T2 WK 5 Level I Alexandre The Great Exercise Book P 16-19

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Alexander the Great Exercise Book - Answers

Unit 4
Comprehension (pages 35-45)
1. How did Alexander feel about King Philip, his father?
Alexander resented King Philip as he was impatient to lead Macedonia.
2. What did Aristotle have to teach Alexander?
Aristotle would teach Alexander how to think.
3. Where did Alexander have to go to study with Aristotle?
Alexander had to go to Mieza to study.
4. How had Alexander managed to avoid being beaten in the race by Philotas?
When Philotas tried to push Alexander, he stepped to one side so that Philotas lost
balance and fell over.
5. What does this passage suggest about Philotas?
It suggests that Philotas would cheat and knock others out of the way to win or get what
he wants.
6. What does the last sentence of the paragraph at the top of page 40 suggest about
It suggests that he already regarded himself as a king and would only compete in battles
against other kings.
7. How would you best describe Hephaestion?
Hephaestion had a sharp mind, great courage, and was extremely loyal to Alexander,
holding his opinions in the highest regard.
8. How did Aristotle regard the barbarian peoples of the east?
Aristotle regarded them as corrupt people who were slaves to the flesh. He thought them no
better than plants or animals.


Alexander the Great Exercise Book - Answers

9. What had happened to make Aristotle hate barbarians like the Persians so much?
His closest friend, Hermeias, had been butchered by the Persians.
10. Why did the Persians torture Hermeias?
They thought he had aligned with King Philip.
Vocabulary (pages 35-40)
Compound Words
Compound words are formed of two smaller words joined together. Often you can predict the
meaning of a new word when you know the smaller ones. Compound words may be written
as one word (classroom), two words (apple tree), or hyphenated words (merry-go-round).
Choose the compound word from the box below which best fits each of the sentences.




1. when two competitors are level with each other


2. someone born into a family with no status or wealth


3. a place where a battle is or has been fought


4. above your head, normally in the sky


Vocabulary (pages 35-40)

Choose a word from the box to best fit each of the definitions below.




1. running with long relaxed steps


2. very thin, often with bones showing


3. to stop someone being in a competition for doing something wrong disqualify

4. no order or control


5. persuades


6. tissue in the body which connects muscle to bone


7. knocking or pushing



Alexander the Great Exercise Book - Answers

Vocabulary (pages 41-45)





Use the words from the box above to complete the text below.

Alexander sat down in the olive groves

would disturb

s near the palace, a quiet place where no one

b him. He wanted to write in his journal

l about the interesting things he

had learned in his astronomy lesson, but he could not concentrate. He was baffled d by the
behavior of Philotas, who was always treating his friends harshly . Alexander decided that
Philotas was unworthy of his friendship and would not be bothering to spend time with
him in future.
Vocabulary (pages 40-45)
A suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a base word to create a new word.
Look at the meaning of the suffix below. Use your knowledge to write a definition for each of
the bolded words.
-ly = in that way
1. The king looked at the traitor coldly before he ordered him to be taken away.
without emotion

2. Alexander learned to ride easily as he was used to being with horses.

with no difficulty

3. When Alexander heard about his father s injury, he visited him immediately.
straightaway; without delay

4. After a long march home, the army finally reached Macedonia.

at last; after a long time

5. The king reacted calmly to the news brought by the messenger.

quietly and in a relaxed way


Alexander the Great Exercise Book - Answers

Journaling (pages 35-45)

Imagine you are Alexander. What do you think of Philotas?
Write a character sketch of Aristotle as he is described in these pages.
Continue your list of figurative language found in your reading: simile, metaphor, and
Page 41

Alexander s eyes were like stars

Page 42

a fresh piece of clay, which he could mold

Page 43

the light of Greek culture will be extinguished.

Independent Activity:
Olympic Games in Ancient Greece
Research into the origins of the Olympic Games held in Ancient Greece and the sports that
were included. Bring your research work to the class for presentation.
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