number of
Tamers fans are anxious to see it happen. All class winners at the Nationals
earn pro status. So the big question now
is, will The Razor be able to slash his
way to another light-heavyweight win
this November? !

An Inch on Your Arms

in One Day? Seriously,
Tamer was the subject of one of the
few training articles in another magazine
that I have actually read in the past year.
It caught my attention, as someone whose
arms suck ass, as it promised to deliver a
full inch of new mass gained on the
biceps and triceps as the result of a oneday program.
He started with a relaxed arm measurement of 17 7/8 and a flexed measurement
of 18. After doing a brief arm workout
every 20 minutes for six consecutive hours
and taking enough supplements to choke
a blue whale, the final numbers were 18
relaxed, and 19 flexed. The skeptic in
me, as well as the poor soul desperate to
boost his own guns to respectable dimensions at some point before they bury me
six feet underground, just had to know how
much of that was simple inflammation and
how much Tamer actually kept.
I actually put on very close to a halfinch of permanent new size, he told me.
Obviously its a shock treatment you cant
do too often, and you do need to commit
pretty much an entire day to doing nothing
but work your arms and take a ton of supplements you will feel like a true meathead by the end.

222 MD November 2009

By Ron Harris,
Photography by Per Bernal

Where Did This Guy

Come From?
Those of us who work in the industry usually have a pretty good idea of
who the better amateurs out there are
at any given moment. At the very least,
I typically know who the decent guys
on the East Coast are, either from seeing them at regional shows or because
they post on MD, admittedly a place
trafficked more heavily by bodybuilders
from that part of the USA, as its based
in New York.
But when Steve Blechman called me
up shortly after the NPC Pittsburgh show
this past May to ask what I thought
about the winner, Seth Feroce, I had no
idea who he was talking about. Once I
jumped online and checked out MDs
coverage of the show, I was at once genuinely impressed and mystified. How
had I never heard of this new freak,
shredded down to the bone at 56, 198
with no weak body parts, thick from top
to bottom and front to back?

226 MD November 2009

November 2009

MD 227

Its like I always say: for every freak we know about,

there are always a lot more somewhere out there, slowly
biding their time and waiting until they feel totally ready
before unleashing their brutal physiques on us. Seth
Feroce is a perfect example: a diamond in the rough, who
was quietly building more and more mass for years and
keeping it all under wraps until now.

From Jiggly to Jacked

As a child growing up in Pittsburgh, Seth was a heavyset kid, though he was probably destined to be muscular
sooner or later. Both of his parents are short and muscular
and former athletes, and his moms nickname on the high
school track team was actually Thunder Thighs, in refer-

228 MD

ence to her powerful-looking quads and hams.

Feroce attended a Catholic private school until eighth
grade, but by seventh grade he was already planning to
play football once he got to public school. With that in
mind, he dusted off his dads old weight set in the attic,
had Pops show him the basics, and started learning how
to train.
When he got to high school, he played fullback and
linebacker that first and only year on the football team.
His coaches also convinced Seth to join the wrestling
team once that started up after football. By now, Seth
had outgrown the confines of his attic set-up and wanted
to go to a real gym. The place his dad took him to was
called Yorks Gym, a little hardcore hole-in-the-wall November 2009

owned by four brothers who were all very good local

natural bodybuilders.
My dad said once he saw the look in my eyes when I
first walked in there and saw the big guys training, he
knew he had lost me, Seth laughs. Indeed, Feroce soon
immersed himself in bodybuilding, inspired by stars of
the day like Dorian Yates, Flex Wheeler, Shawn Ray,
and Nasser El Sonbaty. His parents did find it strange

230 MD

when their 15-year-old son pinned up photos of these muscle men on his bedroom walls rather than bikini babes
but they could see how passionate he was already about

Growing Boy
Seth had learned all about crash dieting as a wrestler,
and the former fat kid was now pleased with his newly November 2009

lean, 165-pound body and the

attention it garnered at school.
He became obsessed with seeing more and more definition,
and his weight dropped down
to 150 pounds. He may never
have grown into the freak you
see today if it hadnt been for
the intervention of a few older
bodybuilders at the gym.
They told me its not good
to be that lean all the time, he
relates. A young kid like me
should be eating like a horse
and growing like a weed, and I
was missing out on that golden
opportunity. Along with their
solid advice on proper exercise
form and good bodybuilding
nutrition, Seth began to grow.
By the time he was ready to
leave for college, Feroce was
up to 180 pounds with abs. A
friend of his made a point of
telling him that college was the
perfect time to put on muscle
before the responsibilities of
the real world start getting in
the way. He took this recommendation to heart and in the
first two years at Indiana
University of Pennsylvania
(where he met his wife Elise in
the school library), Seth put on
another 40 pounds.

Not Ready for

Prime Time?
Even back in high school,
the guys at Yorks Gym had
tried to talk Seth into competing. But he was too nervous,
too shy, and most of all, didnt
feel his physique was good
enough to put on display. Even
a few years later when he had
built far more mass, Feroce
was still hesitant and lacked the
confidence to don a pair of posing trunks.
I saw how amateurs were
criticized more like ripped
apart I should say if they
were missing any body parts,
he explains. I didnt want
people talking that kind of shit

November 2009

MD 231

ing as the actual win for Seth, a longtime bodybuilding fan, was being backstage with guys he
idolized, like Branch Warren, Jay Cutler,
Ronnie Coleman, Kai Greene, Phil Heath,
and Dennis Wolf.
I was like a kid in a candy store, he confides. The guest posers were all top names,
and it was also cool to be back there with the
pros, competing in the 202s and seeing them
up close. Thats the division I see myself in
soon, God willing.

Short-term Goals
Seth recognizes that his physique still needs
work before its ready to do battle with the pros,
and hes busy in the gym, making that happen.
The more I look at pictures, I realize I need a
bigger back, he begins. Your back can never
really be too wide and thick. I want to fill out my
biceps more, harden and tighten my hams, and
about me, so I simply couldnt
commit to a show until I felt I was
He had attended Jim Manions
Pittsburgh contest a few times, and
at the 2008 show his then-girlfriend,
now wife Elise, had finally had
enough. She told me I would have
won if I had dieted down and competed, Seth says. When I started
to argue with her about it, she cut
me off and told me to just shut up
and do the show next year.
Wives are good like that. Now
living in Cleveland, Seth buckled
down and chose the NPC Northern
Kentucky as a warm-up show this
March for the target show in
Pittsburgh on May 2. Coming in at
208 pounds, he won the
Heavyweight class, but missed the
Overall. Soliciting feedback from the
judges, Feroce was shocked at what
they told him.
They said if I had dropped 10
more pounds and come in sharper,
I would have had the Overall easily, he says. I was already feeling
so depleted from the diet that I really couldnt possibly imagine doing
that, but I did. In Pittsburgh, he was
indeed 198 pounds and untouchable, having worked his new coach
Hany Rambod for the final two
weeks to dial it all in. Equally excit-

232 MD November 2009

November 2009

MD 233

harden up my quads so they have that

mature look that guys like Branch and
Kais do.
Hany has also made his evaluation
and wants to see Seth thicken his
upper pecs and front delts as well.
You can never be too satisfied with
your physique as a bodybuilder,
Feroce notes. The day you do that, is
the day you get beat.

The Five-year Plan

Seth is taking things one step at a
time, as any wise man would do. Right
now his next goal is the light-heavyweight class at the Nationals.
Meanwhile, he keeps busy as a personal trainer at UXL Sports and Fitness

234 MD November 2009

The Day Seth Stopped Being All About The Weight

Major injuries like muscle tears and herniated disks have derailed the careers of countless bodybuilders from name pros
to average Joes. If a guy is lucky, he learns to practice caution in the gym before hes struck down. That day came two years
ago for Seth Feroce, while training chest.
I had wanted to bench press 500 pounds for a long time, and I was getTraining Split
ting very close, he begins. One day I was working up to attempting it and
Chest, light triceps, calves
Back, light biceps, abs
had 425 on the bar. Coming up on the fifth rep, I heard something in my
chest that sounded just like a rubber band snapping. My training partner
helped me rack it, and I said Holy shit, dude, I think I just tore my pec.
The area under his armpit soon turned black and blue, but Seth was
a.m. Heavy arms / p.m. Hams
lucky to have only torn the pec very slightly. It was enough to make him
change his mindset about super-heavy lifting.
From then on, I used strict form and didnt ever try to max out anymore on anything, he tells us. On squats, I had done
645 for a few reps, and after that I kept it around 455-585 at most and used other techniques like drop sets to increase the
intensity. On the bench press I was even more careful. I dont go heavier than 365, and overall I use a higher rep range than I
used to. In the off-season, I keep it in the 6-12 range, and in the final weeks before a show, it goes up to 12-20. Thats definitely
not the time you want to be trying for new personal records.

November 2009

MD 235

in Cleveland, while helping out at home with his

two-year-old daughter, Adalynne.
Seth graduated with a degree in Safety
Sciences and had moved to Ohio for a job
enforcing EPA and OSHA regulations that hes
since moved on from. My wife and I want to
get back to Pittsburgh soon, because thats
where both our families are and I just love the
city, he says.
As we said, once he turns pro, he looks forward to competing in the 202s against excellent
athletes like Dave Henry, Kevin English, Flex
Lewis, and Jason Arntz for a while before he
outgrows that class. I stood next to Branch
Warren at the Pittsburgh show and we were literally eye to eye, he comments. Except Branch
was about 70 pounds heavier! Thats the type of
mass I want to carry eventually.
His family continues to be major supporters,
especially his dad and brother Jake. My dad is
funny, because he will go to the store on the
exact day every new issue of MD comes out on
the newsstand and tell me all about it, Seth tells
us. He gives me these pep talks comparing me
to Evan Centopani and telling me I can be just
as good as him one day soon.
Seth was very grateful to be featured this
month in MD, which happens to be his favorite
magazine. Its the number-one bodybuilding
magazine in the world, and I cant thank Steve
Blechman enough for putting me in it. Everyone I
have met in the industry so far has been so cool
and so supportive, I just feel blessed. Glad to
oblige Seth, and if it makes you feel even better, I
am pretty sure this wont be the last time we see
you here.

Evans Dppelganger?
As I spoke to Seth Feroce, I could not help but
notice more than a couple eerie parallels to MDs
own Evan Centopani. Among the most notable were:
Grew up on the East Coast, of Italian heritage
Was overweight as a kid
Inspired by Dorian Yates and particularly his Blood
and Guts training video
Started training to get in shape for high school football
Played football only in freshman year of high
school; gave it up for bodybuilding
Acquired most of his muscle mass in college
Waited years until his physique was truly ready to
Won first national qualifier at age 23
Guided by top industry guru preparing for first
national show

236 MD November 2009

Contest History (Yes, its brief!)

2009 NPC Northern Kentucky
2009 NPC Pittsburgh Championships

November 2009

Heavyweight winner
Light-heavyweight & Overall

MD 237

242 MD November 2009






November 2009

Presented by

Photography by

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November 2009

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246 MD November 2009

November 2009

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November 2009

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250 MD November 2009

November 2009

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252 MD November 2009

November 2009

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By Dorian Yates

MD is immensely proud to welcome one of bodybuildings true icons to our family. In addition to winning the Mr.
Olympia six times, Dorian Yates is respected as one of the hardest-training bodybuilders who has ever lived. Equally
feared for his keen intellect and unwavering discipline as he was for his incredible physique during his Olympia reign,
Dorian is widely considered to be one of the most knowledgeable men in the industry when it comes to areas such as
training, nutrition, the psychology of bodybuilding and more. Its been a long time coming, but at last we are able to
bring you the man once known as The Shadow the one and only Dorian Yates!

You wrote that if you didnt
feel fully recovered that you
would skip a workout or even
abort it at the warm-up stage.
But what if your training partner
Leroy felt great and ready to go?
Would you call Leroy that morning (or tell him at the gym) that
youre not training that day? How
did he respond? Did he train anyway, or did he just do what you
decided because, after all, you
were Mr. Olympia and your partnership was mainly about you
and he should be privileged to
train with you, and so he accepted that you were the one who
made these decisions?
What about the opposite scenario? What if Leroy felt like crap
but you felt great? Did he suck it
up and train because, again, it
was more about him being there
for you to assist you toward being
Mr. Olympia, and his needs and
progress were secondary?
I ask because my workout partner and I frequently had this issue
and we finally resolved it by just

256 MD

sticking to a set schedule, unless

neither of us felt fully recovered.
We found that it wasnt fair for
one of us to skip a workout, if the
other guy was feeling great and
was ready to go.
Normally I would have a sense by
the morning of the workout that I
wasnt feeling up to training and I
would call Leroy to reschedule for the
next day. But I should make something clear, that I dont think very
many people were even aware of. For
my last three years as Mr. Olympia,
Leroy was my employee. He quit his
job in construction and came to work
part-time at my gym and also as my
training partner.
Since great training partners are
tough to come by and my workouts as
Mr. Olympia were of vital importance
to me, it was a sound investment in
my eyes. So it wasnt merely a situation of me viewing my workouts as
being more important than his. And
truth be told, whenever I delayed a
back or leg workout, by far our two
most demanding days, he usually
breathed a sigh of relief!

Another thing I dont think was

really clear was that Leroy really had
no aspirations of being a pro bodybuilder. He did love to train hard and
challenge himself that way, but competing was never something he particularly cared for. The dieting aspect was
what put him off the most. Then again,
who among us enjoys that? Leroy
qualified for the British Championships on several occasions, but didnt
choose to go for his pro card. That
contest was typically a few weeks after
the Mr. Olympia, and he preferred
traveling to the States to support me
at my show and have a good time. He
certainly didnt want to have to worry
about hauling chicken breasts and rice
cakes around all over the place and
eating every two hours on the dot. It
sounds like you and your training partner came to a nice compromise on
how to handle those times when one
of you isnt feeling the fire.
In your book you described
your first routine as mainly free
weights, and you wrote that if you
had to do it all over again, you
would follow the same program.
But then you explained about the
three changes you made to your
workouts (increased rep range,
non-explosive execution, and specific to my question, incorporating more machines), and how you
strongly recommend that we
incorporate these three aspects
into our workouts immediately.
This always seemed like a bit of a
contradiction and I always wanted
to ask you to clarify. So would
you recommend a beginner or
intermediate follow your first
free-weight routine, or immediately incorporate machines (i.e. November 2009

Hammer for chest, shoulders and back as

opposed to barbells and dumbbells, etc.)?
Perhaps I wasnt entirely clear on that subject
in my book. I think beginners and intermediates
should definitely use mainly free weights, as
they are excellent tools to build a solid base of
strength and mass. And if you look at my training routines even later on, they still featured
plenty of free weights.
For instance, chest workouts typically began
with a barbell incline or decline press, and my
second pressing movement would be done with
a machine. This makes sense because we all
tend to lose some of our balance and coordination as a muscle fatigues. I should also note that
slowing down my rep speed and incorporating
more machines was done in my case out of
necessity, as I was starting to accumulate
injuries as my career went on. And by the time I
had won my second Mr. Olympia in 1993, I didnt
really need much more mass.
For beginners and others still attempting to
build more size, free weights should still form the
core of your workouts, with machines acting in a
complementary role.


You always pre-exhausted your quads and

half the time you pre-exhausted your back,
but never your chest or delts. Why? Also, didnt you find that by pre-exhausting your
quads and back that it was difficult to accurately track your progress and make strength
gains on the compound exercises that followed, due to the muscles being at different
levels of pre-exhaustion from one workout to
the next? Didnt this result in inconsistent
strength gains (or even perceived losses)?
Simply put, pre-exhausting chest or shoulders never felt right to me, and Ill explain why.
Because I had built a very high level of
strength, the amount of weight I would have
required to fatigue my chest on a pec deck,
starting fresh, would have been such that it
would have placed inordinate stress on my
shoulder joints. Im not saying that it wouldnt
do a splendid job of working the peak contraction point and so on, but you have to weigh
the risk-benefit ratio in such circumstances.
Having had shoulder problems before and
not wishing to derail my training with any
more, I chose not to take that chance.
Dumbbell flyes could be another option,
but I never felt they were totally effective at
isolating the pecs. Its impossible to take
the triceps out of a flye movement, as
they must act as stabilizing muscles. The
third option would be cable crossovers.
And again, I faced the same problem as
with the pec deck in that the amount of
resistance I could handle would be potentially dangerous to my shoulder joints. For
all these reasons, I preferred to do isolation
November 2009

MD 257

movements for chest later in the session, rather than first thing.
Shoulders presented an almost
identical issue. Were I to do lateral
raises first in my routine, I would have
needed at least 80- or 90-pound
dumbbells to reach failure in my preferred rep range of 6-10. The shoulder
joints are simply far more prone to
injury in certain types of movements
when you go very heavy. As for tracking my strength gains, as long as I
consistently performed the exercises
in a certain order, which I did, this was
never an issue. It would only be problematic if one were to regularly switch
the order of the movements; for example doing presses initially in some
workouts and as a second or third
exercise at others.
For delts, you wrote that you
prefer Smith machine presses
instead of dumbbell presses. You
explained that you have to
expend a lot of energy balancing
the dumbbells, which was dangerous and also took focus away
from the delts.
In contrast, you explained that
the Smith machine offers the
advantage of being guided so you
didnt have to worry about balancing the weight, and therefore
allowed you to feel it in your delts
much more than dumbbell presses. This makes a lot of sense, so
my question is why didnt you also
use the Smith machine for chest
movements like decline, flat
and/or incline presses, as well as
rows, standard and stiff-legged
deadlifts, and any other movement
that the Smith machine could simulate a barbell movement?
Thats a good question, mate! The
points about the overhead dumbbell
press are correct. By the time I was
competing in the Mr. Olympia contest,
I was capable of pressing a pair of
150s or 160s, strength-wise. But getting such a heavy pair of dumbbells
up into a pressing position is a whole
process in itself, and not an entirely
safe one. Its bad enough to risk injury
doing your set, but imagine how foolish youd feel getting hurt before the
set even commenced!
Another exercise I had used earlier

258 MD

on was behind-the-neck barbell presses. I cringe to think about it now, but

at one point I could handle 365
pounds on that particular exercise
one which I later learned was quite
bad for the rotator cuffs, due to the
unnatural position of external rotation
the shoulders are put in.
The exercises I used the Smith
machine most for were military presses and squats. Only after I had retired
did I actually learn that the Smith
machine was not nearly as safe as I
had believed it to be. In speaking with
an expert on strength training and
injuries, I found out that because the
Smith machine always moves in a perfectly straight vertical line, regular use
of it can lead to pattern overload, or
using the same pattern too frequently.
Moreover, this straight line is fine in a
motion like squatting, but not so in a
movement such as the bench press.
When pressing a barbell in a bench
press, the natural line of motion has a
slight curve to it. Constantly deviating
from that natural motion can and
often does lead to shoulder problems.
Ironically, many trainers with a preexisting injury mistakenly assume that
a Smith machine is a safer option. In
fact, dumbbells and barbells would be
a better choice because they allow
more freedom of movement.
So with all that in mind, use the
Smith machine sparingly and dont
assume it to be safer than free
weights. As for rows and deadlifts, the
barbell versions always had a better
feel for me. And if you ever do find
me to be contradicting advice I gave
out 10 years ago or more, its usually
because I have learned things since
then. Older and wiser is the way its
supposed to be, right?
Some machines offer the
advantage of a peak contraction/resistance where free weights
offer almost none for example,
peck deck machine vs. dumbbell
flyes. Is there a reason why you
always did flyes instead of the
peck deck machine?
I didnt always do dumbbell flyes,
though I did feel they did the best job
of working the belly of the pectoral
muscles. I actually preferred cables to
the pec deck, but essentially I used

just about all the available equipment

in the gym at one time or another. If
you watched my Blood and Guts
DVD, I did both dumbbell flyes and
cable crossovers in that particular
chest workout that we filmed. One
thing I do want to add is that I often
see trainers using pec decks or cable
crossovers and not pausing at all at
the instance of peak contraction. This
is a total waste and a failure to capitalize on the unique advantages of those
pieces of equipment.
Did you have problems doing
standing calf raises after trashing
your quads? I find that my quads
are so fatigued after training them
that they begin shaking uncontrollably halfway through my set of
standing calf raises, which takes
away from the calves being fully
stimulated. I now train calves on a
separate day. And what about
working hamstrings at a different
workout than quads?
I never had that problem. I should
also note that calves were never a
problem body part for me. When I
started competing, my hamstrings
and calves were actually proportionately larger than my quadriceps,
which is usually the opposite of what
most bodybuilders seem to experience. So for me, the standard practice
of doing quads first in a leg workout
and putting most of my energy into
those exercises was actually the best
course of action.
I also tried working hamstrings separately from quads for a little while,
but went right back to doing legs all in
one workout. I wasnt able to use any
more weight on my hamstring exercises that way, as I had imagined I would.
But worse than that, I felt far more
strain on my tendons doing hamstrings fresh as opposed to after hitting
quads and getting those pumped,
which seemed to properly warm up
the aforementioned tendons. As for
calves, even when doing them at the
very end as I did, I was able to use
1,200 or 1,300 pounds on standing
raises. Had I done them fresh, I can
only guess it would have taken at least
a couple hundred pounds more. After
a certain point, it becomes more of a
challenge to add extra resistance to November 2009

machines. For most bodybuilders

with average genetics for calves, it
makes more sense to either do them
first thing on leg day, or on a completely different day as you are doing.


Why do you recommend higher reps for quads and abs?

Im not an exercise physiologist,
but from a large amount of anecdotal
evidence gathered both in my own
training and from that of many other
successful bodybuilders, the quadriceps do seem to respond better to a
higher rep range than the upper
body muscles do. I do know that the
lower body has a higher percentage
of slow-twitch muscle fiber makeup,
which would lend further credence to
the case for higher reps.
I remember that when I was first
starting out in bodybuilding in the
early 1980s, very heavy squats were
in vogue. We had a new crop of top
bodybuilders like Tom Platz, Tim
Belknap, and a NABBA Mr. Universe
who probably would have made an
excellent IFBB pro named Jeff King,
who all displayed a level of extreme
development in the quadriceps never
before seen.
I tried squatting very heavy for 6-8
reps as was the training fashion at
the time, but all I got were knee and
hip problems. Only when I increased
the rep range of 10-12 did I start to
see significant growth in my quads.
Over my career I typically worked
quads in the 12-15 rep range, though
I would occasionally do as many as
20 reps. I never did less than 10.
With my abs, the reason I did
higher reps was because I was only
using my bodyweight as resistance
and thats how many reps it took me
to reach failure. I had tried weighted
abdominal movements earlier on in
my career and found that they thickened up my oblique muscles and
therefore contributed to a wider
waist not a desirable outcome for an
aspiring champion bodybuilder.
How were you able to track rep
increases if Leroys hands were
constantly on the bar during many
of your sets? I assume you had
him do this from a safety standpoint, but, for example, how did
you know if you actually got 5 or
6 reps by yourself before Leroy

began giving you any help with

forced reps?
Also, you wrote that you enter
your workout numbers into your
logbook after each workout. I find
that if I dont do it after each set,
Id never remember the weight,
number of reps, number of forced
reps, number of negatives, etc. for
every set. How did you remember
all of these details without writing them down immediately?
Leroys hands were always right
there on the bar, but that was for safety purposes as well as to maintain the

November 2009

flow of the set. He never applied any

pressure unless and until it was needed. For example, if a spotters hands
are nowhere near the bar, it will
inevitably take a second or two once
the bar gets stuck, due to the trainer
reaching failure before his hands are
there to assist. In that case, the trainer
wont get any further reps without
tremendous assistance.
I preferred to have Leroy keep his
hands on the bar so that the second
he felt the movement slow down
enough, he would apply just enough
pressure for me to complete another
MD 259

rep, and no more. I didnt want to get
stuck on the static contraction, you
see. Once the set was complete, I
would always ask Leroy how much
help he had provided, and he replied
honestly. So if I had done seven reps
on my own and one with a bit of his
help, I would note that in my journal.
As for how I was able to remember
such numbers and details even a couple hours later, that comes back to
how important my workouts were to
me. They were essentially my job, and
my workouts werent overly long
either. So keeping those numbers in
my head for another hour or two was
never a problem. Obviously if you feel
you need to, you should write the
weights and reps down immediately
upon completion of each set.
Did Leroy always scream
throughout each workout like he
did in the Blood & Guts video
or was that mainly for the camera? I ask because you wrote
that you dont like to have
someone yell and scream at you
during your set, that instead you
prefer nothing or just a simple
and low-key, Come on, you got
it at the most.
Well you are certainly learning a
lot more about the mysterious Leroy
this month than I bet most of you
ever cared to! My good friend happened to be a Sergeant Major in the
Royal British Army Reserves, which is
similar to what you call a Drill
Sergeant in your U.S. military. He
was very much accustomed to barking out orders and so on, so I dont
think he even realized that he did this
in our workouts as well. Truth be told,
I was in a zone during my sets and
blocked it all out as background noise
regardless. Only when I saw the DVD
later did I realize how vocal Leroy
actually was when we trained.
I performed reverse-grip barbell rows for years, using the
style you recommend (upper
body at a 70 angle), but unfortunately I never felt the target
muscle (lower lats) get that
much out of it. I was expending
so much effort trying stabilize
my upper body and maintain the

260 MD

desist with it. As for the 70 barbell

proper 70 angle, that my lower
rows, they do put the lats in a stronger
back and erectors seemed to
pulling position and also put less
fatigue prior to my lower lats
stress on the lower back than the congetting sufficient stimulation. It
ventional style where the torso is pargot to the point where I felt my
allel to the floor.
lower back was getting strained,
I have to wonder if you might have
and Id actually feel some lower
some undiagnosed injury or condition
back pain (not the good muscle
with your lower back that may not be
soreness pain) the following day
apparent during a deadlift movement,
or two. (I regularly train lower
but does become aggravated when
back with deadlifts, so my lower
pulling from a different angle. But
back is not weak by any means).
Recently, I began using spider thats all beside the point, as you have
clearly discovered a superior option
rows, the rowing machine
for yourself. Just because an exercise
where your upper torso is supwas perfect for Dorian Yates does not
ported, which takes the lower
automatically mean its suited to
back and erectors out of the
everyone, and vice versa. Using an
movement, thus allowing my
example I have discussed before, barlower lats to receive much more
bell squats were never the best exerstimulation. I immediately felt a
cise for my thighs, but clearly they
tremendous difference, as I
have worked wonders for gents like
finally felt the stress go to my
Tom Platz and Branch Warren.
lower lats like never before. I
got a great pump and was
sore for several days.
DY Nutrition Launches!
My rationale for deciding
Its been a hectic few months preparing
on spider rows was thinking
for it, but at last I am launching Dorian
about compound chest exerYates Nutrition throughout Europe and the
cises. The most basic comUSA. By the time you read this, my prodpound chest exercises are
ucts will be available at GNC and on
performed while lying on They have
our backs on a bench, so
already been selling in Europe for a short
the inverse of this for back
time, and several managed to achieve a
exercises would be lying on
cult-like status.
our fronts on a bench. What
One product is NOX Pump. Users
is your opinion of spider
report incredible muscle pumps as well
rows and this theory? Do
as a powerful stimulant effect, increased
you feel you could have
mental focus, and improved mood. My
achieved the same degree
TemPro protein powder features an
of back development as you
advanced blend of various fast and slowdid had you performed spirelease proteins, and we are the only
der rows in place of barbell
company I know of that uses all natural
rows, and kept the rest of
your routine the same (i.e.,
Finally, the CRX Cuts fat burner prodcontinued doing deadlifts
uct is truly unique as a multi-angle therfor lower back and erectors,
mogenic, as it features a compound that
etc.)? Why or why not?
elevates brain chemistry in the area that
You seem to have answered
controls pleasure. This compound has
your own question, mate! If you
been used successfully in clinical trials as
ever find an exercise that works
a means of fighting various addictions
perfectly for you, by all means
ranging from smoking to drinking, and
continue with it, regardless of
most pertinent for bodybuilders, overeatwhether its advocated by me or
ing. Im very excited to get these products
anyone else. By the same token,
off the ground at last and available to
if there is a movement that
those who can benefit from them.
either you cant feel the target
muscle working properly on or
You can check out my new company
worse, seems to be dangerous
DY Nutrition, and our products at
for you, immediately cease and November 2009

By Dan Gwartney, M.D.

