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2015/16 Budget to swell as Parliament asks for
additional Shs416 billion
Several Parliamentary Committees have told the government to find additional
money to the tune of Shs416 billion to add to the Shs18.3trillion budget that
has already been provided for the 2015/16 financial year lest key sectors are
left in dire straits.
Parliament's Budget Committee will on Wednesday 6th May 2015 table a report
detailing the different government agencies and sectors whose operations will
be constrained if more money is not appropriated for them.

The Chairman, Parliament's Budget Committee Amos

Lugolobi representing Ntenjeru North.

The Budget committee report is a compilation of reports from Parliament's

sectoral committees that examine budget estimates of different Government
Agencies and Ministries- and recommend on what action Parliament should take.

However, Shadow Finance Minister Geoffrey Ekanya is set to table a minority

report after disagreeing with his colleagues on the Budget Committee on grounds that the Finance Ministry did not follow the newly
Read more:
Public Finance Management Act, 2015 in tabling the budget.

Key among the areas which Parliament wants the government to find money for is the Implementation of the Youth Livelihood
Program which needs Shs17.7billion. The Agriculture Ministry wants Shs 5.2million for the procurement of two sets of earth moving
equipment to dig on farm valley tanks.
Other Ministries and Agencies that reported hard-hitting shortfalls include; the, Ministry of Gender, Ministry of Justice and
Constitutional Affairs, Directorate of Public Prosecution, Judiciary, Parliamentary Commission and Inspectorate of Government. The
others are Ministry of Information and Technology, Ministry of Water and Environment, Ministry of Finance and Office of the
Auditor General (OAG).
How the Shs416 billion will be divided, if the government finds it:
Unfunded priority

Funding Required

Public Awareness and Consultations on East African Community (EAC) Integration

500million Shillings.

Implementation of the Youth Livelihood Program

17.7billion Shillings.

Initial Establishment of Kiswahili Council

57.88billion Shillings.

Implementation of Green Jobs and Fair Labour Market Program

5billion Shillings.

Implementation of Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS) House project

298billion Shillings.

Salaries for State Attorneys

47billion Shillings.

Enhancement of Judge's Allowances -

5billion Shillings

Access to Justice especially for the vulnerable groups.

8billion Shillings

Parliamentary Commission (construction of New Chamber)

30.242billion Shillings.

Inspectorate of Government House

52billion Shillings.

Procurement of Scanners for Inspection of Exports and Imports

5.5billion Shillings

Agricultural Single Spine Extension System (Staff Structure)

39billion Shillings.

Procurement of Two sets of Earth Moving Equipment to dig on farm valley tanks

5.2billion Shillings.

Implementation of the National Computer Emergence Response Team (CERT)

3.267billion Shillings.

Construction and Expansion of Valley Dams and Tanks

12.83billion Shillings.

Resurveying and Boundary Opening of Central Forest Reserves

2billion Shillings.

Expand rate of Transmission line Infrastructure.

78.015billion Shillings

Financial Intelligence Authority

4billion Shillings.

Clearing of Audit Backlog and Expansion of Audit Coverage

13.886billion Shillings.

Produced by the Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG).

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