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Aggressive Motorists
The number of vehicles on the freeways and roads of Malaysia is
increasing at an alarming rate. This influx of motorcycles, cars and lorries is
creating hazardous conditions. Moreover, riders and drivers are in such a rush to
get to their destinations that they become angry or impatient with other road
users who are too slow or who are in their way. Aggressive motorists react
foolishly toward others in several dangerous ways.
One way an angry motorist may react is to cut off another driver. This is a
dangerous practice sometimes resulting in collision. It also has the potential to
disrupt the flow of traffic and to block feeder roads. We would do better to
practice cooperation on the roads, rather than a me-first attitude.
Another reaction of an aggressive motorist is to tailgate the other vehicle.
This is not only rude but also intimidating and dangerous. The practice results in
insufficient reaction time and an inadequate view of the road conditions ahead for
the tailgating driver. The consequences could easily be a nose-to tail collision if
the front vehicle brakes, turns or swerves.
In addition to cutting off and tailgating other vehicles, aggressive drivers
often use rude language or gestures to show their anger. This phenomenon has
become most grave in the United States of America where they have the added
complication of enraged drivers with guns. When I recently commented on the
apparent politeness of drivers in the US my American friend replied that this was
due to drivers fear of enraging an armed motorist. Fortunately Malaysians need
not fear such extreme reactions, however we still need to be wary of an
aggressive driver who unleashes profanities or obscene gestures. They are an
indication that the motorist has stepped outside his social and cultural bounds
which usually curb such behaviour. We are well advised to keep our distance
from such drivers and not answer them back.
Although traffic police have warned motorists against aggressive driving,
the number who act out their angry impulses has not declined. Rather, in
Malaysia we have observed a trend towards a greater number of traffic
infringements and accidents related to road rage, intolerance and impatience.
Too many innocent lives have been lost or impaired due to impatient drivers
speeding or attempting to overtake only to run head-on into an oncoming vehicle.
Motorcyclists in particular have earned a reputation for being foolhardy on the
roads. Furthermore, the attitude of drivers towards motorcyclists had deteriorated
to such an extent that the authorities ran a public relations campaign to try and
influence motorists to be more thoughtful.
To conclude, aggressive motorists are endangering everyone because
they create hazardous conditions by acting and driving foolishly. They should
control their anger and learn to drive safely. After all, the lives they spare could
well be their own.



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