First Reported Case

Severe Liver Failure

Due to Anabolic Steroid

ach month, this column provides

new findings relating to testosterone and other androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS), or periodic
reviews of AAS and adjunct drugs
(aromatase inhibitors, hCG, etc.).
Many of the topics discuss studies
confirming the efficacy of AAS at
building muscle mass or strength;
others intend to broaden the understanding of the cellular, systemic, or
biochemical mechanisms AAS stimulate or repress.
However, the most important
function of a public media outlet is
to inform vulnerable populations of
risks specific to their behavior. The
politics of AAS have created a seemingly irreversible polarization of
opinion; advocates ignoring any
potential hazards compete against
pundits claiming that AAS are one of
the greatest threats to the health and
morality of society and our children.
As usual, the truth lies somewhere in
between the two camps.
Most readers of Muscular
Development lean more toward the
advocate position. For the person
whose goals include improving
strength, muscle mass, body composition, and vigor, AAS are so effective
as to cause many users to forgive or
overlook any known or suspected
risks and side effects. Compounding
the complacency among users is the

262 MD

failure to recognize that most of the

serious threats are covert (hidden
from plain sight) and aside from
mood disorders, commonly follow
long-term use of supraphysiologic
dosing and polypharmacy (high-dose
cycles stacking numerous AAS and
other drugs).

WADA member Dr.

Wadler was unable
to respond to the
question, Where
are the bodies?
when asked about
the presumably
exaggerated claims
of health risks
related to AAS.
Deaths and hospitalizations associated with AAS use are rarely
reported. In an HBO Real Sports
June 2005 segment, WADA member
Dr. Wadler was unable to respond to
the question, Where are the bodies? when asked about the presumably exaggerated claims of health
risks related to AAS. Many gain a
false sense of security from the low
incidence of AAS-related injury. This
makes communicating potential hazards even more critical, particularly

when the risk is previously unreported and represents an emerging

Over the last decade or so,
reports of changes in heart function
and structure have filtered into clinical journals with surprisingly little
notice from the media. This may be
due to the complex, poorly understood processes involved in these
cases, in addition to the overstated/inaccurate threat of AAS-induced
cardiovascular disease. Most relate
heart damage associated with AAS
use to plaque buildup, due to
adverse (unhealthy) changes in cholesterol values, primarily lowering
good cholesterol (HDL).
In fact, cardiovascular risk
appears to be seen at both extremes
of circulating (blood) testosterone
concentrations. Men with low testosterone demonstrate unhealthy
changes in cholesterol, as do many
who use supraphysiologic doses.
However, as most AAS users are
moderate in dose and duration, and
commonly pursue healthier eating
and exercise habits than most
Americans, there has been no identified increased rate of heart attacks or
strokes among the collective group
of AAS users.
Yet, a growing recognition of subclinical heart damage among AAS
users is emerging; though again it

November 2009

has escaped the notice of the press.
Throughout the history of sport, tragic and unexpected deaths have
occurred in young, healthy athletes.
The risk of sudden cardiac death
(unexpected death due to immediate
heart failure) has been known and
the underlying cause is often unde12,13
One can imagine the
frustration and fear of family members dealing with the death of a
promising, healthy, athletic child or
teen; sudden cardiac death also
occurs in adult athletes. In nearly
every case, an autopsy is performed;
extensive tissue and fluid analysis
augment the internal and external
At times, when no other cause is
evident, any abnormality is considered to contribute to, if not outright
cause, the fatal event. If an already
controversial factor is present (e.g.,
dehydration, Atkins diet, ephedra,
AAS, etc.), then the media, parents,
team officials, sporting organization,
etc. are quick to place blame.
Unfortunately, blaming the whipping boy factor may lead to an inaccurate diagnosis and fail to provide
the family and public with critical relevant and accurate information. This
is not to say that any of the above
listed, as well as other factors, may
not have played a role in athlete
deaths. Rather, it points out the
essential need to make every effort
to factually determine what may
have caused a sudden and premature death in a young and presumably healthy person.
AAS have become the whipping
boy of performance-enhancing
agents. When an AAS user suffers
harm, dies, or is violent and harms
others, the drugs are immediately
blamed. Clinicians, the public, and
the press are so conditioned to AAS
being the cause of harm that little to
no investigation is made to justify the
claims, or even look for other relevant factors. Again, in specific cases,
AAS may have contributed to or possibly caused certain adverse events.
However, to immediately discount
any other cause would demonstrate
poor clinical judgment.
With those caveats, it is also

264 MD

equally important to understand the

possible harm that may be caused by
AAS use, especially over the longterm, or in users who use the drugs
in a manner that is extremely deviant
from the natural or physiologic presentation (extremely high doses for
long-term or continuous cycles, particularly using androgens other than
testosterone, such as trenbolone,
stanozolol, etc).

AAS have become

the whipping boy
of performanceenhancing agents.
When an AAS user
suffers harm, dies,
or is violent and
harms others, the
drugs are immediately blamed.
Most people are familiar with the
saying, Where there is smoke, there
is fire. This phrase suggests that
rumors and suspicions usually have
some basis in fact. Several reports
looking for changes in heart structure or function have been published
over the years. Early studies looking for signs of functional changes in
the human heart were inconclusive,
showing no significant differences
between AAS users, former users,
and non-users. Later, it was discovered that AAS users were more likely
to show an abnormal thickening in
the heart wall that separates the two
main chambers (concentric hypertrophy) which is different from athletes
heart, known clinically as eccentric
The difference between the two is
that runners and others who develop
athletes heart (eccentric hypertrophy) do not decrease the amount of
blood that the heart can move with
each heartbeat. Concentric hypertrophy differs by having the separating
wall of the heart thicken, which
makes that portion of the heart muscle more vulnerable to ischemic
damage (less oxygen available to the
working muscle, due to low blood
flow in that specific area) and also

encroaches upon the heart chamber,

reducing the amount of blood
moved with each heartbeat.
Concentric hypertrophy can arise in
people who experience high blood
pressure or perform movements that
create a lot of pressure and strain.
Powerlifters are a good example. In
the presence of AAS, growth hormone, and possibly other drugs, this
hypertrophy can become quite pro21
nounced and dangerous.
Medical technology has improved
quite a bit in the last decade as
imaging devices have higher resolution and better imaging processing.
This should be of no surprise to consumers who have watched cameras
go from 3.1 megapixels to 12
megapixels during the same period.
Barely detectable changes in the
electrical rhythm of the heart has
been seen in current AAS users; in
individuals with an undiagnosed
heart rhythm abnormality (e.g.,
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome),
this could precipitate a harmful or
fatal event.
When the heart does not beat
properly, it fails to meet the circulatory needs of the body. This can lead to
progressive fatigue, edema (water
retention), and other more serious
effects. A type of scarring called
fibrosis has also been reported in
young AAS users that may impair the
hearts ability to pump, allow for dangerous points of inflammation, or
create short-circuits in the hearts
electrical system.
Altered heart rhythm or impaired
blood flow due to AAS-associated
changes could go unnoticed for years
until a critical event occurs. Recently,
two cases of serious cardiac disorders in a current and former AAS
user respectively appeared in the
medical literature.
The first involves a 40-year-old
male bodybuilder with a long-term
history of AAS use, including several
familiar oral and injectable AAS. The
report stated that this person used
500-700 mg trenbolone enanthate
weekly as part of his recent cycles.
Approximately a month prior to
being admitted to the hospital, he
began to experience increasing

November 2009

fatigue affecting his workouts and
general well-being. The feeling
became so bad he stopped working
out and stopped all AAS. Despite
this, he developed a loss of appetite,
recurrent vomiting, pain under the
ribs on the right side, and jaundice
(yellowing of the skin). His initial
labs revealed excessively high liver
enzyme values, LDH, acute kidney
failure, and slow clotting. His liver
was enlarged; other causes of liver
damage were ruled out, including
infectious agents and other livertoxic drugs. The patient was transferred to the liver transplant team
with a diagnosis of anabolic steroidinduced toxic hepatitis. In other
words, they were getting ready to
take out his liver and replace it with
one from an organ donor.
While he was awaiting surgery,
he was receiving normal I.V. fluid
support and developed fluid in the
lungs and an increase in central
venous pressure (representing a
backup of blood in the large veins).
When an echocardiogram (an ultrasound of the heart) was performed,
it showed the heart was enlarged
and working very poorly. The function of the heart is measured by the
ejection fraction, the percentage of
blood that is pumped out of the left
ventricular chamber with each beat.
Imagine a water gun with a 10 ml
bladder. When you squeeze the trigger, about 8 ml is shot out of the
water gun nozzle. This would represent an 80 percent ejection fraction.
If the water gun is cheaply made and
only shoots out 3 ml, this would represent a 30 percent ejection fraction.
If you are in a water-gun battle with
your nephews, youd soon realize
your water gun bites.
The heart has a normal ejection
fraction of 55-70 percent; when this
falls below 35 percent or so, the
heart is no longer delivering oxygenated blood to the body sufficient
to meet the metabolic demand. At
this point, the person enters congestive heart failure and begins to experience organ damage. At 15 percent,
such as seen in this case, blood flow
is sluggish and organs are starved

for oxygen. Blood can clot in the

heart or veins, and vital organs can
begin to fail (including the kidneys
and liver as seen in this case).
Indeed, two large clots were seen in
the heart chamber, which increases
the risk of life-threatening emboli
(clots blocking the blood flow to the
heart, brain, and other tissue).
Rather than taking out the mans
liver, supportive medical therapy
was provided to improve the function of the heart and slowly break
down the clots. In short course, the
man was stable with improved heart
function (an ejection fraction of 25
percent); his liver function dramatically and rapidly improved, even
with his long-standing history of
oral AAS use, and released to go
home. At the time the report was
written, he was still in heart failure,
which was believed to have been
caused by long-term AAS use.
Similar reports are rare but present
in the literature, including a similar
case in a 41-year-old male AAS user
that was published the month this
article was written.
The second case occurred years
after AAS use and went undiagnosed until a most inopportune
moment. In this case, a 50-year-old
former professional bodybuilder was
undergoing surgery to remove a
cancerous tumor located near his
spine. As he was being placed
under anesthesia, his blood pressure
dropped to a life-threatening low
pressure. Due to the seriousness of
his procedure, his surgery continued
with the physicians providing additional support to keep his blood
pressure in a safe range. It was discovered that he suffered from concentric hypertrophy and was unable
to tolerate the challenge of the anesthesia. This event could have been
prepared for if the patients history
had been properly communicated to
or inquired about by the anesthesia
Nearly all athletes suffer from
fatigue from time to time. When it
persists, it is more commonly a sign
of overtraining or sleep deprivation;
even depression and anemia needs

November 2009

to be considered. However, when one has been using high-dose AAS for several years, it is important to consider that the heart may have been affected.
These two gentlemen, who represent many of the readers of this magazine,
were not even aware of a problem until things were very serious.
These conditions are particularly worrisome, as monitoring cholesterol or
coming from a family with no history of heart problems would not detect a
progressing problem and may offer a false sense of security. Those who
have used AAS for several years or more need to be sensitive to the possibility of heart damage when unexplained fatigue sets in, or fluid builds up
around the ankles (edema). Whenever problems arise, it is important to be
open and honest with ones physician so that they may investigate possible
problems that they otherwise might not consider.
1. Ahlgrim C, Guglin M. Anabolics and cardiomyopathy in a bodybuilder: case report and
literature review. J Card Fail, 2009 Aug;15(6):496-500.
2. Clark BM, Schofield RS. Dilated cardiomyopathy and acute liver injury associated with
combined use of ephedra, gamma-hydroxybutyrate, and anabolic steroids. Pharmacotherapy,
2005 May;25(5):756-61.
3. Vogt AM, Geyer H, et al. [Cardiomyopathy associated with uncontrolled self medication
of anabolic steroids] (Article in German) Z Kardiol, 2002 Apr;91(4):357-62.
4. Sullivan ML, Martinez CM, et al. The cardiac toxicity of anabolic steroids. Prog
Cardiovasc Dis, 1998 Jul-Aug;41(1):1-15.
5. Ferrera PC, Putnam DL, et al. Anabolic steroid use as the possible precipitant of dilated
cardiomyopathy. Cardiology, 1997 Mar-Apr;88(2):218-20.
6. Nieminen MS, Rm MP, et al. Serious cardiovascular side effects of large doses of anabolic steroids in weight lifters. Eur Heart J, 1996 Oct;17(10):1576-83.
7. Schollert PV, Bendixen PM. [Dilated cardiomyopathy in a user of anabolic steroids]
(Article in Danish) Ugeskr Laeger, 1993 Apr 19;155(16):1217-8.
8. Fineschi V, Riezzo I, et al. Sudden cardiac death during anabolic steroid abuse: morphologic and toxicologic findings in two fatal cases of bodybuilders. Int J Legal Med, 2007
9. Kantor MA, Bianchini A, et al. Androgens reduce HDL2-cholesterol and increase hepatic
triglyceride lipase activity. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 1985 Aug;17(4):462-5.
10. Manolakou P, Angelopoulou R, et al. The effects of endogenous and exogenous androgens on cardiovascular disease risk factors and progression. Reprod Biol Endocrinol, 2009
May 12;7:44.
11. Singh AB, Hsia S, et al. The effects of varying doses of T on insulin sensitivity, plasma
lipids, apolipoproteins, and C-reactive protein in healthy young men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab,
2002 Jan;87(1):136-43.
12. Thiene G, Basso C, et al. Is prevention of sudden death in young athletes feasible?
Cardiologia, 1999 Jun;44(6):497-505.
13. McGrew CA. Sudden cardiac death in competitive athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther,
2003 Oct;33(10):589-93.
14. Williams C. Vikings raise ephedra as causal link to Stringers fatal heatstroke. USA
Today 25 February 2003. Available at:, accessed August 10, 2009.
15. Donaldson-Evans C. Wrestler Chris Benoit Double Murder-Suicide: Was It Roid Rage? 27 June 2007. Available at:,2933,286834,00.html, accessed August 10, 2009.
16. Hartgens F, Cheriex EC, et al. Prospective echocardiographic assessment of androgenicanabolic steroids effects on cardiac structure and function in strength athletes. Int J Sports
Med, 2003 Jul;24(5):344-51.
17. Krieg A, Scharhag J, et al. Cardiac tissue Doppler imaging in sports medicine. Sports
Med, 2007;37(1):15-30.
18. Kasikcioglu E, Oflaz H, et al. Androgenic anabolic steroids also impair right ventricular
function. Int J Cardiol, 2009 May 1;134(1):123-5.
19. Dickerman RD, Schaller F, et al. Left ventricular size and function in elite bodybuilders
using anabolic steroids. Clin J Sport Med, 1997 Apr;7(2):90-3.
20. Di Bello V, Giorgi D, et al. Effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids on weight-lifters
myocardium: an ultrasonic videodensitometric study. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 1999
21. Dickerman RD, Schaller F, et al. Left ventricular wall thickening does occur in elite power
athletes with or without anabolic steroid use. Cardiology, 1998 Oct;90(2):145-8.
22. Bispo M, Valente A, et al. Anabolic steroid-induced cardiomyopathy underlying acute
liver failure in a young bodybuilder. World J Gastroenterol, 2009;15:2920-22.
23. Matyal R, Panzica P, et al. Severe hemodynamic instability during general anesthesia in
a professional bodybuilder. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth, 2009 Apr;23(2):208-10.
24. Kam PC, Yarrow M. Anabolic steroid abuse: physiological and anaesthetic considerations. Anaesthesia, 2005 Jul;60(7):685-92.

November 2009


By Stephen E. Alway, Ph.D., FACSM, Illustrations by William P. Hamilton, CMI

Propel to Titanic Triceps

ou cant expect that bench presses, dips and shoulder
presses or even skull-crushers will take care of both
building mass and carving grooves deep enough into
the posterior part of your upper extremity to take home
multiple trophies. These types of two-joint movement exercises do activate the triceps, but a lot of other muscles get
in on the action as well.
To rise to the top of the podium, you must acquire hardness, shape and symmetry in your triceps, and this is best
achieved by isolation exercises. Imagine how much better
your side chest shot will be if it is framed with ripped striations of carved flesh across the
posterior and sides of your
upper arm. Exercises like cable
French presses provide direct
and constant tension contractions without much activation
of accessory muscles, and this
provides an excellent means to
achieve titanic triceps.

Structure and
The muscle fibers in each of
the three heads of the triceps
connect to a single triceps tendon that crosses the elbow
joint. After crossing the elbow,
this tendon attaches to the
ulna bone of the forearm.
Contraction of the triceps
brachii muscle causes extension of the forearm at the
elbow (straightens the elbow
joint). The long head of the
triceps brachii (the inner head) begins on the scapula
(shoulder blade), just below the head of the humerus at the
shoulder joint. This muscle belly crosses the shoulder joint
posteriorly, so that the arm must be moved into shoulder
flexion (i.e., arms and elbows lifted high over your head) if
you want to fully activate the long head of the triceps.

270 MD

The lateral head of triceps brachii creates the outside (lateral) boundary of triceps. Its fibers run from a
small section of bone on the posterior part of the humerus
(upper arm bone) starting about two-thirds of the way
toward the shoulder joint and stopping short of the shoulder joint. The medial head of the triceps brachii is
deep and it is located between the other two heads of the
triceps. It attaches to two-thirds of the upper and posterior
parts of the humerus bone. This muscle head provides
enormous depth to the top part of the triceps muscle
(closer to the shoulder).

Cable French
With A Rope
Be sure to first warm up
your elbows with a couple of
light sets before pulverizing
the triceps with heavier French
presses. Sore elbows will not
help your quest for arm greatness and in fact if your elbows
are painful, this will interfere
with your chest and shoulder
development as well.
1. Attach a rope with two
ends to it like a Y, to the bottom pulley of the weight stack.
2. Stand vertically, facing
away from the pulley station
and grab the rope in both
hands. Place the rope behind
your head. Your elbows and
little fingers should be pointing upward at the ceiling. Your
feet should be placed at
3. Move your upper arms beside your head so that they
are perpendicular to the floor (elbows should point toward
the ceiling). Keep your arms close to your head and pull the
rope upward by straightening the elbows.
4. Slowly lower the rope behind your head and neck.
This should take about three seconds. The elbows should

November 2009


continue to point upward during the descent of the weight

5. Continue to lower the rope behind your head and
neck, until your knuckles just barely contact the upper part
of your trapezius muscle. Pause in this bottom position for a
count of two. In this position, your triceps are fully
stretched, and stretch under a load is a good way to help
encourage muscle growth.
6. Straighten the elbows back to the starting position,
but do this more forcefully, so that it takes about one and a
half seconds to return your hands back to the starting position over your head.
7. Dont straighten your elbows completely, but stop just
short of a full lockout. If you do lock your elbows, you will
eliminate the constant tension that would otherwise be
placed on the triceps and thereby eliminate the greatest
advantage of using a cable machine. Immediately start on
the next repetition and continue in a slow, controlled fashion until the set is completed.
This exercise will particularly pulverize the lateral head
of the triceps just as strongly as the long head.The constant
tension will be particularly difficult to push yourself through
if you have not done much of this before. Be prepared for a
bit of temporary pain, but thinking hardness and ripped
will push you through your pain barrier.
You can get a good stretch of the long head of the triceps muscle if you keep your elbows close together during
the exercise and if you slowly lower the rope behind your
head as far as possible. While the medial head will not be
affected very much by the position of your arms, the effectiveness of activation of the lateral head will be improved if
the elbows are kept closer to the head (it will also be a
harder exercise than if the elbows move away from the side

272 MD

of the head). Do not let the elbows come forward or drift

out to the sides or you will reduce the stretch on the long
head and lateral heads, and transfer much of the work to
the medial head of the triceps.
Cable French presses with a rope will add new shape
and symmetry to your triceps, and one that will stretch the
tape measure to the maximum. The constant tension on
your triceps with this exercise will make your posterior
arms feel like you are literally burning and etching new contours into both the inner long head and outer lateral heads
of your triceps. Maximal development of these heads of the
triceps muscle is important if you want to possess a mindblowing posterior arm, and with cable French Presses, you
are well on your way.
Bazzucchi I, Sbriccoli P, Marzattinocci G and Felici F. Coactivation of
the elbow antagonist muscles is not affected by the speed of movement
in isokinetic exercise. Muscle Nerve, 33: 191-199, 2006.
Bilodeau M. Central fatigue in continuous and intermittent contractions of triceps brachii. Muscle Nerve, 34: 205-213, 2006.
Gjovaag TF and Dahl HA. Effect of training with different intensities
and volumes on muscle fibre enzyme activity and cross sectional area in
the m. triceps brachii. Eur J Appl Physiol, 103: 399-409, 2008.
Ikegawa S, Funato K, Tsunoda N, Kanehisa H, Fukunaga T and
Kawakami Y. Muscle force per cross-sectional area is inversely related
with pennation angle in strength trained athletes. J Strength Cond Res,
22: 128-131, 2008.
Kofler M, Stetkarova I and Wissel J. Nociceptive EMG suppression in
triceps brachii muscle in humans. Clin Neurophysiol, 115: 1052-1056,
Moore, K.L. and A.F. Dalley. Clinically-oriented Anatomy, Fourth
Edition. 1999, Lippinot, Williams & Wilkins, pp. 720-781
Popadic Gacesa JZ, Kozic DB, Dragnic NR, Jakovljevic DG, Brodie DA
and Grujic NG. Changes of functional status and volume of triceps
brachii measured by magnetic resonance imaging after maximal resistance training. J Magn Reson Imaging, 29: 671-676, 2009.
Standring, Susan, Grays Anatomy, text, 39th edition, CV Mosby,
Churchill Livingstone, 2005.

November 2009

By Team MuscleTech Research and Development


Ive been doing some

research on the benefits
of increased testosterone for muscle and strength gains. But Im
confused once testosterone is
increased, how do I know my muscles are absorbing it?


Im glad to see youre doing

your research on increasing
testosterone. Testosterone has been
studied by the medical community for
decades, and its without question one
of the most powerful hormones in the
human body. Its true that increased
testosterone levels lead to an environment that is extremely conducive to
muscle and strength gains. However,
very few products have been designed
to increase testosterone levels and
help bodybuilders, like you, benefit

274 MD

from this increase.

There are a number of testosterone-boosting products on the market, but the majority of them are onedimensional in that they may
increase testosterone, but theyre not
designed to help your muscles utilize
it. Thats why you should use a dualphase testosterone booster that is
not only designed to boost testosterone levels, but also engineered to
drive the testosterone into your muscles through increased androgen
receptor concentration.
Team MuscleTech researchers kept
this in mind when they formulated the
most innovative testosterone booster

ever CryoTest . They utilized a powerful compound based on research that

was published in the Journal of the
International Society of Sports

Nutrition. This compound was shown

to increase testosterone to maximum
physiological levels in only 14 days!
This level represents the highest level
of testosterone within the normal male
range anything higher would be supraphysiological. Additionally, this compound was also shown to decrease
DHT levels. As you already know, an
increase in dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
can lead to negative side effects like
acne and baldness.
In addition to boosting testosterone
levels, its crucial to drive that testosterone into your muscles. This is why
Team MuscleTech formulated CryoTest
with another cutting-edge compound
that was researched at the University
of Connecticut. This compound is scientifically proven to increase androgen
receptor concentration, which can lead
to more testosterone
being absorbed by
your muscles. This
final step is what
separates CryoTest
from the other
testosterone boosters on the market.
Testosterone is no
joke. If youre serious
about bodybuilding,
then its essential that
you maximize testosterone and drive it
into muscles. With
CryoTest you can do
just that, giving you
the extraordinary benefit of creating an
environment that promotes rapid muscle
growth! If youre
ready to experience
the raw power of
testosterone, get on
CryoTest. !

