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Runninghead: Teen Pregnancy and the Media

Teen Pregnancy and the Media

Amy Dallas
GEN499: General Education Capstone
Kamille Stanton
September 24, 2013

Runninghead: Teen Pregnancy and the Media

Teenage Pregnancy and the Media

There is a great debate on whether or not mass media has an influence on teenage
pregnancy. A study done by the RAND Corporation shows that teens are twice as likely
to have sex or engage in sexual acts if they see similar sexual behavior in the media.
Many objects in the media that involve sex target teens. Reality TV shows and teen
dramas often portray the "cool kids" as the ones who are having sex (Chandra).Todays
teens are highly influenced by what they see in the media and this can change their
behavior and choices. Some will argue that the media doesnt influence teenagers, but
how can we be sure of that? Today, the media portray teen pregnancy in movies,
television shows, magazines, music, news reports, and books. The problems caused by
the media in relation to teenage pregnancy can be solved through education, elimination
of the glamorization of teen pregnancy, and realistic depictions of parenting.
In the 1970s there was a discovery of the epidemic of teenage pregnancy. The problem
of teenage pregnancy in the US spread like wildfire (Teenage Pregnancy...). Even
though the teenage pregnancy rate increased, you didnt see pictures of the pregnant teens
around the media. The only way that it was spread through the media was through reports
in newspapers. Unlike today, the media didnt turn it into something positive. Unless you
were married, being a pregnant teen was considered a deviant act. Now, you see pregnant
teenagers on magazine covers, in television shows, on billboards, and all over the
internet. Back then, it was normal for a couple to get married after high school and to
conceive children (Teenage Pregnancy). Females today are more independent and dont
rely on men to make money to support them. Therefore, they dont get married young and
they dont depend on support from men. So why are teenagers having children at a young

Runninghead: Teen Pregnancy and the Media

age? Many researchers have found that this behavior is due to the media glorification that
promotes teenage pregnancy (Vianna 2).
By eliminating the glamorous lifestyles of teenage parents, we will help teens face the
reality that being a parent is ultimately difficult. The teen parents should help send out the
message that it is hard to live life as a teenage parent and that television shows dont fully
depict the hardships that come along with raising children. Instead of having shows that
glamorize pregnancy, we should have shows that educate teens on the real facts of being
pregnant. Too many shows out there demonstrate how teen moms have help from their
parents, babys father, and their friends. By showing teens that such outcomes are rare,
and the truth is most of them dont have the cash flow that celebrities have, theyll end up
struggling and facing the fact that raising children is complicated. Many of the teen
moms have parents and nannies to help care for their children and this wouldnt be the
case for most teens. Cases such as Jamie Lynn Spears show how a teenager can be put
into the spotlight while making pregnancy seem fun and cool. Teens want to replicate
celebrities if they see that they are living a fun lifestyle. Sarah Palins daughter, Bristol
Palin, was on the cover of many magazines during her pregnancy. After the pregnancy,
she participated in the show, Dancing with the Stars. This leads teens to believe that
being a mom might make it easier to open up doors to new opportunities. By showing
less pregnant teenagers in the media, we will reduce the risks of having teenagers believe
that they can live a glamorous lifestyle that a celebrity lives.

We need to show teens the realistic depictions of being a pregnant teen and young parent.

Runninghead: Teen Pregnancy and the Media

There are stereotypes, rumors, and labeling theories that come along with being a
pregnant teenager. If a girl becomes pregnant during high school, they are stereotyped as
being fast girls. Many rumors start to spread whenever a girl becomes pregnant.
Whos the babys father? Did she trick him into getting pregnant? Was she sleeping
around? Dealing with the judgment and gossip is very complicated to overcome while
being pregnant. Most teens become overwhelmed with the many emotions that are
associated with pregnancy. There is a huge amount of pressure in dealing with it. Teens
have to prepare for the physical, mental, and emotional changes, not to mention the
eventual homecoming of the baby. Most teens dont have their own health insurance and
dont realize the cost of the medical bills. Caring for a baby is also very expensive. Who
will work to pay for these things? Without a high school diploma, most teens only make
minimum wage. By showing teens the real representation of being a pregnant teenager,
they will truly realize how intricate it is to be a teen parent.
Removing the glamorization of pregnancy and replacing ideal portrayals with real ones
isnt enough; teens need education. Peer input can be a helpful in enlightening teens on
the effects of pregnancy. Have them discuss the repercussions of pregnancy with their
friends and peers. Teens listen to their peers and seek advice from them before going to
an adult. Health classes should hold discussions and show videos about the teen birthrate
crisis. High school students should be able to form groups to discuss teen pregnancy. By
doing this, teens can openly talk about the consequences that come along with pregnancy.
The most productive way to educate them is through technology. Since the media outlet
is how teens are informed about pregnancy, we can use it to educate them. Technology is
continuously developing and it has the potential to develop into one of societys most

