September Newsletter For Division 25E of T-O District

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SEPTEMBER 3rd, 2009

Upcoming » Knack for publishing?

TEX-O-KEY If you’re a writer, journalist or photograper and
hope to study one of these professions in college,
The September issue of the Tex-O-Key is set to then you have a great opportunity to serve, im-
release on the 15th of this month - don’t miss it and prove the Texas-Oklahoma District of Key Club
make sure to let your clubs know about the new is- and bolster your resumé for college applications.
sue. It will be filled with interesting stories, helpful
articles and lots of ways to become more involved Key Club has always looked good on resumés,
in community service but will focus on Fall Rally. but now not just for its service aspect. This year
there’s an entirely new way to do service and it’s all
FALL RALLY about the Tex-O-Key. As District Editor I’m head-

Fall Rally is right around that corner and I per- ing an informal team of Key Clubbers that will
sonally can’t wait for it to get here. Let your clubs work on producing the Tex-O-Key and making this
know about how great of a time it will be and work year’s volume be the best yet in T-O history. I’m
hard to make this is most successful Fall Rally yet. looking for writers, photographers, and journalists
that are motivated, talented and want to not only
learn a lot, get real experience and improve their
Reminders » resumé, but also want to do so with a great team of
people that are serving the entire Texas-Oklahoma
Lieutenant governors: Article assignments for
the Tex-O-Key are due today, September 3rd.
Please turn in your articles to me ASAP or other- Thanks for reading. If you’re interested, email
wise email me with morei nformation on your situ- me at
Lieutenant Governors: make sure to let your
The July issue of the Tex-O-Key can be found on club members know about this opportunity, as
the T-O District website, Remind well, even if you don’t think it’s for you.
clubs that didn’t catch it the first time around that
it is available to them as a club resource.hard to
make this is most successful Fall Rally yet.

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