November 2009

By Gregg Valentino

The following is uncensored/

unedited and in no way reflects
the opinions of the staff of
Muscular Development. Who the
hell knows what this guy might
say... hes a mental freak. This
article is for entertainment purposes only.
Welcome to Loser-ville.
Population: YOU!!!!..YEAH,
Welcome to the toilet I call
home!.Please come on inmy sink
is your urinal!!!!!!.AHHH, WHY DO
I EVEN BOTHER, Youre all just like a
pay toilet, you dont give a shit for
nothing!!!.Yo, am I truly nothing???...Could my father and all the
neighborhood children be
right????.Yo, I called my father
the other day and he said to me, Hey
Gregg, I saw your magazine column
on the newsstand today.. So I
asked him, Which column was it,
Ramblin Freak or
My dad then shouted to my sister,
Hey, what was the name of that
magazine column Gregg writes that I
dont like????..DAMN, I KNEW
A SUCCESS!!!!....Hey, I spent 7 years
in high school, trust me Im NO

278 MD


Sanity is the playground for the
unimaginative, sometimes its better
to be a little bit crazy than just a little bit smart!!!.wink wink, YA
>>>Youre born, you suck your mothers you get a little older,
you suck your girlfriends tits.then
when your dumb-ass gets married,
you suck your wifes tits....HENCE


in 8th grade my mom caught me with
a dresser draw full of S&M porno November 2009

magazines.she punished me by
bending me over her knee and spanking my bare ass till her hand was
hurting so bad she had to stop.but
all it did was piss me off because she
could have switched hands and
spanked me some more!!!!...wink.If
you cant keep it in your pants, then
keep it in your family!!!
Confucius say: >Man who
scratches his ass should not bite fingernails..Valentino Says > FUCK
THAT, Its my ass and my fingernails, I dont care. Im still gonna
bite them!!!
DA-HOUSE!!! Well, I chalked up
some more Frequent Loser Miles

280 MD


Anyway, Dr. Colker X-rayed my
head and found nothing!!!....I even
made a joke >> I showed my boy Dr.
Colker a few gray hairs on my head
(the few hairs I got up there) and said
to him, Hey Carlon, Im now officially one year from 50 years old , I even
got the few gray hairs on my head to
prove it, soon Ill be old enough to
collect Social Security!!!.... Thats
when Mercedes said, Gregg, why
dont you just show him your dead
dick so you can also get
disability!!!.TYPICAL WOMAN,

Dolly Partons bra
strapsIt has a job
to do, but at times I
feel its totally incapable of doing it!!!!
THESE DAYS, The strongest thing I
put into my body are sausage and
peppers!!!YUM!!!.. RIGHT NOW MY
Dolly Partons bra strapsIt has a
job to do, but at times I feel its totally incapable of doing it!!!!


DR. COLKER, Hey Carlon thats the
best use of fat since the invention of
Abacadabra!!!...AAhhh, fuck.
Gregg, it didnt work.youre still


GOING. Lets play horse, you can be
the front end and I can be myself
those idiot savants, except without
the savant part!!!

282 MD


>>Spartan King Leonidas FROM THE
MOVIE 300.Spartans! Prepare
for glory, MARK ALVISI is the 2009
breakfast and eat hearty...for

tonight, we dine in hell!!!! MARK

Coleman was walking on Hollywood
Blvd. when all of a sudden King
Kong jumped out of Graumans
Chinese Theater and grabbed big
Ronnie, dragging the ex-Mr.
Olympia into a nearby dark
alley.60 seconds later, only one of
them came walking out.and it
wasnt the ape!!!.Bad news for
King Kong fans!!! in peace,
King Kong!!!!....THE MORAL OF
MOTTO IS, Drive it like you stole it,
OUCH!!!....I guess opppression and
harassment is a good price to pay
to live in the Land of the



284 MD


The road to success is always
under construction.If Ronnie
succeeds, there are many
rewardsBUT, if he loses he can
always retire and write a book!!!

now make like a fetus and get out
of this mother.YO, TILL NEXT
MONTH.FUCK OFF. November 2009

By Anthony L. Almada, MSc, FISSN

Shred of Evidence
Show Me The Proof!


286 MD

Another 18 minutes later (I timed

it), he pushed his plate away and I
thought, Wait for it He started
rubbing his left pec with his right
hand and I could tell through the
tent-like shirt he was flexing it. He
then started scrutinizing his forearms with his eyes, as if he was
sprouting hair a l The Wolf Man. I
asked with a very innocent, unknowing voice, What are you doing? (I
knew what was happening.) Are
you all right? The big man
replied, with a tone of fearful excitement, almost shakingly stating, I
dont know what the $#@^ is going
on right now, but I feel totally
pumped in my pecs, my forearms,
even my lats and I didnt train any
of these body parts today!
I probed with a question few
would be willing to ask his
Largeness. Are you living better
through chemistry this month?
NO! he blasted back. I removed
the veil of ignorance and offered,
Do you want my take on this
pump youre feeling? He nodded
so positively that I felt the wind
come off his head as it jutted up and
down. OK, as I pulled out a pen
and snagged a large piece of paper
from my folder. Im going to walk
you through this and maybe youll
think differently in relation to what

November 2009


Ill have the 16-oz. Porterhouse,

with a double order of roasted
jumbo potatoes and would you
please bring some more bread?
This was the utterance from my
good, large friend, all 265 pounds of
him mostly muscle, but not yet
ready for any posing trunks. When
did you abandon the carbophobic
diet? I tossed in, half in semiamazement and half wanting to stir
the pot into a juicy chat. Last week I
decided to give up low-carb dieting
and see if it improved my training
intensity and recovery. This is my
first HIGH-carb meal. I calculated a
payload of over 80 grams of protein
and 300 grams of carbs.
The slab o steak and pool table
rack of potatoes arrived 18 minutes
later almost too late to contain my
chatty, ravenous dining partner. I sat
back in amazement for a solid four
minutes watching him lean over
his plate and morph into an eating
machine. He was speechless only
because he was fixated on his food,
like a lion devouring a fresh kill, the
only difference being his reassurance that no one would try to take it
away from him. His head then
popped up, like a marine mammal
ascending from the depths, and he
breached with, Arent you going to

you eat before and after you train.

On the paper, I drew a sketch of a
muscle belly (obvious to my friend)
and at a right angle next to it, I drew
what looked like the schematic of
teams competing in a series of playoff games: 32 teams going to 16, to
8, to 4 and then the last 2 into the
final game. At the bottom of this
drawing, I added in a thick, separate
line that started from the final 2
teams and then followed along to
the starting 32. This made him look
like a confused puppy, to which I
said, These are the blood vessels
that feed your muscle. Blood flows
in the opposite direction, though
from the final two teams to the starting 32.
A few inches across from that, I
drew what looked like a raisin. I then
drew a one-way arrow from the
shriveled grape to the big 32 teams
network. This is your pancreas [the
raisin], which makes and releases
insulin and is represented by the
arrow. The insulin enters the blood
and then is delivered to the muscle
through the 32 teams network, I finished. So whats going on why
am I so pumped up right now?! he
I told him that exercise and eating
certain foods or meals produce a
similar response: increases in blood
flow and direction of blood to supply
nutrients and hormones (like
insulin). He lived for muscle pumps
during training he could relate, but
not from eating he had been lowcarbing for most of his past two
years with the exception of the
two shows he had been in, in the
previous year.
I told him that eating mixed
meals, or any food that produces a
notable insulin spike, could divert
blood from the thick line the minimal amount of blood supplying
muscles at rest or away from
meals to the thin lines, where the
32 and 16 teams were playing. This
32 teams drawing kinda looks like a

Shred of Evidence Show Me The Proof!

candle holder or a menorah and the
ends where all the candles represent
the ends of the blood vessels that feed
the muscles, he added smartly. He was
getting it.
I then told him that the feeling of
muscle fullness or pump he noticed
was related to insulin opening up blood
vessels and also increasing the flow of
blood and nutrients through them. If
the blood vessels are delivering more
insulin, glucose (from digested/absorbed carbs), amino acids, and
other nutrients, the effects of these
would be accelerated and amplified:
anti-catabolic and anabolic responses. I
then shared with him that blocking the
synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) not only
reduces the nutrient blood flow ampli3
fication it also reduces the anabol4
ic/anti-catabolic actions of insulin.
I knew he was understanding
my shabby tabletop art project
despite him continuing to look at
his forearms and squeeze his
pecs when he asked, If I took a
NO product, would that help?
Good question, I replied.
Arginine could do this; arginine
AKG has not been tested for this and
did not increase muscle pumps, and Lcitrulline may be your best bet if you
take anything because it raises blood
arginine higher than rapid or sustained
release L-arginine itself. But your best
bet is to simply combine some carbs
with your protein shake or eat mixed
meals carbs and protein given that
the insulin spike is the key driver.
Spiking your insulin before training
could also augment muscle pumps. I
for insulin is your connection to NO,
and to muscle pumps and nutrient
My friend smiled as if he had just
found a new exercise that created an
intense pump.
1. Baron AD, et al. Diabetes, 2000;49:76874.
2. Vincent MA, et al. Am J Physiol
Endocrinol Metab, 2006;290:E1191-7.
3. Clark MG. Am J Physiol Endocrinol
Metab, 2008;295:732-50.
4. Timmerman KL, et al. FASEB J,
5. Schwedhelm E, et al. Br J Clin
Pharmacol, 2007;65:51-9.
6. Tipton KD, et al. Am J Physiol
Endocrinol Metab, 2001;281:197-206.

288 MD

November 2009


By Oscar Ardon

The Secrets
to Becoming
A Champion

any years ago, I picked up

my first bodybuilding
magazine and began my
journey into the world of bodybuilding. From the pages of the magazines, champions sprang to life in
my imagination. Never had I seen
larger-than-life humans pushing
monstrous poundages and looking
huge, and so unreal that shivers ran
down my spine.
Man, this is awesome! I said to
myself. I thought, All I have to do is
follow the way they train, the way
they eat, copy their habits and very
soon I could look like them. I was
willing eat whatever, train superhard and I felt that in no time I
would look just like them. It seemed
so simple then. You became a champion by training hard, eating right
and winning contests.
After years passed, I observed
that many bodybuilders who made
it into the magazines enjoyed the
limelight for a short time, then vanished while others never made it
at all, and very few went on to win
many competitions and established
themselves among the elite in the
world of bodybuilding. What made
one man fall behind while the other
was propelled to the top?
Men like Lee Labrada beat physical giants like Paul Dillett, or guys
like Silvio Samuel beat huge mon-

290 MD

sters like Toney Freeman. Then there

were those who never lived up to the
hype or potential like Chris Cook,
Matt Mendenhall, Edgar Fletcher,
Franco Santoriello, and many more.
It wasnt until I began preparing
for my first contest in 1989 that I
learned how many errors, mistakes
and obstacles accompanied contest
preparation. It became more apparent when I began coaching others for

competitions. I realized that you

must pull from your inner strength
and draw upon all your genetic
potential and talent to pull your
physique together, dial it in and present it in perfect peak shape on contest day. What were the underlying
things that held it all together so that
you come in at your best on contest
day, and win? Your mind, your
thoughts, and your attitude.

November 2009



Throughout my 20-plus years of

involvement in the sport, I have
learned that real bodybuilding success
depends on the way we think. Maybe
you have heard the following phrases,
Thoughts become things, As you
think, so shall you be, or We become
what we think about all day long.
Bodybuilding and self-image are
intertwined. They feed off each other. If
we like or approve of the way we look
and feel, we create a strong positive
self-image. This is developed by constantly having and enforcing positive
thoughts, positive feelings, expectations and experiences.
How do we do this? Its very simple.
We do this by beginning to think of the
way we want to look or repeatedly
reaffirming to yourself that you are
getting bigger, better, leaner, more
conditioned and more symmetrical.
The mind is like a VCR storing all life
experiences and information received
from your five senses. When you have
a doubt or feel unsure about yourself,
replay an experience that made you
feel awesome like a real winner. This
visualization can be of the time you
won or placed well at a show, or when
you had a great training session.
Positive and empowering thoughts
create a positive and powerful individual. Negative thoughts do the oppoNovember 2009

site. If you dont think good or positive

thoughts about yourself and if you
dont like yourself, who else will?

The Power of
Proper Mindset
The elite athletes of any sport have
spoken highly about the power of
proper mindset, or the mind being the
most important factor that allowed
them to succeed. You can go on
YouTube and find interviews with Tiger
Woods, Michael Jordan, Muhammad
Ali, Michael Phelps and Arnold
Schwarzenegger, all crediting their success to the power of the mind. It is
their mind that created their beliefs. It
is their beliefs that created no limits for
them. And backed up by hard work,
drive and determination, they rose to
the top of their sport unchallenged
and unbeaten. It is not only in sports. It
is in music, art, movies anything that
was created by human hands had to
first be a thought and believed in the
human mind.
So how do we tap into the part of
the human mind and create the ideal
life for us, and attract everything we
always desired? By following a few
simple steps. These steps have been
used since the beginning of time. They
have been used to create fire, create
the wheel, create pyramids, and to cre-

ate the Internet.

And more things are
being created. The
human mind has allowed
men to go to the moon and
return to Earth safely. It is by
harnessing the power of the
mind that we can create anything
we desire in our life.
The first step is to make a choice,
or decide what you want or who you
want to be. It could be a goal, a
desired outcome, or what I like to call
the end result. In this first step, you
are stating what you want or desire
to manifest in your life. For example,
it could be winning your upcoming
show in four months. Make the goal
believable for you. One tool that I
have learned from coaching others
to reach their goals is to buy a spiral
notebook and write down what your
goals are. Write these goals daily to
impress them in your subconscious
mind. By simply doing this for 30
days, something will begin to happen. You will start to make progress
and begin to attract energy and
resources into your life to help you
achieve your goals. You will make
progress at a rapid rate so fast that it
will seem a little scary. Everything will
begin to change in a very positive way.
In every case this has been done, this
has worked miraculously well. By writing down your goals every day, you
will change your life.
Here are some rules on how to
write down your goals. Your goal must
be written and described in the positive, present, and personal tense. Your
subconscious mind is only activated
by affirmative statements phrased in
the present tense. You, therefore, write
down your goals as though you
already accomplished them. Dont
worry about how the goal is going to
be reached. Just state your goal and
write it in your journal as if it already
occurred. As time passes, the how will
be answered.
Writing down your goals and goalsetting are your first steps in success
in any undertaking. Have you ever
wondered why so many worked so
hard and honestly, without achieving
anything in particular? And others
dont seem to work hard, yet they
seem to get everything?
They have the magic touch, or
Everything he touches turns to

MD 291

gold. Youve heard these phrases
before. Have you ever noticed that
a man who becomes successful
tends to continue to become successful? On the other hand, have
you noticed how a person who is a
failure tends to continue to fail?
Its because of goals. Some of us
have them, some dont. Some people with goals succeed because
they know where they are going.
Now think of a ship leaving a
harbor with a complete voyage
map and plan. The captain and
crew know exactly where its going
and how long it will take. Now lets
take another ship just like the first.
Only lets not put a captain or a
crew at the helm. Lets give it no
aiming point, no goal, and no destination. Well just start the engines
and let it go. I think you would
agree that if it gets out of the harbor at all, it would either sink or
end up on some deserted beach,
as a derelict. It cant go anyplace
because it doesnt have guidance
or destination. Its the same thing
with a human being.
The second step is belief or
what some people call unwavering faith that their goal will occur
and manifest. Belief is the cornerstone of our society. It is also the
center of all religions. You must
trust and know that your goal will
be attained. See your goals being
achieved in your thoughts.
Envision them. This is when we
begin to visualize and create
images in our minds to support
our beliefs.
The two best times of the day
to visualize are upon rising in the
morning and before you go to bed
at night. These are the two times
when you are uninterrupted and
can spend at least 10 minutes
focusing on the end result. If your
goal is to win your upcoming
show or event, envision yourself
onstage in the best condition of
your life, and your name being
called out for first place. Looking
out into the audience, see your
family proud of you. Doing this
twice daily will intensify your
belief and create a clear vision in
your mind.

292 MD

Making Your Goals

A Reality
If you stop at step two, then you
will only be a dreamer. Too many
stop there. They do not understand
the necessity of present action in
realizing the vision, and bringing
their goals into manifestation.
So the third step is action. Take
action to achieve your goal. If it is to
lose body fat, and get in shape, then
begin to implement a cardio program
or begin a diet or hire a trainer/coach
to guide you. By simply meditating,
wishing or only visualizing but taking no action you will never reach
your goal. You must take steps
toward your goal or take actions that
will get you closer to what you want.
Lastly, the only quality that
absolutely guarantees success in
business, sports, and in life is this
indomitable willpower and the willingness to stick to it when everything
in you wants to stop and rest or go
back and do something else.
Successful people keep moving forward even if they make mistakes.
They dont quit. So, the last step in
this process is perseverance.
We all face obstacles or adversities, despite our best efforts.
Whenever we embark on attaining a
goal, we soon begin to face difficulties
and challenges that may make attaining the goal difficult. The higher and
the more challenging the goal you set
for yourself, the more disappointment
and adversity you will experience. It is
impossible to grow to our full potential, except to the degree that we face
adversity and learn from it. All of the
great lessons in life come as a result
of setbacks and temporary defeats,
which we have done our best to
avoid. Adversity is the test that you
must pass to accomplish anything
An ancient Roman poet said,
Adversity has the effect of eliciting
talents, which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.
The very best qualities of strength,
courage, character and persistence
are brought out in you when you
face your greatest challenges, and
you respond to them positively and
Everyone faces difficulties every

step of the way. The difference

between the high achiever and the
low achiever is simply that the high
achiever utilizes adversity and struggles for growth, while the low achiever allows difficulty and adversity to
overwhelm them.
The way you respond to disappointment is usually an accurate
predictor of how likely you are to
achieve great success. If you
respond to disappointment by learning the very most from it, then by
putting it behind you and pressing
forward, youre very likely to accomplish great things in the course of
your life. Your greater successes
almost always come one step
beyond when everything inside of
you says to quit. So never give up,
press on ahead and give it your
absolute best shot.
These are my steps to achieve
success in anything you do, and
these are the secrets to becoming a
great champion. Now its up to you.
I have given you the same tools that
I have given many champions who
have come before you. You can
embrace it and change your life. You
can attain everything that has eluded you your whole life.

For Kai Greene,

Nothing Is Impossible
Im writing this months column
from Las Vegas, approximately five
weeks before the Mr. Olympia. I have
been here for the past two weeks
training my star pupil, Kai Greene,
who has embraced my principles and
changed his life. In 2006, he was
placing 20 in the Iron Man and 19
in the New York Pro. In three short
years, by following my teachings and
working hard, he has won four pro
shows including the Arnold Classic.
He is now one of the favorites to win
the Mr. Olympia.
So, I leave it up to you. Do you
think that mindset and mind principles work? Or do you still need more
proof? If you do, then come to Las
Vegas on September 25-26 for the
Mr. Olympia contest and watch Kai
Greene prove that with the proper
mindset, strong belief, and perseverance nothing is impossible. Go
Team MD! !

November 2009

By Thomas OConnor, M.D.

Who Is The
Anabolic Doc?
I was wondering if you could tell us a little about who
you are, what type of people you work with and what
your column is going to focus on?
My name is Dr. Tom OConnor. I am
board-certified in internal medicine. I
am 44 years old and I am a physician
and a competitive powerlifter who
competes at the National level. I have
benched-pressed over 500 pounds as a
masters lifter. I did my pre-med studies
at Syracuse University and then went
to the Guadalajara University of
Medicine. I completed my medical
studies at New York Medical College.
As my thirst for knowledge grew, I
conducted my residency training in
internal medicine at the University Of
Connecticut School Of Medicine.
I currently work there as a clinical
instructor of medicine, educating medical students and residents in many
areas of clinical medicine.This makes
me without a doubt the strongest

I am bench pressing more in my 40s than many of you in

your 20s could only dream of. I will teach you the real
secrets of getting stronger in the gym not like many of
the bullshit programs that flood bodybuilding magazines,
that have no scientific basis.
294 MD

November 2009


academic medical doctor in the world!

The reality is that there are tens of
thousands of men (and women) using
anabolic agents, and their health is suffering. These are drugs! Is there a doctor in the house?
My special medical practice focuses
mainly on athletes of all sports who
are using pharmaceuticals to enhance
their performance. My job is to take
athletes, powerlifters and now bodybuilders and keep them healthy that
is the bottom line.
The reality of sports is that performance-enhancing drugs is the name of
the game. Whether they drug test or
not, athletes and lifters of all sports will
take steroids and whatever else they
can get their hands on, to improve
their performance. Plus, it doesnt matter if its illegal or not, athletes will do
whatever it takes even risk being
locked in a jail cell, to get bigger arms
and run faster.
An anabolic community the
group of athletes/bodybuilders using
drugs to improve their performance
needs a medical figurehead whom
they can trust. A real active clinical
physician who will understand them

and protect their health! NO MORE

BULLSHIT! How many times have you
gone to your doctor and told him/her
that you are using steroids only to
have him look down on you and tell
you to get off them, because it will kill
you with absolutely no medical or
scientific rationale behind his condemnations?
Does this physician try to protect
your health and try to wean you to
prescription testosterone? He should!
As a physician, he also has an obligation to make sure you are healthy. And
he lets you walk out the door with dangerous levels of blood pressure and
other metabolic problems unaddressed! This plea is so crucial, and
has fallen on deaf ears NO MORE!
I am here to change all of that and I
OF YOUR HEALTH! I will guide you,
and there is no FDA ban on listening to
a person on anabolic steroids and giving advice on how to protect their
health! As a matter of fact, this is what
the medical community should be
doing! We take better care of heroin
addicts than we do our fathers, broth-

ers and husbands who are on anabolic

steroids! And when I treat your blood
pressure and other metabolic conditions, you will be stronger not to
mention, youll avoid a stroke or heart
attack later!
I have seen it all! Trust me, I have
the biggest and strongest SOBs in the
world, and I feel like a kid in a candy
shop to be with them! And I know all
the dirty underground issues that
these men are going through and I
have learned how to protect them! It
has taken years, both in the medical
wards and in the most hardcore
sweatshop gyms all over the world!
I work with many pharmaceuticallyenhanced athletes, because I am sick
and tired of the bullshit and utter lies
in the media that attack steroid users,
defaming their characters for little
more than wanting to be the best and
perform at the highest level.
Right now in the United States,
there is no other medical doctor qualified and board-certified in internal
medicine who understands the arcane
medical issues related to anabolic
steroid use. I am willing to take a
stand and defend our brothers in iron
and also maintain their health with
their chosen path in life. That is their
right and guess what? Anabolic
steroid use is on the rise!
I am ashamed of other doctors
who go along with the media circus
and scrutinize athletes who want to
improve their performance and
physiques through responsible steroid
use. I am taking a stand as a doctor
first and a hardcore powerlifter second, who will stick up and defend the
bodybuilder and strength athlete
even though I will get attacked by the
November 2009

media and fellow colleagues in the medical

Let it be known that I
never break any laws! I
just heal. Would I be so
stupid to do this, only to
get investigated and shut
down? I am proud that I
spend hours with my private lifter patients and
care for them in a fashion
that leads to improved
health! I am not some
bullshit anti-aging doctor!
I only take patients who
are very serious about
their life and health and want me to
keep them healthy!
I am the future of bridging the
medical community with chemicallyenhanced athletes. I am the medical
figurehead of the anabolic community who will do my best to help educate you on side effects and maintaining optimal health from a medical
perspective. As for the people I work
with, they come from all sports. I have
many world-class powerlifters who
work with me. I am talking about guys
who are squatting over 1,000 pounds
and benching over 800. I also have in
my roster some top-level strongmen
who have competed in the Worlds
Strongest Man competitions.
I work with the biggest and
strongest men who walk the planet
and they put their trust in me to optimize their health. I have also recently
taken on some professional bodybuilders and fitness competitors. The
majority of my clientele are men, but
I do also work with women as well.
Our sisters in iron also need very
specific care in relation to male hormonal supplementation and to minimize side effects. Of course, I cannot divulge these names because
of the privacy policy I am committed to, but you can be assured that
I am working with the upper echelon of athletes in the United States
and Canada. I am willing to work
with athletes of any sport who
need true medical care from a doctor
who knows the drugs that they use
inside and out, and not just from a
medical textbook point of view.
For those of you who decide to be
one of my clients, you can talk to me
about anything and everything. What


You will be
to my
to what is
going on in
this media
war on
that is taking place
in this

you will tell me will

be confidential, discreet and professional.
Even for the most hardcore
users, dont be shy. If you are
using a gram of testosterone
per day and running 16 IU of GH
daily, I will not make you feel like
your current doctor. I will not lecture
you on how you are going to die
tomorrow and all the other drama
many other doctors are known for.
I am here to stand by you, help
you, heal you, and do all in my power
to make sure you stay healthy. It is in
my utmost concern to do my best to
protect your health from every angle
possible. The anabolic community
needs a real MD who has the experience with internal medicine in relation
to performance-enhancing drugs on
the scale I have dealt with in my practice.
I also work with the aging population of the United States. As you
know, the baby boomers is a very
large segment of society, and with
them becoming ever interested in hormone replacement therapy, I have my
hands full. I am an expert in mens
health issues and understand
endocrinology and its relationship to
supplementation with testosterone
therapy. I work with many individuals
who are not lifters but come to me to
monitor their hormone and blood profiles. So as you can see, I work with a
wide range of clientele, from profes

sional athletes to senior citizens, who want to feel 18 again

through clinical hormonal therapy.
Now my column is going to be
very well-rounded and will cover
many areas. As a medical doctor, I will
MD 295

be touching on different health conditions and even case studies of my
patients to help educate you like never
before. I will discuss true clinical cases
of what I do with my patients and
report this progress in my column. I
will relate these clinical vignettes
through evidenced-based medicine. I
will also discuss my advanced knowledge of power training because I have
the credentials to back this up as well.
I am bench pressing more in my
40s than many of you in your 20s
could only dream of. I will teach you
the real secrets of getting stronger in
the gym not like many of the bullshit programs that flood bodybuilding
magazines, that have no scientific
basis. If you think cable crossovers
and incline dumbbell flyes will make
you improve your bench, you have
another think coming! I will go indepth on advanced Soviet and
Bulgarian-era training methodologies
that will not only increase your
strength, but will help pack on more
dense muscle than ever before. I will
also discuss performance enhancement with you and what is really
going on in the sports scene.
I really love when I hear a pro
bodybuilder telling people that his
heaviest stack he ever did was about
800 milligrams total of testosterone
and 2 IU of GH before going into the
Olympia, and how he is some genetic
freak. I will even discuss different
stacks in relation to what people are
doing, and answer your anabolic performance questions. If you want to
believe fairy tales like the above scenario, then my column is not for you!
If you are that gullible, I have a bridge
in New York that I want to sell you.
Just so you know, I am a supernice guy, but dont try and bullshit a
bullshitter. I am frank and to the
point, so dont piss on my leg and
tell me its raining because I am not
an idiot. I can be your best buddy but
I can also be the biggest ball-breaker
you ever met. I know what goes on
behind the scenes because I have
lived this in my gym life and in my
medical practice. This magazine is
based on a No Bullshit stance and
you can bet your bottom dollar I will
not bullshit you, either. I am going to
give you the cold, hard facts and I
am not afraid to tell it like it is.