Runninghead: Teen Pregnancy and the Media

effective tools in preventing teen pregnancy. Supplying teens with knowledge and
realistic views could help with their natural curiosity.
We have to educate teens on how to prevent pregnancy. Besides Planned Parenthood,
there should be an easier way for teens to access contraceptives. We have to face the fact
that teens are having sex. Instead of just preaching abstinence, we should inform teens on
how to prevent pregnancy. In every community, there should be a pregnancy prevention
program that focuses on both abstinence and contraception. By combining both methods,
we can reduce the teen pregnancy rates. Addressing high risk groups such as minorities,
we can show the causes of pregnancy and how to prevent it. Most of the time,
pregnancies are caused by lack of opportunity, family dysfunction, and social factors. We
also need to create programs that train adults to talk with their children about sex. Since it
is an embarrassing subject to talk about, many parents avoid speaking to their children
about it. A study that was published in the Journal of Pediatrics, recommends talking
with your teens about the consequences of sex and we recommend decoding the fantasy
sex your kids see on their favorite programs. They need to hear you talk about the
potential consequences of sex, even if they think they know the facts of life. They need to
know that it matters to you and your family (Cherry 2). Before we can educate children,
we need to be able to learn how to talk to them, without being uncomfortable. These
preventative measures should help teens focus on why it is important not to get pregnant
at a young age.

Some argue that the media teaches teenagers that it is a tough job to be a teenage parent.

Runninghead: Teen Pregnancy and the Media

Many teen parents who deal with them are glad to see a conversation about teen
pregnancy out in the open. The problem with this is that many shows dont teach
everything that comes along with being a parent. Although it shows the hardships of
teenage parenting, it doesnt portray the worst scenarios. Most of the teens on television
have the support from family, friends, and boyfriends. This doesnt always happen in real
life. TV shows limit and edit what they want to show. Many of the teen moms on the
MTV shows say that there were many situations that werent put on TV because it was
too harsh for viewers (Teen Mom 2). Instead of having these fake shows on television,
we should make more educational shows that have teens acting out as parents. This will
show them the real truth about difficulties associated with being a parent.
The media is a prominent source of information in todays culture and there are many
ways to solve the problems that are associated with it. It is easy for teenagers to gain
access to many forms of popular media and learn behaviors of them. These shows can
lead teenagers to believe that pregnancy is more glamorous than it really is. With the
massive amounts of media consumed by adolescents on a day to day basis, popular
celebrities are copied and their actions are replicated. There will always be a debate
between whether media influences teenage pregnancy or not. Although studies have
shown that there isnt a direct link between the two, researchers have found that media
does influence teenagers. The mix of media and teens has resulted in an increase in
teenage pregnancy which can be fixed.

Works Cited
Chandra, Anita. Exposure to Sex on TV May Increase the Chance of Teen Pregnancy.

Runninghead: Teen Pregnancy and the Media

Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND Corp., 2008. Print.

Cherry, Andrew L., Mary E. Dillon, and Douglas Rugh. Teenage pregnancy: A Global
View. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2001. Print.

"Teen Mom 2 | Post-Reunion Interviews | MTV." New Music Videos, Reality TV Shows,
Celebrity News, Top Stories | MTV. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 May 2011.

"Teen Pregnancy - Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society."

Internet FAQ Archives - Online Education - N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2011.

Vianna, Natasha. "Does the Media Promote Innate Behavior? | Massachusetts Alliance on
Teen Pregnancy." Alliance News | Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy. N.p., 16
Feb. 2011. Web. 2 May 2011.

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