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Biology SSP 2015 GOVAB

(a) The figure below represents a lytic bacteriophage T4.

Fig. 5.1
(i) Suggest why all viruses are obligate parasites. [2]
1. All viruses do not have metabolic machinery such as DNA polymerase, RNA
polymerase and ribosomes (name 1) to carry out DNA replication, transcription
and translation (name 1);
2. Hence they are reliant on host cells for reproduction;
@ 1 mark
Note: obligate comes from the root word oblige. Hence the question would become why
would virus have to live off another host? You can then rephrase and ask yourself
what they do not have such that they need to live off another host.
(ii) The structure labelled A in Fig. 5.1 is the nucleocapsid. Describe the importance of
structure A in the life cycle of T4. [2]
1. It consists of a capsid coat and DNA genome;
2. DNA genome is transcribed and then translated to form enzymes using the
host cells metabolic machinery;
3. Phage-coded enzymes degrade the host cells DNA/ shut down the host cells
macromolecular synthesis
4. Enzymes are also used for replication of genome and code for the phage
@ mark
Note: The scope of this question is rather big. It can be about the nucleocapsid
as well as the contents of the nucelocapsid which includes the DNA and the
enzymes it contain. Hence with a limited amount of marks for a wide scope,
please attempt to cover the breadth of the question first.

(iii) State one similarity and two differences in the life cycles of a lytic bacteriophage and
an influenza virus. [3]
1. Both requires recognition of specific receptors found on the host cells;;
2. Both requires metabolic machinery of host cells to replicate;;
3. Immediate replication upon infection;;
4. The host cells of both viruses will eventually die;;
5. Lysis of host cell for lytic 6. budding off from host cell for
influenza virus;
7. Lytic bacteriophages uses tail 8.
fibres for attachment to host cell;
haemagglutinin for attachment to
host cell;
9. Immediate transcription of DNA 10. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
genome of bacteriophage upon synthesizes complementary RNA in
influenza virus upon infection;
11. Host cells DNA is degraded in
lytic bacteriophage;

12. no degradation of host cells DNA

in influenza virus;

13. No uncoating stage;

14. Uncoating stage in the life cycle of

the influenza virus;

@ 1 mark, max 1 for similarity and max 2 for differences

Comparisons must be valid
(b) An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of tryptophan on the levels of
enzyme A, one of the enzymes used to synthesize tryptophan in bacteria. Tryptophan
was added to a broth culture of bacteria at the start of the experiment, and the levels are
measured at specific time intervals.
The results of the experiment are shown in Fig. 5.2 below.

Fig. 5.2
(i) With reference to Fig. 5.2, explain how expression levels of enzyme A is regulated by
the trp repressor protein from time X to Y. [3]
1. At the start of time X, when tryptophan is at the highest amount, the level of
enzyme A is the lowest;
2. Tryptophan acts as a corepressor which binds to the allosteric site of the trp
repressor protein which becomes active;
3. and binds to the operator region of the trp operon, thus prevents enzyme A
from being synthesized;
Points 2 & 3 can be explained for time Y as well
4. As the level of tryptophan decreases, enzyme A is expressed at a lower rate;
5. due to the decreasing affinity of trp repressor protein to the operator/ less
repressor protein bound to the operator;
6. At time Y, when the amount of tryptophan in the broth culture is very low,
enzyme A is at the highest;
7. All the tryptophan has been used up by the bacteria;
8. Hence no more tryptophan binds to the trp repressor protein, repressor
protein is no longer active;
9. Enzyme A is expressed at high levels to synthesize tryptophan;
@ mark,
max 3
(ii) In some bacteria, the gene that codes for the trp repressor protein has a base
deletion near the start codon. Explain how the expression of the trp operon will be
affected when the bacteria containing the mutation are grown in a broth culture
containing high amount of tryptophan. [2]
1. As the gene that codes for trp repressor protein is mutated, the trp repressor
protein synthesized will be non-functional;
2. At high levels of tryptophan, the trp repressor will not be able to bind to the
operator to stop the transcription of genes that code for the enzymes;
3. Hence, tryptophan will continuously be synthesized;
@ 1 mark, max 2
[Total: 12]
Note: Since the base deletion takes place near the start codon, it would probably
bring about a frameshift mutation leading to a non-functional polypeptide.

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