296 MD

and Uncensored

I will also discuss holistic nutrition, anti-aging techniques and life

extension ideas. I have vast amounts
of knowledge in areas that bodybuilders have never even heard of to
help improve their performance and
even prevent side effects from
steroid use. The art of holistic nutrition is something that I have not
seen touched in bodybuilding magazines, and is an area that I have profound knowledge in.

My special medical
practice focuses mainly
on athletes of all sports
who are using pharmaceuticals to enhance
their performance. My
job is to take athletes,
powerlifters and now
bodybuilders and keep
them healthy that is
the bottom line.
I combine cutting-edge medicine
from the East and the West to provide you with the best of both
worlds. Nothing I hate more is when
I see a doctor prescribe medication
for a health condition, only to totally
ignore the nutritional aspect of that
condition, which in the large majority of cases plays a huge role. I will
teach you true clinical anabolic
steroid medicine from the science
end and also from the reality of what
athletes use and their doses.
I will teach you the secrets of
health and longevity so that you avoid
side effects before they start. I will be
discussing and answering questions
that may be inclined for some begin-

ners as well as those veteran users

looking to learn more advanced information. I will also discuss the reality
of the drugs in sports agenda. If you
think I will keep my mouth shut on
what is going on in the media in this
country, then think again. I am outspoken and straightforward and rest
assured, you will be listening to my
response to what is currently going
on in this media war on anabolics
that is taking place in this country. You
can look forward to some really cutting-edge stuff on this front.
To gain further trust in my abilities,
you also should know that I am wellversed in the reality this anabolic culture. I am not a doctor who is all textbooks, but then has little
understanding what the reality is of
what is going on. I have my ear to the
street and have spent my time in
gyms all across this country. The
main reason why you can put your
faith in me is the fact that I know
these pharmaceuticals from a medical perspective, but I also understand
them on a level that relates to what is
currently going on with professional
athletes. I am in touch with this reality and can relate to this on a personal
Lastly, you can expect many of the
stories I have lived and experienced
in my time in the Iron Game. I have
been in this for over 30 years and I
have seen it all. I have lived in
Amsterdam as well as different parts
of Europe, but I currently live in
Connecticut. You will love some of the
stories that I will bring you in upcoming issues about my time in the RedLight District and that is a guarantee.
You can look forward to some really
interesting information from a wide
variety of topics that will be candid,
uncensored and in its rawest form.
You can rest assured that I will share
with you many crazy gym antics and
hardcore steroid stories that will truly
I am a medical doctor who lives in
the trenches of the underground culture of strength and performance
enhancement. I dont just talk the talk;
I can also walk the walk so get
ready for one crazy ride!
For more information on what I do,
see my website November 2009


By Seth Roberts, M.A.

Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their effects. Anabolic pharmacology is the study of drugs that have growth-promoting effects on muscle. This
column will explore anabolic pharmacology by profiling a different anabolic drug and its effects each month. The focus of discussion this month will be the
anabolic androgenic steroid, Dianabol.



ethandrostenolone is a derivative of testosterone, with double bonds at the 1 and 4

positions, as well as being C-17 alpha alkylated. Methandrostenolone was originally produced
under the tradename Dianabol, by which it is often
referred. Dbol has been one of the most popular oral
androgens ever since its release. It has the reputation of
being a very effective anabolic steroid (especially in
combination with deca durabolin), with fairly rapid
weight gain, bloating and a marked increase in appetite.
There has been some disagreement over whether Dbol
converts to estrogenic metabolites.

298 MD

Though there is little evidence in the literature, it is pretty apparent from anecdotal experience that Dbol is in fact
converted to methylestradiol to some degree.
Gynecomastia appears to be quite common with the use of
this steroid. There is evidence in the literature of the formation of 5-alpha (and 5-beta) reduced metabolites from
methandrostenolone and this is expressed in the fact that
Dbol is considered to be quite androgenic.
The 5-alpha reduced form of methandrostenolone,
methyl-1-test, is known for inducing massive bloating and
high blood pressure at higher doses, likely as a result of
inhibition of the 11-beta hydroxylase enzyme. SHBG binding of this drug is moderate, so a good portion of the
absorbed quantity of this drug circulates in the free state.
The binding affinity of methandrostenolone is low and
people have speculated that it acts through a non-AR mediated effect. A more recent journal article has shown that
even though the binding affinities of some AAS are low,
they are still adequate to activate the receptor. Additionally,
methandrostenolone has several active metabolites that
likely have more potent AR affinity.
There is a small amount of interaction with the progesterone receptor, but no direct effect on the glucocorticoid
receptor. This steroid has been shown to increase levels of
CBG, while at the same time, increasing serum cortisol and
non-protein bound cortisol levels. This could be the mechanism for the marked increase in appetite seen by those

November 2009

using Dbol.
Increase in the level of CBG is a common effect with
estrogenic compounds, while androgens tend to
decrease CBG levels, demonstrating the propensity of
methandrostenolone to convert to methylestradiol. The
increased cortisol levels could also contribute to the
extreme amounts of water retention that users experience with this drug.
Dbol decreases TBG levels less than fluoxymesterone
but with a slightly greater increase in TBPA.
Methandrostenolone is orally-active, due to the presence
of the C-17 methyl group. As such, this compound is livertoxic, but many do not consider it to be much of a concern, because users tend to consume doses in the 20 to
30 mg range and some report Dbol to be effective in
doses as low as 5 mg per day.
A study in the literature reported a gain of just over 5
pounds with just three weeks of methandrostenolone
dosed at only 5 mg twice daily. Larger doses are not
uncommon (up to 100 mg per day) but with larger doses,
liver toxicity could become a concern. This drug has been
shown to build up red blood cells in a similar manner to
most other androgens with similar efficacy.
Seth Roberts is a former pharmaceutical research scientist,
with over 10 years of pharmacological research in the discovery
and development of novel therapeutics. Seths new book, ANABOLIC PHARMACOLOGY, is available at
[Seth Roberts, 2009. All rights reserved. For informational
purposes only, not to be considered as medical advice or an
endorsement of the use of illegal substances.]

1. Schanzer W: Metabolism of anabolic androgenic steroids. Clin
Chem, Jul;42(7):1001-20, 1996.
2. Schanzer W, Delahaut P, Geyer H, Machnik M, Horning S: Longterm detection and identification of metandienone and stanozolol abuse
in athletes by gas chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry.
J Chromatogr B Biomed Appl, Dec 6;687(1):93-108, 1996.
3. Schanzer W, Geyer H, Donike M: Metabolism of metandienone in
man: identification and synthesis of conjugated excreted urinary
metabolites, determination of excretion rates and gas chromatographicmass spectrometric identification of bis-hydroxylated metabolites.
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, Apr;38(4):441-64, 1991.
4. Mass R, Bi HG, Ayotte C, Du P, Glinas H, Dugal R. Studies on
anabolic steroids. V. Sequential reduction of methandienone and structurally related steroid A-ring substituents in humans: gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric study of the corresponding urinary metabolites. J Chromatogr, 562(1-2):323-40, 1991.
5. Saartok T, Dahlberg E, Gustafsson JA: Relative binding affinity of
anabolic-androgenic steroids: comparison of the binding to the androgen receptors in skeletal muscle and in prostate, as well as to sex hormone-binding globulin. Endocrinology, Jun;114(6):2100-6, 1984.
6. Bickov M, Hampl R, Strka L. Binding of synthetic anabolic
steroids to testosterone-estradiol binding globulin and to rat prostate
cytosol. Endocrinol Exp, 11(2):85-90, 1977.
7. Feldkoren BI, Andersson S. Anabolic-androgenic steroid interaction
with rat androgen receptor in vivo and in vitro: a comparative study.
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, 94(5):481-7, 2005.
8. Barbosa J, Seal US, Doe RP: Effects of anabolic steroids on hormone-binding proteins, serum cortisol and serum nonprotein-bound
cortisol. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, Feb;32(2):232-40, 1971.
9. Johnson LC, OShea JP. Anabolic steroid: effects on strength
development. Science, 164(882):957-9, 1969.
10. Sanchez-Medal L, Gomez-Leal A, Duarte L, Guadalupe Rico M.
Anabolic androgenic steroids in the treatment of acquired aplastic anemia. Blood, 34(3):283-300, 1969.


By William Llewellyn

ANABOLICS Q&A is a monthly session with William Llewellyn, author of the bestselling anabolic
steroid reference guide, William Llewellyns ANABOLICS, 9 th edition. William is widely regarded as
one of the worlds foremost authorities on the use of performance-enhancing substances by athletes
and bodybuilders. If you have a drug or supplement-related question that you would like to direct to
William, dont hold back. Please e-mail it to William will answer the
most interesting and pertinent questions right here each month.

Lyka Dianabol

302 MD

much and how pure it is

would be anyones
guess. Remember,
there are always risks
with underground
products beyond
dosage, such as the potential for heavy metal
or other drug contamination.

Does Gyno Return?

Q: Can gynecomastia return after my mammary
gland has been removed from surgery? I specifically
want to know if it will return if I take steroids (e.g.,
testosterone, Anadrol) again.
A: It is possible to have gynecomastia return. First, you
need to understand there are usually two things at play
with this cosmetic disorder. One is an increase in the size of
the mammary glands themselves. This forms the hard
fibrous tissue growth that characterizes true gynecomastia,
and is the feature that necessitates (cosmetically anyway) gynecomastia surgery. The second aspect is the
buildup of fat tissue. Often the nipple area will
become puffy and misshapen, due to an
increase in fat mass. While this can
look very much the same, it can
occur without any true gynecomastia formation. When fat mass is the
sole issue, we call the disorder
pseudo-gynecomastia or lipomastia. Sometimes diet and exercise
alone can clear this issue up.
You want to know if it can
return after surgery has been
completed to remove the
excess mammary gland
tissue. The answer is
yes. Returning to steroid
use can be a problem,
but it might not be the
same as it was before. Let me
To begin with, lipomastia could always return,
even if the glands themselves are not being overstimulated
again. So you should always keep an eye on what is happening with your body fat level, and try to avoid situations

November 2009


Q: What do you think

about this methandrostenolone from Lyka Labs?
Is this company real?
A: Lyka Labs Ltd. is the
name a real drug company in
Mumbai, India. This company,
however, does not appear to
make methandrostenolone. The
real Lyka Labs doesnt offer any
steroids at all, in fact. Instead,
they sell a variety of other medications, such as antibiotics and
antivirals under their label. They also offer bulk generic drug
manufacturing for other companies, but I highly doubt this
extends to anabolic steroids.
In short, it is safe to say they didnt make your product.
With this knowledge, it would be most appropriate to call
your product a counterfeit steroid. After all,
the maker has stolen the name of a real
company, in an effort to give their product
credibility with buyers. This is the textbook definition of a counterfeit.
Most people at this point, however,
actually consider the Lyka steroids
to be from an underground lab,
not simply counterfeits. They have
been around for several years
now, and are very prominent on
the black market in certain parts
of Europe. Most dealers and
savvy buyers know exactly
what the Lyka products are.
Common information
seems to suggest they
originate from a clandestine lab in Eastern Europe.
Are they any good? I could never
say for sure with an underground product. Thus
far, however, I would say that
there seem to be few complaints. If I had to gamble I would
expect your product contains
real methandrostenolone. How

where you are storing a lot of fat

mass. While you have had the excess
glandular material removed, you still
have mammary tissue remaining. This
can again be stimulated to grow from
steroids, just as it was in the past.
Removing some of the tissue doesnt prevent the rest from growing just
the same. I would say, however, that I
generally find that most people dont
have the problem a second time. This
might be a benefit of the excised tissue (maybe the area being less sensitive to estrogen overall), or perhaps
just personal awareness of the problem (and conscious avoidance). In
short, you can get it again, but you
dont have to, if you are careful.

Clonidine for GH Boost?

Q: What do you think about
using clonidine to increase levels
of growth hormone? Is it effective? Worth the money?
A: Clonidine
HCL (most commonly known by
the brand name
Catapres) is a drug
that can indeed
increase growth
hormone levels.
While it may do
this, however, I am
not a fan of using
it for this purpose.
Let me explain. To
begin with, lets discuss exactly what
clonidine is. Clonidine is an alpha-2
receptor agonist. Its main clinical use
is to treat hypertension (high blood
pressure). The drug helps lower blood
pressure by a couple of mechanisms,
including a reduction in heart rate
and a relaxation of vascular resistance. It also has several other common medical uses not really worth
explaining here.
Clonidine does reliably increase
blood GH levels, at least for short
peaks after administration. In fact,
there is a medical diagnostic test
that involves the administration of
clonidine, to see how strong the GH
response is; it helps diagnose certain
types of GH deficiency. But studies
dont support the idea that this acute
hormone increase translates into
tangible value as a growth-promoting drug.
In one study with a group of children with short stature but normal
November 2009

GH levels, clonidine did not increase

IGF-1 levels or linear growth (J
Pediatr, 1993 Jan;122(1):32-6). The use
of somatropin (synthetically manufactured GH), however, did increase
height in these children. Clonidine
also has a number of potential side
effects when used for this purpose,
including hypotension (low blood
pressure), which can be serious.
You also have to remember when
this idea got started. It was many
years (actually a couple of decades)
ago, when recombinant growth hormone was yet to break the growth
hormone market open worldwide.
Cadaver GH (extracted from corpses)
was available, but scarcely. And it
was highly expensive generally too
expensive to use unless there was a
true medical need for it (and insurance to cover it).
Those looking for the anabolic aid
of the seemingly all-powerful growth
hormone were usually left to experiment with alternatives. Today, recombinant HGH is readily available. More
so, it is sold for a small fraction of the
cost that cadaver GH once was, and is
much safer (it is not biological in origin) in comparison. We also know a lot
more about the (true) value of GH
today, and how to harness it. In short,
this was a different year for GH.
So my first issue with it is that you
are talking about using a drug that
influences blood pressure and the cardiovascular system, for the sake of its
mere temporary (spike-inducing)
effects on GH. We cant even say for
sure if these temporary spikes would
help you build muscle; it may simply
not be enough to have a noticeable
effect. The second is that you would be
doing this, and adding the risk of a
new cardiovascular drug, when you
could simply invest a bit more money
in the tried-and-tested drug somatropin instead. Of course, I am not recommending you take GH, and I know
GH isnt necessarily cheap, either. But I
can tell you that if it were me, Id much
rather consider recombinant HGH
than clonidine. !
Know Your Gear! William
Llewellyns ANABOLICS 9 Edition
is available now. Order your copy of
this monster steroid reference guide
today for 25 percent off, by calling
888-918-7888 or visiting



By William LIewellyn


Warning: Opinions expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect the views of this magazines publisher or its
editorial staff. MD does not condone any form of illegal drug use for bodybuilding or for any recreational purpose. MD
also does not condone abuse of legal drugs for any purpose.

Cuba: Sugar, Cigars,

and Designer Steroids?

uba is known for a lot of things.

This island nation to our south is
a key exporter of sugar, tin, fish,
medicinal products, and coffee. And of
course, any discussion of Cuba must
include Cuban cigars, which are world
famous. We cannot legally import
them into the United States due to a
trade embargo, which makes them
even more desirable to some. Is it possible that in the coming years, Cuba
may become a key exporter of another
highly-desired commodity newlydesigned anabolic steroids?
While I may be jumping the gun a
little bit, it seems that Cuban scientists
have been synthesizing some new
steroids. One only wonders if this was
done with an interest in finding new
drugs to sell on the medicinal market.
Last month, there was a medical
study from Cuba examining several
new anabolic steroid compounds.
There were eight steroids being investigated in total. All of these steroids
were modified at the 9-alpha position
by the substitution of a hydrogen
atom with fluorine (they are
9-alpha fluoro steroids). This modification helps to protect the anabolic
steroid from deactivation by the liver.
Provided the steroid was otherwise
active, this modification should
increase its biological activity and relative potency. These newly-investigated
steroids were also modified with the
addition of an 11-beta hydroxyl group.
A primary effect of this modification is

304 MD

to block steroid interaction with the

aromatase enzyme, preventing its conversion to estrogen.

Is it possible
that in the coming years, Cuba
may become
a key exporter
of another
Chemical nerds may be noticing
that these steroids look familiar. There
is already a commercially-available
steroid that carries both 11-beta
hydroxy and 9-alpha fluoro groups on
its structure. This steroid is fluoxymesterone, better known by its brand
name Halotestin. This is a very potent
oral steroid, possessing marked anabolic and androgenic properties. It
seems to be a strong androgen relative to most other steroids, and is usually taken during cutting phases of
training, or when strength is desired
over bulk mass.
The fact that fluoxymesterone
doesnt convert to estrogen also lends
it to being more of a lean musclebuilding steroid, as opposed to one for

sheer size. Fluoxymesterone is also

liver-toxic (hepatotoxic), due in part to
its 17-alpha methyl group. This modification is widely known for increasing
both the oral bioavailability and liver
toxicity of steroids.
It is interesting that the researchers
set out to identify other active 11-beta
hydroxy, 9-alpha fluoro steroids. The
series of compounds studied all lack
the 17-alpha methyl group present in
fluoxymesterone. This suggests that
they may be specifically looking for
similar compounds that possess less
hepatotoxicity. Perhaps this is an effort
to find a safer therapeutic alternative
to fluoxymesterone, which has fallen
out of favor in the medical community
in recent years largely due to its
toxic properties and a reduced interest
in anabolic/androgenic medications.
If developed, one would expect
such a drug could also be of interest
to bodybuilders and athletes for the
same reason. While fluoxymesterone
has many desirable properties, it is
also perceived as having the drawback of being a harsh steroid.
Two steroids out of the eight
were shown to be particularly
potent. These are
3beta,11beta-Dihydroxy-9alpha-fluoro-5alpha-androstane-17-one (A) and
3beta-acetoxy-9alpha-fluoro-11betahydroxy-5alpha-androstane 17betaisobutyrate (B). While it is too early to
say for sure how well these would
work in humans and at what dosages,

November 2009





many new designer steroids have appeared on the

underground market. There are essentially no roadblocks to the production of a new drug in this illicit
and unregulated market, other than finding a manufacturer to synthesize the raw steroid material for
you, based on a picture of its structure. The fact that
these steroids were recently made for this investigation suggests that there are probably no great technical hurdles to their synthesis. Either way, it is very
interesting from a research standpoint to see new
drugs being synthesized and investigated. I wonder if
we will see more new steroids being investigated by
our mysterious neighbors.

Cold Packs and Anabolic

Steroids A and B were recently synthesized and tested by researchers in Cuba.
Both are close derivatives of fluoxymesterone (Steroid C). Although not tested during this study, the last compound (Steroid D) would probably be the most potent
form of these non-methylated 5-alpha derivatives of fluoxymesterone.

I can speculate on some of the

properties of these steroids.
Neither steroid will convert
to estrogen, and thus should
not produce significant water
retention or fat gain. Instead,
they should be more prone to
lean muscle growth and
strength as expected. Liver
toxicity should also be
reduced, but this will probably
not be complete, as the 9-alpha
fluoro group may impart some
hepatotoxicity. Ive included the
structure of what I believe
would be the most potent form
of this new fluoxymesterone
derivative (D), although this is
just speculation on my part.
It is especially difficult to
speculate on the potency of
these drugs, because they
break from most traditional
steroids. For one thing, both
lack a ketone group at carbon 3.
This is generally necessary for
strong androgen receptor binding, and is present on all but a
small number of commerciallyavailable steroids.
One of the two drugs is also
a 17-keto steroid. This should
make it inherently inactive
(completely), as the 17-beta
hydroxy group is absolutely
necessary for androgen receptor binding. These groups are
subject to enzymatic modifica-

306 MD

tion in the body, however. Both

of these compounds can, likewise, probably be converted
back to traditional 3-keto, 17beta-hydroxy steroids to some
degree. Ultimately, these
steroids may both turn out to
be potent, but perhaps should
be technically classified as prohormones.
The objective of this work in
Cuba seems to be the development of some form of
injectable fluoxymesterone-like
drug. Along with the reduced
commercial interest in pharmaceutical anabolic steroids in
recent years, there has been a
steady reduction in the availability of injectable non-testosterone androgens on the global
market. This may be illustrated
by the global removal of
drostanolone (Masteron) from
clinical medicine. Should a
Cuban pharmaceutical producer release a fluoxymesteronelike injectable steroid, and that
drug is able to make its way to
the global black market, one
would expect it to become very
popular, very quickly.
Even if the steroid is never
developed by a legitimate company, one wonders if the
release of this study will spark
the interest of some clandestine
steroid manufacturer. After all,

What do you do after a grueling workout? Do you

take a shower, eat, and get on with your day? Or do
you notice enough pain to do what many do
soothe the muscles with a cold pack? While the use
of ice/cold packs post-training may feel good, new
research questions the value of this practice.
Researchers at the Sackler School of Medicine in
Israel recently examined the effect of cold pack application after interval sprint training in a group of com2
petitive male handball players. The investigators
wanted to see if the application would have any
effect on circulating anabolic hormones. The results
were quite enlightening.
Exercise produced the expected increase in the
anabolic hormones testosterone, IGF-1 (insulin-like
growth factor-1), and growth hormone. The use of a
cold pack after exercise, however, resulted in a significant reduction in serum IGF-1. Since this is one of
the bodys key regulators of muscle cell hypertrophy/hyperplasia, a reduction may interfere with
recovery and athletic performance.
This study suggests that while the numbing sensation of a cold pack may feel very good when
applied to muscles after training, it might not be the
best thing to do if you want to recover and grow
1. Synthesis and anabolic/androgenic evaluation of
novel 9alpha-fluorosteroids.
Reyes-Moreno M, Ruiz-Garca JA, et al. Eur J Med
Chem, 2009 Jul 1. [Epub]
2. Effect of local cold-pack application on systemic anabolic and inflammatory response to
sprint-interval training: a prospective
comparative trial. Nemet D, Meckel Y et
al. Eur J Appl Physiol, 2009 Aug 4.
Know Your Gear! William Llewellyns
ANABOLICS 9th Edition (2009) is available now. Order your copy of this 800page anabolic steroid reference guide
today by calling 888-918-7888 or visiting

November 2009


By Jose Antonio, Ph.D.

Rising Androgens,
Sagging Man Boobs

on two different occasions, separated by one to three

ynecomastia is becoming increasingly common, so
says a recent article on What I didnt weeks. Rest preceded one trial (i.e., the control [CON] trial),
and a high-volume upper-body RE protocol designed to
know about this malady, aka bitch tits, man
increase circulating T preceded the other trial (i.e., high-T
boobs, moobs and assorted other nicknames, is that it
[HT] trial).
comes in many forms.
Researchers discovered that circulating T concentrations
Sometimes you see old men with it, but thats just
remained stable during CON. Alternately, HT significantly
because theyre fat and apparently havent seen commerincreased T concentrations above resting values by 16 percials for the Perfect Pushup and rushed out to buy and use
cent. Muscle AR content during the HT trial exceeded the
the contraption. Type II gynecomastia (aka gyno) may be
corresponding CON value. So according to this study, the
drug-induced, as seen in professional bodybuilders who
acute rise in testosterone seen with weight training actually
use high-dose androgens. If you have enough androgen
potentiates the rise in AR levels.
circulating in your body, some of it
eventually gets converted to estrogen.
And that results in moobs, my friend.
binds to the androgen Give Some T to Men
Then there is category called type IV receptor, it acts as a With Metabolic
gyno, with is the result of muscle hyperkey that unlocks the Syndrome
trophy. Now, this one makes no sense.
Men with the Metabolic Syndrome
genetic machinery in (MetS) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) often
When did having large pectoralis major
your muscle cells or have low testosterone levels. Of course,
muscles become a bad clinical condition? For the moobs that are due to
fibers. Hence, your this can occur for a variety of reasons.
excessive fat accumulation, surgery is
muscles grow faster But what if you actually gave these guys
often required to remove the excess fat.
exogenous testosterone? Thats right.
than Brock Lesnar
Of course, to help avoid moobs, dont
Juice em up a little!
can say, Horseshoe
use androgens or use androgens that
Well, thats what scientists did in a
dont aromatize.
up his ass on nation- single-blind, 52-week randomized clinial pay-per-view TV. cal trial. The effect of a supervised diet
and exercise (D&E) program, with or
Weight Training and
without transdermal testosterone administration, was testthe AR
ed to see what effect it had on MetS.
The androgen receptor (AR) is the key to unlocking
Researchers used a 50-milligram testosterone gel, once
amazing skeletal muscle hypertrophy. When testosterone
daily. No glucose-lowering agents were administered prior
binds to the androgen receptor, it acts as a key that
to or during the study period. Serum testosterone, fasting
unlocks the genetic machinery in your muscle cells or
plasma glucose, HDL cholesterol, triglyceride concentrafibers. When it unlocks the genetic machinery, your nucleus
tions, and waist circumference improved in both groups
(the brains of your cells) spits out a message telling your
after 52 weeks of treatment. But giving them additional
muscle fibers to make more protein. And hence, your mustestosterone significantly improved these measures even
cles grow faster than Brock Lesnar can say, Horseshoe up
further, compared to D&E alone. Additionally, testosterone
his ass on national pay-per-view TV.
treatment improved insulin sensitivity, adiponectin and
A recent study looked at the effect of endogenous circuhigh-sensitivity C-reactive protein.
lating testosterone (T) on muscle androgen receptor (AR)
Thats right. Giving anabolic steroids to patients under a
response to acute resistance exercise (RE). In this study, six
supervised D&E program results in greater therapeutic
healthy young men did a knee-extension exercise protocol

308 MD

November 2009

improvements of glycemic control,
and reverses the MetS after 52 weeks
of treatment. Wow. You mean, T can
actually be good for you?

Disease Risk
In short-term studies, testosterone
replacement therapy has been
shown to protect male subjects from
exercise-induced ischaemia and
modify cardiovascular risk factors
such as insulin resistance, fat mass
and lipid profiles. In a recent study,
scientists looked at the effect of
testosterone therapy (Nebido) compared to placebo on exercise-induced
ischaemia, lipid profiles, carotid intima media thickness (CIMT) and body
composition during 12 months of
treatment in men with low testosterone levels and angina. You read
that right a year of treatment with
testosterone. Hmm. I wonder if this
stuff is as lethal as the mainstream
idiotic press makes it out to be.
Lets check out the data. According
to the investigators, The protective
effect of testosterone on myocardial
ischaemia is maintained throughout
treatment, without decrement.
Previously noted potentially beneficial
effects of testosterone on body composition were confirmed, and there
were no adverse effects.
Youre not going blind. There were
no side effects, and it helped protect
the heart.

