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Unit 7 Test

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases in the box. Be careful! There
are two extra phrases.

make a difference
make or break

make a point

make do with less

make it easier

make more time

make the most

makes sense

(1) If you change your lifestyle now itll ________ before you know it.
(2) You have to admit, it ________ to stop smoking now.
(3) Im going to ________ of doing more exercise from now on.
(4) I really believe you have to ________ of what youve got.
(5) John, youre working too hard. You really need to ________ for your family.
(6) I dont know what to give up! I really dont want to have to ________.

Complete the text using the words in the box.






greenhouse gases

global warming
organic food

Almost everyday we hear about (7) _______ in the news. We hear stories about how, among other things, our love
of (8) _______ cars is increasing the amount of (9) _______ in the atmosphere. Of course, we all know that this is
bad for the environment, but concern about our (10) _______ and actually doing something about it are two
different things. (11) _______ we find excuses as to why we cant change our (12) _______ at the moment. And,
we often make promises about what well do in the future. We might start eating (13) _______ or try and (14)
_______ more things, but will we ever take the steps that will really make a difference? The answer,
unfortunately, is probably not.

C Choose the correct preposition to complete each sentence.

(15) If we keep using our cars so much there will soon be a shortage _____ oil.
a) for

b) in

c) of

(16) Advances _____ technology will help us reduce pollution.

a) for

b) in

c) of

(17) With the increased demand _____ organic food many farmers are changing the way they grow food.
a) for

b) in

c) of

(18) The current increase _____ the price of petrol hasnt had much effect on the number of cars on the roads.
a) for

b) in

c) of

(19) Hes developed a taste _____ expensive holidays.

a) for

b) in

c) of

(20) In recent years there has been an interest _____ energy-saving measures.
a) for

b) in

c) of

(21) In our drive _____ a better lifestyle we have ignored what is happening to our planet.
a) for

b) in

c) of

(22) Most people need to increase their consumption _____ fresh fruit and vegetables.
a) for

b) in

c) of

D Choose the correct use ac for the sentences.

(23) You definitely wont finish tonight.
a) a prediction

b) a schedule

c) a definite arrangement

(24) Were meeting at 8 oclock outside the cinema.

a) a decision made at the time of talking

b) a definite arrangement

c) an intention

(25) Im sure your shop opens at half past eight.

a) a prediction based on evidence

b) a schedule

c) a definite arrangement

(26) Im going to ask Andrew to help me do this.

a) a decision made at the time of talking

b) a prediction based on evidence c) an intention

(27) Watch out! Youre going to fall if you do that.

a) a schedule

b) a prediction based on evidence

c) an intention

(28) 6pm? OK, Ill call you at 6.

a) a decision made at the time of talking

b) a schedule

c) a prediction

E Choose the correct forms to complete the conversation.

Sam White: Welcome to Our World the TV show that looks at environmental issues that affect our lives. My
names Sam White and Im your host. In todays programme we
(29) are going to discuss / will discuss the topic of climate change. On the programme we have
Professor Tom Crick from the organization Friends of Our Planet.
Prof. Crick:

Good morning?
Hello Professor Crick. Can you tell us what (30) happens / will happen to our planet in the next
fifty years or so?


Well, I cant tell you exactly, but Im sure things (31) are getting / will get a lot worse.


Can you give us some examples?


Certainly. By the year 2050 there (32) will be / will have been many severe shortages of food and


But is there any good news?


No, I dont think theres (33) going to be / will be any good news soon. The way we are treating our
planet it wouldnt surprise me if we (34) destroy / will destroy it completely within a century.


Surely, things wont get that bad.


Believe me, at this rate we (35) will have destroyed / will be destroying many of the plant life by the
year 2030 and without plant life we (36) will have / will be having no oxygen.


Wow! So the message to people is things are going to get really bad unless we (37) do / will do
something straight away.


Yes, and even then it might be too late.


Well, Professor Crick, thank you for being on the programme today. In tomorrows programme we
(38) will have been / will be looking at more ways of saving energy. Remember, tomorrows show
(39) starts / is starting at the earlier time of five oclock.

F Write answers for the questions using the prompts.

(40) A: What will you be doing tomorrow morning?
B: I ___________________________________. (paint the house)
(41) A: What time does the film start?
B: I think _______________________________. (nine oclock)
(42) A: Do you think it will rain today?
B: No, I __________________________________. (think / sunny)
(43) A: What time is dinner tonight?
B: I told you before, we _______________________. (have dinner / at seven tonight)
(44) A: Will you call me later?
B: Sure, I _________________________________. (when I get home)
(45) A: Can I come round at 7pm or will you still be busy then?
B: No, its OK. You can come round. I ________________________________. (finish / by then)
G Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
to name a few

such as



among other things


Hi Emily, what are you doing?


Im going jogging.




Yes, Ive decided in need to change my lifestyle.


Youre joking?


No, I should have done something ages ago.


So, what are you going to change?


Well, for (46) _______, Im going to exercise more.


OK, but is that it?


No, therell be a lot more changes.


Really, (47) _______?


Well, (48) _______ Im going to give up smoking.


Ill believe that when I see it.


And Im going to change my diet.


Oh, come on! What are you going to give up in (49) _______?


Im going to stop eating chocolate and cakes and drinking wine (50) _______.


Wow! Well, good luck!

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