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Group No.

April 30, 2015

Section: 2C-PH

Members: Abcede, Gianne Maureen L.

Azurin, Ma. Erika Lourdes D.
Bautista, Elizabeth Ann O.
Borromeo, Bea Pamela M.
Chica, Mark Louis A.
Cinconiegue, Maryrose C.

Date Performed:
Date Submitted: May 7,

Experiment No. 7: Specific Heat Of Metals

I . Abstract
This experiment aims to determine the specific heat of a metal sample, in
this case, Steel. Its specific heat was determined by using its mass and the
sample was heated to a 95C-99C range then immersed it into the
calorimeter with a known mass of water at a low initial temperature. In the
Law of Heat Exchange, two substances interchange heat so that the heat lost
by the hotter substance is gained by the colder substance until the two reach
thermal equilibrium. The amount of heat absorbed by the cold water would
then be equal with the amount of heat lost by the heated metal.
II. Questions and Problems:
1. Define the following:
a. Heat In physics, heat is energy in transfer other than as work or by
transfer of matter. When there is a suitable physical pathway, heat flows
from a hotter body to a colder one.

b. Heat capacity refers to the amount of heat required to raise the

temperature of a given quantity of the substance by one degree
2. Why is it desirable to have the water a few degrees colder than the
room temperature when the initial temperature is taken?
As stated on the Second Law of Thermodynamics, heat flows
from hotter to colder objects. Ideally, water needs to be a few degrees
colder than the room temperature in order for the heat to flow into the

system because it is colder than the surroundings, making the system

more efficient in absorbing heat.
3. Why is the mass of the outer shell of the calorimeter and the insulating
ring not included in the data for this experiment?
The mass of the outer shell of the calorimeter and the insulating
ring were not included in the data for this experiment because they are
not part of the isolated system, making their masses irrelevant in the
determination and computation of specific heat.
4. What does this experiment show about the specific heat of water?
From the results obtained and observed in this experiment, it was
proven that water absorbs more amount of heat than the calorimeter
since it has a higher specific heat.
5. How does the heat conductivity of the metal used in this experiment
affect the accuracy of the results?
The rate of heat conduction can be affected by the properties of
the metal, such as its nature, surface area, thickness and specific heat,
which can increase or decrease the accuracy of the results obtained.
6. Why should the hot metal be dry before it is introduced into the cold
The hot metal should be dry before it is introduced into the cold
water in order to maximize the direct contact between the surface of
the metal and the molecules of water which is a great factor in
improving the heat exchange between the two.
7. 837 calories of heat are required to heat 100 grams of copper from
10C to 100C. What is the specific heat of copper?
Qcopper= (mcopper)(ccopper)( t)
837 cal = (100g)(ccopper)(100C-10C)
837 cal = (100g)(90C)(ccopper)
837 cal = 9000 g C (ccopper)
9000 g C 9000 g Chjvjhvhvj
0.093 cal
= ccopper
g C

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