Testosterone Goes
Up With Moderate
In super-elite endurance athletes, it
seems that all that exercise actually
depresses serum testosterone. As an
adaptive response to exercise, this
makes sense. Endurance athletes typically do not want to have hypertrophied muscles. It would just slow
them down. But for those of you who
worry that doing cardio in the gym
might depress the big T, theres no
need to worry. Heres the proof.
Fifteen young, healthy men performed an endurance-training regimen for five weeks on a cycle ergometer. Before and after the exercise

program, all participants completed a

maximal incremental test. Levels of
testosterone (T) and sex hormonebinding globulin (SHBG) samples
were measured at rest, before and
after the training.
The training program resulted in
3.7 percent improvement of maximal oxygen uptake, and 8.2 percent
improvement of power output. But
heres the kicker. This was accompanied by a significant increase in T, as
well as a significant decrease in
SHBG concentration. So its clear
that short-term, moderate-intensity
and low-volume endurance training
can significantly increase testosterone concentration in previously
untrained men.
Id imagine that as long as youre
not training for endurance events
per se, your T levels should be fine.
Combining low-intensity endurance
work with high-intensity interval
training is a great way to promote
fat loss. !
Jose Antonio, Ph.D., is vice president of the National Strength and
Conditioning Association. He has a
Ph.D. in muscle physiology and is
chief executive of the International
Society of Sports Nutrition.
2. Spiering BA, Kraemer WJ, Vingren JL,
et al. Elevated endogenous testosterone
concentrations potentiate muscle androgen
receptor responses to resistance exercise. J
Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, 2009;114:195-9.
3. Heufelder AE, Saad F, Bunck MC,
Gooren LJ. 52-Week Treatment with Diet
and Exercise Plus Transdermal Testosterone
Reverses the Metabolic Syndrome and
Improves Glycaemic Control in Men with
Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes and
Subnormal Plasma Testosterone. J Androl,
4. Mathur A, Malkin C, Saeed B,
Muthusamy R, Jones T, Channer K. Long
term benefits of testosterone replacement
therapy on angina thresholdand atheroma
in men. Eur J Endocrinol, 2009.
5. Grandys M, Majerczak J, Duda K,
Zapart-Bukowska J, Kulpa J, Zoladz JA.
Endurance training of moderate intensity
increases testosterone concentration in
young, healthy men. Int J Sports Med,

November 2009


By Carlon M. Colker, M.D. FACN

Some Like It

312 MD November 2009


summer while being toasty warm in the winter! I mean shit,

ears ago, my old man worked in Philadelphia. It gave
when I look back, I can never forget the blustery winter days
me the opportunity to frequent the city of brotherly
in there when it felt like my frikkin fingers were going to
love, as it is otherwise known. Not surprisingly, when
stick to the bar like a kids tongue on a winter lamppost!
down there to visit Dad as a young college student, I spent
Back then it was so damn cold in that gym I had to cough to
plenty of time soaking up American history while cheating
find my nuts. To get through the session I had on more
on my diet with a more than a few Philly cheesesteaks (for
sweatshirts than Sly did in Rocky, trying to convince all of us
you connoisseurs, I have to say I like both Pats and Genos,
he was a heavyweight. Lord only knows how, through my
with a slight preference toward Genos). But, like any hardMichelin Man layers, I managed to nurture a pump. But I
core gym rat, I found time to train down there as well.
guess I did.
While kicking around Passyunk in South Philly, Id comSummer wasnt much better there. I
pensate for my cheesesteak binges at
It was so humid one used to step into the place from the
one of my favorite hardcore bodybuilding haunts in the country, Body World.
year, Id literally step sweltering heat and it would seriously
Its been in operation for decades, in
inside and immediate- be 20 degrees hotter and stuffier in there
than it was outside. In fact, it was so
what used to be one of the worst neighly begin pouring buck- humid one year, Id literally step inside
borhoods in the area. While New Yorks
own Madison Avenue was featuring
ets off my nose like and immediately begin pouring buckets
my nose like some kind of a whore
Calvin Kleins flagship store, Barneys
some kind of a whore off
walking into a church. Back then, to ease
uptown, and no less than two floors of
Prada, Philadelphias Passyunk was offer- walking into a church. your sweat bath and sauna-lungs, all
they supplied was a single area fan. It
ing crack den row houses, heroin
was here that I trained in the equivalent of climate extremes.
addicts, and violent street thugs. Comfortably nestled
That part about training there sucked and I much preferred
amidst all this anarchy was Body World.
the fall weather when I was down there, as this was someIn fairness, since way back when, the neighborhood
has improved considerably and is now accessible without what more moderate in terms of climate. So while I suffered
through it when I had to, I certainly tried to avoid these
the need for a handgun or a police escort. Though still
hardcore, Body World has also gone through some
changes. The environment is still very much dungeon-like
and the place abounds with hardcore bodybuilding
equipment from long-since lost manufacturers. Yet the
place has been noticeably cleaned up to appeal to the fitness set. As such, its now called Body World Fitness
and even has a website (
Very cute, but they spelled my name wrong on their home
page where they are apparently using an old quote of mine,
acknowledging them in an April 2007 article I did on the top
10 hardcore haunts. All I can say to them is that its no problem for my bodybuilding brethren to do this, but maybe this
time around you meatheads could take another stab at
spelling my name correctly!
At any rate, in recent years I also noticed another
MetroFLEX Gym
change the gym is now climate controlled! Im talking
Arlington, TX
about luxuriating in air-conditioned surroundings in the

ExtremeMuscle Enhancement
extremes. Yet this experience, like so many other odd adven- exerting themselves on one of a sea of treadmills. They
tend to move just enough to get heated up. This is so
tures in my life, taught me something about myself.
often mistakenly perceived of as abnormal for them. So
Training in extreme heat, at least for me, was better
they start pushing collectively for climate relief. As a
than training in extreme cold. Even though the heat and
result, gyms have gone into some kind of deep freeze.
humidity sucked the strength out of me and flattened my
High-trafficked commercial gyms tend to maintain the
pump as I perspired like some kind of farm animal, I still
environment like a meat locker. The end result is that the
preferred it over battling bitter cold. Unlike the extreme
fit set of minimally-clothed bodybuilders sporting a low
cold, the heat did manage to wipe me out the rest of the
percent of body fat must suffer the cold blast.
day, yet it remained my preference. Maybe it was a funcGiven all this, just what temperature should you train
tion of warming up faster, due to the pro-circulatory
at for optimal muscular growth in response to weight
effects of the heat. Perhaps it was just my joints feeling
training? In my experience, though Ive learned through
more lubricated and less stiff. Maybe having to wear less
the years that my perfect environmental sleeping temperclothing made me more comfortable, enhanced my range
ature is 69 degrees Fahrenheit (20.56 degrees Celsius),
of motion, and provided the motivation of being able to
purely in terms of ambient temperature, my ideal bodysee yourself. Maybe it was all these reasons. Of course, as
building training environment should be kept between 70
I always say, everyone is different and I imagine that there
and 75 degrees Fahrenheit (about 21.1 to 23.9 degrees
are plenty of people out there who, if forced to pick a prefCelsius). But there is another major factor of equal imporerence from these extremes, would pick the cold.
tance, and that is the amount of air circulation. Stagnant
I remember vividly one clown I used to see train
air makes 75 degrees feel like 90 degrees. If you feel like
decades ago named Bob Henry, who displayed an unusuyou are not getting enough air, just imagine how your
al penchant for actually enjoying the cold. Like many gym
muscles feel.
rats, this guy was a real character. First off, despite being
Throughout the years, one of my favorite training envijuiced to the gills, Bob sported a terrible physique. On the
ronments has always been, and continues to be, Golds
off-chance we suffered the misfortune of spotting him in
Gym in Venice Beach, California. As impressive as the histhe locker room without his layers, what was revealed
tory of this Mecca of bodybuilding truly is, it so often does
was pale white skin, matted back hair, crowned off with a
not get credited for having one of the
big fat belly and peculiar oversized
Even though the heat most superb environments to train in.
sneakers. His chest, arms, and legs
and humidity sucked Though not the original building that
were so surprisingly pathetic we all
wondered if he was missing his ass
the strength out of me housed the first Golds Gym, it remains
with the needle and instead injecting
and flattened my pump a relatively old structure. Like a few of
remaining older gyms across the
all that juice into his shoes. But all that
as I perspired like some the
country, the building is a former waredidnt stop him from walking out of the
kind of farm animal, I house space.
locker room with 16 sweatshirts on and
Most of the older gyms were
proceeding to open the gym door in
still preferred it over
and built in warehouse districts
the dead of winter while turning the air
battling bitter cold.
which were famous for larger and less
conditioning on high.
desirable space, only to find that in time these spaces
Some more understanding people tolerated his shit,
became incredibly valuable. Thus they found themselves
akin to sympathy for a patient with an overactive thyroid. I
pushed out in favor of shopping malls and yuppy houspersonally simply thought he was nuts and just liked to
ing. Yet like Bob Bonhams Strong and Shapely Gym in
stay covered up and padded like some kind of sumo
New Jersey, Golds Gym in Venice beach survives. With
wrestler in winter clothes. We all tried to keep the laughs
high ceilings and massive bay doors in back that are
under wraps because he really wasnt a bad guy when
almost always wide open during operating hours, Golds
you actually spoke with him. But he was as nutty as a
provides that perfect southern California warmth with just
fruitcake. The fact remains if hed just remove a dozen or
the right amount of refreshing ocean breeze.
so layers, he would have been just fine and the rest of us
It is no wonder to me that whenever I have spoken to
would not have to suffer his crap. Of course without his
Arnold about the old days at Golds Gym, World Gym, or
layers, he probably would have felt small.
other similar southern California bodybuilding training
Its a funny story, but things are so much different now.
haunts, he so often reminisces of all things about how
Back in those days, the gym owners would take your
perfect the environment was for training and how it
money, let you in, and that was the end of it. You didnt
seems every day to this very day when the warm sun hits
complain because the gym was what it was. If you didnt
him coupled with the ocean breeze, he remembers and
like it, the door was always there. These days, gyms are
big business, so they actually try and cater to the clientele. falls in love with it all over again.
More recently Ive noticed gyms cranking up air condiDr. Colkers book, Extreme Muscle Enhancement:
tioning in an effort to make the clientele more comfortBodybuildings Most Powerful Techniques is available
able. Usually the people they are targeting are the relaby calling 1-800-310-1555 or ordering the book online at
tively unfit weekend warriors wearing quasi-street clothes
with sneakers and flipping magazines, while minimally

314 MD November 2009

By Doctor X

Walk-in clinics offer convenience and occasionally
good medical advice, assuming you survive the
aerosolized spray of contagions saturating the
waiting room. What walk-in clinics do not
offer is a substitute for preventative health
or primary care.
This Walk-In Clinic column is a collection of questions and experiences
encountered by a number of physicians who have
treated bodybuilders, athletes and gym
rats using performanceenhancing
drugs (PED).
Any identifying
information has
been deleted and
details generalized to
maintain the confidential
nature of the relationship.
The Walk-In Clinic is not
designed to provide medical
advice or guidance to its readers. It
is a representation of problems and
questions that PED users ask doctors, physician assistants, clinic
nurses, athletic trainers, coaches
and pharmacists. The responses do
not come from the perspective of
hardcore drug users, but health
professionals who attempt to
understand the drive to excel that
causes people to take risks.
This column is not designed to
and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to any individual. It
provides general information for educational purposes

only. The information provided in this column is not a substitute for medical or professional care, and readers should not
use the information in place of a visit, call consultation or the
advice of ones personal physician or other health care
provider. Contributors are not liable or responsible for
any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any
other information, services or product
obtained through this column.
OR YOUR PHYSICIAN. If you believe
you have any other health problem, or
if you have any questions regarding
your health or a medical condition,
you should promptly consult your
physician or other health care
provider. Never disregard medical or
professional advice, or delay seeking
it, because of something you read on or a linked
website. Never rely on information in
this column in place of seeking professional medical advice. You should also
ask your physician or other health
care provider to assist you in interpreting any information in Muscular
Development and/or on or in the
linked websites, or in applying the
information to your individual case.
Medical information changes constantly. Therefore, the information in
this column or on the linked websites
should not be considered current,
complete or exhaustive, nor should
you rely on such information to recommend a course of treatment for you or any other individual.
Reliance on any information provided in this column or any
linked websites is solely at your own risk.

My girlfriend confronted me about using steroids. She doesnt like the idea anymore, not that anything
has happened. Ironically, she approached me at the gym because she was attracted to my physique. Weve
been together about two years, during which I have done about four or five cycles. I dont have any prolems
with anger or side effects, my libido doesnt change much, and I can certainly afford the drugs. I told my girlfriend that I am going to keep using because I like the strength, look, and confidence I gain when I am oncycle. She says I am addicted to steroids and calls me a juice-aholic. Do people get addicted to steroids?
What should I tell my girlfriend?
The topic of addiction as it
relates to androgenic anabolic
steroids (AAS) is a very controversial topic that is being
debated among experts even
now. The initial arguments for
placing AAS within the purview
of Controlled Substance regulation were considered to be
weak and inappropriate, as elegantly described in Rick Collins
book, Legal Muscle. One of the

316 MD

criteria for scheduling a drug as a controlled substance

was evidence of a potential for addiction. At the time, this
was not documented, causing many authoritative and
enforcement agencies to argue against the presiding
administrations stance. Of course, politics weigh heaviest
on the scales of policymaking.
Since that time, a cadre of researchers has presented
studies supportive of behavioral changes in humans and
addiction in animal models. There have been those who
debate the validity of the conclusions drawn from these
studies; others suggest the bias of the investigators led
them to overstate findings or incorrectly infer AAS effects

November 2009

affects both genders equally and in the United States, it is
in humans, based upon animal data. Unfortunately, the
more likely to be manifest in an obsession with plastic
decades-long stigmatization of AAS research has blunted
surgery or other cosmetic procedures. Only a few in the
the clinical understanding of the risks, as well as benefits,
media have commented on the possibility that Michael
of AAS use in adults.
Jackson suffered from BDD among his
To this day, it remains unclear what
other challenges, causing him to
effect AAS have on the human psyche
undergo so many cosmetic procein general, let alone effects of the
dures. Narcissism is another personalimany different specific AAS. Questions
ty disorder that might be supported by
relating to therapeutic dose, threshold
AAS use, functionally if not neuroranges for adverse effects, predisposchemically. Narcissists are people
ing factors, relevant clinical history,
viewed as having tremendous ego,
markers, signs and symptoms, etc.,
who must be admired to feel satisfied.
have gone not only unanswered, but
They are often believed to be incrediunasked. Some professionals, but defibly self-centered. Clearly, developing
nitely the minority in this politic state,
an attractive or dominating physique
view this as unethical and inexcusable.
Addiction is clearly a major healthPaul Pfingst, former district would be a goal of many narcissists.
Even among mentally healthy peocare and economic problem in the
attorney of San Diego County
ple, a functional dependence upon
United States, globally in all honesty.
AAS can develop. This is one reason why AAS are
However, despite being labeled a pharmaceutical pariah
banned substances in organized sports. A powerlifter
for 40 years, AAS have not been specifically listed as an
would clearly benefit from using AAS and when abstainaddictive agent in the definitive clinical source, the
ing from the drugs, would see a decline in performance
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(as well as social status, achievement, and possibly
(DSM-IV). There is a catch-all category, Other Substanceincome). If AAS were used, a competitive athlete would
Related Disorders, available for any drugs not clearly
need to continue using the drugs for as long as he
defined in the voluminous tome.
wished to perform at the elevated level provided for by
The World Health Organizations International
the AAS. He/she would be functionally dependent upon
Classification of Diseases placed all steroids under the
the drugs for performance enhancement.
category of non-dependence-producing-substances
Clearly, as the drugs are banned and illegal, this could
according to Charles Yesalis in his book Anabolic Steroids
be viewed as a sign of addiction or dependence, since
in Sport and Exercise. A search of the ICD-9 shows no
the drug-seeking behavior negatively affects social and
anabolic steroids listed among the 461 substances coded
occupational status, if detected. However, if there were an
for under dependency. Paul Pfingst, former district attorallowed non-AAS drug that provided the same perforney of San Diego County, stated in an interview with
mance effect with no legal consequences, would an that AAS were not a priority for his departlete continue to use AAS? No, unless he/she were truly
ment; An addict is someone who does not have control
addicted to the drug. When ephedrine was pulled from
over their life, Pfingst said. You dont have that with
over-the-counter weight-loss products, the clamor was for
steroids. You dont see anyone knocking over a liquor
an effective weight-loss substitute. The people craving
store to buy steroids.
ephedrine were seeking the drug for methamphetamine
Despite the vast number of professional sources sugproduction, not to continue using ephedrine for the sake
gesting that AAS are not drugs with dependence potenof using ephedrine-assisted weight-loss, from what the
tial, it is likely that they do have the potential to be at the
media reports.
very least a prop in certain personality disorders (psychoNeurologically, AAS are active drugs, affecting mood
logical conditions that have negative features but are not
state. While roid rage remains a media phenomenon,
so severe as to cause a person to cause harm to himnot a clinical diagnosis, most users have observed indiself/herself or others). Most bodybuilders are familiar
viduals using high-dose cycles become more alpha-male
with the term reverse anorexia, or body dysmorphic
in social situations. Further, discontinuation of AAS can
disorder muscle dysmorphia. This is a condition in
lead to changes in libido, mood, fatigue, and even cogniwhich a person becomes so fixated upon his/her
tive function, if not properly tapered or supported by
physique, constantly finding flaws and a need to build
post-cycle therapy. Many of the same symptoms are
muscle or promote definition, that he/she will pursue any
experienced by men undergoing androgen-deprivation
number of unhealthy techniques (including drug use) to
therapy for prostate cancer treatment; they are also part
create a perfect body, usually neglecting positive relaof the constellation of symptoms seen in ADAM (androtionships (work, family, social) in the process. Sadly, the
gen decline of the aging male). Testosterone is a hormone
criteria appear to borrow from the lifestyle of bodybuildpresent throughout life that supports normal function and
ing, offering a self-fulfilling diagnosis to any psycholohealth. Like any other part of the human mechanism, an
gist/psychiatrist wishing to stigmatize any person from
excess or deficiency results in negative signs and sympthe fitness enthusiast to the professional competitor.
In reality, BDD (general, not muscle dysmorphia)

"An addict is someone who does not

have control over
their life. You don't
have that with
steroids. You don't
see anyone knocking
over a liquor store
to buy steroids."

318 MD

November 2009

There is a group of researchers who have put together criteria for inclusion in the next revision of the DSM diagnostic manual for AAS dependency.
Unfortunately, the criteria show great overlap with functional use of the drug
for those who seek AAS benefits in promoting physique, performance, sexual
function, or cognitive/mood preservation with aging. AAS, at this time, are
not clearly defined as drugs which can produce dependence, but in a person
predisposed to certain psychopathic, sociopathic, or personality disorders,
AAS certainly could be part of the behavior in such individuals. At this time, it
is impossible to state whether using AAS, such as in competitive bodybuilding, could cause narcissism or muscle dysmorphia in someone who would
otherwise never be affected by the condition.
Undoubtedly, any person who is
struggling with a personAny person who is
al/psychological issue involving AAS
struggling with a
use should seek professional help.
issue involving AAS use While it is unclear as to whether or
should seek professional not AAS can be defined as depenhelp. While it is unclear dence-causing agents, AAS-users are
human and subject to the same
as to whether or not
potential disorders and challenges
AAS can be defined as
everyone else faces. AAS use is such
a high-impact topic that it often blinds
agents, AAS-users
users and professionals alike to coare human and subject
existing issues, delaying awareness,
to the same potential
disorders and challenges diagnosis, and proper treatment of
underlying disorders.
everyone else faces.
As to the relationship conflict, you
will have to discuss that with your girlfriend. If it is a relationship you wish
to salvage, counseling or just some frank discussions are certainly in order.
It is also possible that either or both of you are losing interest in the other
or seeking a reason for terminating the relationship. Conflict should always
be addressed early and with honesty, enlisting professional counseling if
necessary. Even if your relationship does end, let it do so on good terms
and for just cause.
If she has a strong conviction against using AAS at this point (perhaps she
does wish for a long-term relationship and is thinking of family planning),
then her point-of-view deserves to be considered. She may be timid about
broaching the topic of long-term commitment or children if you two have not
had such discussions; it is also possible she is threatened by the attentions
others are paying you; the recent arrests that have made national news may
concern her regarding your welfare; she may not like one or more individuals
who are part of your local AAS culture; her friends and family may have
strong opinions; she may have heard of a case of domestic violence involving
AAS; etc. She may be a keeper, or this may be a convenient excuse to rationalize a difficult decision.
Dont behave like an addict, letting important relationships suffer because
of drug use; however, dont fall into other relationship traps by allowing your
partner to unduly influence you for her gratification or to validate an
unhealthy emotional demand on her part. It is impossible to say what is right
or wrong, not knowing of the circumstances or the persons involved.
Certainly, calling you a juice-aholic does not lend itself to rational discussion. If the discussion is likely to be emotional or turbulent, recruit a thirdparty (church leader, counselor, mutual friend, etc.) to keep things calm. You
can be certain that any outburst will be blamed on AAS, and if you are currently on-cycle, AAS can make a person respond more aggressively to provocation.
As always, AAS use outside of the direction of a licensed health care professional is not condoned and does pose risks to ones health and may cause
legal jeopardy. !

November 2009

By Rick Collins, JD



322 MD

turned.The holding impacts a long

tradition of Supreme Court cases
based on searches incident to lawful
arrests. Under the landmark case of
Chimel v. California, searching a suspect incident to an arrest is justified
(1) to protect the officer from any
weapon that might be accessible to
the arrestee, and (2) to prevent the
suspect from destroying evidence.
Then, in New York v. Belton, the
Court held that when an officer lawfully arrests the occupant of a car, he
may at about the same time search
the passenger compartment (and
any containers in it) incident to that
arrest. In Belton, a lone police officer
stopped a speeding car in which the
defendant was one of four occupants. While asking for the drivers
license and registration, the officer
smelled burnt marijuana and
observed an envelope on the car
floor marked with a word he associated with marijuana. The officer
ordered the occupants out of the
vehicle and placed them under
arrest. They were separated, but not
handcuffed, while the officer
searched the vehicle, including the
pocket of a jacket on the backseat, in
which he found cocaine.
Unlike Belton, which involved
only one officer and four unsecured
arrestees, the five officers in Gant
outnumbered the three arrestees, all
of whom had been handcuffed and
secured in separate patrol cars
before the officers searched Gants
car. How could Gant possibly reach
anything in his car? How could he

grab a weapon or destroy evidence?

Gant holds that the Chimel doctrine
authorizes police to search a vehicle incident to an occupants arrest only when the
arrestee is unsecured and within reaching
distance to the passenger compartment at
the time of the search. It reins Belton back
to its unusual facts. Gant signals an end to
cases supporting an alls fair approach to
car searches incident to arrest. The doctrine was never meant to be a magical talisman to justify any car search when
somebody gets busted.
The Court added that while an officer is
also allowed to search an arrestees car
when its reasonable to believe that evidence of the crime of arrest may be found
in the vehicle, there was no reason to
believe that evidence of Gants suspended
license crime would be in the car.
[Although not applicable in Gant, a separate exception the automobile exception authorizes a warrantless search
(unconnected to anybodys arrest) of any
area of a car if theres probable cause to
believe that evidence of criminal activity is
in that area.]
Lastly, it should be noted that another
exception to the warrant requirement is
voluntary consent. Never forget that consent is a green light for the police to conduct a search, even if no other exception to
the warrant requirement applies.
Rick Collins, JD, CSCS []
is the lawyer who members of the bodybuilding community and nutritional supplement
industry turn to when they need legal help or
representation. [ Rick Collins, 2009. All rights
reserved. For informational purposes only, not
to be construed as legal or medical advice.]

November 2009


I heard that the

Supreme Court has
changed the rules about car
searches. What do I need to know
about it?
Plenty, if youre a member of
law enforcement or if
youre ever stopped in your car by
the police and arrested.The U.S.
Supreme Court recently decided the
case of Arizona v. Gant. The relevant
facts: acting on an anonymous tip
about drug activity, police responded
to a local residence where Gant
opened the door. Gant identified
himself and said the owners would
be back shortly.The police subsequently ran a records check and
found that there was an outstanding
warrant for Gants arrest for driving
with a suspended license.
When the police came back later
that night and arrested the owners
of the house, Gant drove into the driveway. The police arrested Gant for
driving with a suspended license,
handcuffed him, and locked him in
the backseat of their patrol car. Then
two officers searched his car and
found a baggie of cocaine. Now
charged with drug offenses, Gant
moved to suppress the evidence
seized from his car on the ground
that the warrantless search violated
the Constitution. The trial court
rejected his arguments; he was convicted and appealed.
The Supreme Court held in a 5-4
decision that the police did not act
lawfully when they searched the car,
and Gants conviction was over-


By Cheri Owen, B.S., J.D.

To Be or Not to Be?

hroughout the year, I have

heard time and time again: what
are the expectations for
womens bodybuilding? Got
Muscle? Sure. But is it really all
about muscle? Of course not! Is it
preferable to have symmetrical,
beautiful lines over beastly size? I
would say neither. For a woman to
be a champion, she needs the whole
package. Full muscle shape and size,
a nice tiny waist, great stage compo-

sure, femininity and make it all

Yes, much of this is genetics;
quite a bit, actually. But genetics
doesnt play the whole hand of
poker. Training hard, dieting, and
supplementation all play a part in
developing that winning physique. A
woman just has to know, understand, and be disciplined enough to
know when enough is enough
when she looks in the mirror and

knows that she is already there. Yes,

its bodybuilding, and womens
bodybuilding. But, for competitive
bodybuilding, can a woman recognize when shes crossed the line?
It helps to examine the patterns
we have seen in 2009. Lets take a
look at what has happened this year
with the amateur competitors. So
far this season, three amateurs have
received their IFBB card. Competitor
Tracy Mason placed first at the


326 MD

November 2009

November 2009

Classic with an entirely new look

about her still hard, yet less angular. This more feminine stage presence beautified the arena. At the
New York Pro Cathy LeFrancois,
beautiful as ever, lit up the New York
night with her routine, smile, and
fantastic routine. Betty Pariso, who
was the runner-up at the New York
Pro behind LeFrancois, just won the
Tampa Bay Pro, beating out last
years winner, Nicole Ball, at the
age of 53. What an accomplishment
for Pariso, since it is the first time
that an over-50 competitor has
unseated a much younger one! (After
last years win, this year Nicole Ball
placed fourth.)
At any age, Betty Pariso looked
stunning but at the age of 53, her
look is a shocker! Her physique
looked incredible; she had confident
stage presence, and great performance. As the runner-up, Gale
Frankie and third place finisher Tina
Chandler looked great as well.
However, that Tampa evening, Pariso
was one of the women who did have
the muscle a lot of muscle!! At the
same time, while beating out the
competitors who didnt have as
much muscle, Pariso still maintained
great conditioning, had beautiful
symmetry and was extremely proportional.
What we all know is that womens
bodybuilding needs more representation. More sponsors for womens
bodybuilding, more prize money,
more shows, more recognition. We
all know this. If we look at who has
been selected this year to turn pro,
these women are not the most buff
chicks in the gym. They are the ones
who have the best package overall
thats why they were first place and
Overall winners. Its not the amount
of beef you bring to the dinner
table it is how you cut it that
makes all the difference. Building
muscle is vital, dont get me wrong.
But refining the structure is even
more essential.
The question remains: should
women bodybuilders get jacked?
Last I checked, jacked was a profoundly male attribute: Jack and Jill
went up the hill, jack off, carjacked. Whatever. The bottom line is:
women can get stacked but getting
jacked is best left to the boys. !


Masters Nationals in both the over

35 and over 45 categories; at the
USAs in Las Vegas, Angela
Salvagno was the Overall winner,
and Akila Pervis the runner-up.
Middleweight competitor Pervis actually came up the rank as a figure
competitor in Jon Lindsays Excalibur
in 2005.
So what do these women all have
in common? Arguably, all three of
them are not the most muscular
onstage or jacked as some would
say meaning hyper-muscularity,
exploding out of their own skins,
with muscles bulging like Popeye.
Rather, all three have symmetry,
full muscle structure, superb conditioning and provide the aura of femininity that creates the Art of the
Physique for a female bodybuilder.
All brought beautiful flowing lines to
the stage. The two middleweights,
Mason and Pervis, brought tight
packages, with some chiseled muscularity but not an abundance of
muscle. And it certainly doesnt hurt
that Pervis is just a knockout, and
that Masons back was as wide as the
stage itself.
These women did not come
jacked. They did not follow the get
huge lineage left over from the early
1990s. Sure, they came in hard but
not only were they not competing as
heavyweights, but Pervis herself was
a crossover competitor. This is still a
rather controversial premise, to see a
woman whose so-called smaller
physique succeeds as an outstanding
example of a bodybuilder. This gets a
lot of hardcore women bodybuilders all riled up; women who
have been on the competition circuit
for many years.
But bigger isnt necessarily better,
or even preferable. As women
increase their size, it becomes more
difficult to maintain femininity and
even though boobs are great, getting
a boob job is not the answer.
What have we seen this season at
the professional level? The current
Olympians are packed with muscle.
No doubt. Not even a question. And,
many of the IFBB pros who have
competed in 2009 no question,
either. But, this year we have seen
the tides change, not rapidly, but
Iris Kyle came into the Arnold

MD 327


The Predator

By Kai Greene

My Mr. Olympia Training Camp:

Years in the Making
I write this at five weeks away from the Mr. Olympia contest. At seven weeks out, my coach Oscar Ardon and I
left New York to establish a training camp, or headquarters, for this very significant contest. This is actually something weve talked about doing for years, but
until recently lacked the financial means to bring it to
fruition. The idea originally came from the movie
Rocky IV, in which Rocky secludes himself in a
remote cabin in frigid Siberia and trains harder than he
ever has before, in the most Spartan conditions, to
defeat the supposedly unbeatable Russian boxer Ivan
Drago. Now, we are finally making this investment to
become a better preparation machine than ever before, as I
train for the toughest competition of my life.

Everything You Asked For is Here.

Nothing More, Nothing Less.
There is a scene when Rocky arrives at his isolated training camp, where his KGB handlers inform him that everything he had requested has been provided. As it turns out,
he didnt ask for much. Since my own Mr. Olympia camp is
modeled after that, I am not living in the lap of luxury in
some penthouse suite at the top of the Wynn Hotel and casino nor would I want to. The living quarters are small but
adequate, and my days are totally consumed by my preparation. Five events happen again and again. I weight train
twice a day, I do cardio twice a day, and once every day we
work on my posing and presentation. Everything else is
meals and sleep.
I have never in my life had the luxury of being able to prepare for a contest so perfectly, and the results will bear that
out. Youll also see that I was able to make solid improvements in mass, in key areas of course, following the Arnold
Classic. At five weeks out, I am in the low 290s and my glute
striations are visible. I cant give you an exact weight for the
Olympia, but I can assure you that the Kai Greene who won
the Arnold was not the same one youll see in Las Vegas.

328 MD


Kai Bradley Parker, born

on August 1st, 2009

Im a huge fan of
yours and your column!!! MD is a bit
tricky to track down
here in OZ sometimes
but I grab it every
month when I find it.
You guys do a great
job! My new sons
name is Kai Bradley
Parker, born on August
1st, 2009 in Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia.
You looked crazy at
the Arnold and going

November 2009

by the clips on MD TV you will be looking even bigger for the Olympia. Just thought you would be interested
in knowing there was a baby boy out here in Australia named in your honor, and best wishes at the Mr. O.
Stephen Parker
Wow, I dont know what to say to that! I am honored and humbled to know that I have had that kind of impact, that you
would choose to name your child after me. I think it goes back to something I say often when I meditate on my success
and what it means. My victories become something to celebrate, not because of me the individual, but for what they represent. Thank you for this honor, Mr. Parker, and best wishes to your family.

Calling Me Out?
Its not so unusual for a top pro to be called out by
another top pro, but recently there has been a young guy
in Florida posting up clips on YouTube talking about how

he will destroy pros like me and Mark Alvisi (apparently

hes met Mark; I havent had the pleasure).
Although I hope that this young man does realize his
full potential and makes his dreams of becoming a top
bodybuilder come true; by then he will realize that
neither me nor any other pro is his real competition.
The toughest opponent for all of us is actually our
own negative attitudes and self-limiting beliefs.
Besides which, by the time this kid grows and
matures into a top pro, physiques like mine, Dexters,
Heaths, and so on will no longer be the ideal.
Standards will have changed and evolved.
When I was a kid dreaming about the day I could
stand onstage as an equal with physiques like that of
Arnold and Lee Haney, I never imagined that before I
even got to that level there would be a freak like Ronnie
Coleman commanding the Mr. Olympia stage! And
somewhere out there right now, there is a guy, or maybe
hes just a child right now, who will redefine what we
think of as possible, in terms of physique development.
He will make people say, Ronnie Coleman and Kai
Greene? Those guys were nothing, compared to ___ ___!
And Im glad I will be long since retired by then.

Its clear that you have tremendous

flexibility and you must devote a lot
of time to stretching. Its been said
that limited flexibility will also limit
your muscle gains. Do you believe
that to be true?
I think there is some truth to that belief,
but its not the real reason I stretch so
much, personally. My main goal is to
maintain my flexibility simply so that I am
able to continue doing normal, everyday
things when my bodyweight is over 300
pounds. Its funny, because I distinctly
remember being 16 years old and joyfully
dreaming about one day weighing a muscular 300 pounds.
The reality of it turned out to be far
more challenging than the fantasy.
Mundane tasks like getting out of bed,
going to the bathroom, or tying your own
shoes can become difficult once you have
acquired so much sheer body mass.
Walking down the street, my lower back
starts to ache. But I have found that at
least if I continue to be diligent about
stretching, I can manage to do everything I
need to do with a minimum of discomfort.

November 2009

MD 329

KAI GREENEThe Predator

Kai! This is Al Aydlett. We met at Bevs gym
back in May and we started discussing airbrush painting. I just wanted to know how
your projects are coming along, and if you
were able to see my work on Also, Im trying to get
a training session in with you before the summer is out.
Hi Al, good to hear from you! To be totally honest with you, I dont go on the Internet much, just
like I dont watch a lot of television. And as far as
working out with me before the summer of 2009 is
over, by now I think youve figured out where I have
been and what Ive been doing.
Just as a side note to anyone who wants to train
with me or another top pro bodybuilder. Please
dont take offense if we seem hesitant to agree. We
understand what it might mean to you to have the
chance to train with someone you look up to and
are inspired by, but please keep in mind that essentially, these workouts are our job. At our level, we
all have exceptional genetics, so it really comes
down to who is willing to put our more effort
because he wants it more. You wouldnt ask Michael
Phelps to jump into one of his practices leading up
to the Olympics, or to train with Brock Lesnar as
hes preparing for a big UFC title match, right?
Those analogies are very appropriate to a pro
bodybuilder getting ready to compete in the Arnold
Classic or Mr. Olympia. I am flattered that anyone
would want to train with me, but my workouts are
simply too critical toward achieving my goals to
break from the proven patterns that Oscar and I
have established.

I Hate to be Rude, But

As a final footnote to the above discourse about
how seriously I take my training for a contest, I just
want to add that I truly hope I never come across
as rude or aloof when people try to talk to me in the
gym. I know how this sport is, and when a pro
doesnt devote what a fan considers adequate
attention, you often see threads with titles like Soand-so is an A**hole!
It is never my intention to be rude or disrespectful to anyone, especially a fan. Lately here in Las
Vegas, people have come up to me in the gym to
say hi and chat. I simply dont have the mental and
emotional resources right now to offer. Im closer to
realizing my dream than I have ever been, and I
have waited many years to get to this place. Im
not fantasizing about eating some big junk food
meal, checking out the clubs and casinos, nothing
like that at all. The full one hundred percent of my
consciousness at present is devoted to one thing
and one thing only winning the Mr. Olympia my
first time competing in it. So if you have run across
me and I wasnt as gregarious as you had hoped,
please try and understand. Thanks!

330 MD

I want to leave you this month with a very deep and meaningful poem that I heard years ago and it remained imprinted in my
mind. For the longest time I thought it came from a speech given
by Nelson Mandela. Its really not so important where the words
stem from, only that you really listen to what they have to say to
you. Listen, and take them into your heart.

Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
Theres nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people wont feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us.
Its not just in some of us; its in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission
to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
Marianne Williamson
Got a question for Kai Greene? You can ask him directly on the MD
website and have Kai personally answer your question! Go to, MD Forums, MD Spotlight, for Kick
Ass Inc.

November 2009


By Victor Martinez

My Muscle
Maker Grill:
Grand Opening!
On Sunday, August 16, I
finally had my long-awaited
Grand Opening for my Muscle
Maker Grill right on the
Hudson River boardwalk in
Edgewater, New Jersey. It features indoor and outdoor dining with a perfect view of the Manhattan skyline
just across the river. A lot of people came down to show their support, and I
appreciated every single one making it. Gregg Valentino was there, along
with Steve Weinberger, Vinny Galanti, new USA champ and 202 Pro Daryl
Gee, Brian Moss, Figure International champ Zivile Raudoniene, and of
course my man, Gerard Dente of MHP, who was a big help to me in getting
the place off the ground.
The next generation of bodybuilding
stars from New York was representing,
with Junior Nationals champ Jon
Delarosa and Armando The Kid Pena.
We raffled off a Nintendo Wii, and people
were checking out the Playstation 3 setup in the VIP room. This is a restaurant,
so the VIP room is a very nice private dining area. There aint no stripper poles and
bottles of Cristal to be found! I got there
at 11 a.m. and didnt leave until 1 a.m.

My Two Favorite
Menu Items
People look at the menu and ask,
Whats good? I usually say everything, because thats the truth. But
there are two items on the menu I
cant wait to eat, but I have to hold off
on both until after the Mr. Olympia.
The first one is called the Rocky
Balboa, and its a chicken meatball
wrap. The smell of it drives me crazy,
and the thing is so big that most
women who order it can only eat half
and have to take the rest home. The
other dish is called the Victory Plate,
named after take a guess. Me! Its a
double-steak order with a big side of
black rice and beans. Once its off-season again, I will be probably put a
couple of these away every day.
Someone asked me why I cant
have a Victory Plate now. The steak
is fine, but to get the right flavor
with the rice and beans, you need to
add in a certain amount of oil and
salt, and I have to eat very plain to
get in shape. In fact, the two things I
am craving most as I write this at
five weeks out from the Olympia are
rice and beans and cookies. I could
make a whole lot of cookies disappear right now, like freakin David
Copperfield. Or is it Mrs. Fields?
Man, I gotta stop thinking about

Another Franchise,
or Even More?

332 MD

Opening up my restaurant was

really tough, but I learned a lot about
the whole process. Now if I wanted
to do it again, it would be a lot easier
because I have some experience.
And you know what? I might just do
that. If you have a great location and
great food, a restaurant can do very
well financially. There are a lot of
people who want to get something
fast but also healthy, and they dont
have many options out there. So
though its just in the back of my
mind right now, owning more than
one Muscle Maker Grill is definitely a
possibility. November 2009


On that day, I was just under six weeks out from the Mr. Olympia, and it was
one of my low-carb days because I wasnt weight training. I was fine smiling,
talking to everyone, and posing for pictures until about seven or eight at night.
After that, I was pretty much running on fumes and fading fast.
Luckily, everyone there knew I was
getting ready for the Olympia and
they understood why my energy
wasnt there anymore. Since then,
there have been some other celebrities stopping by for some great food.
We had a couple players from the
New York Giants, actor Michael Jai
White, and rapper/actor Busta

Sleepless? Not This Dude!

I hear some guys dieting for a
show talk about how they cant sleep
for shit. They have trouble falling
asleep, and trouble staying asleep.
Maybe theyre overdoing the thermogenics or something. All I know is
that between training, cardio, and
running around with my kids and my
restaurant, once I get to bed Im out
like a light and I sleep like a big 260pound Dominican baby. Im still a
night owl, though. That never
changes. I go to sleep at about 2 a.m.
and wake up at 9.

Transformers 2 Sucked!
I was really looking forward to Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. I
was a big fan of the old cartoon show and liked the first movie, too. But they
messed up the sequel badly. Most of the issues I had were sound-related. For
one thing, they got rid of the sound effects when the robots transformed. What
the hell? Thats their whole thing! Megatron had a different voice from the first
movie and so did Starscream. I watched this on a bootleg while doing cardio
and man, was I glad I didnt blow the money to see this crap on the big screen.

One O is Enough?
Ive always said just let me win the Mr. Olympia one time, and Id be satisfied. But the more I think about it, I gotta be honest. I know if I did win, theres
no way I wouldnt want to keep winning. Its been a long, hard road to get
there and if I do get to the top of the mountain Im gonna stand my ground and
defend it before I let Heath, Kai, Wolf, or any of those other guys knock me off.

My Training Camp
Everybody knows Kai Greene is out in Las Vegas camped out for the last
seven weeks before the Olympia. Few people know that at five weeks out, I
headed down to Fort Lauderdale for my own version. Im staying down there
with my friend Jeff and getting ready for the show without all the drama and
distractions. Back home theres just too much going on between my new
restaurant, my kids and their moms, and its just not conducive to focusing and
giving 100 percent to my prep. I will probably head back up there before the
show at one point to see my kids, but other than that I am staying in Florida
until the Mr. O.

Congrats To Mark Alvisi!

I didnt make it out to the USA, but
I was happy to see my fellow MD athlete Mark Alvisi win the whole show.
I thought he really should have won
the Nationals last year, but it all
worked out for the best. He didnt let
that near-win get him down and just
poured all that frustration into his
workouts and his diet. Now hes much
November 2009

closer to being ready to tangle with

the pros than he was back then. I was
also impressed with the middleweight
Daryl Gee, who lives not too far away
in New York. He has great shape and
full, round muscle bellies. I think he
could rule the 202 class in another
year or two if he puts on a little more
size and keeps coming in shredded.

MD 333

Victor MartinezThe True Victor

In Memory of
My Sister
As most of you know, my
older sister Eridania was taken
away from us in July. She left
behind three children, and the
only thing she ever wanted
was for them all to have good
educations and live happy
lives. With that in mind, anyone who would like to make a
donation can send it here in
care of her youngest daughter
and my niece, Yanaris, who is
only 17 years old.
Yaniris Figueroa Tragedy Fund
P.O. Box 268
Carthage, TX 75633
Or if you would like to contribute to her education fund
via wire transfer from your
Routing 111923607
Account 5984602

334 MD

One more time, Id like to thank everybody who came out to my Muscle
Maker Grill Grand Opening. I put a lot of time, effort, and money into making the
place something special, and it means a lot to me to see so many friendly faces
coming down to celebrate my new venture with me. And I have to tell you guys,
if you ever get down to this area of Edgewater, you owe it to yourself to drop by.
Whether you want to bulk up or rip up, we have something delicious on the
menu for you that you
damn sure wont find at
McDonalds or Wendys!
I also want to thank
my kids for continuing to
inspire me to be a better
man each day, and
thanks to my trainer
Victor Munoz. He helps
keep me pumped up
and never lets anything
the haters say affect me.
The latest rumor we
both had to laugh at was
that I was pulling out of the Olympia because my heart wasnt in it, due to everything thats happened to me: my knee injury, losing the Arnold to Kai, and of
course the worst thing, the murder of my beloved sister. The haters wish I would
quit, but that aint gonna happen, fools! n
Got a question for Victor Martinez? You can ask him directly on the MD website
and have Victor personally answer your question! Go to, MD Forums, MD Spotlight, for Victors Journal. November 2009

By Rodney Roller

The Masters Nationals:
So Close To
That Pro Card!
It had been two years since I first tried the
Masters Nationals. In 2007, I had hurt my back
badly spreading mulch in my yard when I was
getting ready for that show (you think my wife
would let me ignore that stuff because Im dieting? Ha!), and I made a last-minute decision to
go ahead and compete, since we already had the
flight and hotel. I still took fifth place even after
all that, which was encouraging. I was all set to
do it last year, even though my wife was eightand-a-half months pregnant, but she was not
doing too well and had to go to the hospital
three days before the show. No way was I leaving her alone at a time like that to go off and
compete in a bodybuilding contest.
So this year was a whole different scenario.
My training went perfectly and I was looking my
absolute best ever. At 56, I weighed in
Thursday night at the very top limit of the
Heavyweights at 225 and in excellent condition. Then I cut my water big mistake! By the
time I got onstage Friday night, my fullness had
disappeared. Luckily, I carry enough thick mass

336 MD

November 2009


that it didnt hurt me too badly. I

won in a very tough class of 19
Heavies, but my conditioning wasnt
nearly as apparent as it should have
been. Because I was flat, the muscles
werent pushing against the skin.
From the back it actually looked like I
was spilling over.
Once I got back to the hotel room,
my trainer had me drink a gallon and
a half of water. Then, every time I got
up to go the bathroom, I would drink
another half-liter. I looked better on
Saturday for the finals, but the damage was done and I couldnt quite
regain the look Id seen just two days
before. The Overall went to Stan
Efferding, who looked incredible and
was very deserving. There was only
one more pro card for the over-40
division, and that wound up going to
the light-heavy, Lawrence Hunt,
who I have to say showed some awesome condition, even if he wasnt the
biggest guy.
So I was disappointed, but really
I have no complaints. I met so many
cool people, a lot of whom know me

I have watched every single

one of your videos on MD TV and
I am in awe of your strength!
Have you ever tried powerlifting?
With the amount of weight you
can bench, I bet youd be deadly!
I actually did do a bench press
meet about four years ago. It was one
where equipment was allowed, and a
friend of mine from the gym who
holds the New Jersey state bench
press record for police talked me into
it. I had never tried using a bench shirt
before, so I ordered an Inzer Phenom
double-ply shirt for the meet. The first
time I tried it at the gym, I put up 750
pounds. That was pretty exciting! So
when I got to the meet, I tried to open
with 700 pounds for my first attempt. I
couldnt get the bar to touch my chest,
so I defaulted, meaning the lift was no
good. What I didnt realize because I

November 2009


from the MD videos and were so

nice to me. And as I write this, Im
just a week away from the IFBB
North American, where the over-40
winner gets a pro card, along with
the Overall Mens champ. Im the
only guy entering who has won a
national Masters title, so I think my
chances are pretty good. Just to
make sure, I am actually doing
something I rarely do cardio! Im
actually on vacation with my family
at a house on Lake Champlain in
Vermont, but Ive been getting up
every morning and doing sprints,
jogs, and fast walks all around the
hills nearby. Im looking a lot tighter
already and I have a good feeling
about the North Americans. Well just
have to see what happens. Hopefully
in my next column, I can tell you
how it feels to turn pro!

had no experience
with these shirts is
that they are so tight and
springy that you actually
have to pull the bar down.
My second attempt was with
725, but by then I was too worried
about not being able to touch the
bar to my chest and my concentration
and psyche were shot. I am thinking
about doing another bench press
meet in the near future. I have a friend
named Joel Toranzo, who is a worldclass bencher. Hes done 840 in a
meet, and he only benches in the
500s raw, meaning without a bench
shirt. Joel says he is sure I could put
up over 900 pounds once I adjusted to
using a shirt and if I trained specifically for the meet.
Normally I dont use anything I
cant handle for 8-10 reps. I did a

MD 337


touch-and-go single with 640 pounds
raw at Diamond Gym last October
when I was weighing 260. It was actually a day I was doing a photo shoot
for Xero Limits. It all really depends
on what happens in a few days at the
North American. If I do get my pro
card, I would definitely want to compete in bodybuilding before I did
another bench press meet.

Im close to your age (40) and

dont train nearly as heavy as you
do. Still, Ive had my share of
injuries over the years. Have you
ever had any serious injuries from
Yes three to be exact.
Injury # 1: Shoulder
This one happened way back when
I was 23. I had just won the Lightheavyweight and Overall titles at the
NPC Rich Gaspari Classic in New
Jersey not sure if it was 90 or 91.
Anyway, I won at 195 pounds and four
days later, I was back in the gym and
filled out 10 more pounds. It was
chest day, and I was on a roll.
Everything felt light, and I just kept
going up and up. I finished up with
585, or I might have even put the
extra 15 on to make it an even 600,
for my 10th set.

338 MD

A couple weeks later, I was benching again and I heard this weird clicking noise inside my shoulder. It felt
sore, but as I got into the workout the
pain was only very minor. The strange
thing was that as long as I warmed up
enough it didnt hurt me in the gym,
but it killed me shifting gears in my
car. It actually felt like someone was
stabbing me in the shoulder!
I went to the doctor and he said it
was a rotator cuff, plus I had a bone
spur. He recommended surgery. I
went to another doctor for a second
opinion, but he told me the same
thing. I sure didnt want surgery, so I
stayed away from the bench press for
a full five years. Chest workouts were
all dumbbells and machines, and
eventually the shoulder was fine
again, without ever having been cut.
Injury # 2: Minor Pec Tear
Two years ago, I was training with
my brother at his gym one hot summer day. I was probably a little dehydrated. But I was at a new gym and
you know how that is somehow
you just have to go a little heavier
than usual! I worked my way up to
615 on the bench and got two good
reps with it. As I was coming up with
the third, I felt a sharp pain in my left
pec, near the shoulder, and yelled for
my brother to grab it and help me
rack it, quickly. It was a slight tear, but
only of the muscle fiber and not the
tendon. It set me back; I didnt bench
for four months after that.
Injury # 3: Minor Biceps Tendon
Let me start by saying that I have
always been blessed with pretty good
arms without ever having to go very
heavy or do anything too crazy for
them. They go 21 inches in the off-season and theyre still over 20 in contest
shape. But one day, I was training
with a buddy who did like to go pretty
heavy as well as do all kinds of intensity techniques like forced reps, drop
sets, and negatives, once youd
reached positive failure.
On this day, we did one hell of a
workout. On triceps we worked up to
405 for 10 reps on close-grip presses.
We did standing curls and preacher
curls with 185 (plus heavy negative-

only sets, where we lowered 225

slowly), and I dont even remember
how heavy the dumbbell curls were
but they were up there, too. I got an
amazing pump and thought it was
one of the best arm workouts Id ever
A week later I was doing arms
again, and my forearms literally felt
like they were on fire. I couldnt do
anything without agonizing pain. It
turns out I had strained, or partially
torn, both of my biceps tendons. My
chiropractor Edward Catalano helped
me tremendously with ART treatments, but it was still six months
before I could train arms normally

Coming Soon: Branch and

Me Tear Up Metroflex!
After the Masters Nationals,
Steve Blechman flew me to Texas so
Per Bernal could shoot me training
with a hardcore freak I respect the
hell out of: Branch Warren. I wont
say too much, because the feature
will be in MD within the next couple
months, but it was an experience Ill
never forget. Thanks to Steve and
Robbie for setting it up!

Special Thanks
Id like to wrap it up by expressing
my gratitude to some people who
help me in so many ways. First and
foremost is my wife Cindy. Schlepping
our three kids to Pittsburgh was no
picnic, especially when I had to focus
on the show. Thanks to Gerard Dente
of MHP, Muscle Meds, and Xero
Limits for all his help and support. I
can guarantee you all you wouldnt be
watching me on the MD site or reading this if it hadnt been for him.
Thanks for my training partner Brian
May, and last but definitely not least:
Steve Blechman and Robbie Durand
at MD. Being part of the MD family is
a wonderful thing.

Got a question for Rodney Roller?

You can ask him directly on the MD
website and have Rodney personally
answer your question! Go to, MD
Forums, MD Staff and Pros, Q and A for
Rodney Roller.

November 2009


By Branch Warren

Tougher Gun Laws with Obama?

There has been talk lately that Obama and his
administration want to toughen up gun laws, making
them harder to acquire, raising fees and taxes on
things like licenses and ammunition. They also want to
completely outlaw the sales of
some types of firearms. As you
might imagine, people around
here in Texas arent too happy
about this. I myself have a
decent-sized gun collection,
mainly hunting rifles, but also a
couple of assault rifles that I
strictly use at the target range.
I recall reading that something like 90 million Americans
are gun owners. The vast majority of them are law-abiding citizens. Every once in a
while you will have an unfortunate situation such as
Columbine or Virginia Tech. Because of a couple nuts,
you want to take away the rights of 90 million people?

Sometimes people go crazy and use their cars or trucks

to run people over, and drunk-driving fatalities happen
every day. Is anybody talking about making it harder to
buy a car?
As a kid living out in the country, my dad gave me
my first gun when I was eight
years old. He taught me all
about gun safety and that I
needed to respect firearms. They
were not toys. I saw what they
did to animals when he would
take me hunting. The bottom
line is that the Founding Fathers
guaranteed us the right to bear
arms when they wrote the U.S.
Constitution. Im all for taking
guns away from criminals and I
hate to see these school shootings just as much as the
liberals do, but the government needs to leave the lawabiding gun owners alone, instead of trying to punish
us for what the law-breakers do.

Finish Strong My New DVD!

I just wrapped up filming on my second training DVD, called
Branch Warren Finish Strong! Hardcore Training. My first
video, Unchained, was very popular. It sold like crazy, and you
can find it now on Netflix and at Blockbuster Video.
Unfortunately, I was pretty nave about the whole process when
it was made. Not only did I not have much creative control over
the finished product, I didnt even own the rights to it. So for
anyone who thinks I made a ton of money from my first DVD,
think again.
This time, I hired my own video crew and we captured a
week of super-intense workouts at seven weeks out from the
2009 Mr. Olympia. The chest workout on this DVD may be the
best I have ever had in my life, seriously. Brian Dobson was
training me, and hes probably the most motivating guy I have
ever known. I did a set on the incline barbell press with 405 for
15 reps, and hit flat presses with a pair of 200s for 12. During the
shoulder workout for the DVD, I did military presses with 315 for
20, and 365 for 10. All I can say is that if you liked my first DVD,
this one will blow you away. You could watch this thing at three
in the morning and feel like running off to the gym!

New and Improved Website

340 MD


You can order the new DVD at my new website, I also have my own signature lines
of GASP and House of Pain workout clothing. House of Pain
sponsored the production of the DVD, so shout out to the great
guys over there. GASP is some of the coolest workout gear you
could ever find. People have noted that its on the pricey side, so
check out my site and youll see I give you guys a nice break on
the prices. You know I have to take care of my loyal fans,
because you guys keep me going!

November 2009

Odd Decision in Tampa?

I really cant comment a whole lot about the Tampa Pro because I wasnt
there, but after checking out the MD coverage after the prejudging, I was sure
Fouad Abiad had the show in the bag. I was pretty shocked later when I read
that Dennis James beat him. I saw Fouad a couple days later doing a photo
shoot at Metroflex and talked to him for a bit. I told him he looked awesome and
to just keep coming back better and better like hes been doing. Thats all you
really can do as a pro. The guy has a lot of potential, so Im sure hell be fine.
How do you handle the heat in Texas? I know you guys are having a
heat wave and that your gym does not have A/C. How do you handle
that while you are working out hard and sweating like a pig? I know
the winter can be cold too do you wear sweat pants and a sweatshirt
to keep yourself warm while you are working in the cold winter days,
too? Hope you get some rain soon!

I grew up here, so Ive never known anything different. As far as training

without air conditioning, Ive been at Metroflex since I was 17 years old. If you
never had air conditioning or heat in your gym, how would you miss it? I have
seen a lot of people from out of town suffer the ill effects of not being accustomed to the Texas summers.
One time these knuckleheads were out here for the Ronnie Coleman workout weekend and they were being really obnoxious, talking trash and challenging Ronnie like he couldnt hang with them! I dont think it was even that hot
out that day, maybe in the 90s, and they went down with heatstroke.
I also saw one guy who has
placed in the top five at the Mr.
Olympia pass out training at
Metroflex in the summertime. They
had to literally pack him in ice and
give him fluids, with the fans all
moved over to him to blow air on
the poor dude. Im not going to
name him because thats not my
style, but it was tough for me to
keep a straight face the whole time.
That pro actually comes from a pretty hot place himself, but I am pretty
sure hes never tried to actually
work out in the heat without the
comfort of a nice A/C unit chilling
the air.
All I can say whenever something like that happens is, welcome to Metroflex,
youre in the jungle, baby! In the winter, I do dress much warmer. Anyone who
tries to train in a tank top and shorts usually only does it once before you see
them from that point on with some sweats on. You can always take off layers,
but you cant add them if you didnt wear them in the first place.
November 2009


Big Branch! Im a big fan! I watched your recent
chest training video on MD this morning before hitting my chest and it really got me revved up. Thanks
for the motivation. Just one question, what does
your diet look like that allows you to come in
peeled to the bone for competitions? Can you give
us an estimate on the protein and carbs, please?
PS: I love the F-250 in your video.
Very simple: Its 450 grams a day of protein and 600800 grams a day of carbs. These will come down toward
the very end to around 400-500, but thats it.
I like the truck, too but its a Ford F-350 2009 model!
Ive enjoyed watching your recent videos. Have
you always incorporated partial reps and a shortened range of motion into your training, or has that
been something youve added through years of
experience? And why do you think they work so
well for you?
I noticed you hold onto the squat rack instead
of the bar when doing squats. This seems to give a
good arm workout, especially in the triceps. Do
you always combine lower and upper body movements together like that, or is it only on particular
These seem more like critiques than questions, but I
will give you the benefit of the doubt. When you see me
doing pressing movements and not locking out, maybe
you forget that I have torn both my triceps and needed
surgery to re-attach them. Youve probably never experienced this and I hope for your sake that you never will.
Locking out my reps on any type of heavy press would
put a lot of strain on those elbow tendons and it would
only be a matter of time before I tore something again.
Sorry, but Im all done with injuries, knock on wood. If you
dont approve of my form, oh well it works for me and
its the way I need to do things to stay safe.
As for the squats youre talking about, those were not
regular squats with a bar. I was using a device called the
Hatfield bar, which is like a yoke or a harness that goes
around your shoulders. You dont hold onto the bar, but
you still need to keep yourself balanced. Thats why I was
holding onto the uprights of the squat rack. I was not
working my arms, but I think you know that. You were just
being a smartass. Thats OK, Im used to it by now.
Hey Branch, youre looking great, man. I have a
question about injuries in bodybuilding and how you
have coped with them. I have been bodybuilding for
two years now and have developed pain in both of
my shoulder joints. I have been to the doctor and
they recommended rehab. They are calling my
injuries an impingement.
Since I now constantly work on building up the
rotator cuff muscles, I still have pain and discomfort
when doing dips, and some shoulder exercises, too.
Have you ever had any pain in the shoulders, and if
so, how did you go about working around it to still
achieve the same goals? My doctors dont recom-

342 MD

mend surgery for me

since I have not torn
anything, just exercise to strengthen the
rotator cuffs. Thanks
for all the great articles and looking forward to the new
hunting show.
I am very lucky that
even though I have torn
both triceps and a
biceps, my shoulders
have never given me
any trouble.
Considering all these
years I have been training so heavy, I am very
grateful for that fact.
Guys I have trained
with and others I have
known well have experienced all types of
shoulder problems.
From the sound of it,
your doctors are right
on with their advice.
Anyone I know who
has had shoulder
surgery told me training
was never the same again. Its a pretty complicated ball
and socket joint, and once you go in there and start cutting things, it just never seems to work quite the same
way again. The most common complaint I have heard is
that you will lose some degree of your range of motion.
So definitely work hard on your rehab and stay consistent with your cuff work and stretching. Thats what I do,
as well as take plenty of time to warm up before I touch a
heavy weight. I do feel thats how I have managed to
avoid shoulder problems. Good luck!

Being Busy is a Blessing

Lately I have been so busy I hardly have time to
think. Ive been prepping for the Mr. Olympia, filming
my new DVD plus a lot of stuff for MD TV, and also getting my hunting show up and running. As if that wasnt enough on my plate, Trish and I still run our freight
business and we have also been getting into real
estate, buying up foreclosures. But in this economy,
you are either sinking or swimming, and I am blessed
by the Lord to be swimming. If any of you are busier
than ever, take a moment to count your blessings. I know I do every day.


Got a question for Branch Warren?

You can ask him directly on the MD
website and have Branch personally answer your question!
Go to, MD Forums,
MD Staff and Pros, Q and A for Branch Warren.

November 2009


MARK of a

By Mark Alvisi

A Pro Card
and the
Cover of MD

The Terminator is Out to Get Me!

Hows That for Gratitude?

Talk about being on

cloud nine I cant tell
you how good it feels,
not only to have all my
hard work pay off by
winning the Overall
and my pro card at
the USA, but also to
get the cover of MD!
Being on the same cover that legends like Ronnie, Jay, Lee Haney,
and current stars like Victor, Kai,
Lee Priest, Branch, Dexter, and
Dennis Wolf have appeared on is
an honor and a dream come true!
Thanks to the boss, Steve
Blechman, for this months
cover. I havent seen which
shot they picked yet, but they
did hint that it had a classic,
old-school feel, reminiscent of
the old black and white posing shots of Arnold. I dont
know if my name can be mentioned in the same breath as
Arnolds, but I am psyched to see
how it looks.

344 MD


You may have seen a thread on MDs No Bull Forum called LMAO Aspiring BB
calls out Mark Alvisi. This takes you to a YouTube video created by a local young
bodybuilder here in Florida named Jason Genova, which starts with him reenacting
the original Terminator movie with him in the Arnold role, and gets weirder from
there. At one point in the video, he speaks directly to me saying, Youre my friend
and role model, but when Im bigger and youre older, Ill beat you! I am gonna destroy
you onstage I am gonna eat you alive!
If youre wondering how I know Jason, heres the deal. I did a demo appearance for
Gaspari Nutrition at a GNC here in Delray Beach. As the athlete representative for the
company, I give out samples, sign photos, and answer questions about the products.
Of course, if people have training and nutrition questions, I help them out, too. Jason
was there the entire time, and must have asked me roughly 300 questions, in addition
to telling me all about himself and the career as a pro bodybuilder he aspires to. He
also posed extensively for me and sought out my critique, though he was mainly looking for some praise/affirmation, Im pretty sure. Anyway, I was nice and polite to him,
as I always am. Then this video pops up see what I get for being a nice guy? I have
somehow become his target and the one guy out of this whole sport he chose to challenge! If you really want to see this video, go to YouTube and search for, My Story:
Part 3 The Terminator. But be warned that clip starts out with Jason oiled up and
naked out in the woods somewhere and it doesnt get any easier to watch or listen to.
November 2009

What is your greatest challenge during contest prep?

Also, how do you feel FST-7 has worked for you?
The greatest challenge is probably getting everything done
in the 24 hours we get in a day. It takes total commitment to
training, diet, cardio, supplementation and rest if youre going
to maximize your potential to grow and improve in the shortest
time possible. Every part takes up time in your day. Between
all that, you still have to function like a normal person and
work, pay bills, run errands, and so forth.
I just set a schedule for everything that needs to be done for
my bodybuilding improvements and life revolves around that
right now. Thats how it has to be, because there are a lot of
other very good bodybuilders out there, too. Off-season I have
a little more liberty to relax because I dont have to eat quite as
often and Im not doing anywhere near as much cardio.
The FST-7 has worked great for me. I started working with
Hany in August of 2008 just after the USAs and I have really
improved. The training has helped me achieve more of a
rounder, fuller look to my muscles. If you look at pictures from
last years USA and this year, you will see major improvements.

I know you were a personal trainer for

awhile. I just got into the business. I have a
question for you. What type of split would you
recommend for a healthy, middle-aged woman?
She does cardio almost every day, but how
much should she lift? I only see her once a
week, so I try to do upper with her one week
and lower the next. I want to be able to formulate a split for her that she can follow on her
own the rest of the time.
I think any middle-aged woman should be able to
handle three weight-training workouts a week, plus
cardio. When I was training clients, I would do something like this for some women:
Abs/Chest/Back (push-pull workout)
Abs/Legs/Calves (total lower body)
Add cardio on the other four days and you have a
moderate weekly program. If the client really needs to
drop a substantial amount of body fat, she should
eventually work up to doing cardio every day
maybe a full hour on the days she doesnt weight
train, and 30-45 minutes after her workouts.

346 MD

What do you do to really bring out the abs before

competition, especially the lower abs? Is there an FST-7
movement, or is it all diet and cardio?
Its mostly just being extremely lean! A lot of guys can see
the top couple rows of abs, but not many bodybuilders ever
get lean enough to see the bottom edges of the bottom row in
clear delineation. I do abs every morning and some core work
to keep my waist tight, but theres nothing too special about
my ab work. Your abs will get a core workout from stabilizing
your body during certain heavy lifts like squats, deadlifts, and
overhead pressing. Some other back movements could do that
also, like barbell rows. I know when I do heavy cable pushdowns for tris, I feel a little bit of burn in my abs. You should
specifically train your abs as well, but it doesnt have to be a
long complicated workout. A few sets of a crunch-type of
movement and a few sets of hanging leg raises should be fine.

November 2009

Gotta Give It Up For My

Florida Crew
Its one thing for your buddies to
show their support by coming to
your show when its local, and
another thing entirely when that
show is thousands of miles away. I
am blessed enough to have an
excellent group of friends and colleagues who made it all the way
out from Florida to come see me
win the USA (thank God I won,
right?). Just as one very small
token of my appreciation, I want to
do a roll call here in my column of
the Team Alvisi crew:
Crystal Edgington
Kari Williams
Steve & Denise Singer
Larry Diadato
Kirsten Haradyk
Michael Jake Destefano
Lorrain Gratacos
Paul Del Pozo
Dorothy Nunamacher
Maria Alvisi (my mom)
Marco Alvisi (my grandfather)
Melissa Alvisi (my sister)
Having you guys there made
the victory that much sweeter, so
thanks from the bottom of my
Ive been reading that you
keep a steady amount of carbs in
your diet (no cycling). Im doing the same thing and I was questioning
how much fat I should be consuming. Im around 200 pounds at 9-10
percent body fat and Im eating 300 grams protein and about 240
grams carbs per day. Im just concerned with consuming too much or
too little fat.
Well, its tough to be sure how much fat you need without knowing how fast
your metabolism is. If youre eating mostly chicken breast or beef as I do for
your protein sources, then that will have a good amount of fat for the days total
from the beef. Generally speaking, unless youre on a keto diet, you should
probably try to keep it under 50 grams of fat a day. I just minimize my fat intake
and supplement with plenty of omegas from a product called Smart Blend.
Sometimes Ill add in some natural peanut butter or nuts if I need to pick up my
calories on a given day.
It also depends on whether youre trying to gain in the off-season or lean out
pre-contest. Fat calories add up really fast if youre not paying attention to them.
I have heard of a lot of guys who didnt get in shape for their shows because
they were snacking on nuts or peanut butter and never realized that they were
taking in way too many calories. !
Got a question for Mark Alvisi? You can ask him directly on the MD website and have
Mark personally answer your question! Go to, MD
Forums, MD Staff and Pros, Q and A for Mark Alvisi.

November 2009


By Evan Centopani

Thanks to Steve for Cover Number 4!

USA Review

I am pleased, honored, and privileged to have been on my fourth

MD cover for the September 2009
issue. This one may be the most
meaningful, because it was a direct
result of my most significant win
to date at the New York Pro. Its
nice because you can see my face
really well, plus my arm looks
ridiculously big in that shot. My
favorite cover so far was the second one, where I was doing a
barbell row. I just like that one
the most because it had such a hardcore feel to it. The
most exciting cover was definitely the first. The day I
got it, I was flying high. It was like holy shit, Im actually on the cover of this major magazine thats seen all
over the world! I brought that copy with me everywhere I went to show every single person I knew, and
some I didnt know. So again, thanks to Steve for the
amazing publicity. I dont take it for granted.

I wasnt at the USA, but I did see all the photos from
the MD coverage. Going in, it was Mark Alvisis show to
win, and he nailed it. His conditioning was insane, and his
frame can hold a lot more muscle eventually. He was a perfect choice for the Overall, because out of all the class winners he definitely has the most potential to be a good pro. I
should qualify that, because middleweight winner Daryl
Gee is going to be a real force in the 202s. He already took
second place at the Jacksonville Pro 202s right after that.
He also has 25 full pounds to play with before he maxes
out the weight limit for the 202s, and when he gets close
to 200, I think he might just dominate that division.

350 MD November 2009


The third card went to Grigori Atoyan, who has been

knocking on the door for a long time. Props to him for not
giving up. Based on the photos, I think a case also could
have been made for light-heavyweight winner Tamer El
Guindy to get that third card. He looked pretty phenomenal. As for MDs Branden Ray, it really sucks that he
trained so hard and dieted for a show he really should
have won, but he blew it with a rookie mistake, getting his
stage color wrong.

What do you know about tennis elbow, Evan?
It could wreak havoc on your backhand! But seriously,
inflamed tendons are no joke. Ive had issues with my
quadriceps tendons, my biceps tendon, and even my
elbows. Its pretty much an occupational hazard of being a
bodybuilder and doing the same movements over and over
with heavy weights. I find that deep-tissue massage helps a
lot. My chiropractor also tried something called the Graston
Technique, where they dig into the area with a stainless
steel tool. To me, it just seemed like it was ripping away at
the skin and not really helping the inflammation. With my
quadriceps tendon, I found that soaking in an Epsom salts
bath the night before training legs and again the night after,
alleviated much of the pain.
When it comes to the elbows, you have to always take
plenty of time to warm up with high-rep cable pushdowns
and get a pump going before you even think about starting
up with heavy skull-crushers or close-grip bench presses. As
you can see, there are a lot of options and you have to try at
least a few to see what you respond to best.

First off, I want to say that you are an amazing

bodybuilder and I love watching your In the
Trenches videos. I am 19 and I have a question
about leg training. My lower quads are extremely
slow to develop, especially my teardrop. Are there
any special exercises that you would recommend
to speed up my growth? Genetically, (I dont know
how you feel about genetics affecting ability) I
have a runners build with long legs, which causes
squats to really hit my glutes rather than my
quads. I have tried hitting legs twice a week and
this hasnt helped much.

At 16 percent body fat and a bodyweight of 230

pounds, is eating per pound bodyweight the safest
bet (230 pounds) or eating per pound LEAN bodyweight (approx. 195 pounds)? I read somewhere
that Jay Cutler recommended eating per pound
LEAN bodyweight was best when holding a percentage of body fat of 15 or less, and ever since
then Ive been unsure.
Always calculate your protein needs based on your lean
bodyweight. The protein is to feed your muscles, not your
fat. For instance, if a guy is 300 pounds and 50 percent body
fat (which would be quite obese), his lean bodyweight is
only 150 pounds! It would be a total waste for him to eat
450 grams of protein or more a day.
I would say to narrow your stance a little on your pressing movements. You may feel that you are not meant to do
squats, but I would highly recommend practicing them and
trying to master them anyway. If after five years of sincerely trying to perfect them you didnt feel they were right for
you, then I would leave them alone.
A lot of people are quick to say that they arent built for
squats, etc., etc. Fuck that. Its a difficult exercise and takes a
lot of time to master. At 19, theres no way you can be able
to say that they are truly not for you. So keep working on
your squats and experiment with other movements, but
dont give up on squats just yet. Youll thank me someday!

Whats the best exercise in your opinion to get

that outer sweep to your triceps? Yours is unmatched,
so I thought youd know best.
Those would be narrow-grip dips or pushdowns, and all
types of extensions with your elbows narrow not flared
out. Keep in mind that you need a lot of mass in the tris in
general to have that sweep.

352 MD

Do you find it weird that complete strangers cant

wait to meet you, based solely on what they know
of you online and in magazines?
Not really. I think that through the magazine and what I
write online, people can get at least some idea what Im
about and that can play on whether or not they do in fact
want to meet me. If someone thought I was a complete
asshole and still wanted to meet me just because Im a pro
bodybuilder or whatever then yeah, I would think that was
weird. But basically, Im the same guy in real life as you
read about in MD and on the website. November 2009

How do you like to eat your oatmeal in the
With a spoon. Seriously though, I havent been
eating any oats this off-season. Ive been having
Ezekiel bread with my eggs and it really agrees with
me. I feel like oatmeal attracts too much water and
tends to bloat me. Ezekiel bread is just as effective at
providing a steady energy flow with no blood-sugar
crash. I get mine at Trader Joes, and Ive been eating
it since right after my first show back in 2005.
What is it like to train with Kai? Do you
enjoy it?
I actually only trained with Kai once. It was shortly
after he won the Arnold Classic and I was a couple
months out from my show, and we did chest and
biceps. He wasnt really going all-out, but he was still
incredibly strong. It was a motivating experience to be
able to train with someone who had just won such a
prestigious show, and also knowing that we were
both working with the same coach, Oscar Ardon.
Do you ever have a glass of wine with
some meals, for example when you eat steak
at night, or are you against that... I have
occasionally done this and its good for the
heart too, I think.
Im not against the practice, but I just dont like
alcohol and the way it makes me feel hot and
uncomfortable. Once or twice a year I might have a
beer. But dont let me stop you from having a glass
with dinner and getting the benefits it has on the
heart and the circulation.

Getting the Fire Again

I finally took my weeks vacation with my girlfriend up in Cape Cod. It was a nice relaxing time
where I didnt do much of anything except go to the
beach every day and eat. I still got up a couple
mornings and did some fast walking on the beach
for cardio. Since the New York Pro, I have been training just three times a week, working only chest,
back, and legs.
After that week in the sun being a beach bum, I
am feeling just about ready to go back to training five
days a week and launching into a serious off-season
mode again. I have a lot of improvements I need to
make before I compete again. The Mr. Olympia was
never once a consideration for this year. Im nowhere
near ready for that yet. I cant even say I will do the
Arnold next year. The improvements I make to my
physique will dictate when Im ready to go up against
tougher competition.

Got a question for Evan Centopani? You can ask

him directly on the MD website and have Evan personally answer your question! Go to, MD Forums, MD
Staff and Pros, Q and A for Evan Centopani.

354 MD

If Youre Gonna Try and F*ck Me,

At Least Buy Me Dinner First!
The Guest Appearance from Hell
Recently, my good friend, national super-heavyweight
competitor P.J. Braun, was contacted to do a guest-posing
appearance at an NPC contest in the southeast. I wont
name the show or the promoter, for reasons that will be obvious in a moment.
As always, I negotiated the terms. The promoter offered to
have all my food prepared and
available for me. I declined,
because Im very particular about
what I eat and would rather just
bring it with me whenever its
practical. He also promised transportation for the whole weekend
to anywhere we wanted or needed to go, like the gym which he
didnt follow through on. He had
us picked up from the airport, and
that was it.
Most importantly, we agreed on a monetary fee and I asked
for a deposit amount up front. Only half of that was sent, but I
didnt make an issue out of it. Only once I got to the prejudging and started talking to other people who knew the promoter and his history did I start to get nervous about whether or
not I would be paid at all. At that point, I asked him for the
remainder of the appearance fee to be paid before P.J. and I
would pose later on that night. He wanted to give me a check,
but I wasnt going for that. Then he offered to send the money
online to a PayPal
account, which I reluctantly agreed to.
I checked and checked,
but no payment was sent.
So we sat in the hotel,
unsure of what we should
do. I hated to think that a
lot of fans had come to
see me and now I was
going to leave them hanging. So at 7:00 p.m., when the show was starting, we headed
over to the venue. To my surprise, the place was packed. I went
to the promoters associate at the box office overseeing the ticket sales, and wanted to know why we hadnt been paid clearly the funds were all right there! I started to suspect that he
had put us on the poster to draw a nice crowd, with no intentions of ever paying us. If we wouldnt pose, it would just look
like me and P.J. were the jerks who let the fans down.
Luckily, this guy did pay us. We did the posing and met a lot
of very cool fans. After the show, the promoter came over like
nothing strange had happened, shook my hand, and said, Im
glad everything was resolved. I just looked at him like, are you
serious? But he just smiled. Im not outing the guy here as a liar
or a cheat, but I did send Jim Manion a five-page letter explaining exactly how this promoter treated us. Hopefully hell never
try to screw anyone else over again! ! November 2009


TheBigBad WOLF

By Dennis Wolf

356 MD

upper body muscles tend to overlap, so if you always do

chest exactly so many days before or after other muscles
like triceps or shoulders, your body adapts to however
much rest the muscles get before they are worked again,
either directly or indirectly.
So if you shuffle this around sometimes, you change
that and your body gets a little different reaction, due to
either increased or decreased rest. The only rules I think
you should follow when you make a new split is that you
dont have consecutive days for muscle groups that have a
lot of overlap, like chest and shoulders or back and biceps,
and that you should try to schedule days you train a stubborn body part after a day of full rest. Other than that, mix
and match away every couple months.

November 2009


When you say you change your routine up every

three months, does that mean the particular exercises you do or does that mean the weekly split you
do or both?
I do change my weekly split about every month to keep
things interesting and to keep the muscles guessing. A lot
of us who train a body part once a week fall into the routine
of always doing chest on Monday, back on Tuesday, etc. I
know there are some guys who keep the same exact schedule like this for years and years.
Everybody knows they should change things like the
actual exercises and sometimes the rep range or rep speed.
But I also think the split should be switched up at least a
couple times a year. The reason is because a lot of the

Mr. Olympia: Im Not a

Favorite Anymore?

I enjoy reading your column, and I have been a fan of yours for a
while. I see you are close to 6 tall, and have one of the most impressive backs for a big man, along with those incredible shoulders. Im
510 and 196 pounds. Im trying to continue to make my back
wider and better. Im always trying to find ways to stimulate new muscle growth. Whats a sample back routine of yours that I could follow?
I appreciate your being a fan very much! I do a lot of basic free weight
exercises for my back. Two of my favorites are barbell rows and one-arm
dumbbell rows. I am able to feel the fibers in my lower lats work very hard
when I do these, and thats the area (as everybody in the bodybuilding
world knows, and keeps repeating!) that I need to develop the most. But I
dont just train my lower lats. That would be silly, because everything in my
back can still be better.
My goal is to become Mr. Olympia one day soon, and my back should be
even thicker, wider, and more detailed. What I mean is, it can never be too good,
and I am pretty far away from the day when anybody will say, Wolfs back is
one of the best in the world! But I do keep training my entire back super-hard
so one day they will say this. Here is a good routine I use that you can try:
Lat pulldowns to the chest
Barbell rows
One-arm dumbbell rows
Seated close-grip cable rows

Last year, there was a lot of pressure on me to do well at the Mr.

Olympia, because I had been fifth
place the year before and a lot of people said I could have been a couple of
places higher, pretty easily. Then last
year, even though I still moved up
and placed fourth, many people were
disappointed because I was flat. So
leading up to the 2009 contest, you
didnt hear too much about me like
you did about Dexter, Phil, Kai,
Victor, and Jay. But you know, anybody can make a mistake in preparation.
I know everybody expected me to
be in brutal heavy shape and dominate, and that didnt happen. I was
under a lot of stress and a lot of pressure to win, not just from my fans,
and the magazines, but mostly
myself. I actually think I was in a better place mentally this year by not
being a favorite. Not only was some
of the pressure off, but this year if I
came in looking huge and shredded, a
lot of people would be very surprised
and say, Wow! I guess Wolf is pretty
good after all!
So I dont really feel bad that many
people didnt expect me to win or
even make a top-five place this time.
If I came to the Olympia with more
weight (I was planning on being
about 275), more fullness, and the
same dry condition I had last year,
none of that would have mattered.

4 sets of 8-10 reps

4 sets of 8-10 reps
4 sets of 8-10 reps
4 sets of 8-10 reps
4 sets of 6 reps

Once you are into your contest diet, do you still drink protein
shakes, or do you only have whole-food meals? Also, what about fruit?
I know some bodybuilders cut fruit completely out of their diets before
a contest. Do you? If not, what fruits are safe to eat in your opinion
on a contest diet?
I do drink two protein shakes a day while I am dieting. If its the off-season, I
go with a blended casein and whey shake like Pro-Gram by Nutrex. Once I am
into my diet, I prefer whey protein isolate. And I still get in very lean condition,
so I dont know why some experts try to say this cant be done unless you eat
all solid food. Unless there are lots of sugar or carbs in general in the shakes, I
really dont understand what the problem is supposed to be.
As for fruit, I do avoid it because of the fructose, or fruit sugar in it that can
make your insulin levels go very high and make losing body fat harder. Early on
in the diet though, I do eat a little bit of fresh pineapple at the end of some of my
meals. It has enzymes in it that are good for digestion. But toward the end I cut
that out, too.
November 2009

MD 357


The Peoples Choice

Too Many Pros in the O?

The O Over Two Days

I hear some complaints that there are too

many athletes competing in this years Mr.
Olympia, and that maybe the IFBB should
limit this in the future, by only letting the
top three at all the pro shows qualify. This is
pretty ridiculous to me. Do they want it to
be like in the early years of the Mr. Olympia,
when there were only three or four men in
the show? There was even one year when
nobody would compete against Sergio
Oliva, so the Mr. Olympia lineup was him!
Yes, the Olympia is supposed to represent the elite of pro bodybuilding. So if there
are guys there who arent at the level of the
top men and qualified at a smaller show, so
what? The judges will not look much at
them, thats all. Thats what happened to
me the first time I did the Olympia back in
2006. If there are too many competitors, they
wont let everybody pose, only who they like
for the top 15.
So really, it doesnt matter if
there are 10 guys competing or
30. If a man qualifies, he has
every right to compete
whether he is realistically able
to place high or not. Some of
these guys have been dreaming about being on that
Olympia stage for much of
their lives and have worked
just as hard as the big names!

Another complaint (people sure do love

to complain!) from some people is how they
wish the Mr. Olympia would go back to
being all on one day and night, like it used
to be, and like how most other pro shows
still are. Since we now have all these other
Olympia events going on like the Mr.
Olympia, Fitness and Figure Olympias, plus
the 202 Showdown, I dont think thats even
possible anymore.
I cant say I miss having it the old way,
because by the time I did my first Mr. O, it
was already a two-day affair. Sure, its harder to hold your condition for two days, but
its possible. Of course, if you have to look
better on one of the two days, its best to do
it Friday when most of the judging happens.
I try to look great both days, but I know the
first day is more important for how you
place in the end.

TV Show
Right now I am watching a
lot of reruns on MTV of this
stupid show called
Wildboyz. Its most of the
same guys from Jackass,
doing more crazy stunts. Its
different because in this show
they do a lot of dangerous and
disgusting things with animals. Its one of those shows
that makes me say, Why am I
watching this? But I cant
change the channel!

My Reaction to
the Murder of
When my wife and I
heard about what happened to the older sister of
my fellow MD athlete
Victor Martnez, we were
shocked and felt very sad
for Victor and his whole
family. I know it must be so
horrible to have to go
through losing someone
you love in such a senseless and brutal way. My
condolences to all of them,
and I really hope the sick
monster who did it will
burn in Hell forever.

watch every now and then to get psyched up, is Ronnie

Colemans The Unbelievable. This was Ronnie in his
prime, five weeks out from the Mr. Olympia, and still
using weights that most of us only dream about. I still
get chills watching him deadlift 800 pounds in contest
condition. Who does that?

Aston Martin DBS. The Aston Martin is the top choice
for James Bond. A 6-liter V-12 engine, hand-built wonder of
beautiful automotive perfection. I would love to own one! !

Am I Russian or German?
Since I am of German heritage but actually was born
in Russia and lived there until I was 12, there seems to
be some confusion as to whether I am Russian or
German. I think in German, I count in German in my
head so I consider myself German. Now you know!

Training DVD
My favorite bodybuilding DVD, and the one I still

358 MD



Got a question for Dennis

Wolf? You can ask him directly on
the MD website and have Dennis personally answer your
question! Go to, MD
Forums, MD Staff and Pros, Q and A for Dennis Wolf.

November 2009


By Erik Fankhouser

Things to Have on
Contest Day:

360 MD

I can remember the days when I would wake up in the middle of

the night sweating my ass off, because of terrible dreams I would have
about contest day. I would have dreams that I would not have my
trunks and could not compete. Dreams where I would not have my
show tan on or dreams where I forgot to shave. Its crazy what tricks
your mind can play on you when you are dieting.
The more I am around bodybuilding, the more I see that my terrible
dreams about contest day are not just dreams to some people. I dont
know how you could forget your trunks, but I have seen it happen and I
have seen people borrowing them, LOL! I hope all that brown stuff in
them was pro tan, I heard one guy say... WOW Well, I am going to give
you a checklist for things that you should check off before contest day.

Less Excess for More Success

Shit if one works, then two must be better or three, four, five
till we find that line that breaks us. More, more, more we all come
across this once or twice in our lifetime. It is just human nature to push
the limits and see what our bodies can do. I have fallen victim of this
greed a few times. I know what I can do, then I push the line a few
inches more, and whack get smacked the fuck back down to Earth!
Sometimes we think we are Superman, or that things will not happen to us but we all have a line. The question is: are you willing to
find that line and are you willing to push that line until you get
smacked? The way I see it is, some lines can be pushed and bent and
some will break so choose your lines. November 2009


1. Posing trunks two pair one for prejudging, one for finals.
2. Posing music two copies always
have a backup. You dont want to pose to elevator music.
3. Extra tanning supplies even if you
are getting sprayed. You will need touch-ups.
4. Posing gel you dont want to be trying to find some before you go on, and have
someone throw you baby oil.
5. Towels you always need a towel to
pat yourself off, if your tanner is running.
6. Food so you dont get flat; I always
have jam and rice cakes on hand.
7. Water, sodium and potassium if you
start to get cramps.
8. Pump-up bands you got to get a
pump on push-ups and posing.
9. Music I always have my i-pod to listen to; it relaxes me. Nerves will make you
10. Entry forms, money for fees and
membership dues or membership card and
your A Game.

Contest Checklist

Eric Fankhouser
North American Champion

I would like to say I know how to

push my body and I know how my
body will respond to different things. I
have also found that sometimes less is
more. Just finding a balance of everything works just as well. When it
comes to training, I have found that I
get better results with fewer sets. I
have always done more and smashed
each body part, now with less volume
and not as many burnout sets, and I
am growing more. So less is more now
with my training. We all must learn
how to find our lines in life, but not
push your lines until they break!
I am trying to gain some size
and am eating clean this off-season. I found myself out and without my food; does it hurt to eat
fast food when Im in this situation? What are the best choices
when eating on the run?
I have been out many times and I
eat fast food in the off-season. I do try
to avoid this, but sometimes it happens, and it is always better to eat
than to miss meals. My favorite place
to hit up when on the run is Wendys;
they got real beef there and they dont
mind when I ask them for four or five
beef patties. They look at me like I am
crazy, but it is fun to say give me a
triple and a double but hold the
bread, I just want the beef. They also
have baked potatoes that come plain,
which is great for a quick hit of carbs.
Top that off with a biggie diet soda
and you are set. Some other great
choices are grilled chicken instead of
beef, or even chili. So there are always
ways of getting some OK food that is

kinda clean when youre on the run. I

would just stay away from the
frosties they are all for me this offseason none for you LOL!

Training Journal
This is a great month for my training. I have been training with less volume now for over six weeks and I am
seeing great results. I am getting better recovery and moving more weight.
I just needed a change from my highvolume training and it worked. I am
going to stick to the high-intensity
training until I start my contest diet,
then change back to high volume.
Soon I will be dieting for the NY pro. I
am going to start in December with
my contest prep.

Family and Thanks

I want to tell my crazy little man
happy 5 birthday this month.
Xavier is five! I still can remember
when I was training for my first
show ever and Heather got pregnant it seems like yesterday. Its
funny how I always track things by
what show I was doing, LOL like
Xaviers first step was the day
before my third show haha...
Everybody else is doing good. I just
cant wait to eat some turkey this
Thanksgiving before I start my diet. It
will be like my last meal and I will love
each huge meal I eat that day. I just
wanted to tell Rick thanks for everything he has let me do at his gym
for letting me train at his gym, having
all the Animal Pak events and letting
MD video me at his place. Thanks,
Ricky and The Body Shop. ! November 2009


By Hany Rambod

Pro Creation
at the USA
Congratulations to the man on
the cover of this issue, my client
Mark Alvisi. Mark is the latest to
win the USA, a show I have had
good success with since I began
coaching athletes over 10 years
ago. Some of the men I helped
earn pro cards at the USA in that
time include Quincy Taylor, Idrise
Ward-El, Mike Dragna, Omar
Deckard, and Curtis Bryant. It
was at the 2008 USA that I was
first approached by Mark Alvisi to
team up and start fulfilling the
potential we both knew he had.

USA to Nationals: A Lot to

Accomplish in a Short Time

364 MD

January 2009: The Real

Project Alvisi Begins
Mark took some time to rest and regroup after the
Nationals, and then once the New Year began it was ON.
The primary focus for this four-month off-season assault
was to change the look of his physique and vastly improve
his X-frame by building his legs, especially the outer
As a means of motivating him, and Marks girlfriend will
attest to this, I actually informed him, You look like a stork,
and youll never win anything until you put a lot more size
on your legs. This is no easy task for a guy with longer legs
like Alvisi, but he was more than up to it. He began training
legs twice a week and returned to heavy squats for the first
time in a couple years.
The issue there had been a weak core, which caused
Mark to feel unstable and lack confidence with anything
more than 300 pounds on his back. I gave him some good
exercises to strengthen his core, which in a short time had
him squatting in the 400s on a regular basis. We also
employed a new version of 7s called Ascending 7s, which
had his rep ranges climbing anywhere from 10 to 100 over
the course of his final 7 sets for quads.
As a side note, its been more than a year and a half
since my first MD articles on FST-7 were published, and
there has been increasing demand for follow-ups detailing November 2009


Marks next contest was the Nationals, taking place just

four months after the USA. At the USA, I felt his condition
had been great. The real issue was his size, or lack thereof.
He had weighed in at 205 and had been about 200 by the
time he got onstage for the judging. By the finals the following evening, he was technically not even a Heavyweight
anymore, as he had dropped below the class weight limit
of 198 pounds.
So bringing up his fullness and roundness was our priority for the Nationals, and we did that mainly by incorporating FST-7 Training. In a very short time, Mark was able to
improve the fullness of his chest, back, shoulders, and
arms. His legs also improved somewhat, but I knew that
was going to be more of a long-term endeavor that we
wouldnt have time to give true justice to, until the
Nationals were over and Alvisi could enter into a true offseason.

We brought Mark into the Nationals a full five pounds

heavier than the USA with at least the same degree of condition, and I honestly thought he had Mike Liberatore
beat for the Heavyweight class. It was a controversial decision that people continued to debate for months. But, looking back in the grand scheme of things, Marks physique at
the time wasnt ready yet to challenge my other client at
that show, Ed Nunn, for the Overall. Everything happens
for a reason.

the newer versions of the system. I held off
because I wanted to test them out on clients
and note their effectiveness before putting it
out there, and thats all been completed. So
stay tuned for that in a column coming
We also focused on Marks chest and
back, and took great care to maximize his
recovery by supplementing with BCAAs several times a day. By the end of April, as his
off-season was coming to an end, the gains
were apparent. All our target areas had
become noticeably thicker and fuller, and
even his hamstrings appeared wider, when
viewed in back shots like the rear double
biceps and rear lat spread.
Alvisis delts were more capped from
using FST-7, and his arms had taken on a
rounder appearance. Now it was time to
shred it all up for the big win.

The 2009 USA: A

Decisive Victory
Marks prep for the USA was different
from what wed done on our first collaboration for the Nationals. Something we
stressed at all times was to keep him big
and full as he leaned out. With respect to his
increased mass as well as the immense
glycogen depletion experienced from training legs twice a week, as well as following
the FST-7 system in general, we kept Marks
carbs relatively high throughout most of the
diet 250-500 grams a day. He was also
able to keep his weight-training workouts
heavy and intense all the way up to a week
or two from the show, whereas in the past
both had dropped off for him at about the four or fiveweeks-out point.
Alvisi weighed in at 216, a full five pounds more than
hed been at the Nationals and 11 pounds up from the previous years USA. With the increased fullness and more
importantly, the more pronounced outer thigh sweep he
looked like a completely different bodybuilder. And as I continually make a point of reminding people in situations like
this, it wasnt just the weight gain that made the difference.
Anybody can pile on weight, but adding mass and fullness
in all the right places is what creates the true visual illusion.
A good example is Phil Heath. Most fans assumed he was
240 or 245 pounds at last years Mr. Olympia, but he was
really just 227.
The improved Mark Alvisi was able to fend off a very
tough Lee Banks to win the Heavyweight division, en
route to a decisive Overall victory. Now, after hes had his
much-deserved break, Mark is going right back into his first
off-season as a pro. As far as which contest hell make his
debut at, we dont even want to think about that until next
January or February. One strong possibility is the Tampa

366 MD

Pro show, since its fairly close to his home in the Boca
Raton area. But in the meantime, Mark is letting his win
sink in and is already mentally gearing up to make his
Mark as a pro. Congrats, Brother!
Ive read in your column, as well as heard you
mention on MD Radio how you recommend BCAAs,
L-Glutamine, and creatine to enhance recovery and
create muscle fullness. How much do I take, and
when? Would you please elaborate? I have been
using the FST-7 Training system now for a few
months and absolutely love the results, but I want to
get the most out of these workouts.
Its commonly known among my clients that I have been
designing my own supplement formulas for some time
now. Until recently, any talk of making these products available to the public was just that, as I had been too busy with
other projects and job responsibilities for several years to
devote the needed time.
Recently, I teamed up with a company Im involved with
named Evogen, to develop the first of several formulas for November 2009

athletes. This flagship product is called EvoP1-Alpha, and
its designed to be used both pre- and post-workout. Its one
I tested successfully on a wide range of athletes, ranging
from local to professional bodybuilders as well as figure,
fitness, and bikini competitors. Ingredients include ultra-soluble BCAAs, N.O.-stimulating Arginine, several forms of LGlutamine, creatine pyruvate, and a profile of B vitamins
designed as an anti-stress pack.

The formula comes pre-dosed with the exact amounts

of each nutrient, designed to elicit a truly sick pump while
training, and then get you started on the recovery process,
while keeping your muscles full immediately after the workout. I was adamant about acquiring only the highest-quality
ingredients so the absorption rates are sky-high.
Best of all, EvoP1-Alpha is stimulant-free. The problem
with most nitric oxide products is that theyre loaded with
caffeine. So you may feel a heck of an energy kick working
out, but the vaso-constricting properties of the caffeine cancel out the vasodilating effects of the other ingredients.
Sadly, the end result is that you hardly see any difference in
your pump. Thats definitely not the case with my product!
Another huge advantage to EvoP1-Alpha is that it contains zero carbs. Other products of this type often contain
carbs, so using them while dieting would be counterproductive. EvoP1-Alpha is versatile and suitable for use,
whether youre in off-season building mode or trying to
shred up for a contest. You can visit for more information. !
Visit or for previous articles, news, an interactive forum, video clips, and member profiles
and blogs. Youll also find updates on my current clients and who is
preparing for upcoming contests. Free registration gives you full
access to all of it.
Got a question for Hany Rambod? You can ask him directly on
the MD website and have Hany personally answer your question!
Go to, MD Forums, MD Staff and Pros,
Q and A for Hany Rambod.


Trainer of

By Charles Glass

The question that I have pertains to bringing my
waist back down to size. Since the rectus abdominis
(abs) are only so wide and run mainly up and down
the body, I believe the transversus abdominis is the
muscle that acts like a corset and keeps the waist
nice and slim. Are there any exercises you can suggest (I do the vacuum pose often) that can help bring
the waist down in size? Any help would be greatly
I am not quite sure exactly what way you would like your
waist to decrease in size. If your hipbones are set wide and
you have a large pelvis, a narrow waist is not in the cards
for you. If its a matter of body fat, obviously cardio and diet
are going to be the tools to ameliorate that situation. You
could also have very thickly-developed oblique muscles,
which I often see in men who perform heavy deadlifts from
the floor and heavy full squats (below parallel).

370 MD

I have a question for you. In all of the nutrition

articles I read, when they come up with daily totals
for protein, they include everything that is eaten
including bread, pasta, etc. Now I know these are not
complete proteins. When adding up what I eat, and
aiming for a set amount of protein per pound of lean
weight, shouldnt I just go by complete protein
sources such as meat, dairy etc.? Also, how much
protein per pound should be consumed on average
for a drug-free bodybuilder?
Only count complete proteins from sources like poultry,
red meat, eggs, fish, and dairy. Its also possible to get complete proteins from various combinations of things like soy
products such as tofu, beans and legumes, which vegetarians often do. Technically, the proteins found in trace
amounts in foods like grains are indeed proteins, but they
dont contain all the essential amino acids you need for
muscle repair and synthesizing new muscle tissue. As for
how much protein to consume, I would recommend two
grams per day per pound of lean, not total, bodyweight.
Some will argue that this is too much, but I have seen its
effectiveness many times over the years, in all types of
bodybuilders, be they drug-free or not. An enhanced athlete
can even utilize a bit more protein than that. November 2009


The obliques also tend to be far more developed in

individuals who dont wear lifting belts. I have been
wearing a belt throughout my entire lifting career, and I
genuinely believe this practice trains the muscles of the
abdominal wall to stay tighter. When you dont wear a
belt, various muscle groups have to work much harder to
support and stabilize you.

You often hear of this group of muscles referred to collectively as your core. As you probably know, there has
been a tremendous amount of hype over training the core,
and many people who have little or no lifting experience
desire to have a stronger core. If you ever want to see an
incredibly strong core, check out the guys who compete in
Strongman events. These are often men well over 300
pounds with visible abdominals, but enormous midsections. Even with a belt, their core muscles have to work
exceedingly hard to stabilize and assist in the various
events they do that often involve lifting very heavy, odd
objects such as stones. So go ahead and train your abs
and lower back, but if you want to keep your waistline as
small as it can be, wear a belt and avoid movements that
cause your core to have to work so hard.

CHARLES GLASSTrainer of Champs

The USA Gives Us 3 New Pros
When they say good things come in small packages, they
must have been talking about the new USA middleweight
winner, Daryl Gee. Pound for pound, this guy had one of the
thickest and most complete physiques in the show. When you
put him next to the heavier guys, he doesnt have the height
and sheer size that they do, but he will do very well in the
202s. Actually, just one week later in Jacksonville at Dexters
show, he did just that, taking second and qualifying for the
202 Showdown.
I had seen Mark Alvisi at a couple shows before this, and I
knew he would get his pro card soon. When I ran into him
back in March at the Arnold Classic weekend, I told him this
was his year and he only had to follow through on his excellent potential and make it happen. At the judging, I knew he
was probably going to win the Overall.
Im happy that Californias Grigori Atoyan finally got his
pro card after trying so hard for so long, but I still wasnt overly impressed with his condition. He looked great from the
front, but once he turned around, his glutes and hams were
pretty soft. Grigori didnt have too much tough competition in
the Supers. Hopefully, hell nail his condition when he gets up
there as a pro. I really would like to see all that shapely mass
dialed in perfectly.
Speaking of which, the guy who impressed me the most
with his condition was another L.A.-area bodybuilder, Tamer
El Guindy. Thats what I call flawless contest-prep right
there! Hes known as Razor, and he earns that nickname.
Tamer worked with MDs Hany Rambod, The Pro Creator, for
this show, and he really did deserve a pro card. If he brings
that same package to the Nationals, but maybe with a little
more triceps and hams, I think he could get it.

Stan Debuts With a Bang

He turned pro almost three years ago, but my newest client
Stan McQuay didnt enter his first IFBB contest until the
recent 202 division at the Jacksonville Pro, promoted by reigning Mr. O, Dexter Jackson. But he did an outstanding job by
winning his pro debut. Stan has put about 15 pounds of muscle on since he won the 2006 NPC Nationals light-heavyweight
title. I cant take credit for that, except the last few pounds.
One thing I had Stan doing was to train heavier than he
had in years. He said it had been quite a while since he had
used anything more than 100 pounds for incline dumbbell
presses, but we worked on gradually increasing his strength
until he was doing good sets with a pair of 140s. We really
pounded his legs, doing hack squats and reverse hacks with
five plates on each side, and 12 plates a side for the leg presses. He made improvements all over in terms of lean mass, but
it was most evident in his legs.

Best of Luck in All You Do, Silvio

We worked together for almost two years, and in that time
Silvio Samuel won four pro shows and placed seventh at the
Mr. Olympia twice. Now, Silvio wants to try something different and we arent working together anymore. There are no
hard feelings on either end, and I still consider Silvio my friend.
I just want to wish him well and thank him for being such a
hard worker whenever we trained.

372 MD

1984: The Year I Competed

in The Mr. Olympia
With the 2009 Mr. Olympia just behind us, I cant
help but think back to the year I competed in that
show a full quarter-century ago. It was a grand experience to be up there with so many of the guys I had
looked up to for years and read about in the magazines, like Tom Platz, Sergio Oliva, Samir Bannout,
Robby Robinson, Mohamed Makkawy, Chris
Dickerson, Bill Grant, Boyer Coe, and Albert
Come to think of it, that years Mr. Olympia had
one heck of a lineup, with two former Mr. Os (Oliva
and Dickerson), plus the defending champion Samir,
who had to concede to Lee Haney. Haney had placed
third at his Olympia debut the year before, but I had
known even then that this was the man who was
going to dominate the sport for a long time. Haney
had such a perfect structure, with no weak body
parts, and a tiny waist and hips for such a big man.
As for me, I placed 16th out of 20 guys, but I still
have nothing but happy memories. I was never a fulltime pro bodybuilder. It was something I did for fun,
as a hobby on the side. My real job in 1984 was still
as an engineer, and my workdays were typically 12
hours long. I loved bodybuilding so much that I would
train very early in the morning, go to my desk job for
12 hours, then go back to the gym and train two
clients (I was just starting to train people back then)
before I trained a second body part myself.
I went into that Mr. Olympia in my first year as a
pro at 192 pounds in my trademark ripped condition.
The only thing I never had was the size to compare to
thicker guys like
Haney, Samir, or
Platz. Maybe
working all those
hours and sleeping not much
more than four
hours a night had
something to do
with that, because
once I gave up my
engineering job
and became a fulltime trainer, I
made significant
gains right away.
But all in all, I am
happy to have
competed in the
biggest contest in our sport that one time. !
Got a question for Charles? E-mail it to him at and you could see it
answered right here in MD! November 2009

By Lee Priest

on Steroid

eing that MDs slogan is No Bull and the main

reason I was brought back to this magazine is
because I am known for speaking my mind
regardless of who it may happen to upset or offend, this
month I need to get something off my chest that has been
really bothering me lately. I am sick and tired of the constant talk about steroids. Coming from
a man who has been a professional
bodybuilder for over 16 years now,
this no doubt sounds strange or
maybe even smacks of hypocrisy, but
hear me out.
We know steroids are used in our
sport and other sports, so why keep
going on about it? Drugs are used in
baseball, as we all know, and in soccer, football, and just about every
other sport but you dont go to their
websites or pick up their magazines
and read all these steroid articles and
chemical corner sections.
As bodybuilders, I think we are just
shooting ourselves in the foot by talking about it so much. Young kids read
it and all they want to talk about is
drugs. Right off the bat, they see
steroids as the absolute most important factor in building their bodies with
training and nutrition being almost afterthoughts to a lot
of them!
When I was starting out in the mid-80s, steroids were
never mentioned in the magazines. All I read about was
training, nutrition, and normal supplements like basic
weight gain powders and vitamins. Yes, we know drugs
are being used in bodybuilding and its good that we dont
pretend that they arent. But is there really a need to go on
and on about it?
No wonder the general public looks at us with such
disdain and disgust. How many bodybuilding magazines
have the word Steroids! screaming out at you, so you
can associate it with the freaky physique on the cover?

What does all the talking about steroids really accomplish? Ostensibly, I know the idea is to provide accurate
information about the drugs to people who are going to
use them anyway, so at least they can be informed and
hopefully, exercise a little more caution and common
sense when they do.
As much as I agree with the ideas
of freedom of speech and information
sharing, I think it may be time we did
what all the other professional sports
do. They tacitly accept that drugs are
being used, but keep it under the carpet. Theres really no need to out up a
big banner effectively announcing,
Hey! Look at us! We use drugs, were
proud of it, and we can tell you how
to do it too! Golf Digest may have
the latest high-tech clubs profiled, but
we have the newest hot designer
steroids and exactly how to cycle
them to make crazy gains!
I know my opinion isnt shared by
everyone. A lot of you love to talk
about steroids, read about steroids,
and generally obsess over various
drugs and what you feel they can do
for you. Some people just cant get
enough. Its almost like steroids have
become their porn. There are guys on the forums who have
screen names like DecaBoy or TestoKing, and they delight
in posting and debating about steroids all day and night.
But youll notice the pros rarely talk about drugs. For
one thing, theyre still illegal without a prescription in the
USA and most other countries. For another, most of us
dont particularly like buying or using them. We do it
because they are part of the sport, just as they are with
the majority of sports.
If this starts a real dialogue among us about whether
the excessive steroid content and discussion is helping
or hurting the image and growth (pardon the pun) of our
sport, then great. Thats all I wanted to do.

I know the idea

is to provide
accurate information about the
drugs to people
who are going to
use them anyway,
so at least they
can be informed
and hopefully,
exercise a little
more caution and
common sense
when they do.

396 MD

November 2009

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